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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics

Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The

Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia



Questions & Answers in Arabic and English

Abd al-Azz Ibn Bz ................................................................................................................ 2

F A C I A L C O S ME TI C S ..................................................................................................... 2

E YE S ............................................................................................................................. 7

F I N G E R N A I L S ................................................................................................................ 9

Muammad Ibn li al-'Uthaymn ........................................................................................15

F A C I A L C O S ME TI C S ....................................................................................................15

E YE S ............................................................................................................................18

L I P S ..............................................................................................................................19

H A N D S & F I N G E R N A I L S ..............................................................................................21

The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research & Fatw .............................................24

F A C I A L C O S ME TI C S ....................................................................................................24

E YE S ............................................................................................................................30

L I P S ..............................................................................................................................33

H A N D S & F I N G E R N A I L S ..............................................................................................34

Page 1 of 35
Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

Abdul-Azz Ibn Bz


Question 1:

Is wearing makeup or other things by women to beautify ones face forbidden or

not, specifically if she must sit with non-relative men?

Answer 1:

There is nothing wrong if she uses makeup or similar things by which the face is

beautified or decorated as long as it does not harm the face. But if ones face

suffers some harmful ailment or blotching, then it is not permissible. So as long

as makeup or similar things by which the face is beautified or made more radiant

do not harm the face, then there is nothing wrong. However, she must cover it

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

when she is with non-relative men; it is not permissible for her to show her face

to such men even if there was no makeup on it. She must cover her face and

conceal it, observe the ijb. This (wearing makeup) is simply a form or

beautification for her husband or with other women or male-relatives. As for non-

relatives, no (she should not show her face) even if there is no form of

beautification on it.1

Question 2:

I ask about the ruling of using lots of cosmetics that are applied to all different

parts of the face.

Answer 2:


This answer, at the time of translation, is found at the official website of 'Abd al-'Azz Ibn Bz at:

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

There is no problem with makeup as long it is something that does not change

the creation of Allah such as henna, kohl for the eyes, lipstick applied to the lips

and similar things. Common things which contain nothing of sin or impurity can

be used and there is nothing wrong with it. A woman beautifying herself among

other women or for her husband is no problem as long as it is nothing forbidden

such as tattooing which is not allowed as the messenger cursed the tattooist and

the one requesting the tattoo. Things like trimming or plucking the eyebrows are

wrong as is applying something that contains impurities which are impermissible

to use. So as long as she uses something permissible like kohl, lipstick, or other

permissible things then there is no sin in it.2

Question 3:

I read in a book entitled Jurisprudence for the Muslim Woman that cosmetics a

Muslim woman may apply to her face such as red lipstick, facial creams or

powders are considered forbidden. The author says such actions fall under the

statement of Allahs messenger ( ) , Those who change Allahs

creation3 (and are forbidden) because the word curse occurs at the beginning

of the adth.

This answer is at:
Perhaps the questioner is referring to the adth in a al-Bukhr in which the prophet (

) said:

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

Answer 3:

That is not correct. It is wrong and that (i.e. using cosmetics) is not changing the

creation of Allah. They are similar to henna or kohl and there is no sin in using

them. If a woman applies henna or kohl or cleans her face with some type of

soap or other facial cleansers, there is nothing wrong with any of this. Similarly,

powders or lipstick there is no sin in this if Allah wills. They are not means of

changing Allahs creation. Changing the creation of Allah is by practices like

tattooing or hair weaves which is forbidden as it is similar to hair extensions or

wigs these are means which are evil. As for a woman applying something to

her lips such as lipstick or kohl to the eyes or other means of beautifying her

face, there is no sin in any of this.4

Allah curses the women who practice tattooing, those who request tattoos, those who remove
facial hair, and those who artificially make gaps between their teeth in order to beautify
themselves whereby they change Allahs creation.
This answer is at:

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

Question 4:

Regarding cosmetics women use, do you advise us to continue using them or to

stay away from them, especially if wearing certain types affects ones wu

(ablution) because some types of cosmetics, when put on nails for example, are

difficult to remove?

