Sim4me Portal

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SIM4ME Portal 2.2

User Guide

March 2013
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otherwise, without the prior written permission of Invensys Systems, Inc. No copyright or patent
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The information in this documentation is subject to change without notice and does not represent
a commitment on the part of Invensys Systems, Inc. The software described in this documentation
is furnished under a license or nondisclosure agreement. This software may be used or copied
only in accordance with the terms of these agreements.

2013 by Invensys Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................. 3
OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................. 4
GETTING STARTED.................................................................................................................................. 5
COMPONENTS OF SIM4ME PORTAL .................................................................................................12
SIM4ME PORTAL PANE ............................................................................................................................12
SIMSCI MENU ............................................................................................................................................16
CASE STUDY..............................................................................................................................................17
MULTI SIMULATION LINK .........................................................................................................................20
MISCELLANEOUS FEATURES......................................................................................................................23
NEW FEATURES IN SIM4ME PORTAL ...............................................................................................26
COPY-PASTE LINKED PARAMETERS ..........................................................................................................26
CREATION OF AUDIT LOG..........................................................................................................................31
SAVE AS FUNCTIONALITY .........................................................................................................................32
PORTAL LAUNCH FROM COMMAND LINE ..................................................................................................33
HOW TO ..................................................................................................................................................35
FAQS ............................................................................................................................................................36
MS OFFICE 2010 SUPPORT ....................................................................................................................43
SIM4ME PORTAL CHECKLIST .............................................................................................................45
CHECKLIST PROCESS FOR PORTAL STARTUP .............................................................................................45
MANUAL INSTALL PRE-REQUISITES ................................................................................................47
DOTNET FRAMEWORK ..............................................................................................................................47
VSTO 2005 SE..........................................................................................................................................47
MICROSOFT OFFICE PRIMARY INTEROP ASSEMBLIES (PIAS) ....................................................................47
EXCEL SECURITY SETTINGS ......................................................................................................................50

SIM4ME Portal provides an Excel interface to PIPEPHASE. It enables the users to interact
live with a PIPEPHASE simulation model using Excel without requiring any knowledge of
coding or simulation techniques. SIM4ME Portal allows the user to:

Open a PIPEPHASE simulation file (ppzip file) in Excel.

Change some defined attributes in the simulation file.
Run the simulation from Excel.
See the results back in Excel as well as all appropriate errors and warning messages.
See the Solution history of the simulation

Getting Started

Getting Started
SIM4ME Portal can be launched in 4 ways:

1. From within PIPEPHASE, select View Output->Open SIM4MEPortal.

2. From PIPEPHASE, click the SIM4ME Portal icon from the PIPEPHASE

3. In stand-alone mode, it can be activated through a desktop shortcut or start-menu item

at SIMSCI-->SIM4MEPortal.

4. When a simulation is run through button, the user can launch the portal from the
S4MPortal option available on the Run Simulation and View Results screen.

To launch the SIM4ME Portal from PIPEPHASE, follow the procedure given below:

1. Start PIPEPHASE and open any ppzip.

2. From the View Output menu, click Open SIM4ME Portal.

Getting Started

3. An Open file dialog box appears as shown below.

4. Enter a name for the new excel file and click Open. By default, the name selected will
be the name of the ppzip file. But, you could over-write to suit your preference.

5. A pop-up message is displayed as shown below.

6. Click Yes to create the SIM4ME Portal.

7. Now, a Flowsheet Explorer containing all attributes of the ppzip appears as shown

Getting Started

8. Select the desired variable(s) from the Flowsheet Explorer, drag and drop them onto
any worksheet in the Excel workbook.

9. Modify the simulation variables in the Excel worksheet and click the Run button.

10. The simulation (ppzip) with modified values is run from within the Excel and the
output is written back to the Excel worksheet.

Getting Started

To launch the SIM4ME Portal in stand-alone mode:

1. Click the Start button and choose Program Files. From the Program Files list, choose
SIMSCI and select SIM4ME Portal.

2. An Open file dialog is displayed. Enter a name for the new excel file and click Open.

Getting Started

3. A pop-up message is displayed. Click Yes.

4. A Choose Simulation dialog box is displayed. Browse and select a ppzip file to be
linked to the SIM4ME Portal and click Open.

Getting Started

5. The SIM4ME Portal for the linked ppzip file is opened.

Getting Started

6. Repeat the steps 8 -10 as mentioned in the above procedure.

Once a SIM4ME Portal is configured as described above, you can just double-click the file to
launch it. The file is launched after selecting the appropriate license.

Components of SIM4ME Portal

Components of SIM4ME Portal

SIM4ME Portal consists of two parts. They are:

SIM4ME Portal Pane

Excel Workbook

SIM4ME Portal Pane

The components of SIM4ME Portal Pane are summarized below:

Feature Description
Flowsheet Explorer The Flowsheet Explorer displays a tree view of the unit
operations and streams available in the flowsheet. The unit
operations and streams are grouped under their respective
classes. Each class has a hierarchical structure of entries. Each
unit operation or stream is associated with a parameter group,
which may have one or more parameters associated with the

The Flowsheet Explorer is a floating window, which can be

resized and moved to any preferred location.

Components of SIM4ME Portal

Run Sequencer Tab The Run Sequencer tab allows the user to define the order of
simulation in which the user wants to execute them. When a
simulation is disconnected, the sequence will be automatically
updated. It contains a list box to define the sequence of
simulation files.

