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Typical Fine Motor Developmental Milestones Ages 0-6

0-3 months old

Hands are in a fisted position

Arms movements are random and not controlled

Will watch the movement of their hands and brings hands to their mouth

Will swing at targets (toys, person) using their whole arm

Will follow a persons movements with their eyes

Will begin to hold objects in their hands

3-6 months

Reaches for toys using both arms

Begins to transfer objects from one hand to another

Will hold their hands together

Begins to notice objects a few feet away from them

6-9 months old

Begins to grasp & hold onto objects

Uses a raking grasp to move objects with fingers

Looking for one object while holding another

Pokes at objects using their index finger

Take objects to their mouth

Explore textures and sensory input with their mouths

Begin to hold their bottle

Squeezes objects with their fist

Play with their own hands

9-12 months old

Begins to feed themselves finger foods

Will turn pages in a book a few pages at a time

Begins to put small objects in a cup or container

Pincer grasp develops (using index finger and thumb to grasp objects)

Transfers objects between hands (beginning of crossing midline skills)

Grabs crayons with a fisted grasp

Can hold two small objects in one hand

Begins to show a preference for one hand over the other (beginning development of right handed vs. left

12-18 months old

Can build a tower of 2 blocks high

Claps hands together (beginning of bilateral coordination!)

Waves goodbye

Can scoop objects with a spoon or small shovel

Bangs objects together using both hands (beginning of bilateral coordination!)

Puts small objects into a container

Scribbles with crayons on paper

18 Months 2 years old

Putting rings on pegs

Begins holding a crayon with finger tips and thumb

Removing pegs from a pegboard

Marks or scribbles with a crayon or pencil

Can build a tower 3-4 blocks high

Can open loosely wrapped packages or containers

Begins to start cutting paper with scissors (closer to 2 years old)

Can turn pages in a book one page at a time

2 Years old

Manipulates clay or play dough

Can stack a block tower 9 blocks high

Can turn doorknobs

Can pick up small objects with pincer grasp (index finger and thumb)

Can complete 3 piece puzzles


Make snips on paper with scissors

Will wash hands independently

Can screw lids on containers on and off

Can string large beads

Zips and unzips large zippers

Can use a spoon correctly

3 Years Old

Can draw a circle after being shown model

Cuts a piece of paper in half

Copies prewriting lines of vertical, horizontal, and circle shapes

Laces a card
Can unbutton large buttons

Can cut a long a wide line with 1/2 accuracy

Will string 1/2 inch beads

Cuts along a line with no more than 1/8-1/4 inch deviation from the linch

Sorts objects

Will fasten and unfasten large buttons

4 Years Old

Can copy cross shapes, right and left oblique lines / \, square and X shapes

Can touch the tip of each finger to their thumb

Can color within a picture with no more than 1/4 deviations from the coloring lines

Can cut big circles with scissors

Can move the paper while cutting along a line

Completes puzzles of 4-5 pieces

Can use a fork correctly

Can get dressed and undressed without help

Uses dominate hand

5 Years Old

Grasps a pencil correctly

Begins to print their name

Copies a triangle shape

Cuts out a circle

Opens a lock with a key

Draw a diamond shape when given a model

Draws a person with at least 6 different body parts

Can lace their shoes

6 Years Old

Can copy first name

Builds a small structure with blocks

Can put a 16-20 piece puzzle together

Uses a knife to cut food

Cuts well with scissors, no deviations from the cutting line

Prints 3 or more simple words

Can print all numbers 0-9

Can print all letters of the alphabet, upper case and lower case

Again, I want to stress that this list is to be used as a guideline, each child is unique and may not hit every single
milestone under each age right at that age. Please allow for your childs own personal development to grow.
That of course does not mean that you should not provide ways for them to improve on certain things if they
seem to be having trouble with a certain skill.

Also, if you feel your child is truly behind and may have fine motor skill delays, please talk to your childs
pediatrician or family doctor. If they are truly delayed, getting interventions started as soon as possible is the
best way to encourage growth and success later on.

Fine Motor Activity Ideas for Babies

Here are some great ways to get started with fine motor activities for your little one:

Grasping and letting go (rings, blocks, rattles, favorite blanket or stuffed animal)

Turning objects in their hands (again, blocks, rings, other favorite toys. Introducing new and novel toys
will also encourage them to explore and turn that object in their hands to figure it out)

Stacking blocks (for this age stacking 2-6 blocks is age appropriate)

Drawing with crayons

Snapping, buttoning.

Some great times to work on fine motor skills is when your child is in their highchair or during bath time.

When babies begin to start eating regular food, giving them small finger foods is a great way to develop their
fine motor skills. In the bath, let them fill and empty various containers and spill water. This will encourage
them to use their hands to explore things around them. You can use recycled yogurt containers or any small
container that you have laying around your house.

Music is a great way to introduce new toys that rattle and noise makers that they can play with to the music.

Blowing bubbles and letting them catch or pop them will also encourage them to use both their hands.

For smaller infants who maybe arent ready for these types of activities, tummy time is a great way to
encourage using their hands. Stacking blocks, pushing blocks through holes, using rattles and noise toys, and
encouraging them to pick up and hold things in their hands.

Infant Brain Stimulation: How Playing With Your Baby

Makes Her Smart

Your babys brain is being shaped as she is growing up starting from her first days of life. Her brain consists of a
hundred billion brain cells called neurons. These neurons interconnect with one another, like roads and bridges.
The more connections the neurons make, the smarter your child becomes. The formation of these connections are
triggered when your baby is exposed to an environment that is rich with colors, sounds, smells, movement, as well as
your touch. The simple act of talking to your baby, rocking her to sleep, wiggling her fingers, and wrapping her in
fresh-smelling clothes actually builds your babys brain. Introducing your baby to a rich environment that builds her
brain is called infant stimulation.

You can also play simple games with your baby that enhance the development of her brain. Infant stimulation
games consist of activities that stimulate her senses and jumpstart her intellectual as well as physical learning.

Studies suggest that babies who are stimulated reach developmental milestones and become independent earlier.
They have keener senses, better muscle coordination and have a more secure self-image. On the other hand, babies
who are not stimulated are found to grow up at a distinct disadvantage in their first grade in school. This
disadvantage may linger for years.

It has also been observed that babies with the same genetic background or coming from the same family turn out
differently when raised in different environments. Babies who are nurtured in an intelligent environment grow up
to have better personalities and more advanced intelligence level.
Infant stimulation can be fun for both you and your baby. Your baby is not the only one who learns, but you also get
to know your baby better, and hone your skill to be her effective first teacher.

The following are some age-appropriate game ideas you can play with your babies to stimulate her brain. Feel free
to make variations, but be sure that you use safe toys, environment, and movement:

0 to 6 months
Build trust. Pick up and hold your baby in your most loving way. Talk and smile to her, and show her that she can
trust you and others in the future.

Sway your baby. Put your baby in your lap as a cradle and rock her rhythmically from side to side as you talk or
sing to her.

Make sounds for your baby. Clap your hands, snap your fingers, make unusual sounds in different positions
around your babys head, play soothing music.
Sing your baby simple lullabies like Hush Little Baby and All the Pretty Horses.

Sing nursery songs to your baby. Make your baby sit in your lap, and bounce her gently to the rhythm of the
music. Bounce her a little higher when you say one particular word.
Dance with your baby. Hold your baby securely against your chest; dance slowly and smoothly across the room.
Use music that is not too jarring.

Tie a string across your babys crib and attach soft colorful toys, pictures, rattles, etc. Make sure she
can see the toys. Move the toys gently and talk to her about each one. Stop when she shows that shes tired by
turning her head away from the objects.
Dangle a toy attached to a stick in her mobile, and change it every few days.
Make your baby look. Use bright color small object such as pom-poms or cuddly toys. Get your babys attention
by holding the object around a foot above her face. Slowly move the toy from side to side. Slowly lift the object up
and down so she can see it moving from near to far. You can also touch your babys cheek with the toy.

Make your baby see. Move your babys head to show her simple patterns or something pretty. Hold your baby
high on your shoulder to encourage your baby to explore with her eyes. Or put her on her chest on a pillow so her
head and arms are free. It would also be a good idea if you talk to her about the object she is looking at.

Show your baby your facial expressions. Cradle your baby in your arms, and make her look at you. Gaze into
his eyes, speak or sing her name softly, and show her your facial expressions such as a smile, a stuck-out tongue,
raised eyebrows, and more.

Make your baby see you talk. Hold your baby close to your face and lips. Happily talk to her. When she makes a
baby sound, respond to her by repeating her sound

Play peek-a-boo. Lightly cover your babys face with a baby blanket. Talk to her so that she hears you as her eyes
are covered. Pull the blanket away saying peek-a-boo! Cover your own face sometimes.

Put a safety mirror over the crib so your baby can see herself.

Teach your baby to hold. Show your baby a small toy, and then touch the inside of her hand so her fingers close
around it. Hand it to her when she drops it. Speak lovingly to her every time you give her the toy.

Give your 3 to 6 month old baby objects to explore by touch safe household objects such as nonfuzzy
clothes, plastic cups, keys, etc.

Hang things in her crib that she can touch. Encourage your baby to reach for objects by about 8 to 10 weeks.
Safely tie a stick across the crib. Attach two touchy objects that look different. The string should be long enough
for her to reach and touch. Your baby can feel the things that his eyes can see.

Give your baby an infant massage. Your touch is almost a language for infants. It deepens bonding, and some
research has shown that it increases immune functions, improve muscle development and greater production of
growth hormones.

Make your baby begin to remember things. Show her a toy, then turn her away so its out of sight. If she
turns back to find it, let her have it. Hug her to show that you are pleased.

Express happy feelings to your baby. Hold the baby near your chest, hold her over your head saying up, then
lower her saying down, then hug her. While doing this, let her know that youre happy to play with her.
Teach your baby to roll over. Sit behind your babys head when shes lying on her back. Hold a toy above his
face. Slowly move the toy away, towards the side, making sure that your baby is following it with her eyes. When
she turns over to see or reach it, give her a hug.

Make your baby do the babycycle. Gently and slowly move her legs in a bicycling motion, while talking and
smiling and encouraging her to wiggle his legs without your help. Soon, shell be pedaling by herself!

6 to 12 Months
Make your baby explore with hands on sitting position. Have her sit with a pillow behind her back in case
she tumbles. Tie an object that will make her look up and reach high.

Put your baby in front of a mirror and show her the parts of her face. For example, touch your babys
nose and say nose. Help her to touch her own nose.

Play peek-a-boo mirror. With the baby on your lap, sit in front of the mirror. Show your baby her face, then
cover the mirror with a cloth. Say Where is [babys name]?, then lift the cloth and say There she is! Do this
again, and see if she removes the cloth herself.

Play light show with your baby. Attach a thin colored paper on a flashlight to make a colored light. Play it
across the ceiling, on walls, or on her toys. Turn the light on and off. Talk to her while playing, saying things like
Where did the light go?, Look its on the wall, etc.

Read picture books with your baby.

Repeat your babys wordlike sounds. Hold your baby so she can see your face. Repeat a sound you hear her
say, such as la-la-la or da-da-da. Give her time to say it back, and show her your pleased face when she repeats the

Let your baby bang away with objects that make banging noise when hit, like pots and pans. In the
beginning, she may hit the pots accidentally, but eventually she will learn to tap them on purpose.

Give your baby toys that make sounds like rattle or squeaky toys. Teach her how to use them. Let her play
with it as she listens to recorded music or better yet, your singing voice.

Play hide and find. Show your baby a toy and tuck it your pocket, with a little bit showing. See if she will look for
it. Ask Where is it? If she finds it, make her play with it for a minute and then hide it again.

Make your baby find you with your voice. Place her on a cradle chair or a car seat in the middle of the room.
Walk back and forth in front of her and make sounds with your voice or do funny noises. Let her follow the sound of
your voice.
Teach your baby to let go. Show your baby that you are holding a toy that makes a sound when dropped, like a
bell. Drop the toy from your fingers. Let her do it. This game makes her learn how to make her fingers do what she

Let your baby imitate your actions. Help your baby try to copy you doing simple things like clapping your
hands, making kissing sounds and spreading your arms wide. Hug him and show your appreciation each time she
tries to copy you.

Help your baby practice walking by giving her things t hold to. Set up some chairs so she can move from
one to the other. Put a toy on each chair so she will want to move to it.

Introduce your baby to strangers. Make your baby feel secure by holding her in your arms. Let her watch and
listen to the stranger for her to get to know him. If she seems willing, help her touch the others hand for a minute.
You can also let the stranger hand her a toy or something pretty like a flower.

Give your child a box with a small hole on top. Get him to drop a toy into the hole. Ask him to find it again.
Help him discover the larger hole in the side that gives another way for her to get the toy. Talk to her about what she
is doing.

Your babys first puzzle play can consist of things that can fit together like some balls into a small
muffin pan.

Call your baby from across the room, and when she looks at you, hand her an object like her bottle or a toy.
Introduce your baby to new tastes. Make her comfortable at her table and lay some things on it for her to
taste. Let her taste whatever she picks up. Make her feel good about tasting new things.

Play with pop-up toys. These are toys with characters suddenly bursting out of a hatch when a button is pressed
or manipulated. This makes your baby exercise her fine motor skills and understanding cause and effect.

Play a memory game. Sit with your baby on the floor. Show her a box with a big picture of something she knows.
Turn the picture away and ask her to find it again. When the picture is out of sight, remind her again by using the
name of the picture. Help her if she needs it.

When your baby is crawling, play a gentle game of chase. Start crawling slowly after your baby, saying Im
gonna get you When you got her, say I got you! and lift her high into the air, kiss her, or give her ribs a little
Games For Babies That Build Math Skills
Acquiring math skills is an important part of any childs mental development. Being good, or at least skillful, in
math is necessary to thrive in modern times. Budgeting ones income, comparing price per pound in the
supermarket, or reading recipes involve thinking in numbers. Also, careers that are in high demand like
engineering, high technology and finance require above average math skills.

It is a great idea to fire up the neurons that build math skills early in life. For toddlers and older kids, there are
many ways to make math fun, but do you know that there are ways to play with your baby that, according to experts,
build his brain for math?

Here are some games that you can play with your baby that actually help build the foundation for his math skills:

1. Peek-a-boo
This is played by covering your face with your hands and then taking them away. This teaches your baby that even
though she cant see your face, you are still there. Peek-a-boo also teaches the concept of object permanence.
According to Piaget, this makes babies become more observant and notice similarities and differences between
objects. This experience leads to more advanced math concept such as sorting and classifying. This simple game
also teaches your baby the complex set of rules about turn-taking and expectations.

2. Patty-cake
This is a hand-clapping game where you and your baby alternate between a normal individual clap with 2-handed
claps. This simple sequence of clapping teaches your baby about the mathematical concept called patterns. It is the
first step to understand that the world works in logical and predictable ways. Experiences with observing and
making sense of patterns help your child become a logical thinker.

3. Music and rhythms

Games with your baby that involve music teaches him mathematical concepts. You can play a musical game that
involves rhymes with your baby. Give your baby a wooden spoon or a rhythm stick. You should have a stick too.
Sing a song such as The Wheels of the Bus and tap the sticks to the beat of the song. Encourage your baby to tap
his sticks too. Sing the same song faster, and tap your sticks faster, then slower and tap your sticks slowly. Your
baby will understand the concept of fast and slow, as well as develop in his brain the concept of pattern.

4. Dropping Toys and Picking up

Babies love to drop things. You can take advantage of this behavior by playing pick-up with him. Let your baby drop
a toy from his high chair. Put it back. Chances are baby will knock them off again. This teaches your baby the
concept of sequencing. Sequencing is the organization and order of successive events and experiences. Recognizing
sequences help children develop a sense of order, logic and reason. Your baby will enjoy this sequence of events
because the predictability of your action is enjoyable.

5. Pop-up play
Pop-up play is played with toys that have characters bursting out of a hatch when a button is pushed. It builds your
babys fine motor skills. Also, this is another way of teaching your baby object permanence.
6. Wooden Puzzle Jigsaw Pieces
Introduce your baby to the simple, basic easy-to-do puzzle with one-piece or two piece wooden puzzles with knobs.
Talk to your baby as he tries to pt the puzzle pieces in the puzzle. If necessary, help him to put the puzzle together.
This game also teaches your child spatial relationship skills.

7. Sorting Toys
Playing with your baby with toys that you sort by color, shape, size or thickness teaches him classifying skills.
Classifying introduces the mind to the mathematical concept of sets. Classification schemes are also important for
your baby to learn early as they are central to scientific thinking.

8. Creating towers
Babies love to place one object on top of another. Play with your baby by building towers made of large blocks,
boxes, plastic bowls, bowls and other materials. Whats even more fun is when she knocks down the tower. This
teaches her spatial relationships, as well as differences in sizes and shapes.

9. Stacking rings
Stacking rings are good, old-fashioned simple toys that babies enjoy playing. It consists of a tube and rings of
different sizes that a baby can insert in the tube in any order. Play with your baby by stacking rings from large to
small or from small to large. This teaches your baby the concept of seriation. It is a mathematical concept that
involves organizing or ordering things in a logical way.

10. Tunnel time

Babies love to crawl through small spaces, and in the process learn both spatial and body awareness. Providing
them with toy tunnels or space fort that they can crawl through teaches them these, as well as the mathematical
concept of spatial relationships. This leads to them understanding more advanced concepts to follow involving
directionality, position in space, and depth perception.

Brain-Boosting Toddler Activities

Toddler Stacking Toy

Your childs brain grows at an explosive rate during the first three years of his life. During these critical brain-
growth periods, long, thin nerve pathways grow inside the brain. These are wirings that connect and carry electrical
impulses from brain cell to brain cell. The resulting network, which grows daily in the young brain, forms the
neurological foundation of skills that your child will use for the rest of his life. Experiences after birth, in
conjunction with your childs gene, determine the eventual wiring of the human brain.

Existing connections eagerly await new experiences that shape the neural networks for language, reasoning, problem
solving, and moral values. New experiences build upon established patterns and create new patterns and networks
for more learning. Connections that are used repeatedly will become permanent. Those that are not used get

You can help your toddler jump-start his brain development by engaging in games and fun activities with him.
Everything you do with your toddler playing, talking, eating, walking, reading, cuddling, and singing help jump-
start his brain. When you use your imagination with him, for example, you help his brain to make imagination
pathways of its own.

Children remember experiences that have an emotional component. Gentle, loving fun combined with responsive
language from you creates an atmosphere in which learning thrives. Thats why it is important for you to bond with
your child in these activities. Things you do together enhance his learning (among many other benefits). This is
something that play-alone high-tech toys like tablets, video games, tv and others will not be able to offer

Below are some brain-boosting toddler games and activities that you can play with your toddler. It is grouped into
specific skills that are being exercised. Although a specific skill is highlighted, typically, each game involves
developing a combination of skills.

Also these activities are meant to provide ideas and inspire you to come up with others. Feel free to make variations
on these games. For example, Trip to the Garden can be a Trip to the Beach, or Trip to the Park. Just make
sure that you play with your toddler in a safe environment using safe materials.

(See Also: Best Educational Apps for Toddlers and Babies)

Problem-solving skills
Babies begin their problem-solving lives with basic cause-and-effect reasoning and flexibility. By the time young
children reach toddler age, their problem-solving skills begin to mature. They learn curiosity, patience, working
towards achieving a goal, and gaining confidence in their ability to reach a solution.
Block Patterns
One and a half and above
Use building blocks to make simple structural patterns such as 2 blocks with one above, three in a row set of blocks,
and so on. Playfully ask your toddler to copy the pattern. Afterwards, ask him to make his own pattern. Show your
toddler that you are having fun copying his pattern. Make the patterns more complicated as your child becomes
more skillful in figuring out how to build block structures based on your pattern. Eventually, you can also allow him
to play freely with building structures.

Nesting Game
One and a half and above
Give your toddler nesting toys or toys of different sizes that can fit inside each other. You can also use different size
bowls, cups or toys that you create from cardboard boxes. Play with your child by showing him that the toys can be
fitted within each other. Take the nested toys apart and encourage your child to nest the toys himself. Start with
few nesting objects, and gradually add more.

Nesting game teaches your toddler about size differences, and solving problems through logical reasoning.

Matching Game
Two to 2 and a half
Draw colorful shapes or animals in cards and make an exact pair of each drawing. Start with 3 or 4 pairs. Turn the
cards over. Open one card for your toddler. Ask your toddler what the drawing is, and tell him that you will be
looking for the same drawing. Open the rest of the cards one by one, and ask your toddler if it is the same one as the
open card. If he finds a pair, give it to him, then open another card and ask him to look for its pair. Repeat until all
cards are matched.

Thinking Skills
Each time a child is stimulated to think, either new neural pathways are formed or existing ones are strengthened.
Challenging activities in a loving environment create optimal learning experiences.

Play puzzles with your child. Puzzles involve reasoning, discrimination, and muscle control, which all challenge the
developing brain.

Paper Puzzle
For 2 and a half years and older.
Cut shapes made of colored paper, and make a board with have drawings that fit the shapes. Make your child match
the cut-up shapes with the ones on the board.

Another idea is to get large colorful and engaging pictures of a simple object from magazines. Cut them in four and
ask your child to put the picture back together again. To make the puzzle more challenging, you can cut the picture
into more than 4 pieces, or in irregular shapes. You can also mix-up cut-outs from 2 pictures.
For 2 and a half years and older.
Collect pictures of things or draw pictures of things that are opposites such as big and small, hard and soft, up and
down, inside and outside and so on. Paste the pictures in cards. Talk to your toddler about the concept of
opposites. Mix up the cards on the table. Pick up a card and describe what it shows This is something big, wheres
something thats small?

Whats Next?
2 Years and Up
Reread a story book that you read before to your toddler. Before turning the page, ask your toddler what she thinks,
is going to happen next. If she needs help, give her a hint as to what happens next. If your child still cannot
remember, just tell her Lets find out and turn the page, then talk about what happens next.

You can also read a new book and make your child guess what happens next in the story.
13 Amazing Play Activities For Babies Aged 1 To 12

Play Activities For Babies Aged 1 To 12 Months!

Congratulations! Your baby has arrived and you cant wait to explore the new horizons of
motherhood with your cherub. While the initial few days will be all about adapting to being a mom,
the later phase gets into keeping your little one engaged.

Babies grow fast; soon, he will get busy! He will also develop newer reflexes and more mobility.
This calls for planning some engaging activities so that he gets to make the best of his growing
time. We present to you an interesting activity guide for you, to plan for your little one.

Baby Activities From Months 0 12:

While aiding you into the sync of being a parent, the following activities will also help enhance
your babys fine motor and logical thinking skills. We have come up with an interesting list of baby
activities month by month from the time of birth till 12 months of age.

A. Newborn:

This phase is all about your little one gazing around at things, observing, trying to understand the
surroundings around him. Your babys vision this time is limited. He can see things between 8 to 10
inches from his line of sight. This is the time to improve his visual stimulation, eye coordination
and identifying new sounds. Here are some of the ideas for the playtime schedule of your toddler.

1. Rattles Rattle:

Rattles are a definite delight, because babies just love them! The sound also improves your babys
auditory senses. You can start with a little rattle. Here is the how to do the activity for newborn

Try and place the rattle in between your babys fingers.

Although he is too small to grasp, he will begin to feel and sense the
You can also shake the rattle, slowly moving from one end to another,
letting your baby to shift his eyes on the toy as the sound moves.
Try not to rattle too loudly as this will scare your baby.
2. Happy Talk:

You need to strike off an active communication with your newborn.

He is busy trying to understand the various sounds around him, including

the speech pattern of the people around him.
He will also try to communicate with those adorable gurgles and coos.
Try and do a little happy chat with your little one.
Make faces, funny sounds, converse; these things elevate your babys
curiosity while building rapport with you.

B. One Month:
This time around, your baby is quite comfortable with his surroundings. This is an ideal time to
enhance your communication with your infant as he goes about developing a penchant for words.
He will also develop a keen sense of smell at this age. Below are a few baby learning activities in
which you can engage your toddler with his auditory and speech skills.

1. Tube Conversations:

Its very simple and cute.

Take a cardboard tube roll that is left out of your used paper kitchen
Putting one end of the tube to your babys ear, try talking softly from the
other end.
Use phrases like Hello pumpkin, to longer phrases.
Try talking in articulating tones so that your toddler starts relating to the
2. Finger Puppets:

You will need child friendly finger puppets, either made at home or bought from the market.

Use them on each of your fingers to bring them slowly into your toddlers
line of sight.
Wait till he focuses on the faces.
Introduce each puppet with simple names and phrases like Hello, Im
Tom the Cat etc.
Make the puppets speak to each other in a funny way, so that your baby
enjoys the indecipherable conversation with cuteness.
C. Two Months:
Your baby will advance in his auditory and sensory skills by the time he is two months old. You can
now engage your infant with sound and sensory related activities. Below are the sensory activities
for babies:

1. Paper Crumple:

You will notice your toddler getting startled at loud noises, reacting to different kinds of music,
beats of drum, the sound of the pressure cooker in the kitchen, etc.

Start creating different kinds of noises, so that your baby begins to get
familiar with them.
You can simply crumple a regular paper, wax paper, cellophane or toys
that squeak. Your baby will immediately respond to that.
2. Up, Up And Away:

Your baby will love flying in the second month as his gross motor skills improve.

To do this with caution, first sit up with your knees bent, with your babys
tummy against your shins.
Lie back on the floor while raising your legs slightly in the air.
Say Up, up and away as your baby rises in the air.
Enjoy those priceless gurgles.

D. Three Months:
Three months is a milestone of sorts in your babys life. He is most likely to imitate you talking on
your cell phone, repeating a few words after you and making faces. Convert this yearning into a fun

1. Telephone Talk:

Your toddler will now love to blabber or attempt gibberish. This is the best time to play the
telephone game with your baby.

Make your baby hold the telephone receiver as you pretend to talk to him
from your cell phone.
Maintain slow speech and long pauses letting your child try and respond
in bits.
With that cute jabber, the game tends to become super fun!
2. Playing Drums:

Playing drums with your child improves his auditory, rhyme, sense of cause and effect skills.

Take three plastic bowls and invert them.

Now use a pair of wooden spoons or chopsticks and start drumming
rhythmically with your baby.
Make sure that this is done only under your supervision as your toddler is
still too young and may hurt himself with the chopsticks.

E. Four Months:
Your baby will progress to the next level of communication by this time. You can start playing
some interactive games with your little one who will respond immediately.

1. Kicking Back:

Your darling will love this activity.

Fill a baby bathtub with 3 to 4 inches of water.

Holding your baby in an upright sitting position, watch as your baby
experiences being in the water and kicking with his legs.
The more he kicks, more water splashes around, making your little one
enjoy the game in delight.
2. Ready, Steady, Go:

This game is apt to give enough practice to your babys fine motor and balancing skills.

Your baby is more likely to roll over once he hits the four month mark.
While he tries to crawl, place your little one on his tummy and press the
palms of your hands against his soles.
Watch your toddler practice trying to move forward as you do that.

F. Five Months:
Your toddler will now indulge in object permanence just because he cant see something doesnt
mean its not there. He will enjoy the hide and seek games from here on.
1. Hide The Toy:

Make sure you are there with your baby all the time, while playing this activity. Also, if possible
use soft boxes, made out of cloth or paper, that way your baby may not harm himself.

Put your babys rattle or any of his favorite toys in a small box.
Now enclose his box in a bigger box and again another big one, creating
various layers.
Ask your baby Wheres your toy? and point to the box.
Watch your baby try to open one box after another.
Ask him Is your toy in there? every time a box is opened.
See your baby exploring the hidden toy with enthusiasm.
2. Airplane Landing:

This is one of the most adorable things that you will begin to do as a mother.

Your child will now follow the direction of the spoon while feeding.
Play an Airplane Landing game while spoon feeding your baby.
Take a spoon of food that has to be fed and slowly start lending it like an
airplane in the direction of your toddlers mouth.
Once he takes in the food, say Airplane landed!

G. Six Months:
This is the time when your toddler crosses the reputed Six Month mark. Its almost like hitting a
half century! Make the most of his newly acquired skills to engage in fun games.

1. Photo Album:

Your little one will start to recognize various patterns, colors and shapes with this baby activity.

Make colorful photo albums filled with pictures of friends and family that
your baby will instantly recognize.
You can also make his baby book and hand it over.
Sit with your little one and go through the album every day.
This way, your baby will get used to leafing through various pictures
2. Building Blocks:

Now that your baby has developed a fine eye for shapes, this is the time to start the block games.
Your childs motor skills are well defined now and he will begin to hold, lift
and drop things.
Participate in the game initially till your child gets used to making shapes
on his own.

H. Seven Months:
Your baby is now set to hear and respond more. His verbal and auditory skills will be constantly
improving during which phase you have to introduce activities that help the same.

1. Story Boards:

Story time is a all time favorite activity among babies.

Buy or make a story board with different shapes like animals and trees.
Make a story out of them and tell your baby, holding him in your lap.
Observe as your baby concentrates on the images and what you say at
the same time, responding back with sounds.
2. Shower Game:

Babies love playing in the water, lets see how making it more interesting.

Use clean plastic containers for this activity.

Making holes in the lid of one container, fill water into the same and cap
During your babys bath time, fill the container and close the lip.
Invert the same for your baby to see the water splashing out.
Make your baby do the same.
This activity improves your childs motor skills and response to cause and

I. Eight Months:
Your little one will now start trying to stand up. He will also improve his hand-eye coordination
during this time. You can help him better the skill with fewer activities.

1. Kicking Game:

This one is an effective activity to develop your little ones skills.

Hold your baby from behind, with one arm around his chest and the other
hand supporting his bottom.
Keep a ball in front of his legs.
Now help your baby kick the ball while holding him.
Say Kick every time he attempts to do it.
2. Noises:

Your baby will love making noises. So give him the required resources for the same.

You can simply give him a spoon and a plate while putting him on his
baby chair or give any sound making toys that he likes.
Your child will now want to explore various sounds while making them
with his hands.

J. Nine Months:
Starting this time, your baby will be in a state of exploratory mode. He will crawl, hide, walk or
simply sit in enclosed places. This is due to his increasing level of spatial relations and gross motor
skills. The following activities for babies of nine months will help.

1. Under The Box:

Since your baby will love enclosures, try playing a game with him.

Take a cardboard or a plastic box big enough for your baby.

Making him get in and out of it.
Make sure you are around your little one while he plays with boxes.
Alternatively, you can make a small tent house for him.
2. Soft Toys:

Your baby will start bonding with his toy friends now.

Buy him adorable soft toys that he can play with.

Create a story where in his toys plays an important role, just like humans.

K. Ten Months:
Welcome to the advanced level of gross motor skill mastering. Your kid will now want to try
climbing on top of things. So make use of resources that will enable him to practice better.

1. Cushion Climbing:

Perhaps one of the easiest and safest ways for your child to improve his climb. Place cushions of
different shapes and sizes on the floor and make your baby climb up and down them.

2. Finger Food Game:

Take different bowls with your childs favorite finger food, crackers, fruit slices, etc. Now place
some empty bowls for him to transfer the contents and match the colors.

L. Eleven Months:
Your baby is one month away from turning one, and you will see a lot of transformation by this
time. He will be more enterprising with you than he was during the first six months. Indulge in little
big things like singing rhymes, songs, etc., your little one will now start singing along with you in
case he has begun saying a few words.

M. Twelve Months:
Your baby is now one year old. A spree of activities is lined up for him, such as sing-along toys,
block games, rhymes, shapes, etc., keeping him busy enough. All his gross motor, sensory, auditory,
visual and linguistic skills would have taken to the next level here.

We hope you liked our list of simple baby activities that can create a difference in your little one.
Do not forget to share any newer ideas from your end with other mommies here.
6 Creative Sensory Activities For Infants
Bringing in a new life into this world is such a miracle! The moment your baby is born, the
exhilarating journey begins. It is not just the firsts that make this journey special but every aspect of
it holds a special place in your heart.

Our senses help us experience the world, the life, emotions, feelings and nature the way they are.
Awakening your babys senses is like introducing him or her to a new universe. So here are
some sensory activities that will make your babys exploration into the world of senses special.

Why Are Sensory Activities Important?

Most people think that only children with certain sensory difficulties benefit from sensory
activities. Truth is that your babys earliest sessions of learning only happen through his senses.

Way before your tiny baby opens up his wrist to grasp the world around him, his senses touch,
smell, sight, taste, hearing and even his muscle sense unfurl him to new experiences through his
sensory system.
Benefits Of Sensory Activities For Infants:

Introducing your tiny baby to the world around him can be really satisfying and thrilling too. You
sure want to make your babys entrance into every phase unique and extraordinary.

Sensory activities are a great way of helping your baby knows the world
through his senses.
It helps them make better sense of the world too.
It helps your baby examine, explore and even categorize.
Helps in language acquisition.
Creates awareness about how the world operates.
It helps his overall development.
It helps in his motor skill development.
These activities are said to have a calming and therapeutic effect on your

Sensory Activities For Babies:

Sensory activities must be planned in a way that they help invoke all the senses equally. There are
thousands of different sensory activities possible. Here we have compiled 6 basic sensory activities
for infants to explore:

1. Sensory Board:

Via Pinterest
Take a simple card board or any firm surface.

Now clip on clothes, things like paper, plastic, fur and even grains onto it.
Help your child touch these different textures and each time he touches
one you must help him by introducing the textures name to him.
This activity can also invoke your babys sense of sight.
You can even clip torn guitar strings to it.
2. Colored Ice Cubes:

Via Pinterest

Fill up an ice tray with liquids of different colors, size and textures.

Once frozen, let your baby explore these.

Help him differentiate between colors, size and textures.
You can also make your baby feel plain water, warm water and then ice to
help him understand the difference.
3. Building Blocks:

Via Source

Building blocks are the oldest and yet the best when it comes to infant sensory activities.

They sharpen your babys sight, reasoning, touch and muscle sense too.
Various colors, shapes and sizes help your baby categorize.
4. Texture Balls:

Via Pinterest

If your baby loves to kick it off with the ball, he sure will love this sensory activity.

Place various types of balls in your babys play area.

Include all sizes of balls in different colors, texture and even weight.
5. Foods:

Via Pinterest

Foods not only introduce textures but tastes too!

Help your baby learn about textures of different kinds of food.

You can teach your baby the names that describe various tastes.
Make your baby feel pasta, noodles, pancakes, breads, biscuits, pastries,
grains and as many other textured-foods you want.
Add more foods with stronger smells to help your baby learn more about
sense of smell.
6. Sound Basket:

Via Pinterest

Create a sound basket for your baby.

Put things that make different noises and sound in the basket.
Help your baby explore all sounds.
Make every object in their different from each other to help develop your
babys sight sense too.
You can add things like plastic bottle, paper cups, a small instrument, an
empty can or small tin and small metal and plastic spoons.
Your baby will sure bang spoons together and on other objects too.

Enjoy Spending Time With Your Baby:

Sensory activities can be really powerful. They are not only critical for your babys development
but for your bonding too.
Many activities can be done by your baby alone. But it always makes
better sense when you accompany him on a one-on-one session and help
him share his experience with you.
The trick to the success of these activities is to be patient and repeat as
many times as possible.
The more you repeat these activities the better it will be for registering in
your babys brain.
You must always conduct these activities through a conversation. This will
help your baby understand the word associated with each sense better and
help him communicate later.

We hope you liked this article on sensory development activities for infants. Please post in more
baby sensory activities with us in the comments section below.
3 Learning Activities For Your 1 Month Old Baby
Congrats mom! Your little one is finally here! The attachment and feeling you get upon holding
your baby are simply unmatched, and you feel the urge of protecting her and supporting her for life.

Unlike what you may think, your one month old is very sensitive to the surrounding around her.
She is slowly developing her hearing abilities and vision. By the end of the month, you may find
her responding to the bright colored toys. Sudden and loud noises may surprise your little one as

Developments In Your 1 Month Old Baby:

This is the time when your babys development will look like a whirlwind. When you pause to take
a look at her, you may notice the following developmental marks.

By the end of the month you may find she is heavier and larger than
Even though she cannot grasp a toy, she will be aware of it.
She can slowly begin to recognize the smell of her caregiver.
Although her vision has not fully developed, she can see objects at a
close proximity.
In the initial days she will mostly keep her eyes closed, but with time she
will start responding to bright colors and contrasting patterns.
Your baby is familiar with your voice since the time she was there in your
womb. Talk to your darling. Babies love the gentle and soothing sounds
than the loud ones.

3 Learning Activities For 1 Month Old Baby:

Here are 3 interesting 1 month old baby activities that you can try. These activities for a 1 month
old baby will help your little one develop the various senses while being completely safe:

1. Your Baby Needs Head Support:

Your baby is too young and still needs the head support beneath.

It will take time for her muscles to get stronger.

Within few months she will be able to lift up her head without support.
You can use a headrest for her now.

2. Reflexes Of Your 1 Month Old:

Your baby slowly develops her reflexes over time. Here are the developments you can notice:

She will automatically turn her head to the nipple or the bottle.
She will extend her hands to hold on to you, when startled.
You can see her grips getting stronger with time.
You can feel her grab on when you put your finger in her palm. She will
not let you go anywhere now!

3. Crying:
No matter how much you prepare, you are never ready to hear your baby cry, cry and only cry.
Babies at this age spend 7% of their day simply crying. It is their way of expressing any
discomforts they are in. This is one of the interesting one month old baby activities to try.

So what can you do in such cases?

Check the diapers, if they need to be changed.
Check if she is hungry.
Check if she needs a burp.
Check if she is sleepy.
Check if she is uncomfortable in the environment around her.

You should not worry much about her crying, as it is the only way she communicates at this stage.
Make sure to respond to her crying and shower her with love.

Is My Babys Development Normal?

This is one worry every mother has across the world; let us clarify your doubt. You must first
understand that every baby is unique and develops in her own way. Below are the simple guidelines
that show potential of your baby:

1. If your baby is born prematurely, she will need more time to get started
with different activities. This is the simple reason why doctor give two ages
to the baby born prematurely.
The chronological age that is calculated from the date of birth of your
The age that is calculated from the due date of your baby.
2. You must measure your babys development against her right age and
not the actual date of birth. This parameter will help your healthcare
professional measure the development of your baby.

Hope you liked our compilation of activities for 1 month old baby. Seek advice from your doctor in
case you have any queries.