Answer 4:

There are some necessary details related to cosmetics. If it is an impenetrable

coating substance such as what is put on fingernails then it should be avoided; it

is not good to use. If she does use such types, then it must be removed when

making wu. It should be taken off when making wu because it blocks the

water (preventing it from reaching the skin surface). Similarly, if it is a type that

causes reactions to ones face such as blotching or other (facial) illness, then it

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

must avoided. As for things that do no harm such as kohl or applying coloring or

lipstick to ones lips, there is no problem with that.

The point is that it should be a form of beautification that is not harmful, forbidden

or sinful such as kohl, decorating the lips with colors or lipstick as has been

mentioned, or coloring the hands and feet with henna there is no problem with

this. Anything that causes harmful reactions to the face or prevents wu water

from reaching the surface of the skin should be removed. Anything that is harmful

to the face should not be used, may Allah reward you with good.5


Question 5:

What is the ruling of applying kohl to the eyebrows as a means of beautification

for a woman?

Answer 5:

This answer is at:

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

I do not know that there is anything wrong with it. Kohl applied to the eyebrows or

eyelids there is nothing wrong with it. What is forbidden is plucking or trimming

the eyebrows; this is not permissible. Removing the hair is not allowed, but as for

her applying kohl to them, there is no problem.6

Question 6:

Does kohl prevent water from reaching the surface of the skin when making


Answer 6:

It does not prevent it because it is a type of dye that does not block water just like

henna is for hands. If what is applied is a kind of impermeable substance that

prevents water, then the substance must be removed. If there is some

This answer is at:

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

compacted solid substance made from henna or kohl, it should be removed when

making wu. As for the mere presence of the black color of kohl or the red of

henna or the like, this does not block (water from skin). Henna does not block

water from the hands or feet, and kohl on the eyes does not block water when

making wu because it is simply a visible color and not a solid substance.7


Question 7:

What is the ruling of letting ones nails grow long then putting nail polish on them,

knowing that I make wu before applying it and leave it on for twenty-four hours

then remove it?

Answer 7:

: . :.

( :
) :

This answer is at:

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

Letting ones nails grow long contradicts the Sunnah. It is authentically reported

that the prophet ( ) said:


Pure human nature includes five things: circumcision, removing pubic hair,

trimming the moustache, clipping the nails, and plucking underarm hair.8

It is impermissible for us to leave doing any of these for more than forty nights

based on the narration of Anas ( ) that he said, The messenger of Allah

( ) told us the time period regarding trimming the moustache,

clipping the nails, plucking the armpit hairs and shaving the pubic region; we

should not leave any of that for more than forty nights. Also, letting the nails

grow long is a manner of resembling animals and some of the disbelieving

women. As for nail polish, it is better to avoid it. It must be removed when making

wu because it prevents water from reaching the fingernail.9

Question 8:

Collected by al-Bukhr and Muslim.
This answer is at:

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

What is the ruling of paining ones fingernails with the black dye known as dj or

nail polish; is it permissible or not?

Answer 8:


. .
With the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy. All praise is for

Allah and may peace be upon Allahs messenger, his family and companions,

and upon those who follow his guidance. To proceed: There is no sin in painting

ones nails with black and no harm in it whether it is nail polish or some other

type of coloring. However, henna is better than nail polish. It is best to avoid nail

polish. But if a woman does use it, she must remove it when making wu

because it is an impermeable substance from what we have been told. So she

must remove it before wu in order to not prevent water from reaching her

nails. Likewise, if she applies to her nails some other solid substance, it should

be removed when making wu so that water reaches the surface of the nails.

