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Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.

George Bernard Shaw

Mekelle University
College of Business and Economics
Department of Marketing Management

1. Identifying Information

Program: Undergraduate Degree

Course Title: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

Course Code: Mktm 3111

Credit Hours: 3hrs/week -5 ECTS

Course offered to: Marketing (year III, Semester II)

Academic year: 2017

2. Course Rational
Entrepreneurship is increasingly recognized as an important driver of economic growth,
productivity, innovation and employment, and it is widely accepted as a key aspect of
economic dynamism. Transforming ideas into economic opportunities is the decisive issue of
entrepreneurship. History shows that economic progress has been significantly advanced by
pragmatic people who are entrepreneurial and innovative, able to exploit opportunities and
willing to take risks. So, entrepreneurship will equip students with the concepts of business
skill and being their own boss and create jobs for others.
3. Course Description
The course is designed to equip students with the basic knowledge and skill of starting and
operating business for they will be the future managers of firms, more specifically, the course
aims to help the student; understand more about, the specific management issues involved in
setting up and running a small enterprise. Topics included are; definition of entrepreneur,
characteristics of entrepreneur task of the entrepreneur, factors for success, types of small
businesses, role of small business in the national economy.

4. Course Objectives

Be the change that you wish to see in the world. There is no substitute for hard work.
Mahatma Gandhi 1 Thomas Edison
Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
George Bernard Shaw

At the end of the course students will be able to

Distinguish the concepts of entrepreneur and entrepreneurship;

Indentify business and social entrepreneurship;
Know the role entrepreneurship for the economic development;
Understand the success and failure factors of small business;
Acquaint with the knowledge of product development;
Understand how to develop business plan;
Know how to manage small business.
5. Course Content and Schedules of Activities
Week Content Activities References
I. An Overview of Entrepreneur and Instructor
Entrepreneurship -Lecture and
1.1.Concepts and types of Entrepreneurs Brainstorming
1.2. Characteristics and Motivating Factors of -Asking Questions
1.3. Nature and Concept of Business and Social Students F. Drucker
Entrepreneurship -Take Notes and arouse Hailay G.
1.4. Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic discussion
Development -Reading Assignment
1.5. Women and Entrepreneurship -Gathering information
1st & 2nd 1.6. Entrepreneurship policy and Experience in about entrepreneurs and
Ethiopia entrepreneurship around
-Group Discussion

II. Business Enterprise Instructor

2.1.Concept and Classification of Business -Lecture and
2.2. Appealing Factors of Starting Business Brainstorming F. Drucker
2.3. Legal form of Business Ownership -Asking Questions Hailay G.
2.4. Success and Failure Factors of Business Students
3rd 5th Group Discussion on
2.5. Concepts and Types of Business Model Small Business success
and failure factors
III. Concepts of Product Development Instructor
3.1.Concepts of Products (Good Vs Service) -Lecture and F. Drucker
3.2. Product development Process Brainstorming Hailay G.
3.3. Protection rights of Products -Asking Questions
3.4. Technology Vs Small Business Students
6th 8th -Group Discussion on
Service Quality
Quiz 1(10%)

Be the change that you wish to see in the world. There is no substitute for hard work.
Mahatma Gandhi 1 Thomas Edison
Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
George Bernard Shaw

IV. Business Planning Instructor

4.1.Generating Business Idea -Lecture and
4.2. Feasibility Study Brainstorming
4.1.1. Analysing Internal and External Factors -Asking Questions
4.1.2. Marketing Analysis -Presenting Sample F. Drucker
4.1.3. Financial Analysis Business Plan Hailay G.
4.1.4. Risk Analysis Students
9th 12th 4.2. Developing Business Plan - -Individual Assignment
4.3. Start new Business or and Expand, Diversify on Generating Business
Existing Business Idea and Group
4.4. Developing Strategies for Business Assignment on
Enterprise Developing Business Plan
5. Managing Business Enterprise Instructor
5.1. Forming Management Team -Lecture and
5.2. Book keeping Brainstorming
5.3. Taxation -Asking Questions
5.4. Evaluating Business Performance Students F. Drucker
-Develop your Business Hailay G.
Plan in Group (15%)
Presentation of Business
Plan (10%)
Quiz 2 (10%)

6. Teaching Methodology
The course will be conducted through lectures, group discussions, individual and group
assignment, filed report, business plan development and presentation. Beside this class
participation and answering of questions raised in the class are highly encouraged. Students
are expected to read the assigned chapters prior to the lecture so that sufficient time is spent
in class discussions.

7. Assessment Methods
To be eligible for final grade in this course, students submit individual and group
assignments, written business plan and oral presentation which account 45% of the total mark
and attend quiz. The final exam will be based on the objectives of the five chapters, and will
consist of short answer, multiple choices, true / false and essay type questions. The final
grade for the course is based on achievement in quiz, assignments, business plan
development, oral presentation and final exam.

Business Plan15%
Business Plan Presentation..10%

Be the change that you wish to see in the world. There is no substitute for hard work.
Mahatma Gandhi 1 Thomas Edison
Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
George Bernard Shaw

Final Exam....50%


1. Donald F. Kutatko and Richard M. Hodgetts. Entrepreneurship: A contemporary

Approach. 4th ed.
2. F. Drucker. Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles Special
3. Hailay G. (2007). Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. 2nd ed.
Mekelle, Ethiopia.
4. Hodgetts, Richard M. Kurakto, Donald F. (1998). Entrepreneurship: A
contemporary approach. 4th ed. Dryden Press.
5. Holt David H. (2000). Entrepreneurship- New Venture Creation. Eastern
Economy Edition.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world. There is no substitute for hard work.
Mahatma Gandhi 1 Thomas Edison

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