Ism - Research Assignment Second Semester

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Sierra Cheatham
ISM - Period 1
"" ShoulderDoc. Web. 23 Mar. 2017.
The bones associated with the shoulder are: the humerus, clavicle, scapula, and sternum.
The humerus is the upper arm bone, the clavicle is the collar bone, the scapula is the
shoulder blade, and the sternum is the chest bone.
The clavicle is the only point of on bone attachment between the trunk and the upper
The clavicle forms the front portion of the shoulder girdle.
The roof of the shoulder is formed by the clavicle having the sternum on one end and the
acromion on the other end.
The scapula, shoulder blade, is a large, flat triangular bone.
The scapula has 3 processes on it: the acromion, spine, and the coracoid.
The 3 processes mentioned above form the back portion of the shoulder girdle.
The function of the scapula is to provide extended motion.
The coracoid process is used as a point of attachment for ligaments and muscles because
of the way it is projected off of the scapula.
The comma-shaped portion of the scapula is called the glenoid cavity which is where the
head of the humerus goes.
The greater and lesser tubercles on the humerus are sites for the rotator cuff muscles.
The shoulder has 4 joints, the glenohumeral joint, acromioclavicular (ac) joint,
sternoclavicular (sc) joint, and the scapulothoracic.
The glenohumeral joint is where the head of the humerus and the glenoid meet (known as
the ball and socket joint).
The body allowed the ball and socket joint to be somewhat unstable in order to gain more
motion, but there are rotator cuff muscles that help with stability.
The rotator cuff is centered in the socket and helps prevent things from getting pinched.
The AC joint is where the clavicle and the acromion come together.
The SC joint is where the clavicle and the sternum meet.
Injuries at the SC joint are possibly the least common out of all the shoulder injuries.
The scapulothoracic joint is where the scapula and the ribs meet at the back of the chest
The muscles of the shoulder are the upper, middle, and lower traps, along with the
serratus anterior.

This source was an easy way for me to combine the general information that my mentor
gave me and the information that I found from the website which I will use for my final
presentation at the end of the semester.
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"Labral Tears." Labral Tears | Orthopedics & Sports Medicine | Houston Methodist. Web. 29

Mar. 2017. <


A small TV camera is called an arthroscope, which is a tool orthopedic surgeons use.

When a person suffers from a labral tear, pain and a catching sensation may occur in
the shoulder.
The three bones of the scapula are: the scapula, humerus, and clavicle.
The scapula is the shoulder blade, the humerus is the upper arm bone, and the clavicle is
the collarbone.
The function of the rotator cuff is to connect the humerus and the scapula.
The four muscles of the rotator cuff: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and
The rotator cuff is used to aid in raising and rotating the arm.
The rotator cuff also acts like a suction which keeps the head of the humerus in the
When labral tissue gets caught between the head of the humerus and the glenoid, labral
tears may occur.
There are many ligaments and tendons that help keep the shoulder joint stable.
A labral tear may occur can be caused by a direct injury, falling, or overuse (which is
wear and tear).
If the shoulder becomes too unstable, the shoulder may slip or dislocate. That may also
cause a labral tear.
If the biceps tendon pulls too fast and hard against the front of the labrum, injury may
Due to the throwing motion of baseball pitchers, they are prone to getting a labral tear.
People that lift heavy weight overhead are also prone to labral tears.
During a golfers swing when the club hits the ground makes golfers prone to tearing their
labrum also.
There are cases where the tear may not cause pain initially.
A doctor can diagnose you with a labral tear if you have a history of shoulder injuries.
There are physical examinations that put the patient in different positions that cause the
pain which is another way they can diagnose a labral tear.
An MRI is able to see more, for example, soft tissues like ligaments and tendons and
Labral tears may also need to be seen using a CT scan
A CT scan is an older test that uses computer-enhanced X-rays to show slices of the
A doctor still may not diagnose a patient with a labral tear based off of those scans. That
is why a doctor usually uses an arthroscope.
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This source was very reliable and had a lot of specific information that I will use in my
presentation on my labral tear slide.
Medically Reviewed by Steven Kim, MD on May 14, 2015 Written by Robin Madell

and Valencia Higuera. "5 Types of Arthritis That Affect the Shoulder." Healthline.

