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Solutions Manual Accompanying Elements of Electromagnetics, Third Edition Matthew Sadiku, Jerry Sagliocca, and Oladega Soriyan Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter § Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 TABLE OF CONTENTS 40 B 113 129 193 221 240 280 328 350 384 389 CHAPTER 1 PLE. LI (a) A+ B=(1,03)+(5,2,-6) = (6.2,-3) |4+ Bl= 36+4+9=7 (b) 5A-B=(5,0.15)-(5,2,-6) = (0, (c) The component of A along ayis Ay =0 (4) 34+ B=(3,0,9)+(5,2,-6) = (8,2,3) A unit vector parallel to this vector is ae "644449 = 40.9117, +0.2279a, +0.3419a,) P.E. 1.2 (a) The distance vector (0,3,8)-(2,4,6) +2a, Ton =a - (b) The distance between Q and R is =V44144 33 (6) Vector rap =(1,-3,5)-(2,4,6) = (-1,-7,-1) COSOpon = (a) Area = Vo roe * roe| = Vi(15,-4.13) { I PLE. 13 Consider the figure shown below: 40 U, =U, +U, a, +a,) 3500, + = -378a, + 28.284, or u = 379.32175.72" N y . E i x j u uw s PLE. 14 At point (1,0), G at point (0,1), G at point (2,0), G at point (1,1), G It is evident that G is a unit vector at each point. Thus the vector field G is as sketched in Fig. 1.8 PLES Using the dot product, 9, -AtB__-/3 cos AB” T1065 * or using the cross product, Either way. P.E.1.7 a+b+c=0 showing that a, 6, and c form the sides of a triangle. a-b=0, hence it is a right angle triangle. Area = 3.940914 = PLELLS (@) BP, = V(x, -x) +. -)) +(e) - 2) =V25+4+64 =9.644 (b) rp =P + Alte, rm) = (1,2,-3)+ a(-5,-2,8) d= PP sind =|PP, xa,,,| 146 -3 4 “Fails -2 3 5 alt 14.-73.-27) = (-5,-2,-2) -0.8703a, — 0.3482a, - 0.3482a, Prob. 1.2 (a) A + 2B =(2.5,-3)+(6,-8,0) = 8a, —3a, (b) A -5C = (2,5,-3)-(5,5,5) = (- 3,0, | |4-sej=V9r0+6 = 8.544 (c) KB = 3ka, ~ 4ka, |kB| = VOR? 16k? = 45k =2 =k (d) A- B= (2,5,-3)-(3,-4,0)= 6 -20+0=14 2 5 3-4 AxB (12 9 23 ae axa} ofc) 14714714 Prob, 1.3 | | (a) A-2B =(2,1,-3)-(0,2,-2) = (2,-1,-1) A-2B+C a, + 4a, + 6a, (b) 4+ B=(2, C-4(4 + B)=(3,5,7)-(88,-16) = -5a 3a, +234, (c)2A -3B = (4,2,-6)-(0,3,-3) = (4,-1,-3) \C|= V9+25+49 =9.11 | 24-38 ey 039m = OMe, - 0.32930, = 2) = 0.857 la, +0.6428a, + 1.642a, (d)A-C =6+5-21=-10, [Bl = v2 A-C-|Bl 10+2 | taste (2 -t}¢(2.3.2) Gators 53833.0.75) 304 33 444 -1{ far(tarte)= ° ! "a1 234 Fo) 2 hat67 1.5833 0.75 | Prob.1.4 (a) T=(3,22,1) and $ = (4, 6,2) (b) rrs = ts — 1 = (4, 6, 2) = (3, -2, I= 1 Bay ta, (c) distance = |rrs| = V1 +64 +1 = 8.124m Prob. 1.5 Let D = aA + 6B+C | =(Sa- 6 +8)a, +(3a+4f +2)a, +(-20 +68), D, =0+5a-f+8=0 a) D, =0 4-20 + 6f =0 +a =38 Q) Substituting (2) into (1), 15B-B+8=0> f= Thus Prob. 1.6 A-B=0>0=3a+f-24 ad) A-C=0-+0=Sa-2+47 (2) BC =040=15-28 -6y 3) In matrix form, 24) [3 1 0fa > =|5 0 4 ‘ {Is} lo 2 6f7]} 3 1 O sb 0 4|=3(0-8)-1(30~0)+0(10-0)=-24-30 =-54 lo 2 24 1 oJ A,=|2 0 4)=-24x8-(12-60)=-144 1S 2 6| Is 24 oJ =|5 2 4 =3(12-60)-24x30 = -864 0 15 4 {3 1 24! 4,=|5 0 2/=-12-75+240=153 lo 2 15] Prob. 1.7 (2) A-B = ABcosO 4p Ax B= ABsinO ,,, (4-B) +|Ax Bl’ = (4B)*(cos? 0,, +sin? 0,,)= (4B)? Prob. 1.8 (a) P+ Q=(2,2,0), P+Q- R =(3,1,-2) |P+O-R|=V9+1+4 = Vid = 3.742 [-2 -1 - (b)P-QxR=|4 3 2)/=-2(6-2)+(8+2)-2(44+3)=-8+10-1 -l 1 2 432 5 =(4,- OxR I‘ ; i (4,-10,7) P-QxR=(-2,-1,-2)-(4,-10,7) = -8+10-14 = 32 4 2 Jetaaa) 4,4,2)-(-1,2)= 44444 =12 -l 1 2 or QxP-R=R-QxP=|4 3 -2 -1 (d)(P x Q)-(Q x R) = (4,-4.2): (4,-10,7) = 16 + 40-14 4 -4 J ol «0)(@xA)=[) 10 77488 P-R (2-1-4) Ong See = (905000 = tpiRi” Jacteadisted py = 114.1" - (sind = 2 SIRETORT Ne PI ibe 9+4 35 | Op9 = 214 Prob. 1.9 Tr. (a)T, =T-a, => Is| (b)S, =(S ayhe, = EDI. =12-63) = -0.2857a, + 0.8571a, - 0.4286a, \@12110) | 245 N67 -ITxS| _ ris} | 2 -6 3 12] = 0.9129 al (c)sin8,s = Prob. 1.10 AB _~1+12+15 _ 26 _ 694 iB) Visaso Via (B-A)A _ 26(-1,6,5) b) B, = (B- = =a )B, =(B-as)eg lar (+3625) =-0.4193a, +2.516a, +2.097a, B 26 26 A Oy, - AB. __ 2626 (0800 ~ igi” Jeijieaes ~ Vena @A,=A-a, Prob. 1.11 Prob. 1.12 Por ye 2 0 3” P-(Qx R)=(2,-1,1)-(3,-1,2 =6+1-2=5 QxR= (3,-1,-2) Prob. 1.13 (a) Using the fact that (4x B)xC =(4-€)B-(B-C)A, we get Ax(Ax B)= (Ax B)x A =(B-A)A-(4-A)B (b) Ax (4x(Ax B))= Ax[(4-B)4-(4-)B] = (4: BYAx A)-(A- AYAx B) Prob. 1.14 [ A(BxQ = Hence. A-(BxC) = (AxB)-C Prob. 1.15 (15.39,-30) [6 0 PpxRR=[ oo I Area of the triangle = +|P,P, x BP = Prob. 1.16 Let P; = (4,1,-3), P2 = (-2, 5, 4), and P3 = (0, 1, 6) Pi a=, ~ 14, = (-2,5,4)- (41,-3) = (-6,4,7) = (0,1,6)-(-2,5,4) = (2,-4,2) rn, = (41-3) - (0,1,6) = (4,0,-9) Note thata+b+c=0 12-16+14 b = abcos(180~ 7) > - = —_— #16 abcod 80-7) + cosy = B= IE 4 14° . = Se = BAT res Tor +0-18 24/97 «10 = cos! ———- = 78, A V2497 = 24+0-63 a-c = accos(180- a)» —cosa = 2 £ = —748 40-63 ale] Ji01/97 — Prob. 1.17 (8) fp = Mo - Fp = (2,-1.3) (-1.4,8) = (3,-5,-5) Tig =|Peq| = V9-+ 25+ 25 = 7.681 (b) Fog = = (-1,2.3)-(- 1.4.8) = (0.-2.-5) j () rep = 3a, +5a, + 5a, Ton = 2.-1,3)-(-1,2,3) = 3a, -3a, cos = for For 91S 24 \rorltoe| V9+25+25V9+9 Vi8V59 6 = 137.43" Shae Xa | 5S ferston=[ 5 _3 = 15a. +154, ~ 60, Are: = LVS HIP HE = 11.02 (©) Perimeter = OP + PR+ RO=rop + Fon + Foe = 59 + V4425 + VIB = 7.681 + 5.385 + 4.243 731 Prob. 1.18 (a) Let A = (4,B,C) and r ="(x,y,2) i+ By+ C2+ D where D = -4° - B’- C*. Hence, (r-A)-A = 0 Ax + By+Cz+D=0 which is the equation of a plane. (b) (r-A)-r = (x-A)x + (y-B)y + (2-C)z If (r-A)r = 0, then v+y+z—Ax-By-Cz=0 which is the equation of a sphere whose surface touches the origin. (c) See parts (a) and (b). [Prob. 1-19 " — | (a) Let P and Q be as shown below 5 x Q 82. 2x4) ; |P|=cos’ 8, +sin? 6, = 1,|Q| = cos? 0, + sin? @, =1, ' Hence P and Q are unit vectors. (b) P-@ = (I)(1)cos(@, -8,) But P-@ = cos@, cos8, +sin§, sin8,. Thus, cos(O, -4, 088, cos8, + sind, sind, Let P, = P =cos6,a, +sinda, and 0, =c0s8,a, -sind,a,. ' P, and Qy are unit vectors as shown below: | P,Q, = (I)()cos(O, + A) But P, -Q, = cos8, cosd, ~sin8, sind, cos(9, + 8,) = c0s8, cos, - sind, sind, { Alternatively, we can obtain this formula from the previous one by replacing ! 02 by -92 in @. (c) I 5 1 . ZIP A= F1(e0s0,, - cos0.,)a, + (sind, ~ sind .)a, ee a 5 V2- 2(cos8 ,cos0 , + sind, sind , Let @,-8, = 0, the angle between P and Q. 1 1 — lP- = 3v2- 2cos0 But cos 2A 2sin7A. 1 l a SIP Os 5 V2- 2+ 4sin”0/2 = sind /2 Thus, Li p-gytsi IP - Orlsin Prob. 1.20 Prob. 1.21 (a) AUT, A = (-4,3,-9) [4] = J16+9+81 = V106 = 10.3 (b) Let r;5 = B= Ba, B=56.a, 5.6(-4,3,9) 10.3 -0.175a, +0.63la, - 1.8934, Prob. 1.22 (a) At(1,2,3), £ = (2,1,6) [E| = V4+1436 = V41 = 6.403 (b) At (12,3), F= (2,-4,6) E-F)F _36 ler 56 = 1.2864, ~2.57la, +3.857a, E, =(E-a,)a,p (2,-4,6) (c) At (0,1,-3), B= (0,1,-3), F = (0,-1,0) oO 1 - ExF= (-3,0,0) jo -1 0 Geer a ta, jexF| —= PLE. 21 (a) At P(1,3,5), x= 1, p=yxey = Vi0 PCp, Spherical system: y=3, CHAPTER 2 z=5, re yx? yt 2? = ¥35 =5.916 reyxre yess 6= tant ferny*/ 35 = 5916 = tan! ¥10/5s = tan“! 0.6325 = 32.31° P(r,8,0)= P(5.916,32.31° 71.56°) AtT(0,-4,3), x=0 p= xt + y? = 4,25 3,9 tan y/ x= tan!- 4/0= 270° T(2.9.2) Spherical system: (4,270° 3). P(JT0, tan“ 3,5) = P(3.162,716" 5) 2=0; rext+ yz? = 5,0= tan" p/z= tan! 4/3= 5313. TC, Tgs313 At S(-3-4-10), p= {ety =5, b= tant 4/-3= 2331 S(p,9,2) = S(5,233.1,- 10). (b) Spherical system: 270°). x=3, y=4, 2=-10; rot yee = Sv5= 1118, = tan '/ = tan!5/-10= 15343%; S(r,0,9)= S(11.18,153.43° ,2331°). In Cylindrical system, Q= 7 Q, p= = 0: x+y; Q. g yz= zpsind, J [2] cosé sing 0], /2|- -sing cosé 0}] 0 la} lo o ile In Spherical coordinates: rsing Q.= B = sing; 1 Q, =-rsingsinOrcosd ~ = - rsinBcos@sing, Q.| [sinécosd sindsing cose ][Q, Q, | = |cosBcosg cosOsing -sing|| 0 |; Q, ~sing cosp 0 La. Q.= Q,sinBcosg + Q, cos = sin? Bcos# - rsinBcos? Asing. Q,= Q, cosOcosg - Q, sind = sinOcosOcos4 + rsin? BcosOsing. Q, sing = - sin@sing. Q= sin {sin Bcosp- rcos? Asin g)G, + sindcosgXcos4 + rsindsing)q, - sindsingq, AtT: a 4. - - - Q(x, y.z) = gat 2a, =08a,+24a.; 4 5 5 - O(p.9.2)= 5 (e0s270° Gy ~ sin270° ay - 3sin270° a: = 08a, + 24a, ; 4 45 - 43. 20 - 4 - Q8.9)=500- 55(- Mar + S(SMO- FD) ao - soda 4 yet 540 = l44a, +084, 0 Note, that the magnitude of vector Q = 2.53 in all 3 cases above. re22 (a) [* [cose -sind 0 [ pzsing | i j "|e cosp 0) | 3pcosd a [0 0 | [econo i A= (pzcosd sing - 3p cos6 sing )a, + (pzsin’ $+ 3p cos’ $a, +pcospsinga.. | But p = yx"+ = = ze y » tang=—, cosh = , sin ; x y yrry te ey? Substituting all this yields: { [(a2- 3xy)a, + (zy’+ 3x’)a, + xya,] fl B. sin@cos@ cos@cosd -sing|{ r? B,|=|sin@sing cos@sing cos@ || 0 B cos6 sind 0 sin® To 5 Since r= x+y? +2", tanQ==2*” tang 2; \ z z { yxvty? and sin@ ===, _cos0 x+y tz?” . » x and sing = ' cos} = ; : yx? 457 an +y? . 