Huntington 'S Disease

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We all know about AIDS, Malaria, Diabetes and

Heart attacks, but we bet you didnt know about

these nerve racking diseases!

Huntington s disease:
Huntingtons disease causes your brain to
unravel and your body to move on its own. You
can have hallucinations, paranoia, anxiety,
speech impairment and involuntary limb

Cornu Cutaneum-
Cornu Cutaneum are mysterious horns that you
sporadically grow. Like, devil horns. You dont
know what causes it but you will have to get your
horns removed with a sterile razor.

Pica is a disease that gives you a craving for
things that arent culturally considered
food. People with pica have uncontrollable
cravings to eat dirt, plaster, paint chips, plastic or
rocks. You know how hard it is to resist a pizza
craving, imagine your body telling you to pour
dirt on it and being unable to resist.

Exploding Head Syndrome-

Imagine drifting off for a night of great sleep and
suddenly hearing an extremely loud sound like a
gunshot or explosion. Exploding head syndrome
causes you to hear crazy loud noises or see
flashes of light that arent there. It can develop at
any time in life, possibly in response to stress. It
usually happens when you are about to fall

Treemans Syndrome-
This is what appears to be a tree bark growing
out of someones skin. Theyre a covering of
brown, scaly warts that only gets worst when
exposed to sunlight.

Stone mans syndrome-

It is a syndrome in which muscle tissues, tendons
and ligaments gradually turn into bones. It starts
with the neck and shoulders and makes its way
down the body and into the limbs. Surgery makes
the condition worse because trauma makes the
body create more bones.

Hope you this took you by surprise!

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