Itc Unit Plan For Alignement Final

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Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three

Subject Area Developmental Profile

Language arts; Reading - Age from 8 to 9 years old
Folktales - Physical development is generally very stable
Length of Time - Emotion development- the child appears ready
for anything, but the tendency to be easily hurt
10 days with 45 minutes
is close to the surface.
- Moral development- children often tattle and
Grade Level express , thats not fair
- Social development- there is tendency for many
Three children this age experience envy and
- Intellectual development- the child is often
fascinated with real world animals, stars, and
science in general.

Main Idea (Claim)

A story originating in popular culture, typically passed on by word of mouth. It
also include analyzing the story with questioning and answering.

Biblical Perspective and Interdisciplinary Connections

- Worldwide medium of communication. As such, it is the most useful for
speaking the word of God.
- God created language perfectly and we strive to do the same.
- We should serve people through language and build relationship.
- The Bible is written language, language is needed to understand the Bible
properly and the Bible is useful to understand language.

1. Creation: God created language for us to communicated, and He gave us

wisdom to read the Bible or others texts as well.

2. Fall : People became pride, and they thought of making Tower of

Babel to reach heaven. So God break the tower of babel, and He
separate the language to make everyone confuse to understanding
language of each other.

3. Redemption: God love the world, thats why He gave knowledge to

people. So that they can create new languages to communicate with
each other and read the word of God.
Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three

Enduring Understandings Essential Questions

Reading expands understanding Why do we need to read?
of the world, and understanding What do we need to read?
of the students. What are the benefits of the
When students will read the reading?
stories, they will use the How does reading affect your life?
strategies to build meaning. How should we prepare ourselves
Students will understand that, for reading?
authors write with different What should we do when we
purposes of stories. dont understand the reading?
Students will develop a deeper How does reading influence us?
understanding through reflecting Why do we need to evaluate what
the by themselves as skit, or
we read?
Students will be able to learn
different vocabularies, and use
them as well.
Students will be able to learn new
information, which may change
their idea about life.

Knowledge Skills Dispositions

The learner will know: The learner will be able to: The learner will value:
1. That when we 4. Use the skills 7. We believe that
read, we get and knowledge a critical
many benefits, in their life what moment for
such as; they have learn positive changes
vocabulary from the in education
expansion, new reading. could be a
information or 5. Realized that, turning point for
knowledge, they have some the role of
memory affection from reading in
improvement, the reading in children lives.
stronger their life. 8. World has
analytical 6. How we should brought many
thinking skill, read more and advance things,
improved your more when we which is good in
focus and dont understand many ways, bad
concentration on what we are in many ways as
reading, and free learning or well, because
entertainment. reading. children are
2. About that, being more busy
reading does with technology,
also affect gamming, and
somehow, they dont
somewhere in wanted to read.
Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three
our life. Reading is main
3. That when we key in successful
dont understand life. Children
what are we wants to read,
reading, then we but this is our
have to read main
more and more. responsibility to
make our
children to read.

Objectives Objectives
Formative Assessments Summative Assessment(s)
Assessed Assessed
Class worksheet 4,56 Drama, Dram 7,8
Discussion question 1,2
answers in group

Short quiz , Spelling 4,5,6,7


Unit Schedule

Day Lesson Focus Objectives

Day one Folktale- The sparrows lost bean Students will know the story
of it.
They will be able to analysis
the story.
Day two Folktale Too-Too moa Students will know the story
of it.
They will be able to analysis
the story.
Day Discussion on Analysis the story from Student will analysis
three day one and day two (plot, setting,
Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three
characters, and theme) the stories in various
Day four Comprehensive questions answers Students will be able to
question answers in various