1 B, =r? sin@cosd ~ sin@sing = rx-~ = ~(rx-y), ; ror I B, =r’ sinOsing + sinOcosp = ry+~ = “(r?y 4x), r * B. =r’ cos® = rz =—(r’z). 1 (a0? +" +27) - ya, + QGl ty? +2?) +x}a, HzO ty? y P.E.2.3 (a) At: (1,2 /3,0), H= ( - - i. - a, = cos$ a, - sing dy = 5 (a, -V3a) v3 + (b) At: (1,213,0), Go = cos0 dy ~ sind a, = a a a. ope 1 Hxay=|0 5 I= 0 6 - (©) (Heap)ay = 0a. ip ay | Hxa: = |0 1/2 1] = 05a, (d) oo. PE. 2.4 @ AeB = (3,2,- 6) #(4,0,3) Ia, - 33a - 8a]. () | Thus the magnitude of Ax B= 3448. (c) At (1. 2/3. St / 4), B= n/3, a-= costa, - sinfa. - By _ 1 aI (Ava.)a. = G- VI) Ga - 8; 0.116 a, 0. Prob, 2.1 (a) x= pcosd= Icos60" = 05; y= psing = Isin120° = 0866; z=2; P(x,y,2) = P (05,0866, 2). (b) x=2c0s90% = 0; y= 2sin90°=1; z= -10. QO =9(0,1,-4). © sinO@cosg = 3sin45°cos210° = - 1.837; ye=rsinOsing = 10sin135°*sin90° = - 1.061; z=rcos@ = 10cos135° = 2121 R(x yz) = R(- 183) 061, 2.121). (d) x= 4sin90°cos30° = 3.464. sin 30° sin 240° = 2. z= rcosO = 4cos90* = 0. T(x,y,2) = 13.464, 2, 0). Prob.2.2 (a) Given P(1,-4,-3), convert to cylindrical and spherical values; 20 pe yix™ a = VP+CH = V7 = 4.123 “7 a stan! = tan! te ° gta = tan = 28404. i Spherical: i rays yee = VIF 1649 = 5099 y x= pcos, y= psing, zc0s$- p? singcosg+ pzsing (b) Pe year yr 22? 2 +r? sin’ Osin? $+ 2r* cos’ O = P[1+ sin’ Osin’ $+ 2cos’@ i | Prob. 2.4 ‘ @) : D,| [cose sing o}f 0 i D,|=|-sing cosh 0} | x+z . pJ {| o o ilo \ D, = (x+ z)sing = (p cos@ + z)sing D, = (x+ z)cosd = (p cosd + z) cos D= (p cosh + z)[sind a+ cos} a,] ' Spherical: [2 J... sin@ sing | 0 | D,|= |. cosOsing ...||x+2 12 1 Di. cosé 21 D, = (x+ z)sin0 cos = r(sin@ cos¢ + cosd) sind sing. D, = (x+ z)cos@ sing = r(sin8 sing + cos )cosé sing. D, = (x+z)cosh = r(sin9 cos6 + cos) cos}. D= r(sin® cos6 + cos [sind sing a, + cos@ sind ay + cosd ay], (6) Cylindrical: | [®| cosé sing 0] [y?-x? \ E,| = |-sing cosé 0] | x2 le, 0 0 I |xe-2} | E, = (°-x*)cosd+ xyzsing = p*(sin? g- cos’ P)cosg + p*zcosdsin? g P cos2gcosd + p*zsin’ dcos¢. (7 - x*)sing + xyzcose E, =p’ cos2gsing + p*cos2gsing + p*zsingcos' g. i E,=x%-2 = proosg-2?. E = p* cosg(zsin® $- cos2) a, + p* sing(2cos? $ + cos2)ay + (p? cosp- z”)a.. In spherical: i E, sindcosp sin@sing cos@ | [y?- x" I E,| =|cos@cos¢ cosdsing -sind} | xz ‘ E, -sing’ cos 0 | bx-2? i E, = (y’~ x’)sin0 cos} + ayzsin® sing + (x? - 2’) cos0; : but x= rsinOcosp, y= rsinsing, z= rcos0; E, = r' sin’ 0(sin? 4 - cos’ )cos + r’sin’@ cos sin’ § cos + r?(sin?6 cos’ }) cost’; E, = (y" ~ x’) cos6 cos} + xyzcos@ sing - (x? - 2’) sind; | = -r° sin’ 8 cos26 cos@ cos + r’ sin* 8 cos’@ sin} cosé - r?(sin’Ocos’¢ = cos’ 8)sin8; E, = (x'~3")sing + xyzcosd ' = 1 sin’ 0.cos2 sing + r’ sin? @ cos’ § sing cos®; | In Spherical: am = i 4 ae ! (pa, + 4a:). A (4, + 44:). Ipaa sinO cos} cosé sing 0 -sing sing 0 o 01 1 EF, = Fs 1000s" $+ psin’ g) = 2 pen? 9+ psin’ g] 1 Torah Pesstsinds pcosdsindl = 0 pee sin@ sind cos costcosh cos sing - sind ~ sind cosd 0 er i Fi x r a r E = [-r’ sin’0.cos29 + r' sin’ 0 cos0 sin’ cosh + r°(sin’@ cos’ 6 ~ cos’8)cos8 Ja, + 23 2 > ? 2 4 in’ O.cos’O + “sin? 9 sin’@ + Zcosd , , , A ye F, = sin cos® cos" § + sin cos@ sin’ § - ~sind r F, =~ sinO cos sing ~ sind sing cos = 0: sy tay: 4 F = (sin’@+—sin8)a, + sinO(cos0 ~ -)ag. (b) G,| [cose sing 0] G,| =|-sing sing 0 G. o o1 G, = 0; zp Ge ; - VJ ip +27 : ~~ (pa, +24.). Were a | Spherical : G,| [sin@cosp sin@ sing G,| = |coscos cosd sing G, ~sing cos » 4 = sin’@ + —cos®; r 4 = sin@cos@ - sind; r arsind cos® | | ——— * r - sind | | ysin 0 }| zsine | | | 24 G, = rsin’ @.cos’§ + rsin’@ sin” 4 + rcos’@ sind =rsin’@ + rcos’ sind = rsind G, = rsin’ 9 cos® cos’ +rsin’@ cossin’ - rsin’ 8 cos® in“ 8 cosd - rsin’ 8 cos® = 0. ~ rsin’@ sing cosé + rsin?@ cos sind = 0 G= rsin0 a. | Prob. 2.6 (a) A, cosé -sing 0 ets A,| = | sing cos 0) | =pzcosd 4, 0 0 1 0 A= p(z' + Ieosd + pzsing cosd =e ey (+d + ety) vey A, = p(z? + D)sin @ - pzcos’> 2 eyety @+n7e- yx y xo + y 5 2x 2 Bs[-S Vx? eye 25 [B,] [ sindcoss cosdcosp - sing] 2x |2,|=|sind sing cos0 sing cos | | reos® cosd lo. cosd - sind 0 -rsing | B, = 2xsin0 cos + rcos’ 6 cos?6 + rsin’ § ry Wer yee B, = 2xsinO sing + rcos’ 0 sing cosd - rsing cosd ay: Xx B, = 2xcos- rsin0 cos6 cos 2xz yetty?t2? (opyxey? Feet Gea) yo Az xz yxttye yet y +e? a x Oty )\e ey ae 2 2xy + - rtyyrtyer ey a aye _ yes eet Vert yee? (xt yy? prez? (b) Prob 2.7 (a) [C.] feose -sing 0] [ zsing CG sing cosé 0] |-pcos¢ ie 0 0 Il 2 | az = zsingcos¢ + psingcosg = => + dcosd + psingcoss Fey way 2, 20a yp in? rg. V2 Baty = zsin’ $~ peos'g = P=, = AE TY $- peos’ d Pay ey = Qpe= defx*+_”; wz = +h d+ Fey! eat sin® | D, sin® cos} cosdcosp -sing] | 7 9 D,|= |-sindsing cos8 sing cosp | | 5 D. cos), -sing 0 0 sin’ @ cos | cos" @cos$ _ cos x D, r r PO” [eer tey ez sin’ 0 sing ‘ cos’ @ sing . y . 7 Vit y(t yitz’y’ = ? > Jay + 2efx?+ ya. y Prob. 2.8 (a) G,* dy =(Cosgay -~ singay)*a,y = cosd ax a4 = (coshay ~ singay)*a, = ~ sing a,+a,=(Singa, + cosday)e a, = sing G,* dy =(singay + singay)*a, = cosg (b) Since a», ay, and a, are mutually orthogonal Also, a,ea:= 0; ayea.= 0. cos -sind 0 4,8 ay sing cosh 0|=| aed, 0 0 1 a,* a, © In spherical system: G, = sin cos} a, + cos® cosd de - sing ay. a, = sin sing a, + cosd sing ae - cos ay. a: Hence, cos0 a, - sin@ de. @,# a, = sin cos; Gx* dy = cos cos; a,+a, = sind sind; 4, a» = cos0 sing; a8 d, = €0803 | a4 dy = ~ sin®; ta) [Prob 29a) r= O=tan'=; gag. or sind, rcosd; o-9. Fed (pF 2 a, =sinOa: + cosday; de = cosda, - sinda.; ay = a Hence, a-| [sind 0 -cos0]| > a| =|cosd 0 ~sind a o 1 0 From the figures below, cos a.~sin® ae; ay = dy. @, = cosOao+ sinda,; a. f ~ ~ z a sin8a, ~ -% cos6a, sin8(-a,) a, costa, a au 6 a, 8 > _ Pp p | [sin@ cosd 9 a, a|=| 0 0 1 ae a.| [cos@ -sing al a, Prob. 2.10 (a) H, es 6 sing 2/5 H,| = |-sing a 0 HJ) | 0 H, = xy’zcoso + x’yzsing = p om wipes’ = 5p’zsin’ 2 H, = - xy"zsing + x’yzcoso = - p’zcosd sin’ § + p’zcosd sing = p’zcos6 sind cos2$. H,= x92’ = p’z’ sing cos. _ ot eae! dotesin® 2a, + 3p zsin 2 cos2$a, + 3p zsin 26a. I [4] [sinécosd sinO sing cos [y's ite) = | cos® cose cos sing - sind | | x?yz | -sing cos} 0 xyz? | | x=rsindcosd. y= rsin sind, = rcost H, = xyz[ysin® cos + xsin0 sing + scos8 = r’ sin’ 0 cos® sing[rsin’ @ sing cosd + rsin’ @ sing cosd + rcos" 0] H, = xy2[yc0s8 cos + xcos0 sing - zsin8] sin’ @ cosd sing cosé [rsin8 cosd sing cos$ + rsin@ cos® sing cos$ - rcosd sind) ye[- y'sing + xcos¢] | | =r" sin? 0 cos0 sing cosé[-rsin0 sin’ ¢ + rsinO cos’ 4] =r’ sin’ @ cos0 sing cos26 | Hz= r’' sin’ @ cos0 sing cosé[(sin’ 6 sin 26 + cos’ 6)a, + | (sin6 cos0 sin 26 ~ cos0 sinB)ay + sin® cos.24 ay). (b) ' At(3- 45), H(x,y,z) = -60(-4,3,5) |ftx.y.2] = 4243 This will help check H(p,¢,2) and H(r,0,6) p=5, z= 5, $= 360°- tan’! = 306.87° | He 4012545 4-0.96)a,+ £12545 4-0.90)(-0277))ay +4(25(5)-0.96)a f = 288a,+ 84 Spherical, 300a: 1 r= {50= 5V2;‘ sind re cosO= a Ee . 4 3 & sing=-=, cosp= 5. a He 2500317 ty Id, 1 1 1 wi! ~ pgs "2 3g)t 4 + 15 *2- 35)- pha ta 2s = -8485a, + 415849 + 84a, \ Prob 2.11 (a) sing cose 0] 0 La Lo 0 Ips? sing | | | A [co = sing re" | b) A, = pcos’ = x +) At(3,-4,0) — x=3, y=-4, 1 A= 3[9a,- 12a] ,] [sin@cosp sindsing cosd A,|=|cospcosé cosOsing - sind 4 -sing —cosg 0 v[Rvieels x=rsinOcosd, y=rsinOsing, z= rcos0, p=rsind. 2 cos? ae j sin’ 0 cos? sin? @cosd sing EROS F sin8 cos + SPO COP SING ing cing 4 sind sind as r'sind cos’) Tsin8 6088 4 cos0 rsin® = rsin’@ cos + r? cos’@ sind 4,=rsin8 cos’ $ cos6 cos + rsin® cosd sing cos® sind - r’ cos’ @ sing sind sin8 cos® cos - r? sin8 cos’ sing = rsin® cos0[cos@ ~ rcos@ sing] sin8 cos’ 9 sing + rsin® cosd sind cosé = 0. 8 cos +cos’ 6 sind Ja, + rsind cos8[cosé - rcos0 32 At (3-40), r= 5,0= 5/2, $= 306.83 cosg = 3/5, sing = -4/5. As 3r a S(OY-4/ 5)Ja, + SUMO)ay = 3a, jae 3 A,| [cos -sing 0] [ 4, A,| = {sing cos 0} | 4, A oO j 4. x y [sin@cosé cos@cosp- sing] | 4, = |sindsing cosOsing cos¢| | 4, | cos0 - sind 0 s{4 , -ae x xz -y Prob 2.13 (a) Using the results in Prob.2.9, 4, = posing = r° sinOcosOsing A, = 3pcos¢ = 3rsinOcosd A, = poospsing = rsinOcosgsing Hence. 