Moms share the milestones your baby crossed in the first month in the comment section below.
10 Simple Ways To Soothe Your Crying Baby

In the first year of your babys life, his primary way of communicating with you will be via crying.
In the beginning, it will be difficult to understand why your baby is crying. Is it a cry because he is
hungry? sleepy? cold? dirty? uneasy?

Crying is definitely his way of expressing his needs and catching your attention.

After the first couple of weeks of birth, you will be able to pick up the cues on what your babys cry
means. Attending to your babys cry will only comfort him and he will know that he can turn to you
for any of his needs.

Why Does Your Baby Cry?

Here are some of the main reasons for newborn baby crying at night:

1. Hunger:

One of the main reasons your baby cries is to express hunger.

Your baby may show you a couple of the below mentioned signs of
hunger before crying.
Look out for licking lips, sucking hand or thumb and being fussy.
2. Sleepy:

Another common reason your baby cries is to tell you he is sleepy. Unlike adults, babies cant put
themselves to sleep and therefore need you to put them to sleep.

Your baby may also show you a few signs of sleepiness before crying.
Look out for yawns, rubbing eyes, rubbing ears and lack of interest in
3. Dirty Diaper:

Some babies dont enjoy rolling in their poop and would therefore throw a tantrum crying when
they want to be cleaned.

Check if your baby needs to be changed into a fresh diaper.

In case your baby has not pooped, but the diaper feels heavy with pee its
time for a change anyway.
4. Tummy Ache:

Most babies experience a tummy ache due to colic pain or gas during the first few weeks of life. In
some cases, this may easily extend till the fifth month.

Colic Pain:

Colic pain is almost mysterious in its behavior and can leave your baby sleepless and crying for
long hours especially at night or late evening.

You can also regularly massage your babys tummy with a light hand in
circular clockwise motions to ease the pain.
If your baby suffers from colic pain, discuss it with your pediatrician. Your
pediatrician may recommend oral drops to reduce the pain for your baby.


Once in a while, your baby may also have a tummy ache due to gas pain.

To relieve your baby from gas, lay him on his back and move his legs in a
gentle cycling motion, pushing his legs lightly against his tummy as you do
If your baby has started solid food, avoid giving gaseous food for a few
days till his tummy settles.
In case your baby continues to have gas, discuss with your pediatrician.
Your baby could also have other tummy troubles besides gas and colic
pain like constipation, reflux, abdominal pain or milk allergy.
5. Unable To Burp:

Babies tend to swallow air when they breastfeed or bottle feed and if they dont burp it out, they
tend to feel uncomfortable.

Hold your baby upright and rub his back after a feed to help burp.
You can also try to make your baby sit and rub his back to help him burp.
You can also try these other methods to burp by clicking here.
It is mandatory that your baby burp, as it will ease any discomfort and
should get him to stop crying. It will also prevent baby from spitting up
6. Too Cold Or Hot:

The general rule of the thumb would be to cover your baby in just one extra layer than yourself to
keep them warm and comfortable.

You may be swaddling your newborn baby. Ensure you dont make him
too warm with too much extra covering.
If the weather is cold where you are staying, your baby may protest by
crying during a diaper change or while changing clothes too. Keep the
room warm and also try and distract your baby with toys during diaper
If your baby does not like a cold wipe while changing his diaper, you could
consider buying a wipe warmer available in the market.
Though babies dont tend to cry when it gets too hot for them, ensure
your baby is not too hot or does not break out into a sweat.
In summer months, keep the clothing light and cover him with a thin
blanket while sleeping. Ensure you use a blanket for baby only while you
are awake and can supervise. Do not use a blanket at night, as it could
lead to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) due to choking or
If you are switching on the air conditioner, keep the temperature at 25C
to 26C.
7. Needs To Be Held:

Your baby will constantly demand a lot of hugging, cuddling and physical touch and all you need to
do as a parent is give in to these demands.

Your baby will be comforted with your touch, voice and heartbeat.
Hold your baby close to your heart, sway with him and sing to him, all
these will only console your crying baby.
There is no such thing as spoiling your baby by picking him up the
moment he starts crying. He is a baby after all. So go on and give your
baby those infinite hugs and kisses.

8. Teething:

Some babies experience a lot of pain around the time the first tooth has to sprout.

Your baby may cry inconsolably while going through this phase that can
occur anywhere from 4 months to 1 year of age.
Check for teething by placing your hand on your babys gums. If it feels
extremely hard, you know your babys first tooth is about to pop out soon.
Also look out for chewing on all toys, drooling, gum swelling, refusing food
and loose motions.
Provide your baby with a teething ring to chew on, which may relieve him
of some pain.
If your baby has started solids, you can also give your baby little cold
If the teething pain persists, you can check with your pediatrician for a
pain relief gel to numb the gums.

9. Needs A Change Of Activity:

Babies are constantly being exposed to new things in their life new sounds, lights, people, objects
etc. Over or under exposure can cause your baby to cry.

Sometimes your baby may have had too much and all he needs is some
quiet time.
Take your baby to a quiet room, with low lighting and soft music and help
your baby calm down.
On the other hand, an exploring baby may constantly want to be on the
move, look at new things and explore new objects.
While this can be taxing on you as a new parent, try and take your baby
out for regular walks or activities with other babies.
A change of atmosphere will do you good too.

10. Feeling Unwell:

Your baby maybe trying to convey through his cry that something is wrong.

Check his body temperature with a thermometer.

Check the diaper area for rashes.
Touch his ears to see if it bothers him, could be a sign of an ear infection.
This cry may sound a little different than the other cries, so go with your
motherly instincts and call your pediatrician if you feel the need to.
If your baby still seems to be crying, dont be too hard on yourself,
sometimes it is very difficult to really tell why your baby is crying.
Your baby may cry even if he is generally bored or for no real reason.
Just be there to comfort your baby and give him the warmth he needs.
10 Effective Ways On How To Stop Baby Crying:

We have provided you 10 simple ways on how to soothe a crying baby, here they are:

1. Swaddle:

Sometimes, a comfortable swaddle is all it takes.

Your newborn baby may need the snug and warm feeling he experienced
in the womb.
Swaddling him while sleeping will make him feel this way.
2. Sway and Sing:

Hold your baby in your arms and sway and sing. This action will comfort your baby along with
hearing you voice.

Dont bother if youre the not the best of singer, your baby doesnt really
care, for him youre a Singing Star.
You can even speak to him in a soft voice. Hearing your rhythmic voice
will help him calm down.
Alternately, you can also play some soothing, calming music in low
volume. Ensure you dont shake your baby too much while swaying.
3. Shush In Ears:

Swaddle your baby and hold in your arms.

Now shush into your darlings ears to help stop crying.

The sound of shush will calm him down, giving the feeling of still being in
the womb.
4. Daddy Love:

Sometimes all your baby really wants is some daddy love, and you may be surprised that he
immediately calms down.

Dont be disheartened that you were not able to calm your baby down.
A change of hands is good for both, the baby and you. Take a break and

5. Take A Car Ride:

The steady moving action in the car is very similar to how baby felt in the womb.
A quick car ride may help calm your baby down.
Ensure you place your baby in a car seat and strap him in before you
drive out.
6. Strap On Your Baby Carrier:

Babies love being close to your heart.

It helps to soothe your baby listening to your heartbeat and feeling your
Its what he heard for 9 months so it immediately tends to soothe your
baby down.
7. Massage & Bath:

Try giving your baby a nice body and head massage to calm him down.

Use long strokes to massage your baby and help him relax.
Usually when babies hit key milestones of learning how to sit, crawl and
walk, their muscles tend to hurt.
A massage followed by a nice warm water bath will help him relax and
relieve his muscles of any ache.
Combing his hair after a bath with a soft brush can also make him sleepy.

8. Rock Him In A Baby Swing:

If you have a baby swing, try putting your baby in the swing to calm him down. The soft rocking
motion and light music may soothe him and he could even fall asleep!

9. Distract:

When your baby just cant stop crying, show him something new to distract him.

It could be a new toy, a new sound, a pet or something old shown to him
in a new manner.
Distracting him will make him forget why he was crying in the first place!
10. Some Other Ways:

Switch on your hair dryer the sound of a hair dryer may amuse him and calm him down.

Turn on the vacuum machine, the jarring sound of the vacuum cleaner
may tend to calm him down.
Step outside. Some fresh air and sound of birds chirping may do wonders
for your baby when he is crying.
Crying is an integral part of a babys life. The good news is that it tends to
reduce after the first 3 months of life. By then you would have a little idea
about why your baby is crying.

While there is no one single method which works to soothe your baby, over a period of time you
will know a couple of them which work well for your baby. Once you have figured that out, try and
stick to them. Changing your method every 5 minutes will only get your baby and you more
anxious when its not working.

For example, if you are shushing your babys ear, do it continuously for at least 5-7 minutes, before
you shift your method to something new.

The key is to stay calm. If you get frustrated, your baby will pick up on your vibes and not be able
to calm down himself. If you do tend to get impatient or hyper, ask for help to calm your baby
down. Once you are calm you can take over again.

If nothing seems to be working, speak to your pediatrician to detect an underlying problem or


11 Important And Loving Steps On How To Bathe A


What if he slips from my hands?

What if the water enters his nose?

What if I unknowingly press his belly a little too hard

The fears are many. The pressure is just too much to handle when you are bathing your newborn. It
is even more difficult if he is your first baby. The tiny life is so delicate that you cannot believe he
needs a bath! But yes, he does need a bath. Then, how would you manage it?

MomJunction helps you with a step-by-step guide on what you need to do before, and after giving
your baby a bath, and the precautionary measures such as the positioning of your baby, you need to
take in the bathroom.

Preparations That Go Into Bathing A Baby

Bathing a baby is a ritual that needs meticulous preparation. You need to keep several things ready
before you bathe your baby. You would have to check in on the bath products, the temperature of
the water, the babys feeding schedule, body temperature, and more.

1. Collect all the things:

Imagine you go to a store and then realize that you have forgotten your wallet. Painful, right? The
feeling is the same when you sit down to bathe your baby and realize that you forgot the soap or his
towel or something else. Also, your unnecessary movements (especially getting up and sitting
down) may irritate your baby, and he may not want to take a bath.

Therefore, line up all the necessary baby products around the bath tub, at
an arms length.
You would need soap, shampoo, towels, powder, moisturizing cream,
comb or brush.
Keep a diaper handy as you would need it immediately after the bath.
You could use a few cotton swabs or balls to wipe the babys eyes and
ears gently.
If the baby is a few months old, you may put some toys in his tub to keep
him engaged. However, this trick will not work with a newborn.

When using these products, make sure that they are suitable for a baby and are clinically tested.

2. Check your clothes and accessories:

Wear clothes which are comfortable and dry up quickly.

Your clothes should be comfortable for your baby too. They should be devoid of buttons, zippers or
emanating objects.

Remove any jewelry on your hands and fingers, as they can scratch the gentle skin of the baby.

Also, trim your nails and make sure that the edges are not rough.

3. Set up the bathing tub:

When buying a bathtub, decide on what type of a tub you would want: the tubs material, make,
size, etc.
The bathtub should not be made of slippery material as the baby can slip
and get injured while bathing. Spread a cloth at the base of the tub to
prevent the baby from slipping.
Do not use an adult bath tub as the babys needs to be smaller in size.
The tub should not be so deep that you cannot hold your baby comfortably.
There are different kinds of tubs available. Buy the one that has an option
to hold your babys head and keep it afloat.
Choose tubs which do not submerge the baby, even partially.
You could use a kitchen sink too. However, cover the sink faucet with a
think cloth or faucet covers. This would ensure that the babys head or any
other part is not hurt while you bathe him.

Note that you need to add less water in the tub when the baby is young, and increase the level as he

4. Check the water temperature:

Babies skin is more sensitive than adults. This would mean that a temperature that is comfortably
warm for you could be hot for them.

A temperature between 36C and 38C is the best for babies.

Do an elbow test to know how comfortable the water temperature is. As your elbow is a sensitive
part, you could know the right temperature that will suit your baby. If your elbow feels warm, then
add cold water.

You could use bath thermometers as well. They would give you the best idea of the temperature.

Now, you are ready with the bath items, tub, and water and sat down to bathe your baby. But how
would you do that?

How To Bathe Your Baby?

Well, it is not all that tough, but it requires some concentration and a lot of patience. First things
first, if you can get someones help, do so. In the initial weeks, make sure that someone is present
by your side to help you bathe the baby. You will eventually manage to bathe the baby all by

1. Put your baby in the tub:

Put the baby in the tub with his legs first. Hold his head, back, and neck
with the other hand and then give him a bath.
Only when you have lowered the baby well and held him properly, should
you start pouring water.
Use a small cup or cup your hands to pour water on him. Do not pour
water over his eyes, mouth, or ears.
If there is someone to assist you, ask them to cup their hands above the
babys eyes and ears. This would ensure that the water or soap would not
go into the babys eyes and ears.

2. Soap the baby:

Start by soaping his arms, legs, and stomach. Once you have washed
these areas, gently lift him up to wash his back. Do not turn the baby
around. The soap that you use should be mild, clinically tested, and safe
for babies.
Do not wash the babys face. You could gently wipe it off with a damp
cloth or with cotton swabs.
When cleaning the genitals, use only a dab of soap. For a baby girl, wash
from front to back to prevent infections, as the urethra in girls is closer to
the urinary bladder and prone to infections.
If your son has been circumcised, wipe the area gently with a wet cloth
and dry it immediately. Do not let moisture or water stay in there for long.
Do remember to clean behind the ears, between fingers, under the arms,
and such places which accumulate sweat.

3. Wash babys hair:

To wash your babys hair, lean his head a little towards the back. Be
gentle and make sure you are not leaning him uncomfortably.
Rub some shampoo or soap, into your palms and gently massage it into
the babys hair.
Wash this off with a cup. Do cover your babys eyes and ears while you
wash his hair.

Remember to check the temperature of the water again, if need be, to ensure that it is not too hot or

A baby does not require regular hair washes. Doing it once a week should be fine as a babys scalp
has natural oils, which maintain the hygiene.
4. Dry the baby:

Dry your baby immediately after the bath. Make sure that there are no water drops or moisture left
on the babys body.

Lift your baby from the tub carefully. Wrap him in a big bath towel but do
not cover his face.
Use cotton swabs or a soft cloth to wipe his face. Pat dry his body gently.
Dry his hair by first dabbing out all the water with the towel and then
gently massaging his hair. Remember, babies do not have very thick hair,
so you should not dry the hair forcefully.

With this, you complete the mammoth task of bathing a baby. But its not over yet. What about the
lost moisture or may be some unwanted moisture post bathing? Read on as we tell you what you
have to do next.

What To Do After Bathing A Baby?

The babys skin loses moisture during his bath. At the same time, there could be some water present
in places which you couldnt dry off.

A baby devoid of moisture means that his skin can dry quickly and crack. Moisture present in areas
such as the genitals, underarms, or neck can cause infection. In both these situations, it is necessary
to maintain the right moisture on the skin. You can achieve this through the use of a good
moisturizer and powder.

We list out a few simple ways to maintain that perfect balance.

1. Use a moisturizer:

This is essential if your baby has dry skin. A moisturizer keeps the skin from peeling off. As the
skin prevents the accumulation of bad flora, this would keep your baby away from infections.

2. Use powder:

Powder should be used in areas such as genitals, chest, underarms, etc. It prevents the accumulation
of sweat and bad bacteria on the skin. However, do not use powder on the face or close to the
mouth. If the baby inhales the powder, it could choke him and also affect his breathing.
Do not pour the moisturizer or powder directly on the babys body. Take it in your hands and apply
it on the babys body. Never sprinkle the powder on the baby, as it could irritate his nose and eyes.
Keep your hands clean before you use any product on your baby.

3. Diaper and dress up the baby

Once you massage the baby with moisturizer and apply the powder, diaper him. Tie the diaper
properly so that it does not leak, and also keeps the baby dry and comfortable. Dress the baby in
easy breathing clothes that would keep the baby warm and comfortable. Do not use clothes that
increase the body temperature drastically.

There could be a time or two when your baby would not need a bath. Did you know that you need
not have to bathe your baby daily?

How Often Do I Bathe My Baby?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, babies do not need a bath every day. If you are
cleaning the babys diaper area well and changing the diaper frequently, then your baby need not
have a bath every day.

You can bathe him three times a week until he starts crawling around. As the newborns are
sedentary, they do not need an everyday bath.

Should I Bathe My Baby In The Morning Or Night?

You can bathe him at any time that is not a rush hour for you. There would be more skin-to-skin
contact during this time, so, give bathing a luxury of time.

Bathing time is a bonding time with the baby, but it is also the time when you need to handle the
baby with utmost care. A slip could prove too costly for you. No, were not alarming you but
alerting you to follow some safety measures.

5 Tips For Bathing Your Baby Safely:

The safety measures will not only keep your baby safe but also give you some peace of mind.

1. NEVER leave your baby unattended:

You have someone at the door, or the phone just rang? No worries. Carry your baby along with you
if you are going to attend to something else. Always keep an extra towel handy and use it if you
have to get off mid-bath. Leaving your baby unsupervised is a big mistake. It takes split seconds for
a baby to drown and have his lungs full of water. So be careful and cautious.
2. Do not leave the baby with water running in the tub:
When you are filling water in the tub, never leave your baby in it. Always put the baby into the tub
only after you fill the tub and check the water temperature. Again, not to alarm you, but a baby
could get third-degree burns at a temperature that may not be very hot for us (around 39C

Also, if you leave the baby in the tub while filling it up, then he could slip out of your hands or

3. Hold your baby upright when putting him into the tub:
When you are putting your baby into the tub, put him in feet first. Also, make sure to hold his head
and neck with one hand at all times. Even when you lay the baby horizontally in the tub, hold his
head completely above the water.

4. Always cover the babys eyes and ears:

You could find it difficult to wipe or drain the water that enters a babys eyes and ears. When
washing your babys hair, always cup his ears and eyes. The baby could get ear infections if the
water isnt dried out from his ears. Clean his face with a damp cloth.

5. Sponge bath for an unwell baby:

When the baby is down with a cold or unwell due to some reason, go for a sponge bath. Also,
sponge-bathe him until the umbilical cord falls off.

Yes, you need to take utmost care when the umbilical cord is still attached to your babys body.

How To Bathe A Baby With Umbilical Cord?

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to bathe a baby when his umbilical cord hasnt fallen off yet.
And, it takes about one to three weeks after birth for the cord to fall off.

1. Fold a diaper and place it under the umbilical cord.

2. Use wet cotton swabs to clean the area around the cord. Dry the area
with dry cotton swabs. You can apply a little force (but dont be crude). As
there are no nerve endings around that area, it doesnt hurt.
3. In about the second week, you could notice a few drops of blood. Do not
panic as this is because of the drying up of the cord. Just clean this with
wet and dry cotton swabs.
You should let the cord dry and fall by itself and never pull it off. As a precaution, keep the area
around the cord dry at all times, even after you have cleaned it. There should be no moisture

Your baby may get fussy as you try to clean the area but coo or swing him to calm him down. One
thing that you would have to look out for is any redness (not the drops of blood) and infection. If
there are any of these, take the baby to a doctor immediately.

How To Burp A Baby?

Table Of Contents:

What Is A Burp?
Why Do Babies Need To Burp?
When To Burp A Baby?
How To Burp A Baby?
When To Seek Medical Advice?
Tips To Minimize Gulping Of Air By The Baby
When Do You Stop Burping Babies?

A burp is lovable and not annoying. But only if that sound comes from your baby! That all-
important burp from your baby gives you an immense satisfaction that he had a good feed. In fact,
letting out that gas is so crucial that one of the first things your healthcare provider teaches you in
the hospital is how to make a baby burp.

While some experts feel that it is not necessary to burp a baby always, however the American
Academy of Pediatrics recommends burping regularly.

But burping is not an easy task to accomplish. It is all in the technique. This is precisely why
MomJunction has come up with various ways you can try to burp your baby. If one does not work,
try the next!

What Is A Burp?


A burp is a release of gas bubbles from the esophagus through the mouth. Sometimes, burps bring
out the contents of the babys feed. Such are called wet burps or erps.

If you do not burp your baby, he may turn cranky due to the trapped air bubbles. Keep reading to
know various other reasons.

Why Do Babies Need To Burp?

Whether it is formula milk or mothers milk, babies swallow air bubbles while feeding. These
bubbles get trapped inside the tummy, causing crankiness, spitting up and gassiness in the baby.

Gulping and fussing could indicate that the baby is swallowing air along with milk. The foods you
eat could also result in gassiness in the baby.

Burping helps release this trapped gas and enables the baby to settle
down and feed longer.
Frequent burping helps release the air and frees up room in the babys
Burping is helpful if the baby is possetting (regurgitating curdled milk),
colicky, and has GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). Excessive
burping is seen in babies with acid reflux.

You might burp the baby enthusiastically. But it would not serve your purpose if not done at the
right time.

When To Burp A Baby?

Burp your baby after a feed or in between the feeding sessions. Some babies burp a lot while some
others rarely do.

Therefore, burp the baby whenever he needs it or seems uncomfortable. For instance, if the baby
wriggles, squirms, cries, or pulls away during a feed, try to burp him. In general, burp a baby:

when you switch between the breasts.

half way through the bottle or every 2 to 3oz (60 to 90ml).
every 15 to 20 minutes while feeding.
If you hear excessive gulping, interrupt the feed and give a burp.
Burp your baby more frequently, if he is gassy (1).
If your baby is fussy during night, but not interested in taking a feed, he
may be gassy. Help him burp.

Do Bottle-Fed Babies Need More Burps?

Bottle-fed babies tend to suck in a lot of air. The milk flows faster from a bottle than the mothers
breasts, forcing the baby to take in the air between closely spaced gulps. On the contrary, breastfed
babies usually suckle slowly, taking enough time to swallow. Thus, babies feeding on the mothers
milk do not have to burp as often as bottle-fed babies (2).

However, both bottle-fed and breastfed babies can have trapped-in wind. So burping helps! Now
comes the big question: How exactly can I burp my baby?

How To Burp A Baby?

Burping isnt an easy task. If you, too, feel the same, then you have not tried the right method yet.

Then what is the best way to burp a baby? It is the one that is comfortable and effective for both
you and your little one. Try one of the burping methods given below:

1. On The Chest or Shoulder

Sit straight and hold the baby against your chest.
Let his chin rest on your shoulder.
Support your babys shoulders and head with one hand, and use the
other hand to rub him on the back.
This will relieve him of the trapped air bubbles.

As an alternative, hold your baby up on your shoulder, so that the tummy is slightly pressed.
Support him with one hand and pat rub the back with the other. Create gentle pressure on the
tummy to coax the burp out. The position suits well for the baby with head and neck control.

Note that the baby is breathing comfortably.

2. Burping On The Lap

Make your baby sit on your lap, facing away from you.
Support your babys chest with your palm and use fingers to hold his chin
and jaw but do not block the throat.
Slightly lean the baby forward and rub or pat his back with another hand.

3. Burping With Face Down

Put your baby on your legs with the head facing down, right across knees, at a right angle to your

Use one hand to support the babys chin and jaw. Keep the head slightly higher than the remaining
body to avoid blood rushing to his head.
Pat or gently rub the babys back with another hand.


1. Before you burp your baby, put a burp cloth, an old towel or muslin
square on you. Babies spit a little milk during this time, and it is perfectly
2. Burping a sleeping baby is not different from burping a baby who is

After feeding, practice burping for 10-15 minutes. You can try longer to burp a baby, if he has

If the baby does not burp, then it means he is not ready for it or may not need it. Do it later. But, if
he seems uncomfortable, keep burping or shift to a different method. Changing the burping
positions helps move gas bubbles.

But what if no technique works? If stroking or rubbing does not work for your little one, try a warm
bath or a gentle tummy massage. While massaging, slightly rub your hands over the tummy in a
clockwise direction.

When To Seek Medical Advice?

If your baby is upset even after burping, the problem may not be the trapped wind but something
else. And if the little one is vomiting in large amounts after feeds, seek immediate medical advice.

Why Do Babies Cry While Burping?

Sometimes, air gets trapped when your baby attempts to burp. This could lead to discomfort and
crying spells, besides wheezing, pulling the legs, crankiness, irritability, and coughing. These
crying spells could range from mild to extreme. Do not panic. Rather try out different techniques
until the baby calms down.

Tips To Minimize Gulping Of Air By The Baby

Follow these simple steps to stop the baby from swallowing a lot of air during feeds.

1. Sitting position: Make your baby sit in an upright position during feeds.
2. Pick the right bottle: If you feed your baby using a bottle, use an anti-
colic bottle. These bottles are designed to prevent the babies from
swallowing air. Also, select a bottle with the right hole size.
3. Mixing formula: While preparing the formula feed, do not shake the
mixture vigorously. Shaking generates air in the bottle. Rather, allow the
content in the bottle to settle before giving it to the baby.

Note that neither of these measures can totally prevent the baby from swallowing the air.

When Do You Stop Burping Babies?

Burp the little one until he turns six months old. After that, he would learn to suck without
swallowing much air and thus outgrow the need for a burp.

There is no fastest way to burp a baby. All you need is some patience and the right technique!

7 Reasons Why A Baby Hiccups And How You Can Stop


Table Of Contents:

Why Do Babies Hiccup?

How To Prevent Hiccups In Babies?
How To Get Rid Of Baby Hiccups?
When To Consult A Doctor?
You stare into your babys face, admiring his cuteness. And then it comes, and comes again and
again. Hiccups are very common in babies, but they have the power to unnerve a new mother. Their
intensity and frequency leave you unsettled and run for help. But before acting on it, learn about the
various reasons for hiccups. MomJunction explains the causes and tells you how to get rid of
hiccups in babies.

Why Do Babies Get Hiccups?

Hiccups are so common in babies that your little one perhaps hiccupped for the first time when he
was still in your womb! Yes, fetuses can hiccup from the second trimester onwards (1). Back then
he could have hiccupped as he was swallowing amniotic fluids, but now that cause could be milk or
something else. Lets see what causes hiccups in babies:

1. Gastroesophageal reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux is a condition in which the contents of the stomach move into the
esophagus. Reflux occurs as babies have an underdeveloped lower esophageal sphincter, which lies
between the esophagus and stomach and prevents the upward movement of the food. The irritation
caused by the backflow of food and acid triggers the nerve cells to cause a flutter in the diaphragm,
leading to hiccups (2).

2. Overfeeding
Overfeeding your baby, even on breast milk, can cause the stomach to bloat and distend. The
sudden expansion of the abdominal cavity stretches the diaphragm, causing it to go into a spasm.
This, in turn, makes your baby hiccup.

3. Gulping too much air

If your baby is bottle-fed, he may swallow excessive air since milk flows faster from a bottle than
from your breast. The air inflow causes symptoms similar to those of overfeeding, and the swelled
stomach will result in hiccups. Overfeeding in combination with air swallowing can cause the baby
to break into hiccups and get cranky.

4. Allergies
The baby could be allergic to certain proteins found in formula milk or even in breast milk, which
in turn causes an inflammation of the esophagus, called Eosinophilic Esophagitis (3). As a reaction
to the condition, the diaphragm flutters frequently causing hiccups. In some cases, the allergy could
be triggered by a change in the composition of the breast milk due to certain foods consumed by the
5. Asthma
If your baby is asthmatic, the bronchial tubes of his lungs get inflamed thus restricting the airflow
into the lungs. This causes wheezing due to lack of breath, which in turn leads to spasmodic
movement of the diaphragm thus inducing hiccups (4).

6. Airborne irritants
Babies have a sensitive respiratory system, and any airborne irritant such as fumes, pollution or
intense fragrance can trigger a cough in them. Repeated coughing puts pressure on the diaphragm,
making it flutter. This can cause your baby to break into hiccups.

7. Drop in temperature
Sometimes a drop in the temperature can cause the muscles of the baby to contract. This can lead to
a contraction of the diaphragm, making the baby break into a bout of hiccups.

Do not panic if your baby suddenly starts having hiccups. Be alert, and analyze the reasons, as that
helps you focus on stopping the hiccups. Maintain a baby hiccups diary to note down the time and
conditions in which your baby has hiccupped. Also, register the babys condition and reaction to the
pacification measures. This log will be helpful in case you have to visit the pediatrician.

Once you understand the pattern, it will be easier to stop the hiccups. But before we tell you how to
stop hiccups in babies, lets see how you can prevent them. Prevention is always better than cure,
isnt it?

How To Prevent Hiccups In Babies?

You can prevent hiccups in your baby if you are careful with his feed. According to popular
American pediatrician Dr. William Sears, overfeeding is the common cause for hiccups in infants.
Never breastfeed or bottle feed your baby in large quantities in one go since it can cause a serious
distension of the stomach.

Keep the following points in mind while feeding your little one:

1. Feed your baby small quantities over a longer period of

time rather than stuffing him in one sitting. This will help prevent
overfeeding that is a cause for hiccups in babies.
2. Hold your baby in a vertical position while breast/bottle feeding, at
an angle of 35 to 45 degrees, since this will enable smooth flow of the milk
through the esophagus.
3. If your baby is old enough to sit, then you can bottle feed him in
sitting position. Sit behind him to support his back. Feeding while sitting
will ensure that gravity plays its part in pulling down just the food and not
the air.
4. Listen to the sound he makes while feeding. If he is making too much
slurping noise, then he is probably ingesting a lot of air. Adjust the nipple in
his mouth so that there is little air gap. While breast feeding, ensure that
the babys mouth covers the entire nipple.
5. Regularly clean and wash your babys bottle to prevent the build-up
of milk solids on the nipple. An obstruction while feeding can cause the
baby to suck more air than milk thus causing hiccups.
6. Never let a baby sleep while feeding with the bottle. Unlike breast,
where milk only flows on suckling, a bottle provides a constant drip of milk.
Apart from increasing the risk of cavities, it can also cause overfeeding,
which in turn may lead to hiccups.
7. Break your feeding with mini-burping sessions. Place your baby on
your shoulder and gently tap his back between his shoulder blades, to
induce a burp. Once he burps, give a 20-second break, and then resume
the feeding. When feeding from the bottle, wait until the bottle is half
empty and then induce a burp. A break for a few seconds will help the milk
to completely flow down to the stomach from the esophagus thus
mitigating the chances of a hiccup.

Now, imagine that you have been taking all the precautions, but your baby still got hiccups for
some reason. What would you do to stop them? Read on.

How To Get Rid Of Baby Hiccups?

Try these but one at a time.

1. Give him some sugar

This has been the age-old remedy for hiccups. If your baby is old enough to eat some solid food,
then place some sugar crystals under his tongue. In case he is too young to consume solids, you can
dip his pacifier in some freshly made sugar syrup and insert it in his mouth. Or dip your finger in
the syrup and let the baby lick it. Make sure that the pacifier and your finger are both clean. Sugar
may ease the tension in the diaphragm, thus stopping your babys hiccups.

2. Massage the babys back

It is a more direct way of dealing with hiccups. Position your baby in an upright sitting position and
gently rub his lower back all the way to his shoulder in circular motions. You can also place the
baby on his tummy and give the same message but ensure that you place him on a soft and spongy
surface, like a mattress. Be gentle with your movements and do not apply too much pressure. The
idea here is to loosen the tension in his diaphragm, which can relieve him of hiccups.

3. Keep the baby upright after feeding

Hold your baby vertical and upright for up to 15 minutes after feeding. Staying upright will keep
his diaphragm in its natural position thus preventing any muscle fluttering. You can also pat his
back gently to make him burp, which will bring out the air he ingested while feeding. This will
work at relaxing his diaphragm thus reducing the chances of hiccups.

4. Distract your baby

Sometimes the good old peek-a-boo can do the trick! Whenever your baby breaks into bouts of
hiccups, try distracting him with a game activity or by rattling his favorite toy in front of him.
Hiccups are caused by muscle spasms, which can be triggered by nerve impulses. A change in a
nerve stimuli through touch (like in massage) or through some sensory input (seeing favorite toy)
can subdue the frequency of baby hiccups if not completely stop them.

5. Try gripe water

Note that there is no scientific backing to the benefits of gripe water to treat gastrointestinal
problems in infants (5). Yet, it is one of the most popular solutions to treat gastric discomfort,
which could be a cause for hiccups in babies. You can give gripe water by diluting it with clean
drinking water. Your baby may be allergic to certain ingredients in the gripe water or could be too
young to consume it. Consult a pediatrician before giving gripe water to your baby.

You may try one or more of the above remedies for hiccups. But in your anxiety, you might
sometimes do things which could do more harm than good to the baby.

Things You Should Never Do

There are certain remedies for hiccups that are suited for adults. Never try them on your little one
since it may lead to adverse effects.

1. Startle or scare the baby: Never try to startle or scare the baby to
make him stop hiccupping. A loud bang of a bursting plastic bag,
commonly used for hiccupping adults, may cause damage to the sensitive
eardrums of babies. It may also scare the baby to the point that he slips
into a colic trauma.
2. Feed sour confectionery: Sour candy works great for adults but is not
meant for babies. Even if your little one is over 12 months, it is not
advisable to feed him sour candy or other sour eatables to alleviate
hiccups. Most sour candies contain powdered edible acid, which may not
be good for the health of your little one.
3. Slap the back of the baby: The ligaments in your babys skeleton are
still supple and any shock or brute force may cause them serious damage.
For this reason, never slap the back of the baby to stop him from
hiccupping. You may gently tap, but any force beyond that can inflict injury.
4. Press the eyeballs: Ocular muscles, the strands of muscles that help
the eye move, are still in their developmental stages. This means they are
less likely to bring the eye back to its normal position if dealt with force.
Pressing the eyeball of a baby, even gently, is, therefore, a strict no-no.
5. Pull the tongue or a limb: Babies are delicate, and like mentioned
earlier, their bones and joints are not yet capable of withstanding pulls and
tugs. Do not pull the tongue or limbs of the baby to prevent him from

Hiccups are a temporary nuisance, which can be dealt with a few right measures. But if they recur
frequently, then it is the time to see a doctor.

When To Consult A Doctor?

1. If it is gastroesophageal reflux
If your baby has chronic hiccups and always burps with gobs of liquid, then he may be showing
symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux. Gastroesophageal reflux is usually accompanied by other
symptoms, including irritability, arching of the back and crying after a few minutes of feeding. In
case you suspect it to be reflux, consult your pediatrician right away.

2. Hiccups interfere with activities like sleep and feeding

It is okay for the baby to hiccup once in a while but if the hiccups interfere with his daily activities
such as feeding, sleep and playtime, then you must take him to the doctor. If the hiccups get chronic
and hinder his daily activities, then your baby will automatically show signs of discomfort. This
means that his hiccups could be due to an underlying cause that needs medical attention.

3. When the hiccups last for hours or days

Babies, including the newborns, can hiccup almost daily for several minutes or an hour. If they
generally appear happy and comfortable, then there is no reason to worry. But if the hiccups show
no sign of fading and continue for an abnormally long time, then the cause could be serious. Also,
observe if the babys hiccups are accompanied by an abnormal sound like wheezing. In such cases,
you should certainly consult your pediatrician.

Patience and observation will help you and your baby smile your way through hiccups. Household
remedies are the simple means of suppressing and even preventing hiccups in your baby. Always
remember, hiccups are never going to harm the baby and are completely normal in infants (6). So
never panic about them since it is a natural event. Some basic precautions while feeding should
help you deal with baby hiccups on a day to day basis. In case the hiccupping gets chronic, then
consult a pediatrician.
6 Pros And Cons Of Using Pacifiers For Your Baby

As a parent, your most important priority is to comfort and care for your baby. While some infants
can be calmed down easily after breastfeeding is over, some others still want to suck, even when
they are not hungry.

If your baby is doing the same too, the answer may be a pacifier.

Pacifier For Babies Is It Good?

A pacifier is not something that you regularly give your baby. After you have fed, burped, rocked,
cuddled and played with him, your baby may still be cranky and need some comforting. This is
when you may want to check if a pacifier can soothe the situation.

Though some babies will pacify themselves with the habit of thumb-
sucking, others will need a pacifier to make them feel secure.
This is a kind of non-nutritive sucking and is more prominent in some
It is also easy to break the habit of sucking pacifier than the habit of
thumb-sucking which becomes quite annoying at times.

AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) states that use of pacifier should be promoted in infants
younger than one year of age.

3 Pros Of Using Pacifier:

Here are some baby pacifiers pros and cons. These will help you to make a decision on whether to
offer it to your baby or not.

Pacifier offers the following good things to your baby:

1. Reduced SIDS Risk:

Giving a pacifier to your baby during sleep or night time reduces the chances of SIDS (sudden
infant death syndrome).

While doctors are not sure how it works, they do recommend using it
while your little one is sleeping.
The risk is lowered by more than half.

2. Please The Suck-Reflex:

There is a natural need to suck in babies and this habit is met by sucking bottle or breast.

Some babies still desire to linger on, even after their tummies are full. In
this situation, pacifier can be useful for both you and your baby.
You must ensure that the pacifier does not replace the mealtime, because
your baby will enjoy sucking this accessory.

3. Boost Self-Soothing Habit:

When your baby sucks on pacifier, it will help him/her to relax, control feelings and also make your
baby feel secure.

Thus, the comfort factor will be doubled and it will ensure a calmer baby and more relaxed parents.

3 Cons Of Using Pacifier:

The use of pacifier has some bad effects too:

1. Tooth Problems:
If your baby uses it for a prolonged period, it will result into ugly denture.

So make sure that your baby does not use it after two years of age.
Experts say that any kind of growing tooth problems are self-corrected
within six months of ceasing pacifier use.

2. Ear Problems:
Some studies reveal that infants who use pacifier are more prone to ear infections than infants who
do not use it.

There are two times increased chances of infections in babies who suck pacifier.

3. Nipple Confusion:
If you use the pacifier in early days, it will create nipple confusion in infants and can also interfere
with successful breastfeeding.

It is better to offer this accessory when your infant has turned one month.
But, if your baby is nursing well, has a perfect feeding routine and gaining
weight perfectly, then you can start early too.
It should not be given to those babies who have problems in gaining

Remember, While Using Pacifier:

Always use a pacifier which is BPA (bisphenol-A) free.

Select the correct size to fit perfectly in your babys mouth.

To keep it clean, rinse with soap and water before and after use.

Make sure that you give pacifier after the regular feedings to your baby to ensure your darling gets
full nourishment first. This will let your child relax and get better sleep.

