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Name Definition Examples

1. Fallacy of ambiguity A fallacy wherein an unclear It is said that we have a good

phrase with multiple understanding of our
definitions is used within the universe. Therefore, we know
argument exactly how it began and
exactly when.
All living beings come from
other living beings. Therefore,
the first forms of life must
have come from a living
being. That living being is
1.1. Equivocation/ A type of ambiguity that uses All rulers are 12 inches and
lexical ambiguity a term in one sense in one Henry V was a ruler.
premise, then in another All compasses can make
sense in another premise circles and a camper uses a
1.2. Amphiboly/ A type of ambiguity that relies All old men and women are
grammatical ambiguity exempted from the fire drill.
on an ambiguous word
There are good managers
or grammatical structure to and employees in a
confuse or mislead restaurant.
an audience
1.3. Accent/ A type of ambiguity that Millionaires do not steal. and
prosodic ambiguity depends on where the stress Millionaires! Do not steal!
is placed in a word or Lets eat, grandfather. and
sentence Lets eat grandfather.
a. Large numbers Applying large values in The daily allowance of a
statements to make it more worker is 2,000(Korean wons,
convincing to the readers instead of P90).
b. Small numbers It is the reverse idea of large A person can argue that
numbers university teachers are
severely underpaid because
their monthly salary is just
equivalent to $600.
c. Not quite large These are values that act as A sandwich gets priced at
psychological boundaries and 29.95 pesos, a pizza at 295
these can be found especially pesos, a car at 799,000
in the prices of goods pesos.
1.4. Composition A fallacy that refers to arguing A product may be advertised
that the characteristics of as consisting of only genuine,
parts or members are top-of-the-line components
necessary characteristics of (which are individually good),
the whole or set thus arguing that it must be a
good product.
1.5. Division A fallacy that refers that the A good team may include one
characteristics of the whole or a few who do not measure
are necessary characteristics up to the rest.
of the parts
2. Fallacies of relevance A fallacy wherein the If you do not agree with my
conclusion does not political opinions, you will
necessarily nor reasonably receive a grade of F for this
follow from the premises course.
2.1. Argumentum A fallacy that is often resorted If you will not eat your
ad baculum to by those who prefer to use vegetables, you will be weak
their superiority in strength or and not be healthy.
authority to win a argument
2.2. Argumentum A fallacy of attacking the A prosecutor asks the judge to
ad hominem character or circumstances of not admit the testimony of a
an individual who is advancing burglar because burglars are
a statement or an argument not worthy.
instead of trying to disprove
the truth of the statement or
the soundness of the
a. Abusive A type of argumentum ad Francis Bacons philosophy
hominem where one focuses should be dismissed since
on a characteristic of the Bacon was removed from his
author which is incompatible chancellorship for dishonesty.
with his statement, and uses
that characteristic to reason
out that the statement is not
valid nor credible
b. Circumstantial A type of argumentum ad My point might be bad, but
hominem in which one argues yours is worse.
against a statement by saying
that the author himself has
contradicted that statement
c. Call for perfection A type of argumentum ad A math teacher may still be
hominem in which you good at teaching math even if
discredit a person, and argue he has made a few mistakes
that his statements are not in computing his students
credible, since he has made a grades.
mistake before.
2.3. Straw man A fallacy in which one person Senator Jones says that we
misrepresents the argument should not fund the attack
of his opponent submarine program. I
disagree entirely. I cant
understand why he wants us
to leave us defenceless like
2.4. Connotation A fallacy when a statement I have a lot of stupid
fallacy contains a harsh word, employees, the American
possibly used in jest, but boss said.
which one picks up to
emphasize the negative or
prejudicial sense of the
2.5. Contextomy A fallacy that is known to be This would be the best of all
the practice of quoting out of possible worlds, if there was
context no religion in it! John Adams
2.6. False A fallacy that occurs when an Some experts think that these
attribution advocate appeals to an satellite images may be of
irrelevant, unqualified, Noahs Ark. based on the
unidentified, biased, or research of Noahs Ark when
fabricated source in support of in fact it is one not some
an argument
2.7. Argumentum A fallacy that a proposition is In spite of all the talk, not a
