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CLASSROOM LANGUAGE [What does... mean? L— does [What does... mean? L— mean? [ore do you say ... in [ore | Udon't understand don't understand ‘Speak more slowly . Please. Can you help me, please? Which book? f Can you speak louder , Please? ‘Can you repeat please? ('ve finished. (can't hear the CD t ve done this. Who, me? Can you step aside? t J What page are we on? How do you spell this word? Can you explain that again? 2 Teacher, | have a uestion. I can't see the board Can you play the CD again, S\ Please? 5 When is the homework for? CLASSROOM LANGUAGE Can [ go to the board? Can | go to the toilet? Can { switch on the lights? Can [ switch off the lights? — TN] Can I close the = | window? Can | open the window? Can { come in? i Can [ answer the question? Can [go Can [ pull up the blinds? out? Can [ pull down the blinds? Can | sharpen my Pencil? Can we pack our things now? Can (do that exercise on the (can't see the board, can you step aside? Can you Can you play the CD help me, again, please? please? CLASSROOM LANGUAGE Can you explain It once more, please ‘May | join the class/group? ‘May | go to the toilet, please? | don't understand. Could you repeat that, please? Sorry, for being late. ‘May | go out please? What does mean in our language? Could you help me please? What do we have to do now? What page are we an? May | open/close the window? 11m ready. May | start it? How do you SBY veeceee IN What is the English? homework? How is this word Pronounced? Iwas absent on the last lesson. Do we have How do you spell towne this that word? pitied I don't have Bees Cant borrow one!

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