Batch Drying With Vacuum Contact Dryers

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Cover Story

Part 1

Batch Drying With

Vacuum Contact Dryers
Drying is a demanding unit operation where solvents need to be removed without altering
product chemistry. Vacuum dryers are essential pieces of equipment for accomplishing this task

Eberhard rying solids is a de- Filling
Tritschler manding task that
Mixing/recondensing of solvents
Ekato Systems GmbH requires both knowl-
edge of process tech- Evaporation of Evaporation of
Heating free solvent bound solvent Cooling
nology and a sound mechani-
cal design of the equipment
IN BRIEF used. This article provides an FIGURE 1. Batch drying processes typically consist of the components and
VACUUM DRYING overview of batch-drying prin- steps shown here
ciples and possible options for vertical vac- material without changing its original chemi-
uum-contact dryers. cal composition. In essence, there must be
Most solids in the chemical process indus- no changes to the molecular structure dur-
EQUIPMENT OVERVIEW tries (CPI) are recovered by precipitation or ing the drying process and no derivatives
VACUUM DRYER DESIGN crystallization. The suspended solids are me- formed due to the drying process.
chanically separated by filtering or centrifug- A vacuum contact dryer is built to evapo-
ing in the first instance. In most solid-liquid- rate solvents from a solid by the use of the
SOLVENT-RECOVERY separation processes, thermal evaporation following physical and mechanical param-
SYSTEM does not compare favorably with mechanical eters: temperature; low pressure; and me-
separation by filtration or centrifugation with chanical fluidization by agitation.
respect to energy efficiency. However, when In most cases, vacuum contact dryers are
DRYING PROCESS STEPS it comes to the final moisture content, ther- restricted by the requirement that they not
CONCLUDING REMARKS mal evaporation is often the follow-up step to influence the chemistry of the product. How-
mechanical dewatering methods in order to ever, special processes are possible, where
achieve the desired dryness. the application of high temperature will initi-
The residual moisture content of the solids ate or control a chemical reaction.
after filtration or centrifugation is influenced The degree of residual moisture in the fin-
by the properties of the solids crystal struc- ished product is strictly related to the use
ture. A typical filtration cake can show resid- of the product and its specifications. Ex-
ual moisture content of between 5 and 45%. amples include the following: less than 5%
To dry a wet cake to lower values, thermal moisture for waste material for disposal;
evaporation is an effective way to achieve a less than 3% in foodstuffs for storage con-
true dry solids powder. siderations; less than 1% in herbal extracts;
For some products, continuous drying pro- and less than 0.1% in active pharmaceutical
cesses, such as belt and conveyor drying or ingredients (APIs).
spray drying, are suitable methods to achieve A vacuum contact dryer can achieve these
a dry powder in a single pass. While continu- values for the separation of solids from sol-
ous systems are not a subject of this article, vents and there are cases where the solids,
more information can be found in Part 2 of the solvents or both, are valuable products.
this Feature Report, Optimizing Analysis for
Spray Drying Processes (p. 43). Batch drying process
Almost all batch drying processes consist
Vacuum drying of the process steps mentioned in Figure 1.
During any drying process, all additives and Whether the steps are performed in a non-
solvents have to be removed from the solid agitated tray or in an agitated vessel, the con-
cepts discussed here for evaporation and Dust filter
re-condensing and collecting the solvents are
the same.
Each process step in batch drying has in-
dividual issues that require special attention:
Filling. During filling, factors such as the use
of gravity or force (pumping), as well as the
need for a contamination-free transfer into
the dryer will have to be addressed.

Heating source
Mixing. In order to create an even tem- Solvent recovery system
perature and solvent-concentration dis-
tribution in the bulk material, as well as to
support the outflow, mixing is mandatory in
the dryer. However, the influence of shear
forces created by the mixing action on the
solids needs to be addressed. Vacuum dryer
CIP system
Re-condensing. Whether the purpose of
the drying is to retain the dry power and
discard the solvent, or vice-versa, is deter- Evaporation of bound solvent. Some sol- FIGURE 2. Vacuum drying
mined by the user. Re-condensing and col- vents tend to stick to the solid particles by systems require several
pieces of key equipment
lection of the solvents is a demanding task physical bridging, or to hide in the pores of
in the process. the particle structure, while others dont. In
Evaporation of free solvent. The solvent order to predict required process times, de-
selection dictates the evaporation condi- tailed knowledge of the separation behavior
tions (enthalpy) and the maximum tempera- is critical.
ture limits of the solids dictates the thermal Cooling. For safe discharge, it might be
limitations for the drying system. required to cool the solids to very low tem-



