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MEI Mathematics in Education and Industry



Practice Paper M1-B

Additional materials: Answer booklet/paper

Graph paper
MEI Examination formulae and tables (MF12)

TIME 1 hour 30 minutes


Write your Name on each sheet of paper used or the front of the booklet used.
Answer all the questions.
You may use a graphical calculator in this paper.


The number of marks is given in brackets [] at the end of each question or part-question.
You are advised that an answer may receive no marks unless you show sufficient detail of
the working to indicate that a correct method is being used.
Final answers should be given to a degree of accuracy appropriate to the context.
Unless otherwise specified, the value of g should be taken to be exactly 9.8 m s-2.
The total number of marks for this paper is 72.

MEI July 2004

Section A (36 marks)

3 1
1 Two forces, F1 and F2 are given by F1 = and F2 = .
2 3
(i) Write down the sum of these two forces, F1 + F2.

Find also the magnitude of F1 + F2. [3]

(ii) Find p and q such that F1 + pF2 = . [4]

2 A block of mass 12 kg is held at rest on a smooth, horizontal table. Light, inextensible strings
are attached to the sides of the box; they run parallel to the table and then over smooth pulleys
at either side of the table. Objects of mass of 6 kg and 8 kg hang from the strings. Fig. 2
shows this system.

12 kg

6 kg 8 kg
Fig. 2

The block is released and moves from rest.

(i) Draw three force diagrams, showing all the forces acting on the block and on each of
the two hanging masses. [3]

(ii) Find the acceleration of the system. [3]

(iii) Find also the tensions in the two strings. [2]

3 A car is accelerating uniformly along a straight, horizontal road. As it passes a point A it is

travelling at 8 m s-1. When it later passes a point B it is travelling at 12 m s-1 in the same
direction. The points A and B are 40 metres apart.

(i) Find the acceleration of the car. [2]

(ii) The car continues to accelerate at the same rate. Find the time it will take to cover the
next 26 metres. [4]

MEI July, 2004 MEI Structured Mathematics Practice Paper M1-B Page 2
4 A block of mass 5 kg hangs in equilibrium. It is held by two strings, AB and AC, fixed to a
horizontal ceiling, as shown in Fig. 4. The strings make angles of 40o and 60o with the
horizontal. The tension in the string AB is T1 N and that in AC is T2 N.

40o A 60o

5 kg

Fig. 4

(i) By considering the horizontal components of the forces acting on the block, show that
T2 = 1.53T1, correct to 3 significant figures. [3]

(ii) By considering the vertical equilibrium of the block, find a second equation connecting
T1 and T2 .

Hence find the values of T1 and T2 correct to 2 decimal places. [5]

5 In this question distances are measured in metres and positions are expressed relative to an
origin O. The unit vectors i and j are in the directions east and north respectively.

A radio-controlled model boat is put in a pond at the point O with initial velocity 0.6j m s-1
and its velocity after 15 seconds is measured as (10.5i 0.9j) m s-1. The acceleration of the
boat is modelled as constant.

(i) Show that the acceleration of the boat is (0.7i 0.1j) m s-2. [3]

(ii) Find an expression for the position of the boat at time t seconds after the start in the
form s = f(t)i + g(t)j. [2]

(iii) For what value of t is the boat north-east of O?


MEI July, 2004 MEI Structured Mathematics Practice Paper M1-B Page 3
Section B (36 marks)

6 A skateboarder sets off from rest down a hill. Her speed, t seconds after setting off, is
v m s-1 where
v = 0.24t 2 0.02t 3 .

This formula applies until she comes to rest again.

(i) Find an expression for her acceleration at time t. [2]

(ii) Calculate

(A) her acceleration when t = 0 and when t = 12, [2]

(B) the time when she comes to rest again, [2]

(C) her maximum speed. [2]

(iii) (A) Find an expression for the distance she has travelled at time t, given that the
distance is measured from the moment that she sets off. [4]

(B) Calculate the distance she has travelled by the time she comes to rest again. [2]

(iv) Sketch a speed-time graph for 0 t 12. Indicate how the distance travelled is related
to this graph. [4]

7 In a game of cricket, a batsman hits a ball with initial velocity 18 2 m s-1 at an angle
of 45o to the horizontal from a point 1 metre above the ground. The origin, O, is on the ground
vertically below the point where the ball is hit.

(i) Find expressions for the horizontal and vertical components of velocity and
displacement of the ball from O, t seconds after it has been hit. [7]

(ii) Find the time when the ball hits the ground and its distance from O at this time. [6]

The boundary line is 63 metres from O.

