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Soc. Netw. Anal. Min.

(2014) 4:158
DOI 10.1007/s13278-014-0158-8


A spontaneous social network based on mobile devices

Cristiano Andre da Costa Dante Zaupa Jorge Luis Victoria Barbosa

Rodrigo da Rosa Righi Joao de Camargo Nikolas Daroit

Adenauer Correa Yamin

Received: 5 May 2013 / Revised: 3 September 2013 / Accepted: 5 November 2013 / Published online: 13 February 2014
 Springer-Verlag Wien 2014

Abstract Social networks provide a growing mean of The first evaluation consisted of a performance evaluation
communication that still preserves our human social of the server. The second assessment focused on usability,
interaction. Due to the widespread use of mobile devices, regarding effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction of users
and the vast development of applications targeting these in using Mingle. The results were encouraging and show
platforms, people tend to use their smartphone or tablet as the potential of deploying Mingle in real situations.
the main way to make that interaction. Furthermore,
applications developed to these devices are fostering the Keywords Social networks  Spontaneity  Mobile
use of contextual information, such as the location of the computing  Context awareness  Ubiquitous computing
user. In this way, this article describes a model for a
spontaneous social network targeted at mobile devices. In
our proposal, named Mingle, the social network is spon- 1 Introduction
taneous, i.e., involves only people who are physically
present in a specific location. Besides presenting the model, Wireless network provides ubiquitous Internet access in
we show a developed prototype using Android-based urban areas and together with improvements in mobile
devices. We evaluated Mingle employing two strategies. devices interfaces, allow a daily seamless integrated
experience. The next step, already available in some
applications, is the perception of user and environment
C. A. da Costa (&)  D. Zaupa  J. L. V. Barbosa  attributes, such as physical location, emotional state and
R. R. Righi  J. de Camargo  N. Daroit
personal history. This perception has been called context
Applied Computing Graduate Program (PIPCA), University
of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), Sao Leopoldo, Brazil awareness (Bellavista et al. 2012).
e-mail: The widespread use of mobile devices, with a variety of
D. Zaupa context-aware applications (Apps), fosters the development
e-mail: of software that provides a spontaneous interaction:
J. L. V. Barbosa everywhere, every time and related to users interests and
e-mail: their location. This last characteristic brings what has been
R. R. Righi named Location Based Services (LBS), which considers
e-mail: not only user position, but also a set of contextual services
J. de Camargo related to that specific location (Vaughan-Nichols 2009).
e-mail: To stimulate that interaction, we can make use of social
N. Daroit networks.
e-mail: Differently of many social networks available today,
this article proposes the development of a spontaneous
A. C. Yamin
social network (Huang et al. 2012). People physically
Graduate Program in Computer Science (PPGC), Federal
University of Pelotas (UFPEL), Pelotas, Brazil present in a specific place form the social network, which is
e-mail: named Mingle. Users access Mingle via their mobile