ad ignorantiam true simply on the basis that it single flying saucer report has
has not been proved false or been authenticated. We may
that it is false simply because assume, therefore, there are
it has not been proved true not such things as flying
2.8. Argumentum A fallacy that lies in arguing Linus Pauling, winner of two
ad verecundiam that the statement must be unshared Nobel prizes, one
valid or credible because it for chemistry, another for
comes from a person peace, stated his daily
recognized as an authority, medication of Vitamin C
but in another field of delayed the onset of his
specialization cancer by twenty years.
(Winning Nobel Prizes in
chemistry and for peace does
not imply expertise in the
prevention of disease.)
Therefore, vitamin C is
effective in preventing cancer.
2.9. Ad populum A fallacy that appeals to Everyones doing it, therefore
emotions with the involvement it must be good.
of large groups
a. Rally tactic A tactic in which you arouse A person might get a group of
the emotions and enthusiasm students and adults to agree
of a large number of that the price increase
participants and get them to imposed by oil companies is
agree to just about anything bad because it could cause
you say even if you do not the upward spiralling of prices
present the arguments of other important goods.
b. Band wagon A tactic in which you convince Everyone is voting for David,
an individual to believe in so definitely he is the best
something or do something presidential candidate.
because everybody else
seems to believe in it or do it
c. Accident A fallacy that is known as the Cutting people with a knife is
failure to note exceptions a crime. Surgeons cut people
with knives. Therefore,
surgeons are criminals.
d. Converse accident A fallacy that is known as Because you allowed Jill, who
hasty generalization was hit by a truck, to hand in
An informal fallacy of faulty her assignment late, you
generalization by reaching an should allow the entire class
inductive generalization based to hand in their assignments
on insufficient evidence late.
essentially making a hasty
conclusion without
considering all of the variables
2.10. False cause The fallacy committed when Napoleon became a great
an argument mistakenly emperor because he was so
attempt to establish a casual short.
a. Post hoc ergo propter A fallacy that the onset of a After smoke comes out of an
hoc cause always precedes the electronic component, it no
onset of its effect naturally, but longer works. Therefore, the
not everything that happens smoke was magic, and made
after is the effect the component work.
b. Cum hoc ergo propter A fallacy which points to The rooster crows every
hoc correlation as necessarily morning, therefore the rooster
implying causation causes the sun to come up.
c. Non causa pro causa The fallacy of making a On a South Pacific island,
mistake about the ascription where lice are common, we
of some cause to an effect noticed that sick people
tended have fewer lice than
healthy people. We conclude
that having lice actually
promotes health.
2.11. Petitio principii/ A fallacy in which a conclusion Cigarette smoke causes
arguing in a circle is taken for granted in the cancer because it is
premises carcinogenic.
2.12. Affirming the A fallacy when the argument If Bill Gates owns Fort Knox,
consequent is one of entailment, or uses then he is rich. Bill Gates is
an if then relationship, you rich. Therefore, Bill Gates
may not establish the truth of owns Fort Knox.
the then clause and argue
that the if clause must be true
2.13. Denying the A fallacy that is establishing If it is raining, then the grass
antecedent that the if clause is false and is wet. It is not raining.
arguing the then clause must Therefore, the grass is not
be false wet.
2.14. Argumentum A fallacy in which the then He is already 40 years old
by innuendo clause is withheld and still single.
2.15. Bipolar A fallacy when you simplify A person likes opera,
orientation possibilities into only two therefore he hates pop music.
2.16. Complex A fallacy that involves the What wrong answer did you
question formulation of a statement copy from your seatmate?
It is also known as the fallacy
of many questions
2.17. Argumentum A fallacy which is simply Dr Professor Pete said, with
verbosium offering so much information the utmost eloquence,
and so many statements masterful stage presence,
which your opponent might and unshakable confidence,
not be able to check for truth that 1+1=3. Therefore, 1+1=3.
or validity, especially the
statements seem well-
researched (though they may
just be cases of false
2.18. Ignoratio A logical fallacy that consists Dr Xavier will make a good
elenchi in apparently refuting an department chairman
opponent while actually because he finished his Phd
disproving something not with honors.

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