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Malak designs her own Jewellery!

Its good to see you all settled in Malak after your holiday. Youve been very happy and
bubbly, youre more confident speaking Arabic with your friends and teachers, I also noticed
that you were excited to meet the new kids onboard, you showed them around and shared
your favourite toys and areas.

Youve always showed interest in the family area, each time you come up with new ideas
and share them with your friends, you love the play dough area too!

I watched you the other day designing your own jewellery, your very own ring and bracelet
they were green round and cute!

You were very proud and excited to show me the result! I noticed how patient you were
while making them, you gently played with the playdough and kept changing it until you
were satisfied
Cant wait to see what youre going to create in the future!

Teacher Farah
March 2017

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