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Instructional Design Plan

FRIT 7231

Teara Powell
General Audience
The audience is composed of 20 teachers ages 25-55 with 3 males and 17 female and 2 certified staff one
female and 1 male who vary in being technically capable and technically handicapped. These teachers are
responsible for giving instruction to students who are economically disadvantaged, ESOL ( english as a
second language) and with learning disabilities.
Problem Identification
Cook County has decided to incorporate a new program to help try and close the gaps in students
learning. The program is completely web-based and relies on the teacher to monitor progress and assign
appropriate lessons for students. Classworks is the chosen program and the teacher receives messages if a
student fails an assignment or does poorly on an assignment. A screener is given and then from there
students who scored below the target are placed in remediation classes. Teachers were given very little
training with the program and have had to figure out the program by trial and error. This program is used
three times a year in the Fall, Winter and Spring as a screener to identify at risk students in Math and
Language Arts. The students who are at risk are assigned a connection class of either Math or Language
Arts to help close any learning gaps. Students are in these classes Monday thru Wednesday for a 45
minute class. Teachers have to monitor students assignments. If students pass the assignment then the ILP
is reassigned to show mastery. If a student does not show mastery then more assignments are given.
Teachers have to create weekly reports to show student progress. . Teachers must create a spreadsheet to
show where students fall whether the 75%, 50% or 25% on each team. Teachers can also find articles that
are on different lexiles so that students can read at their own comfort levels. There are also articles to tie
in cross curriculum ideas.The program can also be used in a classroom whole group lesson to introduce or
review a topic of choice. Georgia Standards are listed and teachers can chose assignments by the standard
or by the lesson. Since I am one of the department heads, I have been approached about how frustrating it
is to not be able to use this program to it full potential. A trainer has given several classes but has not
solved the problems.
Instructional Goals
The teachers will be able to set up classes and monitor progress
The teacher will be able to run reports on students screener and identify at risk students
The teacher will be able to reassign skill snapshots to show mastery of a concept
The teacher will be able to reassign ILPs to prove mastery of a content area
The teacher will be able to look up and assign articles based on students lexile levels

KA Part 2
The targeted groups of learners are middle teachers that teach 6-8 grade at Cook Middle
School in Adel, Georgia. The teachers range for ages 25-55 with the common ages being
between 30-35. There are 3 males and 17 females in the group and their years of teaching
experience range from 4 to 20 years with the average being 10-12 years of experience. The
group is comprised of 20 teachers with 2 being African American, 4 Multi-Ethnic, and 14
Caucasians. 6 being Special Education teachers, 2 Assistant Principals and 12 being Regular
Education teachers. The teachers degree levels range from bachelor to masters with the 2
administrators having doctoral degrees. 15% of the teachers in this group incorporate Class-
works into their classrooms 3 days a week, 75% incorporate Class-works every two months for
a basic screener, 10% do not use Class-works at all. Teacher surveys, observations, and county
documents were used to gain information for the learner analysis.
Entry Skills:
The majority of teachers that compose the targeted audience can perform the following skills:
Share documents using email attachments.
Use email or remind to communicate with students, and parents.
Navigate and update the Powerschool website to access student information,
academics, and behavior records.
Use email to communicate with teachers, administration and other personal
Navigate and work within the TEKS website.
Operate and utilize smart board technology

Prior Knowledge:
The learners work with students between the ages of 11-15 in a school setting. The
majority of the students using Class-works frequently are identified as ESOL students or
students with disabilities. The whole school is tested on Class-works 3 times a year which
included all types of learners and learning styles. Teachers are divided with half teaching Math
and the other half teaching Language Arts. The Special education teachers co-teach in one or
the other areas. There are 6 teachers from each grade that meet as a grade level. The common
mistakes or errors made are in applying the skills in Class-works to individual teachers
Common mistakes or errors made by teachers:
There is no collaborate with other grade level teachers.
There is no teacher with infinite knowledge of the program
Class-works is used more by teachers with extended day classes
There is no common planning time for teachers from all grade levels to share ideas or
There are different opinions about how a concept should be taught.
All the standards are not covered in the program
Limited knowledge of how to use all the strategies embedded in the program.

Potential Misconception
Using only Class-works will boost students desire to learn by increasing interest in the concepts
The idea that this program will replace the teachers.
Class-works replaces having to teach and take grades other than the ones received on the
Students will not stay focused or on task because the program is computer based.

Attitudes Towards Content and Academic Motivation:

The teachers within the group understand that having a diverse program such as Class-works
that does scaffolding within the program, and assigns lessons based on students areas of need
is important to help students understand grade level material. Collaboration is important
amongst teacher in order to use the program to its fullest potential. However, with each grade
level having different planning times then collaboration between grades and subjects is difficult
to do. Teachers attend a professional developing class on how to use Class-works but were not
shown how to run reports to show student progress, or what level students were working on.
The instructor also told teachers that the program gave a screener and then from the screener
created mini-lesson for areas of concentration to narrow in on what the student struggles with.
However, teachers were not shown how to check student progress or reassign activities if the
student did poorly on an assignment. This has caused frustration with the teachers and made
them shy away from using this helpful tool. Out of the 20 learners in the group 16 stated they do
not feel comfortable using class-works and therefore only did the screener that is a requirement.
80% stated they know only the basic for administering the screener and needed additional
training before they would use this in their classroom. 20% stated they had a basic
understanding of the program and use it at least 1-3 days a week ,but would also like more
training to use the program efficiently. The group was asked to rated their motivation of using
Class-works as a resource in their classrooms or a way of checking comprehension. From the
questionnaire they concluded that 90% would be willing to use the program if additional
instruction and training were given. 10% stated they had no desire to use the program and do
not find it useful. This information was obtained through a questionnaire and speaking to