4,| [sind 0 cos® |[r? sind cosé sing A,|=|cos8 0 -sind|| 3rsin@ cos¢ H4} | @ 1 0 |Lrsind cose sing A(r.8,4) = rsind[sin§ cos0(rsind + cosd)a, + sing(rcos’ 8 - sind cost a, + 3cos¢a| Pe ce ae ae At (10.0/23/4), r= 10,0 = 212,90 = 3n/4 = 3 Ax 10(0a, + 05a, - 4) = Say ~ 21.21a, B,] [sind cosd 0][ 8] B\=| 0 0 ae B.| [cos -sind Oj] B, p B(p,o,2)= yp’ + 04+ sera t2a) At (22/61), p= 29=8/6,2=1 Bz V5(2a, + 04a, + a. 0.8944a, + 2.236. Prob 2.14 =1= 1) + 2-5)? = 29 = 5385 2(3\(5)cos + (-1- 5)° = 100 10 aa no 45-2 ts OF +5* - 2(10XS)cos 5 cos = : Rok on 3 | =(l i oos7 = == a = (10y(5)sin sin Ec0s7 7 4 d= J99.12 Prob 2.15 (a) An infinite line parallel to the z-axis. (b) Point (2,-1,10). [(©) A circle of radius rsin@=5 , ie. the intersection of a cone and a sphere (d) An infinite line parallel to the z-axis. (©) A semi-infinite line parallel to the x-y plane. (f) Asemi-circle of radius 5 in the x-y plane. Prob.2.16 At T(2,3,-4) 13797 cos = we = -07428,sin0 = #2 = 0.6695 ay = tan! == t é Y= tan i cos} Ti sing 4, = c0s0.a,~ sin a, = -0.7428.a,~ 0.6695 av. sin0 cos) @,+ sind sing a,+ cosda. = 0.37 14a, + 0.557 1a, - 0.74284, $= 90°; 1[B.] [cos¢ -sing 212 B,| =|sing cos 0} | B B}| [Oo oO A LB. 0 -1 0) [-3] =|1 0 olf 7 oo Hl- #] ? B=-a,-35a,-3a: (a) A+ B= (2,4,10)+ (-1,-5,-3) 52 (0) Ags Asan = B= = ~ Fez = 8789. Prob. 2.18 At P(8, 30°, 60°)" = P(r,8,6), x= rsinO cos) = 8sin30° cos60"= 2. y=rsinO sing = 8sin30° sin60° = 2¥3 I z=rcos = 85 V3) = 43. G = HHay+ 8V3 ay+ (48+ 24a: = (14,13.86,72); v3- 0 1- at Fay; 2 2 @, = - sing a.+ cos}a, | Gy = (Gedy )ay = (75+ WILEVF A+ as) [Prob. 2.19 | | (a) J, = (Jea.)a- AU(2, #12, 3012), a: = c0SOG,~ sinBap = - ao. J.,= = 60820sin gag = ~ cosmsin(3x/2)ae = - a» a. - - () Jo tan FInd = tan In2ay = In2a, = 0.693 1a. (©) = J- J, = - aot In2a,y = - ae+ 0.693 1a, . (ad) Jp=(Jear)ax ,, = sin cos a, + cos® cos ae- sing ay At (2. 1/2, 3n/2), i Prob 2.20 AUP, p=2,$=30, z= H=10sin30a,+ 2cos30? ay- 4a.. = Say+ 1.732a,-4a:. Hy, = H,a,= (25sin30° cos30°+5sin 30° cos30° )a, = Ba, (c) Normal to p= 2is H,= Hy ay; ie. Hy = 07538 ay. | (d) Tangential to ¢ = 30° | H.= Hoa Ha.=0 Prob.2.21 3 (a) At T.x= 3,y= Lp = S.c0s¢ = 5 A= 0a,- SUN 2ayt 25(Na: 5 r= 26, sind = De cos® = We 5 Jar+ (426) Ya" = -156a,+ 10a, (6) In cylindrical coordinates, B,] [sind cos 0] [- 15.6 Bli=| 9 0 i/o B.| |cosd -sind 0] | 10 3,5 B,= 156 sin® = 26(- ST B,= 10, B. = 156 cos@ = -3.059 B(p.o.z) = (-15.3,10,- 3.059) An= (Avan)an= (44 B)B> fo 343.36 O71a,- 1354ay+ 041414. | (c) In spherieal coordinates, t ' [4 [sm 0 cos6 | | | 4,|=|cosd 0 -sin6| 3 tt i id} LO FO jL25] 1 (30-76 485)(- 15.3,10,- 3.059) 38 a a 4@ Ax B= |4.903 -2451 0| = - 245.1a, + 49.03a, - 382-43a, -156 0 10) £(0.5365a,- 0.1073 a» + 0.8371ay. xs 1 Y= rcosB cosB = sis ae 0 2= rcosy cosy Hence, (r,0,Byy)= (7, 10 =2s y= 1269 cosy= == Sys 1269 400830° 2084 Ta = 46S 4 sins" B= 66.42 46.15? 66.42? 126°) cosa i 39 [(o) For (7.0.4) = G.30°.60"), rez cos B= —= sinO sing = 0.433 B= 64.34", r (r.a.B.y) = (BIS5P 64.34 30°). Prob 2.23 2reosOsing - G= cosyayt SEE. + (1- cos? pa. yet sind : oe = cosga,+ 2tanOsinga,+ singa. | sinOcos# sinOcos$ cos@][ cos’¢ G| = |sindcos# cosOsing - sind} | 2tandsing G,) | -sing cong 0 sin’ ¢ Gr = sinBcos$+ 2cosOsin® $+ cosOsin’ 9 = sinOcos’ $+ 3cosOsin? ¢ G, = cosOcos? $+ 2tanOcosOsin’ p- sinOsin® G, = - singcos? $+ sin? dcos¢ = sin gcos¢(sing- cos) G [sin cos? $+ 3cos@sin’ g]a, + [cosOcos? $+ 2 tan Ocos@sin’ g- sindsin® p]ae + singcosp(cosg- cosd)ay 40 P.E.3.1 (a) DH = oa" oes 0-0 &) FG= f ra |, = 5G- ‘. AEHD= | [rsinodiap |, = 9(-cos0) Pring dl sy = CHAPTER 3 lon. 3x = MGs Fe 178. an (©) On gues @ rs 0-90 ABCD = [ frdOdr = 13 09 © PLE. 3.2 rs . 2h, & (-cos8) | ors 6 40" Iysase = Log 598. pel 212 41 (fe f+ faedt=c+o+c, pod fas Along (1), C,= [ Aedl= J p cost dply.o = 72 Along (2), dl = pdb a, Ae dl = 0, C,=0 ye-1 1 Along (3), C, = [p06 de = oI G § Ae dl = C,+C,+C,= 240-121 P.E. 3.3 (a) Ty rsind ap" = (cosOsing+ 2rg)a,- sinOsinglnr ae + (cosOcosginr + rcosecd) ay P.E. 3.4 VO =(x+ part (x4 z)a,+ (yt 2)a: At (1,23) VO = (54,3) D_ 2L Vea, = (54,3) 3 3 , where (2,2) = (344)~ (1,23) Q, PE. 3.5 Let f= x'y+z2-3, g=xlogz-y"+4, Vf = 2xyay+ x? ay a: _ ox. = logza.- 2ya,+~ a. At P(-/,2,D, 4 Vf C4art ata.) me eRe VIB 6080 = ry.g = + OMS 18x17 5 = cos! —" 73.399 0 = cos! 5 3.39 PE. 3.6 0+ 440= 4x. (a) Ve At (1-2,3), Ve ) VeR (p B,) + pene “aes ar) = zpzsing -23p 2 sing + 2zsing - 32° sing Pp = (2- 32)zsing. ASS Dy Ve B=(2-3\()= xh (c) 16 at sind a0 4080 O)* TG ay = =6r? cosOcosp 7 3 (b) P.E. 3.7 This is similar to Example 3.7. H = fAeds= ¥4¥,4¥, ¥,=0=¥, since A has no z-component ¥ = [fp° cos’ odbc: Vx B= a,(0- 6pzcosh)+ ay(p sing - O)+ a: (pz cosd ~ pzcos>) cosh a,+psind a, + (6z- /)zcos$ a: q 44 © Z Vx -12 cog — C= a,— Find (r"? cos - 0) + a a > 3 ong: = r'*cot0a,- (2cot6 sing + gr a _ 2rcosd sing 3, aad #2), % 7 (0 2rsind cose) 2sin8 cotd a At 5D, VxC= 1732a,~ 45ae- 05a, P.E. 3.9 4 Ae dl= [(W x AyedS i 5 ~ =. Zoos But (Vx A)=singa.+ J0v x AyedS= [fp sing ad ap 5 #2, and d= pdbdpa. p ” = 5 ceose| = -$+= 1 P.E. 3.10 49 6 ao @ Ver GF a a AA a AL (2h. 24; Ga ae" Ga zee (aa Gade? PE, 3.11 (a) VUs Len y)+ Le + xz)+ Zw) 45 If B is conservative, V x B= 0 must be satisfied. fo 4 @ ox dy az ly+zcosxz x xcosxz| = Oa,+ (cosxz- xzsinxz- cosxz+ xzsinxz)a,+ (I- Ia: =0 Hence B is a conservative field. (b) 1a é VV = ——p(zsing+ 2, and We sing- 22 © singcosg)+ L(psing + 22 ‘cos’ g) pa” b+ 2p) pesing- D 1 5 2 = Jiesings 4p)- —s(cpsing+ 22" cos2g) + 2cos" g. 2 = 44 2cos' g- = cos2¢, ae (c) >, 1a 11 ! vif= TF aolps , cos8 sind + 2r’ "o]+ Fang or sin’ 0 sing Inr] ig {7 cosd sind Inr} = Acoso sing(/~ 2lt.- es0?@ Inr) + 68 P.E. 3.12 — SS 46 (b) dl = rsinddg; i a = fat =rsino { ag = (ysin30°((Z)- 0] = 05236. } pe236 ©) dl= rdp L= [ater fao- 4% 5) . aiso 4 26° 3°=— 6 Prob. 3.2 @ dS= pdgdz ; st aa S= [as = plfdpa: = 2 fae Jas = 291F-F] = 5 (b) In cylindrical, dS = p dp dp fa-2@p- = fas = [oa Joo = FQ (c) Inspherical, dS = r’ sind aa * S= fas = 100 [sinda [ap= 100(2n\(-cosd) | = 200x(0.5- 07071)= 7.584 a = qd) dS=rdr® 47 Prob.3.3 (a) dV = dedydz Vs fasdyde = fae [dy faz = () 2- NG--3)= 6 (b) dV = pdodpdz 54 [= ntn— 5) 2 2(25- 4(5 (28) = 35n = I 3772 3 1 ln, 26x, a 37- DQG) gt Prob 3.4 y x alone fo,as = J Joes odvae 0 920 1 we tog = foeyt aes foe's Sa a i 48 Prob. 3.5 Jaedt = [(x'des y? dy) Buton L, y= x" dy= 2xde faea-= Joes x 20a i ° Prob. 3.6 i a sin0 0 dr dh = 2 cosa) 0 050 Vv % @=5 Prob.3.7 (a) frei = fe = 2)dy[ + Joel + Je Sz") z = orf - af = 0+4-54= - 50 (b) Let x= 2. y=t, z= 30 de=2dt, dys dt, de= dt; an 19 JFeal = fer -sr- 1620) ae = “ze 3 Prob.3.8 49 ’ 7 fivai = Jenne, + Jorrarel) + fort adv + Syzar| [oor Judy 90-5 og ay? + fete J pyr py “3 y 1 +e etl = 5-304 nin NIN eG Prob. 3.9 The surface S can be divided into 5 parts as shown below: z Si 50 ba ~ J Jo°z(cos¢ + sing)ab dpa. =0 90920 For 4,, 6 = o dS=dpdeay 1 A= | [pz(cost + sing)dp dz a, p e St For 4,, 60, dS= dpdey-ay) fo+na = 1a Nin A= -ay - a 4- - 2 Thus, 4= [va3 = J+ 04 day dy = fat 1333, Prob 3.10 (@) | Adv= | 2xydedydza, + [xzdrdydea,- Jycedydza. Pop a a Raa = 2fxdi | ydy[dca.s [rae [ay faded, + fac | rdy [aca 31 Since fae Sf= 2 and jace 2, we get () 4, 4 A JAdv= 22 2)2)a.+ (22)(2)4, ~ 22AV(2)a = 16.a,+ 8ay- 8. [+ [ cost sing 0] { 2x] 4,| = |-sing cose ol] xz la} Loe 0 al-y = 2xycosd + xzsing = 2p’ cos’§ sing + p zcosd sing 4, A, =~ 2xysing + xzcos¢ = -2p" cos sin’ 4 +p zcos”§ A, => y= -pcosp dv = pdb dp dz JAdv = [ff2p° cos’ ¢ d(- cosh )dp dea, + [f]p?zcoso d- cost Jap dea, = 2[ffo” sin? ¢dlsind dp dzay + [[Jozcos" 4 a dp dz ay ~ [fJo? cosy cp dp dea Pa Since Jeosp &=0, J aa= 2% leosal"s Eeteseeete, + tsin2ayfay 1. =0+ 040+ (Nay 6.25 ay sinO cos cos@ cos - sind] { 2xy = |sinOsing cos@sing cos || xz cosd = -sind =o | | -y 32 J adv= [ff2r‘ sin’ cos’ 4 d(cost)® ab dra, + [J fr’ sin?@ cos’ 8 cos’ 9 8 dedra, + [fr sin?0 cose sing 8 dh dra, + [Jf 2rsin’@ sin? 4 d(sing a8 ab dra “ff ~ [J fr’ sin? @ cose sing ch oh dra “ff - [[r‘sin?