Reading aloud: picture book

Day Five Students will be able to read
in the classroom with good

Day six Folktale- The Mouse deer and the Turtle Students will know the story
of it.
They will be able to analysis
the story.
Day Comprehensive question answers Students will be able to
seven question answers in
various strategies
Day Vocabulary Skill & Spelling Test Students will be able to
eight present what they
have learn from
folktales by doing skit.
Day Writing a drama script Students will learn how
nine to write a drama script.
They will write a drama
Day ten Drama performance Students will perform
their drama.
Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three

Unit Schedule
Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three

Day Focus Activities/ procedures Assessments Objectives

One Folktale- The sparrows Oral questions answers for Formative: students They will be able
lost bean checking for understanding will do classwork to analysis the
of students. on provided paper story.
Two Folktale Too-Too Oral questions answers for Formative: students They will be able
moa checking for understanding will do classwork to analysis the
of students. on provided paper story.
Three Discussion on Discussion with oral Students will write Student will
Analysis the story question answers. down the plot, analysis the
from day one and setting, characters stories in
day two (plot, and theme of the various ways.
stories as a group.
characters, and
Four Comprehensive Students will write down the Students will do Students will
questions answers answer of given question on comprehension be able to
the white board. question answers on question
provided paper answers in
Five Reading aloud: picture Students will practice Reading book in the Students will be
book reading aloud with each class with students. able to read in the
other in the classroom after I classroom with
read. good strategies.
Six Folktale- The Oral questions answers for Formative: students They will be able
Mouse deer and checking for understanding will do classwork to analysis the
the Turtle of students. on provided paper story.
Seve Comprehensive Students will write down the Students will do Students will
n question answers answer of given question on comprehension be able to
the white board. question answers on question
provided paper answers in
Eight Vocabulary Skill & Students will practice saying Formative: students Students will
Spelling Test new vocabulary with their will do mini test on be able to
meaning. spelling test. present what
they have
learn from
folktales by
doing skit.
Nine Writing a drama Students will practice writing Summative: They will write
script script for drama in group. I Students will assess a drama script
will walk around and help as in group and they
them when they need. will write a story
script for their
Ten Drama Students will have their Summative: Students will
Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three
performance drama presentation. students will perform their
present their dram drama.
as in group.

Lesson: Folktale

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Students will be able to analyze the story and
share the ideas with class.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

1. What is the main message of this book? The student will . . .
What does the author want you to think Be able to analyze the story and share the ideas
about? What was the big idea? with class.

2. What was your favourite part of the Will be able to evaluate the characters and will
story and why? be able to share about their favorite character.

3. Who are the main characters? Will be able to know the all characters of the

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
- Start with prayer
5 - Opening activity: Sharing word to the ear, I will say one
mins sentence to one student and that student have to share the
sentence to another students ear, and that will go on till the last
student. Last student will say the word, and I will know how well
students are saying and hearing.

Introduce about story: The Sparrow's Lost Bean

Developing the Lesson
- Distribute the story to the students ( part one)
- Ask students to take individual time and read the story.
- After finishing part one; there will be some questions. (What do you
think will happen next? Why?)
- distribute the second part of the story.
- after fining the story make five groups of students then give them questions on
PowerPoint. And give one question each group of students and ask them to write
mins the answers as a group.
Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three
- distribute the worksheet and ask students to do work individually.
Closing the Lesson
- Closing activity: Exit ticket before closing the class, ask each
10 students to write down three things which they like about their
mins favorite character from the story.


Formative Assessment Differentiation

I will distribute handout question If students has some problem with
paper and students will do the reading then go around the students
worksheet and will return to me. and help them to read.