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TABLE 1. EXAMPLES FOR IDENTIFYING PROCESS LIMITATIONS a closed loop is the appropriate method
for transporting the energy from the heat
Product Process Solvent Vacuum Max. temperature
level source to the dryer vessel. For thermal flu-
ids, water, water-glycol mixes or thermal oils
Polymers Post treatment Water Med. (50 High (300C)
mbar abs) are common.
For its high specific-heat capacity, water
Pigments/flame Vacuum drying Water, organics Med. (50 Average (80100C)
retardants mbar abs) is the first choice as a thermal fluid when the
temperature needs to stay below 150C. At
API Post drying Water, organics Low (8 Low (40C)
mbar abs) process temperatures above 150C, ther-
mal oil becomes more feasible, since oil
shows only a marginal pressure rise at el-
peratures prior to discharge. Since the heat evated temperatures.
removal from a dry power is subject to even Whether the closed loop is driven by one
lower heat-transfer coefficients, the cooling heat exchanger for heating and one heat ex-
step might be time consuming. changer for cooling, or the system is fed by a
Discharge. While fluids or suspensions drain centralized plant heating and cooling system
well from a vessel, draining a dry powder can is to be decided based on the site condi-
be a challenge. Residues after draining are tions. Proper sizing is important.
lost in most instances and reduce the cost Prior to any equipment selection, the physi-
efficiency of the dryer. cal limitations for the process need to be de-
In addition to the aforementioned basic re- fined by the process owner. Each and every
quirements, supplemental codes and stan- process has special demands, including (but
dards, such local laws, pressure vessel regu- not limited to) the three examples in Table 1.
lations, good manufacturing practice (GMP)
rules, pharmaceutical standards, U.S. Oc- Vacuum dryer design
cupational Safety and Health Administration The majority of commercially available vac-
(OSHA) requirements and explosion protec- uum contact dryers are built according to the
tion measures have to be considered. same principle: a jacketed vessel either
horizontal or vertical with a wall-wiping
Equipment overview agitator. Vertically oriented dryers can take
The following section is intended to identify advantage of gravity to influence product
the key components of a vacuum drying sys- flow (Figure 3). Vertical vacuum-contact dry-
tem (Figure 2). ers include the following:
Heat source. With respect to the heating An upright cylindrical vessel with a filling-
source for the dryer, available site utilities, to-height diameter ratio designed for bulk
as well as product specifications have to be mixing
considered. While a supplier of aluminum pig- A cone bottom to support the outflow of
ments might ban water as a heating fluid for solids
fire hazard reasons, an API producer might A jacketed to suit the selected heating
avoid thermal oil to avoid contamination risks. system
Both are secondary aspects, not directly re- A top-entry agitator, designed for solids
lated to the physical operation of heating. applications (re-starting in settled solids)
The base specification for a dryer heating Valves and safety applications to operate
system should consider the following: a pressure vessel
Provide a sufficient amount of heat Solids impellers circulate the entire con-
(Joules) in an energy efficient way tents of the vessel from the gravity filling until
Provide measures to keep a constant the gravity discharge. The impellers can be
temperature in the system hydrofoil type, designed to create maximum
The correct heating power and capacity flow with the lowest possible power input.
calculation has to consider the following: Energy balance is important. Mixing power
Initial heating of all wetted components by the impeller equals the power into the pro-
(equipment) within a reasonable amount cess. In a temperature-sensitive process, ex-
of time cessive mixing power input might disturb the
Provide sufficient energy to heat the prod- fragile temperature balance in the product.
uct load to the operating temperature The key feature of all agitators in a vacuum
Provide sufficient energy to evaporate the contact dryer is an agitator system that op-
solvent load at the given conditions erates with minimum wall clearances and
Compensate for energy losses wipes the full wetted surface of the vessel.
Maintain temperature Wall clearances from 5 to 15 mm are com-
In most cases, circulating a clear fluid in mon and feasible, and require both a pre-
cisely fabricated vessel and a deflec- ing systems that are properly designed
tion-free balanced impeller. to protect the solvent-recovery system
Since the process is typically operated from the dust.
under vacuum, the vessel must be fabri- Two types of commercially available
cated according to the American Society filter elements are discussed here, but
of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler others experience might include many
and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC), and more systems.
must also follow local laws and regula- The dust-loaded area of the dryer is
tions, as applicable. separated from the solvent recovery line
by a gas-tight filter plate. This filter plate
Dust filter carries the filter elements. One possibil-
By heating a wet solid in the closed ity is a fabric bag filter mounted on a
vessel, evaporation will start. The sol- wire cage, while the other is a sintered
vents will be condensed in an external metal or wire mesh (10 m) cartridge
solvent-recovery system. This migration made of metal wire or metal fibers
of solvents will create a strong gas flow The selection of one of these filter
that may cause dust formation as the systems is based on owner preference
solids dry. and on the overall operating conditions
Commercially available solvent-re- (including temperature). While the fabric
covery systems are built for heavy duty bag filters are disposable and low in re-
services, but not for high amounts of placement cost, the metal cartridge is re- FIGURE 3. Vertical solids dryers can
dust. In order to prevent the plugging useable with a high lifetime expectation. take advantage of gravitational forces for
of lines or simply to keep the solids In both cases, proper sizing of the filter solids flow
where they belong, in the dryer vessel is critical. An undersized filter will lead to
a dust filter is installed on top of the an excess pressure drop in the solvent-
dryer vessel. recovery line, with effects on the total
Modern dryers feature heated filter evaporation regime.
domes with automatic blowback clean-

