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Chromatographia (2015) 78:391401

DOI 10.1007/s10337-014-2779-5


An Advanced LCMS/MS Platform forthe Analysis ofSpecialized

Pro-Resolving Lipid Mediators
HuldaS.Jnasdttir AndreeaIoan-Facsinay JoannekeKwekkeboom
HildeBrouwers Anne-MarieZuurmond RenToes AndrM.Deelder

Received: 29 July 2014 / Revised: 5 September 2014 / Accepted: 25 September 2014 / Published online: 17 October 2014
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract Here we present an advanced platform for the from polymorphonuclear cells as well as whole blood
analysis of specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPM), treated with ionophore in the presence of the polyunsatu-
including a set of pro-inflammatory lipids and respective rated fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid.
biochemical pathway markers. The platform is character-
ized by a largely simplified sample preparation protocol, Keywords LCMS Inflammation resolution
employing methanol protein-precipitation instead of solid Pro-resolving mediators Synovial fluid LTE4 EPA
phase extraction. Sample preparation and analysis can be
carried out in 96-well format, ensuring higher throughput.
In addition, faster analysis times and higher sensitivities Introduction
have been achieved when compared to other platforms. In
total 36 lipid mediatorsSPM, their pathway markers and Specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPM) are an emerg-
a set of pro-inflammatory lipids including three internal ing class of highly active pro-resolving/anti-inflammatory
standardsare analyzed within an 11min LCMS/MS run. lipids. SPM are essentially hydroxylated derivatives of
The method was validated using human plasma, including poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) [1], mainly produced
repeatability, linearity, recovery, matrix effects, and accu- by the lipoxygenase enzymes (LOX) within different cell
racy. The presented platform was applied in the analysis of types or in trans-cellular reactions between different cell
synovial fluid post-mortem samples and cellular extracts types [2], including neutrophils, macrophages, platelets
and eosinophils [3]. SPM exert localized biological actions
related to the active resolution of inflammation. Biologi-
Published in the topical collection Recent Developments in cal actions of todays known SPM include for example:
Clinical Omics with guest editors Martin Giera and Manfred
Wuhrer. blockage of neutrophil infiltration, enhancement of mac-
rophage phagocytosis [4], protection against airway injury
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this [5] and many more [6]. On the molecular level SPM exert
article (doi:10.1007/s10337-014-2779-5) contains supplementary many of their biological actions through interaction with
material, which is available to authorized users.
G-protein coupled receptors such as for example: BLT-1,
H.S.Jnasdttir A.M.Deelder M.Giera(*) ALX, GPR32 or ChemR23 [7]. It is important to under-
Center forProteomics andMetabolomics, Leiden University line that the biological activity of SPM is greatly linked to
Medical Center, Albinusdreef 2, 2300 RCLeiden, their stereochemical- and geometrical-configuration [8] and
The Netherlands
that activities as low as to the picomolar range have been
described [9].
A.Ioan-Facsinay J.Kwekkeboom H.Brouwers R.Toes The strong structureactivity relationship and the very
Department ofRheumatology, Leiden University Medical Center, high potency of SPM make separation efficiency and sen-
Albinusdreef 2, 2300 RCLeiden, The Netherlands
sitivity particularly crucial for any analytical platform
A.-M.Zuurmond dedicated to their analysis. SPM and their precursors are in
TNO, Wassenaarseweg 56, 2333 ALLeiden, The Netherlands addition to this rapidly moving towards the clinical field,

