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The Kapanadze coil analysed by William J. McFreey.

May 2012

By releasing the videos of his electromechanical device, Kapanadze left little doubt (to the average physicist) as
to how his and other "overunity" devices work. The following articles explain this working principle in detail.

This analysis is devoted to the Kapanadze coil, which is a close relative of his lesser-known electromechanical
device. The main ingredients for achieving the Tariel Kapanadze (Michel Meyer, Steven Mark, Floyd Sweet,
SR193...) effect are Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), fast moving particles (e.g. electrons), avalanche
particle multiplication (induced transmutation) and a magnetic field of appropriate strength to confine and guide
these particles within a conductive material.

It is believed that copper or an alloy of copper or iron are Kapanadze's materials of choice and that material is
used as fuel when it undergoes stimulated transmutation. The reason is that copper has many isotopes with half-
life times spanning from nanoseconds to tens of hours ( Copper
isotopes with atomic masses below 63 tend to undergo + decay, while copper isotopes with masses above 65
tend to decay in - mode. Many of Copper isotopes have non-zero nuclear spin and hence can be manipulated
(stimulated) through nuclear magnetic resonance. However, this statement also applies to Zinc, Iron and many
other metallic elements. Thus these elements and alloys of these elements, such as brass, can also be used as

Enhanced -decay under NMR stimulation is known and actually used in scientific research in so called beta-
NMR spectrometers in which the nuclear spin precession signal is detected through the beta decay of a
radioactive nucleus (

The main task in creating a working device, using these principles is to create an appropriate geometry which
allows an extremely high current in the conductive multiplication disk or ring to be excited and fully controlled and
so, not only create torque but also, useful electrical power.

The exact construction of the Kapanadze coil is difficult to infer as the details of the inner geometry and materials
used in the coil are generally hidden. However, knowing the working principles stated above, it is possible to
present an effective, generalised working geometry.

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The geometry of the first device considered here, is a transformation of the electromechanical device. This
transformation makes it easier to create a magnetic field in the brass disc using only coils. It also enables
inductive coupling of the field created by the pulsating multiplication current in the disc (see Fig.1).

Fig.1 Cross-section of the example coil. Some of the actual implementation details may differ from the
arrangement shown above, but that will not alter the operation of device. This diagram is not to scale.

Like the original electromechanical device, this transformed arrangement maintains the radial field gradient with a
small value of the magnetic field B close to the centre of the disc, and a large value of the magnetic field B
close to the perimeter of the disc. This physical arrangement has the advantage that not only does it create a
magnetic field passing through the disc at right angles to the disc, but it also creates a magnetic field on both
sides of the disc, parallel to the disc itself. This configuration of magnetic field confines charged particles in the
disc both radially and laterally. The lateral confinement of charged particles in this arrangement was also noticed
by other prominent physicists active in the field of alternative energy. There is no doubt that both the Kapanadze
coil and the Kapanadze self-powered motor, work on the principles described here.

As shown here in Fig.1, the Kapanadze device consists of three coils. Coil L1, which is split into two parts, L1a
and L1b, is wound on tubular magnetic cores, ideally, made from layered magnetic material in order to minimise
induction losses. Kapanadze may have used iron foil wrapped around a plastic tube for this purpose. The two
magnetic cores which are circular in cross-section, have between them two magnetic flanges, F1 and F2, which
are located close to the centre of the device. The brass (or copper or iron) charged-particle-multiplication disc is
positioned between these two flanges.