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

There is nothing wrong with painting (nails) regardless whether it is with black,

red, or henna. There is no problem with it, may Allah bless you.10

Question 9:

Pertaining to nail polish, I heard that if a woman applies it to her nails while in a

state of purity, it is permissible for her to pray even if wu is broken afterwards

(and she makes wu while wearing it). So we would like the correct answer,

may Allah bless you.

Answer 9:


This answer is at:

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

As long as the substance applied to the nails is not solid, impermeable such as

henna which is not a solid substance, then there is no harm in it11 if she dips

her fingers in henna and it has no solid substance or similar things like oils, there

is no harm. If she makes wu, loses her purity, then repeats wu while

wearing such things, there is no harm. However, if the substance applied to the

nail is solid and impermeable such as nail polish or similar things, it must be

removed. When she wants to make wu, she must take this off her nails

because it prevents water from reaching her nails. It must be removed just as if

she had some sort of paste or clay on her arms which must be removed. If

similar substances were on her feet or face, it should first be washed off. The

fingernails are similar in that if something solid or impermeable is on them such

as thick paste, nail polish, a piece of henna that has mass (e.g. in block or paste

form), or similar substances, it should be removed. As for the mere color such as

the dyed trace of henna on her fingernails such that it leaves a yellowish or

reddish tint or other dyes, there is no harm in that because such traces are not

solid and impermeable.12

Question 10:

What is the ruling of applying nail polish and wearing it for the period of all five

obligatory prayers and then taking it off; is that permissible?

Since this answer was taken from the website of Ibn Bz, perhaps the original audio recording was
indecipherable when transcribing so this part was left out, and Allah knows best.
This answer is at:

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

Answer 10:

There is no basis for this. It is not the same as wiping over ones socks without

taking them off for the period of five prayers. That time period is specified for

socks in which it is permissible to wipe over them. As for nail polish, it should not

be left on. If it is applied, it should be removed, washed off when making wu.

Henna is sufficient without having to use nail polish. It is simply a means for

people to imitate non-Muslims or following the customs of disbelievers. Nail

polish is just like its name13 and there is no need for it. But if she does apply it, it

should be removed for wu. She should not make wu over it because it

prevents water from touching the surface of the nails because it is impermeable

so it should be removed when making wu.14

Perhaps the scholar is alluding to a linguistic resemblance in that an Arabic word commonly used for
nail polish is ( similar to manicure) and from the root of those Arabic letters is derived the word
( often translated as evil). Or perhaps the scholar is making reference to the Arabic word

(the passive participle of often translated as deniable), the plural of which would be , and
Allah knows best.
This answer is at:

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

Muammad Ibn li al-'Uthaymn


Question 11:

Is it permissible for a woman to use manufactured makeup for her husband? And

is it permissible for her to wear it among her family and other Muslim women?

Answer 11:

A woman beautifying herself for her husband, within religious legitimate limits, is

something she should do. Anytime a woman makes herself more beautiful for her

husband, it helps to increase his love for her and harmony between them, and

this one of the purposes of religious legislation. So if makeup helps her look

prettier without harming her, there is nothing wrong with it, no sin in it.

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia


However, I have heard that makeup damages facial skin thereby unattractively

changing ones complexion after a while as she ages. I hope women would ask

doctors to confirm that. If it is confirmed, wearing makeup would then be

forbidden or at least disliked because anything that results in a form of (bodily)

mutilation or disfigurement is either forbidden or disliked.15

Question 12:

What is the ruling of women wearing makeup to beautify themselves for their


Answer 12:


This answer and the rest of those by Ibn al-'Uthaymn are taken from a book entitled Questions of
Interest to the Muslim Family which is published, at the time of translation, on the Ibn al-'Uthaymn
Charitable Foundation website at:

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia


Any of these types of beautification a woman may use to make herself prettier,

there is nothing wrong with them as long as they do not harm her. This is

because the ruling of something is that it is allowed unless and until proof is

established forbidding it. However, I hear these powders (cosmetics) leave

lasting effects on a womans skin, causing skin changes after only a short time.