392 H. S. Jnasdttir et al.

rendering their high-throughput analysis in future clinical 15min at 4,000g and the plasma was combined. The
studies an important field of investigation. Up to date sev- so-prepared plasma was aliquoted and stored at 80C
eral platforms have been described for the analysis of SPM, until use. After thawing, and before usage for validation
in most cases based on the incorporation of SPE either in purposes, plasma samples were spun at 16,100g for
the on-line [10] or off-line [11] mode. In order to facilitate 8min to make certain it was platelet free. The study was
sample work-up we here investigated the use of protein approved by the local medical ethical committee. Post-
precipitation combined with sample dilution as sole sample mortem SF samples were collected from post-mortem
preparation steps. The developed platform allows the facile donors within 24h after death. Control donors had no
use of 96-well plates, was validated using human plasma, history of OA or other joint pathology and their cartilage
and applied to the analysis of SPM and adjacent substances was macroscopically intact. SF samples were stored at
in three post-mortem synovial fluid (SF) samples, detect- 80C until analysis. Collection of the SF samples was
ing 19,20-diHDPA and LTE4. In addition the production done according to the guideline good use of redundant
of a set of pro-inflammatory mediators in human polymor- tissue for clinical research.
phonuclear cells (PMN) stimulated with A23178 calcium
ionophore as well as the production of the pro-resolving LCMS/MS Analysis
mediator RvE2 and its pathway marker 18-HEPE in human
whole blood after incubation with EPA were investigated to Three internal standards were chosen based on their chemi-
prove the platforms applicability. cal relation to either tri-, di- or mono-hydroxylated ana-
lytes: PGE2-d4, LTB4-d4 and 15S-HETE-d8.
In 96-well format, 6.4L IS solution was added
Materials andMethods to 40L plasma and then 113.6L MeOH or different
amounts of MeOH and analytes solved in MeOH for spik-
Chemicals andMaterials ing experiments. Samples were pipetted up and down
10 times for mixing. The well plate was then stored at
A list of all used substance abbreviations can be found in 20C for 20min and centrifuged at 3,184g at 6C
Table 1. MeOH gradient grade, glacial acetic acid p.a., for 10min. Using a 96-well liquid handler, 40L of each
hyaluronidase from bovine testes and LCMS grade water precipitated sample was transferred into a fresh 96-well
were from Sigma Aldrich (Schnelldorf, Germany). Etha- plate, diluted 1:1 with water, flooded with argon, sealed
nol p.a. was from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). 5-HETE, using adhesive aluminum foil (Eppendorf, Hamburg,
5S-HETE, 8-HETE, 11-HETE, 12-HETE, 15-HETE, Germany), and stored at 6C in the autosampler during
15S-HETE-d8, 15-HEPE, 18-HEPE, 17R-HDHA, analysis. LCMS/MS analysis was carried out in negative
14,15-diHETE, 7S,17S-diHDPA, LXA4, AT-LXA4, LXB4, ESI mode on a QTrap 6500 mass spectrometer (AB Sciex,
LTB4, 6-trans,12-epi-LTB4, 6-trans-LTB4, 20-OH-LTB4, Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, The Netherlands), coupled
LTB4-d4, PGD2, PGE2, PGE2-d4, PGF2, TXB2, RvD1, to a Dionex 3000 LC-system including autosampler and
RvD2, 10S,17S-diHDHA, MaR1, LTD4, LTE4, 19,20-diH- column oven (Dionex part of Thermo, Oberschleiheim,
DPA, 8S,15S-diHETE and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) Germany). The employed column was a Kinetex C18
were from Cayman Chemicals (Ann Arbor, MI, USA). 50 2.1mm, 1.7m, protected with a C8 precolumn
RvE1, RvE2, synthetic 18S-RvE3 and 18R-RvE3 were kind (Phenomenex, Utrecht, The Netherlands), kept at 50C.
gifts from Dr. Makoto Arita (Tokyo, Japan). PCR grade The following binary gradient of water (A) and MeOH
96-well plates (polypropylene) and 1.5mL sample tubes (B) with 0.01% acetic acid was used: 0min 40% B, held
were from Eppendorf (Hamburg, Germany). Phosphate for 1min, then ramped to 45% at 1.1min, to 85% at
buffered saline without calcium and magnesium PBS (/) 10min, and to 100% B at 10.1min, held for 1.4min.
was from Life Technologies (Carlsbad, CA, USA) and The injection volume was 20L. The MS was operated
with calcium and magnesium PBS (+/+) was from Sigma under the following conditions: the collision gas flow was
Aldrich. The IS solution contained PGE2-d4, LTB4-d4 and set to medium, the drying temperature was 400C, the
15S-HETE-d8 at a concentration of 50ngmL1 in MeOH. needle voltage 4,500V, the curtain gas was 30psi, ion
source gas 1 was 40psi and the ion source gas 2 30psi
Collection andPreparation ofHuman Sample Material (air was used as drying gas and nitrogen as curtain gas).
For quantitation the scheduled SRM transitions and col-
Blood was collected from two healthy volunteers (male lision energies (CE) given in the Online Resource 1 were
and female) upon written informed consent. For vali- used. The QTrap monitored the given SRM transitions for
dation purposes, plasma was prepared using EDTA as a time period of 30s around the expected retention time
anti-coagulant. The blood samples were centrifuged for (RT). Additionally the QTrap acquired EPI spectra at each

An Advanced LCMS/MS Platform for the Analysis 393

Table1Used substance abbreviations and biochemical pathways

Abbreviation IUPAC name Important biochemical precursor(s),
intermediates and participating enzymes in biosynthesis