Coil L2 is positioned at one end of the device, and due to its greater diameter, at a fair distance from coil L1a
(similar to Kapanadzes green box coil) and it induces Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in the disc, aided by
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magnetic flanges F1 and F2. The presence of the flanges is important from the viewpoint of Radio Frequency
delivery: the magnetic field in the flanges is radially parallel to the plane of the disc and therefore, perpendicular to
the field within the disc, as it is required for efficient NMR excitation. The power-output coupling coil L3 is wound
between coils L1a and L1b and positioned close to the brass disc. The connecting magnetic element C is
holding the two sides of the device together and at the same time creates magnetic connection between the two

Coil L1a/L1b provides both the initial magnetisation of the flanges and brass disc, and the mains frequency
modulation of the magnetic field passing through the disc. This means that the current flowing through coil
L1a/L1b is constantly rising above and falling below the standing current level I0, causing the intensity of the
magnetic field B to rise above and fall below the standing magnetic field level B0 as indicated in Fig.1 by the rise
and fall of the Triangle or Sine-Wave Generator signal. This ensures that the radius of the cyclotron resonance
condition oscillates cyclically beyond the outer radius and back to a position inside the brass disc. Because of
this, the cyclotron resonance condition is cyclically satisfied.

The device works as follows:

When the spark-gap fires, it creates a dense set of frequencies which creates the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
effect in the brass disc, via coil L2. Consequently, the spark gap is a very important part of this device, at least in
the beginning. Later, this quick and dirty wide-spectrum Radio Frequency generator can be replaced by a more
sophisticated semiconductor short-pulse generator.

If the set of frequencies generated by the spark is dense enough, it will always contain the exact frequency
needed to excite strong Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in the brass disc, especially in the varying magnetic field
B. If the set of frequencies generated by the spark is not dense enough, then the exact NMR frequency will
have to be supplied by a tuned circuit.

The NMR stimulation of the brass disc generates enough fast-moving radioactive particles, as described below
(Beta-NMR), and this starts an avalanche of particle multiplication provided that the cyclotron condition is also

The value of the initial magnetic field (B0), in which the brass disc is immersed, should be set so as to ensure that
the radius of cyclotron resonance R is between the outer and inner radiuses of the brass disc. When sufficient
modulation current is applied to winding L1, then the resulting magnetic field B varies with time. This ensures
that the nearest frequency contained within the dense set of different frequencies of radio frequency magnetic
modulation will induce NMR resonance in the disc and as a result, cause the generation of fast particles. When
the value of B is small, causing the cyclotron resonance radius to become greater than the outer radius of the
disc, then the avalanche multiplication of particles ceases.

This way, modulating the magnetic field which penetrates the disc, while under nuclear magnetic resonance, in
effect creates very strong pulses of multiplication current within the disc, as if in a one-turn coil. The strong
magnetic field pulses created by the current pulses are guided by the ferrite flanges and tubular cores and
generate voltage pulses (and current when loaded) in the pick-up coil L3 to which a load may be connected.

It should be noted that in Fig.1, the brass multiplication disc is connected to an earth ground. This is because the
transmutation reactions produce a lot of waste charge. If not grounded, the voltage on the disc would get very
high and pose a danger of a fatal electric shock. In some of the Kapanadze coils, the ground wire is visible on
both sides of the device. This does not change its function in any way as it is still only a ground wire.

The next example of the energy coil is probably closer to the device presented by SR193, which is the only
working replication of the Kapanadze-style coil at this time. At this point, it is worth remarking that the working
schematics of the SR193 device were circulated on the internet for a long time and most of them were correct.
Only, the correct coil construction and tuning methods were missing.

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Fig.2 Cross-section of the Kapanadze-like energy device. Some of the actual implementation details may differ
from the arrangement shown above, but that will not alter the operation of device. This diagram is not to scale.

As shown here in Fig.2, this Kapanadze-like device is very similar to the device shown in Fig1. Here, the coils are
all wound on ferrite cores, possibly ferrite rings glued together, but layered iron or iron powder cores may be used
as well. The bottom windings, L2a and L2b, form the NMR excitation coil and are connected in series. These two
inner coils L2a and L2b are preferably wound in opposite directions, relative to each other, to create a
perpendicular component (relative to the magnetising field B), of the magnetic field in the disc. L1 is used at low-
frequency, to modulate the magnetic field strength within the copper (or brass) disc. All the components of this
device are held together by a plastic tube. In fact, all devices presented here may be fitted with plastic tubes for
ease of mounting.

