August 2012 Newsletter

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Mr. Neder Dhillon


Mr. M. DeLuca (A-F) Mr. C. Tse (A-F)

Ms. L. Breen (G-M) Mr. A. Moan (G-M)
Mr. I McGennis (N-Z) Ms. S. Sall (N-Z)

September Calendar 2012

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


2 3 4 5 6 7 8
School Opens Day 1 (1,2,3,4) Day 1 (1,2,3,4) Day 1 (1,2,3,4)
Gr. 8
No School Gr. 9-12 First day of
Labour Day 10:30-11:30 Regular classes
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Day 2 (2,1,4,3)
Day 1 (1,2,3,4) Day 2 (2,1,4,3) Day 3 (3,4,1,2) Day 4 (4,3,2,1)
Gr. 11 Assembly Pd.2
Gr. 9 Assembly Pd.2 Gr. 12 Assembly Pd. 3
PAC Mtg - 7pm Photo Day Gr. 10 Assembly Pd.3 Welcome Back

16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Day 1 (1,2,3,4) Day 2 (2,1,4,3) Day 3 (3,4,1,2) Day 4 (4,3,2,1) Day 3 (3,4,1,2)

23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Day 2 (2,1,4,3) Day 3 (3,4,1,2) Day 4 (4,3,2,1) Day 4 (4,3,2,1)

Pro-D day
30 No Classes Terry Fox Run

Mission Statement
We are a caring, inclusive, community dedicated to learning and success.

Princess Margaret Secondary School

12870 - 72 Avenue, Surrey, B. C. V3W 2M9 Twitter: @PMLions
Phone: 604-594-5458 Fax: 604-594-4689

A Message from the Principal
Welcome to the new school year!

I hope this first newsletter of the year finds everyone ready to begin another awesome year in
our school community. Please note that this is the only newsletter that is mailed home. Fu-
ture newsletters can be accessed on our school web site at
Please read it carefully to keep yourself aware of all that is happening at PM.

This newsletter includes significant information for a successful school start-up. Please re-

opening day information on page 5

procedures for timetable changes on page 8
the daily bell schedule for 2012-2013 on page 6
the year calendar of events on page 26
media release forms on page 27 (Please sign and return)
school fees information on page 7
information about PAC meetings on page 4

We have also included, in this mail-out, a 2012-2013 year-at-a-glance schedule that gives out
important dates in our year such as Non-Instructional Days, Report Card Distribution, Parent/
Teacher Meetings, and Parent Advisory Council Meetings. Please save this handy magnet so
you can refer to it throughout the school year. This information can also be found on our
school website and in the student agendas that will be distributed in homeroom during the
first week of school. I would encourage parents to read through the student agenda and keep
up to date through our school website. I also encourage families to follow us on Twitter
(@pmlions). The answers to many of your questions can be found through these sources. Of
course, as always, we encourage parents to call or come in and visit with us. This can help
answer any questions and will help you to see first-hand all of the wonderful learning activi-
ties in our school community.

When students return to school on September 4th there will be some significant changes
among staff. In June, two very dedicated individuals, Ms. Karch and Ms. Mitchell retired af-
ter many years of service to the school and the School District. In addition, we said farewell
to Ms. Andrews, Ms. Bell, Ms. Cerney, Ms. Kaila, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Lo, Mr. Moscoso, Mr. Ste-
phenson, and Mr. Van Hulsentop. We also said goodbye to our YES Program Coordinator,
Jatinder Jonsson. We wish all of these fine educators well, and we hope to see them again.

Enjoy the last few days of summer. Let us work together to make 2012-2013 a school year
full of learning and success!
Neder Dhillon

The school is a safe environment for staff and students. In order to maintain this environment, certain action will
be dealt with severely by the school, the school board and the law.
Serious offenses include:

1. Violence and harassment.

2. Possession of weapons, replicas or any instrument that is used to inflict injury.
3. Offensive language.
4. Vandalism or stealing.
5. Willful disobedience of adults in authority.
6. Any verbal, written or physical expression which ridicules, degrades or expresses hatred based on race, ethnic
group, skin colour, language, dress or religion.
7. Possession/use of drugs or alcohol.

All of the above apply to students at all times while on the school premises, going to and from school, at school
functions, field trips and while travelling on school buses. The Student Code of Conduct can be found in greater
detail in the Student Agenda and will be reviewed with students the first week of school.


Students who fail to meet the expectations for student behaviour will face consequences that will include one or
more of the following:
1. Contact with parent/guardian
2. In school suspension or other in-school disciplinary actions
3. Under 5 day suspension
4. Over 5 day suspension

Canuel Caterers
Canuel Caterers have been contracted by
the Surrey School district to provide food
service to the students and staff of Prin-
cess Margaret Secondary. Service will
start Wednesday September 5th, 2012.

Student parking is available for students in the student lot. Use of the student parking lot is a privilege, not a
right. Students who abuse this privilege by demonstrating dangerous, unsafe driving habits will have their
parking privileges suspended. The R.C.M.P. may be informed as well.
Students are to park in the designated student parking lot only, or off the school grounds. The north-west
parking lot is designated for students. Students must purchase parking tags in the main office. All cars should
be registered with the office.
Cars parked at an angle across 2 spaces may also be towed. Students are not to park in the staff/visitor park-
ing lot. Students are not to loiter in the student parking lot during class time.


Report cards will be distributed on the following dates:

October 22 Semester 1 report card distribution

October 23 Early dismissal and parent-teacher meetings
December 6 Interim report card
February 7 Semester 1 report card
April 3 Semester 2 report card distribution
April 3 Early dismissal and parent-teacher meetings
May 9 Interim 2 Report Card
June 27 Final Report Cards


The following dates have been assigned for Professional Development Days for Princess Margaret Staff:

School will not be in session on these dates:

September 24,2012 February 8, 2013 May 3, 2013

October 08, 2012 February 11, 2013 May 20, 2013
October 19, 2012 March 29, 2013 May 27, 2013 IMMUNIZATION DATES:
November 9, 2012 April 1, 2013 June 28, 2013
November 12, 2012 February 5, 2013


December 24, 2012January 4, 2013

March 18, 2013March 28, 2013


The Parent Advisory Council Meetings will be held at 7:00 pm in the library on the following evenings:

September 11, 2012 November 6, 2012 January 8, 2013 March 5, 2013 May 7, 2013
October 2, 2012 December 4, 2012 February 5, 2013 April 2, 2013


School PhotosSeptember 12, 2012 November 10 -12, 2012

Retakes October 12, 2012 January 16, 2013

Tuesday, September 4, 2012
9:00 am Bring the map included with this newsletter to help you find your
Period 1 class

9:00-10:15 am Period 1 activities, assembly and timetable run through

10:15 (approx.) Dismissed for the day.

GRADES 9, 10, 11, 12 STUDENTS

10:30 am Report to your assigned Period 1 class (lists are posted on the
windows of the school)

10:30-11:30 am Period 1 activities, timetable distribution, etc.

11:30 am (approx.) Dismissed for the day.