(iii) Find the height of the ball when it crosses the boundary line. Hence determine whether
a fielder, standing on the boundary line, can catch the ball if he can reach up to
3 metres from the ground. [5]

MEI July, 2004 MEI Structured Mathematics Practice Paper M1-B Page 4
MEI Mathematics in Education and Industry



Practice Paper M1-B


MEI July 2004

Qu Answer Mark Comment
Section A
1 (i) 3 1 2 B1
F1 + F2 = + =
2 3 5 M1 A1
F1 + F2 = 4 + 25 = 29 5.39 (3 sig figs.) 3
(ii) 3 1 3 p 0 M1
F1 + pF2 = + p = = A1
2 3 2 + 3p q A1
3 p = 0 p = 3 q = 11 F1
2 (i) B3 1 off for each error
T2 R T1 (i.e. extra force or
T2 T1 one missing. No
labels, no arrows,
6g 12g 3 etc.)
(ii) 8 g T1 = 8a M1
T2 6 g = 6a A1 Any correct
T1 T2 = 12a
Add: 2 g = 26a a =
0.754 A1
Acceleration = 0.754 ms-2. (3 sig figs.) 3
(iii) T1 = 8 g 8a = 72.37 M1
T2 = 6 g + 6a = 63.32 A1 Both
the tensions are 72.37 N and 63.32 N 2
3 (i) v = u + 2as 144 = 64 + 80a
2 2 M1
a =1
Acceleration is 1 m s-2 2
(ii) 1 1 M1
s = ut + at 2 26 = 12t + t 2 A1
2 2
t + 24t 52 = 0
( t 2 )( t + 26 ) = 0 A1
i.e. 2 seconds 4
4 (i) T1 cos 40 = T2 cos 60 M1
cos 40 A1
T2 = T1 = 1.5320...T1 1.53T1 (3 s.f.) E1
cos 60 3
(ii) Consider components of vertical forces: M1
T1 sin 40 + T2 sin 60 = 5 g = 49 E1
Substitute from (i) T1 sin 40 + 1.53T1 sin 60 = 49 M1 Solve
1.97T1 = 49 T1 = 24.9, T2 = 38.1 A1 A1

MEI July 2004 MEI Structured Mathematics Practice paper M1-B Mark Scheme Page 2
5 (i) 10.5i 0.9 j = 0.6 j + 15a M1
1 A1
a = (10.5i 1.5 j) = 0.7i 0.1j E1
(ii) 1 M1
Using s = ut + at 2
( ) ( )
s = 0.6 jt + ( 0.7i 0.1j) t 2 = 0.35t 2 i + 0.6t 0.05t 2 j
(iii) north-east when i and j components are equal M1
0.35t = 0.6t 0.05t t = 1.5
2 2 A1
Section B
6 (i) dv M1
a= = 0.48t 0.06t 2
dt A1
(ii)(A) When t = 0, a = 0 B1
When t = 12, a = 0.48 12 0.06 144 = 2.88 B1
i.e. acceleration = 0 and 2.88ms 2 2
(ii)(B) When v = 0, 0.24t = 0.02t
2 3 M1
t = = 12 A1
0.02 2
i.e. rest again after 12 seconds.
(ii)(C) Max speed when a = 0 M1
0.48 i.e. condone no
0.48t 0.06t 2 = 0 t = =8 consideration of
t = 0 and
v = 0.24 64 0.02 512 = 5.12 assumption that
i.e. maximum speed = 5.12 ms-1 A1 t = 8 gives max.
(iii)(A) M1 integrate
( 0.24t 0.02t 3 ) dt
Distance =
= 0.08t 3 0.005t 4 + c M1 Limits and const.
Given s = 0 when t = 0 c = 0 A1 considered
(iii) (B) When t = 12, s = 0.08 12 0.005 12 = 34.56
3 4 M1
distance is 34.56 m
(iv) B1 General shape
B1 Axes

B1 Distance
Distance = area under graph 4

MEI July 2004 MEI Structured Mathematics Practice paper M1-B Mark Scheme Page 3
7 (i) Horizontal and vertical components of velocity = 18 B1 Wherever
For horizontal: &&x = 0 x& = 18 x = 18t seen
y = g y& = 18 gt
For vertical: && M1 A1
M1 A1
y = 18t 4.9t 2 + 1
A1 B1 For +1
(ii) When y = 0 M1 If quad
0 = 18t 4.9t 2 + 1 4.9t 2 18t 1 = 0 A1 achieved by
putting y = -1
18 + 182 + 4 4.9 M1 A1 then give the
t = 3.728...
9.8 B1 from (i)
i.e. time = 3.73 seconds (3 s.f.) distance = 67.1m (3 s.f .) A1 A1
(iii) When x = 63, t = 3.5 M1 A1
Then y = 63 4.9 3.52 + 1 = 3.975 > 3, M1 A1
so no B1

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