158 Page 2 of 13 Soc. Netw. Anal. Min. (2014) 4:158

devices, through an App specifically developed for this To provide a proposal of a spontaneous social network,
interaction. with a model and a feasible implementation;
Besides providing virtual spaces and motivating self- To propose an ontology for Mingle that can be a basis
expression, online social networks have been altering our for generalizing the model in adaptable contexts;
communication style, although typically preserving the To evaluate the proposal in terms of performance,
same principles of human social interaction (Kleinberg stressing the system with a large number of queries;
2008). In this work we tackled a different approach, con- To assess the proposal in terms of usability, conducting
sidering the premise that it is natural, and because of that a field study with real users.
near to the concept of ubiquitous computing (Weiser 1999;
The article is organized into nine sections. Section 2
Costa et al. 2008), to enable the interaction of people based
presents background concepts, covering the main ideas
on their location. In this way, Mingle offers contextualized
employed in Mingle. The model proposed for Mingle is
services to people present in specific places. Although the
presented in Sect. 3. Section 4 explains the ontology pro-
interacting users change according to the locality, the user
posed for representing information in Mingle. The imple-
profile is preserved among different places. This is because
mentation details are described in Sect. 5. Subsequently, in
a typical user profile contains valuable information
Sect. 6, we present some application scenarios to illustrate
regarding a user that helps establishing friendship and
Mingle use in real environments. Section 7 shows both
connects users that share common interests (Bhattacharyya
evaluations conducted, regarding server performance and
et al. 2011).
usability. Related works were discussed in Sect. 8. Finally,
The main motivation behind Mingle is to provide a set
in Sect. 9, we present some final remarks and directions of
of virtual services, on top of physical facilities, available in
future work.
specific locations. To access those services, users will use
an App in their mobile devices, which congregates all these
features. Differently from many online social networks,
2 Background
Mingle proposes a contextual set of services and contents,
along with the possibility of interacting with people present
Mingle is a large project, and, as such, it makes use of
at that specific time and location. We believe that this is a
concepts from more than one area. Specifically, we are at
novel approach, i.e., one that uses a physical location as the
the convergence of ubiquitous computing, social networks
relation among individuals, which can virtually extend the
and ontologies.
conveniences of places and foster the interaction among
people who are physically present. Another benefit of
Mingle is that every user can provide services and contents 2.1 Ubiquitous computing
to people in that specific location. Nonetheless, Mingle
allows that in some places (called Private Cells) a central Ubiquitous computing is the idea that computers became so
authority may impose some restrictions, controlling or ingrained in day-to-day life that they become indissociable
profiting from the features offered by users. from it, embedded in the background and virtually invisible
In this article we describe Mingle, which aims at man- (Weiser 1999). This invisibility means that, rather then
aging ubiquitous interaction with minimum infrastructure. being the focus of the user experience, the computer
The main expected result is the development of a func- becomes anything that enables it. Therefore, a service
tional system that allows interaction among users and that designed with ubiquitous computing can be used from
could be applied in assorted scenarios, involving com- diverse devices, such as smartphones, notebooks and
mercial or purely social connections. netbooks.
Two previous articles showed initial assessments of our
proposal, one focusing on evaluating the ontology (Silva 2.2 Social networks
et al. 2011), and another presenting an initial evaluation of
the developed prototype, based on scenarios and also of the An online social network is a structure that enables the
server (Zaupa et al. 2012). In this paper, we further interaction and sharing of ideas and information within a
implemented the mobile client, based on Android, and the group of persons, who share common interests and goals
server that manages interactions in specific places. We then (Tian and Samaan 2013). The network models relation
conducted two evaluations. One based on the performance among the individuals, the most common being acquain-
evaluation of the server, as in Zhang and Adipat (2005), tanceship, although other patterns can also be represented
and other focused on usability, assessing the effectiveness, (Newman 2003). Social networks became very popular
efficiency and satisfaction of users in using Mingle. along with the dissemination of the Internet, where the
We believe that the main contributions of this work are: focus was mostly on the lists of acquaintances. Moreover,

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the current high availability of smartphones and tablets

gave social networks a great boost in popularity, leading to
the creation of Mobile Social Network (MSN). MSNs are
defined as spontaneous social communities, which can be
formed by users that interact at any place or time, without
the need of any pre-existing relation among them (Tian and
Samaan 2013). This idea of spontaneity opens new possi-
bilities of employing assorted contexts as the basis for
creating a social network, such as, for example, location, as
used in Mingle.
Fig. 1 Example of a private Mingle cell for a Mall

