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A Hyperspectral Method for Remotely Sensing

the Grain Size of Snow

Anne W. Nolin* and Jeff Dozier

W e have developed a robust, accurate inversion tech- are useful indicators of thermodynamic processes in the
snowpack. Changes in snow grain size can help identify
nique for estimating the grain size in a snowpacks surface
layer from imaging spectrometer data. Using a radiative ice sheet surface features, such as melt areas, snow dunes,
transfer model, the method relates an ice absorption fea- and blue ice regions, and often indicate changes in snow-
ture, centered at k1.03 lm, to the optically equivalent pack energy balance (Nolin and Stroeve, 1997).
snow grain size. Because the interpretation is based on In this paper, we present an inversion technique that
the areanot depthof the absorption feature scaled to can retrieve quantitative estimates of snow grain size from
absolute reflectance, the method is insensitive to instrument near-infrared reflectance data, using the wavelengths around
noise and does not require a topographic correction. We the ice absorption feature centered at k1.03 lm. We apply
tested the method using Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging the inversion method to airborne and in situ spectral reflec-
Spectrometer data over the eastern Sierra Nevada, Califor- tance data, and we validate the results over a wide range
nia, and we validated it with a combination of ground-based of grain sizes using field spectrometer data and measure-
spectrometer data and grain size measurements. Else- ments of grain size from snow samples. Finally, we examine
vier Science Inc., 2000 the robustness and error sources of the method, consider-
ing snow conditions, topography, and instrument noise.


Imaging spectrometry is a powerful tool that offers the Previous Work
ability to quantitatively examine the physical properties of Over the past two decades, considerable attention has been
snow in cold or mountainous regions, where traditionally paid to examining the relationships between snow grain size,
such measurements are difficult, time-consuming, and snowpack energy balance, and snow albedo. Wiscombe and
sometimes dangerous. Snow grain size is the primary pa- Warren (1980) modeled the inverse relationship between
rameter controlling broadband albedo (Wiscombe and snow albedo and grain size. From a series of laboratory
Warren, 1980), hence its estimate is crucial for calculating experiments, Hyvarinen and Lammasniemi (1987) related
the snowpacks absorption of solar radiation. Through this changes in a reflectance ratio of near-infrared bands, cen-
effect on spectral albedo, grain size also affects our ability tered at 1.03 lm and 1.26 lm, to changes in average ice
to accurately map snow cover (Painter et al., 1998). Because grain diameter for three size classes of ice particles. Choud-
the rate of grain growth is exponentially proportional to hury (1981), Brandt and Warren (1993), and Nolin (1993)
snow temperature (Jordan, 1991), changes in grain size demonstrated higher radiative heating rates with larger
snow grain size. In a study of the Greenland ice sheet,
Nolin and Stroeve (1997) used an energy balance model to
* National Snow and Ice Data Center, Cooperative Institute for show how changes in snowpack energy balance modify the
Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado
Donald Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, surface grain size and thereby affect albedo.
University of California A combination of remote sensing innovations and an
Address correspondence to Dr. Anne W. Nolin, National Snow and improved understanding of the relationships between snow
Ice Data Center, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental reflectance and snow grain size has allowed grain size map-
Sciences, Campus Box 449, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-
0449. E-mail: nolin@spectra.colorado.edu ping to progress from qualitative to quantitative estimates.
Received 10 December 1999; revised 3 March 2000. Wiscombe and Warren modeled the effects of grain size
REMOTE SENS. ENVIRON. 74:207216 (2000)
Elsevier Science Inc., 2000 0034-4257/00/$see front matter
655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010 PII S0034-4257(00)00111-5
208 Nolin and Dozier