Educational Ability Levels:

After surveying teachers on their use of technology during the school day, I found that the
learners in my group use or have access to several forms of technology. In each Language arts
classroom teachers have a smart-board, three to five desktop computers, a projector, and a
teacher computer. The math classroom teachers have a smart board, teacher computer,
projector and if needed a cart of 30 surfaces. There is one cart of 30 surfaces per grade level
and an extra set of 30 laptops in the 8th grade for math teacher use. There are also three carts
of chrome-books containing 22 books per cart and 4 academic labs with 30 computer stations
per lab.The survey on technology usage and understanding 100% of the group understands
basic technology and uses it in their classrooms. This group uses a smart-board, email, a web-
based grade book along with moodle for lesson plan uploading. 85% use smart-board software
for whole class practice or showing examples, study island and other web-based practice tools.
80% of the teachers stated that students used technology in their classrooms at least 20% of
the time. This percentage accounts for study island and other interactive practice activities. 95%
of the teachers use some form of technology daily.

General Learning Preferences:

The learners expressed a preference for interactive activities to practice skills or for a quick
check if students understand a topic. A whole class mini lesson and then individual practice
would be helpful to asses who has mastered the content. Using games or review activities
engage students in a lesson. The group also would like more opportunities to express concerns
or successes in using class-works. This information was obtained through grade level
discussions and then at a collaborate department level meeting.

Attitude Towards Education in General:

The group as a whole enjoy instructional or professional development classes that give
important and useful information for enabling students with the needed information to be
successful. Most classes or developing activities are helpful and provide teachers with other
ideas for instructional activities. Teachers are willing to continue their education and staying on
top of new ways of teaching or explaining ideas or concepts. The work environment was
questioned and all grade levels expressed how they relied on each other and enjoyed their work
environments. The administration is supportive and wants teachers to have the tools needed to
inspire and educate the student body.

Group Characteristics:

The school is located in Adel, Georgia. The majority of the students come from low
socioeconomic homes. Teachers are located within a 25 mile radius of the school. The learners
in the group range in age from 25- 55 and have between 4 to 20 years of teaching experience.
Teachers present themselves in a professional manner in school and at school functions. The
teachers are well known in the community and present themselves in a positive way in and out
of the school setting.

KA Part III: Task Analysis, Outline, and Subject Matter Expert

Task Analysis

I conducted the task analysis using a procedural analysis and a task analysis to make sure I provided

participants with as much information as possible. The process includes a step-by-step guide to show

teachers how to use Class-works. I began by logging into class-works and working my way through the

program and all of its many features, so I would have all the features this program has to offer listed. I

created a detailed list ,while working my way through the program, so that I could show all the details

that participants would need to follow while using class-works. I also took into consideration any

problems or suggestions the teachers had about the program. I want my participants to become familiar

with the program and to use it with ease.

All the teachers had a good attitude about the procedural analysis and were eager to learn more about the

program. The teachers know that they need to be willing and open to try this new program. The

participants know this will be a trial and error process as students begin working and teachers begin

monitoring their progress throughout this program. Teachers are ready for the challenge and look forward

to positive results in the end.

Task Analysis Outline

1. Go to the Cook Middle School website:
1.1Click on the Class-works tab located on the right hand side of the web page .

1.1.1. If an error message occurs or it the password is forgotten Check caps lock Check spelling Reset password link Provide email address associated with account Check email and follow included instructions to reset password

2. Once logged in to Class-works a help or assistance box will pop up to walk you through how

to use some of the features the program has to offer.

2.1. Class-works is a math and reading program that allows teachers to assign a screener that ask

questions to help figure out weaknesses students may have in these two subject areas. Teachers

can also use this program for whole class discussions and as an extra practice tool.

2.2 When implemented correctly, Class-works will assist with reduce gaps in student learning,

help students work on weaknesses, and have access to on level work.

3.0 How to assign Universal Screener

3.1Click on the classes tab

3.2Click on the box next to each class and a check mark will appear
3.3Click on yellow button at the bottom of the screen labeled assign a box will appear click
3.4 Click on the benchmark tab and then scroll down to your subject matter and grade


3.5Click on Fall screener and then click assign

4. Click on Classes tab in top center to look at each class.
4.1Choose a class and then click on assessments on the top right hand corner.
4.2 Click on View and then all to see what students were assigned based on their Universal
screener scores.
4.3 Click on reports and then create a report to be sent to your email
4.3.1 Name your report Fall Screener and assign who should receive the report. (Note if you
have a Co-teacher then send the report to them also.
4.3.2 Once you have received the report then place the report in an excel
spreadsheet and arrange it by highest to lowest scores.
4.3.3 Once arranged chose three colors for you different groups. Teachers will have a 25%,

