AEF3 Files1-5 ProgTestB

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Progress Test Files 15
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B ENGLISH FILE 3

GRAMMAR 5 _______ Sara _______ (look for) me 10 minutes

ago? I was at lunch.
1 Complete the second sentence with two words so
that it means the same as the first sentence. 6 What _______ you _______ (give) Bill for Christmas
Contracted forms, e.g. isnt, count as one word. last year?
7 I _______ (go) to the hairdressers at 2:00. Ill see you
Example: Im not sure who it is. Maybe its his wife.
at 3:00.
Im not sure who it is. It might be his wife.
8 _______ she _______ (finish) reading that
1 Do you have time to meet me on Friday? newspaper? That was quick!
Will you be _______ _______ meet me on Friday? 9 They _______ (watch) a football game on TV when I
2 Our wedding is going to be in May. arrived.
Were _______ _______ in May. 10 _______ you ever _______ (drive) a really fast car?
3 I didnt like pasta when I was younger, but now I eat a 11 The bus _______ (not arrive) yet. Its an hour late.
lot of it.
12 Dont get a taxi. I _______ (meet) you at the station.
I didnt _______ _____ like pasta but now I eat a lot
of it. 13 I ________ (answer) ten phone calls since 9 oclock
this morning.
4 That garden is beautiful!
14 Im sorry Im late. _______ you _______ (wait) long?
What _______ ________ garden!
15 We _______ (finish) dinner and were having coffee
5 Ive never seen a funnier movie.
when Kate arrived.
Thats ______ _________ movie Ive ever seen.
6 We met a few months ago.
We _______ _______ each other for a few months.
3 Underline the correct word(s).
7 All visitors must report to reception.
You _______ _______ report to reception. Example: She wants / is wanting to be alone at the
8 This DVD isnt as interesting as the last one you gave moment.
me. 1 You dont have to / must not pay to go into museums
This DVD is less _______ _______ the last one you in the UK. Theyre usually free.
gave me. 2 We sometimes go to the restaurants / restaurants for a
9 I was in the middle of my exercises when you called. change.
I _______ _______ my exercises when you called. 3 My sister eats slowlier / more slowly than I do.
10 Traveling by air is more expensive than traveling by 4 I dropped my iPad on the floor last year so I must /
bus. had to get a new one.
Traveling by bus isnt _______ _______ as traveling 5 Are you liking / Do you like traveling to new
by air. countries?
10 6 Have you had / been having that car for a long time?
7 Im a science teacher / science teacher in a high school.
2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of 8 He drives much more / most carefully than I do.
the verb in parentheses.
9 Im afraid you cant / couldnt see Mr. Allan. Hes in a
Example: How many cups of coffee do you have (have) meeting.
every day?
10 Shes been teaching at this school for / since 2008.
1 _______ you _______ (can) come to the meeting 11 The weather was OK in Italy, but it wasnt as hot as /
tomorrow? than it was last summer.
2 We _______ (stay) with my sister at the moment 12 You shouldnt / dont have to eat a lot of sugar. Its bad
while we look for a house. for you.
3 _______ you _______ (see) the new James Bond 13 Adam used to play / was playing baseball when he
movie next week? was in college.
4 Chris isnt in the office today. He ________ (work) in
San Francisco.

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Progress Test Files 15
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B ENGLISH FILE 3