on snow albedo using a two-stream model that was subse- from space. Table 1 describes the instrument characteris-
quently verified by the measurements of Grenfell et al. tics for AVIRIS and Hyperion. Imaging spectrometers such
(1994). Dozier et al. (1981), using the Wiscombe-Warren as AVIRIS and Hyperion possess the appropriate band
model and NOAA-6 AVHRR data, concluded that it was locations for sensitivity to snow grain size and the narrow
potentially possible to determine snow grain size from bandwidths for high precision.
remote sensing data. However, their results were imprecise In a previous snow mapping study, Nolin and Dozier
because the width and position of the NOAA-6 AVHRR (1993) described a method for grain size mapping that
near-infrared band limit its sensitivity to snow grain size. made use of the spectral capabilities of AVIRIS. Using the
In later work, Dozier and Marks (1987) used Landsat The- DIScrete-Ordinates Radiative Transfer model (DISORT;
matic Mapper (TM) data to classify snow-covered regions Stamnes et al., 1988) they modeled the relationship be-
into relatively fine-grained new snow and older, coarser- tween snow grain size and near-infrared reflectance for a
grained snow, but they made no ground truth measure- wide range of grain radii and solar illumination angles.
ments at the times of the overpasses. They showed that, given an atmospherically corrected
Bourdelles and Fily (1993) mapped snow grain size near-infrared image of surface reflectance and the illumi-
using Landsat TM data over the Dumont DUrville region nation and viewing geometries, snow reflectance can be
of Antarctica. However, their method was subject to atmo- inverted to yield quantitative estimates of snow grain size.
spheric influences, especially in the region below 1.0 lm They used a single AVIRIS band centered at 1.03 lm
where atmospheric effects can be substantial but difficult because (a) at that wavelength snow reflectance is highly
to characterize. The snow grain size histograms they pro- sensitive to grain size, (b) there is still a strong snow reflec-
duced using various near-infrared TM channels produced tance signal, and (c) atmospheric transmittance is high.
very different mean values. Perhaps their inconsistent re- There are two drawbacks to this method; the primary one
sults were due to their use of a two-stream model (which is the effect of sensor noise when the interpretation is
only computes upwelling and downwelling fluxes) to inter- based on the signal in one wavelength band. The second
pret the TM reflectance, whereas a bidirectional reflec- drawback is the requirement for knowledge of the sun and
tance model (which can calculate reflectance for a specified sensor angles, a risky proposition given the lack of digital
viewing and illumination geometry) might have produced elevation models over much of the world and their poor
more accurate results. In more recent work, Fily et al. resolution and accuracy in many alpine and polar regions.
(1997) computed snow reflectance from TM data over the For latitudes less than 60, this second drawback will be
French Alps and compared the results with output from ameliorated by data from the recent Shuttle Radar Topog-
a bidirectional reflectance model. Contrary to expectations, raphy Mission.
their grain size estimates derived from TM band 4 (0.76 lm Painter et al. (1998) used a linear spectral unmixing
to 0.90 lm) reflectances matched their field measurements method to map relative grain size at subpixel resolution
better than derived grain sizes from either TM band 5 from AVIRIS imagery. This unmixing method assumes that
(1.55 lm to 1.75 lm) or TM band 7 (2.08 lm to 2.35 lm). the mixture of reflectance spectra of the components in an
Their estimated grain sizes between TM bands 5 and 7 image pixel (i.e., snow, vegetation, rock, etc.) characterizes
differed, and neither result matched the ground-based the relative proportions of these components in a pixel.
grain size measurements. TM band 4 is highly sensitive Unmixing the combined spectra provides estimates of the
to atmospheric conditions, especially column water vapor proportions of each component in an image pixel. Instead
abundance, and for fine snow it is less sensitive to grain of characterizing the snow component using a single spec-
size than TM bands 5 and 7. trum, Painter et al. used snow spectra (chosen from the
While these previous studies showed how remote sens- image) that characterized the full range of snow sizes from
ing data could be used for mapping snow grain size, they coarse- to fine-grained. They successfully mapped snow
also pointed to the need for appropriate instrumentation grain size variations over Mammoth Mountain, California,
and development of inversion approaches to obtain quanti- but they did not explicitly estimate the effective grain radius.
tative estimates of grain size while reducing errors from
atmospheric effects. Optical Properties of Snow
Mainly because of variability in the absorption of ice, the
Results with Imaging Spectrometers optical properties of snow over the solar spectrum range
With the advent of the Airborne Visible and Near-Infrared from nearly complete reflectance to nearly complete ab-
Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS), it has become possible sorption (see Fig. 1). There are several prominent absorp-
to relate features in the spectral reflectance signature of tion features: one of them extends from 0.96 lm to 1.08
snow to physical properties, such as grain size. With its lm and is centered at k1.03 lm.
upcoming launch in mid-2000, the Hyperion imaging spec- Snows spectral reflectance can be characterized as a
trometer on NASAs EO-1 satellite will be the first instru- multiple scattering problem. Mie theory is used to calculate
ment to map Earths surface at high spectral resolution the scattering and absorbing properties of individual ice
Hyperspectral Sensing of Grain Size of Snow 209