Winding L3 forms a pick-up coil. The ferrite ring magnets attached to the ferrite ring on the right hand side of the
central plastic tube, provide the initial, biasing magnetic field, B0, for the conductive copper disc at the centre of
the device. Otherwise, this device tunes and works exactly as the device already described above.

The main secret of the Kapanadze coil is the conductive disc or ring placed within the coil. This contradicts
standard thinking as a closed conductive disc or ring in a coil would normally be considered to be a wasteful shunt
rather than a source of energy. It is hard to believe that this piece of physics has been known at least since
Michel Meyer's experiments (around 1975) but it is known that Nikola Tesla and later Alfred Hubbard both knew
this as well. In the cases of Tesla and Hubbard, the initialising particles needed for the multiplication process
were coming from Radium rather than beta-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.

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If the radius of the brass or copper disc or ring is reduced, then in order to sustain the multiplication current within
the disc, the magnetic field flowing through it has to be stronger, which means that the NMR excitation frequency
has to be raised.

Let us estimate the magnetic field strength needed to confine multiplication electron current assuming the
effective speed of emitted electrons (q = 1.602E-19 C , m0 = 9.11E-31 kg) at v = 200,000 km/s which are following
a circular path with radius r = 3 cm. Then:

where m0 is the rest electron mass and c is the speed of light in vacuum.

This is a modest field strength which can be generated with permanent magnets and even solenoids. The NMR
excitation frequency at that field strength is more difficult to estimate as the exact isotopes involved are not known
and hence has to be established experimentally.

Thus, the NMR frequency is not very high in this case.

Since the values presented above are only crude estimates, it is wise to start the tuning process using the spark-
gap generated dense set of frequencies, as shown in Fig.1. Also, for reasons mentioned in the article below, the
magnetic field strength should be modulated (e.g. triangle modulation). Coarse tuning just involves finding the
approximate value of the magnetic field B0 by adding or removing ring magnets to the end of the right hand side
ferrite tube core while passing modulating current through coil L1. Fine tuning of the magnetic field B is then
accomplished by adjusting the mean value of the modulation current I0 in coil L1 and the amplitude of this
modulation I. For best results, the firing of the spark-gap should be synchronised with the instant when the
modulation current flowing in coil L1 reaches its average value.

There are other methods of achieving pulsed multiplication current in a conductive ring, which are not covered
here. This current may actually be naturally self pulsating in most situations (self quenching) as it modifies the
magnetic field within which it was generated, destroying the sustaining resonance condition (NMR, cyclotron). In
the example device, coupling useful power is accomplished by L3, unfortunately L4 also spuriously couples to the
generated magnetic pulses. Steven Mark experimented with different methods of coupling useful power from the
pulsating multiplication current in many incarnations of his TPU device. Michel Meyer in his Czech patent, CZ
284,333, uses an iron rod as a combined magnetic field guide and multiplication material.

At this point, we come to another possible construction for the Kapanadze-like coil which is simply a modification
of the device presented in Michel Meyers patent (Fig.3). Here, instead of an iron rod, an iron tube is used. This
tube does not have a slit, at least, not in the in the very important current multiplication area. Compared to a rod,
magnetising a tube is much easier and it is also easier to deliver Radio-Frequency power to a thin-walled tube in
order to excite Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in the tube material. Nevertheless, magnetisation current is expected
to be much higher in this device. The Radio Frequency power needed for NMR excitation in this configuration is
also expected to be much higher than the expected levels for the devices shown in Fig.1 and Fig.2.