Linked Parameters If a large number of parameters from the flowsheet explorer are
Tab dragged and dropped onto the worksheet, it can become
difficult to quickly locate the parameters in the Excel sheet.

The Linked Parameters tab displays the live linked parameters.

Double-click on any parameter. It will point to the parameters
location in the Excel sheet.

Messages Tab The Messages Tab displays the pre-processing warnings/errors

generated by PIPEPHASE.

Run The Run button executes the ppzip file from Excel.

Auto Run The "Auto-Run" option causes the ppzip to run continuously
whenever any change is made in the Excel workbook.

User Mode Select this check box to display the portal file from User
Mode. In User Mode, the FS explorer becomes inactive and
new drag-drop to the spreadsheet is prevented.

Filter The Filter button filters the parameters based on the string you
supply. Note that it does not filter at a group level or at a Unitop
level. In the current implementation, it only filters at the
attribute level.
Example: Enter "Temp" as the string. It gives all instances of
Temp in the Flowsheet Explorer.


The input values and output/calculated values of the all the parameters can be identified
with an icon in front of the parameter.

Input values for all the Unit Op and Stream parameters will appear with a
BLUE icon for identification.

Calculated values for all the Unit Op and Stream parameters will appear with
a GREEN icon for identification.

Components of SIM4ME Portal

Color Coding

1. When the input parameters which are drag-dropped on to the excel sheet are
modified, the modified values are shown in RED.
2. After hitting the run button, if the PIPEPHASE simulation file converges (Run
completes successfully), the run button is shown in BLUE with the modified input
parameters returning to BLUE color.
3. After hitting the run button, if the PIPEPHASE simulation file does not converge
(Run fails), the run button is shown in RED with modified input parameters still
in RED color.
4. When you do a Restore Input Data, the run button is shown in PINK.


The current UOM Slate is the current slate in PIPEPHASE flowsheet. You cannot over-
ride the slate in the current phase. You can change the UOM of individual scalar
attributes or full vectors by clicking the UOM cell on the worksheet and choose the
option to Change Units or Convert Value.

Components of SIM4ME Portal

Note: Change Units leaves the associated value unchanged when units are changed.
Convert Value converts the value along with the associated units of measure.


The Workbook consists of the Solution History worksheet and other worksheets.
Variables can be dragged and dropped from Flowsheet Explorer onto any worksheet
except the Solution History worksheet since the SIM4ME Portal program generates it.
Input values can be changed in the worksheets and the simulation can be run by
clicking the Run button in Flowsheet Explorer.

Parameter Details

It is possible to provide custom descriptions to variables as desired. For example, you

may want to rename F1.Temperature(User Input) as Flash Temp.

When a worksheet has many cells containing variables linked to PIPEPHASE and cells
containing description modified by the user, it can become very difficult to identify the
variable, which was originally contained in the cell.

Right-click on the cells and select SIM4ME View parameter details to view the
details of the actual link to PIPEPHASE.

Components of SIM4ME Portal

SimSci menu

The SIM4ME Portal menu has an additional drop-down menu, SIMSCI. The SIMSCI
menu in the Portal has options to disconnect the SIM4ME Portal from Simulation,
Refresh, Add Case Study, Case Studies Layout, Add and Remove Simulation, Stream
Link, Help, and About.

Flowsheet Once the Flowsheet Explorer is closed, it can be invoked from this
Explorer option.

Disconnect Disconnects Simulations from the workbook.


Refresh After creating a workbook, it is possible that the user modifies

(from PIPEPHASE) a PIPEPHASE simulation file such as
renaming a Unitop/stream, deleting a Unitop/stream, or modifying
an input value.

The Refresh option will update the Excel cells in the SIM4ME
Portal with the current values of the PIPEPHASE simulation file

Components of SIM4ME Portal

Add Case Study This option allows the user to add a case study example.

Case Studies This option toggles the format of case study grid arrangement from
Layout Horizontal to Vertical cycles and vice-versa.

Add Simulations This option is used to add a simulation to the portal file.

Remove/Replace To remove/replace simulations in the portal.


Stream Link Stream Link option provides an ability to link vectors like
composition from one simulation to another.

Case Study

This feature allows users to add a Case Study Example. The following steps are
performed to add a Case Study and to work on it.

1. Click on a particular cell in the worksheet and then click on SIMSCI --> Add
Case Study option to create a case study example.
2. An empty Case Study grid is created at the selected cell location on the
worksheet with
Run button inactive.
Delete button active selecting delete option removes the case
study grid completely.

3. Drag-drop the parameters on the worksheet cell indicating "Add Param here".
The input parameters are indicated with Blue flag and calculated parameters
are indicated with Green flag on Flowsheet explorer.
4. The parameters after being dropped on the case study grid take the appropriate
format as shown below in the snapshot. The Run button gets activated.

Components of SIM4ME Portal

5. Provide the case study iterations by entering random value under input
parameter (Blue) column in case study grid.
6. As soon as random value is entered in the cell under input parameter column,
case study grid expands and denotes this entered value as CYCLE2. This is
iteration 2 of the case study run.
7. Right-click the cell under input parameter column in case study grid to find
the "SIM4ME - Generate Points" context menu.
8. Click on SIM4ME - Generate Points option to define the case study cycles.

9. The Define Case Study Cycles dialog box appears using which three different
sets of data can be defined for the case study cycles. As shown in this
example, one set of three cycles is defined starting with 375 and step size of

Components of SIM4ME Portal

10. Click the Run button of the Case Study grid.

11. The Case Studies Run Configuration window pops up giving details about the
iterations under execution. The calculated parameters get updated
simultaneously for changes in the respective input parameters.

