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Austen Farley

25 January 2017

Professor Lovitt

SED 322

Vision Statement

Before going into the field of teaching I feel that there are a few things that I would be
able to do really well with my future students is being able to build a relationship with my stu-
dents that not only helps me understand my students and their lives even better, but also can
teach them about history in a way that is more than just names and dates, but stories that really
happened and have affected us to this day. I want to be able to reach my students in a way that
they dont feel like they are learning in a classroom, but learning about people like them that
have experienced amazing or even tragic events. I think that utilizing as much technology to
bring the past alive by using apps that actually puts the students at a location that a battle hap-
pened at or in the the Vatican looking up at the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel that Michelangelo
painted, I want the students to see it in a different perspective than just in a textbook. Being able
to use technology will probably be one of my main teaching components, since many students
have been immersed in it at such a young age.

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