Table 1. Instrument Characteristics for the AVIRIS and Hyperion Instruments

Instrument Instrument Spectral Number of Spectral Spatial
Name Type Range (lm) Channels Resolution (nm) Resolution (m)
AVIRIS Airborne 0.42.5 224 10 20
Hyperion Spaceborne 0.42.5 220 10 30

particles, and a radiative transfer model then calculates or their geometric mean and standard deviation, can be
the reflectance from a volume of ice particles. In the near- obtained from stereological analysis of snow-sample plane
infrared part of the spectrum, the reflectance of snow sections (Dozier et al., 1987). Effective snow grain radii
decreases as grain size increases (Wiscombe and Warren, typically range from about 50 lm for fresh, cold snow to
1980). Scattering models for spherical particles are much 1000 lm (1 mm) for well-aged, wet snow or grain clusters.
simpler than for other shapes, so we generally assume In addition to grain size, the physical depth and bulk
that an equivalent sphere can mimic the behavior of an density of the snowpack come into play via the optical
ensemble of nonspherical shapes. Although snow grains depth, s, a dimensionless coordinate. For snow it is [see
are usually not spherical, they tend to be spheroidal and Eq. (2)]
randomly oriented. Mugnai and Wiscombe (1987) showed
3WQext 3qsnowdQext
that a collection of nonoriented spheroids produce the s (2)
same scattering results as spheres. Grenfell and Warren 4rqice 4rqice
(1999), drawing on the work of Dobbins and Jizmagian where Qext is the Mie extinction efficiency, a function of
(1966), have shown that the volume-to-surface area ratio the grain radius r, wavelength k, and the complex refractive
of the ice particles is an appropriate means for representing index of ice (Nussenzveig and Wiscombe, 1980), and W is
the optically equivalent grain size of a collection of non- snow water equivalence, the product of snow density qsnow
spherical ice particles. Similarly, one can use the ratio of and geometric depth d.
the third moment to the second moment of the lognormal Because flux extinction in snow is exponential (Bohren
size distribution of snow grains (Nolin et al., 1993b). Since and Barkstrom, 1974), we call the thickness of the surface
the lognormal distribution has moments of any order, the snow layer that determines the retrieved grain size the 1/e
mth moment lm(D), can be expressed as shown in Eq. (1) light penetration depth (i.e., the depth where the incident
solar irradiance has been decreased to e1, about 37%).
lm(D)exp[m log(Dg)0.5m2 log2 r] (1)
This depth, expressed as either an optical depth, s, or as
where D is the particle diameter, Dg is the geometric mean a geometric depth, d, is directly proportional to the number
diameter, and r is the standard deviation of the size distri- density of particles in the snow layer. For the same bulk
bution. Conceptually, this is similar to the volume-to-sur- density, a layer composed of larger ice particles has a lower
face ratio, but the moments approach has the added advan- number density than one composed of smaller particles,
tage of accounting for particle size variation rather than so the light transmittance is greater, as Table 2 shows. The
relying on a single mean value. 1/e depth for a snow pack with a bulk density of 250 kg
The volume-to-surface area ratio of the ice particles, m3 ranges from 10 to 50 grain diameters.

Figure 1. The spectral directional hemispherical reflec-

tance of snow as calculated using the DISORT model
(Stamnes et al., 1988). Each curve represents the spec-
trum for a different snow grain radius. The dashed line
indicates the location of the 1.03-lm absorption feature.
210 Nolin and Dozier

Table 2. 1/e Transmittance Depth for Light at k1.03 lm as a Function of Snow Grain Size
Number of Grain
Grain 1/e Optical 1/e Geometric 1/e SWE Diameters per
Radius (lm) Depth Depth (mm) (mm) 1/e Geometric Depth
50 40.50 4.9 1.2 49.0
100 29.25 7.1 1.8 35.5
200 20.90 10.1 2.5 25.3
500 12.75 15.5 3.9 15.5
750 10.13 18.5 4.6 12.3
1000 8.50 20.7 5.2 10.3
Values presented are for a constant snowpack density of 250 kg m3. Column 4 shows geometric depth and density combined into snow water
equivalent (SWE) depth.

