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Section B

[ 30 marks ]
[Time suggested : 40 minutes]
Question 2
Read the following text. Then, answer questions (a) (j)

My Best Friend
Mike is my best friend. We go to the same school. We are also in
the same class. I became best friends with Mike because he is an even-
tempered guy .He hardly gets angry. He is also very generous as he
always shares his food and things with me.

Mike used to have many different ambitions in primary school.

Now, he says that he wants to be a pilot. However, if he cannot be a pilot,
he would like to be a computer programmer. I think Mike would do well in
both professions.

Mike is quite active in extra curricular activities at school. He is in the

basketball club and chess club. Mike is a very good basketball player. He
has represented our school a few times. He even helped our school win
a few games. Mike is quite good at chess too. However, he has yet to
represent our school in chess competitions.

Mike also holds a few positions at school. He is our class monitor

and editor of the school magazine. He is very good at both positions.
During his free time, Mike likes to watch anime. I usually watch anime
with him. Mike also likes to play badminton with his younger brother, Jeff.

Questions (a) (j)
Using the information from the text, complete the following graphic organizer

Career choices:

a) _____________________________
b) ______________________________

c) _________________________
i) __________________________ d) ________________________
j) __________________________

Extra-curricular activities: Positions held in school:

g) __________________________ e) _______________________________
h) __________________________ f) ________________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

Question 5

Read the poem below carefully. Then , answer questions (a)- (d)

Now why so loving, darling, But surely youre some stranger,
And why the sudden kiss? No rage or hullabaloo.
Youd help me with some little jobs? Come closer, let me look dear,
For goodness sake, whats this? Can this be REALLY you?

Your face is clean for once, dear. Now were you struck by lightning
Your clothes without a crease. Or were you stunned at sport?
You saved your luncheon money? Ah now I see the reason.
Will wonders never cease? Youve brought your school report!

No dropping of your school books,

No shrieking, childish treble. MAX FATCHEN
Today you are a lamb, love,
Where yesterday a rebel.

a) In stanza 3, what are the two things that the child always does?

(2 marks)
b) Is the childs school report good?Why do you think so?

(1 mark)
c) Which word in stanza 3 indicates that the child is not always well behaved?
(1 mark)
d) In stanza 4, why do the parents say that their child is a stranger?

(1 mark)

(5 marks)

Marking scheme

Question 2

a) Pilot
b) Programmer
c) even-tempered
d) generous
e) class monitor
f) school magazine editor
g) basketball club
h) chess club
i) watching anime
j) playing badminton

Question 5

a) Dropping the school books and shouting

b) I think the school report is not so good because of the cjilds sudden good

c)The word rebel

d) The parent calls the child a stranger because the child is behaving differently
than the way he normally does

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