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Valentines Day Is Near!

Survey Results
(Saturday) (Thanks for the feedback!)

Hours Spent on ChE 273


% of Students
30% 2008
25% 2009
Next Monday is a holiday! 15%
10% 2012
Tuesday (Feb 17) we will have class! 0%
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11+

Avg = 7 hrs of HW/week

Some Student Coments Reminders & Ideas

(based on survey inquiries)
Examples in class too rushed Answers to many even numbered problems are in the
Too much talking in class when professor is talking back of the book
Dan is sending a WhenIsGood inquiry to see if there are
Internships/plant tour times that work better for TA hours
Handing back HW better, more timely Email, phone, or text the TAs at off hours
More timely posting of answer key They all want to help you LEARN
Workbook (good/bad) We got behind on grading HW because of Dans
wedding (the TAs will be better)
Crowded TA hours, crowded in computer area
You can come to my office without asking the secretaries
Quizzes (more/less) Schedule on next page
In-class worksheets (good/bad) If you want extra problems, try the workbook problems
Office hours (perhaps w/o using the workbook to start)
Extra talking Help!

My Schedule Chapters 5-6

(where we are going)
422-6236 Winter 2014 Ideal gases and liquids (today)
Time M T W Th F
8:00 Class Robert Laycock Class Class
Preparation Preparation Preparation Partial pressures
9:00 Aaron Lewis

10:00 ChEn 273

Troy Holland
Fire Research ChEn 273 ChEn 273
Non-ideal gases (next time)
256 CB 256 CB 256 CB Eqns. of state
11:00 Devotional Merit Review
Marriott Center Committee Reduced pressures and temperatures
12:00 Lunch Lunch Faculty Mtg
350A CB
Lunch Lunch
Compressibility charts (z)
1:00 Vapor-liquid systems (Ch. 6)
2:00 Ryan Gillis Vapor pressure
TA Mtg
3:00 Humidity
4:00 Faculty Adv Grad Sem
Raoults law
Council 254 CB Bubble and dew points
Solid-solid & liquid-liquid systems

Class 15 Is the following possible?
Properties of Single Phase Materials
Connection to Material Balances
20 kg
Ideal Assumptions 30 kg

Liquids- density of mixtures

Ideal Gases
Standard conditions

Is the following possible? Is the following possible?

30 moles 20 moles 30 cm3/s 20 cm3/s

No Chemical Reactions

Yes! Yes!

Need Relationships Between

Is the following possible? Variables
Not easy to measure molar flow rates
20 cm3 pure liquid A What can we easily measure?
55 cm3 mixture
Mixer Relate measured variables to desired
40 cm3 pure liquid B (no reactions)

Even for liquid systems!

Mass and Mole Fractions
Liquid Mixtures
Have Units!
In general, liquid volume is not conserved
V = V1 + V2 + VE

(same with moles)
Contraction or expansion occurs because of the
difference in interactions between like and unlike
molecules Look at units of density equation
VE typically small. Assume VE = 0 for this course. n
1 xi
This implies that liquid volumes are additive
n i 1 i
1 xi

How does this relate
to density?

i 1 i /

xi = mass fraction of species i

Example Gases
What is the density of a mixture containing 20 wt% Equation of State (EOS)
A (A = 1 g/cm3) and the balance B (B = 2 g/cm3)? relates amount (moles) to
V, T, P
1 0.2 0.8 0.2 0.8
Many different equations
A B 1 2 of state
represent behavior of real
Therefore, = 1.67 g/cm3 systems
Ideal Gas Law
Simplest equation of state
If you used = xi i, you would have calculated Most widely used
= 0.2*1 + 0.8*2 = 1.8 g/cm3 . Oops!

Ideal Gas Ideal vs. Real Gases

Equation of State: PV = nRT
Also PV = RT (i.e., V = V/n) V = specific volume
Dr. Fletcher,
Wow! how to
Im going
Assumptions do I tell when the
mark this in my
ideal gas equation
No interaction between molecules PV is valid?

Molecules have zero volume

Valid at low concentration (n/V)
Best at high or low pressures?
Best at high or low temperatures? I am so glad you asked!

From p. 192, ideal when:

Videal 5L / mol ( diatomic gases )
Videal 20 L / mol (other gases )

Ideal Gas Constant Ideal Gas Constant
In Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
R is universal (independent of species)

Nice table in the back cover of the book for
different units
For ideal gas eqn
In Mechanical Engineering, the MW of the
species is included, so there is a different Dr. Fletcher says that
students mix these up, so

value of R for each species be careful!