50% and 75% range of learners. The bottom 25% are the students who need to be

placed on a tier or have already been identified as needing assistance. The 50% is the

bubble or average students and the top 75% are your high level learners.
5. Once the report has been ran and students are identified then monitoring is the next step
5.1Click on any student found in the lower 25% and look at one the snapshots the ILP
assigned to the student.
5.2 Click on the student's work and then click on the plus sign to access the grade, number of
missed items and whether or not the student passed each snapshot assignment.
5.2.1 If a student did not pass any of the assignments then the teacher will click on the assign and
all the task assigned will pop up. Click on the plus sign button next the all the missed
assignments and then push the save button located on the bottom right corner
5.2.2 Once the student has passed the assignment then click on ILP and reassign it to the student.
5.2.3 If the student passes the ILP then the next grade level assignments are assigned
5.2.4 Students who did not pass will be reassigned the skill snapshots to practice with.
6. Whole group discussion
6.1Click on the Instruction tab
6.2Scroll down to desired area of instruction
6.3Click on the arrow button to drill down to lessons. Click on desired lesson
6.4 A mini lesson along with activities will appear click on the mini lesson button and then click
on start located on the lower left corner of screen
6.5 Click on Assignment task located at the top left corner choose one of the activities and click
on start
7.0 Assigning individual activities to students
7.1Click on the box by a class
7.2 Then click on the Assign button at the bottom of the screen
7.3Click on Instruction and then scroll down to the subject you want to assign
7.4 Click on the box next the assignment and then click on the assign instruction button at the
bottom of the page
8.0 Check students grades on individual assignment
8.1 Click on a class
8.2 Click on assignment then click on create a report yellow tab at the bottom of the page

8.3 Label the report and have it emailed to you

8.4 Check your email and save report

9. Sign out

Subject Matter Expert (SME)

I (Teara Powell) will serve as the SME for this instructional plan. My formal education consists of a

Bachelors degree in Middle Grades Education, with a focus in Language Arts and Reading. I am

currently pursuing my Masters degree in Curriculum and Instruction and Media Specialist from Georgia

Southern University in Stateboro, Georgia. I hold a teaching certificate from the state of Georgia in

middle grades Language Arts and reading, as well a gifted certification.

My primary qualification to serve as SME is my role as department head and being on the reading

committee. I attended a two-day Professional Development course on Classwork and was assigned as the

school contact person for the program. With the backing of the administration and my growing

knowledge of technology, I have created instructions to help teachers learn about this program. This can

also be used as a refresher or cheat sheet when teachers forget how to do something.
KA Part 4
Instructional Objectives
Terminal Objective 1: The learner will describe Classworks.
Enabling Objectives:
1A. The learner will identify the uses for Classworks.
1B. The learner will list the various resources that can be used in Classworks.
Terminal Objective 2: The learner will summarize the benefits of using Classworks.
Enabling Objectives:
2 A. The learner will identify benefits of using Classworks.
2 B. The learner will demonstrate how to assign the Universal Screener.
2 C. The learner will investigate how Classworks assigns ILP or Individual Learning Profiles.
2 D. The learner will compare ILPs to Snapshots.
Terminal Objective 3: The learner will show an understanding of how to maneuver Classworks
Enabling Objectives:
3 A. The learner will perform the procedure of assigning the Universal Screener.
3 B. The learner will construct a spreadsheet using Classworks data.
3 C. The learner will demonstrate how to sort students, label and save the screener data.
Terminal Objective 4: The learner will design a whole class lesson using Classworks.
4 A. The learner will demonstrate how to locate desired lesson in Classworks.
4 B. The learner will provide students with a mini lesson.
4 C. The learner will assign students to answer practice questions.
Terminal Objective 5: The learner will demonstrate how to assign individual student activities
using Classworks.
5 A. The learner will design a variety of lessons based on individual student weaknesses.
5 B. The learner will classify lessons into categories based on the topic.
5 C. The learner will assign lessons to students.
Terminal Objective 6: The learner will exhibit how to assess ILPs and Snapshots
6 A. The learner will demonstrate how to view ILP and Snapshots.
6 B. The learner will interpret the results of the assessments.
6 C. The learner will demonstrate how to reassign snapshots and ILPs based on results from

Classification of Instructional Objectives

Content Performance

Recall Application

Fact 1,1b,

Concept 1a, 2b, 3b, 3c,

2a 4a, 5, 6a,

Principles 4c, 5c

Procedures 2c, 3, 3a,

4, 4b ,5b

Interpersonal 4a, 6, 6b

Attitude 2d

Relationship between Instructional Objectives and Standards

Instructional Objective ISTE Standards for Teachers

1 3a. Demonstrate fluency in technology systems

and the transfer of current knowledge to new
technologies and situations.

1A 2a. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that

incorporate digital tools and resources to promote
student learning and creativity.

1B 3d. Model and facilitate effective use of current

and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze,
evaluate and use information resources to
support research and learning.

2 3a. Demonstrate fluency in technology systems

and the transfer of current knowledge to new
technologies and situations.

2A 4.b Address the diverse needs of all learners by

using learner-centered strategies providing
equitable access to appropriate digital tools and

2B 2a. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that

incorporate digital tools and resources to promote
student learning and creativity.

2C 2d.Provide students with multiple and varied

formative and summative assessments, aligned
with content and technology standards, and use
resulting data to inform learning and teaching.

2D 2a. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that

incorporate digital tools and resources to promote
student learning and creativity.

3 3a. Demonstrate fluency in technology systems

and the transfer of current knowledge to new
technologies and situations.

3A 1d. Model collaborative knowledge

construction by engaging in learning with
students, colleagues, and other in face-to-face
and virtual environments.

