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Computer-Based Instruction (CBI)

as a Way of Reducing Mathematics Anxiety


Mharfe Macatiog Micaroz

An Action Research


in partial fulfillment


the course

Math 18

College of Teacher Education

Um Tagum College

Jan. 17, 2013

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction....................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background of the Study................................................................... 1

1.2 Locale of the Study............................................................................ 3

1.3 Research Questions.......................................................................... 4

1.4 Significance of the Study................................................................... 5

1.5 Limitations of the Study..................................................................... 5

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature............................................................ 6

2.1 Overview of Mathematics Anxiety..................................................... 6

2.1.1 Symptoms and Causes....................................................... 7

2.1.2 Suggested Strategies in Reducing Mathematics Anxiety.... 8

2.2 Technology....................................................................................... 9

2.3 Conclusion........................................................................................ 11

Chapter 3: Methodology.................................................................................... 12

3.1 Research Method............................................................................. 12

3.2 Population and Sample.................................................................... 13

3.3 Research Instrument........................................................................ 14

3.4 Administrative Procedure................................................................. 15

3.5 Time Table........................................................................................ 18

References........................................................................................................ 19
Chapter I


1.1 Background of the Study

Mathematics plays a vital role in peoples daily lives. The citizen of the modern world

could not afford to be ignorant of Mathematics because the world is highly mathematical

(Betz as cited by Salazar, 2001). Hence, effective Mathematics instruction has become

the absolute necessity in all levels of education.

Despite explaining the importance of Mathematics, the students of today still have that

negative attitudes toward the subject (Salazar, 2001). Most students think Mathematics

is a boring subject, and it is difficult to memorize and understand formulas (Scarpello,

2007). Some students who cannot appreciate the importance of Mathematics even say

that learning the four fundamental operations is enough, the use of graphs and formulas

have no relevance to their daily living, so there is no need for further knowing the

subject (Suinn, 1998).

In an international scene, particularly in America, a study was conducted by Gallup

(2005) for determining the most difficult subject for American teenagers, surprisingly,

Mathematics topped the list. About 29% named Mathematics generally, 6% specifically

mentioned Algebra, and 2% named Geometry. Furthermore, according to the National

Research Council, 75% of Americans stop studying Mathematics before they have

completed the educational requirements for their career or job. With the basis from the

statistics above, it is so unexpected fact that most Americans specifically teenagers find

Mathematics difficult, considering that America belongs to the first class countries, a

highly mathematical society because of its advanced technology.

In the Philippines, a High School Readiness Test was administered to all Grade 6

graduates in public elementary schools in May, 2004 showed very low scores in

Mathematics test. In the National Secondary Achievement Test (NSAT) given in year

2010, students got correct answers to less than 50% of the questions in Mathematics.

Based on the Trends International Mathematics and Science Survey (TIMSS), the

Philippines was evaluated for the 8th Gradient in 1999. It was reported that out of the 34

participating nations, the Philippines was third from the bottom of the participating

countries. The Philippines got 345 points as compared to Singapore having 604 points

for Mathematics. The two lower countries were Morocco (337) and South Africa (275).

Thus, we can infer that many Filipino students are having difficulties in subject


In Tagum City, particularly at Tagum City National High school (TCNHS) a percentage

of 19.63% of the students who took National Achievement Test (NAT) 2004 in

Mathematics passed. Six years later, a percentage of 21.43% of the students who took

NAT (2010) in the same subject passed. From the statistics above, there is only about

2% increased for six years interval. The results were very surprising, noting that TCNHS

is a research-oriented public school.

The low performance in Mathematics at all levels is closely related to or a product of

Mathematics anxiety. Attitudes toward mathematics include student ideas relevant to

their interests, their perceptions of the usefulness of mathematics, or their intrinsic

interests in the logic or challenge of mathematics (Richardson, 1980). Because of its

wide influence, math anxiety is limiting and negatively influences students future career

choices, particularly in science, technology, engineering, and math majors (STEM)

(Scarpello, 2007).

