The Advantage of This Type of Cross Media Convergent Marketing Is

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Cross-media convergence: marketing or promoting a product across multiple platforms

Synergy: Companies coming together to promote a product. This synergy will be mutually beneficial

Marketing: Trying to sell you a product.

Audiences: Consumers of the film

Yes cmc and synergy are really important for marketing films and in this modern digital age there are many
new ways to promote the films to audiences.

Synergy: Hunger Games & Subway

Man of Steel: billboards, buses, tv adverts, youtube adverts,

Social networking: This is the End paid money to have a hashtag

Cross platform products: computer games, Adele & Skyfall

Big recent film from a big company and how they promoted it in different ways (Spiderman?)


Yes, its totes important. Quick definition of cmc and synergy. V important in digitial age.

Para 1:

These days films are marketed across a wide range of media platforms in order to ensure they can reach the
target audience in a number of ways. A film that has an extensive cross media marketing campaign is. Which
was made by..For example it used traditional advertising such as tv adverts etc and had an extensive online
advertising campaign which included..The advantage of this type of cross media convergent marketing is
This is beneficial for the institution because..and is beneficial for the audience because

Para 2:

The marketing of this film also utilised synergy with Evian. For example there was a tv advert where..This
works because.It is beneficial for both these companies because.and is good for audiences because.

Para 3:

Films can also be promoted using different related products on different platforms. For
games, soundtracks/singles released on itunes etc. What this offers consumers. This helps institutions.

Para 4:

Use of social networking to promote film. Example of a film that does this and what social networking
platforms they use. Explain how they use these platforms. How this is beneficial for institutions and audiences.

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