@ cos’@ cos sind dBadbdray [2r/ sin’ 8 cos® sing cos) cd db dray [r‘sin’@ cos? @ cosh a8 db dr ay redid et a = Sb jeos20f J cos0 (- cos’6) da, ht pe hee = 2048 Gptfors 0c - feos! 0a ]a, 3 But Joos « G 5 ny a 2 Since cos40 = 8cos‘@ - 8cos’0- : ; Joos oa = 5+ e 1" cim Iw oe ole NIA wi % faav= 102.4 Prob 3.11 24a Vi=A V=B Bt —+ Vi = 244C Att =0, V,V,V.) = (-2,0,5). Hence, B=0, C25 a x=-2t+D —+ yeE qn ets _— z= 1207+ St+ F Al (= 0x=0,y=0,2= 0. Hence, D= 0= E= F 1.20? + 5¢ =-2, y=0,2=6.2. Thus the particle is at x=-2t,y=0, art (241+ S)a 34 (c) jy GH IH. 1 a. VH= at ~Fayt a a0" rsind ap 2cosOcoshar~ rsinOcospar- rcosBsingay Prob 3.13 = 208”) cos5za.+ 3e*"*" cosSzay - Se” sinSza: At (0.,-0.2,0-4) 22499) = 992-96 - 0.6703, cosSz= cos2=-0.4161, sindz= 0.9092 VV = 2(0.6073)(-0.4161)a,+ 3(0.6703\-0.4161)a,~ 5(0.6203\0.9092) 8367 ay- 3.047 0.5578 a, (b) VI= Se sind a,+ Se” cosh ay- 10pe™™ sing az At (2,50 2.50) VT= (S\O.5)ay+ S((0.5) ay- 10(2)( 10.866) a: = 25ay+ 25ay~ 17.324 (©) * poe ~Zsind sind 5 , cosd sing r At (1,30°,90°), =20S\I) - , (086\(1) - - - vo- OI), COO a = - 4,4 0866 a Prob 3.14 VS= 2xayt 2ya,- At (13.0), (b) (© VS= 2a,+6a,-a: and a, Qn = 0.3123 a,+ 0.937 a,- 0.1562a- Prob 3.15 0 T= 2xa.t 2ya,- At (11,2), ¥ 7 = (2,2,-1). The mosquito should move in the direction of 2a.+ 2a Prob 3.16 (a) Ve A= ye” + xcosxy- 2xcoszxsinzx af a VxA=|ex dy ez le” sinxy cos’ xz| = (0- 0)a,+ (0+ 2zcosxzsinxz)a, + (ycosxy- xe”) a: = zsin2xza, + (ycosxy- xe” Ja. ,_1¢ ; VeB = —— (p72? cosd) + 0+ sin’g pp” 9) = 2z'cos¢ + sin’ ¢ L p a _ zsin2) - _ 2B, a8, O)ayt a3 pa + fo- Woe FOES y+ 2pzcosd y+ 2’ sing a: a 56 (b) (©) =e I - VxC= or sin?0)- 0}a,+ {t0- © (2r' sind) ay ns {2 ( sinoy+ rsinoa +75, 6 sin6)+rsin6 ja, = 4rcos0 d,- 6r sind ay+ sind ay Prob 3.17 (a) ~yaxt 2za,- y* + Haya, 1 HOA) Ay oz * at a ee? = (0- 0)a,+ (p? - 32?) ay+ Sew’ -O)a: = (9? - 32°) ayt 47a. VeVx =O ,._! a cost Vxa= ee sind cosp)a, + [S55 = 72088-6085 I) C086 a ogy = ang 2 Lagiag + 7 C050 ay ot cos a,+ St oot cos0) ae Hence. Ve /f=0 s ao cos® Jag + Lo- Oa, 7 Prob 3.19 (a) Ve A= Sua, Wa wa, Lea ev ov =(A, Sven, (4, ae ey a au (b) VeA= 243-421; VV = yzayt x2a,+ xya: Ve A)= WedAt Avy = xyzt Dayzt Byz- 4xyz= 2x yz Prob 3.20 (a) [one nene VxVA=|dx dy dz VA, VA, VA, “15. )- 2m, Ma. hoa, 2 5 A: Ma, fu, )- aw, Ja: eV - vt Fpa)x(Aedy+ A, a+ Aa) (b) 1 | . ; pr sinBcospag 1 Vx(V A= Gt 77 SinOcosOcos¢- 0)a, + tos 73 8inBcos9)ae + 1 dor tsinoya, rer 2cosOcos$- sincos- sind = Ort = tot Sy r r r Prob 3.21 QU, OU, | wu grad Us Gast Goat Soa: = (z-2xy)a, + Sad tale Div gradU = VeVU = Le. 29)+ Zax! =x Lee 2y*2z) = = 2y422?- 29? = u@-y'-y) Prob 3.22 Ving = ~inp)a.+ Geman e Inp)a. a+ a, Pp 59 Prob 3.23 Ve=—a, V0 = —ae rsing r rV@ ae sind sin@ we 7. VCS) = Zsin0 ay rve vo=V Tw, V4= 9 x(n Prob 3.24 (a) VV = (6xy+ z)ar+ 3x? ay+ x: VevV= 6y noone VxVV=| ax ay l6xy+2 3x? (6) VV = zcos$ a,~ zsing ay+ pcos 1a VeVV = ~(pzcosd)+ =cos0 + 0= ~coso op ° e VV = re 60 (c) PV = Soar eosdsing + OSE ogg sin’ 8) 4 cos si Tragrgeosdsing ! 4 40s) i = 2arcossing + °° _ geosgsing - 12288sind : sin® Ve OV Prob. 3.250 ! (a) ‘ ° (Ver) T= 37 = 6yzay+ Ixy" a,+ 3x°yza, é T ef - - . - . ae pin ot =x (y"ay+ Qyed.)+ y(22d.+ 2xyay+ x20.) + 2(2ya,+ x°ya:) = dyzaet 3xy? ayt 4x°yz © \ Ver(reT) = 3 (2xy24 ay + x°y2?) ‘ = Oxyz+ 3xy? + 3x7 yz? o (reV)r= ods 1De ty'tz?) = x(23)+ yQy) + 2022) ' = 2x? 4 yt 22) = 2r? | Prob. 3.26 a é é (a)Vr" on OT) + Or") oer) where "= (x? + 9° ie 61 . ae ae Vets 20565) (x7 + yt 2) +29) D+ tre ret pe +22°G) Gey? enix? ty? tz?) (x? + y+ =nr"+ Sr" = int 3)r” a (Wares = 2yGyate’ + y +2)? =0 Prob. 3.27 (a) Let V= Inr= In fx? +2? veil ty yay % der DEH) Ze wre ae 5, ig, « Haat vant ras F ox oy oz r L Io . &) Levy = A= = ay in spherical coordinates. , 1 4 ld 2 5 a > An = 5 V? (Inr)= 00 Uma 0 A= (Ar = Sn) Prob 3.28 (a) Yertyes = 462) 23). 2 = OP 5 )+ 2G") = 6x + Oy + 62 = (xt V+ (b) n 202 nth - 2265)" tyezy dat... 62 3 sin2g+ 5 Cresin29) Pp = Asin2g- = sin2g+ 2psin2¢ a o iB p+ 2p: + 2p)sin2, a a (©) Vi= ne cos@ sing) : 2 VV, = Zur (/+ cos@ sing )] + — cea a sin@ sing )r 1 Se sin’ ‘enor + Frgintg!(- c0sdsing) ind eo = 6(I+ cosdsind)- 7 cosdsing- <== = 6+ 4cosOsing- costing Prob 3.29 @) U= xy’ Age: vues _Grv'e + gy every ae ‘ye ®) = 6xy"e + ax" e+ xtyre™ = (Oxy? + 2x? + x? At (LD, VU =e! (642+ N= 9e= 24.46 b) V = p’z(cosd + sing) vV= 5 fl’ stcos + sind)]- z(cos¢ + sing) + 0 '2(cos + sing) ~ 2(cosé + sind) (cost + sing) At 6.5 2), V*V = -6(0.866 + 0.5)= -8.196 (©) W=esinO cos , a, a vin = 5 (-r'e” sind cos$)+ cost 55 (sin0 cos0) ror e”' sin8 cos@ r sin? 0 4 VW = e* sind cosp(I-~) At (1,60° 30°), V?W = e”' sin60cos30(I- 4) = -2.25e! = - 08277 Prob 3.30 (a) ev ev eV WV = art ott BF = 2(y?2z? + x72? + x*y?) (b) VA=V?A, 4,4+V7A,a,+ V7 Aa: = (2y+ 0+ 0)ax+ (0+ 0+ 6xz)a,+ (0- 22” - 2y’)a. = lyay+ 6x2a,- Ay? + 2’)a. grad div A=V(V«A) = V(2xy+0- 2y'2) (d) curl curl A=VxVxA =V(VeA)-V?A From parts (b) and (c), Vix d = 64 Prob. 3.31 (a) ffeat= J + fe JoFea 2 For I,y= x dy= de,dl = deast dyay, 1 fm f ae 1 xde= == 4 For 2, y= -x+ 2,dy= -dx,dl = aaa [Far {c x? + 2x?- x4 Dade = 2 For 3, a [Fae Jxrvarl_,=0 ; 1.17 fFedl = -7 + 7540 = (b) VxF=-x'a.; dS= dedy(-a:) Jvx Pyeds= -[fex)dedy = ff (©) Yes zl vy dee *t + Jrcre ng Z 7 x x? dyde + { fedex 7 6 65 Prob 3.32 (@) foie (lf off off + ff me a rs = ~ [Jp cos? bebe + [[p? cos’ ¢eitdp - Jf 20?2*dbae|, + Jf 2072%dpael ut an = (2) Jap fz'de+ 205)? [ep [z?ate a4 a4 car 1 == 82)G 1) +502RG U1) = 2328, 200% 3 3 Ba LB cay 222y 2 42? (Ye De Spi") = 42 - 126 J+ Dav = [ff4z’pdpde de = 4 [z*dz [pp Ja yo} [a0 56x = 176 66 Prob 3.33 Transform F into cylindrical system [* cosp sing olf x° | F,| = ]-sing cosp 0) y? F] | o 0 1| oT ing = p*cos’}+p’sin’6, Fro? e084 + psn’ bys 2z~- pcos’ - 2p cos sin’ + 2p sing cos’ § +p sin’ > = 2pcos’$ + 4p sin’ § - 2p cosd sin’ § + 2p cos” sing + 22 JFeas= [vera Due to the fact that we are integrating sing and cos over 0< 4 < 2n, all terms involving cos} and sing will vanish. Hence, Men 2 JFas= [zz pdpdbde= 2 | ch [raz [pap ano 2 = 22a 50.26 Prob 3.34 @ fAedS= [ve dd, VeA=yezex i (b) Vedas. 67 Prob 3.35 (a) Vod=y't3y'+ y= Sy? Jueadv= ff [sy'dcdyd: 1 = sfae [yrayfa » 5000) 1667 a Pees of oN of olf of vee =f fo'dee| + [fpo'arae|,,- [fr'acarl , + [foracde|_,- [fo*zarar| + [fy’sdar|_, ; , = Mn D+ nM MD [)= 1667 (b) , 1a 3zc0sb _,_ 4, , 320086 Ve As 5 (pte) dee Ir oAs Ife? TF eost dba 25 bo = 4fpdp fz | ay + 3 fad Joss ae ear 3 “AQAA + 32Zrsinas = 25n+75sin4S? = 131.57 fAeds= fe [f+ [f+ [f+ ffi4eas It dy t Ist Spt Jy 68 tefl Jfsesingdpde|, = 0 = [J 3esingdpad |, «= f AedS= 250+ meee 13157 © VeA= aie “y+ Srsint Ocos¢) =4r¢ —— [0+ Adve [ff4r’ sindoaabdr+ I}? see cos8 cost cid dr = El cosoyfEy 2p fing = sKn)+ 18(0+ Due 0) = a 9= 136.23 G a 6 Jaasetlf+ [f+ {f+ fhaas \ Ad ose Since A has no 4 - component. the first two integrals vanish. a2 a? 4m i faas= f Jr'sino ad a | + J JP? sin’ @ cosdra | eo go ro go = 8! ® GC cost) [+ 9(2) sing [ i = a +9 = 136.23 Prob. 3.36 Joy av = 4 4eas (divergence theorem) { where p, = VeA=x'+ y? i aA, x? ' gx 7 A HG | a4 y? ' yp — A 5 CG, : Hence, ' ! 3 2 A= Ge Ga. + G+ Cay Prob. 3.37 . @ yh ab ' t i v x 1 ° da 70 | tl d= dpa, + pdbay Aedl= psingdp + p’db Along oa: do = 0, 20, “AedT=0, [iedT=0 , Along 0b: dp=0, p=2, [dedT=0, [ad=4n Along bo: dp=0, $= Hence, 4 AedT= 4n-2 ) a 4 Along ab, = 0,'9=0, Aediz0, faedl=0. Along be, dp=0, Aedi=p'db, Jaedl = fo’ = (2)'(n-0)= 8x i ; Alongcd, dj=0, $=, Avdi=0, [dedi=0 Along da, dp=0, Aedl=p'd, J Aedi= 9 fay = UO-n)=-1 1 5 Hence, fAed/ = 0+ 8240-5 This may be checked by using Stokes’ theorem, n Prob. 3.38 Let y = ¢FedS= y,+y,ty,ty Wit Va ' where V,.Vs.Vys ¥, are the fluxes through the top surface, bottom surface. outer surface (p = 3), and inner surface respectively. 3 For the top surface, dS = pdb dpa:, z FedS = p? z db dz. Hence: +t 190 1 Jovem a|= Oe pa? a0 For the bottom surface, = 0, dS= pdb dp(-az) FadS= Aap dp =0. Hence, y,= 0. For the outer curved surface, p= 3, dS = pdbdzay FedS = p’sing db dz. Hence, 4 2 va = fap’ Jsing ay, = 0 oo For the inner curved surface, p= 2, d5= pd) dz(-a.) Fed8 = p?sing dp dz. Hence, m v= Jao? Jsing ap |, 0 0 “0 190% 190 « y= 0404040 = y= fieds= [vera . 