12. Change the "Include/Exclude" Flags from 1 to 0 for columns to exclude a

particular parameter from case study run. Similarly, change the
Run/Exclude flags from 1 to 0 for rows to exclude a particular cycle from
case study run.

13. Click on SIMSCI -> Case Studies Layout.

14. This option toggles the format of case study grid arrangement from Horizontal
to Vertical Cycles and vice-versa. After this, the cycles are shown in columns
and parameters are shown in rows for new case study grid. The rest of the
functionalities are same as described above.

Components of SIM4ME Portal

Multi Simulation Link

This feature is used to add a simulation to the portal file. The following steps describe
how to add a simulation:

1. Sim4Me Portal for EX1_LIQUID-PUMP.PPZIP is launched as a starting

condition. Click SIMSCI -> Add Simulations.
2. Sim4Me Portal - Choose Simulation dialog box will pop up. Select a single
simulation by clicking on it or multiple simulations using the Ctrl key and then
click Open button.

3. When new simulations are added to the portal file, The following changes are
seen in the portal file:
New simulations get added to the Flowsheet Explorer in the tree node
The newly added simulations get added in the Simulations Added box
of the Run Sequencer Tab
The mouse hover tool tip when pointed on the name of the simulation
in Flowsheet Explorer tab, it shows complete path of the simulation.

Components of SIM4ME Portal

The Run Sequencer Tab has following components:

a. Simulations Added Box: The added simulations are shown in this box.
b. Simulation Run Sequencer Box: The simulations to be executed using
Run button are shown here.
c. Suppress Warning Checkbox: Warnings during running the simulation
are suppressed when this check box is selected.
d. Run Counter field: The defined run sequence completes number of
iterations mentioned in this field.
e. Add Button: Highlighting the simulation from Simulations Added box
and clicking on Add button copies the simulation to the Run Sequence.
f. Remove Button: Highlighting the simulation from Simulation Run
Sequence and using Remove button removes it from the run sequence.
g. Move to Top, Move Up, Move Down, and Move to Bottom Arrows:
These arrows are used to re-define the order of run sequence.

The Run Sequencer Tab is shown in the snapshot below:

4. Drag-drop few parameters from different simulations on the worksheet. The

Linked Parameter tab has following components:
a. Unit Class: The Unit class of the parameter dropped on the worksheet is
displayed under this column.
b. Unit Name: The Unit Name of the parameter dropped on the worksheet is
displayed under this column.
c. Parameter Name: The name of the parameter dropped on the worksheet
is displayed under this column.

Components of SIM4ME Portal

d. Simulation Name: The complete path of the simulation that the

parameter, when dropped on the worksheet, belongs to is displayed under
this column is displayed under this column.
The design of the Linked parameter tab is as expected. When double-clicked on
any of the rows, it points to the respective parameter reference on the worksheet.

5. Run the simulation after defining the run sequence using Run Sequencer tab.
Then the following processes take place:
a. The simulation under Run Sequence that is being executed is captured in
status bar as shown in snapshot below.

b. The solution history worksheet gets updated in the same order as defined
in run sequence.
c. Messages that appear during Run are captured in Messages tab.
d. If any of the files is not converged, a confirmation message "Do you want
to continue?" pops up. Select Yes to continue to the next simulation in run
sequence and select No to stop the Run activity completely.
e. The files which converge are indicated in Blue color on Run Sequence
Section while the failed files are shown in Red color.

6. Click on the Remove/Replace Simulations option under SIMSCI menu. The

following process takes place:

a. Option to select the simulations to be removed/replaced pops up as shown

in the snapshot below.

Components of SIM4ME Portal

b. After clicking on OK button, the Flowsheet explorer tree node

corresponding to that particular simulation vanishes.
c. If there are any parameters on the worksheet corresponding to the
simulations removed, they get grayed out until they are added back.
d. The names of the simulations removed get removed from the run
sequencer tab and linked parameter tab.
e. The names of the simulations replaced get replaced with the run sequencer
tab and linked parameter tab.
f. If the simulations are added back to the portal file using "Add
simulations", they appear only in the Simulations added section of the run
sequencer tab.

Miscellaneous Features

1. Stream Link Feature: This feature can be accessed by clicking on a particular cell in
the worksheet and clicking on SIMSCI -> Stream Link option to link a vector like stream
composition vector from one simulation to another. As part of the ability to handle
multiple simulations, linked simulations have the ability to link an output vector stream
from a simulation earlier in the sequence to an input vector in a simulation later in the
When two vectors like composition vectors from different simulations are
connected, the composition of components gets connected via Excel
formulas, which are left for users to connect as per their choice.
Whenever users run the early simulation, the associated stream
composition data gets automatically passed to the later simulations by
using the provided Excel formulas.
This linking is useful mostly in cases where large number of elements is
present in the stream vector.
For large vectors, if the linking is performed outside the Stream Link grid,
the performance of the application slows down. To help users connect the
large vectors efficiently, Stream Link feature is quite useful.

Components of SIM4ME Portal

As shown in the snapshot below, the output Vector needs to be dropped

into the second column of the stream link grid whereas input vector needs
to be dropped into the forth column. The Excel formula linking can be
done as per users choice. By default, there is no formula link between the
two vectors.
Clicking on the DelSL#1 button, user will get options to select either one
of the vectors or both the vectors. Selecting the Both Streams option
will clear the stream link grid from the worksheet.