11 Effective Ways To Stop Your Baby From


Are you annoyed with your child thumb sucking? Do you want to know some effective ways on
how to stop your child from indulging in this silly activity?

Before, you learn about the methods, you must know that thumb sucking is a natural reflex action.
It is a common behaviour. This habit can be detected during ultrasound. Thumb sucking helps
soothe sore gums at the time of teething and is a babys way of calming himself. Infants link
sucking with pleasure. They continue the habit even as toddlers. In some cases, the thumb sucking
may continue for prolonged periods, up to 8-9 years.

Thumb sucking habit is found in nearly 18% of children aged between 2 and 4 years. As you read
more about thumb sucking and different ways to cope up with the issue, you find experts
discourage parents from trying to stop this habit until a child himself demonstrates that he is ready
to quit thumb sucking.

Methods For How To Stop Thumb Sucking:

Various methods can be implemented to tackle this issue. Some effective ways to stop thumb
sucking in babies are:

1. Let Your Baby Decide Its A Mess:


Whenever you will go to a paediatrician regarding your babys thumb sucking habit, you will be
getting the same message that the best way to get rid of this messy habit is to tell your baby to stop
himself. The most effective way is to let him continue and when he will find a reason to stop such
behaviour, like being mocked upon by his peers at school, he will quit this habit. Some specialists
say that there are more chances of success in confronting the problem when your little one is ready
to quit than banging your head for forcing him to stop thumb sucking.

2. Try A Reward System:

Reward based system or game playing can be beneficial in tackling the problem. Place a calendar
on a refrigerator and tell your baby that for each day when he will not suck his thumb, you will
mark that day in that calendar and stick a smiley sticker on that day. When that set period, say like a
month, is over you can offer a reward to your baby like an ice cream treat or his favourite toy.

3. Try an Unpleasant Remedy:

You can opt for this reverse psychology when you ask your baby to put all the fingers in mouth for
the same duration as he puts the thumb in his mouth. Continuously doing this, your baby will get
tired of this process and will stop sucking his thumb altogether.

4. Give Your Baby The Option of Thumb Sucking in

When your baby stops sucking his thumb in front of you or in public, then consider all your efforts
a success. When he spends a short amount of time sucking his thumb in private, the problem wont
last long. Soon, he will drop the idea of thumb sucking in private too.

5. Reminder Liquid Idea:

Some pediatricians see this method as a cruelty. But others recommend using some liquid which is
bad in taste and put it over the thumb. This stops the baby from putting his thumb in the mouth. The
method should not be treated as a punishment to the baby; instead it should be used as a reminder.
The fluid on his thumb will remind him not to put his thumb in the mouth.

6. Do Not Try Negative Reinforcement:

Negative rewards should never be used like placing a sad faced sticker on the calendar or other
nasty ways to stop his thumb sucking habit such as applying pepper on fingers.

7. Do Not Shout:
You might be feeling frustrated at times when your baby puts his thumb in his mouth. Try not to
yell at him or punish him as this will only cause nervousness and he will be frightened. This can
even cause the problem to get worse rather than getting better.

8. Begin With Easy Stuff And Then Accelerate:

The approach in tackling thumb sucking habit should be like- you first approach your baby to stop
thumb sucking in public and then gradually apply the other simple methods. Later on, you can take
steps to stop thumb sucking during sleep time. You can also lure your baby that you will double his
reward if he stops sucking his thumb during the more testing times.

9. Weaken the Habit:

When your baby puts his thumb in the mouth, try to divert him. Try to engage him in an activity
that needs both his hands. Get ready before bed time and make him hold the book you are reading
to him or give him a soft toy to wrap around. Discourage your baby to stop sucking his thumb
while sleeping and tell him that his thumb is also sleeping.

10. Be Patient:
Bbabies who suck their thumbs at the age of four, five or six years, stop sucking as they become
more engaged in other activities as time passes or maybe they suck thumbs at some specific times.
According to some experts, babies stop thumbsucking altogether at the age of seven at maximum
due to the peer pressure in school.

11. Look For A Substitute:

When your child is a baby, you can look out for a substitute like silicone pacifiers. It soothes and
distracts him.
Disadvantages Of Using Pacifier:

It is recommended not to overuse pacifiers. Here is why:

Using pacifiers in the first month may reduce breastfeeding success. This
decreases the sucking time on the breast results in a lower milk supply.
Pacifiers may cause ear infections. Continuous sucking motion opens the
auditory tubes. This allows the entry of bacteria from mouth to ear.


With each passing year you will see your baby sucking thumb in a
particular time of the day.
Babies generally stop sucking thumb once they are four years old.
Some children may retain this habit, which may cause dental and speech
In rare cases, if thumb sucking is observed after the age 5, it could be
due to an emotional problem or other disorder like anxiety.
How To Sterilize Baby Bottles - Everything You Need To

From the time your little bundle of joy has arrived, both of you may be enjoying and strengthening
the bonding through breastfeeding. Surely, breastfeeding is the best for both of you. But, time may
come where you will need to start bottle feeding for various reasons such as insufficient breast
milk, illness, or the end of your maternity leave.

Bottle feeding is comfortable for many reasons, the prominent one being that it can be done by
anybody at home and not just you. However, there is a not-so-comfortable fact about it, i.e.,
washing and sterilizing the bottle. Your little one is quite vulnerable to diseases and infections as
her immunity is not yet well-developed (1). Thus, it is essential to ensure that the feeding
equipment is free from microbes.

MomJunction gives you tips and tricks for sterilizing baby bottles and cut down the risk of your
little one being infected.

Why To Sterilize Baby Bottles?

Several microorganisms like viruses, bacteria, and fungus can deposit in the bottle. They mix into
the babys milk and enter her body, leading to vomiting, thrush, or diarrhea. It is, therefore,
necessary to sterilize the feeding bottles properly before use.

You need not have to sterilize them after every feed, as long as you are washing them with hot
water and storing in a sterile container. It is advisable to sterilize bottles once in a while. If your
baby was recently down with flu or cold, you need to sterilize the bottles more frequently.

Even though the babies develop better resistance against infections by the time they turn one,
continue sterilization as long as she is on bottle feed.

Must-Dos To Sterilize Baby Bottles

There are certain inevitable things to do for complete sterilization of your babys milk bottles.

1. Use Filtered Water

Regular tap water may have contaminants. It is basically hard water, which means that it can leave
a residual layer of salts inside the bottle and other equipment. Therefore, use filtered water for
sterilization. Even if you are using a steam sterilizer, you should use filtered water to ensure
complete protection (2).
2. Clean The Bottles
Before sterilizing, clean the bottles, nipples, retaining rings and the scoop of the milk formula tin
with warm soapy water.

You can clean the bottle and its parts using a bottle brush. While cleaning, rotate the brush to
remove any dried milk or milk powder from the equipment.

Dishwasher, too, can be used to clean the feeding bottles. Place them on the top rack of the washer
and run on a warm cycle (so that they do not melt).

Remove any traces of milk on all the bottle parts, including the lids. Turn the nipples inside out and

Wash them just after feeding your baby to avoid the drying up of the leftover milk. After finishing
the cleaning process, carefully rinse all soap. Clean your hands thoroughly before proceeding to

3. Buy Food Grade Plastic Ware

If you are buying plastic feeding equipment for your baby, always go for food grade quality. Opt for
the ones that are BPA-free or buy glass bottles (3). Do not forget to sterilize new bottles before use.
Unless there are specific instructions, glass bottles can be sterilized the same way as the plastic

Regularly check the bottles and nipples for splits, scratches, or cracks and replace the damaged
feeding equipment. Bacteria tend to accumulate in such places and survive even after cleaning and

4. Dry Separately
Use a clean and exclusive cloth to dry the sterilized bottles. Keep them on a separate shelf, and if
possible, in an airtight container to avoid contamination due to dust. You can also seal them in a
zip-up mesh.

5. Open Just Before Feeding

Remove the bottles from the sterilizer only before feed time. Keep the sterilizer covered with a lid
until you need a bottle, to keep the feeding equipment free of germs.

6. Wash Your Hands

Wash your hands thoroughly before removing the bottles from the sterilizer. You may also use
sterilized tongs to pull out accessories like teats and place them ready for use on the upturned lid of
the sterilizer or on a clean surface.

Do not keep the sterilized bottles out for long. Put them in sterilizers with in storage facilities (if
available) and remove just before use. If you could not use the sterilizers, then re-sterilize them if
the bottle is taken out and left out for a long time.

Different Methods Of Sterilizing Baby Bottles

There are various methods of sterilizing baby bottles. Here are a few most-used methods, with their
set of advantages and disadvantages.

1. Boiling
It is the most common method of sterilization. This is simple but make sure that the bottles are safe
to boil.

1. Take a big deep vessel with a lid, fill enough water to immerse the bottles
and other parts fully, without any air bubbles. It is better to exclusively use
the vessel for this purpose.
2. You may have to weigh down plastic bottles with a heavy object, as they
tend to float on the surface of the water due to their light weight.
3. Parts of the bottle should not touch the bottom of the vessel, as direct
heat may damage them. Glass bottles might crack, and plastic might melt.
4. Boil them for around 10 minutes.
5. Cover the vessel until you need to use the equipment.

The drawback with this method is that the bottles parts tend to get damaged faster than in other
sterilization methods.

2. Cold Water Sterilizing

For cold water sterilization, you have to use sterilizing solution or sterilization tablet diluted in cold
water. These are effective against bacteria but can last only for 24 hours.

Various exclusively designed units are available in the market for this purpose or you can also use
any plastic container with a lid. But, do not use the same plastic container twice as the sterilizing
solution can affect the plastic and make it unusable. Follow these steps.

1. Completely immerse the equipment in water. Ensure that there are no air
bubbles in them.
2. Follow manufacturers advice on the quantity of the solution or cold water
to use.
3. Leave them for half an hour.
4. Remove nipples and bottles during feeding time.
5. After taking the bottle and its equipment from the solution, shake well
and rinse with boiled and cooled water.
6. Discard the solution after 24 hours and clean the sterilizing container
thoroughly using warm soapy water before preparing a fresh solution.

3. Steam Sterilizing
This method involves electric or microwave sterilizer, is an effortless and quick process. You must
follow the manufacturers guidelines to sterilize through this method.

Electric Steam Sterilizing:

The process usually completes within 12 minutes, with additional cool down time.

1. Fill the steamer with water and put the bottle and its parts in it.
2. Close the lid and allow steam for a few minutes.
3. Bottles remain sterile for about six hours if the cover is kept unopened.

Check if the equipment is allowed to steam, before placing inside the machine. Steam sterilizers
can hold six bottles at a time and have separate racks for smaller items like nipples.

Place the feeding equipment and bottles with their open side facing downwards in the electric
steam sterilizer to allow the steam to efficiently sterilize the feeding gear.

Microwave Sterilization:

This is another effective type of steam sterilizing, in which you put unsealed baby bottles (to avoid
the rise of pressure in the bottle) in the microwave individually for about 90 seconds. It is a very
quick method of sterilization. Before proceeding, make sure that your microwave is clean.

1. Half fill each baby bottle with water.

2. Place each bottle upright inside the microwave.
3. Place nipples and rings in a microwave safe bowl filled with enough water
to cover them.
4. Microwave for approximately a minute and a half.

*Note: Wait before moving the bottles and nipples and be careful to avoid burning of your hand.

You can try microwave steaming with steamers specially designed for the purpose. It takes three to
eight minutes for sterilization, with cooling time extra. The time taken may vary based on the
model and wattage. The process is simple:
1. Add water to the steam sterilizer.
2. Toss the bottles in the microwave.
3. A simple beep calls you to collect the sterilized stuff.

The benefit with electric sterilization or a microwave sterilization method is that the bottles remain
sterile for about six hours if the cover is unopened. They do not leave any lingering taste or odor
after the process.

4. Sterilizing With UV light

Ultraviolet light can purify water by killing bacteria, viruses, and mold. However, the technology is
being used for baby products as well.

As it is still a new technology for baby bottles, there are no devices which can sterilize an entire
feeding bottle. All you get is a UV device that can sterilize the nipples or pacifiers. Despite this
short coming, the devices are portable and light weight. Sterilization can be done within three

Unsterilized bottles attract bacteria, parasites, and viruses, making the baby vulnerable to various
infections. So follow any of the above methods of sterilization to help keep the feeding equipment
Why Do Babies Spit Up Through Their Nose?

It is not unusual to find your baby spitting up shortly after a feeding. Some babies spit up after
every meal whereas some do it occasionally. But, sometimes, you will see them spitting up through
their nose in addition to mouth. It is because your babys nose is connected to the back of her

It is quite normal if your baby spits up through nose once in a while, but if it happens repeatedly, it
is a matter of concern.

Why Do Babies Spit Up Through Nose?

Let us understand some of the reasons behind your baby spitting up through nose.

1. Partially Developed Valve: The esophagus is connected to the tummy

through a valve, that is still underdeveloped in babies, and sometimes it
cannot hold all of the stomachs contents. If you feed your baby with
excess milk or formula or if she swallows too fast it can aggravate the
spitting up (1). You may take advice from your pediatrician about how
much and how frequently you should feed your little one to minimize the
2. Hiccups, Coughs Or Sneezes: The swallowing process may become
little complex if your baby is hiccupping, coughing or sneezing. These
conditions increase the pressure on the esophagus, which may exacerbate
spitting up through nose.
3. Ingesting Air: Your baby may sometimes ingest some air along with
breast milk or formula.
Later, when the air tries to expel out, it comes out with milk as it gets
trapped in milk. It will thus come out through mouth or nose.
4. Distractions: Sometimes, your baby may get distracted while she is
feeding (especially if there is someone around or theres a lot going on)
and they will not pay attention to what they are doing. They may forget to
swallow when they should, this may choke and cause the milk to come
back through the nose.

Impact Of Spitting Up Through Nose:

When your baby spits up, it may irritate her nose, but it will not cause any medical concern. If she
often spits up large amounts, there is a possibility that she will not have sufficient nutrients for
growth. You have to monitor her growth, weight gain and developmental milestones. Your
pediatrician will help you determine if she requires any medical intervention.

How Can You Reduce Spitting Up?

Here are some ways help to reduce the bouts of spit-ups your baby often suffers from:

1. Check The Bottle Nipple:

If you are using a feeding bottle, you should double check the nipple hole to ensure that it lets out a
few drops at a time. Doing this ensures that your baby will not get too much milk at a time.

2. Limit The Feed:

If your baby is on breast feed, try to limit the length of each feed. Short and frequent feedings will
reduce the bouts of spitting up.

3. Do Not Overfeed:
Overfeeding may cause increased spitting up as the digestive system, and stomach muscles are all

If her stomach is full, she is bound to spit up, especially when she bounces around after feeding (2).
So dont allow her to play immediately after feeding.

4. Feed On Time:
You should breastfeed, or formula-feed your little one on time and do not allow her to get super
hungry. She may eat hurriedly when food is given late, which may lead to choking and spitting up.

5. Avoid Distractions:
When you are feeding your baby, make sure that you are in a calm place. Do not feed her in a noisy
area or that is prone to distractions, as it may cause spit-ups.

6. Upright Position:
Hold your little one in an upright position during and after feeding. It will allow the feed to pass
smoothly through the digestive system and will not cause any disturbances like spitting up.

7. Burp Your Baby:

Take time to burp your little one while and after feeding, as it will restrict air from building up in
the tummy. This way the air comes out and will not cause any irritation for your baby.

8. Keep Pressure Off The Tummy:

Do not dress your baby in a tight diaper or clothes soon after feeding the baby, as it may stress her
tummy and will make her feel uncomfortable.

9. Put Baby To Sleep On Back:

The risk of choking and spitting up is greatly reduced when babies sleep on their back. Doing this
also reduces the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).

When Can You Call A Doctor?

Most infants spit up because of improper feeding positions. But sometimes it may also be due to
certain medical conditions. You should seek your pediatricians help if your baby experiences:

Spitting up causing discomfort for the baby

Having difficulty with sucking or swallowing, which may be a problem of
soft palate
Spits up large amounts after each feed, where the doctor should check
her weight whether she is gaining efficiently.
Spits up blood or green color material
Persistent spitting up through nose, which can also be a defect of palate
in the mouth and is not visible through physical examination.
Spitting up accompanied with choking or coughing
Continues to spit up even after early childhood stage
When Does Your Baby Stop Spitting Up?

Most babies will stop spitting up by six months or after they learn to sit. But, in some cases, they
may also continue spitting up until one year.

Even after you baby stops spitting up, some liquid may still come out of the nose because she does
not have control over the swallowing process. As the digestive system develop and muscles grow
stronger, she may stop regurgitating the feed and hold it within the tummy.

The issue will not completely curb in older children. Even some adults spit up liquid through their
nose sometimes. It happens when they suddenly laugh while drinking. It is the same situation and

Although spitting up is considered to be natural by pediatricians, you should always monitor your
baby spitting up patterns to keep her safe.

Baby Colic - Symptoms You Do Not Expect

One of the biggest joys you experience after giving birth is holding your baby in your arms. While
these memories will be forever, there is a hitch that may put a dampener on the excitement, well at
least temporarily: your babys incessant bawling!

As a new parent, one of the first real challenges you will have is calming your baby during the
bouts of crying. It can be quite a task, especially in the first few months. Moreover, if your baby
suffers from a colic, the effort it takes to calm him down could be a herculean task. So, if you want
to know what causes colic in babies, what are its symptoms and what you can do about it, do read

What Is Colic In Babies?

Colic is a situation, in which your baby cries for hours together for no obvious reason. It is not a
health or medical condition, and often babies with a colic are healthy and happy. Unlike the times
when your baby will cry due to hunger, during colic, he will cry on a full stomach.
Here are a few facts you should keep in mind about colic:

If your baby is born after full-term, he is likely to be first affected with

colic around the second week after birth. If your baby is premature, colic
could begin later.
While your baby will cry incessantly for the first few months due to colic,
it will almost disappear by the time he turns four or five months old. In
some cases, he will stop being affected by colic as early as the fourth week
after the first bout of colic.
Whether you breastfeed or bottle-feed your baby, it does not have any
impact on your babys case of colic.
Also, colic is not restricted to any particular gender, which means that
whether you have a girl or a boy, it has equal chances of affecting them.
Your babys birth order, as to whether he is a first-born, a second-born, or
a subsequent baby does not have any impact. Colic will not have any
implication on your babys overall health and development. If your baby
does get colic, do not worry, as he will not be any different from others as
the condition will have no bearing on your babys developmental
milestones and other achievements whatsoever.
When your baby has colic, no matter what you do, the crying will barely

The Rule Of Three As Applied To Colic:

One of the ways to describe colic is the situation in which your baby will cry for more than three
hours for at least three days a week and at least for or more than three weeks.

Symptoms Of Colic In A Baby:

When you have a new baby at home, whether you are a first-time parent or already have had kids, it
can be quite a task to understand why he is crying. You may try to pacify your baby in many
different ways, by trying to feed him, putting him to sleep, changing the diaper, or trying to distract
him, but nothing may work.

If your baby does suffer from colic, you will have to look for a few consistent signs and symptoms
which will tell you that your baby has colic. Here are a few signs and symptoms that can be a sure
sign that your baby does have colic:

1. Cries At An Almost Regular Pattern:

If your baby has colic, you will notice that he cries almost at the same time each day. In most cases,
your baby will start crying towards the late afternoon or early evening, or even late evening hours.
He could cry for as short as a few minutes or as long as three hours or more, but mostly it will be
for three hours or more. Also, your baby will cry for almost the same amount of time each day at
the same given time. By the time your baby stops crying at the end of the colic episode, he passes
gas or stool.

2. Cries Inconsolably, And It Is Difficult To Calm The Baby Down:

With colic your baby will cry for no apparent reason and even as you try to find out a reason that
could be causing distress to him. He will cry at an intense pitch, sound distressed and
uncomfortable and he may turn red and have a flushed face.

3. Your Baby Will Frequently Change The Posture:

When your baby cries due to colic, you will notice some very obvious changes in. Your baby will
curl up the legs, clench the fists and will also tense around the abdominal muscles.

What Causes Colic In Babies?

Doctors are not yet able to find the exact cause for baby colic, and as a result, there is no specific
way to soothe your baby during these episodes. Here are a few possible causes that doctors feel
could lead to colic in your baby:

As your babys digestive system is still developing, the muscles could

often end up causing spasm and pain.
Your baby forms gas in the stomach that leads to pain and discomfort.
In some cases, your baby may become over sensitive and get overly
stimulated for being exposed to light, noise and such.
Your baby is at a stage when the hormones are still developing, and it
could cause pain in his stomach or lead to mood changes and fussiness.
Your babys nervous system is still developing and could also lead to
some pain or discomfort.

In some cases, it is possible that you may notice all the signs and symptoms of colic in your baby
and attribute his crying to the condition. However, if his crying goes extreme, and you may have a
parental intuition that something is not right. In a case where your baby is in extreme discomfort
and if the crying goes on for more than three hours for more than three days of the week and more
than three weeks, or even earlier, do take him to a doctor. Here are a few things that could cause
pain and discomfort in your baby and lead to the crying and discomfort:

Irregularity in the heartbeat

Any infection that you may not be able to notice from outward signs or
Problems in your babys eyes, such as an increased pressure or a feeling
of scratching and irritation
Acid reflux or problems in the stomach.
Any form of injury in your babys muscles, fingers or bones.
Any form of pressure or swelling in your babys nervous system or brain.

Remedies And Treatment Options For Baby Colic:

In most cases, you will have to wait for your babys colic to pass out on its own, as there is no
specific treatment available. Also, in most cases, your baby will come out of the episodes of colic
by the third or fifth month, and unless the situation is extreme, the doctor will suggest you to wait
out that period without giving any medication. In some cases, however, your baby may need a
treatment as the condition causes too much discomfort and interferes with his daily routine. Here
are a few treatment options your babys doctor might suggest:

1. Medications To Help Relieve Gas:

While there are many gas relief medicines that you can easily get over the counter, it is important
that you first speak to your babys doctor and get a go-ahead. While they may not help much with
colic, there are still some medicines that your babys doctor may prescribe. Some such medicines
are the ones that contain simethicone (such as St. Joseph Baby Infants Gas Relief, Infants Mylicon
Gas Relief and so on). Most doctors will suggest you to go for these medicines, as they are
considered to be safe. However, if your baby has to take thyroid replacement medication, the doctor
will ask you to stay away from using these.

2. Probiotics:
Probiotics help to maintain the natural balance of the good bacteria in your babys digestive system,
and as a result, soothe any digestive issues that could be causing pain and discomfort. In most cases
babies have colic because there is a lack of balance of good and bad bacteria in their digestive

Many medical researchers have tried to see the effects of probiotics on some good bacteria in a
babys digestive system and whether or not it affects colic in any way. One such probiotic is
Lactobacillus reuteri, which helped to reduce the symptoms of colic in babies to a huge extent.
However, there are no clear results about the same, as some results showed a significant
improvement in the condition after giving the said probiotic while others showed no such change.
As a result, doctors are still not sure whether or not to recommend probiotics to babies who have
colic or ask parents to stay away from it.

Home Remedies For Treating Colic In Babies:

There may not be any specific treatment option that can help treat your babys colic or make it go
away, but there are some home remedies to help soothe colic in infants. Here are a few things you
can try:

1. Hold Your Baby In An Upright Position At Feeding Times:

Hold your baby in a slightly upright position and burp between feeding. Let your baby finish off the
milk in one breast before switching to the next.

2. Pay Attention To Your Diet If You Are Breastfeeding:

Try to avoid potential food allergens such as peanuts, wheat, soy, dairy and fish in your diet and see
if it makes any difference in your babys colic.

3. Change Your Babys Formula If He Is On Top Feed:

If your baby is on top feed, try and switch the formula to one that is known as hydrolysate infant
formula (available as Nutramigen, Pregestimil, Similac Expert Care Alimentum and such). It may
help if your baby is intolerant to milk or lactose or to cows milk, without your being aware of it.

4. Change Your Babys Bottle:

Some bottles are specifically made to reduce colic in newborns . Look for ones that come with
collapsible and disposable bags.

Taking care of your colicky baby can be quite nerve-wracking, especially when you are low on
sleep and rest yourself. Hang in there and know that the episode will pass soon and show your baby
as much love and care as you can. If you feel that your babys crying is getting to you, ask your
partner to help and speak to your doctor to ease your mind.

Acid Reflux In Babies - Causes, Symptoms And

Treatments You Should Be Aware Of
Is your little one spitting up most of her food or suffering from projectile vomiting? Do you think
your baby is a victim of acid reflux? Did you consult with the pediatrician about your babys health
discomforts? If not, visit the doctor and get requisite medical guidance immediately!

All the visible symptoms including breathing issues, spitting, and vomiting are early indications of
acid reflux in babies. To know more about baby acid reflux, consider reading the post carefully!

What Is Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux (also known as infant acid reflux) occurs in babies when their stomach content reaches
back into the esophagus. When your babys age lies below two years, she exhibits the tendency of
spitting. The spit-up liquid mostly comprises of saliva and stomach acid. As soon as the stomach
acid touches the lining of your babys esophagus, it triggers heartburn and acid indigestion.

It is important for you to know that reflux is normal, and it often occurs due to your babys
underdeveloped esophagus (food canal). The problem stops when your baby reaches the age of 12-
14 months. At this age, your babys the esophagus fully develops and prevents stomach contents
from leaking out.

Spitting up becomes less significant in your babys life when gets older. In some of the rare cases,
reflux imposes serious health ailment of Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a milk allergy or
blockage (1).

Causes Of Acid Reflux In Babies:

In adults and older children, the causes of reflux in babies are different than what occurs in infants.
There are numerous factors to create the muscular valve between the stomach and esophagus. It
imposes an overwhelming pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter or Lissome of such factors
are obesity, beverages, certain foods, medications, overeating or constipation.

Although acid reflux in baby mostly occurs after breastfeeding, it can even happen when your little
one cries coughs or strains.

Here, we discuss some of the common causes to trigger acid reflux in your little angel:

Immature Lower Esophageal Sphincter- In babies, the ring of muscle that

lies between the esophagus and the stomach in not fully developed. It
allows the stomach content to flow backward and irritate the inner lining of
the esophagus. Eventually the ring of muscle opens up, whenever your
baby swallows the food or intakes breast milk. At this point of time, the
stomach content easily enters the LES and triggers the acid reflux.
Moreover, their diet completely comprises of liquid substance that makes
easier to flow.
Positioning- Positioning your little one especially during and after can
trigger acid into reflux. When you hold your baby horizontally while
feeding, it makes easier for the stomach contents to flow backward into
the esophagus. Try to hold your baby in an upright position during
breastfeeding. The positioning is also applicable during sleeping. If your
baby experiences acid reflux, it is advisable to make her sleep in a slightly
elevated position on her left side. In such position, it becomes hard for the
stomach contents to reflux.
Overfeeding- Feeding your title one too much at once triggers acid reflux.
It is advisable to feed your baby in smaller amounts at regular interval of
time. An overfeeding of breast milk or formula milk exerts excess pressure
on the LES. The unnecessary pressure increases risks of acid reflux.
Short or Narrow Esophagus- When the esophagus is extremely narrow
and short the relaxed stomach contents easily reaches to the esophagus.
The acidic stomach juice irritates the lining of the esophagus, which is
narrower than normal.
Diet- There are certain groups of foods to cause acid reflux and irritate
the esophagus lining of your infant. For instance, tomato and citrus fruits
enhance acid production in your babys stomach. High-fat foods such as
chocolate or peppermints keep the LES open for a longer span and causes
contents of the stomach to flow backward. Try to add a variety of food
items in your babys diet. Slight modification in diet can help your little one
recover from acid reflux.
Gastroparesis (Delayed Emptying of the Stomach) If your infant suffers
from the above disorder her stomach takes too long to digest her food. In
the human body, the stomach gradually contracts to push the food down
into the small intestine for digestion. But when the stomach muscles do
not work properly, the food does not reach up to the small intestine. It
causes the stomach contents to remain there for a longer span of time and
encourages reflux in your baby.
Hiatal Hernia- In such disorder, a part of your infants stomach sticks
through a small opening in the diaphragm. A relatively small Hiatal Hernia
imposes lesser risks of acid reflux, but a larger one can cause heartburn
and acid reflux. The disease of Hiatal Hernia in your baby is usually

Though its not easy to determine the exact cause of acid reflux in your baby, you can try making
some dietary and lifestyle changes. If the symptoms of acid reflux do not fade away with such
changes, consult the doctor. The experienced doctor conducts numerous tests to diagnose
gastrointestinal obstruction (2).

Symptoms Of Acid Reflux In Babies:

Some of the most common symptoms of reflux in babies are:

Frequent or recurrent vomiting
Spitting up milk, after feeding
Abdominal pain
A frequent or persistent coughing
Difficulty feeding
Crying while or after feeding
Gagging or choking
Inability to gain weight
Trouble sleeping
Excessive hiccoughing (3)

Complications Associated With Acid Reflux In Babies:

In some of the rare cases, the symptoms of reflux in infants turn to some complex health ailments
such as:

Allergic gastroenteritis- When your baby becomes intolerant to certain

food groups especially cows milk she experiences the above disease. It
causes heartburn, and your baby cannot digest the ingested food properly.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)-It is a more severe condition of
acid reflux. When the acidic stomach contents severely irritate and
damages the lining of the esophagus, your infants become a GERD
Eosinophilic esophagitis- In this condition, a particular type of white blood
cell (eosinophil) builds up in your infants body. It greatly irritates and
injures the lining of the esophagus.
Obstruction- Due to unwanted obstruction the stomach contents flows
back and irritates the esophagus. The obstruction narrows down the
esophagus and imposes growth of pyloric stenosis (4).

Diagnosis Of Acid Reflux In Babies:

Medical diagnosis of acid reflux in infants completely depends upon your little ones symptoms and
a physical exam. As your baby gains accurate weight with growing ages, then the in-depth medical
analysis is not needed.

But if your little one experiences serious symptoms of blockages, some of the diagnostic tests
suggested by the doctor are:

Ultrasound-The following test determines any obstruction between the

stomach and small intestine of your babys body.
Blood and urine tests-Doctors recommend numerous blood and urine
tests to diagnose the possible reason of recurring vomiting and poor
weight gain in your baby.
Esophageal pH monitoring-The test measures the acidity of your babys
esophagus. Some of the common signs associated with acid reflux in
babies are sleep disturbances, irritability, and constant crying. By
measuring the acidity of the esophagus, the doctor diagnoses the severity
of the disease in your baby. The doctor inserts a thin tube through your
little ones nose or mouth so that it reaches the esophagus. The tube
connects to an electronic device that monitors the acidity. Your baby needs
to get admission in the hospital to go through the following medical
Barium Swallow or upper GI series- When the doctor suspects the
existence of a gastrointestinal obstruction, he recommends your baby to
go through a series of X-rays known as an upper gastrointestinal (GI)
series. Your baby has to swallow white, chalky liquid (barium) and as the
fluid travels within the stomach, the barium coats the stomach perfectly.
Any abnormality or blockage becomes clearly visible through the X-rays.
Upper Endoscopy-The following tests diagnoses the cause of narrowing
(stricture) or inflammation (esophagitis).The doctor inserts a special tube
fitted with camera and light through your little ones mouth. The camera
captures the internal view of the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine.
The test easily detects any abnormality or ulcer through the captured
Gastric emptying study- During the following tests, your baby drinks fluid
or milk mixed with a radioactive chemical. When the fluid travels through
the gastrointestinal tract, the doctor closely examines for the existence of
ulcers or other obstructions (5).

Treating Reflux In Babies:

In most of the cases, acid reflux clears up naturally with few feeding techniques and dietary
changes. Here are some of the helpful curative tips to lessen risks of acid reflux in your baby:

Smaller, more frequent feedings

Holding your baby in straight upright position during and after
Burp your baby
Holding your baby upright for 30 minutes after a feeding
Changing the feeding schedules
Eliminating cows milk from your babys diet, if she seems allergic to the
Switching formula milk and find the most suitable one
When your baby suffers from severe acid reflux the doctor may suggest the following treatment

Medication-There is certain acid-blocking medications to reduce

symptoms of acid reflux in your baby. But before giving any medications
consult the doctor. Short-term intake of the H-2 blocker or a proton pump
inhibitor such as Prevacis or Prilosec cures the symptoms of poor weight
gain and reflux. Some of the other medications suggested by the doctors
Surgery- In some of the rare or extreme cases, the surgery tightens the
lower esophageal sphincter of your baby. It thereby prevents stomach acid
from flowing back into the esophagus.

When your baby experiences extreme breathing disorder or stunted growth, the doctor prescribes to
go through the surgery (6).

Spits up green or yellow fluid

Experiences difficulty breathing
Spits up blood or substance that looks similar to coffee grounds
Refuses to feed breast milk or drink bottle milk
Is not gaining healthy weight, as per age
If you observe blood in her stool
Vomits even after reaching the age six months or older (7)

Medicines to treat gas and bloat in babies:


Medicines to decrease or neutralize stomach acids in babies:

Histamine-2 (H2) blockers including Zantac, Axid, Pepcid, and Tagamet.

Antacids including Maalox and Mylanta
Proton-pump inhibitors including Nexium, Prevacid, Protonix, Prilosec, and

Medicines to treat and improve intestinal disorders in babies:


When To Consult The Doctor?

Some of the signs of acid reflux indicate towards more serious health ailments like
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or pyloric stenosis. In GERD, your infants esophagus
gets completely damaged due to the stomach acid. In Pyloric stenosis, the narrow valve existing
between the stomach and the small intestine prevents the stomach from emptying the content.

Consult the doctor immediately, if you see the following signs in your little one:

Effective Remedies To Cure Acid Reflux In Babies:

More Frequent Feedings:

If you have already introduced bottle milk to your little one, try feeding
her smaller amounts at regular interval of time.
Instead of few larger meals it is better to feed her frequency throughout
the complete day. Overfeeding triggers acid reflux and your baby
experiences several health discomforts including vomiting or spitting up
When your baby relies solely on breastfeeding, follow the same directions
and try feeding her at regular interval of time. Your baby is more likely to
spit up when her stomach is full.
Due to stomach fullness, it imposes an excess pressure on the lower
esophageal sphincter (LES).As a result, it blocks the food from reaching up
to the small intestine. It allows stomach contents to rise into the throat,
and your baby suffers from acid reflux (8).

Check Bottle and Nipple Size:

Your little angel gulps excess air while feeding when the nipple size of the
feeding bottle is too small. On the other hand, if the nipple size is too milk
flows fast, and it becomes difficult for your baby to swallow the milk.
It is advisable to choose the proper-sized bottle and nipple. Accurate
sizing of the nipple allows the right proportion of milk to flow. Your baby
easily swallows the milk and air at the same time.

Thicken Breast Milk or Formula:

Switching to a different brand of formula for babies with acid reflux can
help to relieve the severity.
If you are a nursing mother, try to eliminate certain food group that
triggers acid reflux including cows milk and other dairy products. Food
tolerance causes acid reflux in infants.
Thickening of formula milk as per your pediatricians approval is another
method to prevent acid reflux. Add a small amount of rice cereal to breast
or formula milk and feed your baby.
Thickening of foods helps the stomach contents of your baby from
sloshing up into the esophagus.

More Frequent Burping:

Whether your little infant feeds on formula or breast milk, try to feed her
two hours before bedtime. Burping your little one at frequent time intervals
helps relieve gastric pressure.
If you baby feeds on bottle milk, burp her at every one to two ounces. For
your breastfed baby, you can burp her anytime when she pulls off the
nipple (9).

Gripe Water:
Gripe water is one of the effective natural remedies for acid reflux in
babies to soothe your colicky baby. The basic ingredients of gripe water are
chamomile, peppermint, ginger and lemon balm.
Some of the parents feed gripe water to their baby to ease symptoms of
acid reflux.
But before giving gripe water to your adorable one, it is better to consult
with your babys pediatrician. Avoid artificial products that contain sucrose,
alcohol, fructose or sodium bicarbonate. (10)

In some of the cases, the existence of harmful bacteria in your babys
body triggers acid reflux.
Adding good bacteria in the form of Probiotics helps to hamper the
functioning of the bad bacteria.
Add Probiotics in your babys milk. The Probiotics are available in powder
form. Mix the powder Probiotics with pumped breast milk or plain water
and feed your baby.
Castor Oil Pack:
Castor oil possesses amazing detoxifying abilities that flush the health
discomforts of your baby.
You can rub castor oil on your Babys belly several times a day to soothe
discomfort or abdominal pain.
Another remedy is the usage of castor oil pack method. Dip a cotton cloth
in castor oil and apply it softly to your babys belly.
Let the oil remain on your babys skin for at least 30-60 minutes and then
wash it off. Give your baby a warm bath using plain water with few drops of
lavender oil.

Feeding Baby In Upright Position:

Positioning is one of the effective remedies to deal with baby with acid
Feeding and carrying your baby in suitable positions eliminates the risks
of acid reflux, and your baby digests her food easily.
Try feeding your baby by holding her in an upright position. In such a
position, the milk flows smoothly from the stomach to the small intestine.
You can also hold your baby at a 30-degree tilt angle.

Aloe Vera Juice:

Juice extracted from aloe vera serves as mucilage. It coats the digestive
system of your baby effectively. It is another best reflux medication for
The dosage of aloe Vera varies depending upon the age and weight of
your baby. But it is better to ask the health practitioner and get information
about the dosage.
In general, smaller amount of aloe vera juice approximately half
teaspoons aids to relief your baby from acid reflux.

Eliminate Environmental Toxins Including Tobacco Smoke:

Tobacco triggers colic or gastrointestinal disorders in infants. For such
reason, you should remember to avoid smoking while breastfeeding or
when your baby is around you.
Try to keep the environment around your clean and smoke-free. Harmful
air pollutants or toxins often initiate acid reflux in your baby.

Avoid tight clothing around abdomen:

When your baby wears tight and uncomfortable clothing, it becomes
difficult for her to digest the food easily.
Wearing tight clothes around the abdominal region makes your little one
feel uncomfortable, especially when she is a victim of acid reflux.
Make your little one wear comfortable and loose clothes that soothe your
babys health discomforts and keep her happy.

Mothers Diet:
If your baby completely depends on breastfeeding, it is important to pay
a greater emphasis on your diet.
As a breastfeeding mother, avoid intake of toxic substances that initiates
reflux symptoms. For instance, you need to avoid caffeine or alcohol during
your breastfeeding phase.

