Lesson 4

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Lexicology is the study of the lexicon or lexis (specified as the vocabulary or total stock of words
of a language). Modern lexicology studies the problems of word-structure and word-formation in
Modern English; the semantic structure of English words; the main principles underlying the
classification of vocabulary units into various groupings; the laws governing the replenishment of
the vocabulary with new vocabulary units.

Lexicography is the professional activity and academic field concerned with DICTIONARIES and
other REFERENCE WORKS. It has two basic divisions: lexicographic practice, or DICTIONARY-
MAKING, and lexicographic theory, or DICTIONARY RESEARCH

Both lexicology and lexicography are derived from the Greek work lexiko (adjective from lexis
meaning 'speech', or 'way of speaking' or 'word'). The common concern of both of them is 'word' or
the lexical unit of a language.

In lexicology the word is studied as a part of the system. In lexicography it is studied as an

individual unit in respect of its meaning and use from the practical point of its use by the reader of
the dictionary for learning the language or comprehending texts in it or for any other purpose like
checking correct spelling, pronunciation etc.

Special-purpose Dictionaries
-Etymological Dictionaries
-Pronunciation Dictionaries
-Synonym Dictionaries
-Slang Dictionaries
-Dialect Dictionaries (Linguistic Atlases)
-Neologisims (collections of new words)

Monolingual Dictionary
Bilingual Dictionary (Unidirectional/Bidirectional)

Dictionary entry:
- intent [intent] n namjera
- expensive [ikspensiv] adj skup

1. The word
2. The Pronounciation
3. The part of speech (adjective adj. (pridjev) // adverb adv. (prilog) // conjunction conj.
(veznik) // interjection int. (uzvik) // noun n. (imenica) // preposition prep. (prijedlog) //
pronoun pron. (zamjenica) // verb v. (glagol))
4. The definition or translation
1. Nouns A noun is a word that identifies:
a person, (woman, boy, doctor, neighbor)
a thing (dog, building, tree, country)
an idea, quality, or state (truth, danger, birth, happiness).
2.Verbs - A verb describes what a person or thing does or what happens:
an action run, hit
an event rain, occur
a situation be, seem, have
a change become, grow
3. Adjectives - An adjective is a word that describes a noun, giving extra information about it:
a sweet taste
a red apple
a technical problem
an Italian woman
4. Adverbs - An adverb is a word thats used to give information about a verb, adjective, or other
He walked slowly.
5. Pronouns - A pronoun is used in place of a noun that has already been mentioned or that is
already known, often to avoid repeating the noun.
Kate was tired so she went to bed.
Harris and others like him suffer from Information Fatigue Syndrome.
6. Prepositions - Prepositions are usually used in front of nouns or pronouns and they show the
relationship between the noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence
Her bag was under the chair.
They arrived on Sunday.
7. Conjunctions Conjunctions are used to connect phrases, clauses, and sentences
You can have ice cream or strawberries.
- He plays football and soccer.
8. Determiners rijei koje odreuju imenicu - A determiner is a word that introduces a noun, such
as a/an, the, every, this, those, or many
a cat
this cat
every cat
The determiner the is sometimes known as the definite article and the determiner a (or an) as the
indefinite article.

Open Word Classes


Closed Word Classes

Auxiliary Verb A "helping" verb that modifies the main
verb (be, do, have).

Modal Verb Modal verb expresses ability,

permission, likelihood, and obligation (may, should, will)
Transitive Verbs Verb that must be follow by an object
(e.g. He reads a book / She played the piano)

Intransitive Verbs Verbs that don't need to be follow an object to make sense (e.g. He
Collocations Words that go together (e.g. Are you fully aware of the
implications of your action? The prisoner was hanged
for committing murder.)

Neologisms newly coined terms, words, or phrases, that may be commonly used
in everyday life but have yet to formally accepted as constituting
mainstream language (e.g. google, metrosexual, app)

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