This is apparent because usually reactions, as they say, can be sensed as well

as perceived. So as long as it is proven beyond any doubt that there is no harm

in a woman using it (makeup), then there is nothing wrong with it. It is a way of

bringing about a husbands desire for his wife thereby making her even more

beloved to him, especially if he is the type of spouse who is concerned with such

things. Spouses are different. Some husbands may simply be indifferent to a

woman beautifying herself with such types of adornment while other husbands

may be obsessed with these things. As for women beautifying themselves

among other women when they visit one another, there is nothing wrong with that

as long as it is within religiously permissible limits.

Question 13:

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

Is it permissible for a single woman to wear makeup and to do so among other


Answer 13:

Single women, according to some people of knowledge, should not beautify

herself because she is not required to do so. So what I believe is that unmarried

women should avoid it. As for married women, the ruling of it (wearing makeup)

has preceded.


Question 14:

What is the ruling of women using kohl?

Answer 14:



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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia


There are two purposes for kohl:

1. Kohl is used to enhance ones eyesight by reducing glare and to keep the eye

clean and clear of debris regardless of the beauty aspect of it, and there is

nothing wrong with this. In fact, one should do this because the prophet (

) used to put kohl around his eyes especially if he had antimony

(the element mineral from which kohl is made).

2. The second use for kohl is for the purpose of beautification and adornment.

As for women, it is necessary for them to beautify themselves for their

husbands. And as for men, this is an issue of scholarly opinions, and as for

me, I remain silent about it. Some differentiate between young menthey

forbidding them from applying kohl fearing it may be a means of temptation

and older men for whom there is no worry of temptation so they do not forbid

older men from using it.


Question 15:

What is the ruling of lipstick and makeup for women?

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

Answer 15:

There is nothing wrong with reddening the lips because originally things (not

religious in nature) are permissible until a clear prohibition is known. As for this

reddening (of the lips), there is nothing clearly established for one to claim it is a

form of tattooing. Tattooing is inserting colors under the skin and that is

impermissible; in fact it is a major sin.

But if it turns out that reddening damages the lips, drying them out, removing

(their necessary) moisture and oils, then in this case it would not be allowed. I

was told that perhaps it causes cracked lips. If this is confirmed, people are not

allowed to do something that causes them harm.

As for makeup, we do not allow it. Although it does temporarily beautify ones

face, it also greatly damages it as is medically proven. As a woman grows older,

her skin begins changing in such a way that neither makeup nor anything else

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

will help (prevent that). Therefore, we advise women not to use it because of the

proven damage that results from it.


Answer 16:16
( )

It is appropriate that I mention here what women put on their fingernails known

as nail polish which creates a hard coating. This is not permissible for a woman

to use when she is praying because it prevents water (from reaching the surface

of the skin) when washing. Anything that blocks water is not permissible to wear

when making wu or ghul (a full bath or shower) because Allah says:

Wash your faces and hands17

This was actually a continuation of Ibn al-'Uthaymns first answer (no. 11 of this translation) but it was
placed in this section for ease of reference.

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

If there is nail polish on the fingernails, that would prevent water from reaching

the skin, thereby making her washing of her hands incomplete since she would

not be fulfilling one of the requirements of wu or ghul. As for a woman who is

not praying, there is no sin upon her to wear it (nail polish) unless it were an

action specifically characteristic of disbelieving women. It would be impermissible

in that case because it would be imitation of them.

Question 17:

What is the ruling of women dyeing their hands with henna? Did the prophet

( ) mention anything about this? And what is the ruling if one

includes the palm of the hands (in applying henna) and not just the fingernails?

Answer 17:

Dyeing hands with henna, which women are known to do customarily as a

means of decorating them, if it is a means of beautification for a woman then it is

necessary for her to beautify herself for her husband regardless of whether the

The Quran, Srah al-Midah (5:6).