PGE2-d4 9-oxo-11,15S-dihydroxy-prosta-5Z,13E-dien-1-oic-3,3,4,4-d4 IS
LTB4-d4 5S,12R-dihydroxy-6Z,8E,10E,14Z-eicosatetraenoic-6,7,14,15-d4 IS
15S-HETE-d8 15S-hydroxy 5Z,8Z,11Z,13E-eicosatetraenoic-5,6,8,9,11,12, IS
14,15-d8 acid
5-HETE ()5-hydroxy-6E,8Z,11Z,14Z-eicosatetraenoic acid AA, 5-LOX (5S)
8-HETE ()8-hydroxy-5Z,9E,11Z,14Z-eicosatetraenoic acid AA
11-HETE ()11-hydroxy-5Z,8Z,12E,14Z-eicosatetraenoic acid AA
12-HETE ()12-hydroxy-5Z,8Z,10E,14Z-eicosatetraenoic acid AA, 12-LOX
15-HETE ()15-hydroxy-5Z,8Z,11Z,13E-eicosatetraenoic acid AA, 15-LOX (15S)
15-HEPE ()15-hydroxy-5Z,8Z,11Z,13E,17Z-eicosapentaenoic acid EPA, 15-LOX (15S), ASA-COX-2 (15R)
18-HEPE ()18-hydroxy-5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z,16E-eicosapentaenoic acid EPA, ASA-COX-2 or CYP
17R-HDHA 17R-hydroxy-4Z,7Z,10Z,13Z,15E,19Z-docosahexaenoic acid DHA, ASA-COX-2
LTB4 5S,12R-dihydroxy-6Z,8E,10E,14Z-eicosatetraenoic acid AA, LTA4, 5-LOX, LTA4H
6-trans,12-epi LTB4 5S,12S-dihydroxy-6E,8E,10E,14Z-eicosatetraenoic acid AA, LTA4, 5-LOX, hydrolysis
6-trans-LTB4 5S,12R-dihydroxy-6E,8E,10E,14Z-eicosatetraenoic acid AA, LTA4, 5-LOX, hydrolysis
20-OH-LTB4 5S,12R,20-trihydroxy-6Z,8E,10E,14Z-eicosatetraenoic acid AA, LTB4, CYP
LTD4 5S-hydroxy-6R-(S-cysteinylglycinyl)-7E,9E,11Z,14Z-eicosa- LTC4, GGT
tetraenoic acid
LTE4 5S-hydroxy-6R-(S-cysteinyl)-7E, 9E,11Z,14Z-eicosatetraenoic LTD4, MBD
PGD2 9,15S-dihydroxy-11-oxo-prosta-5Z,13E-dien-1-oic acid AA, PGH2, COX-1/2, PGDS
PGE2 9-oxo-11,15S-dihydroxy-prosta-5Z,13E-dien-1-oic acid AA, PGH2, COX-1/2
PGF2 9,11,15S-trihydroxy-prosta-5Z,13E-dien-1-oic acid AA, PGH2, COX-1/2
TXB2 9,11,15S-trihydroxythromba-5Z,13E-dien-1-oic acid AA, PGH2, TXA2, COX-1, TXAS
LXA4 5S,6R,15S-trihydroxy-7E,9E,11Z,13E-eicosatetraenoic acid AA, 15S-HETE, 5S,6S-epoxy-15S-HETE
15S-LOX, 5-LOX, hydrolase or AA, LTA4
5-LOX, 12/15-LOX
LXB4 5S,14R,15S-trihydroxy-6E,8Z,10E,12E-eicosatetraenoic acid AA, 155-HETE, 5S,6S-epoxy-15S-HETE
15S-LOX, 5-LOX, hydrolase or AA, LTA4
5-LOX, 12-LOX
AT-LXA4 5S,6S,15S-trihydroxy-7E,9E,11Z,13E-eicosatetraenoic acid AA, 15R-HETE
ASA-COX-2,5-LOX, hydrolase
RvE1 5S,12R,18R-trihydroxy-6Z,8E,10E,14Z,16E-eicosapentaenoic EPA, 18R-HEPE, ASA-COX-2 or CYP, 5-LOX, LTA4H
RvE2 5S,18R-dihydroxy-6E,8Z,11Z,14Z,16E-eicosapentaenoic acid EPA, 18R-HEPE
ASA-COX-2 or CYP, 5-LOX, peroxidase
18S-RvE3 17R,18S-dihydroxy-5Z,8Z,11Z,13E,15E-eicosapentaenoic acid EPA, 18S-HEPE
ASA-COX-2 or CYP, 15-LOX
18R-RvE3 17R,18R-dihydroxy-5Z,8Z,11Z,13E,15E-eicosapentaenoic acid EPA, 18R-HEPE
ASA-COX-2 or CYP, 15-LOX
RvD1 7S,8R,17S-trihydroxy-4Z,9E,11E,13Z,15E,19Z-docosahexaenoic DHA, 17S-HDHA, 7S,8S-epoxy-17S-HDHA
acid 15-LOX, 5-LOX, hydrolase
RvD2 7S,16R,17S-trihydroxy-4Z,8E,10Z,12Z,14Z,19Z-docosahexae- DHA, 17S-HDHA, 7S,8S-epoxy-17S-HDHA
noic acid 15-LOX, 5-LOX, hydrolase
7S,17S-diHDPA 7S,17S-dihydroxy-8E,10Z,13Z, 15E,19Z-docosapentaenoic acid n-3 DPA, 17S-HDPAn-3
15-LOX, 5-LOX, peroxidase
10S,17S-diHDHA 10S,17S-dihydroxy-4Z,7Z,11E,13Z,15E,19Z-docosahexaenoic DHA, 17S-HDHA
acid 15-LOX, 5-LOX, peroxidase

