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Classroom Management

Kayla Turley

EDU 1010


Salt Lake Community College


Classroom Management

In my future classroom, I plan to spend the first week of class getting to know my

students, letting my students get to know me, and setting rules, regulations, and procedures with

my students. While participating in a classroom for service learning I have found many

techniques and procedures that I will likely use in my future classroom.

Whole Class System

Rules and Regulations

The rules and regulations in my classroom will be set on the opening week of school. I

will have my students help me come up with all of our classroom rules. I will then give them

options on the different procedures we will use throughout the year. One example of this could

be use of the bathroom pass. As a class do we want to raise our hand and ask for the pass

throughout the day, or do we want to have free use of the pass during times that I was not

currently teaching? I will let my students have a say in how we set up the classroom. This would

make my students more likely to follow the rules we have and remember the procedures that we

set up.

Classroom Environment

There are many things that may fit into classroom environment. One thing that my

classroom environment will have is specific desk placements of both me and my students. My

desk will be in the back where I can see everything that I need to see when the students are doing

their work. My computer will be placed towards the front of my classroom on a separate table.

This would make interactive games and PowerPoints easier to access for me while still giving

me the ability to wander the room.


The students desks will start in the shape of a U. One big U with another little U on the

inside of the bigger one. This provides me with easy access to wander the room and look at

assignments my students are doing. This also provides me as the teacher with a configuration

that makes it easy to reach every student to help them. This structure makes moving students

around in the first week easier and provides me with the opportunity to peer pair. The last reason

that this is how I will start the year, is because students can turn around and talk with the people

behind them for cooperative learning experiences or they can talk to the people on either side of

them. This provides a well-structured program for cooperative learning experiences where I will

be able to interact with my students at the same time.

All needed supplies in my classroom will be available on the counter. These supplies will

be put out daily if they were going to be needed for a planned activity. I will have extra pencils,

scratch paper, the pencil sharpener, and a place to turn things in readily available in one spot of

the room. This location would be one of two locations where my classroom schedule for the day

would be posted for students to look at. This location will be the only location that my students

will not need to ask before leaving their seat.

There will be a clear signal when I need my students attention but also a clear signal

when I need their attention to be on someone else. I would use the BEAVER system. Be

attentive, Eyes on speaker, Voice off, Ears listening, Raise hand. I would say Beaver Fever

and they would say Grand Slam. If after three seconds everyone had BEAVER, they would get

class points. They would say Grand Slam as they gave BEAVER to that student. BEAVER

would be posted in my room up next to the rules.


Class Dojo

Class Dojo would be a system of both the whole class system and the individual system. I

would award points for specific things during the day. This would mostly be utilized during

transitions. I would award ten points to the first person ready, nine to the next, etc. Then I would

award one point until only a few werent ready. If many people were ready at the same time I

would award five points to all who were ready and then work down again four, three, two, and

many ones awarded. I will use points as a money system and have store every other week. I

would use the whole class system by putting together a puzzle. If they met their points

throughout the week as a class then I would take a puzzle piece away.

Individual System

The individual system that I will have in place will be the stamp cards. The stamp cards

will be used when I am teaching and times other than transitions. This will be used mostly to

promote the ripple effect. I will use the stamp cards as part of class dojo. Every week we would

turn in stamp cards. If the student had all possible stamps for the week then they got extra class

dojo points. Every other stamp will count as one point towards store.

The individual system would also be where misbehavior would be addressed. The way

that I will address misbehavior in my classroom is by stopping the behavior as quickly as

possible, maintaining a flow to the lesson being taught, and helping my students learn for the

experience. I personally think that I will start with a pull card system until I get a few years into

teaching and have been introduced to many other ways. After that I may come up with a system

that is less shameful on my students and gives better feedback to what the students are doing



It is important for every teacher to have a classroom management system that is clearly in

place. This will help contribute to the learning of every student, provide a safe, secure and

inviting environment, and emphasizes respect and responsibility. Emphasizing respect and

responsibility is important because it promotes students personal, social, and moral

development. The best way that you as a teacher can achieve this is by letting your students help

structure the classroom that they will be spending so many days in. Students are much more

likely to follow rules, regulations, and procedures that they help set. It is important to have the

rules you set be stated in a positive way and have a minimal number of rules. When enforcing

rules emphasize the rational. Johnny, you did not turn in your homework. You have to stay in

during recess to do the homework you did not turn in. Finally, make sure your students

remember your rules by reviewing them often. This makes your classroom management system

much easier and your students much happier.



Kauchak, D., & Eggen, P. (2017). Introduction to Teaching Becoming a Professional (6th ed.).

Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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