Research Information Document Sheet 2

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Gavin Roland

ISM- Period 1
"Degenerative Scoliosis The Spine Hospital at The Neurological Institute of New York." The

Spine Hospital at The Neurological Institute of New York. N.p., 2016. Web. 30 Mar. 2017.

Degenerative means relating to wear-and-tear over time

Scoliosis is known as a side to side curve in the spine.
Scoliosis originates from the Greek word skoliosis meaning bending or crooked
The most common type of scoliosis in adults, and usually happens in the lumbar (lower)
Symptoms of degenerative Scoliosis include: back pain that is worse with sitting or
standing and that usually goes away when lying down, electric shock-like pain,
numbness, and/or weakness in one or both legs
The most common cause for infantile, juvenile and adolescent scoliosis is Idiopathic,
which is a medical term meaning for a cause that is not known
Adolescent scoliosis is the most common type of scoliosis overall
Forms of testing scoliosis include X-rays, Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, and
Computed tomography with myelogram (myelo-CT)
X-rays use invisible beams of electromagnetic radiation to project images of bones onto
film. This test would reveal the degree of spinal curvature and overall alignment of the
Magnetic Resonance is a test that uses a magnet and radio waves to produce images of
the bones and soft tissue. This test can reveal information about the discs of the spine, the
spinal cord and spinal nerves.
Computed topography with myleogram (myleo-CT) is a test that uses a special dye and
several X-rays to reveal detailed information about the spinal cord
The treatment of degenerative scoliosis will depend on a variety of factors.
The surgeon determines the best treatment for each patient and each situation.
Non-operative treatment, including physical therapy, strengthening and stretching
exercises, or pain management, may be an option of certain patients
If degenerative scoliosis has lead to spinal stenosis, then surgery may be required.
Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal canal casing pressure on the spinal cord
Spinal stenosis can also cause the development of bone spurs (overgrowth of the bone).
This source was more general information of how scoliosis can be treated and different problems
it can cause within the body; I believe this was the best article as far as explaining how the
diagnosing process worked based on the different methods that were being used.

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