394 H. S. Jnasdttir et al.

Abbreviation IUPAC name Important biochemical precursor(s),
intermediates and participating enzymes in biosynthesis
MaR1 7R,14S-dihydroxy-4Z,8E,10E,12Z,16Z,19Z-docosahexaenoic DHA, 14S-HDHA, 13,14-eMaR
acid 12-LOX, hydrolase
19,20-diHDPA ()19,20-dihydroxy-4Z,7Z,10Z,13Z,16Z-docosapentaenoic acid DHA, CYP, epoxy hydrolase
14,15-diHETE ()14,15-dihydroxy-5Z,8Z,11Z,17Z-eicosatetraenoic acid EPA, CYP, epoxy hydrolase
8S,15S-diHETE 8S,15S-dihydroxy-5Z,9E,11Z,13E-eicosatetraenoic acid AA, 15-LOX

IS internal standard, AA arachidonic acid, ASA-COX-2 acetylated cyclooxygenase 2, DHA docosahexaenoic acid, DPA docosapentaenoic acid,
CYP cytochrome P450, LTA4H leukotriene A hydrolase, PGDS prostaglandin D synthase, COX 1/2 cyclooxygenase 1 and/or 2, TXAS thrombox-
ane A synthase, GGT gamma-glutamyl transferase, MBD membrane bound dipeptidase, sEH soluble epoxide hydrolase, 13,14eMaR 13S,14S,-

time point of the LCMS/MS run where an ion intensity aqueous calibration line and a matrix matched calibration
threshold of 100 counts was reached. The EPI settings line. The following formula was applied:
were as follows: CE was set to 40 with a spread of 10.
The RT of an analyte divided by the RT of its respec- Accuracy (%) = 100 %
tive IS is defined as an analytes relative RT (RRT). As the
RRT remains constant even if the RT shifts between sam- where Cx is the calculated and Cs the spiked analyte
ples it is used for identification purposes. The IS used for concentration.
each analyte and the resulting RRT can be seen in Online Repeatabilities were determined in 96-well plates by
Resource 1. spiking aliquoted human plasma with three different con-
Synovial fluid post-mortem samples were treated in centrations of analytes (0.10, 1.0, and 5.0ngmL1 final
the same manner with some modifications implemented, concentration for mono-hydroxylated analytes; and 0.025,
as further protection of the LC-column. In short: 36L 0.10, and 1.0ngmL1 final concentration for other ana-
SF were analyzed, undergoing hyaluronidase treatment lytes) within a single day, and two concentrations (0.1 and
using 4L of a 1mgmL1 hyaluronidase solution in PBS 5.0ngmL1 final concentration for mono-hydroxylated
(/). The hydrolysis of hyaluronic acid was carried out analytes; and 0.025 and 1.0ngmL1 final concentration for
at 37C for 30min in a 1.5mL plastic Eppendorf tube. other analytes) on three different days.
After treatment with hyaluronidase, 6.4L IS solution For the analysis of matrix effects initially a post-column
and 113.6L MeOH were added to the Eppendorf tube, infusion experiment was carried out. While post-column
and after freezing at 20C for 20min the samples were infusing a solution of 100ngmL1 LTB4-d4 in MeOH
centrifuged at 16,100g at 4C for 10min. 80L of at a rate of 20Lmin1 via a t-splitter, either a water- or
extract were transferred to a new Eppendorf tube, diluted worked-up sample were injected into the analysis platform.
1:1 with water and spun again at 16,100g at 4C for During the run only the transition of LTB4-d4 (339197)
2min and then 80L were transferred to a glass vial with was monitored. In addition matrix effect and recovery
microinsert. were determined according to Matuszewski et al. [12] at
0.5ngmL1 final concentration of analytes and 1ngmL1
Validation Experiments IS: for pre-spiked samples, 6.4L IS solution, 16L ana-
lyte mix (10ngmL1 in MeOH) and 97.6L MeOH were
The platforms validation was carried out using human added to 40L plasma in 1.5mL Eppendorf tubes. For
plasma. Linearity, intra- and interday-repeatability as well post-spiked samples 120L MeOH was added to 40L
as matrix effects, recoveries and accuracy were determined. plasma. The samples were then mixed and after storing at
The lowest signal of the calibration line having S/N>10 20C for 20min they were centrifuged at 16,100g at
was defined as lower limit of quantification (LLOQ). Lin- 4C for 10min. 50L extracts were then taken and placed
earity was determined in 96-well plates by spiking different in microinserts and diluted 1:1 with water. For the post-
amounts of analytes in MeOH solution into human plasma spiked samples 4L IS solution and 5L analyte mix had
before the above described work-up was carried out. been dried down with N2 in the microinserts before add-
Accuracy was determined at two concentrations (0.1 and ing the extract. A post-spiked water blank was prepared
1.0ngmL1) for di- and tri-hydroxylated metabolites and in the same manner. In addition to spiked samples plasma
1.0 and 5.0ngmL1 for mono-hydroxylated metabolites was also worked up without analyte spiking to correct for
for non-endogenously (<LLOQ) present analytes using an endogenous analyte concentrations.