The bell schedule for the first week of school will be modified to accommodate the collection of school fees, issuing of lockers
and monitoring of no shows. The block and bell schedule for the first week of school are as follows:

Wednesday September 5, 2012 Thursday September 6, 2012

Warning Bell 8:20 Warning Bell 8:20
Period 1 8:259:45 Period 1 8:259:45
Period Change Time 9:459:50 Period Change Time 9:459:50
Period 2 9:5011:10 Period 2 9:5011:10
Lunch Break 11:1011:55 Lunch Break 11:1011:55
Period 3 11:551:15 Period 3 11:551:15
Period Change Time 1:151:20 Period Change Time 1:151:20
Period 4 1:202:35 Period 4 1:202:35

Friday September 7, 2012

Warning Bell 8:20
Period 1 8:259:45
Period Change Time 9:459:50
Period 2 9:5011:10
Lunch Break 11:1011:55
Period 3 11:551:15
Period Change Time 1:151:20
Period 4 1:202:35

Number of
Monday - Friday Start Time End Time
Warning Bell 8:20 am

Period 1 8:25 am 80 9:45 am

Period Change Time 9:45 am 5 9:50 am

Period 2 9:50 am 80 11:10 am

Lunch Intermission 11:10 am 45 11:55 am

Warning Bell 11:50

Period 3 11:55 am 80 1:15 pm

Period Change Time 1:15 pm 5 1:20 pm

Period 4 1:20 pm 80 2:35 pm

BLOCK ORDER 2012/2013

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

1 2 3 4 Rotation Day

2 1 4 3

3 4 1 2

4 3 2 1

(paid to Block 1 Teachers or the School office please)

Student Activation Fee $20.00

Grad Fee $50
Yearbook (Optional) $50

** Note: Yearbook SPECIAL PRICE $45.00 until February 1, 2013 for earlybirds.**

Parents and students are advised of the following optional fees and workbook pricing for the
2012/13 school year. The school will provide the basic materials and resources necessary for stu-
dents to meet the learning outcomes for each course. Students will need to continue to provide their
own basic supplies and equipment for their own personal use such as paper, writing tools, calcula-
tors, notebooks, gym attire and musical instruments. Workbooks may be provided to students on
loan or they may be purchased outright. Some courses such as textiles and woodwork provide stu-
dents with the option of using different or better quality materials which they may bring from home or
purchase from the school at cost. Some courses offer optional certifications or external examina-
tions for which there are charges. If you wish to discuss the implications that these charges may
have on your son or daughter, please contact Princess Margaret Secondary.


(paid to course teachers please)

Optional General Fees and Certifications:

French 9 Workbook $6.00

French 10/11 Workbooks $10.00
Spanish 9/10/11 Workbooks $16.00
Mathematics 12 Workbook $25.00
Chemistry 11 - Hebden Workbook $20.00
Chemistry 12 - Hebden Workbook $25.00
Biology 12 - Prior Study Guide $15.00
Graphing Calculator (Refundable) $100.00
PE 11 - First Aid Certification $20.00
Food Safe $15.00

Athletic Fees:

Athletic Fee (Major) $50.00

Athletic Fee (Minor) $35.00
Athletic Jersey (Refundable Deposit) $100.00

Counselors will be available for timetable changes between 8:45 - 11:45 and 12:00- 2:30 on:
Monday, August 27th Grade 1112
Tuesday, August 28th Grade 1012
Thursday, August 30th Grade 812
Please come to the school during these times to book an appointment with a counselor.


*Incomplete timetable
*Changes due to summer school
*Course balancing ex: too many academic courses one semester

Other changes will be considered only during the first week of school. Eg. Electives

New registrants within the catchment area can come during these times to meet with a vice principal.
Appointments with counselors will be made once approved by administration.

ELL students arriving from the Welcome Centre will need to meet with the LST department before a
timetable will be created. Students will be called after the school has built a timetable.


Extra Curricular activities are a valuable part of the schools education program. The Surrey Board of School Trustees provides the
following guidelines to ensure that:
An approval process is in place for extra-curricular activities
There is consistency in the formation and operation of extra-curricular activities; and
Consideration is given to the safety and well-being of students involved in extra-curricular activities
Athletic activities and clubs that extend beyond normal school hours operate under the supervision of a staff member or an
approved adult supervisor
Sports and athletic activities are competitive, individual or team activities that are sponsored by the school and governed by the
Surrey Secondary Schools Athletic Association. Clubs are structured groups of students who come together on a regular basis for
a specifically defined and approved purpose.

Parents wanting further information about any of the extra-curricular activities offered at Princess Margaret are invited to contact
the administration at 604-594-5458. If parents wish to have their child(ren) excluded from any of the following activities, they
should send a written request to the school administration.

CLUBS 2012/2013

1. Announcement Club 10. Auto Club

2. Chess Club 11. Robotics Club
3. Dance Club 12. Video Club
4. Environmental Club 13. DJ Club
5. Fitness Club 14. Human Rights Club
6. Math Counts 15. Me to We Club
7. Odyssey of the Mind 16. NASA Space Station Design Club
8. Sciences Club 17. Book Club
9. Anime Club 18. Legends of Lion Club
You will receive a photo package in the
mail from Artona. In it you will find
Healthy Kids Dental Program: information on photo package options and
costs. Please bring cash or a cheque made
out to Artona for photo day.
Your children may be eligible for
Healthy Kids benefits if your family receives or
is eligible to receive MSP premium assistance. Whole school photos September 12, 2012
Retakes October 12, 2012
Healthy Kids benefits are for children 0 18, Grad Photos November 10-12, 2012
January 16, 2013
and pays up to $1400 every 2 years for:
6 month check ups and cleanings
all basic treatment such as fillings, and YEARBOOK SALES
For more information, call 1-866-866-0800, The 2012/2013 edition of the Princess Margaret yearbook is
press 4 then press 2 or visit their website $50.00.
or call your family dentist There will be a special early bird offer of $45.00 until
February 1, 2013. It is highly recommended that you
or call the Fraser Health dental staff at:
purchase the yearbook early or possibly risk the opportunity
of not receiving one. Books are limited and sell out fast!


highlighters pens (blue and red) dividers

pencils paper (lines, blank and graph) reinforcements
1 1/2 to 2 binders pocket dictionary clear metric ruler

Every student should have the above supplies and equipment as a basic requirement. Some
specialty subjects will require additional materials.

Sometimes extreme weather conditions or other unusual circumstances can cause a
school closure on short notice. In the event of a potential school closure during the
2012-2013 school year, please monitor the following radio stations or websites:

CKNW (980 AM or

News 1130 (1130 AM or
CBC Radio (690 AM or

Please do not call the radio stations as staff are very busy receiving updates and preparing
Surrey school closure information may also be broadcast on the Weather Channel and local
TV stations. Whenever possible, the Surrey School District will post such information on its
web site at

serious and/or life threatening health conditions
It is CRUCIAL that parents notify the school office throughout the year if your child may need
specific emergency care or treatment for a serious or life threatening condition. This information will be
kept in strict confidence and will be used only to assist in obtaining rapid emergency care in a medical situa-
tion. Should we need to call an ambulance, the attendants will require all medical information available to
ensure the child is given the best medical attention possible, as quickly as possible.
Medical forms may be obtained at the main office from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday
to Friday. The public Health Nurse can be reached at 604-592-2000.