Instead of supplying a single RF frequency from a generator, a spark gap feeds coil L2, producing a dense set of
frequencies which will contain the exact RF frequency needed to induce the NMR excitation in the tube material.
Coil L2 is shown positioned well outside coil L1a and located at one end of the tube (similar to Kapanadzes
green box coil). Although in this case it would more efficient to place this coil (of course, of smaller diameter)
within the tube with it own, high-frequency-capable magnetic core, to make it easier to induce the vital Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance in the central part of the tube, where the multiplication current will appear. The "aquarium"
coil might have used this scenario. It should be noted that the multiplication current is different from regular
current as it is composed of fast-moving charged particles rather than a large number of slow-moving conduction

The wall of the iron tube acts as both a guide for the magnetic field as well as forming the current multiplication
ring. The coil L1a/L1b provides both the initial magnetisation and the mains frequency modulation of the magnetic
field in the tube wall. This means that the current flowing through coil L1a/L1b is constantly being swept upwards
and downwards above and below the standing current level I0 and that causes the intensity of the magnetic field B
to sweep above and below the level of the standing magnetic field B0, as indicated in Fig.1 by the Triangle

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Generator signal sweeping above and below the level of the standing current I0. This ensures that the radius of
cyclotron resonance goes repeatedly in and out of the tube body, thus pulsing the multiplication current.

Another winding L3, is wound around the tube and acts as the pick-up coil for the take-off of the excess power
generated in the multiplication area. The U-shaped base shown in Michel Meyers arrangement, is not used here
as it is not necessary because the uniform magnetic field in the current multiplication area is guaranteed by
having coil L1 split into its two parts, L1a and L1b (similar to the Helmholtz coil). The operation and tuning of this
coil are not much different than before and are as follows:

As the spark gap is delivering Radio Frequency energy through coil L2 and the current flowing through coil L1 is
modulated, the coarse tuning consists of adjusting the bias current I0 until coil L3 shows an output current. The
fine tuning involves adjusting the magnitude of the triangular or sine-wave modulation current pulses I to get the
maximum output current in coil L3. These values depend on the size, shape and material of the tube. The
thinner the wall of the tube, the more accurate the tuning of the bias current I0 needs to be. Firing of the spark
gap should be synchronised with the modulation current in L1. This method of tuning the device is better than the
method which uses pulse modulation of the magnetic field B.

The electronic circuitry and practical constructional details should be obvious to those who are skilled in the art.

Fig.3 Iron tube based example coil. The arrangement of the coils on the tube is
different in various implementations of the device. This drawing is not to scale.

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Please note that all the coils discussed here are similar as they all share a common source of energy, only slight
geometrical and material differences distinguish them. Also, they suffer from a common drawback: the strong
magnetic field pulses created by multiplication current pulses are not only being coupled by the pick-up coil but
this field is coupled by all the coils. This is a major problem because the voltages on the ends of these coils can
reach extremely high values. It must be kept in mind that the energy comes from a one-turn coil. The spark-gap
insulates the HV pulsing circuit sufficiently from these high voltages. The magnetising/modulation circuit is more
difficult to insulate. One remedy might be to divide the magnetising/modulation coil L1 into smaller coils each
having fewer turns, so that the transformation ratio is reduced and therefore the voltages on their terminals are
lower. This, however, complicates the design and construction of the circuits. Another approach, is to combine the
magnetising/modulation coil with the pick-up coil, and electronically switching one of it's terminals between the
load and the biasing circuit. This approach seems to be what Kapanadze must have chosen to implement.

To further explore this, let us examine the direction of the multiplication current relative to the magnetising current
in the coil. To accomplish this, one needs to use the right-hand rule for the direction of the magnetic vector in a
coil and a graphical illustration of the magnetic Lorentz force equation (these tools can be found for instance on
Wikipedia). The conclusion is that the multiplication current will always oppose the magnetising current,
therefore, it's behaviour will be similar to the back EMF which arises whenever an energised circuit which includes
a coil, is rapidly interrupted. The distinction between the back EMF pulse and the pulse induced by the
multiplication current is the immense power of the latter.