18 10 VeF= pap eh sind) + > ay (eose) + Pp = 3p sing - [veFav = {ll} sing - sing +) pad dpa 4 0402 fae : at Jodo 190 Prob. 3.39 Let B=VxT w= fBedS= [veBav=[vevxTav=0 Prob 3.40 O= —-prsinA(cosd- sing)a.+ (cosg+ sing)a, = r(cos¢- sing)a,+ r(cosg+ sing)a, Q,| [sindcosp sindsing cosa ][Q, Q,|= |cosBcosp cosAsing -sind||Q, Q, -sing cos¢ 0 Sle Q= rsinOa, + rcosOay + ray (a) di= pdba,, p= rsin30°= 2 2= rcos30= V3 = pee 2 fQvdt= | Ip +2 pag= 22) = 4n a (b) Vx Q= cotOa, - 2a» + cos0 ay For S,. dS5= r' sind & doa, Jovx Opes = [r'sing cot0 ab | fw = 4 [de foose d= sx 2B (c) qd) ©) For 5; dS=rsin@ddray Jw Qeas= = 2frsind ab dr|, 30" = - 2sin30[rdr fap ao =-4n For S,, dS =r’ sind d Ba, [OQvas= 1° Jsin? 0.08 | now = 8 [dp sin? a 3 x V3 = 45-“Sl 22 For S;, dS5=rsin@ dp dra» [Quas= Jr? sind cosd op dr|, 20 _ tay3 oar 21 2 rene 2 ee VeQ= 5 (sind) + 5 Fp (sindeosd) +0 = 2sin@+ cos@cot@ Jv +Qav = f(2sind+ cosacot 6)" sinddddbdr Pale => .@0) Jets sin 940 4a 3) Check: [V+ Odv = (f, +f, MV x Qyeds x v3 V3 east) = au - 5, (It checks.) Prob. 3.41 Since u= @ xr, Vxu=Vx(a x 7). From Appendix A.10, Vx (Ax B)= A(V © B)- B(V + A)+ (BeV)A- (A0V)B Vxus Vx(oxr) Vx(oxr)= o(Ver)-r(Vea)t(reV)a - (aeV)r =0(3)-0= 26 Alternatively, let x= reoswi, y= rsino¢ = -orsino fa, + orcosotay = -0 yar + Oxay 2 4 3 Vxu=|ax dy 8z/= 20a-= 20 oy ox 0 - I - ie, 6 = 50xU Prob 3.42 Let A= UV V and apply Stokes’ theorem. fJuvvedi= [vx(wr)eds = feu ryass fu WAVY) eds But VAVE' = 0, Hence. Juvvedi= [wuryeds i Hy Similarly, we can show that Jrvuedi= [ovavu)ed5- [WUXVV) ed S i Thus, JUV ed! =-[Ued! Prob. 3.43 Let A=r"r= (x? + y? +27)" (xa.t ya,+za-) By divergence theorem, faeds= [ve Aa -,_0Ax @Ay BAz vea= CA, SM, Oz ax’ ay” az 2 rts Lory cr" = BOF) SOM) Cr") = rh Dat Syat ty? ty err apices yey n ee +e 222s? aya ryrt = Sr" + n(x’ yt = (tn) Thus, fr'rds= [(3+n)r"aV Prob 3.44 (a) | 2 a 2 VxG=| & & & log: 8x? -3| = Nay+ (-1+ Nay+ 16x- 16x)a. = 0 Thus. G is irrotational. 16 o 42 fGeds= [¥«Gav VeG= l6y+ 0+ 0= l6y 4 [ffisydcace = 16f af def yay= 1602 y= 8 © y 1 Se Pe Pa 0 2 qT qt G = 7+, 4ne,d°” tne ,d® 227, © 8xe,d° ) Tcos6 = mg 79 Hence, _tan@ cos30° = 34 Bred? wae 2 5 12 ne,d'mg g= zi pe a PE. 43 pene! Cee ae . dx. d? C8 (24,4 ay)= mG dat Grae where E, = 200 KV/m z= ctte; Hence, dz a a.) 80 At (= 0, (x,9.2)= (00,0) ¢, = 0= ¢, = 6, dk dy dz Also, Gr dd Atr=0 — ? Hence, (x,y) = an (-2,)) ie. 2 I= Il Thus the largest horizontal distance is 80 cm= 0.8m P.E. 4.4 (a) Consider an element of area ds of the disk. The contrhution due to ds = pdbdp is The sum of the contribution along p gives zero. 3 ._ | 7f_zodod = Hef pdb AR Ey sy oP thy? 2eq To hyde? 4 me 207 hy? fring dy 2 = 124) [eva 192 mC Fe (285 p,dS|r- Fr Ee ror Roe fae ee oot hy 81 where r-r'= (0.0,10)- (x,y,z) = (-x,-y,10). 7 22 bilo? Cx yl0) 7 nC 36" +y? + 100)"" i : = 108(10~ ‘ufo [aoe + fot i| le clyldedy (x? ae 7+ 1009"? fay? ) (x? + y? + 100)? Gry roo E= 108(10")a. | 2] a 2 2 = - 216(10")a: I [ yl I (x7 + 104"? (7 + a xtyx?+ 104? = - 216(10")a, In| 108 ere 100 2 - 9 = 708, | -2+ 4108 = - 216(10 dase) 108» = ~ 216(10")a.(-7.6202 (10")) E = 16464. mV/m P.E. 4.6 4s 2 Pr E- _ 2ne yp . To get a», consider the z= -/ plane. p = v2 a, = a, cos45°- a, sin 45° = Fara) B= OO Layo) ae) = 90%(a,-a,). Hence, B= EBs Es = - 180na,+ 270nay+ 900a,- 90K ay. 2827 a, + 5655ay Vim PE. 4.7 Q = . Pez Firat Fa 30x10? ((04,3)- (0,0.0)] | 10x10" - aor 5 eed o = Do + Dy= = or OA+ Say nC/m? = 5076 ay + 0.05734. nC/m’? PLE. 48 (a) pv=VeD= 4x pv(-1,0,3)= -4 C/m’ ih (6) 42 Q= [pvdv= | | [4xdudyde aad = HIND! 2) (©) Q= 422 8 [PE49 Q= fovdv= y = fDeds For 0< rs 10, D,(4ar’) = ff f2r @°)sind ab dra D(4nr’)= anes art Dr 2 Pa, nV/ res aa BVI 410") - z - Bere 22 POD24, 27a = 26 a, Vim 2her) For rs 10, D,(4ar?) = 2nn,', D-yr . 10*(10” E(r=12)= es UGG HD 3.927, KV/m PLE. 4.10 v= Dh Ane gir ral At V(o)=0, C20 Ir rol =I 15,2)- (2-L3))= VIE IF ral=1(-15,2)- (0,4,-2)|= VIB [r- ral=1-1,5,2)- (0,0,0)]= V30 VC15.2)2 ooh Boe C18) 10 6 * S18 30) 36x = 103 © ARE yr * If V(06,-8) = Vir = 10) = 2; 0” 22 We cn -25 "Ga? (a) 10°) V,= Si 25 4x 56_ -32.6)- (040.0) = 3929 (b) B 45 Vi= > - 25 = 2.696 yee ts a (0) Vyy = Vg V, = 2.696 - 3929 = - 1.2337 P.E. 4.12 . s i oe @ a [Bedi = [(3x'+ yae+ xdy 2 = [e+ yay | + foo ° (b) dy= -3de 2 Evd] = [(3x?+5~ 3x)de+ x(-3)de Ww a os = [(Gx?- 6x4 S)de = 8-124 10-6 We 12n) —~—5 85 P.E. 4.13 (a) (00,10) = —4 (r= 10,8 = 0,6 = 0) 100cos0 tne, (10) 10010" 10” 36x -[2cos0a, = sin0ae] yor An( 8a, mV/m (b) A ey 155) 100 cos%(10""?) = — 5 — = nas 0) — WD 100(10"" - 5 (2008+ sin ay) 10? 2 1G GOO = 09a, + 0.7794 ag Vim PLE. 4.14 After Q,, W,=0 = Ov, = —22 _ After Q,, Wa= Ou = FG 00)- O00) _ Ieauo"* dn 0") 5 fa After Q, , W,= OW + Vn) + OM, I -2 (00-1) 0.0.0) * (0-1) 1.0.0) = 3910") } - 180 86 P.E. 4.15 After Q,, We= OV Van Vr+ Wy + Vy) + OF, y 3 = ~ 49 10")} ~~ =e a ) een COO) 1(0,0,1)- (1,00) \(0.0,1)- (0,0,- 1) = = 361- Fo 4 +H, = - 39.09- 29.18 nJ = -68.27 nJ Prob. 4.1 (@) - =r -20(10"" {(3,2,1) - (-4,0,0) 7, Fg = £2iGo=Fa) u G2) 40.) 9 5655 Ge) te] Fo,- Fo 564 (2) 40,0)" “ 1 oe = -5746a,~ 16424, + 4.104a, mN Prob 4.2 (a) QC1,-1,0) QG-1,1,0) Q(0,0,0) Q(1,-1,0) QU,1,0) 87 92 ((0,0,2)- (0,0,0)) 4% £, ((0.0,2)- (0.0.0) q2 (00, 92 ((0,0,2)- (L- 10) | _4Q * Jue, ((00.2)~ d- io * sme, gQ _ 15(10K10"?) ou tne, 410° /36n) ~ Factoring and dividing by 1.35 yields Ueh2 , a F__ 0.2), 135 8 go! 135(025+ Ga)a: = 1072 a,N (-1,- 1, 2) + git Fe (b) Prob 4.3 (a) E(5,0,6) = = If E. = 0, then 9qQ_1 59Q_ 1 4ne, (82) dn, ly 0, = 29,8. 542 B= GCG = ~ 4G; = -3463 nC (b) F(5,0,6) = q E(5,0,6) If E, = 0, then 42) 4ne,(82)"* 390, tne, (61)°? 0, = -3Q, Q,= -18.7 nC +n€, |(0,0,2)- (11,0) 92 (3,0,5) Iney 2)-UIOI a [(0,0,2)- (-1,1,0)] 464 1(0,0,2)- (-1,1,0)F [0.0,2)- (1,-1.0) 1(0,0,2)- (- 1-10)! 135 C442) G12) gt gs q2 [5,0,6)- (2,0) 41 £5 |(5,0,6) - (2,0, ap * Cn” = 0 B22 nc 88 Prob 4.4 ; —_———_—_ —_—> +—-.?2>— + >_> +<——> 1,Q 24 3,3Q For the system to be in equilibrium,g must be negative and Fn=Fu= Fy =!0q__ -30q An(d-x) 4nx or that is, 3(d~ x)’ = x? 2x? - 6dx+ 3d? = 0 6d+ 36d? - 24d? 6didVi2 xe SAENIGd'~ 24d" Gdt dl? 4 4 x= 323 = 4732m, 1268 m Prob 4.5 4 5 (@) — Q= Jo,dt= Jax’de = 4x’ |mC=05C o o — 4 24 O= Josds= J foz?pdpde | = 9(2)— {nc (b) 280 $00 ps3 3o = 1.206 ~C O= foav = we 7 sin@d0d¢ dr eon he 2 © = 10 fap [do fre = 102m) = 157.91 C Prob. 4.6 2. Jo.dl=p, far= 5p, = 10 mC ©, = JosdS = ps fas = 05 [Jods dp foo 2 = os {edo fa a St on0 = 0(8\(5) = 20 mC = 62.83 mC 89 pdlR . WFeew? § U= bs R= (5O0)- (0,9.0)= Sax ~ yay _ t Sau- yay Ea Wears 25)" 20") Feo Taday [54424 4 i Pewee = 18(10°)[k, at ky ay) e ay SQL | L where k,= [ —@7- ~ es - OMIA | Ge asl here k, = j ee t Ld. oosass wl oe’ = - - ee te 0 ees ea y+ 2s VES E= ~2543a.+ 1054a, mV/m Prob. 4.8 . pdSR E= Pa ii A= pabdp; R= yp? +h? 0 R= -pay+ ha: _ Ps joeces hte pdb dp prey yf tpi todd ~ 4x10" /36n) tl Le Tepyeaet | J @uaryee) pd. ah = 600 Fat pa eT] epee | 90 and Its aaa - 0.1068 (>) The result is the same as that in (a) except that instead of ” w a” f=, wenowhave f sind =-cos¢'| =/ wo 2 +0 0 That is, we replace /2 by I E= 45(10°) (-k, a,+ hk,a:] = 4806 a,+ 18 a. mV/m Prob 4.9 3 aS=padbdp, r=Jp+h = [ose aye : ue 4ne or? p I 1 (pdbdp) ® ao 2 I Jas J dt Po ip Fae, ! (PP +H? tney 5 ty (P? +h) 2 < = Fanos PHIL, = Ltincas Yo?e A )- inh ; ATE, = she 2, h 1 Prob. 4.10 (a) (b) -aa,+ ha: adb(- aa,+ ha: (aes hy? “0 Due to symmetry, the p component varies. p,a(2nh)a, _p, aha; a=2, h=3,p,=5pC/m D= Since the ring is placed in x = 0, a. becomes a, _ 26\(S)ax 244 9? & = 964 a, wC/m? Dp = 2.1800- 0-30) 2 13.00 2* 4 1(3,0.0)- (0,-3.0) * 4 1(3,0,0)-(0. 2030) 2G-30) 69 * 4m8y? * 4x18? * 4x(18)? ,0)] 0)? D= Dut Do=0 6 6Q a6ac10"*)+ Fars 0 Q= = 064(42y18"?)10°* 2 = -102 92 Prob. 4.11 Due to symmetry, £ has onlyz~ component given by dE_ = dE cosa psdrdy h © Frege? + yh) P+ yt hy? ph tf dxdy t= lea oer re lay = Psh Is yde } ey A(X th x+y thy? 4 ost | bde Mey (x Hh Yr + bt hy? By changing variables, we finally obtain | = 36(10”)(0.0878 radians) a; = 3161 4V/m . = ab neg” [habe hy? Prob 4.12 E= E,+ Eyt Es = 2. © Greer" Daeyp tee CLD- (41-3) ie 210") { (LD) = (10,0) 10? (i LD- 4-3P ILD- (.0.0)F "Ge = (-0.0216,0,0.0288) + (0,18,18) - 90(0,0,1) = -0.0216a.