EMERGENCY CONTACT PHONE NUMBERSPlease keep the office advised of

current phone numbers and where a parent can be reached if an emergency occurs at


Please inform the school as soon as possible if your child/children will

NOT be attending Princess Margaret Secondary in September 2012. Please
be sure we have your current address at all times.
Phone 604-594-5458.

If your child is going to be away from school, please be sure to call the office at (604) 594-5458
in the morning and let us know.

If you have a child who needs to leave school early, we would ap-
preciate your help in speeding up the process by sending a note to
school with them.

The note should contain the following information:

Date the child is to leave early

Student Name
Student Number
Time of Dismissal
Reason for Dismissal

The note is also to be signed by a parent.

Graduation Transitions is worth 4 credits and is required to graduate. Students start completing
the following three Graduation Transition requirements in Planning 10 and continue to work on
their own in the school or community during Grades 11 and 12.

PERSONAL HEALTH (150 minutes per week exercise):

complete 150 minutes (2.5 hours moderate to vigorous exercise) per week outside of PE
develop a personal health plan that describes nutritional habits, exercise routines, emo-
tional health management, and positive health choices

COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS (30 hours work/volunteer experience):

complete 30 hours of volunteer or paid work experience
describe the duties, the skills learned, and how the experience benefits the community

CAREER AND LIFE (transition plan):

develop a plan to help transition from high school into work or more training/education
demonstrate career research and financial planning

All forms for documentation and information for the Grad Transitions
Requirement are available on the PM website at
Submit documentation to PMSS Graduation Transitions Coordinators
Mr. Missana/ Mr.Wilkie or electronically via the email link on the school

Graduation Transitions 2012/2013

Grade 12 timelines:
February 2013:
TWO requirements minimum should be completed including 150 minutes per week Personal

March 2013:
ALL THREE requirements must be completed in order to receive RM (requirement met) on June
2013 transcript
May 2013
TWO requirements minimum should be completed including 150 minutes per week Personal

Students who do not complete the Graduation Transitions

requirements WILL NOT GRADUATE









Congratulations to all grade 12 scholarship and award winners!
Here are the 2011/2012 recipients:

GaryAhluwalia NidahKhan
SeyeAkinsanmi HarisKhattak
SunnyAli SandeepKullar
ZarlishAneela AkashKurrha
HusseinAssad KhushLamba
RomaAtwal MarielleMacaraeg
AmandeepBadyal AdamMagdurulan
ColinBarber GurtajMahil
BaneetBhangu ChanpreetMand
RohaanBhatti ParmvirMatharu
KathleenCastillo JessicaMunday
HarsheenChawla FatehjeetNagra
SolomonChernishov DilsahibNahal
JessicaCho ShivaniNambiar
ZaeemaChoudhri PayashviNathoo
NedeneDeGuzman AmarpretNijjar
JapneetDeol SharanjitNijjar
KirandeepDhesi DamanPabla
JaspreetDhillon JaspreetPadam
ManpreetDhillon SajjalPirzada
AmandeepDhothar MahiraQadri
AdrianEncarnacion KristelRamirez
HenryFlowers MargaretRoyena
ParamveerGhai SargunSaran
GursimranGill SindiSharma
HarleenGrewal AnoopShergill
RandeepGrewal JagdeepShoker
ThomHargreaves GurkanwarSidhu
ElaineHerrera ArpanaSingh
GurleenJagpal ManpreetTakhi
GunishaKalra VincentTang
Congratulations to all the graduates of
2012! We wish you all the best of luck with
your future endeavors!
Honour Roll
With Distinction4.0
June 2012