Natural Oils:
Healthy natural oils such as DigestZen help to minimize discomforts of
acid reflux in your baby.
Mix few drops of natural oil with a carrier oil and massage your babys
tummy softly.
Avoid using these oils internally for your infant.
For better guidance seek advice from trained herbalist or aromatherapist
and use the massage therapy accurately.

Acupressure & Reflexology:

The natural curative treatments applied in certain locations of your
babys body drastically help to minimize the issues with reflux and gas.
Babies below one year of age should not go through acupuncture
treatment procedure.
For babies above one year of age, the qualified acupuncturist detects the
exact pressure points and uses to therapy for best results.

Important Points To Remember:

Some of the babies develop acid reflux from birth while some develop the disease in their later
stage. The symptoms of the disease also vary amongst babies. Here are some important points that
are effective to deal with acid reflux:
Try to switch the brand of formula milk, if your baby finds hard to digest
the one you are using.
Try a soy formula, as it eliminates the discomforts of acid reflux
Do not overfeed your baby, but try to feed her smaller amounts in regular
time gap.
Dont have your baby lie flat during or after breastfeeding. Try to keep
their heads elevated a little higher than their butts so that the gravity can
keep the acid down.
After breastfeeding or bottle feeding, hold your little angel in an upright
position for at least thirty minutes, instead of laying them down on their
bed or crib.

With the following curative measures and effective reflux medications, your baby recovers from the
stressful condition smoothly.

How To Massage Your Baby?

Image: shutterstock

Congratulations on having a little baby! Its time to welcome your little bundle of joy into this
world and give her everything she needs.

As a parent, you are probably very keenly paying attention to the little aspects of your babys wants
and needs life her clothes, her food, her bath supplies etc. As your baby starts growing, you may
also need to start implementing massages to strengthen her bones and muscles, and get her more
active and energetic.

It is believed that massaging the baby yourself can help strengthen your bond with her. There are a
number of benefits of baby massagebetter sleep, relief from colic pain, improvement in motor
skills, enhanced intellectual development and even improvement in the babys immune system.

It is very important for a mother to know about the techniques of massaging a baby to provide its
maximum benefits (and avoid unintentional injury!). This article discusses about techniques used to
massage various body parts of your baby.
Baby Massage Essentials:

Before you start with a massage, you will need a few essentials.

Massage oil or lotion

Warm towel
Light blanket

Tips on How To Massage A Baby:

1. Before massage, always make sure that your baby is in a happy, alert
2. You must sit on the floor or on any flat surface, forming a diamond shape
with your legs to rest your baby comfortably.
3. Place a towel or a blanket over your feet and knees.
4. Remove clothes and diaper from your baby and place her on the blanket,
resting her head on your feet.
5. Begin with a tender stroke from head to feet and see if your baby enjoys
this, then continue massaging each body part, or you must stop if she is
not feeling comfortable and try another day.

1. Legs:
Beginning massage with legs would be best as they are less delicate than other body parts.

Lift one of the legs by ankle and cheerfully tap the upper thigh.
Gently stroke from thigh down to the foot and rotating in each direction a
few times.
Grasp the leg at thigh with both your hands and slowly stroke down from
thigh to the foot, like how you would wring a towel.
Massage heels up to toes with your thumb over thumb position. Then,
using your palm, stroke the bottom and top of babys foot. Slowly, make
circles with your thumb all over the bottom of each foot.
At last, lightly squeeze and exert force over each toe.

2. Arms:
After the legs, its time to move on to the arms for a massage.
Hold babys wrist in your hand and relax it by lightly tapping on the upper
Lift your babys wrist in one of your hand; keeping your other hand
around babys upper arm, cheerfully tap the upper arm.
Gently stroke from upper arm down to the lower portion, rotating in each
direction a few times.
Grasp the upper arm with both of your hands and slowly stroke down
from upper arm to the lower arm, like you are milking. Repeat these
strokes on hands.
Hold her palms and massage with your thumbs by tracing circles.
Stroke from wrist to fingertips and then lightly squeeze and exert force
over each finger.
Wrists should be massaged while holding with your finger in encircling

3. Chest:
Massaging the chest can get playful your baby will most certainly love and enjoy it!

Set both your hands in prayer position on your babys chest and gently
stroke outwards from middle of the chest towards the shoulders.
Starting from the upper portion of the chest, trace a heart shape with
your hands while taking them up to the shoulders and then bringing them
down and back together. Repeat these steps several times.
From one side of babys hip up to the opposite shoulder, gently stroke in a
crisscross pattern.

4. Abdomen:
The abdomen should be massaged using gentle pressure- remember that the babys stomach is very
delicate and sensitive.

Tummy should be massaged with your fingertips in a clockwise, circular

Over the abdomen, I Love U stroke should be given.
Tracine the letter I down the babys left side.
Then, trace an inverted L while giving a stroke from belly to the ribs base
from right side to the left and then down.
Now, an inverted U should be traced by stroking from right side of belly
up to the navel and then bringing down to the left side.
Over the navel, walk your fingers in a clockwise manner.
Squeeze knees and feet together and lightly press them towards the
tummy and rotate babys buttocks around for a few times which helps in
expelling gas.
Hold babys abdomen while rocking your hands from side to side.
Babys tummy massage should be avoided if the cord has not healed

5. Face and Head:

And finally, its time for the face and head massage.

Hold babys head in both of your hands and massage the scalp like you
shampoo. Fontanel or the soft spot over babys head should not be
Over the babys face, place your hands and trace a heart; then, bring
them down together towards the chin.
Set your thumbs between babys eyebrows, giving stroke in outward
Give strokes from the bridge of the nose out towards the cheek.
Jaws should be massaged in small circles using the fingertips.
Ears should be massaged between your thumb and index finger.
These steps should be exercised a few times.

6. Back:
And lastly, end with the back.

Place your baby over tummy on your outstretched legs or in front of you,
with her hands in front of her, not on the sides.
With one hand, hold babys buttocks and with the other hand, stroke
down from base of the neck to the buttocks.
You should move babys hands back and forth from the base of neck to
the hips. They should be moved in opposite directions.
Do not press directly over the babys spine, instead move down your
finger tips in circle form over the spine and up the other. Repeating them
several times helps relieve the tension in the back.
Shoulders should be massaged in small circular motions and over the
buttocks with big circular motions.
Stroke down babys back while holding your fingers like a rake.

Points to Remember While Massaging Baby:

Though massages do pack in a number of health benefits, there are certain times where you should
avoid while massaging a baby.

Never massage your baby before or after meals or when baby needs
Strokes for massaging should be gentle, but firm. Light strokes will cause
tickling and hard strokes can be dangerous for the baby.
If the baby appears cranky and cries during massage, you must stop the
massage and try again the next day.
You must maintain a daily routine for baby massaging.
Keep talking to your baby during massage. Speak softly, laugh with her
and let her know what you are doing.

While keeping the above points in mind, massage your baby in gentle strokes. Stroking, touching
and caressing your baby helps promote growth hormones in a baby as it helps stimulate the central
nervous system. Happy baby massaging!!

10 Fun Things To Do With Your Newborn Baby

Congratulations! Your wait is over and your newborn is finally here. Nothing can surpass the joy of
newly attained parenthood. Once the initial surprise and elation turns into an everyday routine,
taking care of a newborn can become monotonous.

In the initial months, your newborn gets attached to you the most. The way you connect with your
baby in these months plays a crucial role in your babys language formation, social intelligence,
logical thinking, emotional connect and overall development.

There are various activities for newborn babies that you can get involved in and enjoy the joys of

Top 10 Newborn Baby Activities:

If you thought that your new born baby will only sleep and wake up for meals, then its time to
rethink! Here are the top 10 activities to do with newborn babies:

1. Babys Day Out:

Plan an outing with your baby. It need not be a far flung place but a nearby park or any natural

Let your baby enjoy the lush greenery and feel the fresh air.
Even though your baby may be too small to play, he may really enjoy
seeing the colorful environment and other children playing.
It will also be a good change for you and your baby from everyday

2. Music Therapy:
All babies have an affinity towards music. Melodies have a soothing effect on babies and can boost
their memory as well as mental skills.

Play different genres of music when your darling is awake and see which
music relaxes him and which annoys him.
Some music might charge him up while some will make him sleep.
It is essential to be present along with your baby while the music is
Your touch and voice may accentuate the benefits. Sing along and
encourage your baby to do so too!
Besides making your baby happy, music will also help calm you.
3. Record Your Babys Move:
Each moment with your baby is unique and shall never come back, so make sure you capture them.

Record your babys special moments through pictures or videos.

Use different accessories and props to make it entertaining for your
Make him or her wear special clothes, try a different hair style. Your baby
will thoroughly enjoy the attention.
Share these with your spouse and near and dear ones. It will be amazing
to watch these together when your baby grows up.

4. Emote:
It is a wonderful game to play with your munchkin.

When your baby is awake and playful, hold him close and try to talk with
animated gestures and expressions.
Vary the pitch of your voice. You will be amazed to see how your baby
reacts to your actions. This will help your baby learn and recognize
emotions and increase the attention span of your baby.
This activity can help your infant in early language identification and is a
great way to strengthen your bond.

5. Play Hide And Seek:

Play hide and seek with your newborn but not in the regular way.

Hide your face behind your hands or a cloth.

Call his name or whistle or make any different kind of noise.
Your infant will recognize your voice and try to find out where it is coming
This activity can increase the alertness in your baby.
When your baby finds you, pick him up and shower him with your love.
This will create a happy emotional bonding.
As a word of caution, dont be too far from your baby. Always be at a
distance from where you can pick him up if he is about to fall or get hurt.

6. Co-ordination Activity:
Introduce your baby to toys and colorful things.

Hang different colorful toys just above your babys bed or cradle.
When touched they should emanate soothing sound or change shape or
light up
Help your baby to reach out to these toys with their hands or toes and
show them how interesting it is.
Your baby will soon learn the coordination of hands, eyes and toes and
learn to play on his own.

7. Simulate Senses:
Let your baby feel everything.

Dont hasten any activity you do with your baby.

If you are bathing your infant, let him or her splash water and play with it.
If you are feeding, then let him or her feel the bottle.
This gives your baby an understanding of various senses.
Such learning is essential for his overall mental, physical and emotional

8. Introduce New Things:

Just like you, your baby also hates routine and needs new things to be entertained. Remember
these activities of newborn baby will be the base.

Take your baby around the house and show things that are non-hazardous
and safe.
Let your darling stare and feel the objects.
It is a wonderful feeling for your baby and also a way to increase his or
her memory power.
9. Story Time:
Of course your little one cannot understand your story but read, nonetheless.

Read or tell a story by enacting the same with gestures.

Touch your babys toes, fingers, tickle his belly and see his expressions.
You can use this activity when you are clothing your baby. It is a good way
to divert attention too!

10. Try Some Dance:

Sure your baby cant dance but you can definitely sway him to the tunes of music.

Take your baby in your arms and try some simple steps.
Such moves are not less than any roller coaster ride for your little one.
Be careful with your babys neck and always keep a hand there.
This activity can definitely rejuvenate you and your little one.

When you engage into activities with your new born baby or babies, it will help him or her learn
things faster while enjoying it more. In case your baby does not respond well to most of the above,
or cries a lot, make sure you discuss this with babys doctor in the next visit.

6 Important Bedtime Routines For Your Baby

Like all new moms you would have researched through ways to help your baby have a peaceful
sleep. Of course, watching your baby sleep peacefully is very reassuring. It a sign that your baby is
healthy and is growing normally, as sleep is imperative for proper growth.

The main mantra for your baby to have a peaceful sleep is that he or she should be comfortable and
relaxed. And yes, who else but you can play a major role in ensuring that your baby is relaxed so
that he or she sinks into a peaceful slumber? Thus, establishing a bedtime routine for baby plays a
vital role in helping to be comfortable and relaxed.

6 Important Bedtime Routines For Babies:

You would have already heard a lot about different styles of bedtime routines from experienced
parents and older relatives. However, there are a few steps that you can try in order to develop an
effective and best bedtime routine for babies.

Again, you must take into account that each baby is different, so some
things might work wonders for your baby in comparison to some other
You need to make the choice of the bedtime routine in accordance to the
preference of your baby.

Here are some ways that can help:

1. A Soothing Bath:
Nothing can be more relaxing for a baby then a nice warm bath just before sleep.

It will help your baby feel fresh as all the dirt and grime of the day will be
washed away and that will comfort her.
In case, your baby gets over excited after bath then you might just want
to do a sponge bath for your baby.

2. A Gentle Massage:
This is one of the appropriate occasions for you to enhance your bond with your baby.

Massaging your baby calms and soothes him or her.

It helps his or her tiny muscles to relax, consequently, aiding a peaceful
3. A Story Time:
You can never go wrong with reading out a story to your little one.

Though your baby might not understand everything that you read,
however, he or she will like the sing song tone in which you read and will
fall asleep listening to it.
Reading also sows the seeds of developing good language skills that will
help your baby develop a good vocabulary.
Bedtime stories are definitely a good habit to develop.

4. Sing A Song Or A Rhyme:

Nothing is more pleasurable and soothing to your babys ears than your voice.

Oh no, you dont have to be a trained singer to sing to your baby!

Just sing or hum a lullaby or your favourite song and watch your baby
smile and sleep while you sing.

5. Play Some Nice Soft Music:

Playing some nice and soothing music will ease your baby in case he or she feels anxious. Your
baby will also develop an ear for music.

Your baby will sleep peacefully once he or she feels relaxed after listening
to the music, as it will have a calming effect.
Do not put the music too loud or do not choose a peppy number to play
as that might get your baby over excited, which is contrary to what you are
trying to do, that is, to help your baby sleep.

6. Follow The Ritual of Goodnight Moon:

Babies enjoy being carried around the house or the room while you help them bid Goodnight to
their favorite people, toys, things, etc.
A daily practice of this ritual will make your baby understand that its time for him or her to retire
to bed.

Sleeping Positions For Babies: What Is Safe And What

Is Not
If you have a baby at home, it is essential to know about the safe sleeping positions and tips to
reduce Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS risk (1), which claims nearly 2,500 lives every year
in the US. Around 80% of sudden and unexpected infant deaths are caused due to SIDS and the
most effective way to avoid the risk is to make a healthy baby, less than a year old, sleep on its back
i.e., in the supine position.

Momjunction tells you the ideal positions in which a baby can sleep, and also gives tips on safe
sleep for infants and babies.

Sleeping Practices That Could Lead To Sudden Unexpected Death In Infancy (SUDI)

SUDI includes both SIDS and fatal sleeping accidents. Here are a few practices that could lead to

Making the baby sleep on the stomach or side.

Putting the baby to sleep on soft surfaces such as mattress, sofa,
waterbed, pillow, or lambs wool, either with or without a parent.

Covering the babys head or face with bedding, which may

cause accidental suffocation and overheating.
Smoking during pregnancy or after childbirth.

The Good And Bad Positions For A Baby To Sleep

It is essential to learn about the safe and unsafe sleeping positions for a baby to deal with the above

1. Sleep-On-Back
Healthy babies born full-time should be placed on their backs for naps, short periods of rest, and
sleep at night.

Sleep on the back position was found to lessen the SIDS risk in babies as
it keeps airways open.
The US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
(NICHD) labeled this as the best sleeping position for babies (2).
Since the American Academy of Pediatrics made the back-to-sleep
recommendation in 1992, the SIDS rate has dropped more than 50%. The
back-to-sleep recommendation was later campaigned as safe to
sleep (3).
Risks Involved In Sleep On Back Position

If infants are placed on the back for a long time in the same position, it could lead to positional
plagiocephaly, a case of flattened or misshapen head and brachycephaly, the flattening of the
back of the skull. The shape will become normal by the time they turn one year and rarely requires
any treatment.

Simple reposition techniques can be employed to avoid such conditions. They include:

Increasing tummy time of the baby when awake

Making the baby rest on the other side of the head rather than the
flattened side.
Cutting down the time spent by babies in carriers or car-seaters.
Getting more cuddle time.
Changing the direction of the baby in the crib so that he does not tend to
view same things in one direction always.

2. Sleep On Stomach
Several theories discourage parents from making a baby sleep on the stomach because:

It could put pressure on a babys jaw reducing the airway and restricting
If the baby sleeps on the stomach i.e., in the prone position, he may be
lying with his face very close to the sheets and keeps breathing the same
The baby could suffocate if he sleeps on stomach on a very soft mattress.
He could breathe in microbes present on the mattress.
Are There Any Cases Where Babies Can Sleep On Stomach?

In rare cases, due to a medical condition, doctors may advise parents to make the baby sleep on the
stomach rather than the back.

Few physicians believe that sleeping on stomach could be good for babies
with severe gastroesophageal reflux or certain upper-airway malformations
like Pierre Robin Syndrome, which lead to acute airway obstruction
episodes. However, no recent study supported or refuted the benefits.
Healthcare providers should consider the potential benefits and risks
before recommending this position.
The danger of vomiting was the most important argument for making the
baby to sleep on its stomach, as doctors used to believe that it would be
dangerous if the baby vomit while made to sleep on its back. They used to
think that babies may choke due to lack of sufficient strength to turn the
head. However, babies sleeping on their backs have no difficulty turning
their heads if theyre sick.

3. Sleep On The Side

It is unsafe for babies to sleep on the side because they may end up on the tummy, increasing the
risk of SIDS.

10 Tips For Safe Baby Sleep

1. Avoid Loose Bedding: It is advisable to use a firm mattress rather than

an overly soft mattress, water-bed or sofa for your baby. Experts suggest
against the usage of bumper pads, pillows, fluffy bedding or stuffed
animals around the baby in the crib. In simple words, anything that could
cover a babys head during sleep is not recommended.
2. Keep The Crib Simple: Do not use wedges, quilts or comforters under
an infant in the crib. Let the infant sleep with his feet touching the bottom
of the crib so that he cant wriggle down under the bedding. Use a firm,
clean mattress that fits the cot well and tuck in the bed clothes securely.
The sides or ends of the crib should be high enough to avoid the baby
climb out or crawl.
3. Avoid Covering Babys Head: Blankets should be covered only up to
the chest of the baby with arms exposed, to avoid the shifting of the
blanket onto the head and thereby avoiding suffocation. The American
Academy of Pediatrics recommends using sleep sack or baby sleep bag
as a type of bedding to keep him warm without covering the head.
Sleeping bags with a fitted neck and armholes and no hood are considered
the safest. Wrapping baby in lightweight cotton or muslin also helps in
preventing him from rolling onto his tummy during sleep.
4. Avoid Overheating: Infants should be light-clothed for sleep. Avoid
over-bundling and check if the baby is not hot to touch.
5. Good Sleep Environment: It is important to maintain a considerably
cool sleeping environment with a temperature around 20 degrees
centigrade for the baby.
6. Vaccination: An investigation done on diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis
immunization and potential SIDS association (4) by Berlin School of Public
Health has concluded that increased DTP immunization coverage is
associated with decreased SIDS mortality. Current recommendations on
timely DTP immunization should be emphasized to prevent not only
specific infectious diseases but also potentially SIDS. Make sure your baby
is immunized.
7. Use A Pacifier (at sleep times): The American Academy of Pediatrics
considers pacifiers to prevent SIDS. However, do not force the baby if he
doesnt want it or if it falls out of the mouth. If you are breastfeeding, wait
until it is well established before beginning to use a pacifier. It usually
takes around three to four weeks of age.
8. Use Technology: For you to have a peaceful sleep, use one of the
several Wi-Fi baby monitors, app-powered thermostats, or small alarms
available to monitor the sleep position as well as vitals of your baby.
9. Share Same Room: Parents should share the same room with the baby
for convenient breastfeeding and contact. The crib in which the baby
sleeps should be closer to parents.
10. No Bed-Sharing: Infants should ideally not share the bed with parents,
adults, siblings or other children. Twins or multiples should be made to
sleep separately. Do not share a bed with your baby especially if you or
your partner has been drinking, smoking or taking medications or drugs
that could induce deep sleep. Smoking and the use of substance like drugs
or alcohol significantly increase the risk of SIDS and suffocation in babies, if
the bed is shared.

1. What If The Baby Rolls Onto Stomach While Sleeping?

Around four to five months of age, babies begin to roll over onto their stomach from their back.
This can be alright as the SIDS risk lowers by this time. Let the baby find his own comfortable
sleeping position as he will be able to turn his face to the side to keep the mouth and nose free for
breathing when sleeping on stomach. However, place him on his back at the start of the sleep.

Note that the SIDS risk is at a peak between one and four months of age, but it remains a threat
until babies are 12 months old. So, follow other precautions to reduce the risk of SIDS all through
your babys first year.
2. Why does my baby sleep in fencing reflex while in the back-
to-sleep position?
Babies exhibit many involuntary movements as they grow. One such thing is the Fencing Reflex or
Tonic Neck Reflex. When placed on the back-to-sleep position, the babys head turns to one side
with the arm and leg of that side extended, while the other arm and leg are flexed. This is called the
fencing position, which helps prevent a baby from rolling over onto his stomach before his body
gets ready for it. This is one more reason for putting your baby to sleep on his back. This
involuntary movement will disappear anytime between three to six months of age.

3. When can the baby be on its stomach?

Baby can be put on the stomach, but under supervision, when he is awake. Giving tummy time for
baby is a good way to strengthen his stomach, back and neck muscles.

According to Dr Karen Sokal-Gutierrez, clinical professor, community health and human

development, University of California Berkeley-UCSF Joint Medical Program, SIDS risk is
lowered with babies spending more tummy time when they are awake. Moreover, the baby would
develop upper body strength needed to lift the head and roll over in sleep.

4. Can I use infant sleep positioners for my baby?

FDA has never approved infant sleep positioners to reduce or prevent the risk of SIDS in babies. In
fact, using a sleep positioner to hold the baby sleep on his back is dangerous.

5. What if babies throw up when sleeping on the back?

The chances are fewer for healthy babies to choke on vomit when made to sleep on their backs than
on their sides or tummies. Sleeping on the back does not increase choking risk in babies with
gastroesophageal reflux disease too. But do not put the baby to bed with a bottle propped for
feeding. This dangerous practice could lead to ear infections and choking.

6. What to do if my baby has difficulty in sleeping on the back?

A few infants may not have a deep sleep in the back-to-sleep position. Some may even turn fussy
when placed on the back. But a lack of deep sleep would save the little one from SIDS. One of the
reasons for discouraging sleep on the stomach is that infants tend to sleep deep in this position,
experiencing fewer movements and being less reactive to noises. All these would put the infant at
higher risk of SIDS.
The baby may not feel comfortable sleeping on the back even if he has a congested nose. In such a
case, place a humidifier in the babys room to moisten the air and loosen congestion. Elevating his
head slightly can minimize the discomfort from a stuffy nose.

7. What are the best sleeping positions for preterm babies?

According to recent research, pre-term infants are at a higher SIDS risk (5) and they are to be
placed on the back-to-sleep position. However, in a highly monitored inpatient setting, sleep on
stomach position may be appropriate in case of acute respiratory disease in pre-term infants.

Effective Tips On Making Your Restless Baby Sleep

A mothers job is the most difficult in the world there are no holidays or breaks! Especially if the
baby does not sleep well in the night, it is the parents who suffer. We sympathize with you if your
baby belongs to this camp.

Restless sleep in babies is a common scenario in most families. However with some patience and
support from your partner, you can definitely sail through this problem.

7 Effective Tips On Making Your Restless Baby Sleep:

Most moms are worried that their baby might lack in good sleep. Dont forget that sleep comes
naturally to babies, once their tummies are full! Thus, the key to good sleep is a well-fed baby.

A newborn baby needs to be fed at regular intervals, to ensure proper growth and development. If
you want to know how to help a restless baby sleep? Try the ideas listed below:

1. Understand Your Babys Cues:

Your baby cannot tell you that he or she is sleepy, but can definitely convey some clear signs of

If your little one is rubbing his eyes, pulling his ears or has puffy eyes,
these are the signals that he is feeling sleepy. It is the perfect time to put
him in bed.
When you delay your babys sleep time, he will become all the more
restless and may not be able to sleep then.

2. Let The Surroundings Speak:

A baby does not completely understand the difference between day and night, since most of the
time he is inside the house.

Subtly teach him the difference, by taking your newborn baby outside for
a few minutes in the day light, possibly a bright corner of your terrace or
Always try to create a sleepy atmosphere at night. Reduce the external
noise, dim the lights and put him in bed to make him realize that play time
is over.

3. Avoid Sudden Change In Routine:

You might realize that a slight change in their surroundings makes your baby restless.

Babies like to be present in known environment along with known people.

So always make your child sleep in the same room, on the same bed or
Babies need to feel secure while sleeping, so if they have any favourite
toy or blanket, do let your baby have them.

4. Understand The Wake Up Reasons:

You might get annoyed why your baby wakes up in the middle of the night and starts crying. There
are reasons behind this act, which you need to understand.

Sometimes, they might have wet nappy or they could be even hungry.
Make note of such reasons and likewise make necessary changes in their
Make sure your baby is well-fed before sleep time. Also ensure that the
diaper he is wearing at night is good enough to last the entire night.

5. Create A Sleep Routine:

Just like when you bring his feeding bottle your baby understands that it is time to eat, similarly
you need to create sleep associations.

Make a routine of giving a warm bath to your baby before sleep time.
If you sing a lullaby then do it every day or may be record your piece of
music and play it before sleep. Such a routine will make your baby fall into
sleep easily.

6. A Peaceful Day:
If your baby is cranky and restless during the day time, his nights are not going to be any different.
You can help by making his day time mellow and calm.

You can keep the home atmosphere tranquil and spend more time with
him to make his day easygoing.
Similarly, if your baby had a restless night, his days could be challenging.
So be prepared when you know that next day your baby might be cranky.
7. Take Your Partners Support:
It is difficult to manage your baby single-handedly during the day as well as at night. It is a
responsibility which you and your partner should share equally.

Typically, the mother or the nanny is primary caregiver during the day.
Ideally, you should get your partner to share responsibilities during night
When both parents are working, it is best to have an early discussion and
delegate childcare responsibilities by mutual understanding.

Remember, as a newborn is literally new to this physical world, after having a safe cocoon for eight
months in the womb, it takes some time to develop a sleeping pattern. Try the above discussed
ways to make your baby sleep better and thus, get some much needed sleep for you too!

5 Amazing Benefits Of Co-Sleeping With Your Baby

The debate whether co-sleeping with baby is beneficial or not has been on for ages now. While
some people believe that it is best not to let your baby sleep next to you, scientists have a different
viewpoint to offer.

Like every other issue, this coin too has two sides. In our opinion, the positive side outweighs the
negative one way more. Hence putting all the debate to a spin, we clearly say co-sleeping with
baby is very good!

So here we are, discussing few of the many benefits of co sleeping with your baby.

5 Benefits Of Co Sleeping With Your Baby:

Co-sleeping is believed (scientists have evidences) to benefit almost everyone in the family. Most
of these benefits are well experienced by parents and scientists across the world. Let us see how to
co sleep with baby:

1. Better Sleep For The Baby:

When you co-sleep with your baby, you actually help him or her sleep better. It makes it more
pleasant for babies and puts them to rest more effectively.

Most young babies are used to sleeping at the breasts of the mother or in
the arms of the father. They realise that sleeping is a good and peaceful
Even if your baby wakes up (which obviously she would) in the middle of
the night, you are right there to look after her. This prevents your baby
from being frightened and hence sleep better.

2. Mother Sleeps Better:

One of the most dreaded part of parenting, for mothers, is sleeping peacefully. When you co-sleep
with your baby, you actually achieve a harmony of a sort with your babys sleep cycle. This helps
you sync your routine, sleep pattern and day cycle with that of your babys.

When your baby wakes up in the night, a simple squirm or whimper alerts
you and you give her what she needs You!
If your baby does not co-sleep with you, this mere squirm can soon turn
into a loud crying and even wailing. This is sure to disturb both yours and
your babys sleep.
This way the sleep pattern isnt disturbed much and both you and your
baby can once again slip into deep comforting sleep.

3. Better Bonding:
You cannot go wrong for co-sleeping with your baby on this one. When you get more attached to
your baby, it is sure have its repercussions on your babys life in a good way.

When your baby co-sleeps with you, she is sure to not only thrive better
but to get more attached to you too.
This bond, thus created, goes a long way in building a good parent-baby
4. Breastfeeding Becomes Much Easier:
Mothers who co-sleep with their babies have always found breastfeeding at night much easier. It
becomes easier to put your baby to sleep while you breastfeed her at night.

Even when your baby wakes, she senses you around and may start
feeding herself. This prevents your baby from completely waking up and
puts her back to sleep easily.
If you find breastfeeding difficult during the day, you sure will notice the
difference and ease with which you feed your baby in the night while co-

5. Spend More Time:

Todays changing scenario demands most mothers to stay away from their babies for most part of
the day. As a working woman, you have to (many a times out of compulsion) stay away from your
baby during the day. This leaves you with very less time to spend with your baby.

When Do Babies Roll Over


Image: Shutterstock

Your babys first stage of mobility is rolling over. Rolling over is a significant milestone for her. It
is an exciting moment for parents to see their baby take her first step of independent movement.
This will lead to sitting up independently, walk, crawl and move around.

Rolling over her little body is a great feat for your little one. It needs enough strength from the
neck, good control of the head and strong arm muscles since it would be the first time your tot takes
the help of multiple muscles for the movement.

As you wait for your baby to make the first moves, read through this to understand all about baby
rolling over.

When Will Your Baby Roll Over?

Your babys initial rolling over takes place during tummy times. These are the times when she lies
flat on her belly and uses her arms to lift her head and shoulders off the floor. This move helps her
strengthen the muscles she requires to use around.

Once your baby attains the strength to lift the head, she will begin to roll over. She can overturn
from lying on her back to lying on her tummy and vice versa. Babies start rolling over from belly to
back and then pick up the back-to-belly action a month later. It is because the movements require
more muscular strength and coordination.

Babies start their first roll over from belly to back around two to five months, back to side around
four to five-and-a-half months and from back to belly around five-and-a-half to seven-and-a-half

Some newborns roll to their sides in their initial days. But by two to five months, they attain
enough strength in their upper body and use their arms to propel themselves from their belly to the
back. By seven months, they not only master belly-to-back rolling over but also reverse back-to-
belly movement.

Simple Precautions You Need To Take:

Babies usually roll over without any notice. So, it is important that you should never neglect your
child while on the bed or any high surface. It may take a fraction of a second for her to roll over
resulting in a fall. Therefore, make her lie on the floor when she shows the signs of rolling over.

How Will Your Baby Learn Rolling Over?

At 1 Month:
Can raise head for a moment.
Turns head towards side while on the back.

At 2 Months:
Can raise head to 45 degrees while lying flat on the belly.
The head can bob forward while sitting.

At 3 Months:
Can bear little weight while standing on both the legs.
Can control the head up while sitting, however, bobs forward.
Can raise head and shoulders for 45 to 90 degrees while lying on the
Can carry weight on forearms.
At 4 Months:
Can sit with support.
Good head control.
Can carry up to a certain weight when held upright on legs.
Can raise head and chest up to 90 degrees.
Rolls over from back to the side.

At 5 Months:
Can hold the head up while sitting.
Rolls over from belly to back.

At 6 Months:
Can raise chest and a part of belly while lying on the stomach.
Can lift head while in a sitting position.
Rolls over from back to belly.

How To Teach Your Baby To Roll Over?

If your baby starts getting comfortable on the floor and seems anxious to get mobile, you can help
her roll over. The below steps may help you teach her to move independently for the first time.

Step 1:
Place your baby on the floor while she is near tummy time. It makes your child comfortable as she
uses her neck muscles to keep her head upright.

Step 2:
Place her on the blanket with her left side lying on the blankets left edge. Let her become
comfortable in this position and make sure she will keep her head up for at least a few seconds. If
she fails to do so, it signals that she is still not ready to roll.

Step 3:
Keep a toy just a little distance away from the babys reach. Try to shake and play with it before
placing it on the floor. Now watch whether your baby tries to get it. She may keep her arms out,
and the new position will cause discomfort for sure.
Step 4:
As your baby tries to reach the toy, lift the blankets edge so that her right side is lifted in the air.
Do not lift it over an inch. If she is upset with the position, try to lower and comfort her. Make sure
this becomes a pleasant experience for her.

Step 5:
Keep one hand on her tummy and try lifting the edge of the blanket. Steady her position with your
hand and cradle her body. Lift the sheet till she can roll over her back. Ensure that she can reach the
toy where she can perceive that rolling over made her move. Repeat the blanket activity every day
until she becomes comfortable to roll over on her own.

Some babies do not enjoy their tummy time. If they make a fuss or cry, wait until they calm down
before helping them roll over.

Tips That Help Your Baby Learn To Roll Over:

You should keep a track of the changes that will happen at each stage, before making your little one
do those activities. Here are a few tips for your babys roll over:

Give your newborn tummy time from the initial day as it helps in
developing muscles essential to roll over. It also lets your baby move her
arms and legs and can boost her neck strength.
Your baby may not like to be on the tummy initially as it can be a strange
position for her. When she is in the second month, you can try placing her
for a minute or so. You can give her tummy time when you put her on your
chest as it can be a great alternative until she gets adjusted.
You can also get on the floor along with her and jiggle with her favorite
toy. Trying to distract and making her reach out for the toy will make her
enjoy being on her belly.
At three months, when you place your baby on her tummy, she will lift
her head and shoulders with the help of her arms. This small push up will
give her the strength to roll on. It will amaze you as she flips from back to
front and vice versa.
You should encourage your little one to do push ups by holding a toy
above her head level. It will automatically tempt her to raise by
straightening her arms. You may also place the toy a short distance away
from her eye level.
At around five to seven months, your little one can lift her head, push up
her arms, and arch backward to lift her chest off the floor. She may also
kick her legs ad swim using her arms. You should encourage her to do all
these acts as they strengthen her muscles, and she will learn to roll over
both the directions.
When you are placing your baby down, roll her to one side and encourage
her to get back by herself. Try the same when lifting your baby.
Give her a toy, mirror or any safe object while she is lying on a side. If she
is not able to remain in that position, give her some support.
Make your little one twist both her upper and lower body by twisting her
legs and arms.
Keep your little one in carriers so that she remains in a frog-like position
rather than a straddling position.
Carry her in a tucked-in position if you take her for a walk. You can also
dance with your baby close in your arms.
Do not allow your baby to stay long on any baby equipment. It may
include swings, play saucers or bouncer chairs. These will prevent her from
practicing motor skills. Let her stay in open and indulge in different
Have enough tummy time every day since all the major motor skills arise
from that position. It is good for babies to lie on tummy to strengthen their
neck and shoulder muscles for creating arch against gravity.
Give your baby some time to rest on her back in a folded position. It
provides a balance between extension that is arching and flexion that is in
a tucked position. Lying on the back can happen while your baby is on your
lap. It is important as it allows her to flex her knees, trunk and hip muscles.
Do not allow your baby to remain in the same position for long. Try to
change the position for every 15 minutes. It exposes her to all positions
that involve in rolling.
Encourage your baby to play in midline position for movement around the
invisible line present in the center of the body. The ability to roll depends
on your little ones ability to cross that midline.

How To Encourage Your Baby To Roll Over?

You can play with your little one to encourage her to roll over.

Jiggle her favorite toy so that she tries to move towards it.
Use a toy that your baby likes the most.
Lie close to her for her to roll on to get to you.
If she reaches for the toy or to you, cheer her up by making her smile.
She may then get more enthusiastic to flip her body.
Encourage her to roll on both the sides. It helps to develop balancing

Baby Rolling Over And Safe Sleeping:

You need not worry if your baby is rolling over while sleeping. It means she is strong to hold her
head and can roll onto her back. She usually starts rolling on her tummy, followed by back, and
eventually in all four positions.

During the first year, you should make her lie only on her back so as to avoid sudden infant death
syndrome (SIDS). When you notice your baby rolling over during sleep, try to place her on her
back. The SIDS risk for your baby decreases after four months. Once your baby completes one
year, there is almost zero risk.

What Can You Do If Your Baby Rolls Over During Sleep?

1. Baby Just Started Rolling:

When your baby rolls, keep her back to the usual sleeping position. If she is upset, wait for about
15 minutes. If she is still worried, give her a chance to learn about the new position and roll her
back after a while.

2. Baby Rolling For A While:

If you notice her roll over, try rolling her back to the usual sleeping position. If you see her upset,
soothe her until she falls asleep. If she rolls over before midnight, let her sleep in the new position
or roll back into the usual position.

3. Rolling During Daytime:

During daytime, allow your baby to roll. Place her on her belly and leave up to 15 minutes. It helps
to strengthen her back. You can try rolling her from back to belly and again back. Repeat it during
the bedtime. It will help her remember to roll back to the usual sleeping position if she is irritated
with the new position.

Tips for Safe Sleep Practices In Baby:

Until six months of age, make sure your baby sleeps on her back on a
bed. It is the safest position to put her to sleep.
Refrain from smoking during pregnancy and breastfeeding as smoking
can increase the risk of SIDS.
Keep your babys bed clean without any extra pillows, blankets or stuffed
toys as they may cause suffocation.
Do not sleep along with your baby if you have taken drugs or alcohol.
Do not cover your babys head; just tuck her with blanket past her
Maintain her rooms temperature at 16 to 20 degrees C.

What To Expect Next After Your Baby Rolls Over?

The muscles that are involved in your babys rolling over are the same that help your baby crawl
and sit.

Once your baby rolls over perfectly, her neck, legs, arms and back
become stronger, and she will start sitting, first with your support, and
later unassisted.
She will then crawl, followed by standing and then walking on both the

Your Baby Is 7 Months Old And Still Cannot Roll. Is It A Concern?

Every baby is different from the other. Some develop skills quickly while some may take time. It is
the same with rolling over.

Your baby might skip rolling over and progress to sitting and crawling. As
long as she continues gaining new skills and gets around, she is making
But if your baby is not rolling over and has also not moved to other skills
like sitting or crawling, you should check with her doctor.
Also, if your baby is a preterm baby, she may reach these milestones
later than normal.

Baby Boy Growth Chart: Track Your Babys Weight And

Congratulations on becoming parents to a healthy baby boy! Just like any parent, you also wish that
the apple of your eyes always remain hale and hearty.

As a parent, you will closely monitor the growth of your baby and check for the milestones to be
achieved. However, it is crucial to understand that growth pattern of each baby differs. You need
not worry if your baby learns to walk later than his peers or his height is not in line when compared
to other children of same age.