2.3 Ontologies
scope of the cell they are in. The offering of services and
Ontology is a concept network, and it models knowledge in content generated by users is considered today a factor that
a way that allows the computer to make logical inferences fosters the mobile computing widespread (Jensen et al.
based on data. Ontologies can express the representation of 2008).
a concept (Gruber 1993), and also organize and classify People create their profile defining user information. In
definitions (Peng and Sikun 2009). They can be applied to addition, users configure their personal preferences and
the structure information of a social network, leading to the interests, and link content and services provided to it. That
concept of Semantic Social Network (Cucchiarelli et al. information is stored in an ontology, that is used to create
2012). knowledge based with information regarding users and
cells. The ontology is also used to infer information that
promotes interaction among users.
3 Mingle model In Mingle, context awareness is a key characteristic to
transform relation among people in ubiquitous interaction.
The Mingle is a different kind of social network. Most Besides physical location and personal profile, other con-
approaches, such as Facebook and Twitter, are based on the texts are considered in Mingle, such as time, social per-
idea of a network of known people. Differently, in Mingle, spective, history and environmental conditions.
the social network is based upon location. People who are There are two types of Mingle cells. Public Cells are
physically in the same cell of a user form their contacts. those that allow any kind of interaction among users, not
That is, the central proposal of Mingle is to use as the controlling or intermediating users, services and contents.
integrator element of a social network the physical location On the other hand, Private Cells control the interaction
of users. People present in a specific place, called cell in among people. With this, we can control the type of ser-
Mingle, become engaged in a spontaneous social network, vices and contents that are offered by users and manage
which was created specifically in that place and integrating that operation. For instance, in private cells we can
only the people there present. As people come and go, authorize and even charge a commission in services com-
users of a cell in Mingle vary accordingly. mercialized by users.
Mingle users can access a group of virtual services and Figure 1 presents an example of a Mingle private cell in
contents related to the specific place where they are loca- a Mall. The figure shows users connected to the cell using
ted. Furthermore, users in a cell can interact with each their devices. Inside the cell, we can see some questions
other. The main way to access the social network is via the that Mingle could help to answer. The answer for the two
users smartphone. There are other ways of interacting with last questions can vary, according to people who are
Mingle, either using another mobile device (such as a present in the cell and the set of virtual services offered at
tablet) or even using a stationary device, such as a touch- that instant. Although the first two questions seem to be of
screen TV. a more static nature, Mingle can consider context infor-
Each cell has a base node that offers services and con- mation, such as users profile, their needs or location, to
tents, which are fully accessible to identified users. How- recommend more suitable stores. This scenario is further
ever, people can use Mingle without disclosing their explored in Sect. 6.
identity to others, though that removes access to certain Regarding security and privacy, when users engage in a
features. Later, if so chosen, they can disclose their loca- cell, they do not have to disclose their identity or any
tion and/or identity and enjoy contact with users and ser- information on their profile. As users need to use services
vices offered in Mingle. Moreover, Mingle users can also or interact with other people, they can choose which
offer services and contents that will be available only in the information they want to disclosure, for instance some

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automatically from the user requests. This script describes

the set of data available to the user and the filtering oper-
ations over that set (Step 3).
The filtering process occurs in the server and has double
purpose: preserves client resources, typically a mobile
device, and reduces the size of the data transmitted over the
network, since the set could be considerably big. After
receiving a script, a Gateway instantiates a new Mingle-
ManagerManager (Step 4), which can select the suitable
manager to process the script (Steps 5 and 6). The manager
is typically a class that implements an interface Mingle-
Manager. This manager interprets the operations in the
script and executes the queries or modifications in the
knowledge base (Steps 7, 8 and 9).
Fig. 2 Mingle architecture showing the main components and also The received data are then stored in a new file, also in
the typical workflow
JSON format, which is sent back to the client (Step 10).

personal data or their specific location. The idea is to

preserve users identities and let them choose whether or 4 Mingle ontology
what they want to share in each situation. One possibility is
to provide an access control policy, in which users can One of the principles of the Mingle Model is that it must be
allow or deny access to their contents, such as that pro- able to, based on the data stored from users, make infer-
posed by Shehab et al. (2013). ences and feed a recommendation system. In this section,
A trust management can be used to establish the trust in we will describe the Mingle ontology (Silva et al. 2011).
the relationship among people to the exchange of infor- The scope of the ontology is to describe the entities that
mation and resources access. The difficulty lies in precisely will be involved in a spontaneous social network in general,
defining the trustworthiness of an interacting entity and and specifically in Mingle. This scope was defined using a
grant permissions based on that decision. In some cases, list of competency questions, that is, issues and subjects that
there is little or even no evidence available about an entity the Knowledge Base built from the ontology must answer.
and, as in our daily trust decisions; it is more of a sub- From this list, existing compatible ontologies were resear-
jective notion. Apart from being subjective, trust has other ched for use in Mingle. Although the reuse of ontologies is
characteristics (Costa et al. 2008): non-symmetry (two an important aspect in this process, there is a lack of public
interacting components can have different trust in each ontologies libraries (DAquin and Noy 2012). The ontolo-
other), situation-specific (dependent of context), dynamic gies used in Mingle are Friend-of-a-FriedFOAF (Brick-
(increase or decrease in time), and it is inherently associ- ley and Miller 2008), the Finance1 and the Foundation for
ated with risk (no reason to trust if there is no risk Intelligence Physical Agents (FIPA) Device.2
involved). Because of these, we plan to provide a trust After defining the scope, the next step was to list
reasoning support in the future. This reasoning analysis important terms for the proposed ontology. First, we chose
could be made based on available information and con- terms related to social networks, and then listed important
sidering the various aspects of trust. We plan to explore to Mingle (for example, Device and Content). Next, those
this as a future work. terms were organized as a hierarchy of classes as the
Figure 2 presents Mingle architecture along with the Mingle ontology. The ontology is presented in Fig. 3.
typical workflow. A client connects to the server and sends a The ontology proposed for the Mingle server is formed
script containing a set of operations, typically a query or a mainly by the following classes:
modification in the knowledge base. Mingle server instan-
Person: represents the users of the cellthe main actors
tiates a manager, which can be located in a different machine
inside this spontaneous social network;
for scalability purposes, to process that script. After pro-
Cell: denotes the concept of a cell in the Mingle
cessing a query (or an inference), the manager then returns a
servera specific area, not necessarily with physical
new script with the answer to the client.
Mingle workflow, presented in Fig. 2, has ten steps. The
process starts when a client asks for a connection in a
Mingle cell (Step 1). When this request is approved (Step
2), client sends a script, in the JSON format, created