Grade 8 Grade 9 (contd) Grade 10 (contd) Grade 11 Grade 11 (contd) Grade 12 (contd)
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 2
Ali,Jameelah Bha ,Muhammad Hazhir,Khisrow Ahluwalia,Ravjot Sahota,Baldeep Nathoo,Payashvi
Bath,Ravneet Bhullar,Gurman Lalli,Navjot Ali,Mariyam Sha ain,Mehad Padam,Jaspreet
Grewal,Amandeep Bokhari,Zainab Lidder,Simaranjeet Aujla,Navneet Sidhu,Sukhnoor Pirzada,Sajjal
Jehangir,Ayesha Coscolluela,RodEric Magdurulan,Andrew Chen,Frances Singh,Ishmeet Ramirez,Kristel
Kandola,Harleen Dhaliwal,Inderjeet Mohammed,Asma Coscolluela,Rodorah Toor,Amrit Shergill,Anoop
Kandola,Imrin Dhingra,Shreya Nambiar,Sonam Dhadwal,Arendeep Ubhi,Ramandeep Singh,Arpana
Maingi,Vivak Grewal,Gurkim Pabla,Poonam Generoso,Maria Takhi,Manpreet
Manguino,Jodie Gupta,Nishat Randhawa,Manraj Grewal,Arshpreet Grade 12 Toor,Baldeep
Mariano,PaulDaniel Hakik,Shahina Shoker,Parwinder Kang,Harjot Semester 1
Ma u,Rajneet Jaura,Monik Sooch,Ravneet Kang,Navdeep
Padam,Manraj Kalsi,Pavneet Tang,Kevin Khaira ,Fouziah
Parmar,Sukhdeep Kamal,Samia Tariq,Amber Klair,Tejpal
Patel,Mohammed Lidder,Ramanpreet Tatla,Harmen Lalli,Prabhjot
Sandhu,Amrit Lo ay,Charndeep Mian,AliIlyas Cho,Jessica
Shaji,Asher Luddu,Jastej Semester 2 Panesar,Gurpriya Choudhri,Zaeema
Thiara,Dilpreet Malik,Fayazullah Bains,Jasleen Patel,Fahima Dhesi,Kirandeep
Semester 2: Mann,Pushpinder Bansal,Harleen Raza,Syed Dhothar,Amandeep
Na ,Parveen Bhandol,Harleen Ruprai,Manpreet Erediano,NormanAris
Grewal,Amandeep Patel,Sumaiyyah Brar,Pavnvir Sandhu,Manjot Grewal,Harleen
Ma u,Rajneet Salim,Abdulhafiez Cas llo,AnnMargareth Sanghera,Prabjeet Grewal,Randeep
Sheikh,MahDir Chan,Isabel Ubhi,Ramandeep Hargreaves,Thom
Grade 9 Sodhi,Harvir DeGuzman,Roze e Herrera,ElaineRoanne
Semester 2
Semester 1 Sol,Joshua Dhadwal,Rajandeep Kalra,Daman
Tran,Guo Dhaliwal,Gurpreet Ali,Mariyam Kalra,Gunisha
Trinidad,Gabriel Dha ,Amninder Aujla,Navneet Magdurulan,Adam
Faisal,Asfandyar Billen,Helena Mand,Chanpreet
Grade 10 Gill,Amrit Chen,Frances Nagra,Fatehjeet
Semester 1 Gill,Jasmin Dhadwal,Arendeep Nathoo,Payashvi
Bansal,Harleen Gill,Kirnpreet Generoso,Maria Padam,Jaspreet
Brar,Pavnvir Gupta,Rishab Ghuman,Kamalveer Pirzada,Sajjal
Cas llo,AnnMar Hassan,Aaaqil Grewal,Arshpreet Ramirez,Kristel
gareth Janjua,Deep Sanghera,Jasmine
Jhuj,Eknoor Heer,Kamaljot
Chand,Sonam Kang,Harjot Sanghera,Prabhdeep
Kalsi,Pavneet Johal,Simran
Clarke,Samuel Kang,Navdeep Shaikh,Unsa
Lo ay,Charndeep Minhas,Amritpal
DeGuzman,Roze e Khakh,Harinderpal Singh,Arpana
Malik,Fayazullah Mohammed,Asma
Dhaliwal,Gurpreet Liamzon,Erick Takhi,Manpreet
Mankoo,Manreet Niseng,Imran
Dhami,Jaspreet Macaraeg,Russelle
Na ,Parveen Sagoo,Manmitdeep Semester 2
Dha ,Amninder Mallicaachchi,Ruwan
Sol,Joshua Sahota,Gurroop Atwal,Roma
Dhillon,Harmandeep Nayab,Sadia
Shoker,Parwinder Choudhri,Zaeema
Semester 2 Faisal,Asfandyar Nazer,Ahmad
Young,Madeleine Dhesi,Kirandeep
Ali,Aysha Gill,Diljot Pabbi,Abhishik
Basra,Inderpreet Gupta,Rishab Grewal,Harleen
Bhandol,Harjot Hazhir,Khisrow Herrera,ElaineRoanne
Lalli,Navjot Judge,Jasline
Magdurulan,Adam 14
First class
Honour Roll
June 2012
Grade 8 Grade 8 (contd) Grade 8 (contd) Grade 9 Grade 9 (contd)
Semester 1: Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
Athwal,Prabhjot Patel,Asmaa Kandola,Imrin AbedAlrazaq,Moh'dFiqhi Abulail,Natalie
Aujla,Gureet Paterson,Georgia Khan,Sadia Ali,Aysha Aujla,Lovneet
Awad,Asmaa Permal,Shannon Kharbar,Arshdeep Aujla,Lovneet Basinang,FayMichelle
Bajwa,Zaib Phandar,Aaronjit Komar,Isadora Basra,Inderpreet Birch,Joseph
Bal,Inderpreet Rahman,Poya Kooner,Navdeep Bhandol,Harjot Brar,Jasleen
Bali,Julian Rai,Prabhjap Kursun,Huri Bha ,Muhammad Chahal,Manpreet
Belado,Nicolas Ramirez,Gerard Lehal,Kamalpreet Bhullar,Gurman Chandel,Farhan
Chahal,Balroop Randhawa,Manpreet Ly,Kelly Bhullar,Hussanbir Chhina,Avneet
Chan,Gabrielle Rubab,Rida Manguino,Jodie Birch,Joseph DeGuzman,Melissa
Chaudhry,SarooshSarwar Ruprai,Balwinder Mankoo,Amrit Brar,Jasleen Deng,Rickie
Desai,Shahil Saeed,Nigar Mann,Baneet Chana,Bihara Deol,Jessica
Dhaliwal,Ravneet Sahota,Jaskaran Mundi,Harjot Chandel,Farhan Dhillon,Kajol
Dhesi,Navroop Sandhu,Munjot Mundi,Harkiran DeGuzman,Melissa Durrani,Bushra
Dosanjh,Jasleen Sangha,Manraj Nizzer,Manpreet Deng,Rickie Elford,Nolan
Dosanjh,Rankirat Shergill,Gurdeep Pabbi,Abhilasha Dhillon,Kajol Gahlan,Jaskirat
Gahlan,Gurkirat Sohd,Arbind Pabla,Arman Dhingra,Shreya Gill,Loveleen
Gareau,La a Thiara,Mankarn Padam,Manraj Elford,Nolan Goll,Michael
Ghorbanejad,Miriam Tiwana,Jasleen Parmar,Sukhdeep Fidow,Asha Grewal,A aab
Gill,Amarjot Toor,Mangat Patel,Mohammed Gill,Loveleen Jhuj,Eknoor
Gill,Gurkiran Virk,Shreen Permal,Shannon Goll,Michael Kalirai,SimranPaul
Gill,Jas nder Waddell,Bradley Phandar,Aaronjit Grewal,A aab Kalra,Harchet
Gill,Puneet Puaar,Neha Heir,Sukhman Kalsi,Karandeep
Gounder,Alisha Semester 2
Ramirez,Gerard Jaura,Monik Klair,Gurleen
Goyal,Niharica Ali,Jameelah Randhawa,Manpreet Jawanda,Navreet Kooner,Randeep
Grewal,Japnoop Bajwa,Zaib Rupal,Kamalpreet Kamal,Samia Liamzon,Mary
Gu errezCobaleda,Nairo Bath,Ravneet Ruprai,Balwinder Klair,Gurleen Malhi,Kirandeep
Kaleka,Amanat Belado,Nicolas Sandhu,Amrit LazaroPolanco,Alexander Mallicaachchi,Rachel
Kanwal,Ifra Chahal,Balroop Sangha,Manraj Liamzon,Mary Mann,Lakhber
Kaur,Puneet Chan,Gabrielle Sanghera,Jaskiran Mallicaachchi,Rachel Mariano,Mark
Kharbar,Arshdeep Cu,Steven Sanghera,Jaspreet Mann,Lakhber Nahal,Simran
Komar,Isadora Dhaliwal,Ravneet Santos,Ron Mann,Pushpinder Naidu,Jessica
Kooner,Navdeep Dosanjh,Jasleen Shergill,Balkar Mariano,Mark Nguyen,Kevin
Kursun,Huri Dosanjh,Rankirat Shergill,Gurdeep Naidu,Jessica Nkeshimana,Pacific
Lehal,Kamalpreet Dulay,Devreet Sohd,Arbind Nguyen,Jessie Pabla,Chanpreet
Ly,Kelly Duong,Chan Talavera,Andrew Nguyen,Kevin Pannu,Jasmine
Mankoo,Amrit Gahlan,Gurkirat Taylor,Racheal Pannu,Jasmine Patel,Dipal
Mann,Baneet Gareau,La a Thiara,Dilpreet Patel,Sumaiyyah Pirzada,Rida
Ma u,Rubanjot Ghorbanejad,Miriam Thiara,Mankarn Pirzada,Rida Randhawa,Amritpal
McDonald,Aus n Gill,Jas nder Toor,Apernpreet Sekhon,Manvir Ratnam,Kethiga
Mundi,Harkiran Gounder,Alisha Toor,Mangat Sidat,Ammarah Sandhu,Jaskirth
Nagra,Aleisha Goyal,Niharica Waraich,Hukam Sodhi,Harvir Sandhu,Manjeet
Pabbi,Abhilasha Hassan,Ahmed Thandi,Jus n Sha ain,Haad
Pabla,Arman Ju la,Mansimran Tran,Guo Sidat,Ammarah
Pastores,Adriane Kandola,Harleen Trinidad,Gabriel Takhar,Tirath
Thandi,Jus n 15
First class
Honour Roll
June 2012
Grade 10 Grade 10 (contd) Grade 10 (contd) Grade 11 (contd) Grade 11 (contd)
Semester 1 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
Ali,Sana Sekhon,Harsukhdeep Prasad,Joel Pabbi,Abhishik Ho,Kin
Anan,Ahnaf Shaife,Tashfin Randhawa,Manraj Rahimi,Manija Hunjan,Prabhjot
Aquino,Aireen Singh,Shubhi Saggi,Kulwinder Rahimi,Rahimullah Johal,Gurvir
Aquino,Kris na Taustsiak,Vadzim Sanghera,Avneet Ramirez,Camille Johal,Manvi
Awad,Aisha Wahid,Madina Shaife,Tashfin Randhawa,Gurveer Kaily,Ajit
Bains,Jasleen Sidhu,Raveena Rehman,Shafin Kang,Jaskarn
Semester 2
Basi,Gurdas Singh,Shubhi Sahota,Baldeep Kanwal,Samara
Ba ,Kathrina AhmedMangi,Murad Sooch,Ravneet Sandhu,Amarpreet Kashyap,Meghna
Bhullar,Sukhraj Anan,Ahnaf Sundrani,MirShaihak Savoie,Shawna Khaira ,Fouziah
Bokhari,Syed Aquino,Aireen Takhar,Sukhjit Sharma,Gurvansh Klair,Tejpal
Chan,Isabel Aquino,Kris na Tariq,Amber Sidhu,Sukhnoor Ladher,Harjot
Chernishov,Lia Basi,Gurdas Tatla,Harmen Singh,Ishmeet Lalli,Prabhjot
Crowell,Daniel Bhullar,Sukhraj Wahid,Madina Suddi,Anvir Lok,Jerey
Dadwal,Jagdip Bokhari,Syed Grade 11 Toor,Amrit Mann,Tejpal
Desai,Suhail Chand,Sonam Semester 1 Yeung,Phillip Mann,Virajyeshwar
Dhadwal,Rajandeep Cheema,Manveer Semester 2 Mian,AliIlyas
Dhaliwal,Pavenjot Desai,Suhail Moosuddee,Mohammad
Anwar,Bakhtawar Ahluwalia,Ravjot
Dhaliwal,Simerjit Dha,Navjot Pacina,Jayrald
Azizi,Ahmad Ahmed,Faizan
Gill,Amrit Dhaliwal,Simerjit Pama,Erika
Billen,Helena Ahmed,Hanna
Gill,Amritpal Dhami,Jaspreet Patel,Fahima
Brar,Gurleen Anwar,Bakhtawar
Gill,Jasmin Dhillon,Harmandeep Peters,Heather
Choudhri,Zahra Azhar,Saarmah
Gill,Kirnpreet Gill,Diljot Purewal,Gurpreet
Desai,Shahezad Azizi,Ahmad
Hassan,Aaaqil Hazhir,Khisrow Rahimi,Manija
Dhak,Meleena Bahia,Tajinder
Hussain,Larabe Hussain,Larabe Rai,Anumeet
Dhaliwal,Bharatveer Bains,Simran
Jagpal,Harneiv Jagpal,Harneiv Rai,Gurkirat
Dhothar,Amritpal Bap sta,Nathaniel
Jamil,Hafsa Jamil,Hafsa Ramirez,Camille
Dulai,Amrit Barber,Colin
Johal,Rumneek Jhu y,Gurneet Ramiscal,MayAnn
Gill,Amneet Bath,Jasmeet
Johal,Simran Johal,Aman Rehman,Shafin
Hargreaves,Alycia Bhullar,A t
Jolly,Kunal Johal,Rumneek Ruprai,Manpreet
Johal,Gurvir Brar,Gurleen
Kang,Jasmeen Jolly,Kunal Sandhu,Manjot
Johal,Manvi Brar,Sukharsh
Khokhar,Rabiea Kang,Harshmeet Sandhu,Sharanveer
Kaily,Ajit Chahal,Navrose
Kular,Gurjot Kang,Jasmeen Savoie,Shawna
Kashyap,Meghna Chhabra,Ramansh
Lamba,Simranpreet Khokhar,Rabiea Sharma,Gurvansh
Khakh,Harinderpal Choudhri,Zahra
Mann,Simranpreet Klair,Arshdeep Siddiqui,Hassaan
Ladher,Harjot Coscolluela,Rodorah
Matharoo,Simran Lamba,Simranpreet Sidhu,Amrit
Liamzon,Erick Deng,Winnie
Mijares,Mara Lidder,Simaranjeet Sohal,Erin
Lok,Jerey Dhak,Meleena
Minhas,Amritpal Magdurulan,Andrew
Macaraeg,Russelle Dhaliwal,Bharatveer Uppal,Tejvir
Modi,Gauravjeet Mahdi,Osob
Mallicaachchi,Ruwan Dhaliwal,Ichapooran
Moscatel,Simone Mann,Simranpreet
Mann,Tejpal Dulai,Amrit
Patel,Tasneem Mijares,Mara
Mann,Virajyeshwar Durrani,Azima
Riat,Maira Modi,Gauravjeet
Matharu,Harshvir EstradaRamos,Jessie
Sagoo,Manmitdeep Muthoora,Lakshana
Sahota,Gurroop Nasir,Bushra
Nayab,Sadia Grewal,Jazpreet
Sanghera,Avneet Pabla,Poonam
Nazer,Ahmad Hargreaves,Alycia