In summary, this article discusses the operational principles and possible physical implementations of Tariel
Kapanadzes coil. The details of the phenomenon behind this operation are discussed in the following article. As
can be seen in different videos on the web, the size, visible number of windings and the diameter of the coil
varies. These factors do not change in any way, the operational principles of the coil, which is always the
cascade multiplication of fast, charged particles within a conductive material of circular cross-section. The
charged particles are held in orbit by the Lorentz force generated by the modulated magnetic field permeating the
material which is normally in the form of a disc, ring or tube. The orbiting particles form a very large (usually
pulsed) current flow which can be extracted by the inductive coupling of coil L3 and used to perform useful work.
This rotating additional current is generated at the expense of the energy extracted from the transmutation of the
isotopes in the material of the ring or tube. An alternative form of this process is the one used by Nikola Tesla
and Alfred Hubbard where they used an already radioactive material such as Radium to trigger the cascade-
carrier-multiplication process, instead of the NMR stimulation described here. Suggested designs for the control
electronics will be included at a later date, and it should be noted that part of the large electrical output can be
diverted and used as input power, making the device self-powered as demonstrated by Tariel Kapanadze.

It must be stressed that no laws of physics, as we know them today, are violated here. The fuel is supplied by the
material which forms the ring or tube. The device will not work forever and it is not free-energy, nor overunity
(depending on how one defines it).

Please be fully aware that this analysis is for information purposes only and must not under any circumstances
be considered to be a recommendation for you to build or experiment with any such device as lethal voltages are
liable to be generated by the coils. Radioactive particles may be produced by this device. It may be necessary to
mount any such device in an earthed box made of aluminium (or other suitable metal) in order to screen out any

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stray radioactive particles. The multiplication ring or tube should be grounded as the transmutation reactions
produce a lot of charge. When not grounded, the potential of the ring or tube can get very high and pose a danger
of a fatal electric shock. The multiplication disc, ring or tube may overheat and even explode. Thus it is entirely
your own responsibility should you decide to experiment with this kind of device.

The principles of operation of Kapanadze electromechanical devices.

by William J. McFreey - February 2012

Two recently released (although old) YouTube videos: and, show a motor or electromechanical device designed by Tariel
Kapanadze, running self-powered with a major mechanical output after being started with a tiny PP3 nine-volt
battery only capable of providing a small current. The following analysis shows that Tariels device is in fact, a
dual, solid-state isochronous cyclotron-like device ( as shown here:

Fig.1. The cross-section of mechanical construction of the dual cyclotron-like device.

Some of the actual implementation details may differ from the arrangement shown above, but that should not alter
the operation of device. The drawing above is not to scale.

The device consists of two identical composite discs mounted opposite each other on a shaft (the shaft should be
grounded, as the discs produce significant amounts of charge during operation). The spacing between these two
discs can be altered in order to adjust the magnetic field strength which is generated between the discs by the
permanent magnet mounted on the axle shaft.

This toroidal magnet, which is marked with arrows in the drawing, is mounted on the shaft and positioned between
the plates and it provides the necessary magnetic field between the steel flanges. Each disc consists of two
materials: brass (or possibly copper) and magnetic steel. The brass parts of the disks face each other. The

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external transformer T1, is used to deliver radio-frequency energy to the steel/brass discs through the flat
(pancake) coil Lp1. This form of construction provides, not only the necessary magnetic field, but also a
gradient in the magnetic field, as shown by the black arrows in the drawing. The magnetic field passing though the
brass plates is strongest at the perimeter of the discs due to the disc area there, while close to the shaft the
magnetic field is practically zero, so the length of the black arrows in Fig.1, represents the strength of the
magnetic field at that distance from the axle. In other words, the two steel flanges create a radially symmetrical
and increasing distribution of the magnetic field. It should also be noted that one side of the brass discs is
adjacent to a magnetic field which has a component which is parallel to the plane of the disc. This may facilitate
the lateral confinement of charged particles within the discs.