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Fig. 3 Mingle ontology

Site: acts like subcells inside a bigger onerepresents Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE) and using the application
specific places that a cell can have, such as stores inside server JBoss. To allow clients to find the server, we
a mall; employed Avahi, a multicast DNS mechanism, to discover
Service: represents any activity that can be offered by cells and services. Each Mingle cell advertises itself as an
sites or persons; Avahi service, which is read by the Android client and used
Content: characterizes contents that can be offered by to select to which cell each user wants to connect. The
sites and persons within the cell; ontology was modeled on Protege, is stored in OWL, and is
Location: denotes the geographical position of a person accessed using the Jena library. The base was persisted
inside a cell; using PostgreSQL. Finally, to interpret JSON files we
Device: symbolizes a device on the cell and can be employed the open source library Jackson.
bound to a person. Part of the Mingle software architecture can be inferred
from the Mingle Model section. The most important aspect
of the architecture is its modularity. Every action that is
possible through the system runs to MingleGateway, that
5 Implementation sends them to MingleManagerManager, which instantiates
a new thread with one of the Mingle Managers.
We developed a prototype of Mingle consisting of a server The Mingle Managers are in charge of data access, read
and an Android client. The server was developed using and write, and there is one for every menu item in the client

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Fig. 4 Screenshots of the usage scenario evaluation: a choosing a cell, b available options, c addition of service, d list of available services

(see Fig. 4). Those managers use methods from a MingleDB connect to the spontaneous social network using their
class, which separates implementation from persistence. mobile device. Using the Mingle App, people can access
The MingleDB class implements all the standard CRUD specific contents (for instance maps, product offers and
(Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete) methods for every services, menus, etc.,) and services (for example, find
table, and all data access happens through the retrieval of products, find a specific store, compare prices, etc.,).
the whole database, which is filtered in the application, not People presented in a mall can offer many virtual services
by the persistence. To do so, there is a Data class, which and contents:
acts as a table for generic data, and that also provides
Image consultant: Service that can be offered
filtering methods. The filtering operations are executed
remotely to help clients in choosing which products
within the manager, according to a JSON script sent by the
to buy. An user can send his/her profile, history of
client, and in the end, if needed, the resulting data table is
past boughs and pictures of clothes that he/she is
converted to JSON format and sent to the client.
interested in buying. The consultant can return
suggestions of cloths, matching pieces, opportunities
6 Application scenarios (considering sales), considering her personal taste and
current trends;
Since we have modeled and implemented Mingle, we plan to Translation service: A person from abroad is visiting
use it in real applications. To clarify Mingle potential, we the mall and he does not know how to speak the local
describe some possible application scenarios. We think that language. A service could be available, in which,
people would use Mingle because it congregates in only one simultaneous translation is made for every phrase he
App much information related to a specific location. These says. When the user wants to translate something, he
include people present, a set of virtual services and dynamic clicks the microphone button in his earpiece, and the
contents. Without Mingle, information would be scattered smartphone captures the sound, sends to a translator
through different social networks, apps, web pages and other and the same sentence in the current language is
assorted resources. With Mingle, a virtual layer is provided, returned. A small fee can be charged for each sentence
which delivers a dynamic set of services and contents related translated;
to users physical location. The following scenarios show Personalized music: A musician could make available
some services and contests that could be easily found by in a mall his/her compositions. Anyone can freely listen
users, or provided by the same users, if Mingle was available. to that music locally. The music could be automatically
selected according to the peoples profile and current
6.1 Shopping mall mood. The listener could buy the currently playing tune
to add it to his/her personal collection. This transaction
As presented before, a shopping mall is an example of a is intermediated by the mall, which gets a fee in every
private cell. When persons enter in a Mall, they can transaction.