14 She isnt needing / doesnt need to get up early 7 Are you going to apply _______ that job you were
tomorrow. Its a holiday. talking about?
15 What time do you go / are you going to Peters this oftofor
evening? 8 Be careful what you say to Michael. Hes very
15 _______.
Grammar total 40 9 Im trying to cut _______ on chocolate at the
moment. I just eat it once a week.
VOCABULARY outdownup
4 Underline the correct word. 10 I never eat _______ food. I think all food is better
Example: The trip took forever; I was really tired /
tiring when we arrived.
1 Ive left my homework at home again! Its very
frustrated / frustrating. 6 Write the opposite of the adjective.
2 Have you ever left the theater because the movie was
Example: lazy hard-working
bored / boring?
3 I wore my wifes glasses to work. It was so 1 organized _______
embarrassed / embarrassing. 2 shy _______
4 We were extremely frightened / frightening during 3 freezing _______
the hurricane. 4 tiny _______
5 The rain in Seattle makes me feel depressed / 5 mature _______
depressing. 5
7 Underline the odd word out.
5 Complete the sentences with the correct word(s). Example:
Example: I owe my dad $100. 1 hilariousfurioustinyhungry
2 earnthrowinheritcharge
1 Im afraid Im really busy right now. Can I _______ 3 moodybossystubbornreliable
you back in 20 minutes?
4 winplaylosedraw
5 coachfantrackspectator
2 They _______ us $15 to park the car at the bus
station. 6 roastfrozenboiledfried
costsavedcharged 7 beetmelonpeachpear
3 I did the opposite of what my sister told me to do. 8 cartonmargarineboxjar
She was _______. 9 scootervanbushighway
filthytinyfurious 10 fathernephewniecebrother
4 The _______ is much better in my new job than it 10
was in my old job.
5 Do you still keep in touch with any of your _______
from school?
6 Shes such a cute girl. Shes very _______.

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Progress Test Files 15
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B ENGLISH FILE 3

8 Complete the words in the sentences. PRONUNCIATION

Example: Hes very smart. He always knows the 9 Match the words with the same sound.
1 When Daves grandmother died, he i_______ her gossip injured organized selfish owe team
house. charming inherit paid journey height
2 Slow down! The speed l_______ on this road is 30! Example: phone owe
3 My parents were an hour late because there was a
1 train ________
terrible traffic j_______.
2 jazz ________
4 Thats Wendy, my r_______. We live in the
apartment above the store. 3 snake ________
5 I dont feel like cooking tonight. Shall we get 4 tree ________
t_______? 5 fish ________
6 You have to choose b_______ these two books. 6 bike ________
7 You should try that new restaurant. The food is 7 chess ________
d_______. 8 clock ________
8 Your plane is departing from g_______ 15. 9 zebra ________
9 Kate and I are really good friends because we have a 10 egg ________
lot in c_______.
10 Mr. Jones is in a meeting right now. Would you like
to l_______ a message?
10 Underline the stressed syllable.
Example: com|pe|ti|tive
Vocabulary total 40
1 un|der|ground
2 am|bi|tious
3 mort|gage
4 rasp|be|rries
5 a|fford
6 i|ma|gi|na|tive
7 cir|cuit
8 in|de|pen|dent
9 spec|ta|tor
10 pe|de|stri|an

Pronunciation total 20

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 100

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Progress Test Files 15
Reading and Writing B ENGLISH FILE 3

READING 2 Their flight to New York took ______.

