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Walter Sampson

Autopista Ricchieri y Puente 13

Ciudad Evita
B1778 DUA Buenos Aires

1524 Oak Street
Derek, IL 30521

Dear TIFfany:

Thank you for the beautiful flowers you sent me. The blue and white was stunning and made me think of home-
the real home. Theres nothing new here. Vermin infested the walls of the garage and we are attempting to
eradicate them. We tried everything. Smoke, poison, traps but they always manage to return stronger than
before. Do you remember Rotatcid? He was always dealing with these sort of things. I wonder if he would have
any solutions. You know as well as I do that doesnt matter now.

We got Camille into her new room. It overlooks the house next door. Shes always watching for something to
happen, but you know as well as I that it never will. We hold out hope. If only you could see the neighborhood
now. The walls have been scrubbed clean and shine white with no trace of the graffiti that used to litter them.
The whole city seems sparkling clean. Seems.

I am sending good thoughts and love your way. Maybe I will send you red, white, and blue flowers soon. Then
we can both think of home. Missing you always. IF you need anything, let me know.


Walter Sampson
In the space below take notes on your censorship of the letter on the front of this page. Why did you choose to censor the things you
did? Why not censor others? Where in the text can you see support for your decisions? Be sure to make note of textual evidence as
you go. It will be helpful later.

In this space create a mind map of the things you notice during your gallery walk. What stood out to you about the other posters?
Are there questions you have for that group? Are there elements that you agree with or possibly want to challenge? What did you
find most meaningful? Do you have additional ideas about these topics that the posters you saw did not cover? What textual
evidence did these other groups use to support/explain their topic?

Reflection: in this space take a minute to reflect on our activities for the day. How did you feel being a censor? Was the decision that
Juan made just? Were his consequences just? How was the ending of the story ironic? Do you see this occurring in real life, the
world around you, and/or your day-to-day activities? Is censorship a crime? Can speech, text, literature deserve censorship?

When you have gone through and reflected a little in the space above attempt to form one cohesive statement that you believe about
censorship. Complete the sentence: Censorship is

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