First class
Honour Roll
June 2012
Grade 12 Grade 12
Semester 1 Semester 2
Ahmad,Aisha Ajmal,Hamza
Assad,Hussein Akinsanmi,Akinseye
Bha ,Muhammad Aneela,Zarlish
DeGuzman,Maria Assad,Hussein
Deol,Arshdeep Bassi,Amandeep
Dhillon,Amanjot Bath,Taranvir
Dhillon,Jaspreet Bha ,Muhammad
Dhillon,Manpreet Brar,PreetKamal
Dusanjh,Paramdeep Cas llo,KathleenDiane
Flowers,Henry Cho,Jessica
Ghai,Paramveer DeGuzman,Maria
Gill,Jaspreet Deol,Arshdeep
Gill,Manvir Dhillon,Harpreet
Judge,Jasline Dhillon,Jaspreet
Khan,Hassan Dhillon,Manpreet
Kullar,Sandeep Dhothar,Amandeep
Lambier,Denise Erediano,NormanAris
Lehal,Gurinder Gill,Manvir
Mahil,Gurtaj Grewal,Randeep
Matharu,Parmvir Hargreaves,Thom
MejiaEscobar,Eliud Karbar,Ashdeep
Munday,Jessica Khan,Nidah
Nijjar,Sharanjit Mahil,Gurtaj
Pabla,Geeta Mand,Chanpreet
Purewal,Prabhdeep Nijjar,Sharanjit
Qadri,Mahira Ranas,RaeAlissa
Rai,Parminder Randhawa,Manraj
Ranas,RaeAlissa Royena,Margaret
Randhawa,Manraj Sanghera,Jasmine
Saran,Sargun Sanghera,Prabhdeep
Sharma,Syindhika Shaikh,Unsa
Shoker,Jagdeep Sidhu,Anmol
Sidhu,Anmol Sidhu,Gurdaur
Sidhu,Dilraj Sidhu,Gurkanwar
Sidhu,Gurkanwar Sran,Puneet
Sran,Puneet Thambiaiah,Jonathan
Turato,Vincent Turato,Vincent
Usison,Rosario Usison,Rosario
Wya ,Liam