Although bulk density itself does not affect the spectral lengths, use of the 1.03-lm absorption feature typically
albedo of snow (Bohren and Beschta, 1979), it does affect represents just the top 0.5 cm to 3 cm of a snowpack,
the relationship between optical depth and geometric depth. over which the grain size distribution is more likely to be
For example, given a constant grain radius r250 lm, the homogeneous. In the 1.03-lm region, vertical heterogene-
1/e optical depth remains constant at 18.5 for all density ity would play a role in restricted cases, such as a thin
values. However, the equivalent geometric depth decreases surface ice crust or where surface hoar has formed.
with increasing density from 28 mm at qsnow100 kg m3
to 6 mm at qsnow500 kg m3. Therefore, our inversion
method derives an optically equivalent grain size for a
surface layer whose thickness depends inversely on the Absorption Band Depth
snows density. However, the thickness of this layer is never To best describe the method used in this research, we
greater than a few centimeters and is often less than 1 cm. illustrate an inversion technique developed by Clark and
If the penetration depth were greater, we would need to Roush (1984). For ice frosts, they determined the depth
account for vertical homogeneity of grain size. Grain size of a spectral absorption feature and related it to frost grain
tends to increase with depth, and rapidly changing grain size. They recognized that an apparent continuum could
size in the near-surface snow will affect measurements represent the spectrum in the absence of the absorption
of surface reflectance in the visible part of the spectrum feature of interest. Clark and Roush calculate the scaled
(Warren, 1982). While snowpack vertical heterogeneity band depth Db as the difference between the continuum
most certainly affects measurements in the shorter wave- reflectance Rc and the reflectance spectrum Rb in the deep-

Figure 2. The 1.03-lm absorp-

tion feature from two AVIRIS
snow reflectance spectra for Mam-
moth Mountain in 1993 and Tioga
Pass in 1989. The continuum re-
flectance is plotted as the solid line
across the top of each feature. De-
rived grain sizes are shown for
each location.
Hyperspectral Sensing of Grain Size of Snow 211

