Intoxication Methanol

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Methanol Intoxication

Department of Internal Medicine
Airlangga University School of Medicine-Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya
Methanol (methyl alcohol)
Also known as wood alcohol
Colorless, volatile liquid, odour similar to alcohol,
burning taste.
Paint removers, solvents, varnishes, windshield washing
Well absorbed from the GI tract
Peak levels 30-90 minutes after ingestion
Presentation may be delayed 12-18 hours (longer if
EtOH co-ingested)
Toxicity is the result of the metabolites
Formaldehyde & formate
Emergency for Every Doctor 2017 2
WHO (2014) Report
There have been numerous outbreaks of methanol
poisoning in recent years in several countries, including
Cambodia, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Estonia, India,
Indonesia, Kenya, Libya, Nicaragua, Norway, Pakistan,
Turkey and Uganda. The size of these outbreaks has
ranged from 20 to over 800 victims, with case fatality
rates of over 30% in some instances.
Some common names for these drinks include: hooch/
moonshine (USA), changaa/kumi kumi (Kenya),
tonto/waragi (Uganda), tuak/tapai (Malaysia), samogon
(Russia), talla (Ethiopia) and cukrik (Indonesia)

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Data from patients who come

to the emergency ward dr
Sutomo Surabaya in 2016
found 19 patients, 7 of whom
The mortality rate is high, so
that the required accuracy in
diagnosing, referring and
appropriate treatment.
Unpublished data

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Formaldehyde 33 times more
Formaldehyde toxic than methanol.
Aldehyde Formic Acid is 6 times more
toxic than methanol.
Formic acid

CO2 & H2O

Kruse JA, Intenvise Care 1992;18;391-397

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Mechanism of Action
Formic acid
Metabolic acidosis
Inhibits cytochrome oxidase:
Decreased ATP production
Increased anaerobic glycolysis & lactate

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PRODUCTION Early stage
of poisoning

Sign And Symptoms

Produces symptoms of drunkenness like ethyl alcohol.

Appearance of symptoms: 1 hour 24 hours
Initial inebriation - especially if ethanol coingested
After 12 - 24 hour delay - progression to acidosis and
other signs and symptoms
May be further delay with continued ingestion of
Fatal Dose: 60-120 ml

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Sign And Symptoms
CNS - inebriation progressing to coma, convulsions
RETINAL- blurred vision, photophobia, visual acuity
loss, dilated non-reactive pupils, optic nerve
hyperaemic - becoming oedematous,blindness
GIT- nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, pancreatitis
Cardiac- tachycardia, hypertension progressing to
hypotension and cardiogenic shock
RESPIRATORY tachypnoea, kussmaul, death may
occur from respiratory depression

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Sign and Symptoms
Urine is strongly acidic and contains
- albumin
- acetone
- formic acid
Death is mainly due to metabolic acidosis resulting
from production of organic acids mainly, Formic
CNS depression leading to respiratory depression.

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Laboratory Findings

AcidBase Disturbances : Differential Diagnosis

Endogenous hydrogen ion production:
metabolic acidosis ketoacidosis
lactic acidosis

pH < & 7.0 strongest Metabolism of toxins

salicylate overdose

predictor of mortality methanol

ethylene glycol

Mortality increased 20 Decreased renal excretion


times pH < 7.0 Vs > 7.0 renal tubular acidosis (type 1)


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Laboratory Findings
Methanoltests are not readily
available in most laboratories.
When methanol poisoning is
suspected, a serum osmolality test is
ordered and the osmolar gap is
The osmolar gap is the increase in the
number of particles in the blood
beyond what is considered normal and Calculated osmolality (mOsm/kg) =
will be increased when ethanol, 2(Na+) + (glucose/18) + (blood urea
methanol, or ethylene glycol are nitrogen [BUN]/2.8)
present in the blood.
Elevated anion gap
Fujita m et al, Internal Medicine, 2004;43(8);750-754

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DDx of elevated DDx of elevated
Anion Gap Osm Gap
Methanol With anion gap metabolic acidosis
Uremia Methanol ingestion
DKA, SKA, AKA End-stage renal disease (GFR <10)
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Paraldehyde Alcoholic ketoacidosis
Isoniazid/Iron Paraldehyde ingestion
Lactate Lactic acidosis
Ethylene glycol Ethylene glycol ingestion
Formaldehyde ingestion

Fujita m et al, Internal Medicine, 2004;43(8);750-754

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Investigation Methanol Intoxication
Blood methanol level
ABG - metabolic acidosis
Osmolal gap - increased (methanol)
Anion gap - increased (formic acid, lactic acid)
Blood ethanol
Magnesium, amylase, potassium

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Methanol Toxic Optic Neuropathy
During the period of January 2013 until December
2014, 31 patients were diagnosed with methanol
toxic optic neuropathy

Right (a) and left (b) fundal pictures showing pale optic discs with extending
atrophic changes to retinal nervefibers layers suggesting optic atrophy

Y Ardiella et al, Ophtamol Ina 2016;42(1);38-44

Emergency for Every Doctor 2017 15

CT Scan

Non contrast axial CT head (a) showing hypodense areas involving bilateral lentiform nuclei with
hyperdensespecks within and T1 weighted axial MR Image of brain showing hypointense lesions
with centralhy perintensities (arrows) in putamina, suggesting bilateral putaminal hemorrhagic

Nand et al, JAPI 2016;62 :96-99

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Physical findings
Kussmaul respirations
Faint odor of methanol on breath
Visual disturbances
Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain
Altered sensorium
Laboratory findings
Elevated anion gap
Metabolic acidosis
Elevated osmol gap
Positive serum methanol assay

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Methanol Toxicity Differential Diagnoses