2. Macro Support: Sim4Me Portal 2.2 provides macro support which enables click on
Run button. Any portal 2.2 file when prepared consists of a pre-defined macro
RunMacro. Users can call this macro in their pre-defined macro, which enables the
click on Run button of the Document Action. When the Run button is clicked using
macro, the run sequence under Run Sequencer tab gets executed.

3. Ability to select Individual vector elements: Portal 2.2 allows the selections of
individual elements of a vector such as individual components in a stream, rather than all
components of the stream.

Components of SIM4ME Portal

4. Make Run button always visible: Portal 2.2 keeps Run button static so that it is
always visible, no matter how much the variable tree is expanded.

5. Ensure Forward Compatibility of Portal files: Portal 2.2 supports forward

migration of all Portal files. Any portal file, which is prepared using versions prior to
Portal 2.0, gets automatically upgraded when tried to open in Portal 2.2. A backup of the
original portal file is kept as _v11.xls at the same location that could be opened in the
previous version of Sim4Me Portal.

New Features in SIM4ME Portal

New Features in SIM4ME Portal

Copy-Paste Linked Parameters

The basic use cases for the Copy and Paste Link feature are as follows:

1. Linked parameters can be copied to all available worksheets in the workbook.

2. Linked parameters can be copied by Ctrl-C/ V key operations, Tool bar -> Edit ->
Copy/ Paste menu bar options or right-click cells -> Copy/ Paste context menu

3. Behavioral aspects of the copy & paste of the linked parameter are exactly same
as the usual copy & paste of the Microsoft Excel workbook. Following are the
aspects to be given special attention:

a. The clipboard content is maintained after a paste operation until reset by a

Microsoft Excel workbook operation like editing a cell, switching to
function mode etc.

b. Linked parameters can be copied by exactly selecting the appropriate

ranges, by covering them with an envelope, by selecting them while
pressing down the CTRL key or by copying the entire content of a
worksheet to another worksheet.

4. Transposing (through paste special) of linked parameters results only a static copy
and copied contents arent live. Suitable warning messages are given to the user
saying that transposing will result only a static copy and links wont be live.

5. Copied linked parameters are live in the sense:

a. They are linked to the Flowsheet

b. They are properly restored back upon reopening the workbook.

c. They are shown in the linked parameter tab

d. The associated UOM controls if any will be active

e. They get deleted properly upon performing delete with the associated
UOM controls cleaned up and the references removed from the linked
parameter tab.

6. Copy pasting of the Case studies is supported. The user is able to copy a case
study in its entirety, but if a case study is selected partially and some parameters

New Features in SIM4ME Portal

are present in such selection, then that selection cannot be copied to other parts of
Microsoft Excel workbook. For other type of partial selection, for example, only
the cycle inputs and outputs, the copy-paste happens in a normal behavior of
Microsoft Excel workbook.

7. Simple validations are done while copy & pasting Linked parameter(s) to the
destination range. Following workflows are prevented:

a. Whether they are getting overlapped with existing linked parameters

b. Whether they are getting overlapped with exiting Case studies

8. Copying the whole sheet content into another sheet is supported.

Manual Editing of Links

This feature allows the user to update variables/parameters manually instead of requiring
drag-drop for every variable.

Following are the basic steps of manually editing of links feature:

1. Editing from Linked Parameter Tab: User can now edit the variable (s) (Scalar
parameter or vector parameter) from Linked Parameter Tab:

a. User can select the single/multiple variable(s) which need(s) to be

edited on Linked Parameter Tab. Right-click on the row(s) and select
SIM4ME-Edit Links.

b. This is followed by a dialog box as shown below:

New Features in SIM4ME Portal

c. User needs to select the Unit Name from the drop-down list with
which the variable(s) need to be replaced/edited. For example, user has
selected Stream S001.Temperature and now wants to edit it to see the
values of S003.Temperature. User selects S003 from the drop-down
list and clicks OK after selecting it. This results in replacing
S001.Temperature to S003.Temperature.

2. Editing from Portal Worksheet: User can now edit the variable (s) (Scalar
parameter or vector parameter) from Portal Worksheet directly:

New Features in SIM4ME Portal

a. User can select the single/multiple variable(s) which need(s) to be

edited on Portal Worksheet. Right-click on the parameter(s) and select
SIM4ME-Edit Links.

b. This is followed by a dialog box as shown below:

New Features in SIM4ME Portal

c. User needs to select the Unit Name from the drop-down list with
which the variable(s) need to be replaced/edited. For example, user has
selected Stream S001.Temperature and now wants to edit it to see the
values of S003.Temperature. User selects S003 from the drop-down
list and clicks OK after selecting it. This results in replacing
S001.Temperature to S003.Temperature.

New Features in SIM4ME Portal

Creation of Audit Log

This feature allows the user to record all the changes done in the Portal so that the
chronological sequence of events is available. For support and diagnosing problems, a log
of all of the values changed to a simulation via the Portal is recorded in the log. This log
is persisted and is available the next time the portal file is opened.

Following are the basics of Message Audit Log:

1. Messages are labeled as Info, Error, and Warning depending on the user action
performed on the portal. The error and warning messages are displayed during the
run-time of the simulation. Info captures the user actions performed on portal

2. Various events are captured in Audit Log Messages Tab. For e.g.,

a. Changing the parameter value for a scalar/vector.

b. Replace a Simulation from Portal file

c. Run Simulation

New Features in SIM4ME Portal

d. Run the Simulation from Macro

e. Refresh Action performed on Portal worksheet.

