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"Laugh at the false prophets. Their judgment is great!

" "They must be punished

, destroyed. They'll be suffering for all eternity. They must go. They're a b
light in My sight. They must go. Amen. Thus says the LORD." --the Washington
DC government crowd
"I wanna punish My people. They won't obey. Great will be their suffering. Th
ey must go. They won't repent. Thus says the LORD of Hosts."
"They must be punished." "They'll be suffering for all eternity. They must go.
" --the world that works on the Sabbath Day
"I'll judge for all of that!" --religiosity, churchianity
"They must be judged for that, punished." "Punished severely- eternal damnation
. My wrath is against all. Few will serve Me. They must be punished. They se
rve the world. They won't obey. Thus says the LORD of Hosts." --everybody wan
ting the world, not Christ
"My people won't repent. They won't obey either. I must judge them. They must
be punished. Guillotines are everywhere. Thus says the Living LORD of Hosts."
"That's true!" --the most 'snakes' in Arizona are in and around the State Capit
ol buildings
"I'll judge for that! You know, with mighty fury!" "They must be punished- for
destroying My people." --pastors who want nothing to do with prophets, prophet
ic ministry, prophecies
"That's true." --Los Angeles has sent millions of people to Hell through the T.
V. and Movie Industry
"They will be judged, punished." "Judged eternally. They must go. Thus says t
he LORD." --stars, actors, actresses, divas, celebrities, the film industry
"I will punish all of that!" --Christians who are 'all about me,' not all about
"That will be true." --'Gotham' - NYC nuked
"This will be a ghost town." "Phoenix too." --Tucson, AZ
"Few will do My will."
"They must be punished." --anti-social people, prejudiced people
"I can deal with it. It will be blasted apart in a second!" "Washington shall
be destroyed, by nuclear missiles. I, The LORD, have spoken." --the U.S. Feder
al Government
"This'll be a thing of the past." --Interstate traffic & travel
"They must be destroyed. Every single one of them." They must go- they won't o
bey. The LORD has spoken." --disobedient Christians
"Someday it'll be gone!" "Totally dry!" --the Mississippi River
"Someday it'll be scarce." --toilet paper
"They will be judged." --Christians who won't obey and commit and go deep in Go
"I'll judge for that! "I'll judge for that hard!" --it being very easy in the
world to spend money, but very difficult to make any money - oppression
"I AM going to destroy it. Great is My wrath against the place. It will be his
tory (Yosemite National Park)." "They shall be destroyed. All National Parks w
ill be destroyed. Great is the sin of the people. Thus says the LORD of Hosts.
"Obliterated by My face! They have caused many to go to Hell." "They must be d
estroyed. They refuse to obey Me. Great will be their destruction. Thus says
the LORD." --The Pentagon, Washington, DC
"I AM going to destroy My people. They refuse to obey. They will be destroyed.
Thus says the LORD."
"They must be punished." --women who refuse to give it up for a husband, choosi
ng instead a career and big money
"They must be punished. They won't do My will." "They want the world. They wo
n't make it." --Christian women
"They must be judged." --the political people of Washington, DC & false spiritu
al people
"I detest it." --churchianity
"My people aren't real. They won't serve Me. They love themselves. They must
be destroyed, My son. You will see it in your lifetime. Thus says the LORD."
"I will judge all of that!" "I must judge all of that. You'll see - a mighty n
uclear destruction! They must be destroyed for that! Thus says the LORD of Hos
ts." --women who will have sex with you, but won't marry you unless you have bi
g money
"That will be true!" --World War 4 being fought with sticks and stones
"That's true too." "but I will have My people. thus says the Living LORD of Ho
sts." --the world becoming one big Satanist coven
"They must be destroyed- all those who oppose My will. Thus says the Living LOR
D of Hosts."
"I will punish them. They shall see eternal destruction. They shall be eternal
ly destroyed. Thus says the LORD of Hosts." --professional ministers who have
no time for Jesus
"My people won't obey. They must be punished. Thus says the LORD of Hosts."
"Gold and Catholicism. That's what it's based on - most evil in My sight." "St
ay away! It will be destroyed. You must go. Thus says the Living LORD of Host
s, Amen." --California
"I will definitely judge for that! I will definitely judge for that- you'll see
- eternal destruction! They must be destroyed. Thus says the Living LORD of Ho
sts." --the rich people who are so stingy with their money they won't let their
grass be mowed by me

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