3B 2d.Provide students with multiple and varied

formative and summative assessments, aligned
with content and technology standards, and use
resulting data to inform learning and teaching.

3C 2d.Provide students with multiple and varied

formative and summative assessments, aligned
with content and technology standards, and use
resulting data to inform learning and teaching.

4 3d. Model and facilitate effective use of current

and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze,
evaluate, and use information resources to
support research and learning.

4A 1d. Model collaborative knowledge

construction by engaging in learning with
students, colleagues, and other in face-to-face
and virtual environments.

4B 2a. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that

incorporate digital tools and resources to promote
student learning and creativity.

4C 2d. Provide students with multiple and varied

formative and summative assessments, aligned
with content and technology standards, and use
resulting data to inform learning and teaching.

5 2c. Customize and personalize learning

activities to address students diverse learning
styles, working strategies, and abilities using
digital tools and resources.

5A 4b. Address the diverse needs of all learners by

using learner-centered strategies providing
equitable access to appropriate digital tools and

5B 2a. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that

incorporate digital tools and resources to promote
student learning and creativity.

5C 2d. Provide students with multiple and varied

formative and summative assessments aligned
with content and technology standards, and use
resulting data to inform learning and teaching.

6 3a. Demonstrate fluency in technology systems

and the transfer of current knowledge to new
technologies and situations.

6A 3a. Demonstrate fluency in technology systems

and the transfer of current knowledge to new
technologies and situations.

6B 3d. Model and facilitate effective use of current

and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze,
evaluate, and use information resources to
support research and learning.

6C 3a. Demonstrate fluency in technology systems

and the transfer of current knowledge to new
technologies and situations.

KA Part 5
Instructional Goal Objective UDL Assessments

Lesson 1: The Identifying what Objective 1: Learners are 1. Learners will complete
learner will be classworks is The learner provided with a KWL chart to show
provided with an and the will describe multiple means what they know, want
overview of resources it of information. to know and finally
Classworks and provides. The KWL chart what they have
all the resources 1A. The allows the learned.
it contains. learner will learns to have 2. Learners will be able
identify the an outline for to define classworks
uses for what is being and the resources it
Classworks. taught. Multiple provides
1B. The means of
learner will
during the KWL
list the activities and
various sharing their
resources responses with
that can be the group.
used in

Lesson 2: The Explain the Objective 2: Learners are 1. Learners will be able
learner will be benefits of The learner provided with to assign a Universal
given a list of using will different means Screener and collect
benefits of using Classworks. summarize of information data to use to plan
classworks. The Demonstrate individual learning
the benefits by looking at
learner will how to operate assignments.
understand how Classworks and of using universal
a universal the programs Classworks. screeners and
screener is associated with 2 A. The ILPs for
assigned and Classworks. learner will students.
how to use the identify Learners have
results to assist benefits of the opportunity
using to visualize the
Classworks. information and
2 B. The then put it into
learner will practice.
demonstrate Multiple means
how to of
assign the representation
Universal by looking at the
Screener. screeners and
2 C. The individual
learner will learning
investigate assignments.
assigns ILP
or Individual
2 D. The
learner will
ILPs to
Objective 3:
The learner
will show an
g of how to
3 A. The
learner will
perform the
procedure of
assigning the
3 B. The
learner will
construct a
3 C. The
learner will
how to sort
label and
save the

Lesson 3: The Demonstrate Objective 4: Learners were1. The learner will

learner will be an The learner exposed to demonstrate how to
shown how to understanding will design a different forms create a lesson along
use Classworks of Classworks with activities for
whole class of technology
in a whole class and the whole class
setting. The programs it lesson using and instruction discussion and use.
learner will be contains. Classworks. by using the
able to assign 4 A. The smartboard for
and complete a learner will whole group
whole group demonstrate and
lesson using how to locate chromebooks
desired for individual
lesson in assignments.
Classworks. Whole group
4 B. The and individual
learner will learning was
provide used to allow
students with learners to ask
a mini questions and
lesson. see how to work
4 C. The through the
learner will program.
students to

Lesson 4: The Design Objective 5: Multiple means1. The learner will assign
learner will be individual The learner were used to individual
able to design lessons for will distribute the assessments to
individual students based students.
demonstrate information.
lessons based on their 2. The learner will collect
on students weakness in an how to Learners have data from
abilities using a area. assign the opportunity assessments to create
variety of topics individual for questions individual lessons
student and to practice based on students
activities each skill after weaknesses.
using looking at
Classworks. students
5 A. The individual
learner will scores and base
design a lessons on their
variety of weaknesses.
based on
5 B. The
learner will
lessons into
based on the
5 C. The
learner will
lessons to

Lesson 5: The Utilize Objective 6: Learners are 1. The learner will be

learner will Classworks to The learner provided with demonstrate the
identify students help students will exhibit multiple means connections between
weakness and fill in snapshots and ILPs
how to of information
demonstrate educational 2. The learner will
activities to help gaps in assess ILPs between the demonstrate how to
them practice learning. and ILPs and assign and monitor
those weakness. Snapshots snapshots students progress with
The learners will ILPs.
6 A. The students were
be able to
collaborate with learner will assigned.
other staff on demonstrate Additionally, the
student how to view lesson has
assignments ILP and different topics
and goals to Snapshots. that are
help students 6 B. The addressed. This
attain those
learner will allows the topics
interpret the to be in smaller
results of the parts and
assessments makes it easier
. to understand
6 C. The and how
learner will understanding
demonstrate of each part.
how to
and ILPs
based on
results from