3. Persisting the Messages Log: When user re-opens the Portal File, Portal retains all
the messages captured and saved in previous session of portal and displays in the
Messages Tab. Persistence happen during closing of portal worksheet.

4. Coloring the Messages: Run Messages (in case of any warnings etc from solver)
are colored in various colors as per success/ failure of the run.

5. The Messages Tab displays the messages in Rich Text format. This window is
editable. User can add notes, delete the unwanted messages, and edit the messages
as per requirement. If portal file is saved with all these changes, these changes are
persisted in the next portal session. User can clear all the messages by clicking on
Clear button.

6. Find feature: User can search and find a particular string from the message tab
using the Find button. It is Word search and not a letter search. For example,
typing Info and clicking Find button will result in all the words having
Info. It will not highlight other words which have Info as part.

Save As Functionality

This feature allows the user to save simulation database under different name using
Portal. Using the Save As feature, the original database is not modified; a new
simulation is created and the portal file denotes to the new simulation.

New Features in SIM4ME Portal

Following are the basics of Save As feature:

1. While closing the portal session, user is prompted to Save Simulation As if any
changes are made through Portal. By default, the Simulation Name displays the
name of the simulation to which Portal file is connected. If user does not change
the name of the simulation and clicks on Save button, the changes done from
portal overwrites the values in the original simulation database. The portal file
remains connected to the original simulation database.

2. Simulation Name field is editable. User can write different name of simulation by
typing in this field. If user provides a different name and clicks on Save button,
the changes done in the portal get saved under the newly provided simulation
database. The original simulation database is not modified with these changes.
The portal file gets connected to newly created simulation database.

3. If user clicks on Dont Save button, all the changes get discarded and no
modification happens to the original simulation. The portal file remains connected
to original simulation database.

Portal Launch from Command Line

This feature provides the user an ability to launch Portal worksheet from command line
without dialog boxes. The portal worksheet auto refreshes on open and reconciles with
underlying database [i.e., Microsoft Excel workbook values get over-written with
database values or get retained depending on user arguments].

Following are the basics of Portal Launch from Command Line feature:

1. Launch Portal from command line with Microsoft Excel workbook file name as
one of the arguments.

2. The Portal connects the file to underlying database, refreshes/overwrites the

values in the worksheet from database or gets retained depending on user
arguments and disconnects the portal file.

3. The disconnected file is a normal Microsoft Excel workbook file.

4. The message dialog boxes are suppressed and there is automatic selection to
proceed ahead.

5. Portal has following command line arguments which are used to launch Portal
through command line.

New Features in SIM4ME Portal

/progid = {progid of product adapter}

/regsubkey = {registry key for the product}
/portalFileName = {name of excelspreadsheet file}
/run= {0, 1} where 1 implies run the simulation
/ updateExcelFromDatabase = {0, 1}
where 1 implies that the workbook will be overwritten with the
database values,
0 implies that values in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet get retained
in portal file.

How To
How to open an already linked SIM4ME Portal file?

Double-click the excel file you created. It will open up and automatically launch the
Flowsheet Explorer for the ppzip. (OR) In SIM4ME Portal, select an already created

How to launch "SIM4ME Portal" in stand-alone mode?

Go to Start-->Program Files-->SIMSCI--> SIM4MEPortal

How to open the SIM4ME Portal if location/name of the files get changed?

a. Open SIM4ME Portal, Book1.xls. (This has already been configured from
b. This action will try to connect to PIPEPHASE Server.
c. If the associated simulation file does not exist at the original location/the file is
renamed, then following message pop-up saying associated simulation file is

d. Click OK. New message box pops up to replace the missing simulation as below.
SIM4ME Portal Checklist

Q1) Can I switch between PIPEPHASE GUI and Portal for data entry?
A) No. You cannot work simultaneously. You need to end the Portal session before
working on PIPEPHASE GUI.

Q2) Why does the error message - File cannot be opened. Portal is working in
this directory appear? Why am I unable to open any file?
A) If PORTAL.STP is present in the folder, the above error message comes. It
appears due to 2 reasons:
i. The user has active session of Portal in that folder and is trying to re-open
another file in the same folder. It is not allowed and PORTAL.STP file stops
to proceed further. If you want to open another file, close the Portal and the
simulation before opening a new simulation.
ii. The other reason could be abnormal termination or crash and PORTAL.STP is
not cleaned up from the folder. The solution is to either delete the
PORTAL.STP file manually or use Stop button on Run Simulation and View
Results window.

Q3) How to operate the Standalone mode of Portal using PIPEPHASE input file
A) You can launch Standalone Portal from Start\Programs\...\PIPEPHASE
9.6\SIM4ME Portal. The Portal asks you to select an INPUT file to be linked. Change
the parameters, Run and Close the Portal file (name.xls). It asks Do you want to save
name.xls?. Click Yes to save the changes. It confirms, Do you want to save
simulation file?. It does not update the input file for any option. The input file
remains unchanged. When the Portal file (name.xls) is re-opened, it detects the
changes and displays the following message: The Portal has value which is different
from the simulation file. Do you want to retain the excel value?

Q4) How to operate the Standalone mode of Portal using PIPEPHASE database
file (.PPZIP)?
A) You can launch Standalone Portal from Start\Programs\...\PIPEPHASE
9.6\SIM4ME Portal. The Portal allows you to select a PPZIP file to be linked. Change
the parameters, Run and Close the Portal file (name.xls). It asks Do you want to save
name.xls? Click Yes to save the changes. It again asks, Do you want to save
simulation file. Click Yes to update the PPZIP file. The Portal file and database file
(.PPZIP) will have same values.

