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EDAD 693 Practicum/Internship Artifact

Standard 3.0

Element 3.3 Candidates understand and can promote school-based policies

and procedures that protect the welfare and safety of students and staff
within the school.

Activity: Bus Evacuations

Time: 2 hours

Picture from Bus Evacuations

Description: The schools and transportation department conduct bus evacuations twice each school year. Myself
and several other staff members assisted in getting each student safely off the bus, from either the front exit or the
back emergency door, as quickly as possible. We also kept a record of each bus that had completed the evacuation to
ensure that all buses completed the drill.

These drills, much like fire drills and weather-related emergency drills, are a necessary practice to ensure student
safety and staff preparedness. Even though it was early (these drills occurred before the school day began) the
students were pleasant, compliant, and had a great attitude about completing the drills in a timely manner. Prior to
completing these drills I had not realized how many students ride the bus at Springfield and how many buses come
in and out every day.

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