101 Ways To Get More Engagement On Facebook

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If you want to motivate people, you have to

engage their minds and their hearts.
~ Rupert Murdoch

A truism whether in life or online.

If you can capture peoples attention and ignite emotion, you can inspire interaction.
But when it comes to Facebook engagement, gaining
audience attention can be tough.
Whether its the latest algorithm change or the overwhelming
amount of shared content, one thing is for certain.
If you want to increase engagement, you need to make a few changes.
While theres no one size fits all solution, the quickest way to boost
Facebook engagement is to post content your fans LOVE!
Now, we know what you're thinking -- its easier said than done.
We hear you, and that's why we've put together this guide chock-full of
quick and easy ways to get your fans engaged with your page.
These tips will have your fans chomping at the bit to Like, comment and share.

Here are 101 powerful Facebook tips

that can help you get better engagement,
plus boost your organic reach.

Find or snap a funny picture

and post it with the words
"Caption this!" Have fun
watching your audience
choose a caption.

Give your fans a psychological

nudge with call to action phrases
(download now, try it for free,
click here, reserve your spot, shop
now, contact us, sign up, etc).

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Time your posts. Post

when people are home
from work or in transit.

Use attractive and attention-

grabbing visuals and graphics
to get peoples attention and
stand out in the news feed.

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Ask your fans for feedback or

advice on a certain situation
or problem youre dealing with.
People love to help others,
and theyll gladly engage.

Organize different creative

Facebook contests to get
your audience to engage
and actively participate.

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Dont be afraid to ask your

fans to share your post.

Ask your audience to vote

on something. This can
get you great engagement
plus valuable feedback.

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Concentrate on the
quality of posts over
the quantity of posts.


Announce a theme-of-the-day
and ask your fans to share their
images on your timeline.

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Crowdsource for answers,

tips, and suggestions
from your audience.
This will get them active
and help other fans.


Dont be afraid to tell people

exactly what you want them to do.

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Get yourself in front of a new

audience by tagging other pages.


Show your fans that you care

about their opinion by asking
them for feedback about
your company or business.

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Post Infographics. People love

clear, concise, and visually
represented info. Thats why
Infographics are some of the
most liked and shared content.


Once in a while, tell your fans

you love and appreciate them.

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Share an animated GIF with

an industry quote, statistic
or funny meme.

Post user-generated content and feature

18 your audiences photos -- especially if
they show them using your product.

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Boost engagement by enabling

public subscribers and sharing
content with public subscribers
who are not listed as friends.


Promote your page using

Facebooks page post story
ads or wall promotions.

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Engage with your readers

on a personal level. Share a
personal passion of yours.


Listen to what your fans are

saying about your brand.
There are many tools that
make it easy to do.

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Post quick 1-2 sentence tips

and pieces of info that solve
common everyday problems.


Do a like vs. share post

to get people to participate
and voice their opinions.

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Track and measure your

engagement to see what posts
perform better than others.


Include a statement or question

in your post that attracts your
audiences attention to a specific
point you made on your blog.

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Sometimes its a better idea not

to shorten links. People like to
see where theyll be taken.


Share a wide variety of

content to keep your readers
engaged and entertained.

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Come up with creative

incentives and calls to action
to get your audience to
interact with your content.


Pay attention to your tone. Make

sure its a good representation
of you and your business.

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Create timeless evergreen content

that can be posted at any time
and will not become irrelevant.


Be more human -- share your

brands mission statement
and what youre all about!

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Always try to include a photo in

your posts. Posts with images
get much more attention.


Add emoticons to your updates

to show off your personality
and help your fans relate to you.
According to Hubspot, such posts
get a lot more engagement.

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Follow and engage with

influencers in your niche.


Share timely content about an event

your audience is interested in.

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Create a Facebook group

and build a community.


Use the data from Facebook Insights

to see which posts are the most
successful, and adjust your posting
strategy to publish more of them.

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Respond to other peoples

posts. Like, comment, share!


Use custom Facebook apps -- such

as Heyo, Shortstack and Pagemodo
to get your audiences attention.

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Always post with a purpose

and goal in mind.


Use custom graphics.

Make sure to use optimized
Facebook dimensions.

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Stay in the loop with the Facebook

Page Manager, which lets
you carry out most Facebook
functions right on your mobile.


Ask your readers questions. Fill-in-

the-blanks are especially great for
boosting engagement and traffic.

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Experiment with images

and see what types get the
most engagement.


Post short and concise posts.

Those with less than 80 characters
seem to get the most interaction.

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Give an inside look at your company.

Post photos of the work process,
your team members and customers.