Each brass disc in this arrangement can act as an independent solid-state isochronous cyclotron-like device,
although Kapanadze uses only one of the discs. There is a magnetic field perpendicular to the flanges and the
strength of that field is proportional to its distance from the axle. As an approximation, you can visualise it as
there being a very large number of cylinders of equal magnetic strength between the flanges. The brass disks
are immersed in this field. All that is missing to make this into a working isochronous cyclotron-like device are the
fast-moving charged particles. These could be generated by using a radioactive material, but that is not
necessary since in this case, they are generated through nuclear magnetic resonance-stimulated radioactivity. To
accomplish this, the externally generated radio-frequency input signal is transmitted through the RF coupling
transformer T1, to the external pancake coil Lp1. The signal returns through the steel plates and the non-
magnetic shaft. Coil Lp1 is covered by a foamy material and therefore is not visible in the videos. The magnetic
field created by the pancake coil is radially parallel to the plane of the disc and therefore, perpendicular to the field
within the disc, as is needed for NMR excitation. Te radio frequency f0 is chosen so that it will excite Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance at the location of one of the cylinders of equal magnetic field between the flanges (see
Fig.2). This frequency is given by

is the gyromagnetic ratio of an isotope in the disc material, and
B is the local magnetic induction

And the value of that magnetic field has to be such that the cyclotron resonance condition is also fulfilled, namely:

m is the particle mass,
q is its charge,
B is, as before, the local magnetic induction,
v is the particles velocity, and
r is the radius of the magnetic cylinder.

When the magnetic field strength at some radius fulfills both equations, then the action begins. Fast particles are
generated by the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance-stimulated radioactivity in the brass discs and some of those
particles will start to circulate in the plane of the discs where they get deflected and guided by the magnetic field,
B, and follow a circular path on that cylinder of equal magnetic strength. The radius of the particle orbit is given
by the equality of the centripetal force and the magnetic Lorentz force (
This resembles an isochronous cyclotron action, although the particles are not accelerated, but instead, they are
greatly increased in number.

The speed of these emitted radioactive particles is very high, being about 270,000 Km/s for beta particles, and
this easily meets the cyclotron resonance requirement for moderate values of magnetic field, B, and the radius, r.
The process can be sustained by the cascade-generation of many more fast particle emission events through
elastic collisions (where the incoming particle is not absorbed in the collision) or inelastic collisions (where the
particle is absorbed) of the particles with nuclei in the disc. The emission events become synchronised and
unidirectional. The emission events become synchronised and unidirectional. More and more particles start
circulating in the brass disc. In effect, this is a fast particle multiplier. The exact reactions taking place in the disc
and the particles involved in those reactions is beyond the scope of this article.

In theory, this creates a run-away condition. In reality, the circulating particles constitute a current in a one-turn
coil with its own magnetic field, which modifies the initial magnetic field B, and thus detunes the system from
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cyclotron-like and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. In this way, the process saturates at a certain value of current,
or, which is more common, enters a pulsation mode. To promote this pulsation mode, the short-circuited coil L1
inductively couples energy from this pulsating current and further modifies (reduces) the magnetic field in the
discs, thus pushing the cyclotron resonance orbit beyond the disc perimeter. The charge particle multiplication
process resembles stimulated emission in masers or lasers, but on the particle level, rather than the photon level.
Each particle emission event, under this condition, exerts a force on the emitting nucleus embedded in the disc
material (the equivalent of a jet engine on a macroscopic scale), and so, significant torque is created.

Normally, the system is pre-tuned by adjusting the magnetic field B, to a value which will support cyclotron
resonance on a cylinder of equal magnetic field B close to the perimeter of the brass discs, by estimating the
effective speed of the charged particles which will be generated. When the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
stimulus is provided, cyclotron-like particle multiplication starts occurring and torque is generated, accompanied
by a strong circular current in the brass disks. In this way, the arrangement of Fig.1 becomes a motor. When the
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance stimulus is removed, the cyclotron-like multiplier process dies down, and hence the
generated torque, ceases. In principle, the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance stimulus does not have to be very
strong and can be generated by a small, battery powered solid-state generator. Unlike the Kapanadze coil, the
generated high current in the discs is not utilised in this electromechanical device.

