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Multi-genre Research project proposal

Introduction My line of inquiry is illegal immigration in the United States, throughout my multi-
genre research project different points of view and beliefs will be represented. Fully understanding
different outlooks on illegal immigration and getting up to date information on where the United States
currently sites on illegal immigration.

Genre I have chosen Group 1. Newspaper Article

o Audience The general US population is going to be my intended audience who read the daily
newspaper and wants to gain valuable information on the current status of illegal immigration in
the United States.
o Rational A newspaper article that will be created on Word document, I will use the format
provided to portray easy to read information in different styles. The purpose of the genre I have
chosen is because it will be helpful to write a good newspaper article with straight to the point
topics and easy to read sentences. This genre fits my research because a lot of the information
provided to the general population is in the form of a newspaper article either online or physical
paper. I believe choosing this genre of communication will allow me to give a good point of view
on my line of inquiry. Not everyone might agree but the statements will be proved with facts and
data from scholarly articles.
o Specific research 1. Immigrants that are here working for the national economy are helping
local shops and big businesses. Immigrant unemployment rates are lower than the national
average of native citizens. Also, social security taxes paid by undocumented workers have led to
a $463 billion surplus in money. A small percent of immigrants that travel to the United States
are actually high trained and skilled workers, they come to America to find jobs they can excel
in. Many US jobs are not being filled with native citizens because of the high requirements
needed to apply for the job; however, some immigrants have these requirements to receive the
job title. 2. Studies have concluded according to the article that crime rates have not been affect
by any means of illegal immigration. In addition, native-born citizens are more likely to commit
crimes than illegal immigrants in any countries around the world. After collecting data in the
cities of El Paso and San Diego, charts show that in these cities where the population of illegal
immigrants is high than native born citizens, the crime rates are in a steady decline of the last
couple of year. Even with the increase of population and gang members, crime rates are still
going down. However, the CIS argues that the crime that is committed by immigrants, stays in
immigrant based communities and the police are never contacted.

Genre I have chosen Group 2. PowerPoint

o Audience When I create the power point, my intended audience will be induvial people who
strongly agree in the rights of freedom for every human being. In my line of inquiry, illegal
immigration has two major viewpoints the people who are strongly against it, and the people
who are strongly for it.
o Rational Most articles that I have read are strongly against immigration; however, in this
power point, information will be given on the benefits of illegal immigration into the united
states. This genre fits my reach good because a PowerPoint gives me ability to portray
information in a many different ways, images, words, videos, and personal reflection letters.
Expectation of my audience is to be respectful on the different viewpoints on immigration,
weather you believe it or not. Everyone has an important voice on this topic, my goal is to
provide information based on a different mindset from most other people.
o Specific research Less than half of all illegal immigrants are Latino or Hispanic, as of 2012
about 40 million immigrants lived in the United States. Only about 46 percent or about 18
million are Hispanic or Latino. Not all immigrants are poor and do not all have low paying jobs.
Approximately 16 percent of illegal immigrants make up the United States national workforce,
while over 20 percent of illegal immigrants are dentist, nurses and other health provides getting
paid high salaries. Immigrants who are unauthorized are good for federal and state budgets
because they contribute more to the national economy then they take form it. With the title of
illegal or unauthorized does not allow they induvial to collect all government assisted programs.
However, they are allowed into public school around the United States, which gives children to
the age of 18 years old a good formal education. Deporting undocumented immigrants is very
costly to the state and federal government

Genre I have chosen Group 3. Postcard / Letter

o Audience The general US population is going to be my intended audience in my representation

of a postcard from an immigrant whose family is in another country. Any age group will be able
to read and understand the postcard, throughout the postcard personal challenges and experiences
will be included.
o Rational A postcard is the perfect genre to choose in the topic of illegal immigration because
in most cases the oldest son or husband is usually the first person to travel across a border in
search for work and new opportunities. Values represented in the genre will include personal
thoughts, being away from loved ones, and staying connected from different countries. The
purpose of the genre is to include the mental challenges an illegal immigrant will be faced with
while staying under the radar.
o Specific research The data I will use for the postcard / letter will be strictly my personal
words and quotes. It will be a made-up scenario that I will transform into a postcard / letter. It
will tell a short story of a man who is missing his family back home, he has a good fulltime job
but is always under caution for police and other officials.

Genre I have chosen Group 5. Poemmany variations!

o Audience The general US population is going to be my intended audience in my representation

of different styles of a poem.
o Rational I will be creating three different types of poems, all with different viewpoints in
mind. The first poem will be a Sonnet, which is a lyric poem that consist of 14 or more lines
which usually have one or more rhyme schemes. The second will be a Blank verse poem that
will be written about ones life experiences. And the third will be an Acrostic poem which
usually the first letter in each line form a word or message. Poems are fun ways to portray
serious information to the reader while still providing correct data about illegal immigration in
the United States. Values represented in the genre will include personal ideas and thoughts.
Quotes will be included to enhance the overall meaning.
o Specific research 1. According to the article Hispanic immigrants that attend US public school
are easy targets of verbal and physical bullying. They are often bullied because they look
different and do not adapt well to changing styles and customs of other native students. Many
immigrants do not speak good English which is a common bullying factor coming from teachers
and students. Teachers have hard time communicating, grading papers, and teaching Hispanic
immigrants in the classroom because they lack the ability to understand English according to the
article. 2. According to the author over 425,000 undocumented immigrants are being held in over
250 federal prisons to which the United States as no idea what their names are or where they are
come from. This causes many problems for the United States, one being that many prisons are at
full capacity and require large amounts of employers and police to keep under control. However,
trying to identically unknown people can take months and even years to accomplish. This is
starting to put many immigrants under physical and mental discomfort for long periods of time.

Genre I have chosen Group 6. Research paper

o Audience The general US population is going to be my intended audience for my research

paper on How immigration laws impact the restaurant industry
o Rational The purpose for writing this research paper How immigration laws impact the
restaurant industry, is because new laws to reduce illegal immigration has a huge impact on the
national economy.
o Specific research
1. Nationality Act - The restaurant industry has a high proportion of workers who are
immigrants. Employers may not hire or employ persons who are in the U.S. illegally.
2. Employment based immigration Different immigration services in the united states
now have to scrutinize visa application by skilled workers more closely. These new
regulations covering unskilled labor apply into the workforce of the restaurant industrys.
3. Enforcement President Trump has recently called for even stricter enforcement on
crimes committed by undocumented immigration and for police officer to enforce new
immigration laws. These new laws and measures could impact the restaurant workers
who are undocumented with no legal citizenship.
4. Policies - Particularly young restaurant workers that are individuals covered by the
DREAM Act may be affected by new laws implemented. Mr. Trump has said that he
does not support sanctuary polices, workers that live in the six counties that the United
States has halted all travel will affect the ability for worker to move freely from country
to country.

o Cite - Veneziale, Marcella. "How Immigration Laws Impact the Restaurant

Industry." Nation's Restaurant News, 2017, Research Library,

Conclusion - Illegal immigration in the united states will affect people in different ways based on past
experiences and decisions. However, understanding different points of view and background stories will
help you better realize the importance and positive impact on people.

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