Many researchers, like, Tobias (1978), Williams (1988), Hembree (1990), Cemen

(1987), Godbey (1997), Richardson and Suinn (1972), and Tapia and Moldavan

(2007) contributed to either the definition or measurement instruments for

mathematics anxiety. Several classroom strategies such as incorporating games and

using relaxed settings to reduce mathematics anxiety have been suggested

(Hatch, 1998). However, little has been done in the area of long-term coping

strategies. Teachers are encouraged to use several strategies, but students are at a

loss for what to do when faced with mathematics anxiety independently. The focus of

this study is to determine if the implementation of computer-based instruction in the

classroom is a long term strategy that can effectively reduce mathematics anxiety to the


1.2 Locale of the Study

The setting of the study is at Tagum City National High School (TCNHS). It is situated

at Mangga District, Visayan Village, Tagum City. It is the biggest of the five main public

high schools in Tagum City, under the jurisdiction of the DepEd Division of Tagum City.

Founded on February 14, 1967, the institution started from a Barrio Charter to host

secondary education for students to a highly-respected educational institution catering

students from Tagum City and the province of Davao del Norte. As of 2010, there are

about 5026 enrolled students and 125 teaching faculties. The school uses two curricula,

the RBEC (Revised Basic Education Curriculum for regular students) and the SSC

(Special Science Curriculum for the advanced students), both using the zero-based

grading system for each quarter. On June 2010, the school shifted academic focus to

the newly-implemented 2010 Secondary Education Curriculum (2010 SEC), though the

said program was implemented on SY 2011-2012.

1.3 Research Questions

The main purpose of this research proposal is to determine the effectiveness of

computer-based instruction in reducing mathematics anxiety of the students in Tagum

City National High School. Along with the intervention planned, this research proposal

will also examine the possible causes of mathematics anxiety. However, for its

actualization, the following questions were proposed.

1. What are the possible instruments in measuring the levels of mathematics


2. What is the level of mathematics anxiety of the students?

3. Is there a significant difference between the levels of mathematics anxiety

when the students are grouped by gender or by year level or by curriculum?

4. What are the possible causes of mathematics anxiety?

5. How effective is the computer-based instruction in reducing math anxiety?

6. Is there a significant difference between the mean scores of the post-test of

the control group taught according to the traditional method and the

experimental group taught according to the computer-based math program?

1.4 Significance of the Study

This action research proposal is highly significant because no study particularly in the

effectiveness of computer technology in alleviating the mathematics anxiety of the

students of Tagum City National High School in both curriculums has ever been

conducted since the school became a research-oriented public school. This will also

support teachers, parents, and students by increasing their knowledge of math anxiety

and integrating computer technology in teaching that can both avoid and alleviate it.

Thus, in general, this action research proposal will contribute to the maximum

development of our society and in our present educational status.

1.5 Limitations of the Study

This study is limited only on how computer technology can help in reducing

mathematics anxiety into the students. It is also worthy to become aware the possibility

that the students unfamiliarity with technology can also generate computer anxiety.

However it is not covered in this paper, and worthy to study in a later date. Finally, this

action research proposal will not be taken too general as the study only focused in one

setting the Tagum City National High School.

Chapter II


The literature review covers the overview of math anxiety as well as the impact of

technology in teaching mathematics and recent research on computer-based

instruction. This relates to the purpose of the research proposal which will support

teachers, parents, and students by increasing their knowledge of math anxiety and

integrating computer technology in teaching that can both avoid and alleviate it.

2. 1 Overview of Mathematics Anxiety

Tobias (1978) defines mathematics anxiety as feelings of tension and anxiety that

interfere with the manipulation of numbers and the solving of mathematical problems in

a wide variety of ordinary life and academic situations. It occurs at different ages in

different people for different reasons. It can also generate pressure to drive people to

think or react in an unreasonable way or cause avoidance of math classes until the last


Clawson (2006) provides evidence that those students who fall behind because of math

anxiety could experience extreme difficulty in trying to catch up to their expected level of

performance. He also observes that middle school and early high school students are

extremely vulnerable to math anxiety: He further infers that most students have negative

experiences with math between the seventh and tenth grades; some of these students

have developed dislike for the subject in elementary school. If students of this age can

be made more aware of math anxiety and how to work with it, they might be able to

bypass those negative experiences. He also stresses students with math anxiety are

likely to become the adults that fear and loathe math if there is no intervention.