An Advanced LCMS/MS Platform for the Analysis 395

Compound stability was assessed by spiking plasma with Results

IS and three analytes chosen to represent mono- di- and tri-
hydroxylated analytes not being endogenously present [17- The presented analysis platform is characterized by faster
HDHA, PGF2, and LTB4 (1ngmL1 final concentration)]. run times, higher sensitivity than previously published
After MeOH precipitation of plasma in an Eppendorf tube methods, a simplified work-up protocol and the possibil-
at 20C for 20min followed by centrifuging for 5min at ity of using reduced amounts of human body fluids for the
16,100g at 4C, the extract was aliquotted in a 96-well analysis of SPM. The cycle time of 14min is almost half as
plate, diluted 1:1 with water and argon was blown over the short as described for other platforms while monitoring an
samples before the sample plate was sealed. The samples equal number of substances [11]. While nearly all described
were analyzed in groups, the last group being stored in the analysis platforms for SPM are making use of a SPE clean-
autosampler at 6C for 23h before analysis. To protect the up step, we here show that simple protein-precipitation
LC-column from pressure build-up observed after injec- with MeOH followed by dilution with water allows the sen-
tions of SF samples the effect of hyaluronidase treatment sitive and robust analysis of SPM [1416], even in 96-well
on SF was assessed using SF waste material, comparing format. An additional benefit of this procedure is an analyt-
the signal of the IS and the endogenously found analytes ical process which is less prone to sample breakdown as the
5-HETE and 19,20-diHDPA in nine hyaluronidase-treated number of necessary analytical steps is largely reduced. A
versus two untreated samples. recently published triple quadrupole based platform, using
200L of human plasma [15], showed sensitivities 23
Isolation andTreatment ofPolymorphonuclear Cells times lower than the here-described ones. Other recent plat-
forms that have comparable sensitivities with respect to the
Blood was collected from a healthy donor using EDTA as absolute amounts injected on-column [10, 13] are however
anti-coagulant. The blood was mixed with an equal amount somewhat more sensitive due to the use of larger volumes
of Dextran T500 solution in PBS (/) and erythrocytes of plasma. Using the developed platform we analyzed three
left to sediment for 40min at room temperature. The post-mortem SF samples as well as stimulated PMN and
supernatant was spun for 5min at 524g. The pellet re- whole blood incubated with EPA, proving the applicability
suspended in 30mL PBS (/) and carefully transferred of the method for the analysis of body fluids as well as cel-
on top of 11mL Ficoll. The mixture was centrifuged for lular incubations.
20min at 931g. The remaining red blood cells in the
granulocyte fraction were lysed using ice-cold distilled Validation
water (20s) and isotonicity was restored using 10 PBS.
The cells were centrifuged for 5min at 524g and resus- The basic validation of the analysis platform was carried
pended in 25mL PBS (+/+) and counted using a Fuchs- out using pooled plasma from healthy volunteers due to the
Rosenthal counting chamber. Half a L of a calcium iono- scarce amount of SF being available. Validation included
phore A23178 solution in ethanol (2mM) was added to linearity, intra- and inter-day repeatability as well as matrix
250L PBS (+/+) containing 2.5105 PMN. The cel- effects, recovery, and accuracy, the results are shown in
lular incubations were quenched by the addition of 750L Table2 and Online Resource 2.
MeOH and 10L IS solution 10min later and centrifuged All analytes showed acceptable values for linearity and
at 16,100g for 3min. 150L of the supernatant was repeatability. r2 was between 0.965 and 0.993 for all com-
diluted 1:1 with water and injected into the specified LC pounds of which three were <0.980. Most intra-day repeat-
MS/MS system. abilities fulfill the general criteria for bioanalytical method
validation showing RSD values <15 or <20% at the LLOQ
Incubation ofWhole Blood withEPA level. Even though some analytes show somewhat higher
inter-day repeatabilities than commonly accepted (>20%
Oneg EPA was suspended in 50L PBS (+/+) ultra- RSD), the values are still acceptable for the described
sonicating the sample for 10s. To this mixture 50L fresh platform, particularly in front of the presented advantages
whole blood from a healthy volunteer were added and such as speed, sample throughput and the very facile sam-
0.5L of a 2mM calcium ionophore A23178 solution in ple work-up. With respect to the LLOQ values it has to be
ethanol. The mixture was incubated for 10min, quenched underlined that almost all analytes show values being a fac-
with 500L MeOH, and centrifuged at 16,100g for tor of two or more lower than earlier published results [15].
5min. 4L of IS solution were added to 100L of the The accuracies for most analytes using aqueous calibration
extract and 96L water before injection in the above showed values between 105140%. Based on our data it
described LCMS/MS system. was obvious that this slightly too high accuracy resulted