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6.2 Public park 7 Evaluation

A park in a city could be an example of a place for a public We conducted various evaluations with the developed
cell of Mingle. Many contents could be offered in a park, prototype. Previously, we had evaluated the ontology. This
such as routes, maps, distances, etc. People physically assessment was detailed in (Silva et al. 2011). The model,
present in the park could interact in various ways; for including a former version of the Android client, was first
instance, to exercise together or to practice team sports. assessed through a usage scenario. This evaluation was
Many virtual services could be offered by people present in detailed in other previous article (Zaupa et al. 2012).
the park, such as: In this article, we focus on two major assessments. The
first set of tests regards server performance. In this case we
Personal training: A physical educator can offer her
concentrate on scalability issues, assessing the supported
services in the park. A person who wants to do some
workload. The second groups of test were related to
gym, can send his profile and receive a set of tailored
usability evaluation, focusing on quantitative and qualita-
exercises that are viable to practice in that area. The
tive attributes. The aim of this last assessment is to evaluate
smartphone of the client could monitor some vital
effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction.
signs and send periodically this information to the
7.1 Evaluation of server performance
Digital caricature: An artist in a park could offer a
service of virtual caricature. Someone who wants a
To evaluate Mingle server, we created a Virtual Machine
caricature, takes a picture of himself/herself using his/
(VM) using Oracle VirtualBox. This VM had a 2.93 GHz
her smartphone and sends to the artist. Then, the artist
Intel Core 2 Duo processor, with 1,296 MB of RAM in the
draws in his computer the caricature and sends back
host system and was interconnected using a virtual Ether-
when it is done;
net configured in bridge mode, i.e., as an independent
Discovery nature: A biologist can offer a service of a
machine in the network. In this VM, we had instantiated a
virtual walking tour in the park. In this tour, she can
Mingle server representing the Mingle_Local_Test cell.
describe the fauna and flora of the surrounding, only by
We used Gnome System Monitor to generate graphics
knowing the current position of her client. She can offer
representing CPU load (in percentage of the total capacity)
personal tours and also group tours.
and network traffic (in KB/s) for the server created. All the
measurements were repeated ten times and the graphs
6.3 University campus present the average. The standard deviation was not sig-
nificant in all tests. Each one of the tests was monitored for
A Mingle cell could be available in a university to provide 60 s.
content and services to students and staff. As example of Figure 5 graphs show the CPU load and network traffic
possible contents, we can access the campus map, of the test machine before executing Mingle server. Ana-
description of facilities, etc. Consider the following virtual lyzing the data, we observe that the system overload is
services that could be created by the community in the around 40 %, considering only the operational system
campus: execution and VirtualBox itself. At first glance, this over-
load could be considered high, but it is due to the amount
Study groups: A service can be created for organizing of total RAM installed in the system and also the execution
study groups. The service could match people with of VirtualBox on top of the operating system. Furthermore,
common interests. A person can send his profile and there is a network traffic oscillating between 0 and 3 kb/s.
current courses. In this way, this service can suggest These values represent normal IO operations of the oper-
other students with common interests, complementary ating system, and represent less than 1 % of a 100 Mb/s
knowledge or skills; network.
Book selling: A service could be created so that people Figure 6 presents the VM with the server loaded, which
can sell books that they do not want anymore or buy is waiting for a connection during 50 s. The figure shows
used books for better prices. The service could provide that there is a small interval of high CPU load in the
an online auction targeting at book sales and trades; execution instant, but after that system returns to the same
Find People: A service to find a specific professor or processing level of the former state. During 10 s (between
student in the campus. People who register in the time 50 and 40) the CPU load supersedes 50 %, with the
system could disclose their location. In this way, others topmost load of 63 %.
can easily find their location and, if available, associ- Figure 7 shows the server writing 200 lines of data in a
ated activity. table of the knowledge base. When finished, Mingle

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Fig. 5 Graphics showing the

CPU load and network traffic of
the test machine before
executing Mingle server

Fig. 6 Graphics showing the

CPU load and network traffic of
the test machine waiting for a
connection. The server was
loaded instantly in 50 s