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

fingernails are included or not. As for a woman wearing nail polish who is not on

her menses, this is impermissible because it prevents water from reaching the

surface of the skin when making wu unless she first removes it when making


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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research & Fatw

As a forward to a particular answer (in reply to a question not specifically relevant

to this translated work), The Permanent Committee responded with a nice, concise yet

comprehensive, encouragement for spouses to beautify themselves:

Both spouses should beautify themselves for the other in what they love, thereby

strengthening the relationship between them yet within limits the law of Islam has made

permissible and not forbidden.18


Question 18:

What is the ruling of wearing makeup for ones husband?

Answer 18:

There is no sin in it as long as it causes no facial ailment. It is simply a means of

beautification so there is no problem just like using soap or similar things. 19

This answer of The Permanent Committee can be found here at the official website of The General
Presidency of Scholarly Research and Ifta.

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

Question 19:

Is it permissible for a woman to wear makeup on her face in front of male


Answer 19:
It is permissible for her to do that to beautify herself for her husband, and it is

permissible for her to appear wearing it in front of her male relatives.20

Question 20:


You find some young women who have never been married (virgins) using

means of beautification like makeup. They apply it to their faces so those with a

brownish complexion appear lighter while others with a whitish complexion use

makeup to appear darker. She may apply kohl with an eye-pencil heavily around

This answer can be found, at the time of translation, here.
This answer can be found here.

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

her eyes in such a way as to be seen by those far away. Or she may cut her hair

from the front in order to beautify it, or if it is long she may cut it up to her

shoulders. Please advise us, is it correct to practice such things or not? Is the

one responsible for her, if he witnesses that, does he incur sin or is that


Answer 20:

There is no objection to a woman beautifying herself by wearing makeup or kohl

on her face or styling her hair in a manner that is not in imitation of disbelieving

women. It must also be with the condition that she covers her face from men who

are not her relatives.21

Question 21:

Is it permissible for a woman to pray while adorned with gold (jewelry) and


Answer 21:

This answer is here.

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia


Yes, she may pray while adorned with gold, beautiful clothes, and makeup as

long as the makeup is clean and pure containing nothing impure; there is no sin

in that case. According to us, she may (still) pray with humility and turning to

Allah ( ) . Allah ( ) says in His great book:

Children of Adam, take your adornment at every place of prayer.22

A believer is religiously and legitimately allowed to pray at mosques while

adorned in nice clothes, in a nice turban. Likewise, if a woman prays wearing

beautiful clothing, there is no sin as long as she is concealed from non-relative

men. As long as there are no non-relative men with her, there is no sin if she

prays wearing it. Makeup too is a form of adornment and beautification for the

face as long as it does no harm to it. If she applies something to her face

intended to enhance its beauty as long as it causes no ailment there is no


The Quran, Srah al-Arf (7:31).
This answer can be found here.

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

Question 22:

What is the ruling of applying makeup after wu; does makeup break wu?

And is it permissible to delay the prayer if I am busy putting on makeup?

Answer 22:

Makeup is a means for women to beautify themselves and it is allowed for them

to use it as long as it does not contain any impermissible ingredients. The

purpose should be for a woman to make herself prettier for her husband or

among a gathering of other women. This is not considered something that breaks

wu. Often makeup contains no solid-mass substances, meaning when the

time for prayer comes in, you make wu for prayer and then pray. However, if

there is some solid, impermeable substance in the makeup that would prevent

water from reaching the skin, then it must be removed before wu.

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia


. .
As for delaying prayer, it is impermissible to do so for any reason. A Muslim is

obliged to perform prayer in its proper time under all circumstances, even in

sickness. Putting on makeup does not justify delaying prayer past its time.

Whoever does that is sinful and perhaps subjected to punishment, so repentance

to Allah would then be required. Allah ( ) says:

But there came after them successors who neglected prayer and pursued

desires; so they are going to meet evil.24

The Salaf mentioned that this verse pertains to the person who delays the prayer

until the time to pray it runs out.25

Question 23:

Does makeup prevent water (from touching the skin) during wu, meaning

must we remove this makeup during each wu?