396 H. S. Jnasdttir et al.

Table2Analytical figures of merit

Substance Linearity (r2) LLOQ [ng/mL S/N at LLOQ in Intraday RSD (%) Interday RSD (%) Analytes
n=21 (nM)] with respect water standard n=5 N=3, n=6 detected in vali-
a a
Linear range to the initial plasma 0.025ngmL1 0.025ngmL1 dation plasma
a b b a
0.1010ngmL1 sample 0.10ngmL1 0.10ngmL1 Concentration
c c
injected 1.0ngmL1 1.0ngmL1 found is higher
d d
Linear range 5.0ngmL1 5.0ngmL1 than LLOQ
Weighted 1/x

PGE2-d4 8c 21c
LTB4-d4 8c 17c
15S-HETE-d8 10c 18c
5-HETE 0.965a, c 0.8 (2.5) 202 9b, 15c, 11d 9b, 15d X
8-HETE 0.988a, c 0.8 (2.5) 14 18b, 16c, 10d 15b, 13d
11-HETE 0.990a, c 0.8 (2.5) 62 5b, 15c, 9d 8b, 11d X
12-HETE 0.988a, c 0.8 (2.5) 147 8b, 13c, 11d 8b, 13d X
15-HETE 0.979a, c 0.8 (2.5) 110 5b, 16c, 12d 7b, 16d X
15-HEPE 0.985a, c 0.8 (2.5) 56 7b, 15c, 10d 12b, 11d
18-HEPE 0.985a, c 0.8 (2.5) 85 7b, 16c, 11d 11b, 13d X
17R-HDHA 0.989a 0.8 (2.3) 87 9b, 15c, 7d 10b, 12d
LTB4 0.987b, c 0.2 (0.6) 35 21a, 14b, 10c 33a, 15c
6-trans,12-epi LTB4 0.987b, c 0.2 (0.6) 13 13a, 12b, 15c 23a, 19c
6-trans-LTB4 0.987b, c 0.2 (0.6) 12 13a, 18b, 16c 25a, 19c
b a b c
20-OH-LTB4 0.982 0.2 (0.6) 46 23 , 20 , 12 24a, 22c
LTD4 0.987b, c 0.2 (0.4) 53 20a, 13b, 13c 23a, 21c
LTE4 0.986b, c 0.2 (0.5) 111 12a, 12b, 13c 17a, 21c
PGD2 0.992b, c 0.2 (0.6) 79 15a, 15b, 13c 29a, 17c
PGE2 0.993b 0.2 (0.6) 98 13a, 20b, 14c 13a, 15c X
PGF2 0.986b, c 0.2 (0.6) 18 20a, 18b, 13c 28a, 20c
TXB2 0.970b, c 0.2 (0.6) 49 9a, 10b, 16c 33a, 18c X
LXA4 0.983b 0.2 (0.6) 34 14a, 13b, 17c 32a, 33c
LXB4 0.985b, c 0.2 (0.6) 21 41a, 13b, 14c 16a, 24c
AT-LXA4 0.985b, c 0.2 (0.6) 43 8a, 19b, 21c 25a, 26c
RvE1 0.987b, c 0.2 (0.6) 11 13a, 18b, 15c 41a, 30c
RvE2 0.988b, c 0.2 (0.6) 26 13a, 14b, 14c 20a, 19c
18S-RvE3 0.983b, c 0.2 (0.6) 21 13a, 17b, 14c 45a, 20c
18R-RvE3 0.983b, c 0.2 (0.6) 15 29a, 17b, 13c 41a, 21c
b, c a b c
RvD1 0.982 0.2 (0.5) 44 12 , 17 , 17 30a, 31c
RvD2 0.983b, c 0.2 (0.5) 11 17a, 17b, 17c 34a, 26c
7S,17S-diHDPA 0.986b, c 0.2 (0.6) 20 29a, 10b, 15c 36a, 21c
10S,17S-diHDHA 0.990b, c 0.2 (0.6) 25 13a, 10b, 11c 18a, 19c
b, c a b c
MaR1 0.988 0.2 (0.6) 150 7 , 14 , 16 21a, 21c
19,20-diHDPA 0.982b 0.2 (0.6) 29 3a, 11b, 12c 11a, 18c Xa
14,15-diHETE 0.988b 0.2 (0.6) 18 7a, 9b, 13c 20a, 19c Xa
8S,15S-diHETE 0.987b, c 0.2 (0.6) 41 9a, 14b, 13c 18a, 18c

