Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Grade Level/Subject: 4th grade Central Focus: North Carolinas role in major wars.
Social Studies
Essential Standard/Common Core Objective: 4.H.1.4:
Date submitted: 4/5
Analyze North Carolinas role in major conflicts and
Date taught: 3/23
Daily Lesson Objective: Students will be able to read an article about the Battle at
Guilford Courthouse, engage in discussion to answer questions and use their imaginat
to describe the battle creatively.
21st Century Skills: -Think and Academic Language Demand (Language Function a
work creatively with others Vocabulary): read, examine, look back in the text,
-communicate clearly answer questions, engage in discussion, and create
Prior Knowledge: Students need to know the major battles from the Revolutionary War
that North Carolina was involved in.

Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time

Hello Class! Today we are going to be learning about a
war that North Carolina was apart of and really learn a
lot about it by answering questions and engaging in a
discussion and a activity! I know you all have been
learning about the Revolutionary War; does anyone
remember the battles NC was involved in? (ask
1. Focus and students to raise their hands and answer) The three 10
Review battles that NC was involved in were The Battle of mins
Moores Creek Bridge, The Battle of Kings Mountain and
The Battle of Guilford Courthouse. Today we are going to
learn more about The Battle of Guilford Courthouse and
what happened during that battle. Does anyone have
any ideas of what might of happened? Or where this
battle took place?
Students will be able to read an article about the Battle
2. Statement of
at Guilford Courthouse, engage in discussion to answer
questions and use their imagination to describe the
for Student
battle creatively.
3. Teacher Input Now we are going to read out loud together the story of 10
The Battle at Guilford Courthouse. Who would like to mins
start reading? This is a challenging topic but I know you
guys can do it!
-The students will read in a popcorn style the story.
Students will be sitting on the carpet and each student
has a copy of the reading.
-The teacher will ask guiding questions and stop the
students after each paragraph to talk about what was
read. The teacher will ask questions such as
-What was the date of the battle?
-What happened at the beginning of the battle?
-Who was the leader of the British Forces?
Great job reading! We are now going to look at some
questions to help guide our reading, I will ask volunteers
to read the questions, you will discuss them with a
partner and then we will share and talk about our
4. Guided Practice -The students will take turns reading the questions. They
will turn to their turn and talk partners and try to decide
what the answer is. After, we will share our answers and
discuss with the class how we agree or disagree. The
students will answer 4 multiple choice questions relating
to the battle.
To finish our lesson we are going to do something fun!
You can work with a partner or alone, and you are going
to pick from three activities. Work on these activities and
then I would love some of you to share!
The activities you have to choose from are:
5. Independent - pretending you are a solider in the war write a 25
Practice letter to your mother telling her how you feel mins
before the battle tomorrow
- Write a song about the battle
- Create a uniform that you would wear if you were
fighting in battle (you may draw it and use markers
to color it)
6. Assessment -Teacher observation of students as I walk around the room and
Methods of listen to their answers to the questions.
-Students will volunteer to share their work with the 10
7. Closure class. (4 students or groups will share) mins
8. Assessment -all the students answered the questions and were engaged in t
Results of discussion.
Targeted Students Student/Small Group
Modifications/Accommodations: I will Modifications/Accommodations:
move the students with hearing/vision -No small groups in this lesson
impairments to the front of the room
and help with any questions anyone has.
(Include any instructional materials (e.g., worksheets, assessments PowerPoint/Smart
Board slides, etc.) needed to implement the lesson at the end of the lesson plan.)
-25 copies of the article
-answer key for the questions
-smart board
References: NCDPI and ideas from my own mind.

Reflection on lesson: I think my lesson went well. The students were interested in the
topic and engaged in the questions. The students really enjoyed and liked the creative
activity at the end. If I could change one thing I would work on keeping some of the ki
more on task because some of them had comments unrelated to the Revolutionary Wa

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