2.1.1 Symptoms and Causes

Math anxiety is quite varied, in both its symptoms and some of its hypothesized causes.

Often the symptoms when encountering math are physiological, such as sweaty palms,

nausea, heart palpitations, a hot tingling feeling, stomach aches or stomach cramps,

and/or tightening muscles (Perry, 2004). Sometimes the symptoms are more

psychological, such as paralysis of thought, extreme nervousness, an inability to hear

the teacher, a tendency to become upset by noises, an inability to concentrate or loss of

concentration, attention to or even preoccupation with intrusive thoughts and worry,

negative self-talk, and/or a general sense of uneasiness (Ashcraft & Kirk, 2001).

Several researchers point out that mathematics anxiety is related to poor performance

(Furner & Duffy, 2002). Wittman et al. (2000) concluded that mathematics anxiety is

caused by a failure to learn or an inadequate preparation in the mastery of fundamental

skills. Dodd (2001) stated that mathematics anxiety is due to poor instructional methods

which affect cognition. For example using a traditional way of teaching mathematics

which focuses only in lecture and remembering of algorithms. Thus, cognitive failures

among the learners due to lack of foundation and/or poor instruction can lead to math


Williams (2000), on the other hand, describes negative rooted beliefs as beginning in

the teachers and the teaching of mathematics. Richardson (2000) supported this idea

when he claimed that an unfortunate experience with a math teacher can cause math

anxiety. Later, Swetman (2001) points out that there is a slight correlation between the

3rd and 6th graders and their teachers in mathematics anxiety levels. In a recent study

by Scarpello (2007), it was revealed that parental attitudes towards mathematics also

have important influences over students' math anxiety. Hence, the negative emotions

held by teachers in mathematics classrooms and by parents at home can be transferred

to students and thus also generate mathematics anxiety.

2.1.2 Suggested Strategies in Reducing Math anxiety

Math anxiety is a serious obstacle for many children across all grade levels. Math-

anxious students learn lesser math than their low-anxious peers because they take

fewer math classes and get poorer grades in the math classes they do take. Math

anxiety has been studied for many years but has recently received renewed attention.

Researchers believe that implementation of strategies to prevent or reduce math

anxiety will improve math achievement for many students (Geist, 2010). Geist (2010)

indicates that relating math to real life such as counting change and going grocery

shopping can help in reducing math anxiety to the students. Furthermore, Sun &

Pyzdrowski (2009) suggest that teachers must incorporate games and activities into

math lessons so that students can experience math in a hands-on fashion. Using also

manipulative to represent abstract ideas allows young learners to more easily

understand the concepts they represent. In addition, students enjoy the change from

lectures and books to hands-on learning (Plaisance, 2009). Recent research also

shows that technology such as computers and internet is a helpful tool in reducing math

anxiety (Hellum, 2010).

2.2. Technology

Worldwide, technology has already been integrated to a great extent and in a variety of

mathematics courses at different levels. Many instructors from both technologically

developed and underdeveloped countries have realized that technology serves as a

vehicle for changing the nature of the course from one where students passively receive

information to one where students actively participate in their education (Sun, Y., &

Pyzdrowski, 2009). Through technology, students become active learners on their own

pace, having control over their learning individuality or as a member of a group. Due to

the fact that the material is presented in a more interesting and challenging way,

learners are motivated (Kasli, 2002), and the students' curiosity and fantasy are

triggered. As a result, the learners feel more confident when they use interactive

software, since they have the opportunity to evaluate themselves.

In parallel with the technological advances; technological devices, particularly

computers began to be used in educational environments to develop audiovisual

materials such as animation and simulation, which resulted in the development of the

computer-based instruction techniques. CBI is the use of computers in the teaching

and learning activities (Brophy, 1999). CBI is more effective on less successful children.

The reason for this is that the computer-based instruction enables the children to

progress at their own pace and provides them with appropriate alternative ways of

learning by individualizing the learning process (Senemoglu, 2003).

