Progress Report 4-6

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Running head: PROGRESS REPORT XI 1

EMWiT Progress Report XI

Paulina Hall, Lauren Warner, Shannon Woolfolk

April 6th, 2017

Dr. Psaker

The Governors School at Innovation Park


Continue working on the website. Continue working on electric motor and commutator parts.



Over the last two weeks, progress has continued on the electric motor. The brushes are

currently made with copper pieces, and there have been issues with both securing the copper

pieces and making sure they make contact and stay in contact with the electric motors

commutator. A layer of electric tape was wrapped around the copper pieces where they come

into contact with the aluminum shell in addition to the electric tape that was put on the surface of

the shell. This was done to ensure that the copper pieces were not going to be passing an electric

current through the aluminum metal frame. The copper pieces were secured against the surface

of the frame using epoxy glue, leaving an edge so alligator clips could be attached for

preliminary testing. After testing for continuity multiple times with the multimeter, it was

determined that the copper pieces (brushes) were not making secure enough contact with the

commutator. It was proposed that the brushes need to be secured in place and epoxy putty will be

used to keep them in one singular place once they are working properly. Additionally, the

commutator could be wider so the brushes are in firm contact with the commutator pieces. The

armature was also re-taped some to keep the iron filings inside the armature. The website has

been updated and the wind turbine is still functioning well. There are new videos on the website

from the testing of the electric motor under the media-videos tab (http://emwit-

Next Two Weeks:

For the next two weeks, work will continue on the electric motor and it will hopefully be

made to work properly. Epoxy putty will be obtained and used to secure the brushes. Additional

copper pieces will be soldered onto the current commutator to provide both a more uniform

surface for the brushes to make contact as well as a wider base for the brushes. If the brushes

work, the motor will be tested for continuity to ensure an electric current will be able to pass

through the brushes to the commutator and wire. A battery will also be attached to the brushes if

the continuity test proves effective. At this point, small adjustments are being made to the

electric motor to get it working.

Img 1. This is the current commutator which does not have a smooth an easy surface for the

brushes to make contact with the copper pieces. New copper pieces will be soldered onto the

current pieces in order to both ensure an electric current can pass through as well as provide both

a wider base and more uniform base for the brushes to make contact.

Data and Results

No new data/results since Progress Report IX. See Science Fair tab and Progress Report

IX for the most recent Data and Results.



No References at this time.

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