+ 18a,-2647a. Vim Sug" y- 4 Prob 4.13 X=2 PL pe Psg , Peg Eom + ep? p= (0,0,0)- (3,0,-1)= - 3a. +a. 40") 20110") — (-3a,+4a-) ae (@)* F107 136%) (9+ D 210 /36n) = 72na,+ 36(-3a, + a.) 5(36) ((2n- 3)a,+ a.] mN Prob 4.14 p-y Be) Br an\(r- rat 2 {A dn (2,2,0)) | 2{(0,0,0) - (-2,-2,0)] + [(0,0,6) - (-2,2,0)) 2.0)" ~ 1(0,0,0)- Oy" * (0.0,6)- 2.2.0)" ((0,0.6) - (2,-2.0) _ © 1(0,0,6)- (2,-2.0)? 15 {2-2-26) 202,26) | 202-2,6) _ 21-2,26) an eg se pg? 15 ye (-4- 12.0) uCim? © ta(44) 94 —_—_— Prob 4.15 ‘ Let Q, be located at the origin. At the spherical surface of radius r, ! Q,= 4 DedS= ¢ E(4r’) if or E= 25a, by Gauss's law. dner If a second charge Q, is placed on the spherical surface, Q, experiences a force: F-0,6- 22.4, dner’ which is Columb's law. Prob. 4.16 @) ~ OD, 8D, aD. ; ' = = ty = / py= VeD= he eee by C/m | () i py=Ve d= 126" sing)+— Sy epeost) + 2 2 (23%) = 2sing-2sinp+4z= 4z C/m’ ! © ’ ~ 102 1a. t P= VeD= aoe sno it a) i = 0088+ a Prob 4.17 @ D=«, (E) = 10° eee +x? ay) D= 884 xya,+ 884x? dy pC/m’ (b) 95 Let f(x,y)=x+2y-5, Vf =axt 2a, p,- 610") (at 2a 9 "= 200773682) «VS = -1517 a,- 3035a, V/m | Prob 4.19 Ten e qT a W= >| Dav = Je, JP av ms 2eW = [[f(4y + [6x*y’ + Ddedyde 224 2 2 4 a ag = 4 Jae fy'dy Jae +16 | x’de | y’dy J dee [ae [oy far i 1 elle nO ys nl = Bel ase) reel = 4)75L + 161) + ANS) = 372 + 43556 +45 = 852.56 1 Thus, = aT 56) = 56 = 5.357 3107 1362) 87°) 853.56 = 5.357 kI 96 Prob 4.20 (a) 12D, aD. p0o* oz pre 4+ hae (z+ cos} +0 pe = 3(z+ Deosh pC/m? p= 01 D= 1200, ,) + Qnc = fovav= fff 3(z+ Neos pad ae w (b) ~ soap ern af cospd) = 305+ 2 Gosing [) = 6(8+ NI-0)= 72uC © Let = Vi t¥st¥stWstWs= fDeds (in the figure below) respectively. where V), V2 Was Was W5 tespectively correspond witn surfaces S,,S,,S,,S,,S, 97 For S, p = 2,d5= pdsdzap 4 ” wie ff2pce+ Noose | = 2(2)f(z+ de foosoap 3 3 = 4121) = 48 .dS = pabdp(-a:) 2 2=~ fp? cos pab dp = - [pap feosody aa = tas “4 For S, z= 1,dS=pagdpaz, y,=+4 For S,,d= 1/2, d5= dpdzab 2 4 vse ffpce= sing dpael, = 11 fodp [(e+ Dede 28 °? ae ail (12) = ~(2)(12) = -24 For Sj, d= 0,dS~= dpds(-ay),vs= [[o(e+ Dsind dpde| = 0 wy = 48-44 4-24+0= 24uC Prob. 4.21 98 FeeE __e | 3e Pox RR 4nR dn Py O D=0 For /2, y= D,(2xp L) One = 8% Lp’ f= 56nL 56x L= D,(2np L) 28 ° ae od Op2 p Prob 4.24 | @ \ V=Qye at r=2 5 10). | Qn = Joy dV = Jf Fr? sind dr ap 1 = 10 f fsinoa 150 420 020 | = 10(2) (2x) (2) = (80 x) mC Thus, y = 2513 mC t At r= 6; too Qn = 10 Jar fede [sind 00 a0 = 10 (4\(2n) (2) = 160% y = 5026 mC ‘ (b) BES i V = Qane ' 4DedS= D,fdS = D,(4nr*) Lom Que = 10 fdr dp Jsino ao fo 0 eo Que= 10 (I)(2n) (2) = 40% | Thus, 40n D= 10a, nCim 101 At r=5, Q,.= 160% Qn. _ 160% "snr tn (sy = 16 = 16a, nC/m' Prob. 4.25 Break up path P(/,2.-4) —+ — R(3,-5,6) rege Ba P (32-4) R3,-5,-4) ~ fevare {fof 5] | ear = Jars [ew [+ [ aye | Bry yes 26 = 2+ 16(-7)+ 2-5) | = 2-112-100=- 210 a W = 210 Q= 210(5) = 10505 Prob 4.26 (@) Wyy=q{Eedi, dl= dpa, W, —{ Jee+ nsind aol, = Wy =0 (b) 0 ; “He. J e+ Ncosep a | 4sing | = “ 4 a W, 8 102 (c) Wy, 7 2 i “2= [ psingdz | = 4sin30"(z|)=-4 q * o W., = 4q= 16 03 (a) Wy = Way + Wye Woy = O- 8+ 16= 8 nb Prob. 4,27 | (a) 4 From 4 to B, d1= rd) as, H om Wy=-Q | 10rcostradd | = - 1250 nJ t fa s— \ (b) 4 From A to C,d/= dra,, i 0 Wye=-Q | 20rsinddr | = -3750 n3 bs eee «© From A to D, di= rsindd a, Wy = ~QJ0(rsind)db = 03 @) } War = Way t Wye + Woe where F is (/0,30,60). Hence, 10 9 | Wy = ~Q) | 20rsinddr | +10 f10rcosd rad | | ms oni ocs0 to ' 75 100 I = ~ 1005+ >] nl = - 8750 ns Prob 4.28 \ We qiy= G0 Va) = 20 2UN-3)- M2) = = 16 wd 103 Prob 4.29 (a) VV = - (2xa,+ 4ya,+ 82a:) -2xa.+ dyay+ 82a. V/m (b) eV ev. av. a+ — a, det dy"? ast = costx’ ty? + 2?)""[2xaet 2yayt 220M 4) = -(xa,+ yaytz s(x? + y? +27)? V/m (ce) ast a: = -2p(z+ I)singa, - p(z+ l)cosga, (d) avs, 1 ov, 20 ** sind 69° - - 1 - - E = -e’ sin® cos29 a, + ye" cos6 cos 2p ae + Prob 4.30 (a) dae, 200") 1 2 IGM BI 4d * gx uy, = 03542 564 IOI Mn = 03542 Vos 310) Vv = 2p(z+Isinga, + p(z+ l)cospa,+ p’ singa: Pe” CTILD-O0M © CL12)- C25.) * 2sin2o)a, a - ev - E = ¢' sin® cos2b a, - e"" c0s0 cos2) a + = in29ya, Vim 4neg(10°)V, = ——— - ~~ 5 ~~ = 104 ~__@V- av_ av. E= Gyaet 5 at ge) = - Qxy(z+ 3)a, - x?(z+ 3)ay- x*ya, At (3,4,-6), , yd, z=-6, E =~ 2(3\(4(-3)a, - 9(-3)a,- 9(4)a- = 72a,+ 27 ay - 36a; V/m (b) . py = VeD= e,VeE = ~e,(2y)(z+ 3) V=Qn= Sears ~ 269 ff y(e+ 3dedy de 1 = -2ey fac [ra fier eee - cnn +30] a 27 10? =H 9° 3Ge ene Cc (b) Ye Ame |rp- rel dnedye ol, 200) 30) (@23-O0aT * 1G23-C2501 * 123)-G-45) 1 2 3 L 2 3 4#n6,(10°)V, = —~— - 2623) Je Jota OO 2D IB-3D * 126-3” WE TR 10°, 4n 36a 0 A = 0410 = 3694 (0°) Vv oe Vo- Vy = 069(10°) = 694 kV Prob 4.31 (a) los Prob 4.32 ra r =Por? 12 Thus, y= 1/04 Po roa 4eqr’ Prob 4.33 (a) Ceca VxE=|a 9 Al pz xz x = (x- x)a.+(y- y)a,+(2-2)a. = & a 7 7 féedi= | yzde J xed | + Jyzde | + J xzay | [+ co ly ms? yt (b) = 2yl+ 2x] = 4-4 Prob. 4.34 (a) a2 0) 3 Ter NY (c) =f .2 ., Varese” Frage * EA Prob 4.35 (a) For r > a, On = Jord¥ = [[fpoca? -r°)r? sind a cp dr Pn fsind & fs [(a'r?- r*)dr 107 pork 2 rnc = ARP (a? —~ =) Q. Plas 1 5 ax Qe = T5Po ys [DedS=6,£,(4nr’) V = Que cE (dar? ye SE Po or E : 200 ¢_. 2p, = |Eedl = -—=* [rap = 2. J is frear +¢, Since V(r->0)=0, C,=0; 200 Ve 15e, (b) For rs a, ae 1 = po(4n)(——- 2) Qn = Bold —— 5) Bo ar 3 3 } 5 5 fo Py 5 Since V(r= a") = V(r= a"), ar = 40 p(—— 108. 7p a" 606, Po ti a'r’ po | Poa! 6 15, 606, (©) ‘The total charge is found in part (a) as _ 81P5 Orns (d) For r>a,E decays to zero with no maxima. For rsa, — r=07453a Prob 4.36 @ m<~ = cE; divide bym, and integrate once, one obtains: dt dy _e&t ws Et, "From rest" implies c, = 0= cy Vv At f=, y=d, ea or V= Ed. Substituting this in (1) yields 2md er Hence: ond 2eE ue pats that is, w a 7 ous kW (b) se Pee [2 (1.603) 10-7 oF 9.1066. 9.1066 (10) = 5.933 (10°) © 1 2m 9(10"%) AT. 100. = 9557 gy 2e ~ 2(176)(10") © SPL AV Prob 4.37 (a) This is similar to Example 4.3. ft oe Wy Ts Mee My eEr = Sy Mol 2 2%. 100) yng “10 Since x= 10cm wheny = lem, amy 2(10") 2 836 es er 176100) = 136 RV/m 1136 ay kV/m () meme 2000, 110) = 20008 4, = a 2 176)10" (10) = 20") u= (a,+0.2a,)0) m/s 10 Prob 4.38 pcost _ kcos® dttyr or At (O,Inm), 9=0, r= Inm, V=9; that is, 92 KO. ge aco") 10")? ys) 080 910") At (J) nm, r= 2 nm, O= 45°, 910" )cos 45° 9 or 2 V 10°" 2 3s Prob 4,39 The dipole is oriented along y- axis. 7 at per = Qd ayea, = Qdsind sing a Qd sin® sing 4negr? ov. 1aV- av. WP Ba 59 Fino 347 Qd [2sindsing - cosO sing cos - “ane, PO Od... as - Faeg (28iN8 sind a, cosd sin} de - coss ay) Prob 4.40 W= OW, = Q, —~—— 4ne\ra~ Fi) 2(1)(10"%) 18(10") 4n(562) I-10) ~ 1.604 uu Prob 4.41 i We 5 [de Ed = % field, ' degre | - fo Q° i Wes Wir 7 <7(r" sinBdr db dp) g tafear 2 * 32%, "} 7 * Sree Prob 4.42 ee figravs 4 Dn ee ee We Fe IBV dv = eo [ff (sr? sin’ 0c0s"¢ + r*cos’0cos”§ + r° sin” 9)7’ sind Bd « A , = Seaford {fossa fino + Joos?§ ad feos a sind a a 3 a + ‘fin’ 4. [sind | 3 a | 5 a 5 1 aa ay pt | {eden J(d- c0s?@)a(-cos0) i o 2 0 Lot 1 f + 3 2n) Joos’ 8 dt-cos0) + 502m) c0s0)| \ 4 . Pr = 3.2e_[ 4n( ee coso)| + n(- 22 Sy) + 28) ° 3 10" = 326,(8n) = 25.6" —— to(8R) = 2560 We 07111 nJ m2 Prob 4.43 105 Vay az" E = ~(2pzsing a, + pzcosd ay + p?sing a.) I ; Was JiBPav = [ff(4p?2? sin’ 9 + pz? cos’) + p! sin’ ¢)pdb dedp a ip pide |e a | sin rare fo a |e fos od + fo'd iam i 3 8 But “fos? ap = 1 flee cos24yah= BL sin = 07401 a a 2 J sin’9 ap = Li I- 0524p = 5 — Lin? 503071 a a We 4 2: n =. 25¢/E * | 03079 +2 [22 |azaon + © | xos07n ° 4035 66 fo ° 255 16. = 255203071 + FAG M0704n + 1096 (9 3071 = 41767 + 239.394 + 838.59 = 1495.6 _ 14956 10° 2 *36x = 6.612 WJ 113 | CHAPTER 5 PLE. 5.1 dS = pdbdsa, r= fasas= f foossin® oa | L=754.4 PLE.S.2 wu = 05x10" x0..x10 = 0.5p A. V = IR= 10"'x0.5x10 = 50 MV P.E.5.3 9 = 58x10" Sim J=cE —> E= 8x10° Jepu 9 ues ign? 442x10 m/s P.E.5.4 The composite bar can be modeled as a parallel combination of resistors as shown below, Re For the lead, r,=— "5,5;," Ry = 0.974 mQ For copper, 14 4 R, = = 08781 m@Q 58x10" xy 0 RRL “og7tx0.8781 "RR +R 0.974+ 08781 PLE. 55 pp, =P ea, Pnfaag 2 PO Q= fonds = bA+(al? +b)A = Aal? Pp eV P= Sax? +b) = -2ar Q= Jomdv = [(-2ax) Ade = -Aal? 3 Hence, Or =Q,+0,=~Aal? + Aal? =0 PLE.5.6 = pT = 5000, kV /m 10” P= 10,E= (2.25- px s05x10'a, = 6.853a,uC/m? Pp = Pea, = 6853pC/ P.E.5.7 (a) Since P=e,x.