SIM4ME Portal Checklist

Q5) Is Database association equivalent when running from standalone portal or

from GUI?
A) No, it is not equivalent. When the Portal is launched from GUI, the Portal file is
always connected to .INP database. Alternatively, when the Portal workbook is
created in standalone mode, it is either connected to .PPZIP or .INP database. If the
Portal file is connected to .PPZIP database in standalone mode, a database conflict
error appears on opening the same file from GUI and appending it. This is a limitation
and the workaround is to connect standalone Portal workbook with .INP database in
order to open the Portal file from GUI.

Q6) Can I open old PPZIP file (created before version 9.6) using standalone
A) No. You will get the error "Database migration for older versions not supported -
Try opening problem in GUI to convert".

Q7) In PIPEPHASE Output Units of Measurement options, I have selected the

option "Add to Standard Output". But, I always see the values shown in Output
Slate in SIM4ME Portal. Why?
A) At this point, by default only one Output UOM Slate is supported in SIM4ME

Q8) How are the Optimization parameters (Decision variable, Objective

Parameters or Constraints) are defined in Portal?
A) Optimization parameters (Decision variable, Objective Parameters or Constraints)
which are characters are shown in one cell in the Portal. Then, you have to define the
status of the decision variable as 0 or 1 and its value in the next row. For example,
the second decision variable is defined in GUI as Compressor E003- Set Power-
Relative perturbation=0.001. The portal displays this as-

DECI0002.Item E003
DECI0002.Attribute SET POWER
DECI0002.Status of Decision 1
DECI0002.Relative Perturbation 0.001

Q9) When SIM4ME Portal is launched from Standalone mode to any

PIPEPHASE file, will I be able to launch the same file using PIPEPHASE?
A) No.

Q10) Which PIPEPHASE features are not supported in Portal?

A) Gas Lift Analysis, Nodal Analysis, Line Sizing, Link Plots (P or T vs. Distance),
Link Profile, Flow pattern and TACITE are not supported in the Portal.

Q11) Can I change global defaults or calculation methods from the Portal?
A) No, you cannot change all global defaults or calculation methods from portal,
since you cannot change pressure drop correlations or inside diameters at global level.

SIM4ME Portal Checklist

However, you can change some of the global parameters such as number of iterations,
standard pressure and temperature, minimum/maximum pressure and temperature
limits, tolerance etc.

Q12) Where can I see the run time messages?

A) The Portal does not display any run time messages. After completing the run, you
need go to Messages tab to see the run time messages.

Q13) Does Portal check the range or validity of the data?

A) No. It checks the ranges for pressure, temperature, pipe ID and pipe length. The
bad data input can make PIPEPHASE API Server unstable.

Q14) Is there any difference in results when run from GUI and Portal for
multiple times?
A) No. Both are same. Only difference is that GUI always starts from initial
estimates, whereas Portal takes the last results as initial estimate for next run.

Q15) Why Description and Value cells cannot have different alignment
A) As Description and Value cells for an attribute are clubbed together. They
cannot have different alignment format once the attribute is dropped on the excel
worksheet. However, a workaround is available. The user can pre-format the
alignment of the cells where he wishes to drop the attribute (Scalar or Vector) to
achieve the required alignment and then drop the attribute.

Q16) Do I need to check Excel Security Option for Running Sim4Me Portal?
A) Yes. The following needs to be checked prior to running Sim4Me Portal.
In ExcelToolsMacroSecurityTrusted PublishersTrust Access to Visual
Basic Project, turn this flag ON.

SIM4ME Portal Checklist

Q17) Is the Horizontal Scroll bar implemented in FS explorer?

A) Currently there is no Horizontal Scroll bar implemented in FS explorer. Very large
captioned items and their attributes may not be visible properly.

Q18) Can I search for a link say "LINK" or a Source say "S001" or an attribute
say TEMPERATURE" on the Flow sheet Explorer?
A) Yes. In this case, type in the first few letters of the string in the Filter search box
placed on the FS explorer. You will get the filtered results in the FS explorer. Note
that you need to expand all the nodes of the FS explorer to see the filtered results.

Q19) What are the drag-drop restrictions in SIM4ME Portal?

A) a. Multiple drag-drop of various groups and/or various attributes is not currently
supported. Individual items must be dragged and dropped one by one onto the
spreadsheet from FS explorer.
b. While dragging and dropping a vector onto the spreadsheet, you cannot select
individual elements of the vector. The current version of SIM4Me Portal allows only
drag-drop of complete vector.

Q20) What are the limitations present in Excel functionalities?

A) Normal Excel functionalities like Cut and Paste are not supported for vectors. If
these operations are performed using keyboard shortcuts like "Ctrl+X" and "Ctrl+V";
there would not be any message but the procedure will fail to copy the units, as the
UOM control would remain in the original cell.

The Copy and Paste operation, however, does not give any message when used either

SIM4ME Portal Checklist

through keyboard shortcuts or right-click options. It merely copies the parameter and
pastes it in another place. The pasted value does not have any link with the copied
parameter. Sim4Me portal does not treat it as a live variable. So any changes made to
the actual parameter will not be reflected in the pasted parameter.

It is advised as of now to not to use Cut, Copy and Paste functionalities for vectors in
this version.