How Is Baby Boy Growth Measured?

When we talk about baby boy growth chart we usually gauge in the four broad categories:

Other changes like growth of hair, arrival of teeth, learning to walk, ability
to speak etc.
Attaining puberty

Initially doctors are more concerned for the babys height and weight. While height of a baby
depends largely on his genes, it is very important to keep track of baby boy weight chart. Weight
can tell whether baby is able to digest food properly and is able to extract nutrition from it.
Baby Growth Chart:

A growth chart is essential to track your babys progress in accordance with his age. Though there
is no ideal height and weight, there is a particular growth pattern that helps you assess your babys

Boys and girls have different growth charts because boys are slightly taller and heavier in than
girls. Also, the growth patterns vary.

Baby Boys Growth Chart:

The below chart provides you the measurement that ranges between 3rd and 97th percentile of
WHO growth standards for baby boys. If your baby boy falls within the right range, then it is said
that your boy has the right height, weight and head circumference at his age.


0 46.3 53.4 2.5 4.3 32.1 36.9

1 51.1 58.4 3.4 5.7 35.1 39.5

2 54.7 62.2 4.4 7.0 36.9 41.3

3 57.6 65.3 5.1 7.9 38.3 42.7

4 60.0 67.8 5.6 8.6 39.4 43.9

5 61.9 69.9 6.1 9.2 40.3 44.8

6 63.6 71.6 6.4 9.7 41.0 45.6

7 65.1 73.2 6.7 10.2 41.7 46.3

8 66.5 74.7 7.0 10.5 42.2 46.9

9 67.7 76.2 7.2 10.9 42.6 47.4

10 69.0 77.6 7.5 11.2 43.0 47.8

11 70.2 78.9 7.4 11.5 43.4 48.2

12 71.3 80.2 7.8 11.8 43.6 48.5

Source: WHO growth standards

The best way to keep a track of your baby boys height and weight is to take him for regular doctor
checkups. Your childs doctor will measure his height, weight and head circumference and will then
compare them with the standard growth charts. You should use the below WHO charts to know his
growth curve and percentile.

Weight for age:

Length for age:

Weight for length:


Which Factors Can Influence Babys Growth?

Your baby boys growth rate depends partly on his body type and metabolism, and partly on his
general health, feeding habits and the environment. The factors that have an influence include:
Feeding Feeding provides your baby with the necessary calories he usually requires to grow.
Until he is six months of age, he is dependent on breast milk or formula feed for nutrition. The
amount and duration of feeding affect his growth.

Your Health When You Were Pregnant This can influence the store of nutrients your baby
possesses when born. Your diet, lifestyle habits and weight can also have a significant influence on
your childs growth in his first year.

Birth Weight Of Your Baby It indicates how well you have nourished your baby during
pregnancy. But, babies born with high birth weight grow slowly, and babies born with low birth
weight grow faster. It is also known as catch-down or catch-up growth.

Hereditary Genes also play a significant role in babys growth. If both the parents are well-built,
your child is likely to be in a high percentile for height and weight. Likewise, if both parents are
lean, even the baby would be lighter.

Minor Ailments Illnesses like flu and ear infections have an effect on babys growth, but only
temporary. He may not feel like drinking milk when he is ill, and this may affect his growth for a
week or more. The growth returns to normal once he starts getting better.

Your Health After Pregnancy If you suffer from postnatal depression or are unwell for any
reason, it will be difficult for you to take care of your baby. This may ultimately affect his growth.
However, it is not permanent and gets resolved once you recover.

When Should You Consult Doctor?

Sometimes you may remain too preoccupied with the growth and development patterns of your

Some children who are short initially might grow a lot in the later stage
While some who grow rapidly in the beginning might slow down when
they grow up.
6 Simple Tips To Ease Your Baby's Pain After A
Vaccination Shot
Is the thought of your babys vaccination date being around the corner giving you sleepless nights?
Are you a new mommy who sheds tears every time you see your baby in pain after shots? Well, if
you can relate to the above situations reading this post is a good idea!

Being poked with a needle is no fun, and the word vaccine is enough to remind you of the horror
you experienced while getting immunized as a child. However, vaccination is critical to safeguard
the health of children. If youre worried sick thinking about your babys distress and are looking for
some simple tips to manage pain after vaccination for babies better, youve come to the right place.
Want to know more? Read on!

Possible Side Effects Of Vaccination:

Some babies may suffer from the following side effects after vaccination:

High temperature
Redness and swelling at the site of the injection
Tenderness at the spot

If these side effects concern you, dont hesitate to get your child examined by a medical
professional. The doctor will probably prescribe certain medications to cure the fever and other
symptoms. (1)
Tips To Manage The Pain After Vaccination For Babies:

Check out here 6 effective ways on how to relieve baby pain from shots.

1. Get Some Quiet Time:

Babies may become irritated and drowsy, and may even refuse to eat for a few hours after being
vaccinated. In such a situation, you should plan some quiet activities at home. Keep the temperature
of the room cool and comfortable, and make sure your baby is wearing loose and breathable
clothing. (2)

2. Hold Your Baby:

Staying near your baby, holding him close while he gets the shot can help in keeping him calm.
Hold your babys upper arm and provide him some comfort while hes getting the prick.

3. Feed Your Baby:

In fact, babies who breastfeed during vaccination cry less. Experts believe that this is because
babies live in the moment, and they can switch from hurt to food quickly. Feeding your baby
after the vaccination session could also help alleviate the pain. (3)

4. Use A Cool Compress:

Another effective way to provide pain relief for babies after shots is to apply a clean, cool
washcloth on the sore area. It will help reduce the soreness and tenderness around the site of the
injection. If the situation doesnt improve in 24 hours, you may want to get your baby examined by
a doctor. (4)

5. Try The Distraction Game:

One of the best ways to help your baby calm down after being vaccinated is to distract him. Bring
him a new gift or a toy that will grab his attention for a while. You could also try switching the TV
on, to distract him from his pain. Playing a game of peek-a-boo could also help.
How To Stop Your Baby From Putting Everything In His

Is your little explorer on a tasting spree these days? Are you worried sick about infections and
health hazards that threaten your toddler due to this habit?

If your baby has a habit of putting everything in her mouth, she is displaying a very normal
behavior. Read on to know why your baby does this and what it means.

Why Babies Put Everything In Their Mouth?

When your baby is very young, she may constantly try to put her fingers and fist inside her mouth.
Soon, almost anything that she can lay her tiny hands on will find its way into her mouth. Your
babys mouthing habit will keep you on your toes as it means that your need to keep an eye on her
constantly. It also implies your little one is raring to explore and learn.

Until seven months of age, your baby could only grip things. Therefore, earlier she was unable to
use her hands to hold, stroke or even explore objects. Now, her lips and tongue are more in her
control. She can put objects in her mouth, hold them there and prod around using her tongue. Your
babys lips and tongue are the most sensitive part of her body (1). Anytime your baby wants to
explore something, she will instantly try to put it in her mouth. Doing so will give her an idea about
the taste, shape and texture of that object. In fact, mouthing will give your baby one of her first
lessons in learning more about the world around her.

Until What Age Do Babies Continue Mouthing?

Your baby is most likely to continue mouthing almost until her second birthday. For some babies,
this phase may be longer. Do not fret if your child continues to mouth things even when she is past
her toddler stage. She will eventually outgrow this phase.

Safety Precautions During The Mouthing Phase:

Mouthing will help your baby learn, but it is also a very dangerous phase. You need to be hawk-
eyed while monitoring your babys daily adventure. Here are a few things to remember to ensure
your darling is safe during her little quest:

1. Do Not Scold Her:

Your baby will put everything in her mouth out of curiosity. Scolding her will discourage her from
putting things in her mouth, but it will also dampen her spirit of learning. Instead, ensure you keep
only safe things around her.

2. Remove Anything That May Be Dangerous:

Your baby will instantly find anything that is shiny, has any cords or danglers attractive. Check
carefully and remove all those things that are dangerous for your baby. Remove all small and sharp
objects and keep them at a safe distance.

3. Teach The Meaning Of No:

There may be times when your baby will play the mischief and pick up an object that she should
not. Telling her NO in a way she understands will help you stop her from putting it in her mouth.
Of course, she may not listen to you each time, so you need to repeat it.

4. Get Her A Teether:

Sometimes, your baby may be putting everything in her mouth because she is teething. Get her a
few teethers that can soothe her aching gums.

Mouthing is a very important phase in your babys growing years. It will help her understand and
relate to the world around her. Encourage her to explore while making sure she is safe.
6 Effective Tips To Deal With Your Whiny Baby
Ever heard the sound nails make on a chalkboard? Do you think thats irritating? Well, then you
have never heard a baby whine!

As your baby grows, she will discover and try to assert her independence. And without the aid of
language, the only way your baby can put her emotions forward is through whining.

It is easy to rationalize whining. But for parents of a whiny baby, the battle is constant. Some
babies whine once in a while. But there are other babies who are constant whiners! This 24/7
whining can test the patience of a saint! So, dont beat yourself if you are the mother of a whiny
baby. Here are 6 amazing tips to handle your whining baby.

Why Do Babies Whine?

Why do some babies whine more than others? Does it have anything to do with your parenting
skills? Not at all! Here are some reasons why your baby whines:

1. Frustration:
As your baby nears a new milestone, his frustration levels grow. She can almost crawl but not quite.
That favorite toy remains elusive. This stage can lead to a lot of frustration and whining!

2. A Step Towards Communication:

Believe it or not, whining is actually good! It is another step forward towards verbal
communication! First come the crying, then the whining, and then words!

3. Boredom:
Well, yes, your tiny baby can get bored! She might be looking for more interaction and stimulation.
How long can a baby entertain herself with the same old rattle?

4. Tiredness:
Make a note of your babys whiny sessions. Do they tend to occur at a particular time of the day? If
that is the case, your baby might just be tired.

These are the major reasons that might be contributing towards your babys constant whining. But
being aware of the cause behind baby whining all the time does nothing to ease your frustration,
does it?

How To Deal With A Whiny Baby:

So, are you just to smile and bear it? Easier said than done! There are chores to be done, calls to be
returned, and hours of sleep to catch up on. The last thing you need is a whiny baby! Is there a
solution? Sure there is! And locking up your baby in the basement is NOT a solution!

Heres what you can do if you are troubled with baby whining all day.

1. Dont Make It Personal:

No, you are not a bad mom. Your babys whining does not reflect on your parenting skills. Try to
remind yourself of this fact when your baby whines away to glory in full public view. Remember,
all moms go through this!

2. Step Out:
The constant whining can grate on your soul! Yes, we get that. So, if you find yourself reaching a
breaking point, take a deep breath. And step outside the room. Just remove yourself from the scene
for a few minutes. You do need to compose yourself if you want to function rationally! But before
you step out, make sure your baby is safe and secure.

3. Try to Be Kind:
Your little one may not understand words, but she can sure understand emotions and tone of voice!
Try and be kind. Use soothing voice to talk to her. It may help calm her down a bit.

4. Change of Scene:
Introduce newer toys to help your baby deal with boredom. You dont need to spend hundreds on a
new toy. Just grab spoon and bowl. That should keep her occupied and happy for some time! You
can also take her for a walk. Or a car ride. Anything to stimulate her growing brain cells!

5. Teach Her Sign Language:

There are a number of books and online tutorials available that will help you with this task. Your
baby wants to communicate. With sign language, she can communicate her basic needs like sleep
and food and make life easier for you!

6. Follow a Schedule:
If your baby is whining because of tiredness, you need to recheck your schedule. Make sure your
baby is getting enough sleep. Naps are mandatory! Remember, babies thrive on a schedule.

These are just some simple ways with which you can deal with your whiny little one. But
remember all babies are different. It is possible that these tips will work like magic for you. But it
is equally possible that your baby will refuse to follow your lead.

4 Ways You Can Teach Your Baby To Sleep In A Cot

Sometimes a sweet lullaby may not be enough to get your baby to sleep in a cot at night. This is
because babies have trouble detaching from their parents. Therefore, it can sometimes be a
Herculean task to get your baby to sleep in a cot all by himself.

Does this picture sound familiar to you? If yes, then know that you are not the only parent dealing
things like this right now. Parents of all ages deal with similar problems. Do not worry as we have a
guided post on baby sleeping in cot for you here. Lets have a look.

4 Ways On How To Put A Baby To Sleep In A Cot:

Although it may be difficult, it is not impossible to train your baby to enjoy the benefits of sleeping
in his own room. Here are ways on how to put a baby to sleep in a cot.

1. The Routine:
Before you actually move him into his own room, there are some routines that you should
introduce. This will make the transition as seamless as possible:

A routine will ensure that your baby knows exactly when it is time for bed
no matter where he sleeps.
The routine can be altered as and when required to suit your babys
You will need to establish the routine of getting your baby to sleep in his
cot every night. It is important to maintain it. Sticking to this practice will
also give your baby a chance to adjust to the same. Skipping a few nights
will definitely not help.
True there are no established signals to let your baby know when it is
bedtime. However, you can do small things which give the cue that it is
time to go to sleep in the cot.

2. Snack Time:
One of the other ways on how to get baby to sleep in cot is by including a small snack before he
goes to bed. This will ensure that he does not wake up in the middle of the night because of hunger.

Formula or breast milk is one of the best bedtime snacks as it is

wholesome and nutritious.
If your baby is a little older you can always include 1 or 2 teaspoons of
cereal in your babys diet. This is to keep him full for the night.
Ensure that your baby is not stuffed before he goes to sleep. This is to
avoid causing any discomfort to him at night.
3. Sleepover:
You could always have a sleepover in your babys room in order for him to get used to the
environment. Here are some ways to make the sleepover fun:

Play a few games just before bedtime in the room.

Enjoy a light snack with your baby before going to sleep at night.
Sleep on a mattress just below his cot to make him feel safe and secure.

4. In Stages:
Dont expect your baby to adjust to a new sleeping arrangement immediately. To make it easy for
your little one, you will have to make this transition in small installments. Here is how you can go
about it:

Let your baby sleep in the cot for a few days until he gets used to the
You should sleep in his room for a few nights till he feels secure enough to
sleep on his own.
Stop staying over in his room after a few days once he is accustomed to
the room environment.

Getting your baby to sleep in his own cot can be quite a challenge initially. You need to stick to a
set plan to ensure that he or she eases into the new arrangement. Do all that you can to ensure the
transition from your bed to his cot is smooth. The key is to remain calm and patient because it
could take some time.
Baby's Hunger Cues - How To Identify Them

Feeding babies can stress out new moms! They always have questions like, Is my baby hungry?,
How often should I feed him? and so on. The best one to answer all these questions is your little
one! Yes, do not be surprised! Your little prince lets you know whether he is hungry or content
through many cues. Even, infants can regulate their energy intake and send subtle cues.

Instead of calculating the time spent on feeding or the quantity fed, feed your baby when he is
hungry. Pay attention to your babys behavior and his simple cues. Wondering how to identify those
signals? Read our post at MomJunction to learn about typical baby hunger cues.

Different Baby Hunger Cues

Most parents think that crying is a hunger signal. But it is a late hunger cue. The baby shows many
more cues early on. If you can pick those early hunger cues (1), it will be easier for you to feed the
little one.

Early Hunger Cues

Licking lips or smacking is the first sign of hunger.

Sucking on hands, lips, toes, clothes, toys and fingers.
Opening and closing the mouth.
Sticking the tongue out.
Moving the head from side to side as if he is looking for something. This
movement is called rooting reflex. During the first weeks of birth, when you
stroke the babys cheek, he turns toward the breast or bottle, as a natural
reflex. He makes sucking motions with the mouth. Rooting turns into a
voluntary action after the babies turn four months old.

Active Hunger Cues

Trying to get into feeding position by pulling on your clothes.

Turning the head towards the chest of the one carrying the baby.
Increased leg and arm movement.
Breathing fast or fussing.
Squirming or fidgeting.
Waking up from sleep and falling asleep again in quick successions.
Displaying discomfort, making whining sounds, and grunts.
Hitting on your chest or arm constantly.
Rapid eye movement while sleeping. It is a good time to feed a sleepy
newborn if he has not fed in a while.
A hungry baby may continue showing interest in sucking even after
finishing the first bottle or first breast. It indicates that the little one wants
Babies older than four months may even smile while breastfeeding,
indicating their interest in continuing.

Late Hunger Cues

Moving the head frantically from one side to the another.

Crying is the last sign. A hunger cry is usually low-pitched, short, and
rises and falls.

Calm down the crying baby before feeding. Offer skin-to-skin contact, wear him or allow him to
snuggle up to your breasts.

Relying on cry to feed a baby can cause feeding problems, besides stressing him as well as you.

In her book Sleeping Like A Baby, International Board Certified lactation consultant Pinky McKay
says, Notice where your babys tongue is when she is yelling a baby cant latch on to feed
when her tongue is up against the roof of her mouth, and if you do manage to calm her enough to
latch on and feed, her suck is likely to be disorganized, or she may be exhausted from crying and
only take a small feed before falling asleep. This, of course, means that she will probably sleep for
a very short time then wake for another feed as her tiny tummy quickly empties.


Sucks on fist
Birth through 5 months
Wakes and tosses
Cries or fusses
Opens mouth

Cries or fusses
5 months through 6 months
Gazes at caregiver
Smiles or coos during feeding to indicate wanting more
Moves head toward spoon

Reaches for food

5 months through 9 months
Points to food
Reaches for food
8 months through 11 months
Points to food
Gets excited when food is offered

Asks for particular food with words or sounds

10 months through 12 months


Benefits Of Following Hunger Cues

Instead of feeding your child randomly based on time gaps, it is always good to look for the cues he
gives. It will benefit you in more than one of these ways:

Helps you get to know your baby well.

Ensures smooth breastfeeding.
Satisfies the little ones hunger and thirst.
Encourages your baby to trust you.
Gives you confidence.
Builds a positive feeding relationship between you and the baby.
Keeps up the milk supply.

How To Know When Your Baby Is Full?

Once your baby is full and satisfied, he sends signs that it is done. Fullness cues include: closing
lips, turning the head away from the food source, stopping or slowing down sucking (if the baby is
breastfeeding), falling asleep, looking calm and relaxed, and spits out the nipple or food. A baby
older than four months may start looking around and seems distracted.

Moms, try to figure out the subtle hunger cues of your little angels and ensure they are well-fed and
content. It is equally important to understand fullness cues too. If the cues from the babies are
neglected, they are likely to get confused about their hunger and fullness. It may lead to preferences
for unhealthy diet and further, childhood obesity.

Do not worry if you miss the cues at times. It is unavoidable! Remember, each baby is different and
has different ways of letting their mothers know what they want. As you get to know your little
bundle of joy more, you can recognize the unique hunger cues better! Skin-to-skin contact helps
you learn your babys feeding cues quickly.


1. Is hand sucking always a baby hunger cue?

Hand sucking need not always be a hunger cue once the baby crosses the newborn period. From
around six to eight weeks, an infant begins to explore things through his hands and mouth. He
gradually gets more control over his hands. Sucking on hands is also common in babies before or
during teething.

2. What if I am not sure if it is a hunger cue?

If you suspect one, yet not sure about your babys hunger, offer him a feed. It can help both you and
your baby in more than one ways:

The little one can have a feed if he is hungry.

If you are breastfeeding, your milk supply will increase.
It can reassure and comfort your baby.

If your baby has regularly been nursing, yet seems fussy, check for other problems like discomfort
from gas or tummy ache, etc.

3. Why does my baby show hunger cues shortly after feeding?

It is normal for babies to have feeds between short time gaps. It is called cluster feeding that is
more common during the afternoon or late evening.

Babies also tend to feed more during growth spurts, which last for two to three days. Growth spurt
happens at around two to three weeks, six weeks, three months and six months.

4. Should I wake my sleeping baby for nursing?

Babies are very sleepy during early days of birth. If the little one is less than four weeks old, wake
him once every four hours during nights and once every two hours during the day to nurse. Practice
this as long as he is gaining good weight, showing normal parameters, pooping, and peeing.
Is It Safe To Let Your Baby Sleep On Her Tummy?
Have you recently brought your baby home from the hospital? Or are you pregnant and almost
about to deliver your baby? Are you planning to set up your babys crib for that peaceful sleep time
you deserve? Do you know how to care for your baby even while he is asleep? Are you confused
whether you should place your baby on the back or on his tummy to sleep?

If you are unsure about the best position for your baby to sleep or are wondering whether is it safe
for baby to sleep on stomach, you might want to read our post here.

Is It Safe To Let Your Baby Sleep On Tummy?

One of the biggest risks that newborns and babies face until they are one-year-old is SIDS or
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. The exact cause of death of a newborn or young baby due to SIDS
is not easy determine, one of the most common causes is babies sleeping on tummy.

To keep him asleep during sleep time, you need to put him down on his back. Even if you are
around your baby and feel that he is under constant supervision, placing your baby to sleep on his
tummy is a potential risk that can be fatal.

The position you put your baby to sleep in is something that you as a parent and all caregivers
should be aware. Whether you put him to sleep, or its your partner or parent who does, make sure
you inform everyone that about not placing him on his tummy when he sleeps.

Here are some quick things you need to know:

According to research, if you place your baby on the back to sleep, the
chances of SIDS will be far lower than when you place him on his tummy.
If you place your baby on the tummy to sleep, he will be at a high risk of
contracting SIDS.
If you place your baby to sleep on the back and then put him to sleep on
his tummy while he is asleep, the chances of SIDS are even higher.
The safest position for him to sleep is on the back. It even includes babies
who are born preterm or are just born.
Sleep time for your baby will include even those few hours of nap time in
the day when you may not count as a full sleeping hour. Even for those
short naps, it is important for you to place him on his back and not on the
stomach. [1]

When Can Babies Sleep On Their Tummy?

The risk of SIDS is highest when your baby is between the ages of one and four months of age. The
risk of SIDS will continue to pose a threat until he turns one-year-old.

Once your baby gets strong enough, he will be able to roll from front to back position or back to
front position. At this stage, you do not need to worry when your baby rolls to a back to front
position while he is asleep. You may choose to put him back to the back position while he is asleep,
or let him sleep the way he is. Ensure that while you are putting him to sleep, you do it in the back
position only and not the tummy position.

What Are The Risks?

According to a news report, parents of newborns and very young babies continue to ignore
warnings about not placing their baby to sleep on their tummy. The American Academy of
Pediatrics clearly warns parents to place their infants on the back during sleep, to avoid the risk of
SIDS. Research and surveys state that almost 30 percent of all infants dont sleep on their backs.
When asked, it was revealed that most parents are worried that their babies may get choked if they
are placed on the back while sleeping.

Health officials confirm that there is no risk of choking if you place your baby to sleep on the back.
If he is otherwise healthy, he will naturally cough up or swallow any fluids in a reflex action to
keep his airways clear. If you place him on his back to sleep, it will be easier for him to clear out
any such fluids that may be blocking his airways, because of the location of your babys windpipe.
While sleeping on the back, his windpipe will be on the top of the esophagus, leading up to his
stomach. If he has a sudden fluid discharge, it will not reach the windpipe to cause choking. On the
other hand, when you place him on the tummy to sleep, any such fluid will come out through the
esophagus. It will collect at the opening of your babys windpipe and will cause a higher risk of
choking. Unless your pediatrician mentions otherwise, placing your baby on the back while
sleeping will not cause any choking. [2]

When To Do Tummy Time With Your Baby:

While it is not safe for you to put your baby on the tummy to sleep, your baby still needs his tummy
time. Here are a few ways you can ensure your baby gets the important yet safe tummy time:
Place your baby on the tummy but only during your babys awake time.
Make sure that you or any other responsible adult is present at all times
with him.
You can clear up a sturdy and clean surface and place a mat where he
can lie down on the tummy.
Do not stress your baby. Start by putting him on his tummy for only about
three to five minutes each time. Increase it slowly as he gets more practice
than before. [3]

Sleep times are important for your baby when you should ensure he is lying down safely. Make
sure you keep sleep time as back time and tummy time only when your baby is awake.

Top 5 Baby Sleep Problems And Their Solutions

Imagine this the baby has just gone off the sleep, you are watching your favorite thriller flick on
television and just when they are about to reveal who the killer is, the baby wakes up with a bawl.

Or this You have rocked your baby to sleep and have started with that awesome mutton Biryani
for dinner after having starved half day because you had no time to eat. You just finished eating the
rice and about to start sucking on to that bone for the delicious bone-marrow. That is exactly when
the baby wakes up crying.

We all have been through this as parents.

Top 5 Baby Sleep Problems:

Getting your baby to sleep through the night can be quite a task. Lets look at a few baby sleeping
problems and how we can try and make them less of a problem

1. The Rockstar:
These are babies that just refuse to sleep unless rocked in the arm. Rock them and they are fast
asleep, keep them down and they wake you like they never slept. The rockstars need to be skilful
on two matters to sleep without being rocked and to sleep in a place other than the arm. Ha, not
too difficult, right? Try to get them master it and you would know.
Patience is the key to deal such important matters. Take one day at a time. Reduce the rocking, try
rubbing the babys back as you keep her/him away from your arm. It will take time, weeks but
eventually the baby will learn to sleep without being rocked.

2. Sleep out of Home:

They are their energetic best when at home and in familiar environment. To get them to sleep a nice
long drive will do the trick. The motion the movement, get their heads nodding almost immediately.
But you always have the fear of waking these babies up when get them out of the car.

One option is that you drive around till the baby finishes its sleep or you plan your drives and
outings to coincide with the babys nap so that you get in the car when the baby is really sleepy and
by the time you are done running your errands the baby has caught up on its sleep in the car.

3. Say No to Sleep Baby:

The baby in this case will refuse to sleep. This also is a part of growing up and senses getting more
active. Try sticking to fixed nap times. Creating a routine helps in programming the babys brain to
sleep time. After all, babies do need their baby sleep.

4. Dont Disturb my Routine:

Routines are great for baby and disturbing a babys sleep routine can totally ruin his sleep. Even
when out of home and on a holiday, try and maintain the routine that you follow at home to let the
baby gets him much needed sleep. The favourite toy, the blanket, the same music-all make it easy
for your baby to sleep. Ensure that you have these basic comfort things that the baby associates
with when you go out of home.

5. The Power Nappers:

These babies believe in power naps. They fall asleep easily. They sleep for around twenty minutes
to an hour and then they are up fresh and bouncy as ever. When this occurs, do check that the
temperature in the room isnt too cold or too hot. Another reason why your baby could be taking
tiny naps could be that the baby is overtired. Ensure that the baby gets enough rest and sleep to
keep him happy and energetic.

With babies, a problem is not really a problem. It can all be solved with time, patience and love.
Make bed time fun give a cuddle, a nice massage, a warm bath, read out a lovely bedtime story,
play some soft music, give a kiss and smile as you watch your baby float in his world of dreams.
Benefits Of Reading Books To Your Baby:

There are countless benefits of reading to your baby. Though baby may not be able to
understand what is being read, she will start to recognize the sounds and rhythm of the

Here is how reading to your new born or even to-be-born can help:

1. Listening Skills:
Listening to your voice as you read will stimulate babys interest in sounds

It will also instill listening skills in baby.

Reading books to your baby will give your little one a feeling of fun and comfort too.

2. Improves Vocabulary:
Reading aids in building your babys imagination and vocabulary.

It also helps in improving babys communication skills.

The more you read, baby will hear more words and gradually learn to identify them

3. Improves Visualization:
One of the greatest benefits of reading is that your baby will be introduced to the concepts
of numbers, colors, letters, shapes and stories.

4. Build Memory:
Your baby will get an insight about the surroundings. This will gradually aid in building
memory and enhance imagination skills.

5. Emotional And Social Skills:

Studies show that listening to various words expressing emotions as you read instills an
emotional and social behavior in the baby.

Reading also helps your little one to touch, look, point and respond to your
These activities help enhance thinking skills and social development.
Language skills are enhanced by recognizing pictures, learning words and imitating
various sounds.
You should read aloud to your baby.
Reading is a delightful shared activity which you can continue for years to come.

5 Useful Tips To Handle A Fussy Baby

A fussy baby can wreck a new moms sleep and peace!

The first cry of your baby, undoubtedly, is a thrilling experience. But when your baby cries
incessantly and without any apparent cause, it becomes frustrating as new parents. Sometimes, you
may not fully comprehend the reason behind his crying and you are unable to find the solution to
simplify the process. To help you understand we have compiled few effective baby-whisperer
tactics in this article for you.

Most Common Reasons For Being A Fussy Baby:

Everything is new to your baby. After the warmth of the womb, the physical world as we live in it
may feel strange and cold for him and some babies might take a long time to get adjusted. This is
but one of the reasons your baby can be fussy about his sleep or meal times. Here are a few
common fussy baby causes:

1. Gas:
Gas is a common problem with babies, as their primary nutrition is milk. Hence, it is very
important after every feed to make your baby burp. If he does not burp, it can cause gas in his
stomach making him feel uncomfortable. If you observe your darling suffering from gas, try the
following steps:

Gently lay your baby over your stretched legs on his stomach and lightly
rub his back.
Lay him back and move his legs in bicycle motion.
You can also give him some medicinal drops that can relieve his trapped
gas (as advised by your pediatrician).

2. Colic:
Sometimes colic can be the reason for incessant crying. Colic is observed in around one-fifth of
babies, usually around 2 weeks to 4 months in age. Colic babies will cry non-stop for three hours or
more in a day for several days in a week. If your child is colicky, lay your baby in your arms and
cradle him close to you and swing him back and forth. The condition normally settles by itself in
about three months. If not, please see a doctor as soon as possible.

3. By Nature:
Some kids are by nature fidgety and prone to fussiness. If your child belongs to this group, take a
deep breath! There is nothing much you can do about it, except be very patient and gentle with
them (and on yourself!) and make sure they are comfortable at all times. Do not lose your temper,
and make sure you always soothe your fussy baby, in spite of her cranky behavior! Have faith, as
this too shall pass. Your kid will soon grow bigger and your temperament will most probably
change for the better.

4. Hunger:
There are times, when your babys little tummy is not full and he is crying out of hunger. This
especially happens when you are out for a long time and your baby has got exhausted and may be
feeling hungry. So check with him, if you are breastfeeding, offer breast feed or the formula milk
(if he is on formula feed). If you have difficult following a scheduled invest in a baby diet journal
or notebook, and note down his feed times. There are also online applications that you can
download on your phone, which can help you track your baby-feed time. Such as this

5. Diaper Issues:
You must make it a habit to check your babys diaper whenever he is crying continuously. Your
babys urine, combined with the bacteria in her stools, could lead to nappy rash, which might be the
cause of his fussiness. In general, experts advise a babys diaper to be changed every 2-3 hours
(even if it is clean). For best results, use cloth diapers during the day, which can be easily changed,
washed and reused.

Tips To Handle A Fussy Baby:

1. Wrap With Love:

You must learn to cuddle and swaddle your baby in such a way that it falsely lulls the infant in
thinking that he is now in a cosy womb. Keep his arms inside the wrap to restrict movement and let
him feel cozy in the warmth of the blanket or your arms for a few minutes. This will do wonders for
your fussy baby. But do make sure you learn to swaddle the right way, so that you dont do any
unintentional harm to your child!

Sometimes some babies are more comfortable in their dads strong arms as his arms can rock him
more quickly and swaddle him more tightly. So, give yourself a break and take your husbands help
in calming down your fussy newborn.

2. Get Some Sound:

When your little one was in your womb, he was constantly listening to the sounds of your
heartbeat. In a typical sleeping environment, babies are made to sleep in a silent room. While it
works for many, it may not be ideal for other sound-loving babies. If your baby falls in this
category, try the following methods:

Gentle, melodious baby rhymes in low volume during nap time.

Whirring fans can be a soothing music for some naughty little ones.
White noise like sounds of waves on a beach or sound of gentle rainfall.

3. Take A Walk:
If your baby is fussy and heading to a crying bout, take him out for a walk which can distract him
and calm him. Some babies will find walking comfortable as it serves as fodder to their observation
skills and help them enjoy the surroundings. They can even fall to sleep while walking!

A pram will be comfortable in such times, while a baby sling can offer that much-needed body
warmth to your fussy infant. A park is the best place to walk by; avoid roads and walking under the
hot sun. Make sure you take everything needed for a walk with your baby, including a fully-
charged phone.

4. Baby Massage:
A baby massage is a wonderful way to calm your baby. Massaging will help relieve his body
muscles and increase blood circulation in his body. Your baby will enjoy body massages as it helps
to sleep calmly. Keep your phone on silent mode before making him sleep and give him a peace

If possible, make this a regular practice in your babys schedule, as baby massages are supposed to
have lasting benefits in a childs well being. You can administer the massage yourself, or ask an
experienced elder or even hire a professional nanny to do it.

5. Check His Comfort:

Often, a childs fussiness may be indicative of some discomfort in his body or surroundings. Check
his clothes, if they are too tight, that can also be the reason behind his fussiness. Make sure the
baby does not wear ill-fitted clothes. In a tropical country like India, loose cotton clothes are always

Also make sure your baby is not allergic to any of the clothes covering him. Check for any insects
or uneven bumps on the mattress.

Obviously, when your baby is fussy, it will make you frustrated, but remember its not easy to be
parents! Growing your child comes with big responsibilities, so you must be patient. We also
encourage you to talk to the elders and other mothers in your family or friends circle, to ease your
panic, and hope the above discussed ideas will help you in taking care of issues with your babys
fussiness. If your baby still continues to be fussy, in spite of all these measures, it is best to consult
your pediatrician.
4 Learning Activities For Your 12 Month Old Baby
Congratulations to both of you! Its time that you make preparations for your babys first birthday.
You have travelled a long way and your once helpless baby is now mobile, with a wide range of
developmental activities and skills.

Some babies may have also started talking and walking by now. However, there is no reason to
worry if your baby hasnt crossed these milestones yet. Every baby is different and your baby will
start these things when the time is ripe for him.

As your baby continues to grow you can find gradual changes in his attitude. Remember, he is no
longer your small baby whom you cuddled in your arms all day long. Now he moves about freely
and comes to you only when its cuddle time.

Developments In Your 1 Year Old:

Dont get impatient with your busy and hyperactive 1 year old. He still needs your attention at this
age. His daily activities now include exploring the world around him. He might land himself in
dangerous situations at times, about which you need to be careful.

4 Learning Activities For 12 Month Old Baby:

Setting limits becomes an essential part of parenting now. This will help him interact considerately
and also remain respectful to others. This will let him know that he cannot get away with his way
always. Check out here 4 learning activities for 12 month old babies:

1. Television For Your 12 Month Old:

By this time he may seem delighted by the visuals on TV. While there is nothing wrong in allowing
him to enjoy small bouts of shows, there should be limitations set. Look at what you can do:

You can limit his TV viewing to an hour.

Ensure things he watches are age-appropriate.
You can start a conversation about what you are watching.
Eating when the TV is on is a bad habit. Make sure your baby is not doing
If you find him engaged in something else, do switch off the TV. Too much
of TV will do no good to him.

2. Changes In Sleep Patterns:

Administering sleep patterns are one of the essential 12 month old baby activities. You can see
changes in his napping patterns by the time he turns a year old. Here are the changes you can

You may find him shifting his napping time in the morning.
If he has slept too much in the morning, he may not want to sleep in the
Setting a napping routine is a good way to predict when he shall fall

3. Shifting From The Bottle To The Cup Or Sipper:

Your baby is now ready to experiment with the new. You may find him eager to try the cup for
sipping milk or water. Look at what you can do:

Encourage your baby to drink from the sipper or bottle, as too much of
bottle feeding can lead to gum problems.
Your baby can learn to sip easily when you use a free-flow cup or an open
It is the right time to train him to fall asleep without the bottle.

4. Separation Anxiety For A One Year Old:

Your baby at this age wants to feel secure. A secured environment will help him investigate the
world around him better and assert his independence.

While some are shy by nature, others are extrovert and love exploring the
world around them.
Participate in activities with him to foster an adventurous spirit.
There is nothing to worry if he is getting dirty. You can simply wash it off.
Set him free and let him gradually feel comfortable even if you disappear.

Dont get anxious if he has not crossed all the above mentioned milestones. Seek help from your
doctor if you are worried.

5 Common Digestive Problems In Infants

When you have a newborn at home, your entire life revolves around her. Every cry, every grimace
can send you into a tizzy. And while you wonder whats ailing your little darling, your anxiety
levels can go through the roof.

If you are worried about your infant digestive problems, you are not alone. Most new parents
obsess about their newborns spit up, poopy diapers, and what not! Unfortunately, the digestive
problems in babies is not easy to find out as your little one cannot tell you whats bothering her.
You need to do some sleuthing to unearth the real culprit. But it isnt an easy task

So, let us help you out. We have listed here in this article the major digestive problems infants face
and ways of dealing with them. Check them out to make your life as a new mother a little easier.

The common baby digestive problems are:

1. Reflux:
Reflux in babies is one of the most common digestive problems new parents witness. In most
babies, the digestive process is slow. The esophageal sphincter is still developing in infants. Until
the stomach learns its rhythm, the milk your newborn drinks can come right back from the stomach
as spit up. (1)

When To See The Doctor:

In most cases, reflux is not a serious health condition. Most babies outgrow their reflux habit by the
time they start on solids. But if you notice the following symptoms, talk to your doctor:

Loss of appetite
Slow weight gain
Recurrent hiccups
Breathing problems
What Can You Do?

Apart from following your doctors advice, you can take the following steps to provide relief to
your newborn from reflux symptoms:

Make sure you burp your infant as often as you can during a feed.
When you are feeding your baby, keep her in an upright position. You
should also try to keep her upright for at least half an hour after each feed.
Many mothers swear by formula or breast milk mixed with rice cereal to
help deal with reflux. But do talk to your doctor before you do so.

Vomiting is uncomfortable for most adults. For infants, it can be devastating. The most common
cause of vomiting in infants is infection either viral or bacterial. The vomiting sensation usually
subsides on its own.

When To See The Doctor:

Consult your doctor, if you notice:

Fewer wet diapers

Dry mouth or absence of saliva

These two symptoms can indicate dehydration, a medical emergency. (2)

What Can You Do?

If your little one is vomiting without a break, try the following tips:

Offer frequent feeds to prevent dehydration.

If your child wont drink formula or breast milk, consult your doctor and
offer her a spoon full of an electrolyte solution like Pedialyte or Rehydralyte
after every 15 minutes.