Share quotes as simple text posts

or drop them in a graphic.

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Keep an eye on your competitors

business page and apply
their successful strategies
to your own page.


Use hashtags to start conversations

and help people find you.

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Celebrate holidays and

events on your page!


Participate in hashtag events,

such as #ThrowbackThursday.

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Post funny pictures, memes,

and jokes. Sometimes humor
gets the most attention.


Share your company's core

values. Include a pic that
supports those values.

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Change your Facebook cover

for special events and holidays.
Keep it fresh and relevant.


Follow the 70/20/10 rule.

70% of content that provides
value, 20% reposts of other
peoples posts, 10% content
that promotes your business.

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Use Facebook Insights to find

out when your audience is online
and post during those hours.


Schedule your posts to make sure

theyre going out even if youre
physically unable to publish them.

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Share interesting and relevant

content from other brands
and users in your niche.


Make sure that everything you

post shows off your personality.

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Add a recognizable profile picture.


Use Post Planner to find and

plan viral content thats bound
to get a lot of attention.

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Optimize your About section to be

brief, descriptive and up-to-date.


Use social media tags to optimize

your blog posts so they will be more
likely to appear in search results.

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Target different fans to get

them engaged. Tag them in
your posts to pull them into the
conversation. Ask for their input.


Try different calls to action -- but

make sure they correlate with the
goal you set for your audience.

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Tease your fans. Create

curiosity. Don't give away all the
info in the post itself -- entice
your fans to click the link.


Ask your readers questions

about their interests. You will
get them engaged and find out
potentially useful information.

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Choose (or create) an engaging and

eye-catching cover photo that pops!


Respond to comments in
an in-depth manner to keep
the conversation going.

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Optimize your profile picture

and cover photo descriptions by
linking back to your website.


Connect with your fans on a

personal level by telling stories.

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Drive traffic by adding a call to

action button to your cover photo.


Share influencers posts on

your page and tag them - they
may return the favor and your
brand will be exposed to a
whole different set of fans!

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Throw a Facebook party! Be

ready to engage with everyone
who participates. Give
discounts and coupons.


Post surveys to drive engagement

and gather info to make your
posts better targeted.

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Stay on brand. Make sure

everything you post is consistent
with your brands messaging.


Pin important posts to the

top of your page to make
sure they get noticed.

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Be mindful of your pages

audience composition. Make
sure to post what your audience
likes to engage with.


Use Facebook Live or recorded

video to massively increase reach.
Facebook loves video content!

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Make it easy for people to

find you by adding social
media follow buttons to your
website, blog, email, etc.


Dont forget to set posts to go

out over the weekend -- even if
youre not there to respond to the
comments until Monday. You want
to stay in front of your audience.

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Dont use every post to

promote lead-generating
offers. Have a healthy balance
of lead-generating posts
and valuable content.


Create lists and use them to

filter the Facebook stream.

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If you want more organic reach,

share your Instagram photos
on Facebook once in awhile.


Talk about the news and the

current trending topics.

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If you have a product-based

business, showcase your
product in fun places.


Post interesting trivia in your

niche. People love to engage with
fun facts. (ie. Potatoes have more
chromosomes than humans.)

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Try integrating your cover

photo with your profile picture
(it creates a neat effect).


Use tracking URLs to track how

many clicks your posts are getting
and measure your success.

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Keep your tone conversational

and not so business-like.


Most likes and comments are made

in the first few hours after the post
is posted. So, stick around and
actively engage with your readers.

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If something wonderful
happened, celebrate the day
and share your success.


Give your posts an extra

boost by investing some
money in Facebook Ads.

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If youre posting a link, choose

a good preview image for it.


Re-share popular posts from

other people or brands.

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Spotlight your employees and

share what makes them special.


Organize and promote an event

your audience will be able to
attend or participate in.

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Be consistent in
everything you post.


Take advantage of Facebook

Live! Promote an upcoming
event or new piece of content
while answering your followers
questions in real time.

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Be genuine. Be real. Be YOU! Your fans have connected

with you for a reason. Give them the tips, tools, and
tactics they need to come back and engage every day.

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Grab our Proven Strategy!

Join the Facebook 30-Day Challenge

Accept the challenge and sign up for this free training to
receive 30 strategic Facebook tips for 30 consecutive days.

Well take you on a journey to implement all the data-driven

tips we shared in this ebook. Youll grow your own thriving
page in 30 days!

Build a new Facebook business page from scratch or

revitalize your existing page.

Benchmark your beginning and track your success

throughout the whole challenge.

Learn how to find, plan and post predictive content that

organically boosts engagement.

Finally get the Facebook results you want!




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