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BY :
NO : 08
NO : 33

The Smartest Parrot

Once upon a time, there lived a very clever parrot but the owner
confuse why the parrot couldnt mention the birth place Catano. At first the
owner was very kind to him but after the owner taugh repeatedly to say Catano,
parrot still cant say that. The owner veryv angry, he shouted that he will kill
him and put on the chicken house to make him as a next meal. The next
morning, the owner found that the chicken died and saw his parrot standing
proudly and shouted say catano or I will kill you.

- Impression : its very good story and didnt make us bored to read it.
- Character :
1. Parrot : obedient
2. Parrot owners : stubborn and greedy
3. Chicken : kind
- Moral value : we cant impose requirements to other
- Important vocabulary :
1. Parrot : burung beo
2. Although : meskipun
3. Shouted : teriak/berteriak
4. Bear it : menanggungnya
5. Humble : merendahkan/menghina

The Mouse Deer and the Crocodile

One day lived a mouse deer and he was very thirsty and went to the
river to drink and bathed. But there was a crocodile in there and the crocodile
bitting him leg. The mouse deer isnt desperate, so he picked out a twig and
make fool of crocodile. Thhat is make the crocodile let go of him leg and bitting
a twig. Finally he was running and shouted that he was sucessed to trick

- Impression : this story is funny

- Character :
1. Mouse deer : clever and cunning
2. Crocodile : stupid
- Moral value : dont believe the word without any clear evidence.
- Important vocabulary :
1. Dirty : kotor
2. Crawled : merangkak
3. Terrifield : ketakutan
4. Twig : ranting
5. Cunning : licik
6. Freed : dibebaskan
7. Creature : mahluk/hewan

Putri Tangguk

One day, in Jambi live a farmers name Putri Tangguk with her husband
and children. In the next morning she want to cook rice but there was no rice
and she went to barn but there is also no rice. So she went with her husband to
rice field and took it home. But the rain poured down and makes she fell
because slippery, so she told her husband to throw the rice in the road. She get
home with only a few remaining rice. The next morning the god give their a
punishment and make their rice fields just overgrown by grass.

- Impression : its very good story and contains with many live leassons
- Character :
1. Putri tangguk : selfish, ungrateful, and arrogant
2. Putri tangguk husband : kind and obedient
3. Children :kind
- Moral value : we should be grateful to what we had
- Important vocabulary :
1. Rice field : sawah
2. Barn : lumbung padi
3. Mingle : bergaul
4. Slippery : licin
5. Ungrateful : tidak tahu berterimakasih
6. Regretted : menyesali

The Black Cat

Once upon a time, lived a married couple with a cat named Pluto. One
night her husband come home in a drunken state. The cat made him angry, so he
took the knife and killed the cat. The next day he wake up and felt sorry so he
bought another cat to replace pluto. In the night he drunk and go to the cellar
with wife but the cat keep following him and make him angry. He took an axe
to kill the cat but her wife prevented and she was killed along. He hidding her
body in the cellar wall but the neighbors suspicious so theyre called a police to
check the home and they found a body of her with pluto sitting in front of her.

- Impression : this story is quite dreadful and boring

1. Husband : grumpy, guzzler, murderers
2. Wife : kind
3. Pluto : kind
4. Cat : kind
- Moral value : dont do thing arent useful that will harm you
- Important vocabulary :
1. Cellar : gudang bawah tanah
2. Rage : kemarahan/kegusaran
3. Seized : merebut
4. Terrifield : ketakutan
5. Horrible : mengerikan
6. Hatred : kebencian
7. Grave : kuburan

A Vagarants cry

One day, he saw an old man yelling at the thoroughfare. Everyone

thoght that he was crazy. He came to the main street to know more about an old
man, but the car coming and take him go. In the morning, the old man is gone
but he come back again in several weeks and make a noisy sound again.
- Impression : its very good story
- Character :
1. Man : kind
2. Old man : kind
- Moral value : dont judge people without you even know why they do it
- Important vocabulary :
1. Morsels : potongan makanan
2. Scorn : cemooh
3. Cardboard : kardus
4. Receptacle : wadah
5. Mumbled : gumam/berbisik
6. Thoroughfare : jalan ramai
7. Incantation : mantra
8. Rumbled : bergemuruh
9. Grin : menyeringai
10. Jubilant : gembira

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