Lesson 1 Assessments
KWL Chart
The class will fill out a KWL chart about classworks at the beginning, middle and end of the
course. This information will be shared with the instructor so that all unfamiliar information will
be covered. This chart will also show the learners the progress they have made throughout the

Know Want to Know Learned

The basics of using a How to assign the Universal To assign and chart results for
computer Screener and view results a Universal Screener
How to log into classworks How to look at and assess To create a spreadsheet that
How do check class rosters snapshots shows student data along with
What is an ILP and how does progress made throughout the
it help my students levels.
How can I use Classworks for To create a effectively use a
whole group discussions whole class activity in the
How can Classworks be used classroom.
for individual instruction To create Individual student
plans to fill educational gaps
and raise student

Defining classworks and the resources found in classworks

The learners will complete a quiz that asks about all the resources found in classworks.
Answer the following questions by circling the correct answer for multiple choice and writing in
a complete sentence for short answer.
1. Classworks can be used to assess students knowledge on only one level at a time?

2. Classworks should only be used with students who are below grade level?

3. Which of the following subjects are found in classworks?

A. Math/ English B. English/ Science C. Science/Social Studies D. Math/Science

4. Which assessment is done first to establish a baseline?

A. Individual Learning Profile (ILP) B. Universal Screener C. Snapshot Assessment

5. When using a whole class lesson you have which options to choose from?
A. The lesson by standard B. Lesson by concept C. Both A and B

6. Lexile level are not listed in Classworks?

7. Once a snapshot is taken then the student is assigned what?

8. How are the activities separated? (Levels, Task, etc.)

9. List three things that Classworks does to assist in educating students?

10. How will you use Classworks in your classroom to assist students?

1. NO
2. NO
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. F
7. Once a snapshot is assigned and taken then if the student passes the assessment then the next
level of practice is assigned. If the fails the snapshot then the weaker areas are assigned as
practice and then the snapshot is reassigned.
8. Activities are assigned by grade levels or activities. If you need an assignment on a standard then
you can search by standards. If you need an assignment based on a topic then you search by the
topic. An example could be if you want standard CC1RL5 then you can search using that
number. However, if you want to teach reading a literary text and need a vary of ranges for
students then you can use those keywords to find the assignments linked with it. This is a great
way to use the same technique with a variety of text based on students ability level.
9. Classworks can be used to assess the level the student can perform on efficiently and fill in any
gaps that the student may have. The program also has a variety of text that can be assigned along
with multiple choice and short answer response. The program also provides mini lesson and
practice that can help with review of an area.
10. Answer will vary. Ex. I am planning on using Classworks as a way of identify weaknesses and
reteach those weaknesses, so that any gaps in learning will be filled. I also plan on using it to
help my student become more familiar with reading a passage and answering questions over the
text and for compare text.

UDL Principle: The quiz will be differentiated to provide multiple means of expression by using
multiple choice, True/False, Yes/No and short answer response. The KWL chart allows students
to see where their ability are and where they are striving to be.

Lesson 2 Assessments
Students will follow the graph and assign the universal screener, create a report to be sent after
screener is complete and place data into a spreadsheet showing a ranking of students
The spreadsheet should look like this

Name Score

Carlos Monday 650

Kennedy Saturday 648

Tuesday Weeknight 650

George Lopez 630

Tom Cruise 625

Cameron Diaz 615

Adam Sandler 600

Tobey MaGuire 590

Monica Lewis 550

UDL Principle: Multiple means of presentation are used. Visual aids are used to show data in a
chart for easy reading. A flow chart to show steps needed to complete a task. The excel
spreadsheet that shows students that need extra support, so support and advanced work to keep
them engaged and thinking.
Lesson 3 Assessment
Learners are to create a lesson for whole group learning that covers all the topics on the rubric.
1 2 3

Organized The lesson has most The lesson has all the The lesson has all the
of the required required information required information
information. but is not in a logical and is a logical order
order. that makes following
it easy.

Accuracy Lesson was relevant Lesson was relent to Lesson was relevant
to subject taught by subject and grade to subject, grade and
the teacher. level of teacher covered one of the

Understanding Lesson demonstrates Lesson demonstrates Lesson demonstrates

that the learner has no that learner has a that learner
understanding of the basic understanding understands and can
material. of the material and apply the taught
can create a basic material to create a
lesson. lesson of their own.


UDL principle: Using an organization tool allows learners to reflect on the lesson and see some
strengths and weakness in lesson. This help the learner see what worked or did not work for this

Lesson 4 Assessment
Learners will create a chart that shows students plans for individual learning and how they will
chart student progress. Learners must also show how individual learning is assigned by using a
web 2.0 tool.

Students SS Lvl 1 SS Lvl 1 SS Lvl 1 SS Lvl 2 SS Lvl 2 SS Lvl 2 SS Lvl 3

Grammar Reading Word An Word An Grammar Reading Reading

Tyler X X X

Jaquerri X

Tory X

Tyrec X X

Caleb X X X X
Haley X X

Brittany X X

Semaj X X X X X

Jordan X

Anthony X

Sam X X X X

Micaela X X

Destiney X

Briar X X X X

Serenity X X
X- represents a 100 in the area being tested.
An example of the presentation could be a prezi like the one linked below.