Brophy (1999) evaluates the types of CBI available to teachers. CBI programs typically

fit into five categories: drill and practice, tutorials, instructional games, simulations, and

utility programs. CBI provides drawings, graphics, animation, music and plenty materials

for the students to proceed at their own pace and in line with their individual differences.

Liao (2007) concludes that CBI had a positive effect on individuals by comparing 52

research studies carried out in Taiwan in his meta-analysis study. In addition, CBI also

enabled the students to increase their motivation and achievements and to develop

positive attitudes (Sentini, 2004). According to research studies in literature, the use of

computer-based education increases students attitudes and achievements significantly

(Brooks, 2005). There are a lot of researches in CBI. Some of these studies reveal that

CBI serves to establish more effective learning situations than traditional teaching

methods which involve teacher presentation, question and answer techniques, and

discussions (Gance, 2002).

2.3. Conclusion

This literature review focuses on reducing mathematics anxiety through computer-

based instruction. As previously discussed, it is known that mathematics anxiety is

generated by different causes. If the anxiety is caused by the failure of cognition, it

means that anxiety can be reduced by improving the students' ability of cognition. If it is

the teachers' and parents' anxiety that makes the students anxious, it is necessary to

reduce the teachers' and parents' anxiety to prevent further negative influence.

Using technology as a tool to enhance students' learning ability can overcome the

anxiety caused by the cognitive failure. In a technology-based classroom, we should be

aware also that a student's unfamiliarity with technology can generate computer anxiety.

The idea that unfamiliarity with technology can compound mathematics anxiety is not

covered in this paper. However, it is noteworthy that this possibility does exist and the

topic is worthy of study at a later date.

Computers, on the other hand, are the most productive technological resources that

human achieved and using it in teaching mathematics means a lot of differences

compared to traditional one (chalk-talk instruction). Computers help the students

become more active rather than being passive learners. In addition, it develops

confidence and independence to the students. On the side of the teacher, implementing

computer-based instruction in teaching mathematics makes the classroom more

interactive and cooperative. Thus, it can help to reduce mathematics anxiety and

increase motivation and self-efficacy among the students.

Chapter III


3.1. Research Method

A quantitative approach will be followed. Quantitative research is a formal, objective,

systematic process to describe and test relationships and examine cause and effect

interactions among variables (Grove, 1993). The researcher chooses quantitative

approach because it quantifies the data so that it can be treated statistically.

Furthermore, Delan (2009) states that quantitative research is a better method than

qualitative research because it is more simplified and numerical results can be easier to


A descriptive survey design will be also used in this study. A survey is used to collect

original data for describing a population too large to observe directly (Mouton, 1996). A

survey obtains information from a sample of people by means of self-report, that is, the

people respond to a series of questions posed by the investigator (Hungler, 1993). In

this study the information will be collected through self-administered questionnaires and

will be distributed personally to the subjects by the researcher. A descriptive survey has

been selected because it provides an accurate portrayal or account of the

characteristics, for example behavior, opinions, abilities, beliefs, and knowledge of a

particular individual, situation or group. This design has been chosen to meet the

objectives of the study, namely to design an instrument in measuring the level of anxiety

of the students.

On the other hand, the researcher will administer a set of test questionnaires for the

students before and after the implementation of the intervention program on the

evaluation of its effectiveness. The questionnaires will be utilized by two groups: the

control group (without intervention) and the experimental group (with intervention). The

results will be collected and treated using appropriate statistical tools.

3.2. Population and sample

The respondents of this study will be taken from Tagum City National High School

(TCNHS). Currently, TCNHS has 5026 enrolled students and 125 teaching faculties.

The sample of this study will only consist of 368 students. The number of sample is

determined by using Slovins formula with 95% confidence. Slovins formula is used to

get an appropriate number of samples taken from the population especially when the

population is too large to study (Stephens, 1994).

The researcher will make use of stratified sampling to select 368 students. Stratified

sampling is constructed by classifying the population in sub-populations or strata, base

on some well-known characteristics of the population (Retrieved from The researcher chooses stratified sampling because it can

provide greater precision than a simple random sample of the same size (Ashley, 2002).

