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Student Name: Helena Toolsiedas Course Code: ECS 2040

Age Group: Toddler Date: February 16th, 2017

Learning Experience: Fling and Fly

Programming Purpose:

Due to the cold weather, a majority of days the toddlers have to stay inside and use the daycares basement
play area to get their energy out. Due to this, I am implementing a gross motor activity to help the toddlers
exude their energy. This activity can also assist with colour comprehension.


Children will develop an understanding of matching colours as well as gross motor development. In the
ELECT, gross motor (5.1) explains that jumping and running are indicators of the skill. Having the toddlers
jumping from one coloured mat to the next will help to enhance their gross motor skill. Through the
activities, the toddlers may be asked to match the bean bags to their corresponding mat. This is an example
of sorting (4.9).


-6 different coloured mats

-6 different coloured bean bags

Opening (Introduction)

After breakfast the toddlers prepare to go outside, if they are not going outside then they will go to the play
area. I will tell them that today we are going to be doing a bean bag tossing activity where they can learn
about colours and match them.

I will ask 6 of them to join me and lay out the 6 mats a few feet apart from each other. Then I will give them
the bean bags and observe what they do.

Body (Content)

1. Lay out the coloured mats

2. Ask six toddlers if they want to play
3. Allow them to pick a bean bag
4. Ask them what colour they have
5. Observe what they do
6. If necessary, model the activity by throwing a bean bag onto the mat
7. Ask them which mat matches with their bean bag
8. In the end, call out their colour to put away the mats and bean bags

Closing (Ending)

Sing everybody clean up

Say when I say your colour please come put it into the bin


After cleaning up the activity, get the toddlers ready for lunch by changing their diapers,
sanitizing the tables and putting on their bibs.

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