Fig. 7 Graphics showing the

CPU load and network traffic of
the test machine writing 200
lines of data, followed by a read
operation and by sending data to
the client. The process starts at
the mark of 40 s

removes data from the table, stores in a temporary data sent to the client. There were no big impact of this oper-
structure in RAM, and sends to the client. The network ation in the network, but in terms of CPU load again we
graph shows that the operation did not overload the virtual observed an intense usage during the build of the table in
machine. In terms of CPU use, during 5 s we had a tem- RAM. This process occurred during 10 s, having the CPU
porary load of 100 %, which was when the table was being load oscillating between 85 and 100 %. Excepting this
created in RAM. Despite that interval, the CPU load was range, the CPU usage was around 40 %, the same value
stable and in the range we obtained in the previous graphs measured before executing Mingle.
(around 40 %). The experiments carried out show that a machine with
Finally, Fig. 8 presents the server processing a request low processing power, even with influence of great load,
of 5,000 writing operations in a table of the knowledge could fulfill Mingle needs. Although we encounter some
base. Initially, this table was empty. After executing the overload intervals, during which the CPU load usage was
writting operations, the server read the same data and store 100 %, we can ponder that we employed a limited hard-
it in a temporary data structure in RAM. After that, data is ware configuration in the experiments. The graphs also

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Fig. 8 Graphics showing the

CPU load and network traffic of
the test machine processing a
script with 5,000 lines of data,
followed by a read operation
and by sending data to the
client. The process starts at the
mark of 40 s

demonstrate that the impact in the network is not signifi- Table 1 Tasks proposed for usability evaluation
cant. In our experiments, the total network traffic did not Task #1 Create a user, login in the system and access a cell
exceed 4 KB/s in any test. This shows that for the Task #2 Discover the available services in the current cell
employed load, varying from 200 to 5,000 operations, the
Task #3 Create a new service in the cell
system scaled well in terms of network traffic, but could
Task #4 Visualize and edit the user profile
present a bottleneck in terms of CPU load considering the
hardware used.
We considered that the results are encouraging and
signalize that hardware with greater processing capability
and available RAM could fulfill the need of a great number
of clients.

7.2 Usability evaluation

Since the development of mobile computing, and particu-

larly the advent of mobile software, usability evaluation
has been employed in the assessment of mobile applica-
tions (Biel et al. 2010; Rusu et al. 2011; Zhang and Adipat
2005). According to ISO 9241-11, usability is defined as
the extent to which a product can be used by specified Fig. 9 Effectiveness of users in completing tasks
users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, effi-
ciency and satisfaction in a specified context of use tasks proposed twice. We timed the execution of each task,
(International Standard Organization, 1998). Following this and also kept a record of completed ones. Finally, we asked
concept, we employed the framework proposed by Zhang the users to answer a survey.
and Adipat (2005) to evaluate the three most important The results of the first quantitative test are summarized
usability attributes (according to ISO 9241-11 definition): in Fig. 9. The graph shows the effectiveness (in percent)
for completing each task. In fact, all ten users could
Effectiveness: the comparison of user performance with
complete all four tasks proposed. This result indicates that
a predefined level;
Mingle was very effective, because users could complete
Efficiency: the time that user needs to complete a task;
the four tasks proposed twice.
Satisfaction: the attitude of users toward applications
The second graph (Fig. 10) shows the average effi-
after using them.
ciency, also in percent. Each column consists of the aver-
We defined the following protocol for evaluation, based age time needed for users to complete each task twice,
in Kenteris et al. (2009). We carried out a field study using compared to a gold standard. Analyzing the results, we can
actual mobile devices to measure the three attributes: observe that all users got efficiency times above 80 %,
effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction. We defined a set which seams a good result.
of four tasks (showed in Table 1) that were assigned to a The second task had the lowest efficiency. This is
group of ten users. First, we explained what was the pur- because that task had the greater standard deviation (of
pose of the application and gave a general tour of the main 44 %). If we analyze more closely the numbers, we will see
features. Then we asked the users to complete the four that this percentage is not at all unsatisfactory, since the