Q21) I dragged and dropped a vector attribute onto an empty cell just below
scalar attribute, but it is gives me a message Existing parameter reference
would be overwritten Why?
A) The vector attribute requires two cells above the location of dropping to place the
vector heading and vector UOM. If you drop just one cell below the scalar attribute,
this message will pop-up. Please drop the vector two cells below scalar.

Q22) Can I drag/drop whole folder from Flowsheet Explorer to cells?

A) No. You have to drag/drop each parameter one by one.

Q23) What should I do when a Portal file is emailed from another PC to my PC?
A) When a Portal file is emailed from another PC to your PC, you should not double-
click the Portal file. The Portal file should be saved at any location on your PC. You
should then start Portal in stand-alone mode using this Portal file and direct it to the
PIPEPHASE file that it is trying to connect. Double-clicking the emailed portal file
would fail to connect to simulation. Ensure to link a PIPEPHASE file before

Q24) If any Pop-up window comes over UOM control, then the image shadows
UOM control formatting. What should I do?
A) To restore the UOM control, just drag the mouse pointer over the damaged UOM

Q25) What Operating System specifications do I need to have on my machine

before installing Sim4Me Portal?
A) SIM4ME Portal is supported on Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows
2003, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista, and Microsoft Windows
7. Microsoft Excel 2007 or Excel 2010 is required.

Q26) Is there any sample Portal file to get user started? If yes, how to use the
sample file?
A) Yes. It is available in ..\User\Samples\Portal folder.

Q27) Does Portal work for all license security types?

A) No, Portal works only for Flexlm 9.6 and USB security licenses.

SIM4ME Portal Checklist

Q28) Does PIPEPHASE Portal co-exist with Pro/II-Portal?

A) Yes, it co-exists. But, you cannot open and run PIPEPHASE-Portal and
PRO/II-Portal simultaneously. Also, you cannot open PRO/II-Portal file using
PIPEPHASE Portal and vice-versa.

Q29) When you Zoom in/Zoom out on the Portal Worksheet, text on UOM
widget is invisible. What should I do?
A) This is a limitation on Portal that when you Zoom in/Zoom out on the Portal
Worksheet; text on UOM widget is invisible. To view the text on UOM widget
properly, you should set 100% zoom on the Portal worksheet.

Q30) What happens if you drag-drop scalars underneath vectors for which the
length may change?
A) If you drag-drop scalars underneath vectors for which the length may change then
their arrangement/format will be disturbed. It is advisable to drop scalars above
such vector.

Q31) What will happen when MS Office is installed after installing SIMSCI
application using Portal module?
A) While installing SIMSCI application using Portal module, portal requires some
pre-requisites like proper version of MS Office to be installed before installing Portal
module. If required MS Office version is not available at the time of installation,
SIMSCI application will display the message "the required MS office version is not
available" and hence it will not work.
To make it work, user will have to install required MS Office version in the machine.
Then user is required to go to Add/Remove programs and modify the SIMSCI
application install to update the Portal module.

Q32) How to make Global Changes for Link Elements from Portal?
A) Use GFROM and GNETWORK (under Global Changes tree) to make the global
changes in the network.
If the user needs to change the link devices value from a certain value x to y, user
need to enter the required values in GFROM and GNETWORK. If the user needs to
change the link devices value globally, then user is required to keep the GFROM
value as 0 and change the value in GNETWORK.
When the user runs the simulation, both the GFROM and GNETWORK values will
be reset to 0.

Q33) Where can I see the manifold unit in Portal?

A) Manifold unit is visible under Junctions node in Portal. Only manifold valves with
active connection (Status 2) are shown. All valves with 0 or 1 status are not shown in

SIM4ME Portal Checklist

Q34). What are the restrictions for double-clicking the pre-configured Portal file?
A) If the Portal file is preconfigured with the old version of simulation then the user must
open that Portal file either through simulation or standalone mode of new version of
SIM4ME Portal.

SIM4ME Portal Checklist

MS Office 2010 Support

List of Known Issues/Observations of Office 2010 Support in
Sim4Me Portal
The following is the list of known issues/observations of Office 2007/2010 Support in
using SIM4ME Portal. Sim4Me Portal is limited to 32 bit office versions only, 64 bit
office versions not supporting. We are working on these issues and they will be available
in the subsequent release as they get fixed.

1. Compatibility Mode
A new portal file gets created only in .xlsm format (macro-enabled). When the user
opens an existing .xls Portal file in any mode, by default, it opens in .xlsm format. Also,
the .xlsm file gets saved as a copy of the original file at the same location as .xls file.

2. Opening 2007/2010 Excel Spreadsheet Portal File

When user saves the portal file with .xlsm format (using Save-As option) to any other
format like .xlsx and .xlsm, the new formatted file can be connected to the simulation.

3. Re-using 2007/2010 Excel spreadsheet Portal File

If a user saves a .xlms file in .xls format, the data beyond 65536th row and 256th column
will be truncated because .xls file has only 65536 rows and 256 columns.

4. Clicking Cancel in Compatibility Checker dialog pops up exception

Launch PORTAL in standalone mode, create a new file, connect to any .prz, drag-drop
any writable variables, change the value, and then click the Run button. Save the file in
.xls format using Save-As option.
Close the PORTAL file and the Compatibility Checker dialog box pops up. Click the
Continue button. The file gets saved in the compatibility mode.
Double-clicking the created PORTAL file opens the Compatibility Checker dialog box.
Clicking the Cancel button causes an exception. To avoid this, when the Compatibility
Checker dialog opens, always select the Continue button.