Linearity of analytes for seven different spiking concentrations (including 0ngmL1)

Intra- and interday RSD for different spiking concentrations, using corrected areas for analytes and area for IS
n number of samples, N number of days

An Advanced LCMS/MS Platform for the Analysis 397

Fig.1Post-column assessment of the observed matrix effect, the blue line shows the RT of 5-HETE, the last eluting analyte of the here pre-
sented set

from an over-compensation by the IS. Therefore we also 128 4, and 9710% were found, for 15S-HETE-d8,
determined matrix matched accuracy and found values very PGE2-d4, and LTB4-d4 respectively, therefore we conclude
close to 100% for almost all analytes (Online Resource 2). that analyte break-down in the autosampler is negligible.
We therefore conclude that if high accuracies are necessary Comparing peak areas of hyaluronidase-treated and non-
matrix matched calibration should be applied wherever treated SF samples by ratio of their means (SD) for the IS
possible, if however sample sets from an identical matrix and two endogenous analytes shows that areas in the treated
are to be compared it seems justified to compare area ratios samples are somewhat higher than in the non-treated
while ensuring linearity during batch analysis by aqueous samples (PGE2-d4 13232%, LTB4-d4 13630%,
standards. 15S-HETE-d8 13324%, 5-HETE 1483%,
Matrix effects were investigated as post-column infusion 19,20-diHDPA 14429%), this difference being signifi-
experiment and by comparing a post-spiked sample with an cant for 15S-HETE-d8, 5-HETE and 19,20-diHDPA. How-
aqueous standard. Using post-column infusion only minor ever the ratio of means of the two investigated analytes,
matrix effects (<15% signal reduction) could be obtained 5-HETE and 19,20-diHDPA, did not differ significantly,
within the elution window of the investigated substances being 1067 and 1056% respectively, when compar-
(4.010.4min) (Fig.1). Using post- and pre-spiking as ing corrected areas. Therefore we concluded that this step
described gave recovery and matrix effect. The matrix which was necessary of protecting the LC-column did not
effect was 5686%, with only three analytes below 60%. influence the overall analytical process.
Recoveries for corrected areas showed values ranging from
96 to 125%. Identification ofMetabolites inPost-Mortem SF Samples
When injected in two groups with 23h apart, with the
latter group being kept at 6C in the autosampler, three The investigated SF post-mortem samples did not contain
spiked-in analytes in worked-up plasma did not show any significant amounts of SPM or their biochemical pathway
significant breakdown. RSDs of analyte-areas in the two markers besides 19,20-diHDPA present at amounts higher
groups were similar, 17-HDHA (7%, 4%), PGF2 (6%, than the established LLOQ levels (Fig.2). 19,20-diHDPA
5%), and LTB4 (7%, 3%). The areas of the three analytes was found at levels of 0.050.02ngmL1 using an aque-
in the groups were not significantly different which can be ous calibration line. In addition to this CYP metabolite of
seen by a ratio of their means (SD): 998, 967, and DHA, we could detect the pro-inflammatory mediator LTE4
96 8%, for 17-HDHA, PGF2, and LTB4 respectively. in one of the investigated samples (Fig.3). Although being
When the same comparison is done for the IS: 997, present at levels below the LLOQ, an identification based