Conditions to consider in the differential diagnosis of

methanol intoxication include the following:
Arsenic poisoning
Cocaine poisoning
Inhalant poisoning
Complex partial seizures
Ethylene glycol intoxication
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Any cause of altered mental status with acidosis and
potential cardiovascular collapse

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Stabilising airway, breathing and circulation,
limiting acidosis and reducing uptake of and
removing methanol
Traditionally the use of ethanol has been the basis
of treatment however, where available, 4-Methyl
pyrazole (fomepizole) should be used first

Kraut JA, Am J Kidney Dis 2016;02;1-7

Emergency for Every Doctor 2017 19

Treatment with Ethanol or Fomipizole


Methanol Formaldehyde Formic CO2 + H2O
Ethanol Folate

ADH : alcohol dehydrogenase; FDH : formaldehyde dehydrogenase

F-THF-S : 10-formyl tetrahydrofolate synthetase

Kraut JA, Am J Kidney Dis 2016;02;1-7

Emergency for Every Doctor 2017 20

Management priorities for methanol poisoning

American Academy of Clinical Toxicology Practice Guidelines

on the Treatment of Methanol Poisoning,
Clinical Toxicology, 40(4), 415446 (2002)

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Recomended Therapeutic Doses of Ethanol Based Average
Pharmecokinetic Values ( Table 3)
Amount Volume Volume
absolute (43% Oral Solution) (10% IV Solution)
Loading dose 600mg/kg 1.8 mL/kg 7.6 mL/kg

Standart maintenance dose 66 mg/kg/h 0.2 mL/kg/h 0.83 ml/kg/h


Standart maintenance dose (ethanol 154 mg/kg/h 0.46 mL/kg/h 1.96 ml/kg/h

Mantenance dose during dialysis 169 mg/kg/h 0.5 mL/kg/h 2.13 ml/kg/h

Mantenance dose during dialysis 257 mg/kg/h 0.77 mL/kg/h 3.26 ml/kg/h
(ethanol abuser)

Clinical Toxicology, 40(4), 415446 (2002)

Emergency for Every Doctor 2017 22

Ethanol vs Fompepizole
Ethanol: Fomepizole:
- Oral or IV - IV
- CNS depression - No CNS depression
- Easy dosing
- Difficult titration
- No levels to monitor
- Frequent levels
- More predictable
- Hypoglycemia
- No Hypoglycemia
- Cost

Emergency for Every Doctor 2017 23

Rietjens et al. The Neth Jour of Med, 2014;72;73-79

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Reffering Px
Managed patients at a tertiary facility
Manage airway and asisist ventilation as needed
If severe respiratory distress or SpO2 <90, give oxygen
If hypotension or shock give IV fluids rapidly and titrete
to maintain good urine output.
Give strong alcoholic drink (e.g. brand-named vodka or
wishky, not informally distilled spirit) to block
metabolism. Oral loading dose (by NG tube) : 1.8 ml/kg
of a 40-43% alcoholic drink over 15-30 minutes
Transfer at this stage if necessasry.
WHO 2011, Guidelines for the management of common illnesses with limited resources

Emergency for Every Doctor 2017 25

Indication for Hemodialysis
American academy of clinical toxicology practice
pH <7.25 to 7.35
Or visual signs and/or symptoms
Or decreases vital signs despite intensive supportive care of
kidney failure
Or substantial electrolyte disturbances unresponsive to
supportive care
Or serum methanol concentration >50 mg/dL

Kraut JA, Am J Kidney Dis 2016;02;1-7

Emergency for Every Doctor 2017 26

Indication for Hemodialysis
Extracorporeal treatment in poisoning workgroup
pH <7.15
Severe visual defects
Or coma
Or worsening vital signs despite intensive
supportive care
Or kidney failure
Or serum methanol
>70 mg/dL with femopizole
>60 mg/dL with ethanol
>50 mg/dL absence of inhibitor

Kraut JA, Am J Kidney Dis 2016;02;1-7

Emergency for Every Doctor 2017 27

How to Discontinue Tx Ethanol
The clinician can used this estimated serum
methanol concentration to assess the clearance of
methanol from the body.
When serum osmolal gap is decreased to 6
mOsm/kg (equivalent to serum methanol
concentration of 20 mg/dL),
Dialysis therapy and treatment with inhibitor can
theoretically be discontinued.

Kraut JA, Am J Kidney Dis 2016;02;1-7

Emergency for Every Doctor 2017 28

Teaching Points
Symptoms including abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting,
and decrease vision, methabolic acidosis and can occur
hours to days after exposure.
An increase in serum osmolality and/or anion gap can
be clues for methanol intoxication
Definitive diagnosis of methanol intoxication presently
a laborious
Treatment can be included administrastion of ethanol
or fomepizole, 2 inhibitor of alcohol dehydrogenase
Hemodialysis can remove both methanol and formate

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Thank You

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Indication Of Ethanol

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Dose of Ethanol

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Dose of Ethanol

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The Osmolar Gap

Measured Serum Osmolarity

Calculated Serum Osmolarity
[ 2(NA) + BUN/2.8 + Glucose/18+Etoh/4.6]

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The Osmolar Gap
Compound Concentration (mg/L) Osmolal Contribution
(mOsm/kg H2O)
Propylene glycol 1000 (13 mmol/L) 13
Ethylene glycol 1000 (16 mmol/L) 16
Isopropanol 1000 (17 mmol/L) 17
Acetone 1000 (18 mmol/L) 18
Ethanol 1000 (22 mmol/L) 22
Methanol 1000 (34 mmol/L) 34

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mEq/L mOsm

0 Time since Ingestion

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Anion Gap

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