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Student Name: Helena Toolsiedas Course Code: ECS 2040

Age Group: Toddlers Date: March 9th, 2017

Learning Experience: Colourful Parachute

Programming Purpose:

Gross motor activities have always been able to keep the toddlers attention. They enjoy jumping around
and exerting their energy. They have also never done an activity using a parachute, due to this, I am going
to implement a gross motor activity involving a colourful parachute.


Children will enhance their gross motor development as well as learn about different colours. They can play
several activities such as the ball roll where they all must work together to get the ball into the hole. They
can also make waves using their arm muscles, or stand on different colours of the parachute. Looking at the
ELECT, sensory discrimination (5.3) is a visual sense. Identifying the different of colours on the parachute
will help the toddlers notice different properties. Additionally, using their gross motor skills (5.1), they will
be able to develop their running and jumping abilities. With the parachute, they will also be using their gross
motor muscles in their arms to create large movements.


-1 parachute

-several coloured balls

-large open space

Opening (Introduction)

After breakfast, the toddlers will sit on the carpet. I will ask them if they would like to do an activity with a
colourful parachute. I will then show it to them and ask them to stand on a specific colour once I call their
name. Next, I will ask them to each grab onto a handle and demonstrate how to wave the parachute. Once
they get the hang of it, I will start to add the coloured balls.

Body (Content)

1. Lay out the parachute and ask each toddler to listen for their name
2. Direct each toddler to a specific colour
3. Once all children are on a colour, ask them to grab the handles
4. Model waving the parachute and ask them if they want to add something to it
5. Add the coloured balls one at a time
6. Help them roll all the balls out of the parachute
7. Try different activities such as making a tent with all the toddlers inside
8. Observe what they enjoy and what they do not like and improvise
9. In the end, ask each toddler to put a different colour ball away

Closing (Ending)

Go over all the different colours by pointing to each colour and asking them what it is.

Collect each coloured ball by saying can *insert childs name* bring me the red ball? and
so on.


After playing with the parachute, the toddlers will have their diapers changed and get ready
for lunch. I will transition into this by changing the music they have playing.

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