Honour Roll
June 2012

Grade 8 Grade 8 (contd) Grade 8 (contd) Grade 8 (contd) Grade 9 (contd)

Semester 1 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 2 Semester 1
Ahmed,BaQuay Na ,Manpreet Bal,Inderpreet Pamma,Gagandeep Kalke ,Harleen
Ali,Fateemah Nizzer,Manpreet Bali,Julian Pastores,Adriane Kalra,Harchet
Ali,Ketra Oliso,Caston Bhaghar,Gursimran Patel,Asmaa Kalsi,Karandeep
Ali,Khadiija Padda,Sanjeevan Bond,Cashton Rai,Prabhjap Khan,Raad
Ali,Mir Pamma,Gagandeep Brar,Gurmaan Randhawa,Gianban Khunga,Simryn
Asif,Aisha Prasad,Yashnita Brar,Manpal Randhawa,Simranjot Lidder,Ramanpreet
Aujla,Sanjay Puaar,Neha Chaudhry,Saroosh Ranu,Navdeep Luddu,Jastej
Bagri,Tanvir Ramsum,Gabrielle Chowdhury,Armaan Rubab,Rida Lumamba,Angelo
Baxter,Laura Randhawa,Gagandeep Cuevas,Dominic Saeed,Aisha Mangat,Chetna
Bhaghar,Gursimran Randhawa,Gianban Desai,Shahil Saeed,Nigar Mann,Anmol
Brar,Gurmaan Randhawa,Japjot Dha,Gurneet Sahota,Jaskaran Nagra,Indervir
Brar,Manpal Ranu,Navdeep Dhaliwal,Gurnur Sandhu,Amarjot Nagra,Kiranjeev
Chandel,Zeenat Roussy,Bri ney Dhesi,Navroop Sandhu,Munjot Nahal,Simran
Cu,Steven Saeed,Aisha Dhillon,Gurwinder Sandhu,Prabhnoor Nkeshimana,Pacific
DeGuzman,Noah Sahota,Harmeet Dhillon,Harpreet Sekhon,Jasanpreet Noga,Erica
Dhaliwal,Gurnur Ewaski,Stephen Shaji,Asher Pabla,Chanpreet
Gill,Avneet Shakir,Salman Patel,Dipal
Dhillon,Biantvir Sanghera,Jaskiran
Gill,Bhavdeep Shankar,Akshay Rahman,Khalidur
Dhillon,Harpreet Sanghera,Kajal
Gill,Gurkiran Sharma,Manisha Rai,Arashveer
Dulay,Devreet Santos,Ron
Gill,Sharanpreet Sihota,Tanjeet Rai,Harjoban
Duong,Chan Sekhon,Harvir
Grewal,Harmanjot Syed,Numan
Ewaski,Stephen Sekhon,Jasanpreet Rai,Jasdeep
Grewal,Japnoop Thiara,Sehajpal
Fareed,Mohammed Shakir,Salman Randhawa,Amritpal
Hawco,Jeremy Tiwana,Jasleen
Grewal,Harmanjot Shankar,Akshay Randhawa,Gurtej
Hundal,Amrit Vashisht,Avan ka
Grewal,Prabhjot Sihota,Tanjeet Randhawa,Randeep
Jehangir,Ayesha Virk,Shreen
Hawco,Jeremy Talavera,Andrew Ratnam,Kethiga
Jhu y,Gurkirat Waddell,Bradley
Hirabe,Sinwan Taylor,Racheal Royena,Andrew
Kainth,Imran Wang,YiMing
Hundal,Amrit Thandi,DaiRaiBahadur Saleman,Mohamed
Kandola,Raveen Grade 9
Jhu y,Gurkirat Thiara,Sehajpal Salim,Abdulhafiez
Kanwal,Ifra Semester 1
Ju la,Mansimran Tiwana,Amrit Sandhu,Arvin
Khaira,Karanbir Abulail,Natalie
Kaila,Joban Toor,Apernpreet Sandhu,Jaskirth
Khakh,Amandeep Ahmed,Kainat
Kamran,Nada Vashisht,Avan ka Sandhu,Manjeet
Khan,Ashif Andersen,Selina
Kandola,Raveen Wang,YiMing Sarai,Gurrajan
Khan,Mohammad Bhandal,Gurpreet
Khaira ,Farizah Waraich,Hukam Saran,Jeevanjot
Kha ar,Gaurav Brar,Navjot
Khan,Ashif Sekhon,Jasmeet
Semester 2 Lidher,Avtar Brar,Prajval
Kha ak,Yumna Sha ain,Haad
Lindstrom,Emily Brar,Simran
Kha ar,Gaurav Abdullahi,Imman Shaikh,Mohammed
Manuel,Channelle Chand,Shomal
Kha ra,Harmandeep Ajmal,Mohammad Sharma,Bhuvan
Minhas,AtaUl Dhillon,Gurpreet
Khokhar,Muhammad Ali,Fateemah Sheikh,MahDir
MiraldaAlvarez,Carlos Dosanjh,Simran
Manno,RoseMarie Ali,Mir Sidhu,Taqdeer
Nagra,Aleisha Durrani,Bushra
Manuel,Channelle Ali,Zainab Nair,Ananthu Sidhu,Vinay
Farooqui,Zaid Takhar,Sukhraj
Minhas,AtaUl Alindogan,HarveyJames Nanda,Jayanth Gahlan,Jaskirat Wya ,Declan
Mundi,Harjot Aujla,Gureet Na ,Manpreet Grewal,Gurkim
Nagra,Baldeep Aujla,Sanjay Nguyen,Thuc Hunjan,Gursevak
Nanda,Jayanth Awad,Asmaa Padiyachi,Ashneel Kalirai,SimranPaul 18

Honour Roll
June 2012

Grade 9 (contd) Grade 10 Grade 10 (contd) Grade 10 (contd) Grade 11 (contd)

Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1
Ahmed,Kainat Abshir,Sahima Takhar,Sukhjit Sekhon,Harsukhdeep Pama,Erika
Ahmed,Waqas AhmedMangi,MuradUsman,Syed Seng,Rita Parmar,Sonia
Ahuja,Shalini Bae,KangHo Young,Madeleine Sivia,Amarpreet Peters,Heather
Amwan,Gaurav Bhandol,Harleen Semester 2 Sohal,Navrup Purganan,Stacey
Bagonghasa,Jerald Bhanot,Ajay Takhar,Taranjit Rai,Anumeet
Bhullar,Hussanbir Brar,Pardeep Ahmad,Samia Taustsiak,Vadzim Rai,Gurkirat
Boparoy,Arshdeep Cheema,Manveer Bains,Jujhar Thiara,Ravneet Ramiscal,KathrynJoy
Brar,Navjot Deol,Deepak Ba ,Kathrina Tiwana,Gurleen Ramiscal,MayAnn
Brar,Simran Dhillon,Jespreet Bhandal,Satwinder VasquezLemus,Stephanie Ramlu,Manisha
Chana,Bihara Dionisio,Robert Bhanot,Ajay Grade 11 Ramzan,Rizwan
Chandel,Babita Gareau,Britnee Bhuller,Jaspreet Semester 1 Randhawa,Paramveer
DeLeon,Michaela Gill,Harman Brar,Simran Rivera,Chelsea
Dhillon,Gurpreet Gill,Ravnoop Brar,Tania Ahmed,Hanna Rualo,Ryledenn
Fidow,Asha Heer,Kamaljot Chandel,Zainab Akhondzada,Behrooz Saepan,Tina
Gandhi,Arun Jhu y,Gurneet Clarke,Samuel Ardez,Patricia Sandal,Harprit
Gill,Amanpreet Johal,Kabir Cruz,Karl Azhar,Saarmah Sandhar,Ishkaran
Heir,Sukhman Kaiyum,Farhaan Dadwal,Jagdip Bains,Harkirat Sha ain,Mehad
Hunjan,Gursevak Kang,Harshmeet DeGuzman,Jeanine Bath,Jasmeet Sharif,Faraaz
Jawanda,Navreet Kaur,Jasmeet Dhaliwal,Harkaranjit Bhachu,Sumer Shergill,Gurvir
Khan,Raad Kaur,Ravina Dulay,Harveer Biagi,Lauren Sidhu,Amrit
Khunga,Simryn Khan,Fa ma Gill,Harman Chaudhary,Haroon Smith,Abigail
Lal,Vishal Khan,Sajida Girodat,Alixandra Chera,Jeena Sohal,Erin
Lumamba,Angelo Khunga,Balvinder Kang,Garry Dhaliwal,Ichapooran Somal,Imran
Mangat,Chetna Klair,Arshdeep Kaur,Ravina Dhillon,Gurvir Taggar,Parmpreet
Mankoo,Manreet Koo,Marco Kaur,Tanisha Durrani,Azima Tang,William
Mann,Anmol Matharu,Mohanjit Khan,Fa ma Encarnacion,Lakisha Thandi,Parminder
Mehta,Manjot Ma u,Preya Kular,Gurjot EstradaRamos,Jessie Uppal,Tejvir
Mohammed,MuddassirMohammed,Aishah Lalli,Navjot Ghuman,Kamalveer
Nagra,Kiranjeev Namoro,Jesse Matharoo,Simran Grewal,Jazpreet
Nguyen,Jessie Niseng,Imran Mathroo,Avneet Grewal,Ravneet
Noga,Erica Patel,Sajidah Ma u,Preya Hakik,Salehah
Noor,Farhiya Prasad,Joel Mohamed,Safiyo Ho,Kin
O'connor,Ryan Rahal,Jasmin Mohammed,Aishah Hollingsworth,Roxanne
Rai,Arashveer Rai,Punit Naidu,Benjamin Housil,Wahida
Rai,Jasdeep Randhawa,Simren Nambiar,Sonam Hunjan,Prabhjot
Robinson,David Saggi,Kulwinder Pandher,Bhavjit Janjua,Deep
Royena,Andrew Sandhu,Avneet Patel,Sajidah Kalra,Manseerat
Sadhra,Tarandip Sandhu,Prabhjot Patel,Tasneem Kang,Jaskarn
Sandhu,Arvin Seng,Rita Phagura,Kajol Kanwal,Samara
Sarai,Gurrajan Sharma,Piyusha Rahal,Jasmin Kha ar,Elisha
Saran,Jeevanjot Shergill,Simranjit Rai,Varinder Lam,Thien
Sekhon,Manvir Sidhu,Raveena Rashidi,Ahmad Matharoo,Gurbir
Sharma,Bhuvan Singh,Sundeep Rualo,Rylemar Ngo,Stephanie
Sidhu,Taqdeer Sohal,Navrup Sandhu,Avneet Notra,Harsimranjit
Sundrani,MirShaihak Sandhu,Prabhjot Nzeyimana,Anna

Honour Roll
June 2012

Grade 12 Grade 12 (contd) Grade 12 (contd)

Semester 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
Abshir,Samira Sekhon,Tajvir Rajput,Faria
Ajmal,Hamza Shergill,Anoop Randhawa,Amarpal
Akinsanmi,Akinseye Shergill,Jasdeep Randhawa,Jasmeet
Ali,Zebran Sidhu,Gurdaur Sahota,Preet
Badyal,Amandeep Singh,Shekhadeep Saran,Sargun
Bajwa,Balraj Sohal,Anup Seng,Jimmy
Bassi,Amandeep Tang,Vincent Shergill,Jasdeep
Bath,Taranvir Thambiaiah,Jonathan Shoker,Jagdeep
Bha ,Muhammad Toor,Baldeep Sidhu,Dilraj
Brar,PreetKamal Sidhubrar,Kauwaldeep
Cas llo,KathleenDiane Semester 2 Singh,Shekhadeep
Dha ,Sukhjinder Abshir,Samira Szwaba,Thomas
Ellio ,Alicia Ahmad,Aisha Tang,Vincent
Galindo,Carlos Ali,Zebran Wya ,Liam
Gill,Amanjot Badyal,Amandeep
Gorrill,Blake Bha ,Muhammad
Grewal,Manjinder Brion,Amy
HifzurRahuman,AfeefAhamed Chawla,Harsheen
Ho,NguyenCamhuong Chernishov,Solomon
Jamil,Ayesha Deol,Japneet
Janjuha,Jaydeep Dhillon,Amanjot
Kang,Erinjit Dulay,Hervir
Karbar,Ashdeep Flowers,Henry
Khan,Nidah Gill,Gursimran
Khosa,Arushdeep Gill,Jaspreet
Klair,Jeskirat Glidden,Alisha
Lal,Kristal Grewal,Harpinder
Li ,Gaganpreet Ijaz,Shafaq
Liu,Tianhui Kalra,Gunisha
Mann,Surajpal Kang,Erinjit
Nagra,Ashley Kaur,Harkirat
Nahal,Rupinder Khosa,Arushdeep
Nijjar,Jasrajan Lehal,Kiranpreet
Pabla,Damanjyot Liu,Tianhui
Pabla,Parvin Mamdani,Hassan
Phanthikane,Jennifer Munday,Jessica
Rai,Karnjote Nagra,Ashley
Ramzan,Saira Neves,Lesley
Randhawa,Amarpal Pabla,Damanjyot
Ratnam,Jenish Pabla,Geeta
Razak,Nikkhat Pabla,Parvin
Royena,Margaret Phanthikane,Jennifer
Sahota,Preet Purewal,Prabhdeep
Sandhu,Jasprit Qadri,Mahira
Sanghera,Darshdeep Rai,Karnjote



Grade 10, Social Studies 11 and Grade 12 exams have been set by the Ministry of Education and will
be written from October 1, 2012 to June 25, 2013. Students should arrive at the school 30 minutes pri-
or to the start of the exam. Students will be called over the PA to meet in the designated exam areas.
Please come prepared to write the exam. Bring all the items you will need to write the exam such as
pens, pencils, eraser and calculators.