It is worth noting that gradient in the magnetic field, makes it easier to meet both Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
and isochronous cyclotron resonance conditions. The magnetic field gradient also facilitates particle confinement
within the disks.

The main problem in design of these devices is that the line-width of the nuclear magnetic resonance is very
narrow. For instance, the full-width half-maximum (FWHM) line-width of the NMR in copper (Cu63, Cu65) is in order
of 100 parts per million (ppm) ( This means that under a
magnetic field that would make the nuclei of copper resonate at 1 MHz, the FWHM of this resonance would be
~100 Hz. The NMR line-width of zinc and iron is even narrower, on the order of 5 ppm (see other pages of the
reference above). These facts make it difficult to find the exact NMR frequency and maintain the material in the
disk under NMR resonance, especially when the magnetic field is not precisely stabilised. Therefore, it is
advantageous to generate a dense comb of frequencies, rather than a single frequency, for the purpose of
exciting NMR in the disk. This is accomplished by generating sharp pulse trains at a relatively low repetition rate.
The motor demonstrated by Kapanadze definitely used this principle.

As can be noticed in the videos, Kapanadze is using only one disc for torque generation. The other disc does not
have the pancake excitation coil. Exciting pulsating multiplication current in both discs would have detrimental
effect on the device. The magnetic force between the two loops of very high current would cause strong
mechanical vibration of the discs and possibly their destruction.

Fast particles are generated in matter constantly as a result of spontaneous decay of nuclei. This generation is,
however, not frequent enough to create avalanches of particles, even under the conditions described above.
Here, the important requirement is that whenever the particle is absorbed, on average, it triggers the emission of
more than one particle, and that the emitted particles move in the direction of the incoming particle. Thus, the
circulating particles are not the same in the orbit as it is in a normal cyclotron. On the contrary, a charged
particle's life-time in the disk is very short, and they are constantly being absorbed and regenerated at the
expense of element transmutation within the material. However, between collisions, these particles are still
subject to the Lorentz force.

In conclusion, the Kapanadze disc machines work on a principle of cyclotron-like resonance, but in conjunction
with the radioactivity of certain conductive materials, when enhanced by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

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Fig.2. Gyration of the emitted charged particle in the gradient of the magnetic field in a disc (e.g. brass)
under the condition of cyclotron resonance. The disc rotates in the opposite direction to the particles.

The choice of materials for the flange and disc construction is of extreme importance: in the flanges, magnetic
steel is used to provide both strength and an even distribution of the magnetic field. For the discs, brass which is
an alloy of Zinc and Copper both of which have many isotopes ( or some other
conductive material, like copper or even iron, is used in order to provide enhanced radioactivity under Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance stimulation.

The physics behind all of Kapanadzes devices is the same and very interesting. It is stressed however, that no
laws of physics, as we know them today, are violated here. The fuel is supplied by the disc material. The devices
will not work forever and it is not free-energy, nor overunity (depending on how that is defined), but they are
remarkable, both in their engineering and architecture.

These types of device were invented by Michel Meyer in the early 1970s (as can be seen earlier in this chapter
and at, and developed further by Steven Mark in the mid
1990s (the shape of his first device was a spool). It is also possible that Nikola Tesla, and then Hubbard,
experimented with this kind of device.

This analysis is for information purposes only and must not under any circumstances be considered to be a
recommendation for you to build or experiment with any such device. Radioactive particles may be produced by
this device. The centrifugal forces are extremely high in this device and so it is your full responsibility if you chose
to experiment with this device. It may be necessary to mount any such device in an earthed aluminium box in
order to screen out any stray radioactive particles.

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