est part of the absorption band, normalized by the contin- et al., 1993) to convert at-sensor radiances to surface reflec-
uum reflectance, as seen in Eq. (3): tance. ATREM uses the 6S code (Vermote et al., 1997) to
model atmospheric scattering and also derives water vapor
Db (3) values on a per-pixel basis using a band-ratio technique.
Rc Next, to accurately map the absorption feature, the end
Figure 2 shows the snow spectral reflectance and contin- points of the feature must be located. Since noise may be
uum reflectance for the absorption features centered at present in the measured reflectance spectrum, the contin-
1.03 lm, derived from AVIRIS measurements. The advan- uum end points are established by averaging the reflec-
tage of scaling the band depth by the continuum reflec- tance values for pairs of AVIRIS bands centered at k0.95
tance is that the grain size estimates become independent lm, 0.96 lm and at k1.08 lm, 1.09 lm. We then calculate
of the absolute magnitude of reflected radiance, and the continuum-scaled band depth for each channel and
thereby are not sensitive to topography. The solar illumina- integrate using the trapezoidal rule to determine the scaled
tion angle changes the magnitude of the reflectance spec- area of the absorption feature. For AVIRIS, therefore, our
trum, but changes neither the shape nor relative depth of use of 17 bands substantially reduces noise effects, as we
the absorption feature. will show later. It is worth noting that for the AVIRIS data
While this band-depth method is a valuable approach used in this study, the source of spectral noise appears to
to the problem, its reliance on a single spectral band causes be solely from the sensor, rather than from the atmospheric
the accuracy of the results to suffer in the presence of correction method. There is virtually no difference in the
noise in the reflectance spectrum. Noise-induced changes shape of the absorption feature before and after atmo-
in the spectrum affect the depth of the absorption feature spheric correction, because this absorption feature is lo-
and may give erroneous grain size estimates. cated in a spectral region where atmospheric scattering and
Near-infrared signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) for AVIRIS absorption are small, especially in the dry, high-visibility
have been as low as 80, but in recent years have exceeded conditions under which the AVIRIS images were acquired.
500, and some level of noise is inherent in every sensor. In parallel, we use the DISORT model (Stamnes et al.,
Near-infrared SNRs for Hyperion are expected to range 1988) to calculate spectral reflectance for the same 17
from 100 to 150. In addition to sensor noise, atmospheric AVIRIS channels for a wide range of snow grain radii
correction methods never completely remove all effects of (501,000 lm). DISORT requires inputs of single-scatter-
absorption and scattering, so they are potential sources of ing albedo and asymmetry parameter (computed using Mie
noise in a reflectance spectrum. theory), cosine of the solar illumination angle, and direct
and diffuse irradiance. The direct beam and diffuse spectral
Absorption Band Area irradiance at the surface of the snowpack are computed
To minimize any effects of noise on grain size retrievals, using the 6S model for both the ground-based field spec-
this investigation uses the scaled area of the absorption trometer measurements and the AVIRIS data. For each
feature, Ab, rather than simply the scaled absorption band grain size, we calculate a scaled band area from the model-
depth. Scaled band area is a dimensionless quantity and derived spectrum, and we create a lookup table in which
is calculated by integrating the scaled absorption band the scaled band areas are juxtaposed with their correspond-
depth over the wavelengths of the absorption feature [see ing snow grain radii. Figure 3 shows the relationship be-
Eq. (4)]. tween scaled band area and grain size.
The concept of band-area mapping makes physical sense
Ab (4) because the scaled area of the absorption feature is directly
Rc proportional to the amount of energy absorbed by the ice
The basic assumption is that the noise is randomly dis- particles over that spectral region. While both the reflec-
tributed Gaussian noise (white noise). While the exact tance spectrum and the continuum reflectance decrease
distribution of sensor noise is not known, a normal distribu- with increasing grain radius, the scaled area of the absorp-
tion is a reasonable assumption and has been used by others tion feature increases with grain size, which, in turn, has
in examining sensor noise characteristics (Sabol et al., been related to the absorption efficiency (Bohren and Bar-
1992). By integrating over the absorption feature, the fluc- kstrom, 1974).
tuations caused by noise should average out and produce
an estimate closer to the true value. Spectral Reflectance Data
The scaled band-area mapping technique first re- We used a combination of AVIRIS data and ground-based
quires that radiometrically calibrated imaging spectrome- field spectrometry data to examine the relationship between
ter data be atmospherically corrected to obtain surface grain size and reflectance spectra for a variety of snowpacks.
reflectance. The data do not need to be corrected for topo- On January 11, 1993 an AVIRIS image was acquired over
graphic and anisotropic scattering effects. In this work, we Mammoth Mountain in the eastern Sierra Nevada. Recent
used the ATmosphere REMoval program (ATREM; Gao snowfall, 6 hours before the overflight, blanketed the
212 Nolin and Dozier

Figure 3. The nonlinear relationship between

snow grain radius and scaled band area. Scaled
dimensionless band areas were computed with