398 H. S. Jnasdttir et al.

Fig.2Identification of 19,20-diHDPA in a representative SF sample. 8.82min obtained in the sample, lower right corner MS/MS spec-
Upper left corner SRM trace of 19,20-diHDPA found in the post- trum obtained from a 0.1ngmL1 standard solution of 19,20-diH-
mortem SF sample, lower left corner SRM trace of a 0.1ngmL1 DPA. RRT refers to the IS LTB4-d4
19,20-diHDPA standard. Upper right corner MS/MS spectrum at

Fig.3Identification of LTE4 in one of the investigated SF samples. ard. Upper right corner MS/MS spectrum at 8.15min obtained in
Upper left corner SRM trace of LTE4 found in the post-mortem SF the sample, lower right corner MS/MS spectrum obtained from a
sample, lower left corner SRM trace of a 0.1ngmL1 LTE4 stand- 0.1ngmL1 standard solution of LTE4. RRT refers to the IS LTB4-d4

on RRT and MS/MS spectrum as shown in Fig.3 could be Other analytes of the here described set which have been
accomplished. A detailed description of LTE4s fragmenta- identified in all post-mortem samples at concentrations
tion mechanism is found in Sala et al. [17]. below their respective LLOQ were: 5-HETE, 12-HETE,

An Advanced LCMS/MS Platform for the Analysis 399

Fig.4TIC of all measured SRM transitions of PMN activated with ionophore A23178. In the upper left corner the MS/MS spectrum of LTB4
and in the upper right corner the MS/MS spectrum of 5-HETE are shown

11-HETE and 15-HETE. These analytes were identified MS based screening assay for novel drug substances interact-
by their RT as well as their characteristic transition and the ing with leukotriene biosynthesis as the approach is fast, easy
fact that a S/N level higher than 3 was obtained. to adapt and can be carried out in 96-well format.

Activation ofPolymorphonuclear Cells withIonophore Incubation ofWhole Blood withEPA

In order to prove the feasibility of the presented method
In order to show the feasibility of the described approach in to detect and map SPM, as well as their pathway markers,
detecting a series of the here described analytes we carried out we incubated fresh whole blood with ionophore A23178.
a proof of principle experiment analyzing the metabolites gen- As has been described before, the platelet derived prod-
erated by ionophore activated PMN. The activation of PMN ucts 12-HETE and TXB2 were found [19]. However, our
using A23178 calcium ionophore leads to a rapid and strong intention was to show the formation of RvE2 and its path-
activation of pro-inflammatory pathways [18]. By the action way marker 18-HEPE. It is very well accepted that both
of phospholipase A2 arachidonic acid is released from plasma 18-HEPE and RvE2 can be detected in vivo in human
membranes, followed by the action of 5-LOX and LTA4H. plasma [20]. In line with the previous report of Gomolka
5-HETE and LTB4 are produced, the latter one being one of et al. [19] we found the production of the RvE2 pathway
the strongest known chemotactic substances. Due to the tran- marker 18-HEPE. 18-HEPE can be converted by 5-LOX
sient character of the highly active lipid mediators the omega- resulting in the formation of the SPM RvE2 (Fig.5). There-
oxidation metabolite of LTB4, being 20-OH-LTB4, can be fore we conclude that (a) RvE2 can be formed in vitro from
readily detected. Besides the aforementioned enzymatic prod- EPA by the incubation with human whole blood and (b)
ucts the non-enzymatic hydrolysis products 6-trans-LTB4 and this experiment underlines the feasibility of the presented
6-trans-12-epi-LTB4 which are formed by hydrolysis of the platform to detect SPM and their pathway markers.
highly instable intermediate LTA4 can be detected. As shown
in Fig.4 all expected analytes can be detected with the here
described approach, importantly separating the diastereomers Discussion
LTB4, 6-trans-LTB4 and 6-trans-12-epi-LTB4 as these sub-
stances give rise to identical MS/MS spectra. Taken together We present a novel LCMS/MS platform for the analysis
the presented approach might serve very well as a LCMS/ of SPM which can be used in 96-well format for sample

400 H. S. Jnasdttir et al.

Fig.5TIC of all measured

SRM transitions of whole blood
incubated with EPA and acti-
vated with ionophore A23178
shows production of 18-HEPE
and RvE2 (6.70min). Upper
left corner MS/MS spectra of

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