3. Diarrhea:
Rotavirus is the biggest culprit in most infant diarrhea cases. Most cases of rotavirus-induced
diarrhea occur during winter months and accompany respiratory problems (3).

When To See The Doctor:

Head to the hospital if you notice the following symptoms:

Diarrhea that lasts for over two to three weeks

Crying during bowel movements
Blood and mucus in the stool
What Can You Do?

Check if your child is allergic to breast milk.

Consult a pediatrician and give your baby Nutramigen or Alimentum.

Increase your childs fluid intake.

4. Constipation:
Constipation is a common problem among infants. But it can be uncomfortable for your little one.
Most cases of constipation become worse once babies start on solid foods.

When To See Your Doctor:

Constipation is not a dangerous health issue. But do talk to your doctor if:

Your baby is very uncomfortable

She is in pain and cries during a bowel movement
You notice blood in your babys poop
What Can You Do:

Simple dietary changes can help alleviate constipation. In some cases, doctors prescribe laxatives

Try cutting down on rice cereal in your babys meals

Use corn syrup or other home remedies. Prune juice is an effective
remedy for constipation (5).

5. Other Problems:
Other digestive issues that your infant may face are:

Feeding Intolerance: Many infants suffer from feeding intolerance. In many cases, this problem
subsides after the initial days. But if your baby continues to suffer from episodes of vomiting and
diarrhea after each feed, talk to your doctor. Many times, feeding intolerance occurs due to some
blood infection, preterm birth, congenital malformation of the stomach or intestines, low birth
weight, or delayed feeding (6).

Colic: Youll hear the word colic way too many times during your infants early days. Every time
your baby screams and cries you will suspect it to be a case of colic. Colic or gas can be
uncomfortable. But it is very common. Most children outgrow colic by the time they turn three
months old. Until then, your doctor may prescribe some medication to help your baby. Probiotics
too may help treat and manage colic among infants (7).

Your newborn is helpless. She needs you to help her maneuver through the first few months of her
life. So learn to hear her unspoken words. Keep an eye open for signs and symptoms that may
indicate a problem, and keep calm! The baby digestive problems can be taken care of.

Most digestive issues resolve as your infants digestive system matures. Until then, use this article
as a guide to help reduce your babys discomfort and pain!

Metabolic Disorder In Infants/Babies - Causes &

Symptoms You Should Be Aware Of
Is your baby undergoing various health checks soon after birth? Do you find these tests alarming?
Well, if you are clueless about the relevance of these screening tests for newborns, reading this post
may be of help!

Infant screening tests are effective methods to diagnose health issues that may need medical
treatment. Have you heard about metabolic disorder in infants? Abnormal chemical reactions in the
body may disrupt the metabolic process. Want to know how it may affect your darling baby? Read

What Is Metabolism And Metabolic Disorder?

Metabolism means the process by which your body creates energy from the food you eat. Your
body breaks up the food you eat into various sugars and acids, which in turn act as fuel for your
body. This fuel can be used up by your body right away. It can also be stored by your body in its
various organs like the body fat, muscles or liver. A metabolic disorder takes place when there are
various chemical changes in your body that affect this process. In such a condition, your body may
have too much of a particular substance, or too little of the ones that are needed to stay healthy (1).

What Causes Metabolic Disorder In An Infant?

A metabolic disorder is an inherited disorder. It is a rare gene mutation. In the case where both
parents have any record of a metabolic disorder, the infant has a higher chance of the same (2).

What Are The Symptoms Of Infant Metabolic Disorder?

Most of the conditions related to infant metabolic disorder are rare but it is extremely crucial for all
babies to be screened for the same. In some cases, babies appear to be perfectly healthy after birth
and even until a few years, before any symptom shows up. These symptoms can appear at any age
later in life, even after the baby has reached adulthood.

Here are some of the most common metabolic disorders that may appear in infants. Keep a look out
for the symptoms as mentioned:

1. Phenylketonuria (PKU):

In this condition, an infants body is not able to metabolize the amino acid known as phenylalanine.
This amino acid is most commonly found in breast milk, cows milk and meat. When it cannot be
metabolized, it starts getting accumulated in the blood stream. This can affect brain development
and cause severe mental retardation (3).


Delay in mental as well as social skills
Rashes on the skin, like eczema
Small size of the head as compared to a regular body head ratio
Bad smelling breath or urine
Body odor
2. Galactosemia:

In this condition, an infants body is not able to convert the galactose, which is a type of milk sugar,
into glucose, which is the sugar that is found in the blood. When the galactose is not able to turn
into glucose, it starts to build up inside the body. This can cause a lot of health and medical
complications and damage the babys liver, kidneys, brain and eyes. It can also lead to severe
vomiting, liver diseases, kidney failure, mental retardation, and in some cases, even death (4)


Aversion to milk
A poor appetite
Poor or no weight gain
3. Medium-Chain Acyl-CoAdehydrogenase (MCAD) Deficiency:

In this condition, an infants body is not able to convert the fat into energy. In this case, there are no
symptoms present at the time of birth. Symptoms start to appear somewhere between the second
month till the second year of an infants life. This condition can lead to damage of the brain and
liver. In severe cases, it can also be fatal. Symptoms mostly show up when the baby is off his or her
feed for a long time (5).


Low blood sugar or hypoglycemia

Weakness and lethargy
4. Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD):

In this condition, the baby will not have an enzyme that helps to metabolize the three essential
amino acids that are needed for growth. This can lead to a buildup of the amino acids in the blood
stream. It can cause poor feeding habits in the baby and cause a distinct maple syrup like smell in
the babys urine (which is why the condition is named so). In severe cases, it can cause mental
retardation and can also lead to coma and death (6).


Difficulties in feeding
Weakness and lethargy
Maple syrup like smell in the urine
The problem with metabolic disorders is that the symptoms are often confused with other
conditions. In most cases, symptoms end up being ignored. Keep a look out for any of the
symptoms mentioned above. Speak to your babys doctor regularly.

Do you know of any infant who was diagnosed with an infant metabolic disorder? When were the
symptoms noticed? Do share the experience here with other moms, to spread awareness among
those who may be ignorant of such an ailment.
Effective Home Remedies To Treat Gas Problems In
Does your infant tend to cry endlessly even when she is fed and rested? Do you find her burping
frequently? Could your infants worries be caused due to discomfort caused by gas?

If your infant has been suffering from gas related problems, it means she is already in a lot of pain
and discomfort. Read this article to know about some easy and effective home remedies that will
help soothe her.

Home Remedies To Relieve Gas Problems In Infants:

The formation of gas in infants is a common and natural occurrence. Some parents do resort to
options like gripe water and other, but these are not recommended at all and may cause side effects
in some infants.

If your infant has been battling the same, you can help her out using these easy and effective home
1. Follow The Feed And Burp Rule:

This is one of the best ways to ensure your baby does not have to suffer from gas buildup.

While you are feeding your baby, give her a break from feeding and pat
her on the back. Try and do this after every five minutes or so.
You can gently tap your babys back to encourage burping if it takes time.
This will ensure that there is no gas formation in your baby by the time
she finishes feeding.
2. Sit And Feed:

This may be a little tiring for you, but feeding your infant while you are in the sitting position will
bring down the chances of gas formation in your little one.

Sit straight and place a pillow on your lap.

Place your infant on the pillow in such a way that your infants head is a
little elevated.
This will prevent gas buildup and prevent colic.
3. Use The Touch Therapy:

Your infant will greatly benefit from your touch.

Make it a point to hold your infant in your arms as much as you can. Keep
massaging her back and tummy gently through the day.
This will encourage her to burp or pass gas out of her body.
Before putting her to sleep, massage her stomach and pat her back. This
will remove any traces of gas and help her sleep peacefully.
4. Always Hold Your Infant In The Up Position:

If your infant is suffering from gas, she will highly benefit by being held in an upright position.

Avoid holding her in your arms in a sleeping position.

Instead, hold her in such a way that her head rests on your shoulder and
you can easily access her back.
Continue patting her back lightly even if she is asleep.
5. Distract And Stop The Crying:

The more your infant cries the more air she will swallow, leading to more gas formation.

Your aim should be to stop your infants crying as quickly as you can.
Distract her with various objects and sounds. If nothing helps, pick her up
and give her a massage or take her for a walk. Rock your infant gently and
sing a soothing lullaby.

Sometimes, your infant may be crying due to pain in the stomach as a result of gas formation. Help
her lie down on her back and gently massage her tummy. Keep massaging her stomach in slow
circular motions.

6. Avoid Eating Foods That Are Known To Cause Gas:

While you are breastfeeding, what you eat will also have an impact on gas formation in your infant.

Avoid eating foods like cabbage, broccoli and such that are known to
cause gas.
Certain food items can also lead to food allergy, causing gas in you. This
too can adversely affect your infant.

Speak to your gynecologist to know about the kind of foods you should avoid that will help prevent
the formation of gas. In case you are on any medication, check with your doctor about it.

Certain over the counter medications are available that are known to cure gas. But these are not at
all recommended for infants. Alternatively, you should also refrain from giving your infant any oral
home remedies that may be effective in treating gas problems in infants.

Follow certain changes in your feeding routine and the way you hold your infant. This can help
your infant tremendously and bring down the formation of gas.

4 Useful Ways To Treat Dehydration In Babies

Water is the life-giving elixir to human beings, in fact, all living things.
When one does not consume enough water every day, it gives way to a condition that is commonly
known as dehydration. A mild case of dehydration in children may become severe because of
inability to identify its symptoms and delay in its treatment.

What Is Dehydration In Infants?

Dehydration occurs when ones body does not possess the needed level of fluids. In dehydration,
your body loses more liquid than it consumes. Infants are more prone to dehydration as compared
to adults

Dehydration can be minor, but if not treated at initial stages it can be life threatening. Proper care
should be taken when your baby is suffering from dehydration.

Causes Of Dehydration In Infants:

It is important to understand that dehydration in not a disease but a condition that is created.
Following are the causes which increase the chances of dehydration in babies.

1. Fever:
When your baby suffers from fever, there are more chances of her contracting dehydration as body
loses lot of water and the intake is very less.

2. Diarrhea:
If your baby suffers from acute diarrhea, then body loses huge amount of electrolytes as well as
water in a short span of time and causing dehydration.

3. Vomiting:
In case of vomiting, your babys body loses water and essential minerals giving way to

4. Excessive Sweating:

Due to hot weather, your baby might sweat a lot, thus losing lot of water from her system and
making it parched and dry, causing dehydration.

5. Unable To Intake Liquid:

Sometimes, due to sore throat or other ailments, your baby may not be able to take liquids and
thereby get dehydrated.

Symptoms Of Dehydration:
Whenever your baby suffers from any of the above-mentioned ailments, always check for the signs
of dehydration in infants. Any of the below mentioned signs can indicate dehydration:

No wet diaper for more than six hours.

Excessive drowsiness or fussiness.
Dry lips and mouth.
No tears when crying.

Moreover, if your baby has been highly dehydrated then over and above the above mentioned
symptoms, your baby might have:

Sunken eyes and soft spots on his/her head (Sunken Fontanels).

Cold hands and feet.
Excessive sleepiness to the extent of unconsciousness.
Rapid heart-beat and low blood pressure.

How To Find If Your Baby Is Dehydrated?

The best way to gauge dehydration in infants is by analyzing the color of their urine. If the urine is
light-colored and clear, it means your babys liquid intake levels are optimum. However, if urine is
dark yellow or amber in color then it signals dehydration.

Ways To Treat Dehydration:

Baby dehydration treatment involves few steps. The first step to treat dehydration is trying to
rehydrate body as much as possible. You can try the following options to recover the loss of fluids
in your babys body:

1. Continue Breast-Feeding Or Bottle Feed:

Based on how your nurse your baby, try to feed more often.

Try feeding in small portions more frequently; if your baby is vomiting.

Try to feed every two hours in smaller proportions; if you are feeding your
baby every four hours.
2. Oral Rehydration Therapy:

ORT is believed to treat dehydration. Small, frequent portions of rehydration solutions can work as
a substitute for consuming water.

ORT contains essential salt, sugar, potassium, and other nutrients.

You can increase its portions if your infant does not vomit it.
There are various brands available in market, so consult your doctor for
the best suitable for your child.
3. No Changes In Regular Diet:

Regular diet that your baby is taking should not be disturbed at all.

Food helps in providing the much needed energy to your infants body.
But you should resist from giving those food which are difficult to digest.
4. Ample Rest:

Even if your baby starts feeling better, refrain from physical activities, like playing.

It is suggested to take at least 24 to 36 hours of rest, for the body to

come into its normal working form.
However, if you find that the situation is not improving with home
remedies, it is suggested to contact your doctor without any further delay.

Dehydration should not be taken lightly, as it may have serious repercussions. We hope the above
mentioned ways to cure dehydration in your babies may be helpful to you.

Dont forget to share if you have some other effective ideas to cure dehydration.

When Can Your Baby Start Drinking Water?

As an adult, you may not be able to imagine not having water for a day. This is what may make you
feel what amount is right for your babies.

The fact is that babies do not require to be fed water separately till 6 months of age. Breast-milk
contains 88-94% water, while formula milk is about 80% water, so additional water is not required
in either case.

You can give an extra feed of breast-milk or formula to your baby in case you feel your infant
needs water. It is important for you as a mother to drink sufficient water (at least 8 glasses a day) to
ensure both you and your baby stay hydrated.

When Baby Can Start Drinking Water?

Why you shouldnt give water to your baby before 6 months of age? Giving your baby excess water
(or before 6 months) can cause water intoxication.

This causes your babys bloodstream to get diluted.


Excess water inhibits normal bodily functions and can cause serious
problems too.
It can also cause your baby to absorb lesser than required nutrients from
milk which can lead to an imbalance.
If your baby is going through a serious case of diarrhea, your pediatrician
may recommend giving water to your baby to stay hydrated. Unless dont
give your darling water before 6 months.

What Should Be The Quantity Of Water?

You can introduce drinking water for baby in the 6th month after consulting with your pediatrician.
This is around the same time when your baby will start with semi-solid food.

You can give your baby 50 to 100ml of water, spread over the day in
small sips.
Water is not meant to replace breast-milk or formula and thus should be
given once your babys hunger is satisfied.
Offer your baby water post feeds (milk or semi-solids). Water given post
semi-solid feeds helps your baby in digesting the food, especially high
protein foods, like meat, eggs etc. and also helps your baby get
If your baby is less than a year old, you dont need to offer more than
100ml of water, unless of course advised by your pediatrician.
Never force your baby to have water, as this may cause bloating or even
a tummy ache.
Once your baby is a year old, you can offer as much water as needed.

Giving Water During Summertime:

Breast-fed babies dont need extra water during summer months.

You, as a mother, should increase your intake of water and liquids during
summer months so that your baby gets enough hydration through breast-
The consistency of breast milk adapts to changes in the outside
temperature to keep your baby well-hydrated.
If your baby is formula fed, make sure you feed your baby water
throughout the day at regular intervals.
Do not add extra water while making formula.

Do I Need To Boil Water?

It is highly recommended that you boil and cool down the water you will be serving your baby.
Also if required you should seek your pediatricians advice before serving your baby water.

How To Give Water To Baby?

When baby start drinking water, you can serve the water in a small regular glass or specially
designed age appropriate sipper-cups. If you are serving in a small glass ensure you give small sips.

You can teach your baby to hold a cup/glass to drink water.

Help your baby on how to place his or her hands on the cup to drink the
You too need to hold the cup. Take it to your babys mouth slowly to help
him drink the water.
You will have to do this regularly before your baby is able to hold the cup,
without your help and without spilling water.
There are no-spill sippy cups available in the market, which do not allow
the water to spill when turned upside down.
These sippy cups do require a sucking action when turned upside down so
that the water flows out of the cup and into the babys mouth.
You will need to train your baby to have water from a sippy cup.
You may also need to experiment with multiple sippy cups, till you find
the one that is comfortable for your baby.

Follow these basic guidelines to introduce your baby to water and let Mother Nature take her
course. We hope our little guide helps you begin the process smoothly.

If you have more ideas do share on when baby can start drinking water, please share them with us.

Flu In Babies 10 Symptoms & 7 Treatments You

Should Be Aware Of
Your infants immune system is not as robust as yours, making him an easy target for many
diseases. Influenza, or flu as it is commonly known, is something that troubles every child. Some
babies are more prone to catch flu because of low resistance, especially during winters, when the
virus is prevalent.

Knowing when your child has flu and getting the correct treatment promptly can help your child
come out of the disease faster.

Is It Flu? Symptoms To Watch Out For:

Flu can often be mistaken for common cold because of some familiar symptoms. However, you
must be cautious of the following signs:

1. Fever, especially if it goes above 101 degrees

2. Chills
3. Fatigue and weakness
4. Respiratory problem
5. Coughing and sore throat
6. Runny nose
7. Body aches and headache
8. Vomiting and stomach ache
9. Diarrhea
10. Lack of appetite

If you see any one of the signs in your little one he or she might be suffering from flu. Fever is most
likely to persist for a week, though other symptoms may go away sooner with proper treatment.

What Causes Flu In Babies?

The primary cause for flu is the influenza virus, which is of three types A, B and C. The flu
season from October to February is most conducive for these viruses.

Flu is highly infectious and can be caused by someone who is already carrying the virus. So,
keeping your child well protected and away from infections is important.

How To Prevent Flu?

A vaccine is given for preventing flu, which will be administered to your child once he or she is
over six months of age. In case your child has symptoms of chronic diseases like asthma, then
getting the shot is essential.

You can also prevent the onset of flu by being keeping infections at bay:
Wash your hands properly before holding your baby, especially if you
have cough or cold.
Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth as this can help germs to
All utensils in which you serve your babys food must be cleaned properly.
All clothes must be disinfected before making your baby wear them. Even
toys must be wiped thoroughly to avoid infections.
Try to keep the babys room dry and warm as the virus grows more easily
in damp and cold places.

How To Treat Flu In Babies?

If not treated timely, flu can cause pneumonia or other complications, which may call for
hospitalization. Here are some ways in which you can cure baby with flu:

1. Make sure that your baby is getting proper rest and sleep.
2. Administer plenty of fluids, which will help to wash away the toxins and
keep dehydration at bay.
3. Medicines are prescribed for children according to their age. Tamiflu is the
most common medicine advised for babies. Do not give over the counter
medicines like aspirin, as they can cause serious side effects.
4. A pain reliever can be advised by the doctor to reduce body aches.
5. If your baby is over six months of age and has not received the flu
vaccine, make sure you check with the doctor at the earliest. Sometimes,
the vaccine is given as nasal spray.
6. Use suction bulbs to clear the mucus which blocks the nose and throat
7. If your baby is less than six months old, do ensure that everyone coming
in contact with her is vaccinated and no one is suffering from flu.

When To Call The Doctor?

You must immediately consult a doctor in case:

Your baby does not get active after fever is brought down.
Vomiting or diarrhea does not subside.
Your child is having trouble breathing.
Symptoms like fever and aches persist even after a week.
Your childs skin turns bluish.

While flu is not very serious in itself, it can lead to other problems in infants. Recognizing the baby
flu symptoms at early stage and taking proper precautions along with timely medical care is the
best way to keep your baby healthy.

Baby Neck Rash - Causes, Symptoms & Remedies

Your little bundle of joys skin is supple, smooth and tender. Unless you take extreme precaution,
your infants skin would potentially be vulnerable to all types of rashes, especially in the folds of
the thigh, elbow and neck regions. Of all types, rashes in the neck region are the most common.

There are several types of skin rash that occur in the neck region. Most of these skin rashes are
quite harmless and vanish after a few days. In newborns, neck rash is highly common in the first
four to five months.

Causes Of Rash On Babys Neck:

There are many factors responsible for causing a skin rash on your babys neck. A few types of
rashes may only appear in the neck region whereas there are some other types that may also affect
the folds of diaper area, armpit, etc. Here are a few common causes of neck rash in babies:

Stork Bites: These are small pink spots that appear on the neck since
the time of birth. In reality, these are not rashes but blood vessels that are
collected in one region of the skins dermal layer. These spots vanish
without any treatment within a few months after birth.
Prickly Heat: This is a common type of skin rash that occurs during the
summer season on the neck and other regions of the body. The extreme
dry heat of summer irritates your childs tender skin. These rashes appear
as tiny red itchy skin bumps. This condition is also known as heat rash.

Skin Irritation: Newborns experience neck rash in the first few months.
This primarily occurs because their neck region is plump and chubby. This
results in the formation of skin folds thatconstantly rub against each other.
Excess moisture and constant friction are the main causative agents of
neck rash in babies. This rash keeps recurring in babies till they learn to lift
their head without any support (which may take few months).
Fungal Infection: This type of infections are frequently seen in infants
and babies. Excess moisture and perspiration in the babys neck skin fold
become a thriving ground for Candida. In babies, yeast infection is one of
the most common causes of neck skin rash.

Additionally, as their main nutritional supply is breastmilk, babies tend to spill excess milk. This
further makes the chest and neck region moist and susceptible to neck rash.

Symptoms Of Rash On Your Babys Neck:

The most common symptoms are itching skin accompanied with pain. These symptoms may cause
babies to lose their appetite.

Home Remedies To Treat Rash On Your Babys Neck:

As mentioned earlier, most cases of skin rash disappear on their own within a few days. They dont
require any treatment. But, the baby is highly uncomfortable during this period due to continuous
burning and itching sensations. You can calm your baby by following these simple yet effective
home remedies to soothe their irritated skin.

Only Use Light & Breathable Fabrics: Never use stiff, uncomfortable
and heavy dress material for your baby. Always look for lightweight and
breathable fabric like cotton. On a hot summer day, you can dress up your
baby in a diaper and cotton top. Never wash your babys clothes using a
strong bleach and detergent. These harsh chemicals may cause skin
irritation and lead to rashes.
Apply Skin Creams And Lotions To Your Babys Rash: Remember to
consult your babys pediatrician before you use any skin cream and lotion
on your baby younger than six months of age. It is always advisable to be
careful before using any skin product on your child as they may be allergic
to one of the ingredients present in these products.
Use Cornstarch: You can try sprinkling cornstarch on your babys neck
before taking them outdoors or after a bath. This will keep the neck region
dry and moist-free.
Use Oatmeal: You can try adding oats in your babys bath. Also, you can
try oat extract to soothe your babys skin. Take a clean washcloth and wrap
a cut of oatmeal in it. Seal the contents by twisting the end of the
washcloth. Take a tub of warm water and soak the washcloth until both the
oats and cloth are wet. Squeeze the oatmeal infused water on your babys
rash. Once done, pat the area dry.
Use Cold Compress: You can also try using cold compress on the
affected region to soothe the skin inflammation. Take a tub of ice-cold
water and soak a clean washcloth. Apply this to the affected region for 5-
10 minutes to soothe the inflamed skin. Once done, pat the area dry. You
can repeat the procedure as and when needed.
Maintain Good Skin Hygiene: If you follow a regular bathing and good
hygiene practice for your baby, you may treat and prevent your baby from
these skin rashes.
Follow A Specified Bath Time: Remember to schedule the right bath
time for your baby. Never bathe your baby immediately after feeding them.
Allow them to rest for a while after feed time to avoid vomiting or spewing.
Use Only Boiled Or Distilled Water: Remember to use only boiled or
distilled water to bathe your baby. This will ensure that the bathing water
doesnt contain any harmful microbes that may otherwise harm your baby.
To soothe the skin inflammation, you can add two teaspoons of baking
soda to your babys bath water. You can also add a cup of oatmeal to
soothe your babys inflamed skin.
Massage With Coconut Oil: You can also try massaging your baby with
coconut oil twice a day. This results in soft, clean skin. Also, the anti-
microbial properties of this oil prevent skin infection.

When To Call Your Babys Doctor?

As mentioned earlier, your babys neck rash may disappear on its own. However, you should call
your babys pediatrician if it is accompanied by fever. Pus-filled or fluid-filled skin blisters on your
baby could indicate an infection that may require antibiotics. You must immediately call the
pediatrician if your baby is crying and cant be consoled, or is dull and inactive, or not having food
If you notice small red dots or spots that dont disappear when pressed, you must immediately call
the doctor. These spots may occur due to bleeding under the skin. This condition is known as
petechiae and can indicate a serious infection.

Always remember that you know your baby better than others. If you notice any skin rash that
worries you, dont hesitate to call your doctor for further consultation.

Preventive Measures To Avoid Baby Neck Rash From Occurring:

Bathe your baby regularly and maintain a good hygiene practice.

Select the right fabrics for your baby. Avoid rough fabrics, woolen clothes,
and blankets. These are not recommended for babies as they have a
sensitive skin type.
Remember to dry the neck region (and other moisture-prone regions)
after bathing your baby.
Keep your babys neck region open and moist-free most of the times. Dry
skin prevents accumulation of moisture in the skin folds. This helps in
healing the rashes faster.
Try to keep your baby in a cool and well-aired room as excessive heat
causes perspiration in the skin folds and leads to skin rashes.
9 Essential Steps To Follow When Your Baby Is Choking
The time when your baby graduates from only breast milk to other forms of food is quite crucial.
Not only is this a big step in babys growth, it is also time for you to start being extra cautious at
meal times.
It is important to ensure that all meal times are supervised by an adult, whether it is only liquids or
solids. Also, as your baby starts getting more mobile, they start putting everything in their mouth.
This is when the dangers of choking are most common.

Why Are Babies So Susceptible To Choking?

Choking is a common incident amongst babies that can sometimes even lead to death in certain
situations. This is mainly because babies have tiny airways which get easily blocked.

Common Reasons For Baby Choking:

Babies take some time to learn the abilities to swallow and chew food.
Some babies might not be able to expel out the dislodged food forcefully
from an airway blockage.
Infants like to explore their environment. They put everything in their
mouth and is the main cause of choking.
Food is one of the causes of choking in infants. Bigger food bites or
distraction while eating can commonly lead to choking infant.
Another very common incidence when this can happen is if they slip
under water in a bathtub or pool. They may choke around curtains or
At times, health conditions can also be the reason behind choking in
infants. Babies who suffer from neuromuscular disorders, swallowing
disorders, traumatic brain injury and developmental delays have increased
risks of choking as compared to others.

Safety Concerns For Preventing Choking At Home:


While you will supervise baby and try avoid this as much as you can, sometimes, babies still end up
choking. You must be aware about some of the simple methods to prevent your baby from choking.
Here are a few methods that will prevent choking in babies:

1. Introduce Solid Foods At Proper Time:

It is best to introduce solid foods to your baby when they develop the motor skills to swallow the
food. You must wait till your baby reaches 6 months before introducing pureed and solid foods.

2. Avoid High Risk Foods:

In some families, parents feed small bites of whatever they are eating to their babies. This can be

Infants and babies should not be given chunks of cheese or meat, hot
dogs, raw vegetables, grapes, oranges, etc.
Hard foods like nuts, seeds, hard candies and popcorn should be kept
away from babies.
Some other foods which must be given the slip include marshmallows,
peanut butter and chewing gum.
The rule to remember is that those foods which cant be changed into
safer form for the kids to swallow should be avoided.

3. Mealtime Should Be Administered:

When your baby is getting older, allow him to sit at one place and eat.

Running or walking while eating is not good for baby as baby will not eat
to his fullest need.
Also, remind him to chew his morsel properly and then swallow.
Forbade him to stuff big amounts of food into his mouth as it can lead to

4. Pick Toys Carefully For Your Baby:

Always choose toys according to the age of your baby.

Keep away latex balloon from infants as it can be hazardous while it is

torn or in un-inflated form.
Some small objects such as small toys, marbles, small balls and toys for
older kids should be kept away from babies.

5. Keep Risky Objects Out Of Reach:

Risky objects may include household objects like button batteries, pens, coins etc. Babies can
swallow them and can suffer from choking.

How To Prevent Baby From Choking?

The life-saving techniques discussed here to deal with choking in babies are termed Heimlich
maneuver and CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). These techniques are discussed in the
following steps. While these are emergency steps, we recommend calling for medical assistance
immediately and performing these while waiting or on your way to a doctor.

Follow the given steps carefully to save your babys life during any incident of choking:

1. Lay your baby facing down with head lower than his bottom body.
2. Gently provide support to his shoulders and head.
3. Now, with the heel of your hand, gently give 4 to 5 back blows between
the shoulder blades.
4. Check if there is something he ingested in his mouth and remove that
obstruction with your finger.
5. If the object is still inside his mouth and not coming out, then lay your
baby in your arms on his back.
6. Using your two fingers, gently give 4 to 5 chest thrusts in the middle of
the chest, pushing upwards and inwards.
7. Keep checking in his mouth quickly after every thrust if the object is
cleared off.
8. If it is still there after repeating 3 cycles of chest thrusts and back blows,
dial for an ambulance and contact the doctor.
9. Continue giving thrusts and resuscitate if required.

What To Do When Your Toddler Is Choking?

The first thing to remember is to not panic. Follow the Heimlich maneuver and CPR discussed in
the given steps:

1. When your toddler starts choking, follow step 1 as discussed above.

2. Keep checking his mouth quickly after every back blow and remove any
object if it is present.
3. If the obstruction is still present, try giving abdominal thrusts. Make a
clenched fist with your hands and place it above the babys navel. Now,
pull sharply upwards and inwards, covering your fist with the other hand.
Quickly examine his mouth if the obstruction is removed.
4. When the airway is still not cleared of the obstruction after 3 cycles of
abdominal thrusts, dial your local emergency services and call for an
ambulance. Continue giving thrusts and resuscitate if required.

CPR Steps:

In the event of your baby starting to lose consciousness, you must immediately start the process
of cpr for choking baby:

1. Check If Your Baby Is Responding:

Tap his soles and call his name.
If he responds, then dont do CPR.
If he is not responding, struggling to breathe and his fingertips and lips
start turning blue, then start CPR immediately.
Check if you can see the object in the mouth, sweep it out with your
finger, otherwise start CPR.

2. Push His Head Back:

Hold your baby with his back on a flat and firm surface.
Gently, lift his head back pushing his forehead by pressing underneath his

3. Check Breathing:
Put your ears near to his nose and mouth and listen for breathing.
Look if his chest rises and falls with breathing.
If he is unable to breathe, put your mouth over his mouth and nose, and
give two breaths. Each breath should last one second.

4. 30 Chest Compressions:
Remove your babys clothes
With the help of your ring finger and index finger, gently press below an
imaginary horizontal line between your infants nipples (avoid pressing
down the breastbone).
With your fingers, gently give 30 compressions in around 15 seconds.
Now, press your babys chest straight down to about half the depth of his
After giving compression on his chest, release pressure on the chest and
let it come back to its normal position.

5. Repeat Breathing And Compression:

Keep on repeating the cycles of 2 breaths and 30 compressions, which
equals to one CPR cycle.
Look for the obstruction in the mouth after you stop giving breath in each
If you see it, sweep out with your finger.
If the obstruction is not seen, keep giving CPR until an emergency service
It would be best if you learn Heimlich maneuver and CPR techniques when your baby reaches the
first birthday. This is the age when your baby starts getting really mobile and there are increased
chances of choking.

Review the above discussed steps carefully and re-read them from time to time. This will help you
know what to do in case of an emergency. If you find CPR classes nearby, do enroll to learn proper
techniques for chest thrust, abdominal thrusts, back blows and breathing etc.

Seeing your baby choking is quite unnerving but remember to stay calm as it will help you take
care of your baby better.

Breastfeeding Diet - 10 Best Foods For New Moms

Breastfeeding diet!! Dont get nervous. Instead, remember the first rule Healthy lactation is vital.
As your breast milk is packed with all the vital nutrients essential for your babys well being and

A healthy lifestyle and a balanced nutritional diet are thus very important for you. With the arrival
of the new bundle of joy, ensuring her proper growth and development is the prime concern of you
as a mother.

Guiding Principle Behind The Breastfeeding Diet:

The key principle for a healthy breastfeeding diet, is balance. You need to eat a well-balanced diet,
which contains sufficient amounts of all food groups.

Grains Choose whole grain bread and rice as they contain more fiber and nutrients

Fruits and vegetables Choose bright colored ones as they offer plenty of antioxidants and
vitamins. Eat raw fruits and vegetables, as they are the most nutritious.

Proteins Choose lean meat, fish, eggs and beans as they provide the right amount of protein you
require for the body. Include fish rich in omega-3s like salmon.

Vitamins and Minerals Low-fat milk and yogurt are fortified with many essential vitamins and

What To Eat When Breastfeeding?

Though a new mom is cautioned to eat non-spicy food in order to keep breast milk safe for the
baby, there are certain foods that are very helpful for her to heal quickly and maintain good
health. some essential must have foods to include in the diet for breastfeeding mothers.

1. Leafy Green Vegetables:

Leafy green vegetables like spinach, broccoli, etc., are storehouses of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and
iron. They are the best diet for breastfeeding mother, which are important for a babys growth.
These low calorie vegetables are also an excellent source of calcium and healthy antioxidants,
important for both you and your baby.

2. Seasonal Fruits:
Fruits are rich sources of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C helps in wound healing
and is thus important for new moms who have had a C Section. Hence it is advised to increase the
intake of citrus fruits like oranges, tomatoes, etc., in your diet. Fruits like apple and banana help to
increase the energy level in the body and help remain healthy.
3. Eggs:
Eggs are a perfect source of meeting your bodys regular protein requirement. They are also a vital
dietary source of Vitamin D. These together help in the development, growth and strengthening of
your infants bones and muscles and hence are a must in the diet of a new mom.

4. Liquids:
To ensure proper milk production and maintain adequate energy levels in your body you need to
stay well hydrated. Dehydration is one of the major issues faced by lactating mothers that can
reduce milk production, cause fatigue and drop in stamina. You, as a new mommy, should drink
juices, water, soups, milk, etc., sufficiently. However caffeinated drinks like coffee and tea should
be avoided.

5. Whole Grains:
Whole grain cereals like oatmeal, brown rice, barley, etc., is fortified source of essential nutrients
like proteins, vitamins, iron and other minerals. They provide energy and stamina to you; help you
to relieve post partum symptoms (if any), while also helping in the overall growth and development
of your baby.

6. Low-Fat Dairy Products:

Your diet during breastfeeding must include generous amounts of low fat dairy products like milk,
yogurt, etc. Apart from being a rich source of Vitamin B and D, dairy products are one of the best
sources of calcium. Calcium is required for your babys bone structure development and equally
essential for the mothers well being. If you are lactose intolerant mothers, soy milk is good for you.

7. Lean Meats:
Lean meats from fish and chicken are rich in vital nutrients. They help to provide DHA and
essential fatty acids to you and help in developing, your babys nervous system and boosts overall
growth. All the other nutrients present in lean meat promote recovery and general well being of
new mommy as well.

8. Garlic:
Garlic has been used for ages by lactating mothers to increase milk production in their bodies.
Adding garlic to your food not only makes it tasty but strengthens your immune system and boosts
lactation. Its anti microbial and anti oxidant properties help to battle infection and improve milk
supply in your body.

9. Carrots:
Carrots are enriched with carbohydrates and potassium, both of which help boost energy and
stamina in lactating mothers. They are a vital source of beta Carotene which is required by you
during lactation period. Antioxidants in carrots also help to shed off the rigid baby weight and thus
are a must have in the diet of new moms.

10. Legumes:
Legumes or pulses are a rich source of proteins and iron content, especially for vegetarian/vegan
mothers. Beans, peas, lentils, peanuts, kidney beans, alfalfa and black beans are fine examples of
legumes. They are also gas inducing foods, and hence should be included in moderation, especially
if the new mom had a C-section.

The above ten super-foods can be easily incorporated into breastfeeding mother diet. It is advisable
to eat home-made food that has been prepared with minimal spices and additives, so that the baby
does not get fed indirectly with too much spice or complex food (via breast milk).

How To Get Your Daily Nutrient Requirements?

You should follow a routine, and remember to eat healthy food. Most importantly, a well-balanced
diet. Eat right, and dont simply indulge your stomach.

Take proteins (poultry, meat, eggs, fish, dairy, nuts, beans and seeds) 2
3 times a day.
Include 3 servings of dark green and yellow veggies every day
Include 2 servings of fruit every day
Eat whole grains like wheat breads, cereal, oatmeal and pasta in your
everyday diet
Drink enough water to quench your thirst since many breastfeeding
moms will frequently feel thirsty.
If you are a vegetarian, make sure you take zinc rich foods like dried fruit,
dried beans, dairy, seeds and nuts. Iron is a vital nutrient, and you should
consider including iron in your diet. Eat leafy vegetables for iron. You may
need to take Vitamins B12 supplements to provide sufficient levels of B12 to
your baby.

How Much To Eat?

You require extra calories when breastfeeding. The baby weight you carry from pregnancy will be
used for the milk. After losing all the excess baby weight, you may require about 500-600 calories
every day. Once your baby starts on solid foods from 6 months, you will be producing less milk and
then you can reduce your calorie intake.

How To Get Back To Your Usual Weight?

Breastfeeding burns a lot of energy, but still it takes many months to get back to your normal
weight. But some diet tips can help you lose weight. We list some here:

Steam, grill, bake or casserole lean meat, poultry and fish

Vegetables 5 servings a day
Fruits 2 servings a day
Low fat dairy products
Margarine and butter in sparing amounts
Exercise for at least half an hour every day

What To Avoid:

High fat foods like rich desserts, chips and greasy takeaways
Sugary foods like fruit juices, soft drinks, cakes, and sweet biscuits

What Not To Eat:

As a lactating mom, you should know about foods that may not be suitable when breastfeeding.
These foods may have a negative impact on your baby. But the good news is that if you were
maintaining a healthy diet during pregnancy, then there is no need to change your diet when
lactating. Also, if you see your baby exhibiting any symptoms, you can just avoid the food.

Here are some common foods that may cause negative symptoms in babies:

Spices like chili peppers

Citrus fruits
Vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli
Caffeine can disrupt the babys sleep, moderation is the way ahead.
Limit intake of alcohol, if you must drink, remember that only after you
have fed your baby

If your baby develops a rash after breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor.

Take care and have happy post-delivery meal times! Do share more food ideas with us in the
comment section below:

25 Best Foods To Increase Breast Milk

As a nursing mother, you probably have tons of questions running through your mind. You are
concerned about your little ones health and growth, and want to do nothing less than the best. One
of the most important questions that nursing moms have is what to eat during the feeding months
that will ensure a good supply of milk.
The nursing phase is one when a mother requires a lot of attention with regards to her food and
health. Whatever you eat during this period is crucial to your post-delivery recovery. It will also
directly affect the amount of milk that is produced.