5. Regional and language settings

It is recommended to have regional options setting to be English (USA). This option is
available at StartControl PanelRegional and Language SettingsRegional Options
tab. If any language other than English (USA) is selected, after the drag-drop of a vector
onto the portal spreadsheet, an error message pops up.

6. Windows Operating System other than English

If the operating system is Windows in any language other than English, then the user is
required to delete this registry key in order to view the flow sheet explorer/action pane.

SIM4ME Portal Checklist

7. Rename a worksheet:
If the user wants to rename a worksheet, he or she should rename it before performing
any action on the worksheet, else errors might occur. For example, renaming a worksheet
that has a case study will give errors when new parameters are added to it.

SIM4ME Portal Checklist

SIM4ME Portal Checklist

Portal provides Excel interface to our products. It uses the following Microsoft products and

1. Microsoft Excel 2007 or Excel 2010

2. .Net Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1
3. Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office Runtime, Second Edition
4. Microsoft Office 2007 Primary Interop Assemblies

After the installs, Portal runs the Code Access Security Tool (Caspol.exe), which
provides FullTrust to the Portal Dlls and executables. Portal also requires certain
security settings with respect to ActiveX, Macro and VBA in Excel.

Portal checks for existence of Microsoft Excel before installing the program. It also
installs .Net Framework, VSTO and Office PIAs (#2, 3 and 4). Portal runs into issues
when all/a few of these pre-requisites are not installed or the security settings are not
according to the Portals requirements. You can manually check whether these pre-
requisites are installed by opening Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel, (Start
Control Panel Add/Remove Programs) for the following programs:

In Microsoft Vista, .Net Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1 is installed as a part of the
operating system; so you will not find it in Add/Remove programs. Also, Primary Interop
Assemblies are not required if Office 2010 is installed.

Integrations team has developed a utility to check for the installation pre-requisites and
Portal requirements. These checks are also done during Portal startup.

Checklist Process for Portal Startup

Portal code checks for the following settings each time it is installed from the product
GUI or in the standalone mode:

1. VSTO 2005 SE
2. Microsoft Office PIAs

SIM4ME Portal Checklist

3. Excel Security settings

If any of the setting is not installed, Portal will exit with a message describing the issue
and the procedure to fix it.

Manual Install Pre-Requisites
DotNet Framework

In the program files, locate NetFx20SP1_x86.exe or dotnetfx.exe in the

ISSetupPrerequisites folder. Double-click this setup file to install the DotNet

VSTO 2005 SE

Double-click the setup file vstor.exe from the folder VSTO2.0SE located at the following
path: \supportdir\ThirdPartyUtilities\VSTO2.0SE to install the Visual Studio 2005

Microsoft Office Primary Interop Assemblies (PIAs)

Install Microsoft Office PIAs only if Office Office 2007 is installed.

Note: Office 2010 does not require these PIAs.

Check for .NET Programmability Support

Check if .NET Programmability Support is selected for Excel. To check this, follow the
procedure given below:
1. Go to Control Panel
2. Select Add or Remove Programs
3. Select Microsoft Office 2007 and click Change
Note that the procedure to check .NET Programmability Support is different based on the
Microsoft Office version that is installed.
Manual Install Pre-Requisites

Microsoft Office 2007

To check .NET Programmability Support in Microsoft Office 2007, follow the procedure
given below.
1. Select the Add or Remove Features option as shown in the figure below.

Manual Install Pre-Requisites

2. If .NET Programmability Support is not installed,

( ) then select it from the Microsoft Office
Excel drop-down menu.
3. Select Run from My Computer and click Continue as shown in the figure

Installing Microsoft Office PIAs

To install Microsoft Office 2007 PIAs, run the o2007pia.msifile from the following
path: ..\supportdir\ThirdPartyUtilities\O2007PIA

Manual Install Pre-Requisites

Excel Security Settings

Excel 2007/2010

If Excel 2007/2010 is installed then, in addition to Macros and VBA access Portal
requires ActiveX controls to be enabled. The following path shows the procedure to
change the settings:
(Options Trust Center Trust Center Settings Macro Settings / ActiveX

Manual Install Pre-Requisites

To change the Excel settings, follow the steps listed below:

1. In Excel Options window, under the Trust Centre tab, click the Trust Centre
Settings button.
2. In the Trust Centre window, do the following:
i. Under the Macro Settings tab select the Enable all macros option.
ii. Under Developer Macro Settings select Trust access to the VBA object

Manual Install Pre-Requisites

3. In the Trust Centre window, under the ActiveX Settings tab, select the Prompt
me before enabling Unsafe for Initialization (UFI) controls with additional
restrictions and Safe for Initialization (SFI) controls with minimal restrictions
and then click OK.

Manual Install Pre-Requisites

Note: If the user does not have permission to change these settings then add user folder
(or folder where xls file resides) to the trusted locations in excel (Options Trust Center
Trust Center Settings Trusted Locations).

4. In the Trust Center window, under the Trusted Locations tab, click the Add
new location button.

Manual Install Pre-Requisites

5. Browse and click the user folder and select the Subfolders of this location are
also trusted check box as shown in the image below.

Invensys Systems, Inc.
26561 Rancho Parkway South
Lake Forest, CA 92630
United States of America

Global Customer Support

Inside U.S.: 1-866-746-6477
Outside U.S.: 1-508-549-2424 or contact your
local Invensys Representative.

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