Buzz On Native Bee Conservation

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Dr. Jason R. Graham

My Background
My Background:
Getting Bs in School
New associations of BQCV, DWV and IAPV among selected
Hymenoptera in the forage landscape
Meeting the Hawaiian Yellow-Faced Bee
7 Endangered Species

Magnacca, 2007
Hylaeus anthracinus

Recent Known Populations on Oahu
Current Known Populations on Oahu
University of Hawaii Neuroscience and
MRI Research Program
20,000 Known Species Of Bees In The World!

3,000 In North America

Yellow-Faced Bees are in the family Colletidae
Eusocial (truly social)
1. Reproductive division of labor
2. Cooperative brood care
3. Overlap in generations
Yellow-Faced Bees are Solitary Bees
Egg Larva White pupa

Darkening Pupa
pupa crawler Adult
Bees Monitored

Hylaeus Ceratina

smaragdula dentipes

Endangered Non-native Introductions

Dissecting Nests And Rearing Immatures
Nest Parameters: Hylaeus anthracinus
Inside diameter
of nest:
Length of tunnel: 57.8 6.19 mm 3.24 0.05 mm

Length of nest: 29.42 4.31 mm

diameter of
13.62 1.7 mm
Length of cells: Thickness of Inside diameter
8.13 0.35 mm cell cappings: of coral nests:
0.23 0.01 mm 3.34 0.07 mm
# of cells per nest: 2.52 0.32 cells
Nest material: Glandular secretion

Reared from: 11 nests: coral/rocks

11 nests: Scaevola sericea (Beach Naupaka)
8 nests: Tournefortia argentea (Tree Heliotrope)
Nest parameters
Ideal Habitat?
Heliotrope rubble in
canopy full sun

and in
Testing Various Artificial Nests

5/32 drill bit into 2x4

(3.7 mm -> 3.4 mm with swell)
Ideal Nest Size?
>900 nests observed and recorded as of
November 2016
Why are Hawaiian yellow-faced bees
Ant Invasions and Exclusion from Flowers
Competition From Introduced Bees
Habitat Loss and Climate Change
Introduced Predators
Sick Bees Due to Pathogens?
What are we planning for the future of
this bee?
Test New Materials & Sizes of Tube
3D Printed Artificial Nests
Captive Rearing Prospects
Pathogen Screening
Habitat Protection & Enhancement
Pollen Library and Forage Preference
Outreach & Education
Work with other native
yellow-faced bees
Work on additional islands
& habitats
What can you do to help?
Spread the News About Our Native Bees
Keep an Eye Out & Report Yellow-Faced
Bee Sightings to:
Dont burn coastal vegetation, those
branches may be home to endangered
Protect and Care for Our Native Plants
If You are Interested in Volunteering
Contact Me:
This project was funded by Department of Defense Legacy Resource Management
Program, DOFAW-DLNR Hawaii Invertebrate Program, and the US Fish &Wildlife
Services Pacific Islands Coastal Program. We also thank the Oahu Army Natural
Resources Program; US Fish &Wildlife Service National Wildlife Refuge; James
Campbell National Wildlife Refuge; Iolani Schools Apiary Club, Fabrication
Laboratory, Education Innovation Laboratory, and Sullivan Center Research Lab;
University of Hawaii Reed Lab; Livable Hawaii Kai Hui; Ka Iwi Coalition; 808
Thanks to all of you for this time to speak with you!

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