£, Pp -tuteE P__ 3x10’ I Eo yon 3 *368x10" = 115 P__ 36nx10" : b) Feo = eet hoe 1.10" = Sa, - 167a, +667a, Vim j (c) - Vans nC/m? = 139.7 D=0,¢,£= =| 46.6a,+186.3a, pC/nd pra? 4 tenon PE ° 4 as required. i P.E. 5.9 (a) Since a,=a,, | Diy =12a,, Dy = -10a, +4a., Dy, = Diy = 12, D, Ey = Ey > Dy = 8224-1100, +4a,) =-4a, + 160, 25 Z : D, = D,, + D,, = = 12a, - 4a, + 16a, Clim’. be D, (b) tnd, = 5 = = 0359 —+ (C) Ey = Ex, = Epsin®, = 12sin60° = 10.392 Ey 116 f, tand, = t 25 o jhtand, = “Ftan60” = 433 — Note that 0, >0,. PLE. 5.10 D=e,E 10° Sq (9.20 30)x10” = 0531a, + 0.177a, - 0.265a, pClm? ue p, = D,=|D= See WON 44 9(10") = 0619 pCim? Prob. 5.1 sbi I= fseas, ds =rsinddparay Lo . 0. r J J rsin?edpar |, = -(sin30")? Wen -2n= r040 Prob. 8.2 * + 7* 500 t= [seas =f f =, Paap = S00(2na) = 10008x/.6x10™ = 16x = 5026 A r04c0 Prob. 5.3 ora F t= seas = 10] fe pcap = 20% | pe""dp os09%0 oo But fear = S(@e-n, 117 20na* 9 200d 40) = 23.11a? A e T= 20ne'a°(2— No a Prob. 5.4 == -3x10%e* do dt 1-0) = - 0.3 mA. Hae2.s) = 0.3 07 § = 16604 ‘ob. 5.5 (ay V4 pyle 8 rete 8 vy ee 22)+—(2x" yz) = 6x92 5 00+ 5 Cry) = 62 9. = ~8392(26,) = - 16.97, (b) J =p,w=-/6xy7ze,(10")a, 0%? 8 zy) fosds= 160) 2 fade [ade = -raaseuo| | “} 3 lo 36K T= -4(36n 10°05) = _ 8x10? oS 3x10%xnx25x10 Prob. 3.6 (a) R= a z: (b) [eV / Re 9x77 65.1 N (co) P=IV = 2.386 kW 1 4.04 nd? Prob. 8.7 (a) R= a —> p= RS/I= Fp a = 2855x10" o = 1/p = 35x10 Sm (Aluminum) ty J2 1S = 22 —« 566210 x y 90x10 4 J= GE = 3.5x0.1616x10 = 5.66x10° Alm 118 Prob. 5.8 L a Rey, Ssartend*/x.d= 0mm, [=N2nR =NaD, D = pe 15086. S)x107 Prob. 5.9 (a) R= = are = n(15)'x10™ = 2.25nx10™ S Sy = 10,7 12) = A(4~2.25)x10 = 175x104 177x118x10-" Sax 17 5ax10 177x10" 18x10" 175nx10™ * 2.25nx10™ RR Re RMR ee (b) VLR =1,R, —> 1,41, = 119291, =60 A 1,= 503A (copper), 7A (steel) 10x177x10" (Re jeazad L h 2 R= = 5 = — sm Prob. 5.11 |Pl=nlpl=nQd =2ned=%,£,£ (Q=2e) 2ned _ 2x5x10" x1602xI cE 1 36x x10" e,= +7, = 1000182 6.5mm = 0.27mQ 119 \pl= 2x10" x18x10” = 36x10" P=|Pla, = 3.6x10""a, C/m? P__ 36x36nx10° x10"! But P= 40,6 = = 00407 ul Heo) eT 10 0.040: &,= 144.5 Prob. 8.13 (0) 10° D=t,¢,E= 36 427, 1C/ m? Prob. 5.14 Pm=-V9P=0, py= Pea Prob. 8.18 (1) Applying Coulomb's law, 120 P Hence Prob. 5.16 5-22. 20 1 ane?” 40,0," Fine, =45/2=225 ; = 225, — polystrene Prob. 5.17 Q=4nr,7p,, Lrom Gatiss’s knw Q= [deus =D,cer?) —+ dD, = 2 ner? At Sem, dem, 124) 121 a = 107.1a, V/m 56g 225M O3) (-3a, + 4a, + 12a,), For 0< oo —+ Bx2s0,, Pao Gar Frey Vor ast, 2.4, — Oe Fort > b, p=-2,0, —+ b-—254, Pao ar fre, Thus Q D= a, r>0 ter” 54, acra, ¢,£,(dnr?) =p, = — fa As r—to, V=0 and c)=0 Atr=a, V(a")= V(a) i 2 2 Pat gg Pg Poe gy bee, | 3c, 66,0 | _ Pul2e, +1) Vero) = 6t.a “ , © Vo=a= Fe — 1 Vey=0 must hold. ince 2» Prob. 5.20 Since = (a) VeJ=6x7y+0-6x7y=0 —» This is possible. (b) -Ves=ye(c+*0 + — This is not possible. This is not possible. 4 This is possible. 123 D, = 50, D,=50e,, D. = 20¢, D= 0-442a, + 0.442a, + 0.1768a, nC/m? D,=306,, D,=60e,, D. = 908, D= 0.2653a, + 0.5305a, + 0.7958a, nClm? 18 (100. Prob. 5.22 ves -t el ™ ts (@) poe . 4 (&) I= [Jeds= [(Soeas,..« Olea [a= 50m = 157.1 A ao Prob. 5.23 (a) 0s fusas = jete sinddddd),_, = (2)(5)e"12"" [sino fay = 40ne!""' a a Att=0.l ms, [= 40ne™' = 46.23 A 124 5 o-1o ore ® 2 fSema At t=0.1 ms and r= 2m, 5 1 = pels 45: /m° Po = Tga gyre” = $5.98 Chm lo £ a Prob. 5.24 (a) == i. 2241x10 fo oxo (o) £2368 - 5505810" 5 Cn © Prob. 5.25 (a) Q= Qe" —+ to -06. —+ em = ef, 10° x18.2x10" () Bur = "28, g, gr 7 2058 36% = 0.1923 19.23% = pel! = 0.29840 % 1% (c) E,+a, = £,0s8, (b) Ej, =~6a,, or Ey = -30a, + 50a, + 4375a, 70 cos, 07683 30" + 50° +70? Prob. 5.28 ie (@) P= eoterEy = 285 (U0,-6,12)= Ey, = Ey, = 10a, + 12a, 12) = ~4ay Ww — 107 os gy 35g U0 + 67+ 12") 10° €,6,E, = tg 30,50,43.75) = -1.061a, + 1.768a, + 1.547a, nC/m* 10” (0) P= 6X By = 3x55 (30,503.79) = 07958a, + 1326a, + L161a, nC/m? 1.17684, - 0.1061a, + 0.2122a, nC /m* £7 Emm = £/E im —> 0, = 7564" 0.2219 nJ/m* 126 Prob. 5.29 (a) ~6a, ~ 9a, 1a, = Dns Dy. Px ee) (-6a, +9a.) = -/4a, + 2a. ACs m? (2-14,2Dx107 E,= D,le,= = 387.8a, ~ 452.4a, + 678.64, V/m ) 2 = Te 6,9) = 4a, - 2a, + 3a, nC/m? 12.62 _mJ/m? Prob. 5.30 (a) ww P= €%eE, = 5x5 = (2s 5,-4)x10? = 26.53a, + 66.31a, - 53.05a, nC/ m? — 1a 26.53 Pm = -VOR= ~ 9 ap (76550) = = nC/m* (b) Ey = Ey = 5a, ~40, \a, + Say ~4a, kV im > = 25x77 Se Axld! = 105d, + 10Sa, ~ 88424, nC) m? 127 Prob. 5.31 (a) E jy = 2000, Ey =0=Ey Din = Diy = Diy —> Ej = 20000875" = 517.63, e 3 . =4051763)= gy Fg01783) Ey Ey = 22 (2000) = 6000 V/m, 8 E,= Ey? + Ey? = 2478.6, , = tan” = Ey ©) E jy = 62 Em = €5E 1 oil | glass Ey, = 2000sin75° = 1827, Ey, = =4E, e oil Blass glass air 1 2 2 3 Oo = 22 (2000) = 705.9 Vim, 0, = 0" glass air 2 3 = Ey, = 193185 =4051763)= 155289 128 10? p>3—> Prob. §.32 (a) p, = D,= ¢,£,= 3e-W15"+ 8° = 01503 nC/ ; (b) Using Gauss’: law, D,tnr? =Q —+ 2 () We 35, LIP av = Haar lll" sinoaochar Q__i44xo-® 2.96 J \ 8ne,a 10” . Bax 55 x5x10 129 CHAPTER 6 If E=Oat x =0, then 0-0-4 —+ A=0 If V= Oat x =a, then oa? B 6ea Thus soy Pe_(@- x), 6a y P.E. 6.2 V, = Ax+ By, Vi(x=d)=V,=4d+B, —> V(x=0)=0=0+B, —> Vi(x=a)=V,(x= a) Dip = Dip = —> EW, “Vids d-ateale,” P.E.6.3 From Example 6.3, 130 = D,(o =0)= P, = D,(o = 0) Pee The charge on the plate 4=0 is O= Jas = f J fio = "cn IQ eb c= Beene vo," @ \ Q= CV, = 44x10” x50 = 22.2 nC P.E.6.4 From Example 6.4, V,=50, 8)="/2, 0,=45°, radi? 4442? = V0, Oe tan 2-3 — 0=68.2" z | 50In(tan 34.1") - 50a, = OU) 2 223, B= oe 8 __ =. gpa, tan(22.5°) V29 sin68.2° Intan(z2.5°) (136% V/m PLE.6S | ov f Ba Wh 2 a, a, 1 5 aa E95! Dinh (oxy /b)a, + sin(anx/ b)cosh(ny/b)a, | 4 (a) At (x,y) = (a, a/2), 131 18 (0.3775 - 0.0313 + 0.00394 - 0.000584+...) = 44.51V E= 0a, + (-115.12+ 19.127 ~ 3.9431+ 0.8192- 0.1703 + 0.035 - 0.0094+...)a, = -99.25a, V/m (b) At (xy) = Gal2, a/4), 4 Ve 200.1238 + 0.00626 - 0.00383 + 0.000264+... E= (24757 ~ 3.7358 - 0.3834 - 0.0369 + 0.00351 - 0.00033+...)a, +(- 66.25 ~ 4.518 + 0.3988 + 0.03722 - 0.00352 - 0.000333+...)a, = 2068a, - 70.34a, V/m PLE. 6.6 V(y =a) =V, sin(7nx/b) = cy sin(rmx /)sinh(rma /b) = By equating coefficients, we notice that cy=0 for n#7. For n=7, ¥, nx 1b) =; sit inhi yee Yo sin(7m4/8)= cy sin(7ax/6)sinh(7na/8) —+ 6 = Hence Vxy)= sin(7nx/b)sinh(7ny/b) LA sinh(7na/b) P.E.6.7 Let .V(r,0,6)= R(r)FO)0(). Substituting this in Laplace’s equation gives SF a (dk), a 4( al Pod a) Ping ao Dividing by RFO/r’sin’@ gives sind dy F ap (sine) = rR) + ae od or or sin® 132 1d : Find gp SinOF) =u (sino F)- M4 p?sin?d =0 F ? cosec’8)F = 0 P. E. 6.8 (a) Tr’ is similar to Example 6.8(a) except that here 0< @ < 2x instead of O<$ At B=-49 SO=-6444A+B —+ 4AsB=114 Thus, A = 54.33 and B = -103.3. = Iya, - 6xy"a, 136 Va nx! 4 5433x1033 V(2) = -8 + 108.66 — 103.3 Prob. 6.3 (a) ie. A=V,sd-kd? 13 (b) Py = Dy = bE, =e, 8a, Pod _ tVo 3d At x=0, an=a, p, At x=d, an=-aq, py =-pyd/2+ pod +€,V, /d-pyd/3 Prob.6.4 If V" =f, Ve [rerdere, a Ve [ronda epee ao 137 V(x= L)=¥3 = [rondut sete; cre lh fv ral t on Thus, i [froma ++ Produ oo ao =y?).10% 2 Pe SOU-y MO" yy? e € 600nx10° Wo ni(y-yl 1344 dy ve “(4 2 When y=2cm, V=30x10', x) + Ay+ B= 50n.10° y* - 300n.10° y? + Ay+B 30x10? = SOnx10° x16x10~ — 300nx10" x4x10™‘ + Ay+B or 30,3745 =0.02A+B (0) When y=-2em, V=30x10, 30,3745 = -002A+B Q) From (1) and (2), A=0, B=30,374.5. Thus, v 57.08 y" ~ 942.5y? + 30374 KV Prob. 6.6 (a) 138 , Losing 2 2 (6indcosay — L2sindsind sind ie. No. 5e"** cos /3ysinh /2z] 26086 |» _ 20089 _ z008h ° Ppt (c) V=30r"? cos8, 2y £2 60-1 1 2 sing30r sine) = %c0s6 - 22 (2sin8cos6) = 0 1 aay 00 88) Tg ao ? sind » | Prob. 6.8 If then 139 > 2G 0-8, +e Ee a? a ie. VE, =0. The same holds for Ey and E,. Prob. 6.9 ow or ov ex = (~Ansinne + Bncosnx)(Ce” + De“) An? cosnx -n? Bsinnx(Ce™ + De’) = —n°V- £ =(Acosme + Bsinne(nCe”” - nDe“™) 2 Thus av av Vi = Rat are nV env = 9 Prob. 6.10 (a) WV = 4yz-6yz +0 = -2yz v'v #0, V does not satisfy Laplace’s equation. (b) — mo = fouds= ff ferent «2 ona 8.854 pC Prob. 6.11 When z=0, V =0 B=0 When z=d, V = Vo Vo=Ad or A=Vi/d Hence, yale d E E = E50, 2 50V and d Since V, V=25zkV, E=-25a,kV/m mm, 332a, nC/m? 10” 5 D= - Fe (UIS)25x10" a, 332 nC/m* The surface charge density is positive on the plate at z=d and negative on the plate at 7-0. Prob. 6.12 From Example 6.8, solving v7 =0 when ¥=V(p) leads to ‘oInp/a Inb/a A pinba | | In this case, V.