UDL Principles- Multiple means of presentation are used with visual and auditory can be used
to cover both learning styles. Learners will use a presentation that has step by step directions
along with putting those steps into practice. The sources used are video and text. Learners have
the freedom to use any web 2.0 tool to show the needed steps to assign learning. The chart makes
following student progress quick and shows how students are growing.

Lesson 5 Assessment
Learners need to create a Venn diagram or other visual way to show the similarities and
differences between Snapshots and ILPs. Data collected from student growth should be
represented in a chart or graph.

Example of a diagram could be-

Snapshots Individual Learning Profile
A quiz that narrows down any learningInstruction
gaps assigned based on learning gaps
Creates a baseline a learners ability level
Can be reassigned as many times as the students needs
Allows different levels to be assigned Score
to buildgoal
a good
can foundation
be adjusted to allow all students to be succes

Snapshot and ILP

Allow students to work at their own pace
Shows students strengths and Weakness
Allows teachers to monitor progress

UDL Principle: Multiple means of presentation are used. Learners will use a diagram that shows
how each assessment is different and alike. Learners are able to use multiple tools for
construction of the chart that is used. The chart makes following student progress quick and
shows which levels were assigned added assignments and which ones were already mastered.
KA Part 6

Instructional Sequence

Sequenc Description Objective


1 Define Classworks 1

2 Explain the benefits of using Classworks in the classroom 2

3 Demonstrate how to assign a Universal Screener 3

4 Design a whole class lesson 4

5 Identify ways to differentiate lesson plans for students 5

6 Monitor progress of students using Classworks 6

Lesson 1: An Introduction to Classworks in the Classroom

Objective 1: The learner will describe Classworks.
1A. The learner will identify the uses for Classworks.
1B. The learner will list the various resources that can be used in Classworks.

Time Span- 1-90 minute class Periods

Motivational Strategies: Learners will make a KWL chart to answer the bug question of What
is Classworks? Teachers will list what they know, want to know and then a spot for what they
have learned by the end of this assignment.
Initial Presentation: Learners will have 15 minutes to complete their KWL charts. Second
Learners will read the article The Effects of Classworks in the Classroom General Strategies:
Students will split up into groups of 3 and fill in a graphic organizer about the article to use for a
group discussion at the end of the class. This article adds helpful tips to create a working
classroom while having students performing different task and assignments Tips, Tools, and
Techniques for Teaching in the Online High School Classroom.
Lesson 2: Classworks Basic
Objective 2: The learner will summarize the benefits of using Classworks.
2 A. The learner will identify benefits of using Classworks.
2 B. The learner will demonstrate how to assign the Universal Screener.
2 C. The learner will investigate how Classworks assigns ILP or Individual Learning Profiles.
2 D. The learner will compare ILPs to Snapshots.
Objective 3: The learner will show an understanding of how to maneuver Classworks
3 A. The learner will perform the procedure of assigning the Universal Screener.
3 B. The learner will construct a spreadsheet using Classworks data.
3 C. The learner will demonstrate how to sort students, label and save the screener data.
Time Span: 3- 90 minute class periods
Motivational Strategies: Learners will explain the Pros and Cons they believe will come with
using Classworks. Ask learners what the hardest part is for teaching a lesson with a wide range of
learners. Place answers on the board.
Initial Presentation: The teachers will show a prezi presentation that outlines the benefits of
using Classworks in the classroom and all the features it contains. Students will fill out a chart
identify the different programs there uses and where they are located in Classworks. In pairs
students will take made up screener results and place them in an excel spreadsheet ranking from
lowest to highest.
General Strategies: Each teacher will assign the Universal screener to their classes and bring
the results to the second class. After discussion of screener results teachers will look up assigned
snapshots for students these are extra practice and narrow down the area of weakness. ILP will
be assigned after snapshot and will be concentrated on their personal weaknesses.
UDL: Learners are provided with different means of information by looking at universal
screeners and ILPs for students. Learners have the opportunity to visualize the information and
then put it into practice. Multiple means of representation by looking at the screeners and
individual learning assignments. Information to back up this can be found in the article The
Effects of Classworks in the Classroom.
Lesson 3:Using Classworks to Create whole class lessons
Objective 4: The learner will design a whole class lesson using Classworks.
4 A. The learner will demonstrate how to locate desired lesson in Classworks.
4 B. The learner will provide students with a mini lesson.
4 C. The learner will assign students to answer practice questions.
Time Span: 2- 90 minute class periods
Motivational Strategies: Learners will answer the question What strategies engage your
students? using Poll Everywhere. The results will be viewed and discussed.
Initial Presentation: The teacher will provide the learners with a demonstration of how
Classworks who group lessons work. Using a smart board to work through the lesson while
learners are logged into classworks and following along. Learners will create an outline to keep
record of the steps we have taken to use later on.
Generative Strategies: Learners will work though a whole lesson that is assigned on
Classworks. Teachers will then pair off and compare answers and which activities they believe
will work best for their classes. Teachers will chose an assignment to use in their classroom and
report the results at the next meeting. Learners can compare lessons and reactions by students
along with how they performed on the activities.
UDL: Learners were exposed to different forms of technology and instruction. Whole group and
individual learning was used to allow learners to ask questions and see how to work through the
program. Both of the article Effective Reading Programs for Middle and High Schools: A
Best-Evidence Synthesis along with Alternatives to traditional instruction: Using games
and simulations to increase student learning and motivation, support having students read
and answer questions online. The article talk about how repetition and games to increase
enjoyment help student learn. Lesson 4: Classworks and creating differentiated lesson plans
Objective 5: The learner will demonstrate how to assign individual student activities using
5 A. The learner will design a variety of lessons based on individual student weaknesses.
5 B. The learner will classify lessons into categories based on the topic.
5 C. The learner will assign lessons to students.
Time Span: 1-90 minute class period
Motivational Strategy: Learners will choose from a stack different strategies that could be used
in a classroom. They will create a list on how they use that strategy and what type of lesson they
are teaching it with.
Initial Presentation: The learners will make a combined list on the smartboard of strategies and
their uses. Once all the strategies are listed then as a group they will add any additional
information others have about the different strategies and their uses. Teachers will then log into
classworks and find a topic to assign to their students. The topic will then be assigned in the level
the student is able to perform in. Learners will provide suggestions on how to make the lesson
more effective. Support that having multiple strategies helps all students be successful.
information was gather from the article The Leopard Has Changed Its Spots: Experiences of
Different Ways in Which Staff Support People with Learning Disabilities.
Generative Strategies:Learners will form a combined list of strategies to use when teaching.
The learners will then list the strategies they are using based on the lessons they assigned their
students. Teachers need to incorporate the strategies they believe or have seen work with their
UDL: Multiple means were used to distribute the information. Learners have the opportunity for
questions and to practice each skill.
Lesson 5: Classworks and Individual Student Profiles
Objective 6: The learner will exhibit how to assess ILPs and Snapshots
6 A. The learner will demonstrate how to view ILP and Snapshots.
6 B. The learner will interpret the results of the assessments.
6 C. The learner will demonstrate how to reassign snapshots and ILPs based on results from
Time Span: 3-90 minute class periods
Motivational Strategies: Learners will use their KWL chart from the first class and
update the information and add any want to learn items to the chart. Any information
that was not covered will be addressed and explanations will be provided.
Initial Presentation: Each learner will view their students ILPs and snapshots and
design goals and strategies to help their students reach grade level or as close to grade
level as possible. They will also be shown using how to reassign and monitor progress
of ILPs and snapshots. Support was gather from the article Filling in the gaps: Using
testing and restudy to promote associative learning.
Generative Strategy: Four stations will be set up and the learners will be divided into
groups of 4. The first station will require the learners to assign and then check the
results of the Universal screener. Station two will have results from a screener and
learners must assign snapshots that will help determine the weakest area for that group
of students. Station three will have snapshot results and learners will assign ILPs that
will increase the students understanding of the information. Station four will require
learners to create goals for student based on different weaknesses . In each group they
will complete each task and write down any questions they may have before move on to
the next one. Once everyone has been to each station then a whole group discussion of
each station will be shared. All the information will be placed on a google document for
teachers to have access to. The article The flip: Classwork at home, homework in class
explains how assignments can be used in school and finished or reviewed at home. Also,
how using the repetition of information being presented helps the student retain the
UDL:Learners are provided with multiple means of information. Additionally, the lesson
has different topics that are addressed. This allows the topics to be in smaller parts and
makes it easier to understand and how understanding of each part. Multiple means of