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Circle 20 on p. 78 or go to Circle 07 on p. 78 or go to


TABLE 2. TYPICAL EVAPORATION TEMPERATURES FOR WATER insulating the vessel is recommended when
Water Pressure, mbar abs Boiling temperature, C
the system is installed at higher ambient
1,013 100
With respect to the cooling methods,
100 45 again the circulation of a clear fluid is one of
10 5 the first choices. Based on commonly used
solvents and the vacuum level achieved,
TABLE 3. TYPICAL EVAPORATION TEMPERATURES FOR ETHANOL anything from water (at 8C) to brine (at
15C) might be required. One item needs
Ethanol Pressure, mbar abs Boiling temperature, C
to be considered: water at 25C should not
1,013 82
be considered cold.
100 32 Collecting the solvents is the most precise
10 5 method for back-calculating the residual
moisture in the dry product. This can be
TABLE 4. TYPICAL DRYING BEHAVIORS done simply by measuring the solvent vol-
ume. A small amount of solvents, however,
System Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
might escape even a properly designed con-
Pigment drying Evaporate surface Transition Evaporate crystal denser. To catch the saturated solvents, a
moisture moisture bound in the
capillary second condenser in the exhaust line of the
vacuum pump might be required.
Comment High solvent load, low Dust emission starts Long duration, low
dust emission solvent load, dust
formation Process controls
All of the components mentioned in this ar-
Solvent-recovery system ticle require safe and precise operation. The
As the vacuum contact dryer evaporates large number of signals to be processed and
the solvents, the solvent-recovery system valves to be handled does not allow manual
needs to re-condense the solvent, usually operation of such a system, except situa-
at the same rate. There are many ways to tions involving small-scale tests in a labora-
achieve this objective. This article covers one tory environment. Automatic process control
method that has shown some advantages systems that focus on a proper temperature
when it comes to collecting the solvent for and vacuum regime are mandatory for in-
further use (Figure 4). dustrial vacuum drying.
A robust vacuum pump (liquid-ring pump
or dry-running pump) creates the initial low Drying process steps
pressure that will activate the process. Design As noted earlier in the article, an effective
criteria for the pump includes the following: drying process requires knowledge of the full
Evacuate the total system volume in a picture of the process, including filling, mix-
reasonable time ing, re-condensing, evaporation of free sol-
Maintain the vacuum level under changing vent, evaporation of bound solvent, cooling
process conditions and discharge of products
Compensate for air leakage across the full Filling. There are many ways of transferring a
system solvent-loaded wet cake into a dryer vessel.
Compensate for inert gas volumes intro- This could be the subject of an article on its
duced during the process own, covering all aspects such as contami-
In essence, the vacuum pump has to nation, operator exposure levels, explosion
keep the system running while also covering risks and dosing the correct amount. Some
FIGURE 4. The solvent-recov-
ery system recondenses the
for losses. dryers provide a wide opening at the top of
solvents as the dryer evapo- The key component of the solvent-recov- the dryer vessel where valves, dosing or con-
rates them ery system is the heat exchanger or con- veying systems, including (but not limited to)
denser that is installed on the low-vacuum material-containment apparatus, can be in-
side of the pump. Properly designed and stalled. Gravity will support the filling process.
activated with the proper cooling fluid, sol- Mixing. During the filling process, the mixer
vents evaporated in the hot dryer vessel will may or may not run. However, it has to be
migrate to the cold surface of the heat ex- designed for re-starting in settled solids at
changer and will be re-condensed. any time during the process. Stalling dur-
Condensation on the vacuum side of the ing a drying process should be avoided. In
pump will result in a huge draft the con- some rare cases, however, stopping the agi-
denser acts as a vacuum pump. The liq- tator is even required to overcome a certain
uefied solvents are collected in a collection process condition. In essence, an off-the-
vessel for further use or transfer. Cooling or shelf agitator will not do the job. Dryer agi-
tators have to be designed for the purpose. 1000
The degree of mixing might or might not af-
fect the drying time. It is the task of the scale-
up engineer to predict the influence of the