mountain with more than 10 cm of fine-grained snow. face-to-volume ratio for an objective estimate of the opti-
Temperatures remained well below freezing, preventing cally equivalent snow grain size.
discernible grain growth, even on south-facing slopes. A far simpler approach that we have found provides
This investigation also used a second AVIRIS image, consistent measurements of snow grain size, uses field
acquired May 26, 1989 over the Tioga Pass area of the Sierra measurements of minimum, maximum, and mean grain
Nevada. The snow was actively melting and snow cover radii made with a gridded card and magnifying lens. While
was discontinuous, patchy, and generally thin (less than 30 not as precise as those acquired through stereological analy-
cm in depth). Both the 1989 and 1993 reflectance data sis, the results are sufficiently accurate for comparison with
show a small amount of sensor noise, as the uneven nature reflectance-derived grain sizes.
of the 1.03-lm absorption features show in Figure 2.
Ground-based snow spectral reflectance data were col-
lected with an Analytical Spectral Devices Full-Range RESULTS
(ASD-FR) field spectrometer in three locations: a site on Grain Size Retrievals
the western portion of Greenland ice sheet; Lake Mendota, Figure 4 shows grain sizes computed using the scaled band-
Wisconsin; and Pumice Valley, California (south of Mono area method in the Mammoth Mountain AVIRIS image.
Lake). The ASD-FR has a spectral resolution of 10 nm in Grain sizes are smallest at the highest elevations and some-
the near-infrared region. Reflectances were computed by what larger at lower elevations. The elevation differences
dividing the radiance reflected from the snow surface by in grain size most likely reflect different rates of metamor-
that reflected from a calibrated Spectralon target (Lab- phism caused by temperature differences. Pixels containing
sphere, 1994). mixtures of snow, vegetation, and rock display anomalously
high grain size values. Therefore, these pixels were masked
Grain Size Measurements out of the grain size map by using a fractional snow covered
We measured snow grain size in two ways. The most analyt- area image generated from the same AVIRIS data (Nolin
ical, but time-consuming, technique is by stereology (Doz- et al., 1993a; Painter et al., 1998). Pixels having a fractional
ier et al., 1987). We acquire a sample of snow from the snow cover less than 90% were masked to black. The reflec-
top 0 cm to 5 cm, place the intact sample in a container, and tance image on the left side of Figure 4 shows large differ-
infuse the pore space with filler, such as dimethylphthalate. ences in illumination. The sun is illuminating the mountain
After freezing the sample, we can then plane and polish from the south (lower right of the image), causing extensive
it for microscopic observation and photography. Stereologi- shadowing of the areas on the north side of the summit
cal analysis of a digital image of the sample surface (with ridge. Grain size estimates on both sides of the ridge (right
a pixel size of 26 lm) is performed to calculate bulk density, side of Fig. 4) are nearly identical. As Figure 5 shows, mea-
grain size, and other relevant parameters, including sur- sured grain sizes from snow samples collected on Mam-
Hyperspectral Sensing of Grain Size of Snow 213

Figure 4. Reflectance and grain size images of Mammoth Mountain, CA. The sun was shining from the lower
left corner of the image. In the left image, the crest of the mountain runs diagonally across the center from
upper left to lower right. Vegetation is dark, snow is bright, and ski runs are visible on the north side of the
mountain. Reflectance in some pixels exceeds 1.0 because the data have not been converted to albedo. Be-
cause of the anisotropic reflectance of snow, measured reflectance often exceeds unity. In the right image,
pixels containing less than 90% snow cover have been masked to black.

moth Mountain at the time of the overflight closely agree ranged from about 5 cm to just less than 50 cm, and the
with the values estimated from the band-area technique. snowpack was patchy. As with the 1993 AVIRIS image,
Further tests using ground-based field spectrometer the fraction of snow cover in each pixel was calculated and
data and measured grain sizes provide validation over a pixels having less than 90% snow cover were masked out.
wide range of snow grain sizes, indicating that the band- Scaled band-area estimates of snow grain size were very
area method is valid over the range of possible grain sizes. similar to those measured from snow samples with no
Because these are in situ rather than airborne data, no apparent bias (Fig. 5).
atmospheric correction was necessary. It also worked well
for melting snow, as discussed previously. Effects of Liquid Water
The method is also effective over regions of thin snow, In the spectral region around 1 lm, both liquid water and
as the results from the May 1989 AVIRIS image acquired ice have absorption features. Two liquid water absorption
over Tioga Pass show. Ground measurements of snow depths features are located near the 1.03-lm ice absorption fea-

Figure 5. Scatterplot showing the correlation be-

tween measured snow grain size and grain size de-
rived from both airborne (AVIRIS) and ground-based
(ASD-FR) spectrometer measurements.
214 Nolin and Dozier