E: Electronic Exams Only P: Paper exams Only E+P: Electronic & Paper Exams Available

October Exams:

DATE SUBJECT Administration TIME*

October 1 2, Apprenticeship and Work- E TBA
2012 place Mathematics 10 E
Monday Tuesday Foundations of Mathemat- E
ics and Pre-Calculus 10
Science 10

October 1, 2012 English 12 E 9:00 am - 11:00 am

English 10 E 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

October 2, 2012 Social Studies 11 E 9:00 am - 11:00 am


November Exams:



November 5-6, 2012 Apprenticeship and Work- E TBA

Monday - Tuesday place Mathematics 10 E
Foundations of Mathemat- E
ics and Pre-Calculus 10
Science 10
November 5, 2012 English 10 E 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Monday English 12 E 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

November 6, 2012 Social Studies 11 E 9:00 am - 11:00 am


January - February Exams:

DATE SUBJECT Administration TIME*

January 28 February 1, Apprenticeship and Workplace E TBA
2013 Mathematics 10 E
Monday Friday Foundations of Mathematics and E
Pre-Calculus 10 E

January 28, 2013 English 12 E+P 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Social Studies 11 E+P 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

January 29, 2013 English 10 E+P 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Communications 12 E+P

English 12 First Peoples E 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

January 30, 2013 Science 10 E+P 9:00 am - 11:00 am

BC First Nations Studies 12 E
Civic Studies 11 E 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
English 10 First Peoples E

May Exams:


tion Mode
May 16 17 , 2013 Apprenticeship and Workplace E TBA
Thursday Friday Mathematics 10 E
Foundations of Mathematics and E
Pre-Calculus 10
Science 10

May 16, 2013 English 12 E 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Social Studies 11 E 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

May 17, 2013 English 10 E 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Communications 12 E

June Exams:
DATE SUBJECT Administration TIME*

June 17 21, 2013 Apprenticeship and Work- E TBA

Monday Friday place Mathematics 10 E
Foundations of Mathematics
AND June 24 27, 2013
and Pre-Calculus 10
Monday Thursday

June 20, 2013 English 12 E+P 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Science 10 E+P 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Sciences 10 E
Communications 12 E+P

June 21, 2013 Social Studies 11 E+P 9:00 am - 11:00 am

English 10 E+P 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
June 24, 2013 BC First Nations Studies 12 E 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Monday English 10 First Peoples E
Civic Studies 11 E 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Franais langue premire 12 E

June 25, 2013 English 12 First Peoples E 9:00 am - 11:00 am


* All Provincial Examinations are designed to be completed within two hours.

Students are permitted up to an additional 60 minutes, if required.

Calendar for Parents 2012/2013 March 2013 (continued)
18-28 Spring Break/School Closure Days
Warning Bell at 8:20 am 29 Good Friday - No School
First class begins at 8:25 am
Last class ends at 2:35 pm April 2013
1 No School - Easter Monday
September 2012 2 PAC Mtg. 7:00 pm
4 First Day of School grade 8 (9:00-10:15 am) 3 Report Card Distribution
grades 9-12 (10:30-11:30) 3 Early Dismissal& Parent/Teacher Meetings
11 PAC Meeting in the Library 7:00 pm
12 School Photos
24 Non-Instructional Dayno classes May 2013
27 Terry Fox Run 3 Non-Instructional Day - no classes
7 PAC Meeting in the Library 7:00 pm
October 2012 20 Victoria Dayno classes
2 PAC Meeting in the Library 7:00 pm 23 Commencement @ Chandos Pattison Auditorium
8 Thanksgiving Dayno classes 27 Non-Instructional Dayno classes
12 Photo Retakes
12 Early Dismissal June 2013
19 Non-Instructional Dayno classes 17-25 Provincial Exams
22 Report Card Distribution 18 Grad Parent Tea & Dinner Dance
23 Early Dismissal 19 Last Day for Grades 8-12
23 Parent/Teacher Meetings 27 Final Report Card Pick-Up
24 Kwantlen Info Session @ lunch 28 Administrative Day

November 2012
6 PAC Meeting in the Library 7:00 pm
7 Take Your Kids to Work (all day) - Grade 9
9 Non-Instructional Dayno classes
10-12 Grad Photos - Artona
12 Remembrance Day no classes
28 Post-Secondary Day

December 2012
4 PAC Meeting in the Library 7:00 pm
6 Interim Report Cards
18 Locker clean up
19 Gr. 12 Pancake Breakfast
21 Last day of classes before Winter Break
24 - Jan 4 Winter Breakno classes

January 2013
7 Schools reopens after Winter Break
8 PAC Meeting in the Library 7:00 pm
25 Last Day for Grades 10-12
29 Last day for Grades 8 & 9
28-31 Provincial Exams
31 First day semester 2

February 2013
1 Provincial Exams
7 Semester 1 Report Card
5 Grade 9 Vaccinations
5 PAC Meeting in the Library 7:00 pm
7 Halfway Through BBQ
8 Non-Instructional Dayno classes
11 Family Dayno classes
12 Gr. 8-9 Parent Course Selection Night 6pm
19 Gr. 10-11 Parent Course Selection Night 6pm

March 2013
5 PAC Meeting in the Library 7:00 pm
7 Grade 7 Parent Night 6 pm
12 Early Dismissal
15 Last day of classes before school closure days

Tel: 604.596.7733

Media / website consent form

News Media

Over the course of a school year, the Surrey School District sometimes receives requests from the news media to interview, photo-
graph or videotape individual or groups of students in connection with stories the media are working on. Also, the news media is
sometimes invited to school functions to publicize events.

As a public body, we attempt to cooperate with the media whenever possible. However, your right to personal privacy is our priori-
ty. Therefore, we ask that this consent form be signed and returned to the school so we can respect your wish for family privacy.

_________ Yes, as the parent or guardian of the student named below, I give my consent to the publication/broadcast of his/
her picture and/or name by the news media as described above.

_________ No, as the parent or guardian of the student named below, I do not give my consent for the publication or broadcast
of his/her picture and/or name by the news media, when and where the school or school district has control over
such activity.

(School staff cannot control news media access or photos/videos at public locations (e.g. field trips) or school events open to the
public, such as sports tournaments, student performances, school board meetings, etc.)


School / District Websites

In accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the Surrey School District requires consent to use a
students full name or photograph/video on school or district websites accessible to the general public. Therefore, your permission is
requested to post your childs full name, photograph or video of your child in connection with positive, day-to-day school activities
or personal accomplishments.

_________ Yes, as the parent or guardian of the student named below, I give my consent to the publication of his/her name
and/or photo or video on the school or district website as described above.

_________ No, as the parent or guardian of the student named below, I do not give my consent for the publication of his/her
name, photo or video on school or district websites.

(Consent for secondary school students is valid until graduation. Consent for elementary students is renewed
annually. However, you may resubmit a new consent form to your school at any time to change your consent.)

______________________________________ ____ ____________________

Parent / Guardian Signature Date

______________________________________________ ______________________________
Secondary Student Signature Date

Students Name (print):______________________________ ___ Div: _ ____ Grade: __ __

District Info Sheet Rev.May/08 8040-03 (RCSS)


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