The researcher will get 184 students from Revised Basic Education Curriculum (RBEC)

and another 184 students from Special Science Curriculum (SSC). Out from 184

students in each curriculum, 46 students will be selected randomly from every year

level. The researcher will divide the selected students per year level by two

representing for the experimental and control group respectively, so that for each group

there will be 23 students evenly distributed comprising both male and female students.

Each group will be administered by identified mathematics teacher for the duration of

the intervention program. The selected mathematics teachers will be chosen by the

principal of the school.

3.3. Research Instrument

The research instrument will be used for this study in determining the level of

mathematics anxiety of the students is a questionnaire consisting of four sections. In

section A, the participants will be required to complete their personal profiles that

include their name, age and other necessary data. In section B and C, a 5-point Likert

scale will be used to assess the participants degree of agreement with teaching

activities that cause mathematics anxiety and learning activities that reduce

mathematics anxiety. In section D, the items will be adapted from the

Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale (MARS). Richardson and Suinn introduced the

MARS and has been a major scale used for research and clinical studies since 1972

(Winston, 2003). Elevated scores on the MARS test translate to high mathematics

anxiety (Richardson, 1972). The 15 items in this section will be composed of items on

mathematics related tasks and students will be required to rate their levels of fear and

awareness with the tasks. The participants will be rated their levels of anxiety

accordingly using the dimensions of not at all, a little, a fair amount, much, or

very much. Students will be expected to complete the questionnaires in 30 minutes.

On the other hand, the pre-test and post-test that will be administered to the students at

the beginning and the end of the intervention program are the same type of researcher-

made questionnaire. It is a one-hour 60-item multiple-choice type of test that comprises

basic and practical mathematics. The test will include the following topics: business

mathematics, number operations (integers and fractions), algebra operations, and plane

and solid geometry.

3.4. Administrative Procedure

Firstly, the researcher will obtain approval from the faculty to administer the

questionnaires to the identified students. Then with the permission of the

lecturer, the researcher will enter the class and administer the questionnaires to the

students. The researcher will explain the purposes of the study and ensure the

confidentiality of the responses. Then the researcher will conduct a briefing to the

students on how to answer the questionnaires and assist them if they have

problems in understanding the questions. Discussions between students will be

discouraged. Students will be expected to complete the questionnaires in 30 minutes.

In the intervention part, the researcher will seek an approval first from the principal to

conduct a 3-day seminar for the selected teachers and will ask permission to conduct

an experimental instruction to the identified students for two grading periods. The

seminar will tackle the issues concerning Information and Technology (IT) Advancement

on Education and Computer-Based Instruction. The researcher will invite IT experts

and some experienced educators to train the chosen teachers. The researcher will also

help facilitate the seminar by explaining to the teachers the importance and the

purposes of the study. The researcher will send a letter to the Local Government Units

(LGU) and Local Government Officials (LGO) to ask for assistance in providing the

necessary equipments and materials (lcd projectors, laptops).

After the seminar, the pre-test questionnaires will be administered by the teacher to the

students. The students will answer the questionnaire in one hour and strict test rules

will be followed by them. The answers to the test will be encoded ready for data

processing; the Microsoft Excel will be used. The scores will be gathered and recorded

for data analysis.

The selected students will be divided into two: experimental group (with intervention)

and control group (without intervention). The experimental group will experience CBI

and full utilization of computers in every math discussion but prior to that the teacher will

discuss first the basic computer operations to the students for 3 days. The teachers for

this group will be required to incorporate educational computer games, PowerPoint

presentations and drills to teaching mathematics. On the other group, the student will

experience a traditional classroom setting. The teachers for this group will be allowed

to use any teaching methods and strategies but with the absence of IT support. The

whole duration for this setting is 2 grading period or roughly equivalent to five months.

After five months, the teacher will administer to the students of both groups a post-test;

the same test given in the pre-test. The result of this test will be gathered and

compared to the pre-test and will be correlated to the result of the survey-questionnaire

took by the students. All the data collected will be treated statistically and will be

reported to the faculty the result of the study as soon as data analysis will be

accomplished. After that, the classes will be resuming back to its original and normal


3.5. Time Table

Year/Activity Jan- Feb March-April May-June July-Aug Sept-Oct Nov-Dec









Lit review



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