158 Page 10 of 13 Soc. Netw. Anal. Min. (2014) 4:158

and also the learnability. In Table 2, the average efficiency

is shown in the format hours:minutes:seconds. We
obtained an average learnability of 71.7 %, meaning that,
in average, the second time the users executed the four
tasks they had a gain of time of 28.3 %.
To evaluate the qualitative attribute, satisfaction, we
applied a survey to users, after completing the proposed
tasks. This evaluation followed the Technology Accep-
tance Model (TAM) proposed by Davis (1989) and
extended by Yoon and Kim (2007), using a Likert scale
(1932). According to Davis (1989), studies show that
among the various factors that people consider more
Fig. 10 Average efficiency of users in completing tasks twice important to accept or reject an application, the perception
of utility, i.e., the degree that the user evaluates the
Table 2 Learnability of users in completing tasks application can improve their experience, is the most
important variable to consider. The second most important
Task Average efficiency Average efficiency Learnability
1st time 2nd time (%) variable is called Ease of Use, which is defined as the
degree to which a person believes that the use of a system
Task #1 00:01:18 00:00:51 65.3 is free from stress. This variable complements the first,
Task #2 00:00:05 00:00:04 79.6 because according to researches just the application is not
Task #3 00:00:44 00:00:30 86.3 enough to be useful, because the benefits of applying must
Task #4 00:00:17 00:00:13 75.2 overcome its effort to use (Yoon and Kim 2007).
For each factor proposed by the TAM methodology, we
gold standard for completing this task is approximately 4 s, defined five statements to which the user could choose
and the standard deviation is approximately 2 s, which among five different scales (strong disagree, partially dis-
seems quite a small time in a user usage perspective. agree, indifferent, partially agree and strongly agree). We
In the case of the first task, the gold standard for doing it also leave an open question for general comments and
is approximately 55 s. In this case, the standard deviation suggestions.
was 20.6 %, about 16 s. Since this task involves the crea- The assessment of Ease of Use is detailed in Table 3 and
tion of a user, it in fact has quite different times, depending summarized in Fig. 11. The results show that our model
on variables such as user typing speed and even the number had a good acceptance among users. Nobody chose the
of characters used for the login name. disagree options. Besides, 70 % of users strongly agreed
In the other two tasks, the standard deviation was not with the proposed statements. We obtained a better result
significant. The Task #3 had a gold standard of 30 s, and in statement four, regarding the effort needed to add a
Task #4 of 12 s. Both obtained, respectively, 94.5 and service.
99 % of average efficiency. The worst result was in statement 2, regarding Ease of
Since we asked for users to execute twice each task, we Use. We attributed that for the lack of familiarity of some
also tried to measure learnability, i.e., which was the gain users with Android. In general, 70 % of the users strongly
in terms of time elapsed comparing the mean time for agree with all statements regarding Ease of Use.
executing each task for the first and second time. The The evaluation regarding Perception of Utility is pre-
results were summarized in Table 2. The table shows the sented in Table 4, and a graph summarizing the general
mean time the users had to execute each task, each time results is presented in Fig. 12.

Table 3 Results for Ease of Use evaluation

Statements Strongly agree Partially agree Indifferent Partially disagree Strongly disagree

1. The App is easy to understand 80.0 % (8) 10.0 % (1) 10.0 % (1) 0.0 % (0) 0.0 % (0)
2. The App is easy to use 40.0 % (4) 60.0 % (6) 0.0 % (0) 0.0 % (0) 0.0 % (0)
3. With little effort, I can browse the services 60.0 % (6) 40.0 % (4) 0.0 % (0) 0.0 % (0) 0.0 % (0)
4. With little effort, I can add a new service 100.0 % (10) 0.0 % (0) 0.0 % (0) 0.0 % (0) 0.0 % (0)
5. The options are clear and objective 70.0 % (7) 20.0 % (2) 10.0 % (1) 0.0 % (0) 0.0 % (0)
General average 70.0 % 26.0 % 4.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 %