Bulevich, J., Thomas, A., & Parsow, C. (2015). Filling in the gaps: Using testing
and restudy to promote associative learning. Memory, 1-11.

Docherty, D., & Chapman, M. (n.d.). The Leopard Has Changed Its Spots:
Experiences of Different Ways in Which Staff Support People with Learning
Disabilities. Ethics and Social Welfare, 277-281.

Garard, D., Lippert, L., Hunt, S., & Paynton, S. (n.d.). Alternatives to traditional
instruction: Using games and simulations to increase student learning and
motivation. Communication Research Reports, 36-44.

Kerr, S. (n.d.). Tips, Tools, and Techniques for Teaching in the Online High School
Classroom. TechTrends TECHTRENDS TECH TRENDS, 28-31.

Patterson, D. (2001, October 1). The Effects of Classworks in the Classroom.

Retrieved October 27, 2015, from

Slavin, R., Cheung, A., Groff, C., & Lake, C. (n.d.). Effective Reading Programs for
Middle and High Schools: A Best-Evidence Synthesis. Reading Research
Quarterly, 290-322.

Stratuss, V. (2012, April 15). The flip: Classwork at home, homework in class. The
Washington Post.

Instructional Goal Objective UDL Assessments


Lesson 1: The Identifying what Objective 1: The Learners are 1. Learners will
learner will be classworks is learner will provided with complete a KWL
provided with an and the describe multiple means chart to show
overview of resources it Classworks. of information. what they know,
Classworks and provides. The KWL chart want to know
1A. The learner
all the resources allows the learns and finally what
it contains. will identify the to have an they have
uses for outline for what learned.
Classworks. is being taught. 2. Learners will be
1B. The learner Multiple means able to define
will list the of engagement classworks and
various during the KWL the resources it
activities and provides
resources that
sharing their
can be used in responses with
Classworks. the group.

