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NIM : 150010316

Prodi : Sistem Komputer

VA 151


1. Tagihan sudah dibayar jadi Anda tidak perlu membayar lagi.

2. Ada banyak hotel dan villa di Bali, sehingga pemerintah harus memperbesar jalan di Bali.
3. Bus pariwisata dari hotel membuat macet lintas Bali.
4. Ada banyak tujuan wisata di Bali yang dapat Anda kunjungi. Anda dapat mengunjungi
museum Bali dan Badung Pasar di Denpasar.
5. Orang-orang di Bali merayakan Galungan dan Kuningan setiap enam bulan. Ini adalah
hari libur terbesar bagi umat Hindu di Bali.
6. Setiap Galungan, pura harus dibersihkan, karena merupakan hari penting.
7. Pemerintah mengatakan bahwa mereka menaikkan harga bensin karena mereka
memerlukan uang untuk membangun jalan baru.
8. Ada banyak kecelakaan di Bali, jalan-jalan di Bali tidak aman. Ini sangat berbahaya.
9. Dia sangat beruntung, dia mendapat pekerjaan yang sangat baik. Dia mendapatkan gaji
yang banyak di perusahaan itu.
10. Setiap hari, kamar tidur saya dirapikan oleh pembantu saya. Bunga-bunga di taman juga
disiram olehnya.

Jalan Pantai Kuta

Jalan Pantai Kuta always filled with tourists. This street is located in front of Kuta Beach. White
sandy beaches and high wave. There are many luxury hotels here. These hotels are air-
conditioned with very spacious rooms. The swimming pool is also spacious. Many local tourists
was naked when swimming in the hotel. There is also a shopping center here, the name Beach
Walk. This mall is big. There are many shops selling branded stuff. But unfortunately, the
branded stuffs is always expensive. We can eat at Burger King located in this mall. The food here
is so cheap compared to restaurants around the Beach Walk. But unfortunately, the food here is
not healthy. If you want to watch the latest movies, you can go to the theater on the second floor
of this mall. Movie theater here have red seat and quite comfortable. But unfortunately, the price
of the ticket is very expensive. Thick wallet people like to go to this mall. Poor people who do
not buy might just get to see the luxury goods here. They will not able to buy luxury goods here.
At the weekend, many young people are coming. They like to take pictures here and spend their
weekends here. Young thick wallet will spend a lot of money here. But unfortunately, for those
who dont have money they can only see luxury items here.

If you want to spend the weekend outside the central city, you can visit the city of Singaraja. This
city is located in the northern island of Bali. This city is quieter than Denpasar. For you who are
thick wallet you can stay at the expensive hotels in Lovina Beach, but for the thin wallet, you can
stay in a cheap hotel which is far from the beach. Spent the weekend in Singaraja very fun. There
are many things you can do. You can travel in Lovina. The black sandy beach and small wave.
Many tourists from Europe like to go to Lovina. They are blond, white skinned, blue-eyed and
tall and big. They are very big compared with the local people. They also have a lot of money,
luxurious car, and luxurious clothes. They usually stay in a luxury villa in front of beach with
modern bedroom. They are spacious and air-conditioned. European tourists usually can not speak
Indonesian. Lovina is a calm beach, compared to Kuta or Sanur beach is always crowded on the
weekends. Beside Lovina, you can also visit Aling Aling waterfall. This waterfall is very
beautiful and calm. The road to the waterfall is rocky and narrow, not wide. Swimming in the
waterfall is very pleasant. You can go with your family or your friends. You will really enjoy
your weekend here.

Pasar Badung
Badung market is very famous in Bali. This market is always crowded every day. The streets
around the market is always traffic jammed. This market is always full of sellers. Usually sellers
in this market are Balinese. They are black-haired, brown eyed and brown skinned. They are
small compared to Europeans. For you who are thin wallet, you can go shopping here because
you don't need to spend a lot of money to buy stuff in this market. The price of stuffs here are
cheap, compared to the luxurious shops in Kuta. Unfortunately, this market stinky and very dirty.
There are few tourists who sightseeing in this market in the afternoon. Usually tourists will get a
high price because sellers in these market think that they are thick wallet. If you want to shop
here you have to bargain. If you not bargain, you will get a higher price. You will get low price,
if you bargain. But unfortunately, you have to bargain in Indonesian because sellers here do not
speak English fluently. There are so many stuffs to sell here, from electronics to food, everything
is there. There is a big and wide river. It's called Badung River. Unfortunately, the river is dirty
and stinks, there are a lot of garbage. People like to throw garbage in the river, so now the river is
stinky and dirty.
1. Why do we have to bargain on the items we want to buy at Pasar Badung?
2. Who likes to come to the Beach Walk on the weekend?
3. What is the name of the city in the north side of the island of Bali? Why this very nice
city to visit on the weekends?
4. What is the name of the waterfall in this city? How does the road to the waterfall?
5. Does swimming in the waterfall is fun? With who can we go there?
6. What is the name of a famous beach in the northern island of Bali?
7. How is this beach?
8. How is the Badung Market and Badung River?
9. What can we do in Beach Walk?
10. Where did you go last weekend? Is your weekend fun? With whom you go? What are you
doing there?

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