Hand out Story
Paper sheet

Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three
Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three
Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three

Lesson: Indonesian Folktale

Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim)
Students will know the main moral of the story, which is; if you do badly to other you will never get
back good to you.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

1. What is the main message of the story? The student will . . .
Able to know that evil does have always bad

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
- Start with prayer
5 mins - Opening activity: I will ask students to write a letter for each other. They have to
write about good qualities of that friend.
- Start with introducing the story: Too-Too-Moo

Developing the Lesson

5 mins - Start to read the story.
- Read until the climax part and push for a while and ask one question
What do you think will happen next?
2 mins - Listen to students answers
- And finish reading story.
3 mins - Show video about the same story.
9 mins - After video, have some classwork
- Divide whole students into two groups and name them, and ask each students
14 come to the board one by one and write down the answers.
Closing the Lesson
- Share the bible verse which will relevant with story from:
2 mins Psalm 73:19
How suddenly are they destroyed,
completely swept away by terrors!
- With share the moral of the story.
- Closing activity: Exit ticket ask students to write down three thing that they have
2 mins learn from the class.
3 mins

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Class work in groups. There will some question If some students doesnt understand the story
the PowerPoint with space of answers and then go with and make them understand story by
students will come to the board and will write explaining.
the answers.
Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three
White board with markers


Herbs- any plant with leaves, seeds, or flowers used for flavoring, food, medicine, or perfume.
Crouched- adopt a position where the knees are bent and the upper body is brought forward and down
Trembled- typically as a result of anxiety
Stamp- bring down (one's foot) heavily on the ground
Gulp- swallow (drink or food) quickly or in large mouthfuls,

Lesson: Analyzing the story

Unit Overview
Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three
Main Idea (Claim)
Student will be able to analysis the stories.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

1. What is analysis? The student will . . .
2. What are main parts of the story? - Be able to define analysis, which is details
examination of the elements.
- Be able to different parts of the story, such as
plot, setting, characters, theme, etc.

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
2 - I will start with prayer and greeting
mins - Opening activity: I will show to my students a laptop, and I will ask them, tell me
5 what you see? What are the parts can you name of it? So students will sure say
mins something about laptop, then I will connect that to my topic that, today we will learn
about analysis.
- Introduce the todays agenda: analysis the stories.

Developing the Lesson

- Divide all students into two groups, and gave them several areas of analysis the stories.
Give each group different story to analysis from the folktale which they have learn from
previous classes.
15 - Questions will be;
mins 1. What is the plot of the story?
2. What is the setting of the story?
3. Describe each characters, and mention the main character(s) of the story.
4. What is the theme of the story?
- Before they start their work, I will give explain the meaning of the plot, setting, theme,
or characters
- Provide the story in paper, so that students can see the story in case they have forgot.
- After analysis the story, ask each group to present what they analyze and what they got.

5 Closing the Lesson

mins - Closing activity: Exit ticket each student have to say the
meaning/definition of the either plot, setting, character, or theme.
- Close with prayer.

Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three
Formative Assessment
Students will divide into three groups, then students will discuss about plot, setting,
character, and theme of the stories as group from three folktale reading.
White board
Question paper sheet

Lesson: Comprehensive questions answers

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three
Students will be able to do comprehension
question answers.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

1. What is comprehension question? The student will . . .
- Know that comprehension question is a
test students ability to analysis
information (stories)
Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies
Beginning the Lessons
2 mins - I will start with prayer and greeting.
8 mins - Opening activity: I will prepare some enough questions for my students, then I
will gather my students in circle, then I will bring a ball. Then students will pass
the ball with each other, whoever get the ball will answer the asking question?
- Questions will be relating with the folktales that students have learn from the
class, such as;
1. What is the plot of the Sparrows lost been?
2. What is the setting of the Sparrows lost been?
3. What is theme of the Sparrows lost been?
4. Who is the main character of the Sparrows lost been? And same question
from another folktale.

Developing the Lesson

- Introducing the todays agenda; question answers
- I will explain first that today we are going to do question answers which I will
20 provide later. You will get some papers with several questions, then you will do
mins your work individually. And I will walk around you and if you have any questions
then you can raise your hand and ask me any questions that is related with topic.
- Students will get worksheet paper, then they will start working individually.
- After finishing their work, they will check their answers with me.
10 - After they will done with their work, then they will submit their work to me.
mins Closing the Lesson
- Closing activity: Exit ticket I will ask students to write down three things that
5 mins they like most about today class.
- Close with prayer.