14 May 2015. Web. 30 Mar. 2017.


The shoulder joint has to be somewhat unstable in order to allow it to have such a wide
range of motion.
Having arthritis damages a persons muscles, tendons and joints.
Arthritis causes pain and limited range of motion.
There are five different types of arthritis: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, post-
traumatic arthritis, avascular necrosis, and rotator cuff tear arthropathy.
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition.
The symptoms are: tenderness and warmth in the joints, a stiffening feeling in the
shoulder joint, bumps under the skin in the shoulder called rheumatoid nodules, and
fatigue or weight loss.
RA can cause swelling in the joint lining.
It may also cause the bones of the shoulder to wear down and a deformity of the joint
over time.
Osteoarthritis is a form of arthritis that is basically defined as wear and tear.
According to AAOS people over the age of 50 are more likely to develop osteoarthritis
According to the Mayo clinic, it is the most common type of arthritis
The symptoms are: joint pain, tenderness, and stiffness
Post-traumatic arthritis is arthritis following a traumatic injury.
Sports injuries or car accidents can cause PA.
When someone has PA fluid buildup may occur causing pain and swelling.
Destroying tissues in a persons shoulder joint is called avascular necrosis (AVN).
This occurs when blood is not able to reach the humerus. When this happens the cells in
the shoulder joint begins to die.
Because of this, dislocations and fractures happen.
Steroids can also have an effect AVN.
AVN continues to get worse overtime, it can progress into an asymptomatic disease.
Injuries to the rotator cuff are common and can lead to a form of shoulder arthritis
called rotator cuff tear arthorpathy.
Depending of the injury joint replacement surgery, arthroscopy, or resection arthroplasty
may be needed.
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This website broke down the five different types of arthritis that can benefit me knowing
because I will put this information on my arthritis slide.
"Rotator Cuff and Shoulder Conditioning Program-OrthoInfo - AAOS." Rotator Cuff and

Shoulder Conditioning Program-OrthoInfo - AAOS. 01 Oct. 2012. Web. 30 Mar.

2017. <>.
After someone suffers from a rotator cuff injury or some sort of shoulder injury, it is
important to start a strengthening exercise program.
By doing this, it will help you get back to being able to do everyday activities such as:
lifting something overhead, or even raising your arm.
Also having a regular conditioning program will get an athlete back to their sport at a
much faster rate.
It is important to have a physical therapist or a doctor of some sorts to make sure the form
of the exercise is done correctly.
By strengthening the muscles around the shoulder joint, it will help make the muscles
around the shoulder much stronger.
It also helps by preventing the injury from happening again and also helps with pain
someone may experience.
Doing strengthening exercises also helps someone gain a wider range of motion
following an injury.
Stretching before and after also helps prevent soreness.
Depending on what kind of injury it is and also the severity of it, the length of this
conditioning program could be 4-6 weeks.
Before any sort of strengthening can begin, 5-10 minutes of cardio. This may include
walking or riding a stationary bike.
Throughout the exercise period, it is important to pay attention to your pain level.
Because you should not feel pain while exercising.
A common exercise for the shoulder is the pendulum. When doing this exercise you
should lean forward and put one hand on a flat surface for support and let your other arm
hang freely.
Internal and external range of motion is important to overall shoulder function.
By doing internal and external rotation exercises help gain strength in the infraspinatus
and teres minor.
Using bands on the internal and external rotation adds degrees of difficulty which also
help strengthen the muscles.
Shoulder bursitis occurs when the bursa becomes damaged, irritated, or inflamed.
Repetitive motions, incorrect posture, calcium deposits, and muscle weakness can all
cause shoulder bursitis
Bursa (fluid-filled sac) that acts as a cushion for the rotator cuff tendon of the
supraspinatus muscle
May experience pain on the outer side or tip of the shoulder
Surgery is not commonly required for shoulder bursitis
Learn and maintain correct posture to prevent shoulder bursitis
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This article gave me information like exercises for rotator cuff tears that I will use in my
video presentation for my final presentation.

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