Relative Coursework

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ED 204: Infusion of Arts in Early/Middle Childhood Curriculum

This class taught on how to incorporate the arts into all areas of teaching and how to use a
variety of methods including movement and dance to teach students of all levels.

ED 206: Intro to Early/Middle Childhood Education

This class consisted of a practicum that took place at IPS 91, a nearby Montessori inspired
school in which we worked with the children each week to teach them in small groups about the
cultures of various countries around the world. Because we were paired with the human
movement and health sciences class, we also taught our children a native dance from our
respective countries.

ED 307: Childrens Literature

This class takes an in depth look at the importance of reading, why kids do/do not enjoy reading,
how to read to kids, and the many different genres and types of childrens books out there.

ED 404: Multicultural Teaching

This class focused on teaching students from a variety of backgrounds and lifestyles, how to
build community in the classroom, and how to teach students to celebrate differences.

Integrated Core II
This class was an integrated class of ED 241, 242, and 244.

ED 241: Developmental Theory and Application in Education

This class taught about theories of development and their application at various age levels,
developmentally appropriate practice, and a basic introduction to social, moral, emotional, and
cognitive development of children.

ED 242: Educating Children with Special Needs

This class taught about the characteristics of exceptional children and explored methods and
materials for teaching and assessing such students.

ED 244: Concepts of Education

This class examined the sociological, philosophical, historical, political, legal, and economic
concepts of education.

These classes also included field experience at the Indiana School for the Blind and Visually

Block A
Block A was a block scheduled class taught at the Butler Lab School. In Block A I took methods
classes for reading and math for primary grades as well as on the Reggio Emilia teaching
ED 416: Early Childhood
This class focused on the needs of students in preschool and primary grades, as well as the
Reggio teaching philosophy.
ED 303: Reading and Language Arts: Early Childhood
This class included methods for teaching reading and language arts in the primary grades, in
depth author and illustration studies, and a teacher research project on the power of language in
the classroom.
ED 316: Teaching Math: Early Childhood
This class included methods for teaching math in the primary grades as well as a 5 week study
with a focal child where I taught problem solving and computation.

Block B

Block B was a block scheduled class in which I took methods classes for science and social
studies, as well upper elementary mathematics and reading. These classes were very hands on
and included a lot of field experiences.

ED414: Teaching Mathematics Middle Childhood

This class included experience at Central Elementary School where I worked with a focal child
for 5 weeks to improve problem solving and graphing skills.

ED317: Teaching Social Studies

This class included field experiences to the Benjamin Harrison Home and Indiana State Museum.

ED418: Teaching Science

This class included field experience at the Indianapolis Children Museum and Butler Lab School.
It also included a certification in Project Wild through the Indiana DNR.

ED308: Reading and Language Arts

This class included field experience at Central Elementary school where I worked with a small
group over the course of 5 weeks teaching nonfiction reading and writing. This class also
included work with a group of five students in an after school program where I co-taught science
with a literature integration.

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