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John Podesta Getty Images/Justin Sullivan

Podesta Still Hasnt Explained Where 41,000 Stock Shares Went


9:32 PM 04/02/2017

John Podesta, Hillary Clintons 2016 presidential campaign chairman, has not accounted for thousands of
shares he was given by a company where he served on the board of directors with three powerful business
gures with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Your letter does not respond to the substance of the article, which concerns the whereabouts of 75,000
shares of stock in Joule that Mr. Podesta was entitled to receive, The Daily Caller News Foundations
publisher, Neil Patel, said. The fact that Mr. Podesta, a senior national political gure, apparently sat on the
board of Joule with Russian state-owned entities only elevates the importance of this matter.
(RELATED: John Podestas Libel Threat Against The Daily Caller News Foundation Is Legally Empty)
Patel was responding to a March 29, 2017, cease and desist letter he received from Marc Elias, Podestas
attorney attacking a March 26, 2017, story on The Daily Callers site entitled John Podesta May Have Violated
Federal Law By Not Disclosing 75,000 Stock Shares.
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The story written by Richard Pollock, TheDCNFs Investigative Groups senior reporter was entirely
false, Elias claimed, because Mr. Podesta actually reported more than was required.

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Elias also claimed Podesta disclosed his complete divestment of [his] ownership interest in 75,000
common shares in Joule Global Holdings, to an entity that was not owned by Mr. Podesta, his wife or any
dependent children. Joule Global Holdings is a Netherlands-based investment holding company, according
to Bloomberg.

Elias, according to his law rms website, has a long history of legal advocacy on behalf of major gures in
the Democratic Party.
Marc is currently general counsel to Hillary for America, the presidential campaign of Hillary Rodham
Clinton. He served in the same role for John Kerrys 2004 presidential campaign. Marcs clients include the
Democratic National Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic Congressional
Campaign Committee, Democratic Governors Associations and U.S. senators, governors, representatives
and their campaigns, according to the web site.
In fact, Podesta only directed Joule to transfer 33,693 shares, with no explanation of what he did with the
remaining 41,307 shares.

On December 20, 2013, just prior to joining the Obama Administration, Mr. Podesta caused a Delaware LLC
called Leonidio Holdings to be created, listing the address of his daughter in the LLC incorporation papers,
and his mother and father appear to be co-owners of Leonidio, Patel said.

The transferred shares went to Leonidio Holdings, a Delaware LLC, Podesta caused to be incorporated Dec.
20, 2013, a few days before becoming a senior adviser on former President Barack Obamas White House
sta. Podesta was White House chief of sta under former President Bill Clinton. (RELATED: John Podesta
May Have Violated Federal Law By Not Disclosing 75,000 Stock Shares)

Podestas daughter, Megan Rouse, is vice-president of the Dublin, Calif., schools Board of Trustees.

Patel also rejected Eliass claim that Pollock failed to meet even the most basic journalistic standard of
seeking comment or information from my client.

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You are entirely wrong in asserting that TheDCNF did not seek comment or information from Mr. Podesta
before publishing the article, Patel said. It is TheDCNFs practice to seek comment from the subject of
articles before publishing, and it followed that practice here Pollock sent three e-mail requests seeking to
contact Mr. Podesta for an interview, all well before the article was published.
Patel continued, noting that if any apology should be made here, it should come from you and Mr. Podesta
for an unwarranted attack on Richard Pollocks responsible journalistic practices.

TheDCNF publisher acknowledged a minor error in the Pollock story, which has since been corrected. The
story should have said Podesta was not required a ll in one blank space on the nancial disclosure form.
Podestas Joule stocks were rst mentioned in 2010 when he joined the board of directors of Bedford,
Mass.-based Joule Unlimited Technologies for a four-year term and was awarded 100,000 shares.

He also joined the boards of Joule Global Holdings and the Stichting Joule Global Foundation, both based in
the Netherlands. He ultimately got 75,000 shares because he failed to serve the fourth year of the term on
the board.

During Podestas tenure on the Joule board, the rm accepted a $35 million investment from Rusnano, a
state-run and funded Russian company with close ties to Putin. As a result, Podesta served on the board,
which met six times each year, with Rusnano CEO Anatoly Chubais and two other top Russian banking

The Russian investment in Joule and whether Podesta completely divested his ownership interest in the
company is particularly important because, according to former FBI Assistant Director Ron Hosko, it could
become a counter-intelligence concern for America.
Hosko, a 30-year FBI veteran, added that its a troubling question, if you deliberately omit this information
on the [nancial disclosure] form. Were you completely truthful on this form that you lled out, yes or no?

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Tags: Daily Caller, Hillary Clintion, Investigative Group, John Podesta, Neil Patel, President Barack Obama

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