Soc. Netw. Anal. Min. (2014) 4:158 Page 11 of 13 158

Analyzing the results we can see that we also had good sentative and also the models that had some spontaneity,
results related to perception of utility, although a little bit i.e., create social networks related to a specific context.
worse than the previous evaluation. In this assessment, we MobiClique (Pietilainen et al. 2009) defines a spontaneous
had the better result in the fourth statement, regarding the social network created from the opportunistic approaching of
benefit of using the application for accessing virtual ser- mobile devices. Using Bluetooth, the model creates the social
vices in specific places. network eliminating the need for a central server.
The worst two results are related to the easiness of Another related work is SCOPE (Mani et al. 2010) that
browsing services and also related to the use of the appli- proposes a spontaneous P2P social network. As MobiC-
cation, if available. In this last case, the fact that some lique, SCOPE does not need a pre-existing infrastructure.
participants were iOS (iPhone) users, influenced in the The proposal is based on 802.11 ad hoc protocols. The
response. project focus is on sharing information and content, but
In general, both quantitative and qualitative evaluations does not support services.
of usability were encouraging and showed good results. MobiSoC (Gupta et al. 2009), on the other hand, is a
The rates obtained in the experiments indicate that Mingle middleware to capture, manage and share community
is a model technologically accepted by this group of users. social states. The project incorporates discovery algorithms
to detect emergent geo-social patterns in communities to
characterize the represented social states. MobiSoC tries to
8 Related works associate people present in the same place to spontaneous
There are some proposals that explore the concepts of At last, we had considered SenseWorld (Ganti et al.
social network applied to the mobile and ubiquitous com- 2008), which focuses on employing social networks to
puting field. Among those, we considered the most repre- build sensing applications. Besides connecting users to
software components, sensors are used to detect context
information. SenseWorld uses many information regarding
users and their surroundings, but does not allow sponta-
neous interoperation among people, neither the sharing of
services and contents.
Compared to the related works, the main difference is
that Mingle focuses on providing a virtual layer of services,
contents and interactions based on a specific physical
location. Although some approaches allow spontaneous
interaction, they do not provide a straightforward way of
sharing services and contents. Another difference is that
some works, like MobiClique or SCOPE, are based on
opportunistic proximity of users. Instead, Mingle point of
convergence is a place, and around this focal point all
interactions occur. Finally, Mingle is a more general
approach, especially if compared to MobiSOC, which is
specific to deal with social states, and Sense World,
Fig. 11 General results for Ease of Use evaluation focused on sensing and inferring context.

Table 4 Results for perception of utility evaluation

Statements Strongly agree Partially agree Indifferent Partially disagree Strongly disagree

1. The menu options were relevant 70.0 % (7) 20.0 % (2) 10.0 % (1) 0.0 % (0) 0.0 % (0)
2. The App makes it easy to browse services 50.0 % (5) 40.0 % (4) 10.0 % (1) 0.0 % (0) 0.0 % (0)
3. The App makes it easy to share services 60.0 % (6) 30.0 % (3) 10.0 % (1) 0.0 % (0) 0.0 % (0)
4. The App eases the use of services in a specific place 100.0 % (10) 0.0 % (0) 0.0 % (0) 0.0 % (0) 0.0 % (0)
5. I would use the App if available 50.0 % (5) 40.0 % (4) 10.0 % (1) 0.0 % (0) 0.0 % (0)
General average 66.0 % 26.0 % 8.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 %

158 Page 12 of 13 Soc. Netw. Anal. Min. (2014) 4:158

uses this knowledge base, not hindering the performance of

Mingle client.
To evaluate our proposal, we implemented the server of
a cell and also a client prototype for Android smartphones.
We employed in this process many technologies that are
popular today and that ease the use of Mingle anywhere,
such as the use of web services.
The experiments regarding the server performance
indicated that this transfer of role, from client to server,
does not create the need of a huge server with great pro-
cessing power and available RAM to attend a small number
of users.
The usability evaluation shows that Mingle prototype
Fig. 12 General results for perception of utility evaluation had a good acceptance. The effectiveness was 100 % for
executing all tasks. We got good efficiency percentages,
above 80 %, with a mean learnability of about 72 %.
9 Conclusion Regarding satisfaction we applied the Technology Accep-
tance Model and obtained encouraging results regarding
The recent popularization of mobile devices, which came Ease of Use and Perception of Utility.
in the form of smartphones and tablets, allows possibilities As future work, we intend to expand the server allowing
not envisioned before. Today, with the great availability of the management of multiple cells. Moreover, we are
devices and almost ubiquitous wireless connection, we planning the possibility of information sharing among
have the development of applications that explore the different cells, regarding users and their history. Finally,
concepts of context awareness and social networks. In this we plan to increase the evaluation applying Minge in a real
perspective we present in this work a model for a sponta- environment and testing the server with loads generated
neous social network, named Mingle. from that use.
Bearing in mind the idea of ubiquitous interaction
among people and environment, we modeled Mingle to Acknowledgments We would like to thank Fundacao de Amparo a`
help answer four basic questions: Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS) and Conselho
Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnologico (CNPq) for
Who is here? partially financing this research. Finally, we thank University of Vale
do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos), and particularly Applied Computing
Where can I go? Graduate Program (PIPCA) for their support in this research.
What can I obtain in this environment, in terms of
services and contents?
When an event of my interest will happen here?
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