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Students will have questions sheet, then they I will scaffolding to those students who need
have to answer those question answer special needs.
Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three
Paper sheet

Lesson: Reading aloud: picture book

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Students will be able to use various strategies to
make good reading aloud.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

1. What is reading aloud? The student will . . .
2. What are the main strategies in reading - Be able to define reading aloud, which is
aloud? building many important foundational
skills, introduces vocabulary, provides a
model of fluent, expressive reading
- Be able to use various strategies to
reading aloud, such as Expression,
clarity, variety of voices

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lessons
2 mins - Start with prayer and greeting
10 - Opening activity: I will give each student one minute and ask them to describe
mins your favorite superhero. And ask them to copy their super heroes.
- Introduce todays agenda; Reading aloud

Developing the Lesson

- I will bring some picture book with good stories, then explain them that today we
are going to read picture books with using different strategies.
5 mins - First I will show them an example by reading a picture with using different
expression on face and in voice as well.
3 mins - After reading I will ask some questions to students saying. What do you all find
different between todays reading and normal reading story reading? Then
Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three
students surely say that, you use different voice, high and low tone of voice, and
face expression.
- Then I will explain them, yes you guys are right, while reading picture books we
have to use various ways to read, such as; expressive face, voice changing
according to different characters, loud enough.
15 - After explain about the strategies to read picture book, I will call random students
mins in front of the class, and will give them short picture book, and ask them to use
various ways or strategies to read this book.

Closing the Lesson

- Closing activity: small skit I will assign my students to do small skit by reading
- Close with prayer.

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Students will read the provided books aloud
with the class.


Lesson: Folktale

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Students will be able to analyze the story and
share the ideas with class.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

4. What is the main message of this book? The student will . . .
Be able to analyze the story and share the ideas
5. What was your favourite part of the with class.
story and why?
Will be able to evaluate the characters and will
6. Who are the main characters? be able to share about their favorite character.
Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three

Will be able to know the all characters of the


Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lessons
- Start with prayer
5 mins - Opening activity: bring small picture book, and ask students to read to the class
one by one with expression.

2 Mins Introduce about story: The Mouse Deer and the Turtle
- (background)

Developing the Lesson

10 - Distribute the story to the students ( part one)
Mins - Ask students to take individual time and read the story.
- After finishing part one; there will be some questions.

What do you think will happen next? Why?

3 Mins - distribute the second part of the story.
8 Mins - After finishing the story, show some questions on PowerPoint, and ask students
10 write down the answers.
Mins Closing the Lesson
- Distribute the question papers, and explain about the homework.
- Closing activity: Before closing the class, ask each students to write down three
2 Mins
things which they like about their favorite character from the story.
5 Mins

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Individual story reading, and during the reading If students has some problem with reading then
there will be some question which students go around the students and help them to read.
should give the answer.
Students will do question answers on provided

Story paper sheet

Rattan: the thin jointed stems of a palm, used to make furniture
Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three
Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three
Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three
Lesson: Comprehensive questions answers

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Students will be able to do comprehension
question answers.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

2. What is comprehension question? The student will . . .
- Know that comprehension question is a
test students ability to analysis
information (stories)
Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies
Beginning the Lessons
2 mins - Start with prayer.
8 mins - Opening activity: I will prepare some enough questions for my students, then I
will gather my students in circle, then I will bring a ball. Then students will pass
the ball with each other, whoever get the ball will answer the asking question?
- Questions will be relating with the folktales that students have learn from the
class, such as;
5. What is the plot of the Sparrows lost been?
6. What is the setting of the Sparrows lost been?
7. What is theme of the Sparrows lost been?
8. Who is the main character of the Sparrows lost been? And same question
from another folktale.