A just over 35 hours B just over 33 hours
1 Read the text and check () A, B, or C. C just over 36 hours
3 They were very worried because the plane was
The transatlantic question carrying a lot of ______.
Apeople Bluggage Cfuel
Charles Lindberghs 33-hour flight from New York to Paris in
1927 made aviation history. Less known is the return flight 4 The ______ of the three storms was the worst they
to New York by two Frenchmen three years later. Taking just experienced.
over three hours longer, Costes and Bellonte made an Afirst Bsecond Cthird
equally exciting journey from Paris to New York in their 5 Costes and Bellonte ______ the storm in Nova
plane, the Question Mark. The first question they faced, Scotia.
Captain Costes remembered in an article at the time, was A flew around B flew through
Would the plane lift off the ground? That was our C flew over
greatest concern. We had 5,200 liters of gasoline on board.
6 They ______ flew above the clouds when it rained.
This fear passed quickly but was followed by other hazards. Aalways Bsometimes Cnever
They ran into three storms. The third, and worst of all, was
7 They saw the American coast when it was ______ in
over Nova Scotia, in Canada. In order to avoid it we had to
fly 100 miles out of our way. Time was passing and every
Amidnight Bmid-afternoon
minute meant the loss of more of our precious fuel.
C early morning
They had another problem: The sky was overcast, it was
8 Costes thought that they were going to ______.
raining and we had to fly below those rain clouds.
Sometimes they were extremely low which meant they had
A fly into a storm
to fly as close to the water as thirty feet.
B crash into a mountain
C fly into the river
There were many exciting moments during our trip, but I
think the greatest thrill came when we first saw the coast
9 ______ five thousand people were waiting for them
of North America, said Costes. He decided that three was
at the airport.
their lucky number. They had survived three storms and A Fewer than B More than
at 3 a.m. French time, they saw land. But their adventures CAbout
werent over. 10 Colonel Lindbergh congratulated them ______.
Suddenly, a mountain appeared out of the mist. We were A in a letter B at the airport
between the steep banks of a river. It was a tight place. C on the phone
Bellonte was at the controls at that time and he had to
think fast. Fortunately, having flown thousands of miles,
the plane was light. Bellonte managed to turn the plane
just in time. But Costes said, It is not pleasant to think how 2 Match five of the highlighted words and phrases
close we came to those cruel, jagged rocks. with the definitions.
Fortunately, they succeeded where many others before Example: worryconcern
them had failed, and the graceful landing at the airport in
1 on the plane __________
New York was greeted by 10,000 cheering people. Among
them was Colonel Charles Lindbergh who said, I
2 dangers__________
congratulate you! as he shook the hands of the two 3 experienced (difficulties) __________
heroes. 4 important__________
5 rough with pointed edges __________
Example: Lindbergh traveled from New York to Paris 5
in ______.
A a plane
B a ship C a boat Reading total 15

1 Costes and Bellonte flew to New York from Paris in

A1933 B1930 C1927

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Progress Test Files 15
Reading and Writing B ENGLISH FILE 3

Answer one of the questions and write 75100
1 What advice would you give to someone moving to
your country?
2 Describe an exciting sporting event you have seen or
been to.
3 What is your favorite way of traveling and why?

Writing total 10

Reading and Writing total 25

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Progress Test Files 15
Listening and Speaking B ENGLISH FILE 3

1 Complete the sentences with one word. 1 Answer your partners questions.
1 The expert mentions a celebrity who loses weight by Now make questions and ask your partner.
eating _______ food.
1 What / food / not / like / when / child?
2 You _______ do the cabbage soup diet for more 2 seen / an exciting movie recently? What?
than a week. 3 When / last buy / present? Who? What?
3 On the morning banana diet you have to go to bed 4 any skill / you / find / hard / learn? Why?
before _______. 5 Who / you find / hilarious? Why?
4 Doctors say that we should have a bigger meal in the 6 What / most exciting way / travel? Why?
_______. 7 Which person / closest to? Why?
5 On the air diet, you dont eat _______ if you go out 8 ever / go / football game?
for a meal with your friends. 9 What / best / way / travel / in your town?
5 10 What / should / give / wedding gift / in your country?

2 Talk about one of the statements below, saying if

2 Listen to five conversations. Check () A, B, or C. you agree or disagree. Give reasons.
1 Rob says he usually likes to eat curry _____. 1 Fast food should never be sold to children.
A twice a week B every week 2 All towns and cities should have a lot more bicycle
C every weekend lanes.
2 Lisa says that _____. 3 People worry too much about manners.
A she has never won any money
B would love to win some money 3 Listen to your partner. Do you agree with
C thinks people shouldnt do the lottery him / her?
3 Paul loved Iceland mostly because of _____. Speaking total 15
A the weather B the scenery
C the crowds Listening and Speaking total 25

4 Anna advises Mark not to tip taxi drivers if they

A dont drive well B arrive late
C ask for a lot of money
5 Sam and Alice were a couple for _____.
A a long time B a year
C six months

Listening total 10

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