Re Motivation

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"Remotivation Therapy"

A therapy of very simple group therapy of an objective nature used in an effort
toreach the unwounded areas of the patients personality & get them moving
backinto the reality.Remotivation enhances intrinsic motivation by meeting the
person's criticalpsychological needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness as
described in self-actualization theory of human motivation. The purpose of this
therapy is generally give to over worked or over exhaustedpatients to recover the
lethargy, muscular pain and mental stress.
Individual Remotivation
The use of remotivation begins in all cases in a one to one
relationship.Remotivation sessions can be conducted individually with one person
in their home,in their room at a residential facility or at any comfortable location
agreeable toboth parties. Individual remotivation is practiced one to one when the
personcannot or will not meet with a group. One example is with those who
arehomebound and receive home health care.
Group Remotivation
Remotivation is conducted in groups of typically 6-8 persons and up to 15
persons. The size of the group is determined by the remotivation leader who
invitesmembers to the group. The size of the group is limited to match the functionalability of
the members. People who have servere emotional or neurologicalproblems
function best in smaller groups of 4-8 members. The training of theremotivator
prepares him or her to adjust the size of the group to best meet theneeds of the
members. Both individual and group remotivation session aredesigned with
process and content that meets the needs of the persons invited tothe group
B. Objectives
1. Stimulate patient to be fellow explorer of the real world2. Develop the ability to
communicate and share ideas and experience with other3. Develop feeling of
acceptance and recognition
C. Values of the patient
1. Stimulate patient to think about something and talk about himself 2. Gives him
reason to value himself and increase his self-respect3. Takes him out of the
darkness of the world life4. Makes him part of the group5.

Take the patient out of the vegetable class

D. Steps in Remotivation TherapyThe first step
is referred to as the
Climate of Acceptance
which is a very importantstep in the therapeutic context of the session. The clients
are set up in a circle of 8-10people. In the circle the Remotivational therapist goes
around to each individual to greet theclient. While the Remotivational therapist is
doing this, he greets the clients by name. Thenthe Remotivational therapist
compliments the individual on his/her personal appearance, jewelry or clothing. It is
okay to touch the client in an appropriate way, such as a hand shakeor laying a
hand on his shoulder. In so doing, the facilitator is informing the client that I
paidattention to you. It also informs the individual that you are important and the
Remotivationaltherapist accepts the person for who they are; including the illness.
The second step
is called
Bridge to the Real World
. In this step the Remotivationaltherapist leads the session in a question and
answer on the topic. The topic is normallybroad then leads to a specific point.
Normally there are three to four questions in Step II withfour possible answers which
the Remotivational therapist writes in advance. This way theanswer leads to the next
question. If a client chooses not to reply that is acceptable. Alsothe client may not
know the answer to the question. If this is the case than thank theindividual and
proceed to the next individual asking the same question. The last question instep II
leads into the poem which is objective in nature. The poem is provided by
theNational Remotivation Therapy Organization Inc. When one is certified as a
CertifiedRemotivation therapist , then programs and poems can be written up by
the individual. Thepoem is read the clients or the clients can read it aloud to the
group. Do not forget to usevisual and audio aids to augment the program. The
lower the mental cognition the morevisual and audio clues are better. Once this is
accomplished the Remotivational therapistleads the session into Step III
Third Step
is called
Sharing the World in Which We Live.
In this part of the step theRemotivation therapist expands on the topic by asking 8-
10 questions about the topic. Thequestions are not emotionally based but objective
in nature. Each person in the group isasked the same question. The questions are
asked in newspaper format such as:
WhatWhenWhereWhyHowDuring Step III if the group goes on a tangent or a
conversation about the topic that is good.When the group goes off on an tangent it
is sharing their experiences. For example, if thetopic is camping. One of the
questions that could be in Step III is Where does a family gocamping? Each one
in the group replies, a park, the beach or the backyard. Another clientcould reply
that my family camped backyard one time per month. Then others could add tothe
conversation. Eventually the Remotivational therapist brings the group back to
thediscussion. However, the Remotivational therapist need not finish step III
because thetangent took care of it. The Remotivational therapist moves on to step
Fourth step
is referred to as
Appreciation of the Work World
. In this step thequestions are related to the Work World and again the questions
are objective in nature. Thequestion begin with the newspaper format such
as:WhatWhenWhereWhyHowWhen moving from Step III to step IV the
Remotivational therapist asks a transitionalquestion. For example, to use the
transitional question from the previous example aboutcamping. The transitional
question could be how many people have gone camping? The restof the questions
center around the work of camping. Such as where does one get
campingsupplies? What national parks or state parks allow camping? What type of
equipment is usedfor camping? Again the facilitator prepares 8-10 questions to ask
the group. The samequestion is asked from everyone. Remember that as the
facilitator, whatever response youreceive is okay. If there is no response it is okay.
The last step
in the Remotivation therapy session is called
Climate of Appreciation
This step is a reverse of step I. In this step the Remotivational therapist thanks
each personindividually for attending the group. Remember, even if the individual
does not say a word,choosing to remain silent throughout the session that is
perfectly acceptable. This individualis giving you the ultimate gift, the gift of his
presence in your session that youreacknowledging. Inform the group of when the
next session occurs and invite the clients toattend. There is no need to tell them
the topic. Also the facilitator can sum up the topic of the session that was held for
the day.

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