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TEACHER(S): Danielle DeGraw

Grade: 3rd-5th ACTIVITY/UNIT TITLE: Tableball

To learn control & how to use force and be agile in a competitive setting.
Prior Knowledge:

PERFORMANCE (2 needed per lesson, must assess primary objective. All ALIGNED STATE &
three components in both objs.) NASPE STANDARDS
* SS will demonstrate the use of offensive strategies in individual activities, 2.5.6.B.1
while participating in a competitive non-traditional and individual activity,
while being assessed by a self-assessment rating scale.

*SS will demonstrate control while modifying force, flow, space and
relationships in interactive dynamic environments, while participating in a
competitive non-traditional and individual activity, while being assessed by
teacher observation.


Ping-Pong tables or disabilities)
any type of table (1 Lower abilities: use a larger/softer ball
for each 4 students) Modified version: rolling instead of hitting. Do not let the ball hit the
Playground balls (1 ground.
for each table)
Clothing pins (for
when SS win a round-
enough for 10 per
The T/SS will: The T/SS will:

A. SS go to circuit spots A. Instruct the SS to sit down quickly in circuit spots & D&D exercises
Linear circuit warm-up: 30 seconds of each exercise; when music
stops/switches, they rotate rows to perform different exercise
Row 1: Forward lunge stretch
Row 2: Sit-Ups
Row 3: Push-ups/ Modified push-ups
Row 4: Line Jumps
Row 5: Shoulder touches
Row 6: Jumping Jacks

B. Linear Circuit B. Linear Circuit exercises (change music every 30 seconds)

C. SS will listen to C. Stop music/ T gives instructions for Tableball.

instruction for activity Play begins with a serve, which is the only shot in the game that
must travel a certain direction & hit the tabletop a certain number
of times
The serve must travel end to end & touch the top of the table at
least twice. It must bounce more than two times but it has to have
at least two bounces to be a legal serve
The receiver must let the ball bounce one time on the floor & then
try to hit the ball back to the top of the table. This shot may touch
the tabletop anywhere and may bounce any number of times
The server must let the return bounce on the floor one time before
hitting the ball
Play continues until 1 player fails to get the ball back on the top of
the table
SS will have to move around the table during play but there is no
set direction for this movement. The SS just has to be where the
ball comes off of the table when it is their shot
The player who wins the point will serve the next point
Waiting line: the first player in the waiting line would take the
place of the player who missed the shot. The SS coming into the
game will be the third player in the rotation. The player who
retrieved the ball on the missed shot will serve. The other person
who was still in the play will be second.
SS have to remember that they always follow the same person.
Staying opposite of the SS they follow will help them be in a
better position to play the shots
Explain what happens when you win:
o Get a clothing pin and keep it on your shirt to count how
many times you win
o King of the hill style? Rotate tables when you win

D. Split class into groups. Start games on signal

D. Game play Go by each table to give feedback

E. Have SS clean up and sit in front of T for debrief

E. SS clean up F. Closure:
F. Closure Talk about strategy
Talk about force
Give assessment on effort for the day

G. Assessment G. Give SS assessment

H. When done with assessment, dismiss students
H. SS line up

General overall safety concerns/safety specific to an activity placed in II/P/A section.
SS need to make sure they dont run into the table

ASSESSMENT: Self assessment: rating scale

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