Lesson 2: The Explain the Objective 2: The Learners are 1. Learners will be
learner will be benefits of using learner will provided with able to assign a
given a list of Classworks. summarize the different means Universal
benefits of using Demonstrate Screener and
benefits of using of information by
classworks. The how to operate collect data to
learner will Classworks and Classworks. looking at use to plan
understand how the programs 2 A. The learner universal individual
a universal associated with will identify screeners and learning
screener is Classworks. benefits of using ILPs for assignments.
assigned and Classworks. students.
how to use the 2 B. The learner Learners have
results to assist
will demonstrate the opportunity
how to assign to visualize the
the Universal information and
Screener. then put it into
2 C. The learner practice. Multiple
will investigate means of
how Classworks representation
assigns ILP or by looking at the
Individual screeners and
Learning individual
Profiles. learning
2 D. The learner assignments.
will compare
ILPs to
Objective 3: The
learner will show
understanding of
how to
3 A. The learner
will perform the
procedure of
assigning the
3 B. The learner
will construct a
3 C. The learner
will demonstrate
how to sort
students, label
and save the
screener data.

Lesson 3: The Demonstrate an Objective 4: The Learners were 1. The learner will
learner will be understanding of learner will exposed to demonstrate
shown how to Classworks and design a whole different forms of how to create a
use Classworks the programs it lesson along
class lesson technology and
in a whole class contains. with activities for
setting. The using instruction by whole class
learner will be Classworks. using the discussion and
able to assign 4 A. The learner smartboard for use.
and complete a will demonstrate whole group and
whole group how to locate chromebooks for
lesson using desired lesson in individual
Classworks. assignments.
4 B. The learner Whole group
will provide and individual
students with a learning was
mini lesson. used to allow
4 C. The learner learners to ask
will assign questions and
students to see how to work
answer practice through the
questions. program.
Lesson 5: The Design individual Objective 5: The Multiple means 1. The learner will
learner will be lessons for learner will were used to assign individual
able to design students based demonstrate distribute the assessments to
individual on their students.
how to assign information.
lessons based weakness in an 2. The learner will
on students area. individual Learners have collect data from
abilities using a student activities the opportunity assessments to
variety of topics using for questions create individual
Classworks. and to practice lessons based
5 A. The learner each skill after on students
will design a looking at weaknesses.
variety of students
lessons based individual scores
on individual and base
student lessons on their
weaknesses. weaknesses.
5 B. The learner
will classify
lessons into
based on the
5 C. The learner
will assign
lessons to

Lesson 6: The Utilize Objective 6: The Learners are 1. The learner will
learner will Classworks to learner will provided with be demonstrate
identify students help students fill exhibit how to multiple means the connections
weakness and in educational between
assess ILPs and of information
demonstrate gaps in learning. snapshots and
activities to help Snapshots between the ILPs
them practice 6 A. The learner ILPs and 2. The learner will
those weakness. will demonstrate snapshots demonstrate
The learners will how to view ILP students were how to assign
be able to and Snapshots. assigned. and monitor
collaborate with 6 B. The learner Additionally, the students
other staff on progress with
will interpret the lesson has
student ILPs.
assignments and results of the different topics
goals to help assessments. that are
students attain 6 C. The learner addressed. This
those goals. will demonstrate allows the topics
how to reassign to be in smaller
snapshots and parts and makes
ILPs based on it easier to
results from understand and
students. how
understanding of
each part.

Learner Evaluation

In order to attain feedback for the learners in this course , I have created an evaluation for this
course and attached a link for learners to use.The assessment will go live after completion of
the course and remain active for one week. Learners can start the evaluation and submit it on
through the website. The SME will be emailed the link along with the results of the survey. For
this course evaluation, the SME will be Jami Willis. Jami is a middle school science teacher in
my district. Jami has been teaching for 20 years and holds a masters degree in Instructional
Technology. She has experience in this area of technology.
The course evaluation will be in survey format. The survey has questions for ranking of the
course along with a space for comments from the course. The survey will assess the following
factors of the online course; instructional design, course goals, objectives, activities, along with
interaction and feedback between instructor and learners.

Website link

1. Prerequisites are clearly communicated. This includes content knowledge and

technology level.

Strongly disagree Disagree Unsure Agree Strongly agree

2. Orientation to required technology and course information is provided.

Strongly disagree Disagree Unsure Agree Strongly agree

3. Course goals and objectives are clear, measurable, and appropriate to the

Strongly disagree Disagree Unsure Agree Strongly agree

4. Activities are engaging and appeal to various learning styles.

Strongly disagree Disagree Unsure Agree Strongly agree

5. Activities are reflective of course objectives.

Strongly disagree Disagree Unsure Agree Strongly agree

6. Content is organized in a comprehensible manner

Strongly disagree Disagree Unsure Agree Strongly agree

7. Students receive ongoing feedback on interactions, activities, and

Strongly disagree Disagree Unsure Agree Strongly agree

8. Activities stimulate interactions between peers and increase understanding of

the content.

Strongly disagree Disagree Unsure Agree Strongly agree

9. Assessments are clearly described and rubric is provided.

Strongly disagree Disagree Unsure Agree Strongly agree

10. Instructor makes an effort to personalize the course for learners and makes
modifications to any assignment that is unclear.

Strongly disagree Disagree Unsure Agree Strongly agree

11. What do you feel was the most beneficial part of this course? Least

12. Any additional comments.

Analysis of Collected Data

After the learners have submitted their evaluations for the course evaluation. I will collect the
data for each question. The data will be placed into a spreadsheet along with the short answer
response questions. The data will be analyzed for trends and patterns and the responses will be
used to better the course. The feedback will allow me to see what the learners have learned and
what I need to change for future course.

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