Pressure, mbar abs

mixing on the drying behavior. Engineers must 100
gain this information in a small-scale test.
Re-condensing. Evaporation starts when Water
the solvent vapor pressure exceeds the
pressure in the vessel or the product tem- 10
perature exceeds the boiling temperature of
the solvent.
Since the heat transfer into a mixed solids
bed is difficult (because of low overall heat- 1
0 20 40 60 80 100
transfer coefficients of about 50 W/mK), Boiling temperature, oC
additional measures are required to increase
the system efficiency. Often the dry product reaching the goal of 5% solvent by weight. FIGURE 5. Solvent evapora-
shows temperature sensitivity, limiting the al- Based on the results of this chart, the fol- tion behaviors can be plotted
in graphs like the one shown
lowable heating fluid temperature. lowing parameters affecting the hardware here
In order to compensate for both, the are calculated:
limitations in heat transfer and heating tem- Required power consumption of the heat-
perature, working under vacuum is advised. ing system (amount of evaporation heat in
By lowering the pressure in the vessel, the relation to the time required)
boiling temperature of solvents drops. Typi- Required dust filter sizing, with respect to
cal evaporation temperatures for water and the solvent load over the evaporation time
ethanol are shown in Tables 2 and 3. Required vacuum condenser sizing,
Water has a vapor pressure of 1,013 mbar with respect to the solvent load over the
abs (~760 torr) at 100C, so its vapor pres- evaporation time
sure would exceed atmospheric pressure Each and every drying chart looks different
at temperatures higher than 100C and the for the great number of drying applications.
water starts boiling (Figure 5). However, they all give an indication about
If a desired solid product is water-loaded, typical drying behaviors and are divided into
but melts above 40C, it is advisable to en- three sections (Table 4).
sure that the heating-system temperature Discharge. When the process temperature
does not exceed 40C. The vapor pressure is equal to the heating temperature, this is
of water at 39C is 70 mbar abs. To avoid an indication that energy is no longer being
melting during the drying process, the pres- spent for evaporation, and the drying pro-
sure inside the vessel has to be set to less cess can stop. However, safety consider-
than 70 mbar abs. ations might not allow the discharge of a
Drying curve. Once the theoretical param- hot solid. In many cases, cooling prior to
eters have been set, a small-scale test is discharge to lower temperatures is manda-
recommended to gain sufficient information tory. Some dryer systems have the ability
about the exact drying behavior of the prod- to change the heating system to a cooling
uct. The following are characteristics for typi- mode. While the heat transfer for heating FIGURE 6. Drying curves
show the progression of sol-
cal small-scale testing of drying behavior: already has very low values, the values for vent content in the solid mate-
3-L scale: Yes/No-type testing with lim- cooling a dry powder are even lower. Cool- rial over the drying time
ited data collection for scaleup Moisture
25-L scale: best for free-flowing products; 45,00
results allow safe scaleup to plant size Line:
50100-L test: best for difficult-flowing loss of solvent based on
receiving vessel level
products; results allow safe scaleup to 35,00
Process moisture, wt. %

production scale 30,00 Dots:

loss of solvent by sample
During a drying test, in the first instance, 25,00 taking and analyzing moisture
proof that the agitator is suitable to move the
product is mandatory. All process-related
parameters must be collected in order to 15,00
generate the drying chart, a plot that shows 10,00
y = 42,725e-0.019x
the progression of the solvent content over 5,00 R2 = 0,9846
the drying time (Figure 6). y = -0,0132x + 6,9559
0,00 R2 = 0,9398
For this example process, the solvent 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
evaporates at an almost constant pace until Time, min.