How To Increase Breast Milk Supply?

One of the best ways to increase milk supply is to keep on nursing your little one. Making milk
from your baby is better than any other method to make milk in your body. The stimulations of the
nerves during breastfeeding helps produce more milk in the breasts. The emptying of the milk
signals your body to increase the milk production. If you feel your milk supply stills needs an
improvement, then you should consider adding foods that promote milk production. Milk
stimulating foods are called galactagogues.

You will start feeding your baby right from birth (unless there are some medical complications.)
This means that you need to have all the health and strength to be able to feed baby, as well as help
your body recover.

Top 25 Foods To Increase Breast Milk:

There are certain foods that increase breast milk and enhance lactation. Breast milk contains all the
prime nutrients required for an overall growth and brain development of a newborn baby. Here is a
list of the top 25 foods that you must include in your diet to increase breast milk. These are best
foods to increase breast milk production & are great in terms of bringing you back to health, as well
as aid in milk production.

1. Oatmeal:
Oats are easy to prepare as a meal.

They are considered to control the occurrence of diabetes during post

Oatmeal is loaded with energy.
It contains fiber and is good for your digestion.
Have a bowl of oat meal for breakfast. If the thought of having oatmeal is
not appetizing, you can try having oat cookies instead.

2. Salmon:
Salmon is a great source of EFA (Essential Fatty acids) and Omega-3.
Both EFA and Omega-3 are highly nutritious and essential for lactating
Including salmon in your menu boosts lactation hormones and make your
milk more nutritious.
Opt for steamed, boiled or even grilled salmon.

3. Spinach And Beet Leaves:

Spinach and beet leaves contain iron, calcium and folic acid.

These are essential for recouping anemic mothers.

These will help in making your baby strong.
Spinach and beet leaves contain detoxifying agents.
Spinach contains certain plant chemicals which could help prevent breast
Include these leaves in a midday soup.
Mix them with dough and make paratha (Indian flat bread) or chapattis
for a meal.
Remember to eat spinach in moderation as too much could cause
diarrhea in your baby.

4. Carrots:
A glass of carrot juice with breakfast or lunch will work wonders in lactation.

Like spinach, carrots too have lactation promoting qualities.

It contains Vitamin A which complements lactation and boosts the quality
of your milk.
You can have carrots as raw, steamed or even pureed to a soup.
In winters, try having pureed carrots stirred with warm milk and sugar.

5. Fennel Seeds:
Fennel seeds boost the quantity of your breast milk.

They are digestives and help control baby-colic.

Fennel seeds can be added along with seasonings to vegetable fillings.
Add them to your tea or boil a few seeds with milk and drink up.
Pop in a few seeds after a meal as a mouth refresher.

6. Fenugreek Seeds:
Fenugreek seeds are known for boosting breast milk supply.

Chew on the sprouted seeds along with a glass of milk to prevent post-
delivery constipation.
It enhances your milk quantity.
Toss in the seeds with seasoning and flavoring.
Have them for breakfast as a pancake by mixing fenugreek seeds and

7. Bottle Gourd:
Bottle gourd is generally not a preferred vegetable, but is high on nutrition.

It is a summer vegetable which has high water content. This keeps a

nursing mother hydrated.
It also helps increase milk quantity.
It is easy to digest and aids in lactation.
If not as a vegetable filling, you can use it to make a sweet pudding.
Drink freshly-made bottle gourd juice to help normalize raised blood
sugar levels post-delivery. Make sure it is fresh and not stored.

8. Basil Leaves:
Basil leaves are a great source of anti-oxidants.

Basil leaves have a calming effect which is important while lactating.

It boosts your little ones immunity levels.
Add a few basil sprigs in your tea.
Leave the sprigs for a while in hot water. Have this water first thing in the
morning and experience the effect.

9. Garlic:
Garlic is considered the best food to increase breast milk, as it is well-known for boosting lactation
in nursing mothers.

It has chemical compounds which help in lactation.

Garlic consumption prevents all types of cancer.
Toss in a few stir-fried garlic cloves in your soup.
Add it in a vegetable of your choice.
Another option is to stir fry a handful of garlic cloves in ghee and have it
with steamed rice, every alternate day.
10. Barley:
Barley not only boosts lactation, it also keeps you hydrated.

You can boil barley and have the water through the day.
Toss in whole barley with other vegetables with your favorite flavouring.

11. Chickpea:
Chickpea is a protein snack and lactation booster for nursing mommies.

It is a rich source of calcium, B-complex vitamins and fibre.

Soak chickpeas overnight and boil in the morning. Mash a handful or two
into any vegetable salad.
Snack on a chickpea mash simply garnished with garlic and lemon juice.

12. Asparagus:
Asparagus is considered a must-have food for nursing mothers.

It is a high fibre food.

It is also high in Vitamin A and K.
It helps stimulate the hormones in nursing mothers that are essential for
Wash and chop asparagus. Boil with milk. Strain and drink for better milk

13. Brown Rice:

According to the research paper Increase Breast Milk Supply With Herbal Galactagogues published
in the World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences, brown rice enhances breast milk
production. It has hormone stimulants which boost lactation. It also gives nursing moms the extra
energy that is required post delivery. Also, it helps increase the appetite so as to enable the mother
to eat nutritious food.

Soak brown rice for half an hour and pressure cook it. Eat it with

14. Cumin Seeds:

Cumin seeds boost milk supply. Make sure you have them in moderation though.

These are appetizers and fat-burners.

They help avoid digestive irritants like acidity.
Add a pinch of cumin powder to milk or to butter milk and drink.

15. Black Sesame Seeds:

Black Sesame seeds are a rich source of calcium and believed to increase milk supply.

Blend sesame seeds with milk, sugar and almonds.

Use in limited quantity, though.

16. Oils And Fats:

It is recommended to keep fats and oils in your diet to a minimum, post pregnancy.

Do not avoid fat and oil in your post-delivery diet.

These are an essential part of lactation. They assist in absorption of
vitamins and minerals present in other foods you eat.
They also aid in easy bowel movement.
Opt for olive oil, rice bran oil or any heart healthy oil.
These help in balancing the supply of healthy fat to your baby.

17. Apricots:
During and post pregnancy, there are hormonal imbalance that takes place in your body. Dried
apricots have certain chemicals which balance out the hormone levels in your body.

Apricots are rich in calcium and fibre and help boost lactation.
Include apricots and walnuts in your oatmeal diet.

18. Cow Milk:

Cow milk has calcium and EFA. It promotes lactation. In fact, by consuming cow milk during
lactation, you will help your child avoid developing an allergy to cow milk.

Add at least two to three glasses of cow milk in your diet.

19. Dill Leaves:

Dill leaves look like a bunch of fine, dark green, silky hair. They have a distinct odor.

Dill leaves are believed to boost milk supply.

They have a high fibre content and Vitamin K. These helps to replenish
the blood loss that happens during delivery.
Add these to pancakes or to seasoned yoghurt.

20. Drumstick:
Drumstick has high iron and calcium content.

It is good for lactation.

It boosts immunity and enhances your nervous system.
Have it steamed with flavouring if you want.
Drumstick leaves also can be used along with vegetable fillings.

21. Poppy Seeds (Khuskhus):

It is very important for nursing mothers to relax completely during lactation. Poppy seeds have
sedative properties that help you relax and calm down.

Take caution to include it in a minimum quantity in your diet.

Poppy seeds help relax your mind and body while nursing.
Roast poppy seeds and add to puddings and porridges.

22. Water And Juices:

Drinking water and juices is supposed to boost lactation. It increases the total milk volume per feed.

It prevents you from dehydration and replaces fluid lost during lactation.
Have a glass of water when you are thirsty or even before you begin to
nurse your baby.

23. Almonds:
Almonds are rich in Omega-3 and Vitamin E.

Vitamin E helps heal itching caused by post pregnancy stretch marks.

Omega-3 helps lactation boosting hormones to help produce more milk.
Have crushed almonds with milk for greater effect.
Add almonds to your bowl of oat meal.

24. Sweet Potato:

Sweet potato is a major source of potassium. It has energy producing carbohydrate which is needed
to fight the fatigue.
It also contains Vitamin C and B-complex and a muscle relaxant mineral
that is magnesium.
Have it with a low fibre diet.
Make a smoothie of an apple and baked sweet potato.
Make it as a pudding for dessert.

25. Unripe Papayas:

Unripe Papayas are part of the South Asian cuisine.

Papaya has been used as a natural sedative, which may help you to relax
and feed baby better.
Try it as a South Asian salad or toss it with flat noodles.

All the above foods have been traditionally used to improve milk flow in new moms. However,
while some have scientific backing the others dont. Consume the foods in limited quantities, and
note the side-effects, if any. Also, go for organic products as the pesticide residue in the foods and
herbs can increase the lead content in your milk.

Now you know what to eat during lactation, but there are also foods that you should not eat around
this time.

Things To Avoid:

Avoid gas-generating foods such as potato, pulses, raw mango and raw banana.

Other foods such as thyme, parsley, peppermint and cabbage leaves are also said to affect your milk
production adversely.

If you are a vegan, take nutrient supplements to make sure that you and your baby are not falling
short of the essential vitamins and minerals.

Tips To Increase Breast Milk Supply

Many times, mothers assume that the milk supply is low, when it is not. The best way to confirm
that the baby is nursing well and you are producing enough milk is by keeping a constant check on
the babys weight. If you suspect decrease in milk supply and want to increase it, follow these tips.

1. Nurse frequently and efficiently: Milk production is a demand and

supply process. The more the baby drinks, the higher is the production.
Nurse once every two hours. Position the baby properly while nursing so
that he latches on well.
2. Express milk: If the baby is unable to empty your breasts, express the
milk after nursing to maintain the milk supply.
3. Nursing vacation:Spend time just nursing your baby for two to three
days and do nothing else. Of course, you have to feed yourself and be
4. Switch sides: Make your baby drink from both the breasts. Switch sides
twice or thrice every time you feed. But let the little one finish one breast
and then switch to the other. This technique gives fatty hindmilk to the
baby. Using breast compression helps the baby feed longer.
5. Avoid pacifiers and nipple shields: Avoid using pacifiers and nipple
shields. Avoid supplements, unless it is medically needed.
6. Avoid solids: If the baby is younger than six months, avoid feeding her
solids, water, and formula.
7. Rest well: Besides eating well, rest well. Consume well-balanced diet
and more liquids.
8. Stay away from alcohol and nicotine: No surprises here, right?
Alcohol and nicotine consumption are harmful not only during but also
after pregnancy when you are nursing your little one. Nicotine and alcohol
restrict the breast milk supply. These substances can pass into your babys
body through breast milk and trigger developmental problems.
9. Check your medication: If you are taking medicines, find out from your
doctor if they are interfering with your milk production. Avoid using
hormonal contraceptives right after your delivery.
10. Stay calm and relaxed: Believe it or not, stress does play a major role
in reducing the milk production. Well, handling a baby can be a tough job,
and you may not get enough rest. Seek help from your family so that they
babysit while you relax. The key is to stay relaxed by practicing healthy,
stress reduction techniques like breathing exercises. These would help
ensure a good supply of milk.
11. Use the right bra: Wearing a tight bra that compresses your chest
region or one that is rigid around the band can affect milk flow. The wrong
bra can lead to clogged ducts, blocking milk production.
12. Breast massage: Massaging your breast will help open blocked ducts,
besides loosening hardened areas or lumps. It does not increase milk
production but allows easy flow of milk. It may even lessen the risk of
mastitis. Massage gently on the breasts and do it yourself as you can judge
the pressure applied:
When both you and your baby are comfortable and relaxed, give a gentle
massage on the chest region, ending towards the nipple.
Now let your baby suckle. Then massage another breast. Be gentle as
vigorous strokes could damage the ducts.
13. Nurse skin-to-skin: Go skin-to-skin while nursing . Take off your clothes
from the upper part of the body and leave your baby in a diaper, while
nursing. Wrap a blanket covering both of you together and begin
breastfeeding. The technique promotes bonding and helps in releasing
more milk-producing hormones.
14. Add pumping sessions: Add pumping sessions in between or after
nursing sessions to maintain the milk supply. Pump for at least two to five
minutes every time.

The key to speed up milk production is to remove more milk from the breasts, frequently, so that
lesser milk accumulates in between the feeds. Here are some tips to increase milk production
through pumping.

Use an automated hospital grade electric pump and pump both the
breasts simultaneously.
Shorten the intervals between pumping, rather than increasing the
pumping duration. For instance, pump thrice every 15 to 20 minutes than
thrice every half an hour, in case you are away for 8 to 10 hours.
Follow the massage-stroke-shake (M-S-S) pumping technique developed
by Chele Marmet, co-director of the Lactation Institute in Encino, California:
1. Double pump the breasts for five to seven minutes and stop.
2. Simultaneously massage both the breasts in a circular motion (as if self-
3. Use your fingertips to apply gentle strokes in a line from the chest wall till
the nipple.
4. Using your hand, cup each breast and lean forward. Now shake your
breasts gently.
5. Repeat pumping for another five to seven minutes.

The M-S-S technique stimulates prolactin levels, thereby increasing the milk production in a short

All About Lactation:

Understanding lactation would help you boost milk supply. We have categorized lactation into three
main phases:

a. Steps Leading To A Healthy Lactation:

Your body reacts to your babys milk demands and produces in the following way:

Your babys sucking is a strong pull for the milk to come.

Your brain receives the message.
Your brain releases the milk ejecting hormone called oxytocin.
Oxytocin flows through your blood to your breast muscles.
The milk induced due to prolactin hormone flows out through
the breasts.
You begin feeding the baby.
b. Symptoms To Show That It Is Lactation Time:

It is surprising how your body will get ready to feed just at the time your baby starts to get hungry.

It usually takes two weeks for your body to settle into a proper
feeding routine.
You will start experiencing a kind of tingling under your
Sometimes you hear your hungry baby crying and you will
experience a sensation in your breasts
You may most likely experience a fullness and discomfort in the
breasts if you have passed the feeding time and not fed yet.
Many women may automatically start to leak milk when it is
time for feeding.

c. Tips For A Smooth Lactation:

The following will help make lactation time better and easier for both you and your baby:

Nurse your baby in a quiet room.

Stay calm.
Follow the lactation diet listed above.
Wrap warm towels around your breasts.
Burp your baby after every feed.
Consult your doctor in case of any discomfort to you or your
Breast feed your little one regularly.
Avoid worrying about your post-delivery weight-gain. This is
the time to eat right. You can always get on a diet later.

Make sure you eat the right foods, sleep well and take adequate rest. Keeping calm and staying
rested will help you pass through these initial months with ease. Make use of the nursing time to
bond with your baby. Very soon she will grow up, and you will suddenly come to miss your
breastfeeding sessions!

14 Foods To Avoid While Breastfeeding

Indulgence during pregnancy is followed by self-deprivation when breastfeeding.

We are referring to your eating pattern. Pregnancy is a time when you may eat various foods to
satiate your cravings. But once the baby is born, you do not have the liberty to listen to your taste
buds. Before you eat anything, you would ask these questions: Can I eat it? Will they have an
effect on my baby?

To save you from this anxiety, MomJunction has come up with a list of foods to avoid when

But before going into the details, let us tell two things:

1. You need to have regular meals when lactating, to meet the daily dose of
2. There is no such food, which needs to be universally avoided by all the
mothers. Each baby reacts differently to a food. So, what works for your
neighbors child might not work for your angel.

Now, lets move on to the foods that you may have to avoid while breastfeeding. And by avoid,
we do not mean you have to ban them from your menu, but limit them to small amounts.

14 Foods To Avoid During Breastfeeding

1. Coffee
Why is coffee topping the list? It is because of the caffeine content in it. Some amount of caffeine
in the coffee (or tea, soda, energy drinks and over-the-counter medicines) ends up in your breast

So what? Unlike adults, babies cannot excrete caffeine efficiently. So the accumulated caffeine in
their bodies causes irritation, sleeplessness, and crankiness. High amounts of caffeine can lower
iron levels in breast milk and decrease hemoglobin levels in the baby (1). Hence the best solution is
to cut down on coffee.

But, how do I begin my day, especially after a long sleepless night? Are you asking this? Have
coffee moderately (not more than 2 to 3 cups a day) because smaller amounts of caffeine are
absolutely fine.

Previously, break time would have meant chocolate time. But not anymore. Chocolate is rich in the
substance called theobromine, which has an effect similar to that of caffeine. If you feel that your
little ones crankiness is due to your chocolate consumption, then keep away from it.

The only way to know if you are taking too much of caffeine is to observe your babys behavior.If a
mother consumes more than 750mg of caffeine or theobromine a day, the baby might exhibit erratic
and fussy behavior, besides suffering from sleep issues.

3. Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits are a source of vitamin C, but their acidic components can irritate little tummies. Their
immature gastrointestinal tract will not be able to deal with these components, thus resulting in
diaper rash, fussiness, spitting up and more.

If you decide to cut on citrus fruits such as limes, grapefruits, lemons, and oranges, replace them
with other vitamin C-rich foods like papaya, pineapple, strawberries or leafy greens and mango.

4. Broccoli
Had broccoli last night? Then do not be surprised if your baby has gassy problems today. Other
gassy foods to avoid while breastfeeding are: onion, cauliflower, cabbage, and cucumber. However,
there is no research-based evidence to prove it.

5. High-Mercury Fish
Mercury appears in your breast milk if you eat high-mercury fish and other foods that are high in
that element. Higher levels of mercury in the breast milk can affect the babys neurological

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, If a breastfeeding woman consumes a

high amount of mercury-rich foods, it could harm the development of baby by transferring into the
breast milk and then onto the baby (2).

FDA recommends that breastfeeding women should avoid eating swordfish, shark, king mackerel
and tilefish from the Gulf of Mexico as they contain high amounts of mercury. Eat fish (including
canned tuna) in moderation not exceeding two servings a week.

6. Alcohol
Alcohol can pass from mom to baby through breast milk and affect his neurological development.
But after nine full months without a drink, it is fine to have an occasional glass of wine or beer.

Studies have shown that a couple of units once or twice a week do not harm your baby. Levels
higher than these may inhibit mothers let down reflex (i.e. the release of milk to the nipple
area) (3).

Moderation is the key, says Dr. Jack Newman, a member of the LLLI Health Advisory Council. In
his book More Breastfeeding Myths, Newman says, Alcohol can be consumed in reasonable
amounts. Only a fraction of the consumed alcohol remains in breast milk.

A nursing mom can drink some alcohol and continue to nurse her baby. Quitting alcohol is like
making life unessentially restrictive for breastfeeding moms.
If you plan to have more than one drink at a time, then wait for two hours before you breastfeed
your baby.

7. Peanuts
If your family has a history of peanut allergies, avoid peanuts until you wean your baby. The
allergic proteins in peanuts could pass into your breast milk and then to the baby. She might suffer
from rashes, wheezing or hives. Eating even a few peanuts can result in the allergens passing into
mothers milk between one and six hours.

Research suggests that there is an increased chance of developing a lifetime peanut allergy for
children exposed to peanuts at an early age. However, there is no sufficient evidence to suggest that
avoiding peanuts during breastfeeding prevents peanut allergies in babies (4).

8. Parsley and Peppermint

Parsley and peppermint are two herbs, if taken in huge amounts, can reduce your breast milk.
Whenever you eat these herbs, monitor your milk supply, especially when your baby is in the
growth spurt the phase when he needs more milk than usual.

In fact, mothers often drink peppermint tea when they want to stop the milk production after
weaning. Another herb, sage, too decreases milk supply.

9. Dairy
To have or not to have dairy has always been a dilemma for nursing mothers. Babies could be
intolerant to cows milk. When the mother eats dairy products or drinks milk, the allergens might
enter breast milk and irritate the baby. If you observe symptoms like vomiting and colic in your
baby after you consume dairy products, it means that you need to stop eating them for some time.
Other symptoms include eczema, skin issues, and sleep issues.

Children with dairy intolerances often show signs of a soy allergy too. Keep a check. Go for
organic varieties of high-fat dairy, meat, and poultry, as no antibiotics, growth hormones,
chemicals, or pesticides are used in their production.

10. Garlic
Garlics smell can get into the milk too! Some babies like it. Some do not. If you find your baby at
discomfort while nursing, check if garlic is the reason. Some babies may grimace or fuss at the
breast if they encounter garlics strong aroma.

11. Spicy Foods

Spicy foods can irritate some babies, while others are perfectly fine with it. A dash of pepper is
more than enough to hurt a few babies. They remain fussy for a long time. Lessen the spices in your
food if your little one is not comfortable with it.

12. Wheat
Gluten intolerance is a common food problem as it results in bloody stools, sensitive tummy, and
fussiness. Like any other food, the best way to diagnose the allergy is by eliminating it from the
diet. Some moms choose to remove all common problem-causing foods and gradually re-introduce
them one at a time.

13. Corn
Allergies to corn are common among babies and toddlers. They cause discomfort and rashes in
babies. If you observe that your baby is allergic to corn, eliminate it from your diet.

14. Eggs or Shellfish

A family history of a particular food allergy poses a risk in infants and babies. If there is somebody
allergic to shellfish or eggs in your immediate family, then avoid them while breastfeeding. Egg
allergies, mostly in the form of sensitivity to egg whites, are pretty common.

After reading our exhaustive list of foods to avoid while nursing, you will surely have one
question: Is there anything left for me to eat without worrying about my baby? Do not worry. It
is not necessary that you have to stop eating all these foods. Your baby could be allergic to a few
foods on the list, or he may not be allergic to any of them at all!

Tips For Avoiding Foods When Nursing

Consult your doctor before avoiding any foods while breastfeeding, so that it does not cause a
nutritional imbalance in you.

Meanwhile, keep a close eye on your babys behavior and his reactions to specific foods.

If you find symptoms like diarrhea, rashes, congestion soon after nursing,
seek medical advice before avoiding any food.
When you are sure that something in your diet is affecting your baby,
avoid it for a week and see if there is any difference.
Avoid processed foods containing preservatives and additives that arent
good for your baby. Avoid foods that are high in trans and saturated fats to
avoid obesity.
Maintaining a food diary is a good idea. Keep a list of the foods you are
eating and your babys behavior. This practice makes your job easy.
You do not need a special diet while breastfeeding. Focus on making right nutrition choices for the
benefit of you and your baby.

If you suspect that some food is troubling your baby, eliminate it and seek medical advice. It can
take up to 14 days from the day of elimination, for the food to stop influencing the breast milk. So
give enough waiting time before reintroducing it!

Does your baby seem to behave differently after you eat certain foods? Does he suffer from any
food-related allergies? Tell us about it here. Leave a comment below.

Breastfeeding Techniques - Everything You Need To

A mother feeding her little bundle of joy is one of the most beautiful moments nature could ever
create. There is no denying the fact that it is one of the simplest and natural phenomenon.
Breastfeeding is a learning skill that takes practice. You need to learn how to hold and support your
little one in the most comfortable position that requires both coordination and patience.

Are you clueless and curious to know about the different and best breastfeeding techniques? Worry
not! Go ahead and give this post a read!

When Can You Start Breastfeeding?

Your newborn will be ready and eager to breastfeed soon after birth. Place your little one skin to
skin, as often as possible during the initial days of birth. It will help your baby adjust to the
environment outside and for a better breastfeed. Babies start displaying various sucking behaviors
like sucking, linking, bringing their fingers near the mouth, rooting and nuzzling nipple. Your little
ones sucking reflex will be great in the first 45 minutes to 2 hours after birth. The feedings at this
time period will have an everlasting effect on both you and your baby.

At around 20 to 24 hours of age, your newborn will be more interested to feed. She will feed often
and sleep less. Healthy and full term babies may breastfeed every hour usually in the late night or
early morning hours. Your baby will feel satisfied when you respond to her cluster feeding needs.

Breastfeeding After A C-Section:


A c-section may not affect the breastfeeding process. But, fatigue, discomfort and medicines taken
during surgery will pose risks when you start nursing. For this, you should feed your baby soon
after delivery at least 8 to 12 times or the next 24 hours. Once you start feeding your little one
regularly, your milk supply will also increase.
You can take the help of your partner or caretaker to help you position your baby. You and your
baby will be more comfortable using cradle hold, side-lying or football hold positions. Let us know
all about these different breastfeeding techniques below.

Breastfeeding Techniques That Work:

Look at some time tested breastfeeding positions that may help nursing go smoothly.

1. Cradle Hold:

Image : Shutterstock

It is a natural and most comfortable position for older babies who can handle their head better.

Sit comfortably with your baby at the level of your heart

Cradle your little one in your arm with her tummy against yours and head
resting in your elbow bend. Her ear, shoulders and hip should follow a
straight line.
Place your babys lower arm under your breast or your underarm with her
mouth near to your breast.
Using your free hand to support your breast.
Rest your thumb above the areola and the rest of the fingers beneath the
Now gently fondle your nipple on her lower lip. In response to the rooting
reflex, her mouth opens wide that takes some time.
Pull her quickly onto the breast and let her latch-on.
Another variation, the laid back breastfeeding, the mother rests in a
reclined position with tummy to tummy contact with the baby where her
instincts work to get on the breast. It is a learning process that takes time
for the baby to latch-on.

2. Cross Cradle Hold:

Image : Shutterstock

This is the common breastfeeding position that is also known as crossover hold. It offers a great
support to the baby and the mother ill have complete control over her baby with just one hand.

Sit comfortably with your baby at the level of your heart

Cradle your little one in your arm with her tummy against yours and your
hand at her head base and neck. Her ear, shoulders and hip should follow a
straight line.
Place your babys lower arm out of the way with her mouth near to your
breast. Here you will use opposite arms from the cradle hold position.
Use your free hand to support your breast.
Rest your thumb above the areola and the rest of the fingers beneath the
Now gently fondle your nipple on her lower lip. In response to the rooting
reflex, her mouth opens wide that takes some time.
Pull her quickly onto the breast and let her latch-on. Do not lean over
your baby, instead pull her near you.

This position works well when you:

Nurse a newborn
Are learning how to position an infant correctly

3. Football Hold:

Image : Shutterstock
The football hold is ideal for a mother whose breasts are very large or who had a C-section. It is
also a perfect position for premature babies or tiny babies as it gives excellent control for mother
over the baby.

Place your baby so that her legs and body are beneath your arm and your
hand at the base of the head and neck.
Place your palm below the breast and let your little one latch-on by
pulling her in close. Hold your babys head with her chin and nose touching
your breast.
When the baby latches on, the mother should make sure that her
shoulders are in a relaxed state.

This position works well when:

You have undergone a C-section and want to hold your baby against the
incision of the abdomen
Your breasts are large
You want to check in your baby latch-on
Your little one is restless and fussy
You have inverted nipples

4. Football hold For Twins:

Image : Shutterstock

If you are a mother of twin babies, you might want to feed them separately or simultaneously. If
you wish to feed them simultaneously, you could try the clutch or football hold to allow each
infant to latch onto each breast.

With one baby in each of your arms, hold them while partially bending
your elbow.
You can also place your babies on a pillow each.
Support their neck with your palm, let them incline towards your body.
Let your babies latch on and suckle.

This method is a good choice when:

You have undergone a C-section

Your breasts are large
You have a tiny baby
You have a forceful milk ejection reflex

5. Side Lying Position:

Image : Shutterstock

The side-lying position is best when the mother needs some rest while nursing her baby. It is a bit
tricky, but once both the mother and her baby gets hang of it, it will become the most favorable
position. It is best recommended for those who have undergone a c-section.

Position yourself and your infant towards side tummy to tummy.

Bend your upper leg and position your upper knee with pillows.
Lift your breast upward by placing fingers below and then take your baby
close to latch-on.

This position is a good choice when:

You need to lie flat after a C-section

You are facing discomfort while sitting due to hemorrhoid pain
You want to take a rest.

Latching on:
If your newborn latches on to your nipple but not the areola, problems can occur like sore nipples
and poor milk supply. In such a case, you have to repeat some steps for your baby to latch-on

Sit with your tummy facing against her tummy.

Ensure that your babys ear, shoulder and hip lie straight and nose is on
the same level as nipple.
Touch nipple to your little ones lips
Bring her close to your chest
When her mouth open wide, bring her quickly so that she latches-on.

Here is what you need to look for after your baby latches-on:

Chin touches your breast

Tongue is seen when the lower lip is pulled
Lips should be outward the breast
The sucking motion will be along the jaw
The ears, shoulder and hip will lie in a straight line
You should feel a rhythmic tug on your breast
Ears wiggle
Cheeks are round
You will not hear smacking or clicking noises
You will hear swallowing
While your baby takes off breastfeeding,your nipples are not flattened
Your baby ends the feeding with great satisfaction that are shown by
signs like looks relaxed, falls of the breasts with open hands and
immediately falls asleep.

Tips For Every Breastfeeding Technique:

Support Your Body:

Use a comfortable chair that has armrests and take pillows for extra
support to your arms and back.
Keep a footstool or coffee table so that you rest your feet and do not bend
over much. A pillow or a folded blanket on your lap also keep you
Whatever may be the nursing position, you should make sure you bring
your baby near to your breast.

Support Your Breast:

Breasts turn heavier and larger when lactating. You should use your hand
to support them using a C-hold (4 fingers below the breast ad thumb
above) or a V-hold (between index and middle finger).

Support Your Baby:

Use your hand and arm along with folded blanket or pillows to offer a
support to your babys head, neck, back and hips.
You can wrap her in a blanket or hold in your arms for making her feel

Alternative Feeding:
Experiment and find the best position that you and your baby feel
Regularly alternate the breast holds since continuous hold can put
pressure and can cause sore nipples.
Alternating the breast holds will also boost milk production.

Relax Before Nursing:

Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and stay calm, Also keep water, juice or a glass of milk
while you nurse since you may feel dehydrated.

Time To Stop Feeding:

If you feel there is need to stop the feed for any reason, slowly insert your finger near the corner of
your babys mouth. A gentle pop will break the feed and can pull off your little one.

Now you know all about breastfeeding your little one. Why wait? Go ahead and enlighten other

Breast Milk Production: 5 Stages of Preparing Your

Breasts For Feeding
Image : Shutterstock

There are several questions linked to breastfeeding and it is natural for new moms to be curious
about it.

Breastfeeding is a completely natural act and has been one of the most natural methods of feeding
babies. The milk is produced by glands, which gets activated in your pregnancy.

Breastfeeding leaves you and your baby happy and content, by creating a strong and wonderful
bond between you both. You must also be knowing that it also boosts your and babys health and
immunity. Well mommies, do you want to know how milk is produced in breast? Here is something
to clear all your doubts.

How Breast Milk Is Produced In Body?

Image: Shutterstock

The moment you get pregnant, your body starts processing breast milk. Hormones start playing
their parts in producing breast milk. Though the production of milk is controlled by the hormones it
is your baby that decides how much and how often he shall require your milk.

Full breasts signify a slow milk production. Process of milk production is faster in empty breasts.
The fat content also tends to remain high in this case. Your body makes milk the moment your baby
empties all the contents.

Two main hormones that are responsible for production of your breast milk are:

1. Prolactin helps in production of breast milk.

2. Oxytocin aids movement of your milk and produces the let down reflex.
You might feel slight stinging or tingling in your breasts in this process.
Stages Of How Much Breast Milk Produced In A Day:

Many new mothers tend to nurture too many questions about breast milk. Here we shall see how
and when your breasts produce milk. Your breasts go through different stages while producing

1. First Stage:
This begins in your second trimester. This stage in known as lactogenesis I.

Hormones are released in your mammary glands to start producing milk.

After about 1 or 2 days, you give birth to your baby, your breasts produce
little amount of colostrum.
This thick substance constitutes the first food for your baby.

2. Second Stage:
This stage begins after around 4 days after you have given birth.

Mature milk comes out at this stage. Lactogenesis II is the stage when
milk comes out in huge volumes.
You may feel the fullness in your breasts with increase in milk production.
Your milk may come in after 10 days.
Milk production may be delayed by problems like obesity or diabetes.
Flat nipples or a cesarean section can also cause delays.

3. Third Stage:
This stage commences when your baby is around 9 days old.

The third stage continues till you stop feeding.

You must express milk regularly from your breasts on a regular basis to
ensure your breasts continue to produce milk.
You can use a breast pump for this purpose.

4. Fourth Stage:
This lasts for about 40 days after your last session of breastfeeding. At this stage your milk
production reduces gradually till it stops completely.

5. Milk Let-Down:
This refers to the process of milk flowing to your breasts.

You may experience a tingling or tight feeling in the course of this

Let-down happens when your baby latches to start feeding.
This might happen even when you hear, see or think of your baby.

How Breast Milk is Produced?

Mammary glands produce breast milk. Different parts in the mammary glands play important role
in making breast milk. Here we shall take a closer look on how is milk produced in breast:

Alveoli are the region where breast milk is produced. Grape like sacs are
surrounded by small muscles that squeezes to produce milk in the
Ductules are tiny canals that transport milk from alveoli to the actual milk
Milk ducts are a complex network of canals that carry milk from the
alveoli and ductules to your new born baby. These increase in size as well
as numbers in your pregnancy.

When your baby starts feeding, the sucking stimulates your brain to release the prolactin hormone.
With passage of hours, the prolactin level starts falling again. It gets boosted up when your baby
feeds again. The more you feed, the more boost does the prolactin levels in your blood stream get
to produce more milk. Prolactin causes your periods to stop and suppress ovulation.

Delays In Milk Production:

In some cases it takes around three to four days for milk to arrive. There may be several causes
behind it. Here we shall explore some of them:

It happens in case you have gone through a stressful labor because of an

emergency C-section.
If you are suffering from diabetes and are being treated with insulin. Your
body gets conflicting signals in this case. Your breasts will need insulin to
begin the milk production along with your body. The best thing that you
can do to stimulate your milk production is feed frequently.
There might remain some placenta fragments even after the birth of your
baby and it may be interfering with prolactin. In such cases, doctor will
diagnose and get an ultrasound done if necessary.
What You Can Do If Your Breast Milk Is Delayed?

Nursing your breasts for 2 to 3 hours can help stimulate milk production. Here are some helpful
suggestions that you can try:

You must drink plenty of fluids.

You need to enjoy good amount of sleep.
Use a breast pump available in the hospital to stimulate milk production.
You may be offered some supplements to increase milk production.

You need to remember that there are no answers for late-coming milk and no particular approach
that might help you in this case. You have to wait if the milk production is late and continue with
the formula milk till breast milk arrives. Stay in touch with your doctor and follow his suggestions
as well.

How To Create A Supportive Nursing Environment?

Breastfeeding is one of the best ways you can create a secured and loving environment for your
child. Here is what you can do to create a supportive nursing environment:

Look for a peaceful surrounding.

If you are outside, you can drape a cover over your shoulder and
breastfeed your child.
Get in touch with relatives and friends, who support breastfeeding.
Restrict visitors who make you feel uncomfortable.
Position your baby properly.
Offer adequate sucking time.

How To Prepare Your Breasts For Feeding?

There are a few measures you can take before nursing your baby. Some of these are mentioned

You can take a warm bath or place warm towels on your breasts.
Massaging the breast tissues help increasing flow of milk.
If you find it difficult to feed or in case you find your baby getting
frustrated, make sure to change your breasts several times while feeding.

Hope you liked our post on how the breast milk is produced. There is nothing to worry if you are
not able to feed your baby sufficient milk in the initial days. Get in touch with a lactation
consultant, who will advise you on breastfeeding.

5 Effective Tips to Cure Plugged Ducts While

As a new mother, you may find yourself with new challenges while breastfeeding your baby for the
first time. While the experience is surreal, it also brings with it unforeseen situations. Of these,
plugged milk ducts are a common condition encountered by many of us.

Blocked or plugged milk ducts are not dangerous. While the blockage can be painful, ignoring the
situation can become serious. In this article, we will understand the various facts surrounding the
blocked milk ducts while breastfeeding.

What Are Plugged Milk Ducts?

While breastfeeding your baby, you may sometimes feel your breasts getting engorged.

When your breasts produce more milk than they express, the pile up
inside causes your milk ducts to clog.
As a result, the tissue around the duct can become swollen, inflamed and
You will tend to feel a hard lump in your breasts causing a shooting pain
or itchiness.
If you do not deal with the clogged duct situation promptly, the condition
can get serious with itchiness, rundown feeling and even fever.
Your milk ducts can get infected and you will end up suffering with

Factors That Cause Plugged Ducts:

Blockage in your milk ducts happens for a simple reason when the milk does not get expressed
frequently. Here are some causes that lead to the delay in expressing:

Your baby does not latch on properly.

Your infant is unable to suck effectively because of a wrong breast
feeding position.
You have suddenly weaned your baby off the breast feeding.
You are wearing a wrong nursing bra that puts an excessive pressure on
your lactating breasts.
A sudden break in feeding your baby in cases of cold and flu.
Mental stress causes low production of oxytocin hormone that helps in
releasing the milk from your breasts.
A recent breast related surgery.

5 Ways On How To Clear Blocked Milk Ducts:

Dealing with clogged milk ducts is easy if you are alert and prompt. Here are a few things that you
must do to handle the crisis:

1. Keep Nursing Your Baby:

The only way to release the clog is to keep nursing your baby. The more the milk is released, the
faster your ducts get unclogged and relieved. This may be quite painful during a plugged duct
situation, but nursing is the most effective way.

2. Pump Out The Excess Milk:

In case you have weaned off your baby suddenly or your baby is not in a mood to suckle more,
pump out the excess milk using either your hand or the breast pump. Massage the swollen area
gently with your hands to produce warmth. This will ease the pumping of the milk, relieving pain.

3. Change The Nursing Position:

Some time it is all a matter of posture. If your baby is having a tough time to latch on or suckle
comfortably, try changing the feeding positions as much as you can. You will hit the right position
eventually where it all works out and your milk is expressed.

4. Pain Medication No-No:

Unless you are in extreme pain (in which case you should be at the hospital!), do not take any self-
diagnosed medication. Any medicine you consume gets expressed in your milk and hence the
caution. However, you can take a mild ibuprofen or a prescribed equivalent from your doctor.

5. Rest and Relaxation:

After you have dealt with the crisis and the clog has been cleared, it is best to take a break. Hand
over your baby to someone who can take care while you catch some sleep. A power nap should
ideally throw you back into normalcy.

In case you have tried all the options and still there is no outlet, contact your doctor immediately. A
clogged duct situation should not be left unattended for long.