ture, one at 0.95 lm and another at 1.15 lm. Ideally, for and Greenland snowpacks. The Mammoth Mountain sam-
this grain size mapping method, it would be best if either ples contained approximately 2.5 ppmw (parts per million
there were no overlap between liquid water and ice absorp- by weight) of dust particles. The Greenland samples were
tion features. However, there is some small amount of substantially cleaner typically, with less than 0.5 ppmw of
overlap that under very wet snow conditions could have a dust. Both locations represent very clean snowpacks. In
small effect on the 1.03-lm absorption feature. Green and these locations, the dust has no discernible effect on the
Dozier (1996) mapped both surface snow grain size and accuracy of grain size retrievals. Given that the predomi-
liquid water from AVIRIS reflectance spectra of melting nant effect of such particulates is in the visible part of the
snow on Mammoth Mountain, California. They demon- spectrum, it is unlikely that dust and soot would affect
strated that in the presence of liquid water, the ice absorp- grain size retrievals.
tion feature shifts to shorter wavelengths and becomes less
deep. However, at low amounts of liquid water (3% to Effects of Thin Snow
5% by volume) that are typical of unsaturated wet snow Similar to the dirty snow effects, thin snow influences
(Colbeck, 1979), we found no effect of liquid water on the visible reflectance. As described previously, light transmit-
accuracy of snow grain size retrievals. Spectral reflectance tance in snow depends on density and grain size. Light is
and grain size measurements of wet snow were made over transmitted further for larger-grained, low-density snow.
the Tioga Pass site (AVIRIS data), the Greenland ice sheet
Table 2 shows that the representative sampling depth is
site (ASD-FR data), and the Pumice Valley site (ASD-FR
quite small for k1.03 lm. The retrievals from the
data). Although liquid water content was not measured,
Tioga Pass site, where the snowpack was thin and patchy
visual inspection confirmed that the snow was melting. In
over much of the image, are evidence of the lack of sensitiv-
all cases, the measurements closely agree with the derived
ity of the scaled band-area retrieval method to snow depth.
snow grain sizes from the scaled band-area calculations
(Fig. 5). For the purposes of grain size retrieval, it is likely
that the overlap between liquid water and ice absorption Effects of Sensor Noise
features is negligibly small. In this part of the investigation, we tested the robustness
of the band-area method and the band-depth method in
Effects of Light-Absorbing Particulates the presence of noise. The noisy spectrum was created
Light-absorbing particulates, such as soot and dust, are pres- using Eq. (5):
ent in minute quantities in most snowpacks. When present
in sufficient amounts, they cause a substantial decrease in RRx SNR
the visible reflectance of snow (Warren and Wiscombe,
1980). While no extremely dirty snowpacks were measured where R is the noise-free spectral reflectance, SNR is the
in this investigation, concentrations of light-absorbing par- instrument signal-to-noise ratio, and x is a random number
ticulates were measured for both the Mammoth Mountain from a Gaussian distribution with zero mean and unit vari-

Figure 6. The modeled effects of 1r noise on

the accuracy of grain size retrievals for
SNR100 for both the band-area and band-
depth methods. Because the white noise ef-
fects tend to average out, the multiband ap-
proach used in the band-area calculations is
about twice as accurate as is the single-channel
band-depth calculation.
Hyperspectral Sensing of Grain Size of Snow 215

ance. This superimposes 1r noise on the original noise-free the stereological analysis of snow samples and to the Mammoth
signal, with the noise level depending on the specified SNR. Mountain Ski Area for their logistical support. Dr. James Conel
and Mark Helmlinger of the NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Figure 6 shows the effects of 1r noise with a SNR of provided valuable assistance with the Pumice Valley measure-
100 for both the band-area and band-depth methods. Even ments. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration sup-
with 1r noise, the absorption feature is clearly detectable ported this research.
using both the band-depth and band-area methods. How-
ever, the band-depth method is twice as sensitive to the
noise as the band-area method, especially for larger grain
sizes. Both methods showed an increase in the effects of
noise as grain size increased. The maximum noise-induced Bohren, C. F., and Barkstrom, B. R. (1974), Theory of the optical
properties of snow. J. Geophys. Res. 79:45274535.
grain size error from the band-area method was 50 lm
Bohren, C. F., and Beschta, R. L. (1979), Snowpack albedo and
and the minimum was 10 lm. snow density. Cold Regions Sci. Technol. 1:4750.
Bourdelles, B., and Fily, M. (1993), Snow grain-size determina-
Limitations of the Method tion from Landsat imagery over Adelie, Antarctica. Ann. Glac-
While this grain size mapping method is accurate and iol. 17:8692.
robust, several conditions must be met for it to be effective. Brandt, R. E., and Warren, S. G. (1993), Solar-heating rates and
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