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Sophia Best

AP English Literature
Mr. White
Period 5
Reflection of My Research

For my senior project, I explored the American New Wave style of filmmaking by researching

the history of the movement, the original techniques implemented, and how the movement was influential

to the artistry of filmmaking.

By learning about the history of the American New Wave movement, I can successfully teach the

film students here at Santa Susana High School. I can teach the common theme of individualism in the

movies, and I can give effective examples from Bonnie and Clyde, The Graduate, and Easy Rider.

Additionally, I can give a brief lesson on the 1960s and 1970s and how the turbulent time in American

history influenced filmmaking in the new wave. I will give examples of several prominent directors of

that time, including Martin Scorsese, Stanley Kubrick, Arthur Penn, and Mike Nicols.

By researching the original editing techniques of the American New wave films, I can now use

that inspiration to use my own creative editing in my short film. Because my short film will be influenced

by the American new in cinema, it will include questioning of old ideals and jump cuts and cross-cutting.

Jagged and disoriented cutting will be used in my film because New Hollywood editors used this same

technique to both accelerate time and create a dream-like effect.

By knowing how American New Wave cinema inspired films to have themes of individualism

and liberty, I will watch the films for a more contemporary approach to the older new wave films. I will

watch Thelma and Louise and Natural Born Killers to see how these films took inspiration from the

movement and how they made something original as well.

Through my research, I am now prepared to do my senior project successfully and completely.

My research was helpful in providing information on the history, the techniques, and the influence of the

American New Wave of cinema.

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