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William Sampson

History 1100


DAE The Epic of Gilgamesh

The Epic of Gilgamesh is a story about a man who was created by the gods. He was

created to be two thirds god and one third man. Gilgamesh was supposed to be the most beautiful

person in all the lands and also the strongest. Gilgamesh was a very bold and brave person who

was also very arrogant and self-obsessed. The invention of writing was what made this story

possible. The Epic of Gilgamesh was written down on twelve tablets. It is one of the oldest

recorded stories in history.

Who wrote the Epic of Gilgamesh is a mystery to historians. It is believed to be written

by the Sumerians but exactly who wrote it cannot be nailed down. It was originally written in

ancient cuneiform writing. The most recent version that was found was signed by a Babylonian

author by the name of Sin-Leqi-Unninni. It is believed to be written around 2000 B.C.E.

The Epic of Gilgamesh was written in ancient Mesopotamia modern day Iraq. The

document is an epic poem about the story of Gilgamesh. The Epic of Gilgamesh was written for

the ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia, but the audience could have been anyone in the

surrounding areas as well. The story is about Gilgamesh and how the people seem to dislike him.

They ask the gods to create a being of equal power and looks. The gods create Enkidu and create

his as some kind of beast man. The beast man is tamed by a beautiful woman and comes to live
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with Gilgamesh is Uruk. The story seems to be mostly about love, the love that the gods have for

the people and the love that the people have for the gods.

In the end the Epic of Gilgamesh is a very interesting story and has earned a special

spot in human history. The epic of Gilgamesh is one of the first stories ever recorded in writing

and broke ground on actually retaining life lessons and records. The story itself seems to be a

regular story for the time it was written in, but the fact that we have records from that day is

astonishing. I would recommend the story to anyone who enjoys stories about ancient gods and


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