Developing the Lesson

- Introducing the todays agenda; question answers
- I will explain first that today we are going to do question answers which I will
provide later. You will get some papers with several questions, then you will do
your work individually. And I will walk around you and if you have any questions
then you can raise your hand and ask me any questions that is related with topic.
- Students will get worksheet paper, then they will start working individually.
- After finishing their work, they will check their answers with me.
10 - After they will done with their work, then they will submit their work to me.
Closing the Lesson
- Closing activity: Exit ticket I will ask students to write down three things that
5 mins they like most about today class.
- Close with prayer.
Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Students will have questions sheet, then they I will scaffolding to those students who need
have to answer those question answer special needs.
Paper sheet


Lesson: Spelling Test

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim)
Students will know new vocabulary words and their meaning.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies
Beginning the Lesson
1 mins - Start with prayer
5 mins - Opening activity: Alphabet word game, each student will say a new word
orderly from A to Z.
2 mins - Explain the instruction of Test, such as; write the answers with pencil, and start
with capital letter.
Developing the Lesson
7 mins - Start with saying the meaning of the word, and ask students to say the word, and if
they dont know then say the word and ask them to write down the spelling of the
word. (10 different words.)
- After finishing the words, ask them write down a sentence using the word given
5 mins
by teacher, and write down the meaning of the words given by teacher, and write
down the types of words given by teacher.
Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three
3 mins - After finishing that ask students to say the ten words out aloud.
Closing the Lesson
2 mins - Collect the answer sheet, end the class.
5 mins - Closing activity: same activity of the opening of the class, but students have to say
different word which they heard from their friend.

Formative Assessment
Spelling test. Write down in the provided work sheet.

Questions-answer sheet


Lesson: Writing a drama script

Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Students will be able to write a short drama

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

1. What is script? The student will . . .
2. How to write a script? - Be able to define script, which is a
written version of a play or movie.
- Know that, when we write a script we
should cover main four parts. Such as;
plot, setting, character(s), and theme.
Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies
Beginning the Lessons
2 mins - Start with prayer and greeting.
5 mins - Opening activity: I will provide a short dialogue story, then I assign my students
to read that story and try to read with dramatization.
- Introduce todays agenda; writing a drama script.

Developing the Lesson

5 mins - First of all, I will show them an example of drama script, and I will show them
and tell them about plot, setting, characters, and theme of the story.
3 mins - Then I will explain what are the things that we need to write a drama script;
1. Plot
2. Setting
3. Character(s)
4. Theme(s)
5 mins - Then I will show short video about drama, where students can have more ideas.
- Then I will ask my students to try to write a draft script, it can be from one of the
folktale that we read or they can come up with their own idea.
- Then divide all students into three groups, and tell them to write down a drama
script as group.
- Walk around the students and help them to think and write a script
Closing the Lesson
- Closing activity: share their draft script with each others group.
- Collect their script papers.
Formative Assessment Differentiation
Students will write a script for their drama as in Walk around the students and do scaffolding to
groups. needed students.
Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three
Sample script
Video :
Power Point


Lesson: Drama performance

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Students will perform their drama in the Drama performance; students will perform
classroom. drama on their own script.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

1. What is a drama performance? The student will . . .
- Do a drama performance on their own
written script.
Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies
Beginning the Lessons
- Opening activity- there will be no opening activity, because students will have
2 mins their drama performance.
- Introduce todays agenda; Drama performance

30 Developing the Lesson

mins - I will make time for each groups, who is first, second, and third.
- Then each group will get 10 mins to perform their drama
- And after drama, each group will get 4 mins feedback from me, what they did
well and what they could have improve.
- But when they will go to perform their drama they have to submit their drama
1 mins

Closing the Lesson

- Closing activity: there will be no closing activity, because students will have their
drama performance.
Arjun Badi
Language Arts
Time: 45 Mins
Grade Three
Formative Assessment Differentiation
Students will do their drama performance

Drama script


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