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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan

Teachers: Subject:
Ms. Monaghan 2nd grade math
Common Core State Standards:
Measurement and Data
2.MD.D.10. Draw a picture graph and a bar graph (with singleunit scale) to represent a data set
with up to four categories. Solve simple put together, takeapart, and compare problems using
information presented in a bar graph. (See Table 1.)
Objective (Explicit):
SWBAT create an accurate picture graph or bar graph to illustrate their data of food wasted in
the cafeteria.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

Students will turn in their graph after the activity as evidence of understanding and to be assessed
for a grade.
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):

SWBAT keep count of objects with tallies

SWBAT add numbers up to 1000
Key vocabulary: Materials:
Lined paper
Cafeteria provided: trash bags with lunch
Compare trash
Accurate Gloves
Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)

As you know, this whole week we are learning about the problem of food waste. On Monday we
learned about what food waste is, on Tuesday we talked about how we waste food at home, and
today we are going to discover food waste here at school. We are going to look at the food in the
trash cans after each grades lunch period, and in small groups you are going to make tallies of the
kinds of food you see that was thrown out. Then, we will come back to the classroom and you will
create your own graph. Can anyone tell me what a graph is and what it helps us do?

Teacher Will: Student Will:

Go over the different types of graphs and Participate in discussion
what we use them for using a poster and Ask questions
having a discussion. Pick which graph they like the best to use
Answer questions for activity
Have students pick which one they like
the best so they can use it for the activity
uctional Input

Co-Teaching Strategy
Differentiation Strategy
Have students do a practice graph with the question what is your favorite subject?
Teacher will write responses as tallies on the board, then students will make their graph
with the given data

Teacher Will: Student Will:

Give instructions for activity stating Listen to instructions
that we will be going to the cafeteria Gather materials
after each lunch period to see how Get into assigned small groups
Walk to cafeteria after each lunch period
much food is wasted by each grade
to complete activity
in one day
First we will weigh the trash bags and
add up the weight for all the trash
thrown away for each grade
Then we will go through the trash in
groups (each group gets one trash
bag) and make tallies of each
category of food that is thrown away-
clarify that we are looking for uneaten
and unopened food, not trash
Everyone in the group needs to make
their own tallies because they will be
making their graphs independently

Have each student get a piece of

paper out to write categories of food
to make tallies underneath
After giving instructions, put students
in small groups of 5 and hand out
gloves to every student
Have every student grab a pencil and
Go to the cafeteria after each lunch
period and complete activity

Co-Teaching Strategy
Differentiation Strategy
Dont use all trash cans if there isnt enough time
Only do as many lunch periods as the kids an handle/ as time allows
Let students all work together
Independent Practice

Teacher Will: Student Will:

Go over the different types of graphs Raise their hand to show which graph
again as review they are going to use
Ask the class who is going to use Pay attention to examples and ask
each graph and have them raise their questions if needed
hands for the one they will use Complete graph
Do an example of how to graph and
label the data for each kind of graph
Give students time to make their
Co-Teaching Strategy

Differentiation Strategy
Have all students do the same graph all together if enough are struggling
Do their graphs in the same groups they made their tallies in the cafeteria with
Challenge students by having them do both graphs
Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:

After students make their graphs, teacher will have the get back in their groups from the tallies and
compare their graphs, figure out the total number of thrown away food they got in their bin, and talk
about their results. Each group will stand up and present to the class their results and put their two
different kinds of (correct and accurate) graphs under the document camera and explain what they
mean to the class. After all the groups have presented, we will add up all the numbers that all the
groups got of the amount of thrown away food in their trash cans. This number will give us how
much food was thrown away that day at the school. We will wrap up the lesson by discussing how
much food students at our school wasted in one day for one meal and how much that probably
means the rest of our country is wasting.

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