The Quran, Srah Maryam (19:59).
This answer can be found in Arabic here.

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

Answer 23:

If the makeup has a solid mass that blocks water, then it should be removed. If it

has no solid, impermeable substance in that it is simply a type of dye (i.e.

changing only the complexion tint, color) with no actual solid mass, then it does

not have to be removed. So if it contains a solid that blocks water, it must be

removed from the face. Similarly, if there is something like paste on the hands it

should be removed. As for a substance that is merely a type of dye with no solid

mass it does not have to be taken off.26


Question 24:
. :
Many women from Egypt apply kohl to their eyes. I told them that wearing it just

for beautification is forbidden and they replied that rather, it is Sunnah. Is this


This answer can be found online here.

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

Answer 24:


Using kohl is religiously legitimate but it is impermissible for a woman to show

anything of her adornment whether it be kohl or anything else to anyone

other than her husband or male relatives based on the statement of Allah ( ) :

. .
And they should not display their adornment except to their husbands27

Question 25:

What is the ruling of women applying kohl and other cosmetics during the

daytime in Ramadan? Does that break ones fast or not?

Answer 25:

The Quran, Srah al-Nr (23:31). The answer is online here.

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

. .
Kohl does not break the fast for women or men according to the more correct

opinion of the scholars. Still, it is better to use it at night for someone fasting.

Similar to this are other means of beautifying the face such as types of soaps,

oils, or other things that are applied externally to the surface of the skin. Included

in this is henna, makeup, and similar things. There is no sin in any of this for

someone fasting although one should not use makeup if it causes any facial

ailment. And success is granted by Allah.28

Question 26:


There are some types of beauty accessories readily available in our shopping

malls that women wear or apply to their fingers or eyes such as fake nails, false

eyelashes, and colored lenses to change ones eye color. Due to frequent

questions about such accessories and their wide use among women, I hope this

issue is presented to his eminence, the noble father, so that we may be guided

by what he sees fit, may Allah preserve him and grant you His success.

This question and answer is in Arabic online.

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

Answer 26:

It is impermissible to use fake nails, false eyelashes, and colored contact lenses

due to the harm they may cause to the different parts of the body and also due to

them being forms of trickery and deception (in appearance) and changing of

Allahs creation.29


Question 27:

Does lipstick, when applied to the lips, prevent water from reaching them when

making wu, and is using it forbidden?

Answer 27:


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Page 33 of 35
Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

Lipsticks and lip colorings and similar things do not block water and there is no

sin in that unless there is some solid substance in it that does prevent water

such as nail polish and similar things for fingernails then it must be removed

when making wu. As for just the red coloring such as the reddish tint of henna

or lip colors, there is no harm in that as it does not block water.30


Question 28:

Is using henna, without a legitimate excuse to do so, permissible or not? Some

people dye their hands or feet with henna; is that permissible if it is done for no

legitimate need? Please advise me, may Allah reward you.

Answer 28:

Dyeing with henna is permissible for women because it is a form of decoration

and beautification for them and they do have a purpose for that. As for men

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Title: Scholarly Rulings on Cosmetics
Authors: Ibn Bz, Ibn al-Uthaymn, The
Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia

wearing henna (on hands or feet), that is not permitted because it is a way of

imitating women and the prophet ( ) forbade that.31 However, it

would be allowed for men to use henna for medicinal purposes to soothe some

types of ailments if they would benefit from that. Similarly, it is religiously

legitimate for both men and women to use it (henna) to dye gray hair as long as

the color is not specifically black because black is not permissible to color gray


Ibn Abbs ( ) said, as is recorded in a al-Bukhr:


The messenger of Allah ( ) cursed men who imitate women and women who imitate men.

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