ing the dry solids will consume additional the values deviate from one another
production time. In addition, the stain- A factor to account for the influence of
less-steel mass of the dryer equipment agitation speed on the evaporation
also needs to be cooled. In cases where If all data are available, safe scaleup by
time is of the essence, it might be benefi- a factor of 200 is readily achievable.
cial to separate the functions and transfer
the hot solids by closed pipe into a des- Concluding remarks
ignated cooling vessel directly below the The information included here describes
dryer. This procedure saves the energy the basic concept of a vacuum contact-
required to cool the equipment mass. drying system. This type of system can
Maximum yield after discharge is im- be applied to many chemical applica-
portant for the cost balance of the drying tions by designing the components ac-
system. In a single-product manufactur- cordingly. The following are some of the
ing process, leaving residues in the drying typical situations:
vessel for the next batch may be permit- Selection of wetted parts with respect
ted. However, in a typical pharmaceutical to corrosion (most commercially avail-
or fine chemicals process, cross-contam- able metals)
ination of products is banned. Designing the components for GMP
With a cleverly designed vessel and a standards (food and pharmaceutical
flexible agitator, the equipment can be industries)
made to suit the flow characteristics of the Designing the components for critical
product. A vertical vessel will, by nature, solvents, such as organic solvents
drain better than a horizontal drying vessel. Designing the components for severe
A cone bottom supports outflow far better site conditions (outdoor and weather
than a flat or dished bottom. The agitator protected)
must be in a position to rotate at elevated Designing the components for high
speeds, including the changing the direc- demands on cleanability (cleanroom
tion of rotation for discharge. Also, surface environment)
polishing and surface linings can help to Designing liquid cleaning systems
reduce friction as the solid product flows. (clean-in-place; CIP) for the dryer vessel
Scaleup. Scaling up a drying process Designing the components for out-of-
requires both small-scale testing capa- specification applications (high tem-
bilities and scaleup experience. Once peratures and pressures)
successfully dried at a 25-, 50- or 100-L Aside from plant experience and knowl-
scale, scaleup rules can be used to pre- edge of the process, cooperation with a ca-
dict the following: pable dryer company opens a wide range
Drying time of possibilities beyond vacuum contact dry-
Solvent load, energy demand ing. Applications include solvent extraction
Residues after discharge from herbs and spices; all-in-one reaction
Particle size changes due to shear on systems for paints and pigments; food pas-
the product teurization and drying; and all-in-one chem-
Wear of the agitator parts due to ex- ical reactor/dryers. n
posure to the product Edited by Scott Jenkins
As a basic rule, a safe scaleup requires
that the geometry of the small-scale test Author
dryer is geometrically similar to the pro- Eberhard Tritschler is product manager
duction-size dryer. for sales at Ekato Systems GmbH (Kp-
pelemattweg 2, 79650 Schopfheim, Ger-
Scaleup works best when the trials many; Phone: +49 7622-6907-808;
have been carried out under identical Email:;
physical parameters (such as pressure Website: Tritschler has
served in sales and application engineer-
and temperature) as the full-scale pro- ing at Ekato Systems since 2005, and
cess. If this is not possible, correction prior to that, worked in sales and appli-
cation engineering at several other Ekato
factors have to be applied to the scaleup divisions. Tritschler holds a bachelor's degree in mechanical
formula. The scaleup rules consider the engineering from the Technical School of Engineering in Lr-
following items: rach Germany, and has also earned a degree in business ad-
ministration from the HWK School in Schopfheim, Germany.
The ratio of volume-to-heated-surface- Aside from his day-to-day business duties in the sales organi-
area of the small-scale dryer to the zation of Ekato Systems, Tritschler also speaks at customer
full-scale dryer seminars, tradeshows and business schools. He has special
expertise in the mechanical aspects of vacuum contact drying,
A temperature correction factor in as well as extractions and all-in-one reactions in batch-type
moving from small scale to full scale, if mixing vessels.


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