} For Energy

from CRC Handbook Gas Concentration & Density

Concentration = moles/volume = n/V
P yi P
C or Ci

Density = mass/volume = nMW/V = CMW

P MW yi P MWi
or i

8314.3 or
8.3143 or

Application Example Caution

Suppose the tires on your car are inflated to 32 psig Only take ratios of values in absolute units
at 25oC (77oF). What is the tire pressure at -10oC
NEVER take ratios of:
(14oF)? Assume that you are at sea level. Would
this make a difference in your answer? Temperatures in C or F (use K or R)
Saver! Gauge pressures (use absolute pressures)
n P2/T2 = P1/T1 I should have
RT1 RT2 Must use absolute P and T remembered this
in UO Lab
P1 = 32 psig + 14.7 psia =46.7 psia
P2 = P1(T2/T1) = 46.7 psia * (263 K/298 K) = 41.2 psia
41.2 14.7 = 26.5 psig
If Patm = 12.5, P2 = 39.3 psia = 26.8 psig

Gas Flows under Standard
Standard Conditions Conditions
Provide a reference point for reporting gas flows SCM: standard cubic meters (m3 STP)
Convenient for use in calculations with ideal gas law SCF: standard cubic feet (ft3 STP)
Units generally reported by flow meters SCFM: standard cubic feet per minute (ft3/min STP)
SI American Engineering
SCMH: standard cubic meters per hour (m3/hr STP)
Ts = 0oC = 273K Ts = 492oR (i.e., 32F)
Ps = 1 atm Ps = 1 atm SCFH: standard cubic feet per hour (ft3/hr STP)
Vs = 0.022415 m3 (22.415 L/mol) = 359 ft3/lb-mol SCCM: standard cubic centimeters per minute
ns = 1 gmol ns = 1 lb-mol (cm3/min STP)
Society of Petroleum SLPM: standard liters per minute (lit/min STP)
Used frequently Engineers
by author
(common industrial standard)
Ts = 60oF
Ps = 14.7 psia

Gas Flows under Standard Standard Conditions and

Conditions Ideal Gas Calculations
SCM: standard cubic meters (m3 STP)
SCF: standard cubic feet (ft3 STP) PV nRT
SCFM: standard cubic feet per minute (ft3/min STP)
s s s
(s = standard state)
SCMH: standard cubic meters per hour (m3/hr STP)
SCFH: standard cubic feet per hour (ft3/hr STP) PV PsVs PV PsVs PV PsVs
SCCM: standard cubic centimeters per minute RT RTs T Ts T Ts
(cm3/min STP)
SLPM: standard liters per minute (lit/min STP)
Given standard volume or volumetric flow rate, use ratios to
convert to actual volume or volumetric flow rate

Flow Meters Often Report

Standard Conditions
Examples from my labs The flow rate of a stream at 285oF and 1.3 atm is
measured with an orifice meter. The calibration chart for
the meter indicates that the flow is 3.95 x 105 SCFM.
Calculate the molar flow rate and the true volumetric flow
rate of the stream. Shortcut
Ps Vs Ts

P T 1 atm 745 R
V Vs s 3.95 105 SCFM 4.60 10 ft / min
5 3

P Ts 1.3 atm 492 R

Mass flow controller Rotameters
(slpm) (slpm)

Gas Mixtures Gas Mixtures (cont.)
Partial pressure of component A In LaBarge, Wyoming, there is a
Dr. Fletcher, natural gas well for ExxonMobil
pA = yAPtot I want another
example! Gas composition coming from the
Daltons Law well is:
yCO2 = 0.70
total P = sum of partial pressures yCH4 = 0.25
yH2S = 0.05
Example: At sea level, what is the partial If the total pressure in the well is 20
pressure of O2? Jae,
I am so glad you asked!
atm, what is the partial pressure of
pO2 = yO2 Ptot = 0.21*1.0 atm = 0.21 atm
PCH4 = yCH4 Ptot
Good for both ideal and non-ideal gases! = (0.25)(20 atm)
= 5 atm

Ideal Gas Mixtures Problem 5.9 (purging a box)

Amagats Law N2 V = 2 m3 N2
partial volumes add up to total volume P = 10 cm H2O gauge
T = 25C
vA + vB + = Vtot
Volume fraction = mole fraction Replace volume every 5 minutes
percent by volume = mole percent
vA = yA Vtot
(a) Calculate using the ideal gas equation (easy)
Good only for ideal gases! (b) Calculate using 22.4 L/mol at standard conditions (this way is confusing)

HW Hints
5.12 gas cylinders
Total mass = mtank + mgas
mgas = ngas MWgas
With constant volume at STP, n = constant
5.23 workbook
5.27 breathing
Find Vin , convert to m in Body

N2 balance, find m out and Vout

5.34 important hints on web Thanks Dr.

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