If you encounter this situation frequently, identify the prime factors that lead to the same. Being
alert wins half the battle. Happy nursing!

7 Effective Treatments For Relieving Engorged Breasts

Once you become a mommy, there are several minor discomforts that are encountered often. Out of
these, engorged breasts are the most common.
First few days after giving birth, your breasts tend to become sore. Colostrum, the first milk, super
rich in immune components is produced that nourishes the newborn. After colostrum is produced,
your breasts become warm, tender and fuller secreting milk.

Why Engorged Breasts?

The real challenge starts when your breasts become sore and painful due to the constant suckling by
your young one. Also, when milk is not expressed on time, your breasts tend to become fuller and
harder with the piling lactation inside. This is also termed as breast engorgement.

This may turn into a difficult situation, especially when your little one is not in a mood to suckle or
when you are away from your baby.

Engorgement is also a concern for your baby as latching gets more difficult on the harder breasts
with no elasticity. Poor latching may make your infant to suckle hard, causing sore or even bleeding
nipples. This is a painful condition for you.

Measures To Relieve Engorged Breasts:

The amount of lactation varies with each woman. You can be one of those who have heavy milk
production all the time, or the ones with lesser quantity but more swelling. Breast engorgement can
happen in either case.

There are several ways where you can make sure that the breasts do not face the engorgement.
Below are few measures that you can implement:

Regular Breastfeeding:
Breastfeed your child immediately after he is born. This helps your baby to develop connect with
his source of nourishment faster. Often, babies who latch themselves comfortably are those that
have been nursed right after delivery.

Implement A Routine:
By the time your newborn is few days old, you will begin to understand his timings. Make sure
you note your babys feed timings. Channeling the nursing time everyday helps your breasts not to
pile up.

No To Bottles And Pacifiers:

The art of suckling comes naturally to mammals. Some parents tend to include bottles and pacifiers
in an unwanted anxiety to train their infants. This is a wrong approach. Wait for your baby to get
into the suckle mode on his own.

Constant Nursing:
Try and breastfeed your baby at least 8 to 10 times in a span of 24 hours. This method has a two-
fold effect. One, it helps in healthy nursing of your child and two, your breasts remain comfortable.

Pump For The Missed Feeds:

In case you have missed out feeding your baby at times because of any reason, make sure you
pump out the piling milk with a hand expression or a breast pump.

Treatment For Engorged Breasts And Sore Nipples:

You may need help in case your breasts have already reached the state of engorgement. There are
various ways of treating treating engorged breasts and sore nipples and reduce the pain:

1. Moist Heat:
Apply moist heat on the affected area or take a warm shower. The milk also starts flowing out on its
own due to the heat, thereby reducing engorgement.

2. Cold Compress:
A cold compress also helps. Apply a cold compress for ten minutes after feeding to relieve the pain.

3. Medications:
In case you are unable to handle the engorged state for long, talk to your doctor for options in pain

4. Nursing Bra:
A nursing bra is very useful to give comfort and support to your heavy breasts while feeding. Opt
for cotton ones, and shop branded ones.

5. Breast Massage:
Once your breasts are engorged, gently massage around them to make the area softer. This helps
reduce discomfort while stimulating lactation.

6. Breast Pump:
Use a breast pump to get the excess milk out anytime. This is highly effective in preventing and
reducing the engorgement.

7. Ointment For Sore Nipples:

Consult your doctor who will prescribe a safe ointment that can be applied on your sore and
bleeding nipples.

This situation is a temporary phase until you and your baby get comfortable with the nursing
cycles. Being aware of the measures to implement in times of crisis will better equip you. Suckling
and lactation are a natural process. Hang in there till you are settled in with the same. Happy

3 Best Positions To Ensure That Your Baby Latches

Congratulations mommy! Your little bundle of joy is now right in your arms!

While motherhood is a feeling that can best be experienced, it does come with its own share of
concerns and frustrations.

One very common issue that most new moms face is trying to help their baby latch on successfully,
in order to feed. Breastfeeding is a natural instinct for both mother and child. While some mothers
and babies may feed off to a great start right from day one, others may take a considerably longer
time to get into the routine. The main thing to remember here is that the more frustrated or anxious
you get, the more difficult it will be. Give it some time and practice, and you and baby will soon be
a pro!

What Is Latching?

Latching means when your baby gets her mouth into the correct position around your nipple. This
is very crucial as it helps your baby feed properly and reduces any discomfort you may experience.

How To Check If Your Baby Is Latched On Properly:

Once your baby gets into the habit, you can always make out if she is latching correctly or not.
However, initially, especially right after birth, it may seem that your baby is constantly feeding, but
actually she may not be able to latch on. This can lead to your baby staying hungry, even as you
spend hours feeding her.

Here are some signs to look out for to check if your baby latching correctly:

When you look down at your baby, you can see the pink of your babys
lips. This means that babys lips are turned outward. This position will
facilitate sucking.
There is no gap between your babys mouth and the areola (the circular
area of pigmented skin around the nipple). This indicates that your baby
has a mouthful of your breasts and is feeding.
If you pull your babys lip downward you will see that your babys tongue
is between her lower gums and your breasts.
When your baby is sucking and swallowing, the muscles in front of her
ears will slightly wiggle. This indicates a strong and efficient sucking that
uses entire lower jaw.
Your baby is swallowing the milk and it is not leaking from the sides of the
These are some of the easiest signs you can try and spot, which will help
you know if your baby has latched on correctly.

Best Positions To Ensure That Your Baby Latches Correctly:

How to latch baby on breast? While there are a number of positions that are ideal to help your baby
latch correctly, you would need to figure out the position that works best for you and your baby.

1. Cradle Position:
This is the most common position of breastfeeding that is comfortable for both mother and baby.

To feed the baby in this position, use pillows to lift your baby up.
Your baby should be lying sideways.
Her head will be in your forearm and the back should be positioned along
your inner arm and palm.
This will give her the warmth and support of your body.

2. Cross Cradle Position:

A number of moms try this variation to give some relief to their hands.

In this position, your baby is supported on a pillow across your lap.

This will help you to raise your baby up to the nipple level.
You can support your babys neck by placing your thumb gently under her
neck area.

3. Side Lying Position:

This is a very comfortable position for mothers, especially during the night.

In this position, both you and your baby should lie on the side facing each
Place a pillow on the back of your baby to support her from rolling away.
Points To Keep In Mind While Latching Your Baby:

Once you find a position that is comfortable for both of you, ensure these points for healthy

Always position yourself comfortably. Sit on a chair with a strong back

support. If required, place pillows supporting your back and your arms. Also
try keeping a foot rest to prevent your feet from hanging for too long.
Position your baby as close to you as possible. Enjoy the warmth of your
baby and be sure your baby enjoys that too. Initially, try only practicing
holding the baby very close to you, and once you both have found you
connect, latching will happen smoothly.
Support your breasts and ensure that it is comfortably placed in your
babys mouth. Check that your breasts are not pressing against your
babys chin or nose.
If you feel pain or soreness, detach your baby gently and then try latching
her again.

Feeding your baby is one of the best ways of mother and baby bonding. A little practice and
patience will soon help you understand what works best for you two. Use this time to talk to her
gently or stroke her to sleep. Read her stories, sing lullabies, or talk to her about your day.

Remember, these precious six months of exclusive breastfeeding will be over soon, so make the
most of it!

7 Amazing Advantages Of Expressing Breast Milk By

After the long wait, your little precious is finally in your arms. And much as you are excited and
cant stop grinning, one thing that you are surely learning with the excitement is the art of feeding
your baby.

Feeding your baby exclusively on breast milk is recommended for the first six months of your
babys life. While initially you may be feeding the natural way, it is a good idea to learn how to
express breast milk too.

Expressing Breast Milk By Hand:

Learning to express breast milk by hand is one skill you should equip yourself with. It is as
essential as learning to change a nappy in order to survive with a new born.

While you may feel you will only feed her from you, skin to skin, sometimes, you might be faced
with a situation where you need to feed baby from a bottle, in the first six months.
Also, there could be a situation where you have to leave baby with someone else. In such cases, it is
always a good idea to express milk and store it for baby.

Advantages Of Hand Expression:

There are many advantages of expressing milk by hand:

1. It is inexpensive.
2. It is less work.
3. It spares you the effort of sterilizing pumping equipment.
4. It is very convenient as opposed to hauling a heavy breast pump bag
wherever you travel.
5. It doesnt require electricity.
6. It saves the discomfort or sucking sensation caused by electric pumps.
7. Skin to skin contact is more stimulating and accelerates the milk ejection

1. Step By Step Process Of Stimulating The Milk Ejection Reflex:

Before you get to the actual procedure of expressing breast milk by hand, it is essential to keep a
few things in mind. This will help prepare the breast to effectively expel or eject the maximum
amount of milk with minimal effort and save time while doing so.

Milk is produced in the milk making cells called Alveoli in the breasts. When these alveoli are
stimulated, they expel the milk into the milk ducts by a reflex called Milk Ejection Reflex (MER).

The most effective procedure in stimulating this milk ejection reflex can be enumerated in a step by
step manner as follows:

1. Massage:
Locate the milk producing cells in the breast and massage them.
Starting at the top of the breast, move your fingers slowly in a circular
motion, pressing firmly, on one spot on the breast.
After massaging for a few seconds, pick up your fingers and move onto
the next spot. Do not slide your fingers to the next spot.
Continue massaging in a spiral pattern starting from the top of the breast
and moving towards the areola. The motion and pressure applied should be
similar to a breast examination.
2. Stroke:
Stroke the breast in a tickle like manner from the chest wall to nipple.
This will relax you and encourage the milk ejection reflex.
3. Shake:
Leaning forward, gently shake the breasts.
The gravity will aid in expelling the milk.

2. How To Express Milk By The Marmet Technique?

The Marmet Technique is the most effective method for hand expression and vouched by thousands
of mothers. Mothers who previously made less or no milk by expression got excellent results
through this method:

The Marmet Technique was developed by Chele Marmet who had to

express milk for an extended period of time because of an illness.
She found that her milk ejection reflex was inefficient when her baby
Thus she devised a massage and stimulation procedure to improve this
The technique is most effective when the expression is combined with the

The milk can be expressed by Marmet Technique in the following manner:

1. Position:
Position your thumb and first two fingers about one 1- 1.5 inches
behind the base of your nipple.
Place the thumb pad above the nipple at a 12 0clock position and the
finger pads below the nipple at a 6 0clock position thus forming a C
shaped position around the nipple.
The thumb and finger pads should be in line with the nipple.
Avoid cupping the breast, concentrating primarily around the nipple area.
2. Push:
Push into the chest of the wall. For larger breasts, lift them first and then
push into the chest.
Avoid splaying your fingers apart while pushing.
3. Roll:
Roll your thumb and fingers forward as if making thumb prints and finger
prints above and below the nipple simultaneously.
Apply pressure firmly, changing from middle finger to index finger as the
thumb rolls forward.
The movement of the thumb and fingers mimics the babys suckling
motion while the counter pressure simulates the babys palate.

Rehearse and repeat this pattern rhythmically to compress and drain the milk ducts. If you are
squeezing the breast or nipple, pulling it out and sliding your fingers instead of rolling them, you
are doing it all wrong. The technique might cause little discomfort but it should not hurt you.

4. Procedure And Timing:

As mentioned earlier, the key to mastering the Marmet Technique is by combining the method of
expression with stimulation of the milk ejection reflex. The whole procedure should take
approximately twenty to thirty minutes. As with any manual skill, practice is the watch word.

Stimulate = Massage, Stroke, Shake

Express = Position, Push, Roll

Express each breast for five to seven minutes.

Massage both breasts simultaneously for one minute.
Express each breast for three to five minutes.
Massage both breasts simultaneously for about a minute.
Express each breast for two to three minutes.

Other Tips:

Spend time trying to locate the milk ducts on your breasts and familiarize with the procedure.

Use a warm washcloth or warm compress before you start. It relaxes the
body and warms up the breasts.
Sit and lean forward or bend over to express your milk. You will pump
more in this position than standing or lying down.
Collect the milk into a container or a baby bottle. The Medela Company
manufactures a special bottle with a wide mouthed funnel for hand
We hope this article gave you an idea about how to express breast milk by hand. Hope you have a
great experience and enjoy motherhood to its fullest. Do share your views with us.

How Much Milk Does Your Baby Need In The First Few

Congratulations! You are now the happiest parent on earth! As your new baby nestles in your arms
and you look at you, there are a thousand questions that will be running through your mind.

As a new mum, most things related to your baby will be confusing. One of these things is how
much to feed your newborn baby.

Feeding your baby for the first time is as exhilarating as giving birth. Every aspect, from holding
your baby correctly to feeding her the right amount of milk, is a cause for concern. When it comes
to the quantity of milk that your newborn baby takes in, it is difficult to fix a measure. Every babys
need is different, so you will have to respond to the same.

How Much Milk To Feed A Newborn Baby:

While no one can specifically say how much milk newborn babies drink when you breastfeed, here
are some approximate figures according to age of the baby:

First day 5-7 ml per feed

Second day 12-14 ml per feed

Third day 35-38 ml per feed

Fourth day 55-58 ml per feed

One week About 65 ml per feed

Signs Your Baby Is Full:

The exact amount that your baby drinks each time cannot be measured. However, once she is
satiated, she will show these signs:
Pushes out the nipple from the mouth.
Seem to be sleepy or dizzy.
Stays calm and looks around instead of holding on to you.

You will soon learn to observe these signs when your baby has her tummy full.

How Long You Should Feed?

This is also something that differs for all babies. Some factors which will impact the time taken for
a feed are the ease with which your milk flows, alertness of your baby while feeding and
positioning of your baby.

Here are some general guidelines that will help you understand how much milk to feed a newborn

On the first few days, your baby will not be able to take in much milk at
once. So the feeding sessions will be frequent and longer. They may
stretch up to 40-45 minutes at a time and be barely an hour and a half
Once you have a smooth supply of breast milk and your baby has got into
the habit of feeding, the sessions may last for 15-20 minutes. Also, they
will be less frequent.
On an average, a newborn baby needs to be fed about 10 to 12 times a
Make sure to feed the baby long enough each time so that she can have
the milk that comes in towards the end. This will be creamier and filling.
With this milk, your baby will not only stay full for longer, but will also gain
weight quickly.

When To Feed Your Newborn?

This one is a tricky question. You may be asked to follow a time schedule for feeding, which can be
every hour or so. But a better way to time your feeds is by observing your baby for signs that she is
hungry and needs to be fed.

These signs can be:

Sucking the thumb or the fist.

Licking the lips.
Opening her mouth and searching for your breast.
Moving the head from one side to other.
Puckering the lips as if to suck.

Reacting timely to your babys hunger signs will be the best course of action. If kept waiting for
long, your baby may get irritated and weak. Also, the milk in your body is produced according to
the demand of the baby. So, feeding frequently and when she is hungry will give signals to your
system to produce more milk.

A key to remember here is to ensure you feed your baby every two hours.

Signals Of Proper Feeding:

There are some signs that will tell you whether you are providing enough milk to your newborn or

Breasts will soften during feeds.

Your baby will gain weight consistently.
She will wet about six diapers every day.
The bowel movements will be smooth and the stool will be soft and
yellowish instead of dark and grainy.

On the other hand, if your baby is fussy and does not seem to gain weight as expected, then your
feeds may be less than sufficient.

3 Best Positions To Ensure That Your Baby Latches

Congratulations mommy! Your little bundle of joy is now right in your arms!

While motherhood is a feeling that can best be experienced, it does come with its own share of
concerns and frustrations.

One very common issue that most new moms face is trying to help their baby latch on successfully,
in order to feed. Breastfeeding is a natural instinct for both mother and child. While some mothers
and babies may feed off to a great start right from day one, others may take a considerably longer
time to get into the routine. The main thing to remember here is that the more frustrated or anxious
you get, the more difficult it will be. Give it some time and practice, and you and baby will soon be
a pro!

What Is Latching?

Latching means when your baby gets her mouth into the correct position around your nipple. This
is very crucial as it helps your baby feed properly and reduces any discomfort you may experience.
How To Check If Your Baby Is Latched On Properly:
Once your baby gets into the habit, you can always make out if she is latching correctly or not.
However, initially, especially right after birth, it may seem that your baby is constantly feeding, but
actually she may not be able to latch on. This can lead to your baby staying hungry, even as you
spend hours feeding her.

Here are some signs to look out for to check if your baby latching correctly:

When you look down at your baby, you can see the pink of your babys
lips. This means that babys lips are turned outward. This position will
facilitate sucking.
There is no gap between your babys mouth and the areola (the circular
area of pigmented skin around the nipple). This indicates that your baby
has a mouthful of your breasts and is feeding.
If you pull your babys lip downward you will see that your babys tongue
is between her lower gums and your breasts.
When your baby is sucking and swallowing, the muscles in front of her
ears will slightly wiggle. This indicates a strong and efficient sucking that
uses entire lower jaw.
Your baby is swallowing the milk and it is not leaking from the sides of the
These are some of the easiest signs you can try and spot, which will help
you know if your baby has latched on correctly.

Best Positions To Ensure That Your Baby Latches Correctly:

How to latch baby on breast? While there are a number of positions that are ideal to help your baby
latch correctly, you would need to figure out the position that works best for you and your baby.

1. Cradle Position:
This is the most common position of breastfeeding that is comfortable for both mother and baby.

To feed the baby in this position, use pillows to lift your baby up.
Your baby should be lying sideways.
Her head will be in your forearm and the back should be positioned along
your inner arm and palm.
This will give her the warmth and support of your body.
2. Cross Cradle Position:
A number of moms try this variation to give some relief to their hands.

In this position, your baby is supported on a pillow across your lap.

This will help you to raise your baby up to the nipple level.
You can support your babys neck by placing your thumb gently under her
neck area.

3. Side Lying Position:

This is a very comfortable position for mothers, especially during the night.

In this position, both you and your baby should lie on the side facing each
Place a pillow on the back of your baby to support her from rolling away.
Points To Keep In Mind While Latching Your Baby:

Once you find a position that is comfortable for both of you, ensure these points for healthy

Always position yourself comfortably. Sit on a chair with a strong back

support. If required, place pillows supporting your back and your arms. Also
try keeping a foot rest to prevent your feet from hanging for too long.
Position your baby as close to you as possible. Enjoy the warmth of your
baby and be sure your baby enjoys that too. Initially, try only practicing
holding the baby very close to you, and once you both have found you
connect, latching will happen smoothly.
Support your breasts and ensure that it is comfortably placed in your
babys mouth. Check that your breasts are not pressing against your
babys chin or nose.
If you feel pain or soreness, detach your baby gently and then try latching
her again.

Feeding your baby is one of the best ways of mother and baby bonding. A little practice and
patience will soon help you understand what works best for you two. Use this time to talk to her
gently or stroke her to sleep. Read her stories, sing lullabies, or talk to her about your day.

Remember, these precious six months of exclusive breastfeeding will be over soon, so make the
most of it!
5 Ways To Control Food Cravings While Breastfeeding
Do you crave for sugar or fried foods while breastfeeding? Dont worry! You arent the only one.
Food cravings during pregnancy and lactation are quite common for women. Read our post and
learn more about food cravings while breastfeeding.

As a lactating mom, you will need extra nutrition and an additional 500 kcal to produce milk for
your little darling [1]. The need for more calories and your tough schedule can trigger food
cravings. Here are some reasons for food cravings during breastfeeding and how to handle them
with ease.

1. Lack of Sleep:

Inadequate sleep affects your brains ability to make decisions. The frontal lobe, which controls
your decision-making process, experiences impaired activity due to sleep deprivation. But the
opposite is true for brain regions that govern motivation, desire, and rewards. The heightened
activity in these centers makes certain foods more desirable. As a new mom, you probably function
on just a few hours of sleep every day. Sleep deprivation can make you crave foods sugary and fatty
foods. Eating more of comfort or decadent foods satisfy the urges of the reward centers in your
brain. [2]

2. Fatigue:

Breastfeeding moms tire easily. Lack of sleep and constant care can tire you, and the fatigue can
lead to food cravings.

3. Stress:

Prolonged stress can increase cortisol production, which triggers your appetite and your desire to
eat [3]. We understand that motherhood stresses you out, but the stress can last for months. Sleep
deprivation and fatigue only add to your stress. Eating sugary or fatty foods temporarily lowers
your bodys stress levels. The instant gratification and relief from stress is an effective way of
keeping anxiety at bay. [4]

Controlling Food Cravings While Breastfeeding:

Breastfeeding women may not always be able to curb their cravings. But what you can do is
manage these breastfeeding cravings and eat a healthy diet during this special time. [5]

1. Stick to small portions to satisfy cravings for sugar-rich or high-fat foods.

Stock foods that are rich in natural sugar. Dates, dried figs, raisins and
dried apricots can instantly satisfy the need for sugar. They are also full of
essential vitamins and minerals.
2. For fried food cravings, stick to healthier oils or better cooking methods. If
you want to eat fries, you can bake the potatoes instead of frying them
with oil. Dust the baked fries with a bit of salt, herbs and mix them with a
little oil.
3. Wholegrain biscuits, bread, and pasta, can satiate the increased cravings
for carbohydrates. Use wholegrain foods with other healthy ingredients
such as low-fat cheese, vegetables, and sugar-free jams to concoct a
variety of recipes. Wholegrain cookies with sugar-free strawberry jam or
crackers with grated low-fat cheese are healthier alternatives to foods
made with refined flour and white sugar.
4. Keep your kitchen full of both sweet and tart fruits such as banana,
peaches, apples, pear and berries. Eat a chopped banana with honey and
nuts for a healthier option if you are craving sweets while breastfeeding.
5. Low-fat milk and yogurt can not only help you meet your increased
calcium requirement but can also be used for recipes to satisfy your sugar
cravings. Eating fresh fruit and yogurt is always better than consuming
fruit cake.

For breastfeeding women, its always better to satisfy the food cravings than to resist them all the
time. It is a recipe for more stress, which you do without at this time in your life. The key here is
portion control and balancing cravings with nutritious foods.

5 Useful Tips To Make Fasting Easier While

Religion and spirituality is a deeply personal issue. If there is one thing that can trump motherhood,
it is faith. So, it is no wonder that many women are at a loss when it comes to fasting while

Fasting is an integral part of most major religions in the world. But when you become a mother,
your priorities change. So, should you fast as usual while breastfeeding? If that is the question
bothering you, let us help you find an answer.

What Does Religion Say About Fasting While Breastfeeding?

Most religions are flexible when it comes to fasting during breastfeeding. Heres what the major
religions have to say about the issue:

If you are a Muslim and planning to fast during Ramadan, wait. According
to Islamic law, a breastfeeding mother does not need to fast. But missed
fasts must be compensated for at a later date (1).
According to Jewish tradition, a breastfeeding woman is required to fast
on Yom Kippur. But there is room for flexibility for individual cases (2).
Hinduism is pretty flexible when it comes to fasting and breastfeeding.
Most breastfeeding women are encouraged not to fast and ensure
adequate nutrition for the baby.
Nursing Catholic women are exempt from fasting during Lent (3). Women
can offer other sacrifices like giving up eating their favorite food during
Lent instead.

What Does Science Say?

There isnt enough research to show how fasting can affect breastfeeding. But the studies done on
the subject show that there is a marked difference in breastfeeding relation during fasting (4). The
studies indicate that fasting can lead to premature weaning and an abrupt end to breastfeeding.

But these issues arise only after a prolonged period of fasting (like during Ramadan). But one-day
fasting has no impact on breast milk.

How Does Fasting Impact Breast Milk:

The fat content in breast milk does not change when you fast for a day. But the same cannot be said
for longer duration of fasting. We already know that inadequate nutrition does not change the
composition of breast milk (5). The same can happen while fasting. But fasting can lead to
deficiency in other nutrition in breast milk.

Fasting For Breastfeeding Mothers Impact:

If fasting leads weight loss, it may be time to rethink your priorities. This is because breast milk
will leach fat off your body to compensate for inadequate fat in your diet. This will lead to
unhealthy weight loss. If you are looking to lose all that pregnancy weight, fasting is not the
answer! It will just leave you malnourished.

Tips To Make Fasting Easier While Breastfeeding:

If you want to breastfeed and fast in tandem, youll need to keep a few points in mind:

1. A Good Breastfeeding Diet:

Make sure you are getting a good breastfeeding diet when you do eat. If you are cutting out a few
specific food items, like meat, from your diet, compensate with supplements.
2. Drink As Much As You Can:

Breastfeeding can leave you thirsty. So, make sure you are getting enough fluids. This is important
especially during summer months to avoid dehydration. If you cant drink water while fasting,
make sure to drink enough of it before and after your fasting period.

3. Postpone Heavy Chores:

If you can, try to postpone chores that take up a lot of energy for later.

4. Rest As Much As You Can:

Breastfeeding can be taxing. And if you are fasting, it can become doubly hard. So, rest when you
can, as much as you can to keep your energy levels high.

5. Keep An Eye On Your Baby:

There is a slim chance that your baby may get less milk while you fast. So keep an eye on her. If
you notice fewer wet nappies, greenish poop, weight loss, etc. talk to your doctor.

So, should you fast while breastfeeding? That depends on you. If your child is older and has started
solids, fasting will not have a big impact. But if your baby is younger than six months, you can give
fasting a break.

Thrush In Infants 2 Causes, 2 Symptoms & 2

Treatments You Should Be Aware Of
Have you ever noticed any white patches inside your babys cheeks? If you have, there is a chance
your infant might have thrush.

Thrush looks like patches or spots of thick cottage cheese or curd stuck in your infants mouth. It
appears on the roof of the mouth, inside the cheeks, on the tongue and even in the nappy area. Here
is an overview of thrush for your better understanding to handle the condition in your baby.
What Is Thrush In Infants?

Thrush is a yeast infection caused by a single celled organism, Candida Albicans that usually lives
on the skin, gut and mucus membranes. Babies mouth is prone to infection when the fungus
spreads in the mouth. Thrush is of two types

1. Oral Thrush

2. Nappy Area Thrush

What Causes Thrush In Infants?

Both types of thrush hold the similar causes. Here are the causes:

a. Candida levels aggravate in the baby due to reasons like:

Immature immune system, wherein the baby will not develop the
resistance towards infections
Baby is on antibiotics that deprive the healthy bacteria levels in the body
therefore allowing Candida to spread.

b. Mother also plays a major role in passing the infection to her baby:

On antibiotics, she can pass the infection while breastfeeding.

Thrush present on the nipples or milk ducts while breastfeeding.
Vaginal thrush can occur when giving birth to her baby.

Symptoms Of Oral Thrush In Infants:

Here are the symptoms you should look out for, in case you think your infant has thrush, which
forms in mouth and nappy area as well.

a. Oral Thrush:
White coating on the babys tongue, inner cheeks and roof of the mouth.
Fussiness while feeding, not ready to latch on breast or bottle teats.
Clears once anti fungal agents are applied.
b. Nappy Area Thrush:
The yeast infection can pass through a babys digestive system along the
bottom, causing nappy rash.
Red spots near the anal region that looks like pimples.
Red and shiny rash near the creases of the nappy area.
Quick nappy flare ups that develop on nappy changing.
Irritability and restlessness when the nappy is wet.
Clears when anti fungal creams are applied.
Develops in a few days of oral thrush onset.

If you have seen any of the above symptoms in your baby, you should consult the doctor. The
doctor will then take a sample of the infected tissue and check further.

Treatment For Thrush:

Thrush can be treated in a number of ways. If you think that your infant might have thrush, you
should go to the pediatrician immediately so that this problem can be addressed at the earliest. At
the most, the pediatrician will prescribe an antifungal ointment.

a. Infant Oral Thrush Treatment:

Apply the gel in all the affected areas of the mouth using a clean finger. Always use clean fingers
while treating the baby. It may take a week for the infection to clear.

b. Nappy Rash Treatment:

Antifungal creams should be applied 2 to 3 times a day along with nappy change. Application can
be continued for a few days even after the skin turns dry.

Prevention Of Thrush:
Thrush cannot be prevented among infants, since it primarily develops because of the yeast. To
control the spread of the thrush, and to prevent it in the future, you should sterilize your babys
pacifier and bottles constantly. If you are breastfeeding, let your nipples air dry between feedings,
so that thrush can be prevented.

Thrush is not dangerous, as it is common among infants. So do not worry about how this problem
will affect your bundle of joy. A quick visit to the doctor may be all it takes for the problem to go
away, so be vigilant and take care!

Baby Health - Everything You Need To Know


Image: Shutterstock

Big cheers to all the beautiful moms for bringing a healthy baby into this world!! You must be
worried about your babys health and may be looking for some vital information to maintain your
baby pink and plump. Well, article is put down to do just that- here weve sorted out all the basics
you need to know to ensure your baby health.

As a new parent, you may have several questions about the infants health. From diaper basics to
seasonal changes and their blues; from vaccinations to skin care products- you may want all your
questions and queries solved. Its but natural- the more you know, the more assured you are when it
comes to your babys health.

The birth of a baby not only brings about a commotion in your life, but also involves round the
clock feeding, diapering, bathing and soothing which spell sleepless nights and fatigue. However,
there is more to the health of your new born than just caring for his daily basics. The health of a
baby also includes taking care of his delicate skin, knowing the reason behind his cries and also
watching his progress and development.

Your little one needs nurturing, a warm-hearted mom and a loving dad to grow into a healthy and
happy baby.

Newborn Baby Health Care Basics:

TLC (Tender Love and Care) is the motto behind a healthy baby!

1. Breastfeeding:
Breastfeeding is one of the most important factors that can ensure optimum baby health. Though
this practice is on the decline in the Western world, you need to remember that it is the ultimate
nourishment for your baby. Your baby will get required calories, protein, fats and calcium through
breast milk and breastfeeding is one of the quickest and easiest ways to form a bond between a
mother and a baby.

2. Keep Your Baby Happy:

As your baby grows older, include fun activities into his day. Babies are fascinated by new events
and people, so try to provide a new and innovative learning experience to your child every day.

Here are a few simple ways that can help you keep your baby happy:
Sing songs, play peek-a-boo games or even make silly noises-babies tend
to be extremely amused by these small playful acts.
Take a walk together to get some fresh breeze; get him seated in his
stroller and talk to him about the surroundings- point out when indicating
clouds, trees, vehicles and other objects.
While you are busy with your household jobs, let him sit on a high chair
and you can keep him busy with a picture book, some snacks in a bowl or a
To encourage play and enhance leg movement, get your child enrolled at
an activity centre and allow him to explore the environment on his own.

3. Sleep Time:
After much play and activities, it is the time to sleep for the baby to sleep in his crib. Lay him down
in the crib when he is drowsy but awake. Sleep is an extremely important factor that plays a role in
improving health, especially among babies.

4. Solo Play:
Lay your baby down in a play yard with some toys and play some soothing music. This will instill
in him a habit of entertaining himself as this is an important skill. While he is playing, you can get
your other jobs done like preparing dinner or getting the other chores done.

5. Last Burst of Energy before Sleep:

This should be the last activity of the day. Put your little one on an activity mat on his back to reach
to some hanging toys and let him throw his hands and legs in the air. Steadily he will drift to sleep
once he gets tired with this playful mood.
Important Baby Health Tips for Parents:

Babies are extremely curious and love to explore the world around them- it is therefore important to
keep your house safe. If its your first baby, you may need to make certain changes to your home to
ensure a safe environment for your baby. Here mentioned are few baby health care tips.

a. Safety Concerns:
Remove all the sharp cornered objects from the area where your baby generally stroll around and
plays; you can also place some pillows on those surfaces. Cover all plug points and make sure you
do not place any sharp or hot objects where your baby can reach them.

b. Hygiene:
Kids have a habit of biting, chewing or sucking on things lying on the floor which may be dirty and
full of germs, which raises your babys risk of being affected by stomach infections. It is best to
ensure proper cleanliness of your house especially during your babys growing years.

c. Toy Safety:
Avoid choosing small toys for your baby- your baby may swallow it, which can be quite risky. Also
make sure you pick up good quality toys- cheap toys tend to have chemicals that are extremely
toxic and may impact on your babys health.

d. Visit to the Paediatrician:

Discuss with your doctor about your babys growth and follow regular vaccinations. Your doctor
will observe babys weight, height and other parameters of general health to know about his
health.Regular visits to your paediatrician are advised, especially if you are a new mom.

Remember, every baby has his own personality which can be different from their parents. Some
babies are cuddly and easy going, while others are quite active and loud; some are serious and
others are jovial.

As a parent, you know your little ones unique personality. Let him grow on his own pace, enjoy
the surroundings and feed him well. Take him to a paediatrician for regular vaccinations as given in
the vaccination chart and also discuss the developments in your babys health.
7 Essential First Aid Tips For Your Baby
As a new mom, you would want the best for your baby. Youll do everything possible to keep your
baby safe and protected. However, there may arise some unforeseen emergency situations which
put your little one in danger. Knowing the basics of first aid for babies can make all the difference
and can help you tend to your baby before you seek serious medical attention.

We bring to you a list of the basics of first aid for babies. Read through and make sure you have a
mini first aid baby kit handy wherever you are!

Tips for First Aid for Baby :

Take a look at some quick measures to tackle everyday bruises and injuries that your baby may be
prone to while playing or running.

1. Cuts and Animal Bites:

The best way to tackle minor cuts and animal bites is to clean the wound nicely with an antiseptic
liquid and wash the area to remove all traces of bacteria. If the bleeding continues, you can firmly
press the area with little pressure and hold it for a couple of minutes till the bleeding stops.
Applying some antibiotic ointment such as Neosporin can help speed up healing and prevent

Keep checking for signs of infection over the next few days. If you discover swelling on the
affected area or pus like formation, seek medical care immediately. Animal bites must be reported
to a physician (especially dog bites) regardless of the severity.

2. Burns:
Run the burnt area under cold water to bring the temperature down and cover with a clean, light
piece of gauze or a bandage. Dont wrap it around too tightly. Leave the area breathable. Seek
medical attention immediately and talk to your doctor about painkillers for your baby.
If your baby has been a victim of severe burns or was in an area where there was a widespread fire,
seek medical attention as soon as possible. Even if your baby isnt burnt, the smoke may have
entered his respiratory tract, and this could be dangerous.

3. Insect Stings:
When it comes to insect bites or stings, wrap a piece of ice in a cloth and place this on the affected
area to decrease swelling. Calamine lotion can also be applied to relieve itching and swelling. If
you find your child experiencing severe symptoms, rush to the doctor immediately.

4. Head Injuries:
The best way to tackle a minor head injury is to wrap a few ice cubes in a piece of cloth and apply
it on the affected area. If your baby doesnt stop crying even after the situation has been handled,
take him to the doctor. If your child experiences seizures or starts vomiting or feeling sleepy, seek
medical attention immediately.

5. Eye Injuries:
If an irritating substance has hurt your babys eye, wash immediately with clean cold water. If
something has entered the eye, get to the doctor as soon as possible. Never try to remove by
yourself. This requires to be dealt by an expert.

6. Choking:
If your babys airway is blocked by a particular food or an object, the best way to tackle it is with
expertise and care. Dont be too harsh, but be firm and use the heels of your palm to tap between
the shoulder blades. If your baby doesnt respond to your actions, rush to the doctor immediately.
Chest compressions can also help, as long as you know how to do them correctly.

7. Poisoning:
Poisoning is probably the only case where you need to get your baby to the ER without any delay
whatsoever. This is a situation where you can do nothing to help and a medical team needs to be
roped in.

Never try to handle things yourself if youre not sure- after all, its your little baby here at risk.
Even if things have calmed down and your baby is okay, get her to the doctor and explain all that
happened, just to be sure.
Top 10 Essential Parenting Tips For Baby Care


Want to know how to take care of newborn baby? Here are the top 10 tips that will help
you nurture your baby with confidence.

1. Never Hesitate To Seek Help:

Even when you are in hospital or at your own home, asking people to help you proves

Initially you may not know about many important aspects of your baby.
Taking advice from experienced people only makes you confident to take care of
your baby.
Tips on breastfeeding and lactation can be useful.
You can also hire a full time help for initial months to learn the ropes of managing
your baby.

2. Practice Hygiene:
Your little one is highly vulnerable to infections.

Keep yourself as well as the surroundings clean.

Use sanitizers before touching your baby, keep the room clean, sterilize her toys,
Make sure that she remains germ free.

3. Remember That Your Baby Is Fragile:

You should never forget that your baby is too delicate and should be handled with utmost

When you hold your baby, always support the head and neck.
If you are taking your baby out in a stroller or carrier make sure that baby is fully
Avoid shaking or bouncing baby in the air.

4. Initial Bonding is Everlasting:

You should try to make a deep and emotional connect with your baby in the initial days.

You can cradle your baby and gently stroke with affection. Your touch is very
important for your baby.
You can also try certain doctor prescribed massage techniques on your baby to
increase your bonding.
Always be present for all your babys needs.

5. Decide On Diapers Dilemma:

Some parents prefer cotton cloth diapers while some prefer disposable diapers. Both have
their own pros and cons.

Remember that your baby will soil diapers more than 10 times a day. Maintain a
proper stock.
Some babies may develop rash so keep the area clean with soap free wipes and
use ointment suggested by doctors

6. Feeding And Burping Go Hand In Hand:

It is important to understand when your baby is hungry, so learn the signs.

Crying, putting fingers in mouth, making sucking noises are the cues given by your
baby that she is hungry
It is recommended that you feed baby only when she is hungry.
It is also necessary to make your baby burp after every feed to avoid gas.

7. Navel Healing Is Important:

The umbilical cord of your baby and her navel will take at least 1-4 weeks to heal

Before the umbilical cord gets stubbed out, make sure you give only a sponge bath
to your baby.
The cord as well as the navel might change color from yellow to black, but it is
If you find any red scars or foul odor consult your doctor.

8. Sleep Is The Most Important Activity:

You may want to interact with your baby all the time, but this should not be at the cost of

Sleep is the most important activity for your new born

This facilitates growth
At least 12-16 hours of sleep is a must.
Sing lullabies or cuddle your baby to sleep as often as you can

9. Learn Ways To Soothe Your Baby:

Crying and fussing is normal for your baby, so be prepared for it.

Instead of getting worried about why she is crying learn to understand the reason
It is your babys only way of communication, so learn ways to soothe her.

10. Be Calm And Composed:

Raising a new born is anything but easy.

Dont fret and fume when you are unable to handle your baby.
It is all part of growing up. Remain cheerful and enjoy all the moments of your newly
attained parenthood

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