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Student Teaching edTPA Lesson Plan Template

Subject: Literacy/Reading Central Focus: 1st and 3rd person point of view

Essential Standard/Common Core Objective:

Literacy/Reading: RL.5.6- describe how a

Date submitted: Date taught: 3/22/2017
narrator's or speaker's point of view influences
how events are described

Daily Lesson Objective:

Performance - Students will be able to understand the differences between 1st and 3rd person and apply that knowledge
to complete the activity

Conditions - Students will work individually. Students will be able to reference back to the examples on the PowerPoint
and/or anchor chart

Criteria - Students should be able to complete the activity with 90% accuracy

21st Century Skills:

Academic Language Demand (Language Function and
Communicate Clearly
Analyze: compare different points of view. This will involve
Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using
knowledge that the narrator uses different points of view to
oral, written and nonverbal
tell the story in a certain way
communication skills in a variety of forms and
Vocabulary/key terms: point of view, opinion, narrator,
Listen effectively to decipher meaning,
viewpoint, first person, second person, third
including knowledge, values, attitudes
person, perspective
and intentions
Prior Knowledge:

Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time

Review with the students what they know about point of view. Let the 2 mins
students give a definition and ask other students to build on that. Who
can tell me what they know about point of view in literature? Students
may answer that point of view is the person who is telling the story or a
1. Focus and Review
perspective in the story. Then ask the students, What words do you
think of when you think of 1st person or 3rd person point of view?
Students might answer, I, him and her. Then we will elaborate on
2. Statement of Today you will learn how to identify the narrator's point of view 5 mins
Objective depending on the signal words being used. You will be able to
for Student understand and apply both perspectives in the text.
3. Teacher Input 10 mins
One instructional support that I will use in this lesson is a PowerPoint
presentation. In this lesson students are learning how to identify signal
words to help them figure out which point of view the text is using.
Examples of the signal words include-he,she,me,my,we,or I. I have
created an anchor chart to emphasize signal words and I will use the
chart to reinforce what the signal words are. (ex. I, me, we, and he,
she, they, them, etc.)

Using the PowerPoint, I will model the first example passage of point of
view and mark the signal words in the example passage so that
students know what they need to do during the first activity.

After modeling, I will read aloud the next couple example passages on
the presentation which is 1st and 3rd person point of view, and
students will have to decide which point of view is being used based on
the signal words.

Students will have the opportunity to come up to the board and

underline or circle any signal words that they notice.

After students have had the chance to come up to the board and mark
the signal word we will then discuss the marked signal words relating
to the passage.

Students will be able to apply their knowledge during the first activity. 10 mins
Students will be given an activity worksheet to complete that have
three examples of point of view and students will have to read the
passage and circle the correct answer, and circle or underline the
signal words in the passage.

Example of activity passage:

Circle the correct point of view for the passage.
I have never forgotten my mothers
advice; I knew
she was a wise old horse, and our master thought
a great deal of her. Her name was Duchess, but he
often called her Pet.
Black Beauty
4. Guided Practice by Anna Sewell
A. Third Person B. First Person

Students will work on this independently and given 10 minutes to work

on this activity. If some students finish early then they can use the rest
of the time remaining to turn the paper over and rewrite the passages
from the opposite point of view.

Once the students have completed this activity then we will review and
discuss it as a class. I will read aloud the passages and ask the
students what they marked as the answer. The students will give their
answer and I will ask why they think that is the answer. This will let the
students take what they applied and explain it to me, and the rest of
the class. I will let multiple students answer the same question and ask
if they have anything to add on to the answer.
5. Independent Practice 15 mins
Following the guided practice I will explain to the class that we will use
what we learned about point of view for this next activity. Students will
work by themselves to complete a mini worksheet on applying the
point of view using signal words to create a short independent comic.
I will model this for the students by displaying my own comic using the
DocCam. I have then labeled 1st and 3rd so the students can
reference back for guidance.

I will explain that, the comic is 3 boxes long but if you need more
space then you can use the back. What you will be doing is creating a
short comic on any topic you want. It can be about your hobby, your
favorite sport, a life event, something that happened yesterday or last
week. Whatever you want. It just has to include the usage of our signal
words for first and third person.

When students complete the mini-worksheet they can share theirs with
the class if they want to.
Formative assessment:
Throughout the lesson I will ask questions to check for understanding. During
guided practice I will ask questions by asking students to determine and explain
why they chose either first or third person for the answer, and by challenging
6. Assessment Methods
students by asking how the sentence would be written if it was from the opposite
point of view.
all objectives/skills:
Summative assessment:
Students will fill out a point of view exit ticket defining first and third person point of
5 mins
We will discuss what we learned today, and go over any questions the
7. Closure
students might have about the lesson.

What percentage of your students achieved mastery? Compared to my initial 90%

% out of 100% would master this lesson only about 80% understood the lesson

8. Assessment Results Based on student performance, what strengths do students exhibit in regards to
of the expected performance? Most students understood the concept of first and third
all objectives/skills: point of view while others were a little confused on the perspective and feelings.

For students who did not achieve mastery, what kinds of errors did they make? The
errors were simple; the students focus was on other information in the lesson.

Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations

ELL students- read the directions aloud Struggling readers-Read aloud the entire worksheet, work
with them in a small group

Computer, DocCam, PowerPoint, paper, pencils, whiteboard and dry erase marker.

Reflection on lesson:
The lesson went smoothly though I did make some errors with the first activity. I failed to fully proofread in my
haste the passages in the handout and so some students were confused about the usage of I and she/he in
the same passage when they were supposed to be determining if the passage was from a first or third point of
view. I was proud that they called that out to me and we did discuss it. I just feel bad that I might have
confused them a little, but it did give way for an open discussion about why it was one and not the other.
I feel that the comic activity went well however, I also feel that the students got off track just a little. Some
students didnt really understand to use one perspective, either first or third, and used them interchangeably.
Though the students did enjoy that lesson I think if I ever use it again I will definitely tweak a few things.
Overall I feel that it was a success. The students were involved and active; they enjoyed participating in the
teacher input and guided practice sections.

CT signature: ________________________ Date: ______ US signature:

____________________________Date: ______

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