=100 V. b=Smm, a=15mm. 141 100101075 yy i ~~ 1ni575 I 100 oro | B= Toei Maa * 2102, ; 10” ' 2a, = -161a, nC/ D= -9.102x10". OO S65 10” 7 p,(p = Smm) = ans 322 nC/m* Sin3 10° 10° 215 =- SS =- iu P,(P mm) 36n (2) 75in3 107.3 nC/ im’ Prob. 6.13 \ —+> V=Alnp+B —+ 60=Aln2+B t — > -20= Ain6 +B ' ' Thus, A = -72.82, B = 110.47, and V = 11047 -7282Inp wv 72.82 | a, dp e At p=4, V.=9.52V, E=18.21 a, V/m 3 D=6,6 =o x18.21a, =0.16la, 1C/m? 36x Prob. 6.14 ‘ i — -50=-A/0.5 +B ' Or | -50=-2A+B ay | 142 At r=1, V=50 —_—_ 50=-A+B (2) From (1) and (2), A= 100, B= 150, and Ve 4150 100 vV=- 4 100 34,24, Vim Prob. 6.15 From Example 6.4, (zane?) tan0,/2, snds/2) tan, /2, 00, 8, = 30°, 0,=120", r=¥3? +044? =5, O=tan' p/z=tan™! 3/4= 36.87? b2—— ee di gg yy ~ tan@,/2) 5sin36.87° In6.464 20% N/m rsin@ In —2 tan0,/2) , Prob. 6.16 (a) 0%) =0 —> V=Alnp+B —> 0=Ainb+B —+ B=-Ainb > 2Amais + 4-%e Inb/a vee he inp rp = Yalnble inbTa nba In2 V(p = 15mm) =70— = 124 143 70 124)=LnkI0Y w+ Jo" 2x16x10-” 2lbrle « w= 10% — 7 91x10 = 10'7(100 - 20.25) i 42 8.93x10" mis ¥, “Pa=11b) From Example 6.10, eve A 4 Wee "snr = Greco th Prob. 6.18 This is similar to case 1 of Example 6.5. Xzcxte. F=eytey But X()=90 > YO)=0 —+ O=e, Hence. | VOuy) = XY = a,xy, Also, V(xy=4)=20 —+ 20=4a, —+ Thus, ¥ (x,y) = Sxy and E = -VV = ~Sya, -5xa, At (x,y) = (1,2), V=10V, E=~-10a,-Sa, Vim Prob. 6.19 (a) As in Example 6.5, (x) = Asin(mmx/b) For Y, ¥(3) = ¢, cosh(nny /b} cy sinh(nny /b) ¥Ya)=0 = —+ 0 =e; cosh(nmna/b) +c, sinh(nma/b) —> ¢, = ~c; tanh(rma/b) V =) a, sin(omex /b)[sinh( remy /b)~tanb( nna /b)cosh(mny /6)] mt V(x,y =0) in tanh(rma / 6) sinh(remx /6) ‘ =a, tanb(rma/b) = Z fra sincamy /6)ay { om Hence, « hy sinc sin(rmy /) ett) oy ‘ntanh(ma /6) ” . ee > sin(rmx/6) ‘asinh(ca 6) EY 8) cosh(ma 16)- cosh(ny /b)sinh(nra /6)] nods ww, x sin(smx /6) sinh{mn (a - y)/b) * ‘nsinh(ma/6) oa Alternatively, for Y ¥(y) =e, sinhnnly-~e5)/b 145 ¥a)=0 —+ 0=c,sinh{nn(a-cy)/b]. —+ cy =a © 4, sinters / 6) sinh{an(y -a)/5] mt where wv, nx sinh(nna/b)’ 0, n= even n= odd (b) This is the same as Example 6.5 except that we exchange y and x. Hence WV, SS sin(nmy/a)sinhnnx / a] (xy) = Hey Seley l4] aes D2, ‘nsinh( mb /a) (©) This is the same as part (a) except that we must exchange x and y ence A, $ siormy 1 6)sinhf(a~ x16] Vny) nsinh(rma/b) x Prob. 6.20 (a) X(x) is the same as in Example 6.5. Hence (x,y) =D) sin(nme /b)[a, sinh(ny /b)-+2, cosh(nmy /6)] = At y=0, V=Vi %, odd © mm ¥,=Yobysin(rme/6) —> by = At y=a, V=V2 V, = J) sin(orex/b)[a, sinh(ma /) +6, cosh(rma /6)) mt #2, n=odd mm a, sinha /b) +6, cosh(nna /) = 0, n=even or ——+ _|r,-», ons |pssihomaroy" ‘;cosh(nna/b)), n= odd | 0, n=even 146 Alternatively, we may apply superposition principle. ¥, ie. Vavy +, Va is exactly the same as Example 6.5 with ¥,-¥;, while Vp is exactly the same as Prob. 6.19(a). Hence ye LS Sinem /b) 1 Aaa nsinh(nna/b) sinh[ym (a - y)/b]+ V;sinh(mmy /5)] (b) V(x,9) = (ae +40" Va sinay +a, cosay) lim V(x.y)=0 —» a;=0 Vixy=0)=0 —> a,=0 Vixysa)=0 + a=mla, n=123, Hence, V(x,y) =) age"™"* sin(eny/a) or © Me | V(x=0,y)=V, = Diag sin(nmy/a) —-+ ay =| pq t= Odd on 0." n= even Vex) = 2 YR tmx! a) (d) The problem is easily solved using superposition theorem, as illustrated below. 147 Therefore, VV Ay My HV where i SH sin(rmx /b)sinhfnn(a- y)/b] i Ds ‘nsinh(nma /) neo <> sin(nnx /a)sinh(nny /a) n(n a) <> sin(nnx /b)sinh(nmy /b) rnsinh(nca /6) Vi = #4 J sik asinhfna(b= x)/a) x sinh I ™ 148 Prob. 6.21 i pop’ ep. If we let ¥(p,6) = R(p)®(6), od ——(pR') pep or po --2" ROR a Hence or Prob. 6.22 v= 42(2 *), ra & If V(r,0)=RO)FO), #0 dom, Rae FL R)+ 24 inor) = ae) ng ao COP) =O Dividing through by RF gives 4G tRy= 4 Gsinor) = (PR) sino) =a Hence, sinOF"'+ cosOF"+2F sind = 0 or FM COOP +E = 0 149 Prob. 6.23 Ifthe centers at ¢=0 and §=x/2 are maintained ata potential difference | of Vo, from Example 6.3, Prob. 6.24 If V(r=a)=0, ¥(r=6)=¥,, from Example 6.9, ' v,, ' aap tk Pa-176) Hence, 43 ! Yo 1 2nV,6 Jods =o. [te AdOdb = ———2——(-cos8)|,* J Tan tTe,), } cP sind = AT (e050 0420 a Yo ab “1” 2xe(I—cosa) Prob. 6.25 For a spherical capacitor, from Eq. (6.38), 150 where RC=5 + R G=1/ R= 2nas Alternatively, for an isolated sphere, C= nea. But e 1 tras R=2R=—_ ot G=2nas Prob. 6.26 1=1.5mm, S=3x4 + Ix4 +3x4 =28 cm? eS x10"? x10 A CF elo F360 ™ = 2505S.2m Prob. 6.28 A C . Go = G G — c = or ? From the figure above, OE 6c, G+; a 151 10° 10x10 36x 2x10” ce, Ald? td s(t t,(c,+ Ald 2 d Prob. 6.29 Fae = dW > W, = fete a= Zee, %sad +s, B dal») where E=V,/d. Prob. 6.30 (a) £45 _ 10°? 200x10~% iG 107 200510" _ 59 pF 36n 3x10? " 1-6 nC/m?. But or v, ood = 10° x3x10™ x36 1x10? = 3393 V () 107? x200x10"4 x36nx10" = 1131 mN 152 Prob. 6.31 y 200 V Let z be incm a Vs Az+B he — = Azt When 2=-2, V=0 ——® — 0=-2A+B or B=2A When z= 2, V=200 200=2A+2A ——® A=50 ———+ V=50z+ 100 (a) V(z=0) = 100 V (b) E=-VV = - Aa, = -50a, V/cm =-Sa, kV /m , =D, =e, =cEea; At the upper plate (2=2), aq =~ ay 10” P, = 50008, = 5000x2.25x=— 36x = 995 nC/m At the lower plate (z= -2), a= + a 9, =-995 nC/m? 153 Prob. 6.32 (a) ; 10? 80x10" Vd 98365 * 6Ax10 619 pE — + V,=Q0/C VV = -3a,-4a,+12a,kV/m —+ | Ela VP 4 FID p,= D, alEl Since the entire E is normal to each conducting plate. Q=9,S= JES d V,=Q/C= —= = 0 QIC= el BIS Prob. 6.33 (a) 10° ce HE. AxDISx oF “TT Ta eee a b 5x10? 10x10? (6) Q=C V_= 25x80 pC 25x80 : > Pe Far? ~ Gax25x10% PO/M = 93.66 nC/ m* Prob. 6.34 (a) VV=0 —3 ve-4en When r=20cm, V=0 =-A/0.2 +B or B=SA When r=30cm, V=50 50=-A/0.3 +5A or A=30, B=150 — 13kV/m 154 30x31 , () p,= D,= Dea, On r= 30cm, a =- a _ 9.8223 Po= OF nC /m’ On r= 20cm, a, = +a, Prob. 6.35 155 dn Ile- id, L/b- ie. dla-I/b Prob. 6.36 7 a Since b —Po, C=4 = dnx5x10™ x80. woe = 444 pF = Anat gf, = 4x5x10 x80 = ddd p Prob. 6.37 4nx5.9x10° 13 C= a = ee" 1364 | 2185 pF rl joe ab (5 3) Prob. 6.38 10° ‘ c= tek 28 oq 00810" = 1633x10"" in(/a) ~~ _In(600720) Prob. 6.39 V=V,e""", where T,=RC = 10x 10%x 100 x 10° = 1000 50= 1000" —+4 2=e%% t= 1000\n2= 693.1 s 156 Prob. 6.40 RC=C/IG=t/0 —4 =— 1 @= Sh"'(d/ 2a) Prob.6.41 9 E=—sa, _O(b- 0) Wo enebe Prob. 6.42 (a) Method 1: B= %(-a), where p, is to be determined. 4 =| 1 ¥,=~[Bedl= - [Paes p, td Pain dye ae. 157, () V(x=0)=0 —> (ob) P= (c,-Je,£= - xd 2: We solve Laplace’s equation , da dv VeeVr)= Fe )=0 > dv A Ad det e,(x+d) Ve c,In(x+d)+ ey O=¢,Ind+e, —> xtd_V,) xtd eee Vv -—he de =~ Gt ayin2™ (x+d ew, ad) (w+d)in2™ = ¢,In2d~ ¢, Ind = ¢,In2 i $ 158 £, SV, (@) Q= fo,as= 9S = ee QO eS 10% 20x10" _ . V,” din2~ 36x 25x107In2~ L2PE Prob. 6.43 Method 1: Using Gauss’s law, Q 74, = [DedS= 42rd, —4 Method 2: Using the inhomogeneous Laplace’s equation, ek dV Ve(ev = — fd (seb #). CUNO a ee av wv a ee Ver=a)=0 —9 0=4a+B —+ B Vir=b)=V, V,= Abt B= Ab-a) —+ = A=—2— 159 Prob. 6.44 Method |: We use Laplace’s equation for inhomogeneous medium. 1d{_ dv) VeVV=0=-—| —|=0 1a (ne) av wy —- A or V=Ap+B on dp dp iP Ve=a)=0 —> Ve=b)=¥, — 160 Method 2: We use Gauss’s law. Assume Q is on the inner conductor and —Q on the outer conductor. Q(b- a) 2ne kL Jeo = - Prob. 6.45 2 x63: 7x106 = 10 C= 41 4 Re a= fax Prob. 6.46 (a) 4237 toxio? fit )_ 4x10? 13607 S109 y-2 i | me, [63.21 1(6,3,89, _ 10x10” _ [(6,3,2)_ (6,38) nx” 136n| 7? 109°? 1 = _ 1010310 "(04 65 (0.0. 3)- (0.0.3)? 3) 0.0,3)) _ -900x10? Coo) a dex! Prob. 6.47 4nC -3nC 3nC 4nc 4 3 2 1 (a) Q=-GnC -4nC) = Inc (b) The force of attraction between the charges and the plates is Fa Fry Fig + Fis + Fo 10" (2 212) 4) "I FexlO7736x(2° 3° * 4? |= S2SON Prob. 6.48 Qi 3,24) Q (1,0,5) 2 3 22 2 3 Qu3,2,0) -Q (1,0,-1) aya 21] 2-32) (x.62)-C3,20) Cee 2 2F nya (3 ey { 42)- (0,5) FELN%2)-COSP (x.9.2)- CDP “f (e+3,y-2.2-9) (+3,y-2,2) | (+3? +Q-27 +G-9P? [+3 +0" Se hyzt I= +9? +E? ia ay? wee PP (a) At Quy,2) = (7,-2,2), 0, = Dilaar = Sof 2-4 lw +P ery 162 934 pC/m* (b) At (3,4,8) _ 628) PE Par 48?) D= 172la,- 16.29a, ~ 8.486a, pC/m? (©) Since (1,1,1) is below the ground plane, D=0 Prob. 6.49 We have 7 images as follows: -Qat (-1,1,1), -Qat(Iy-1,1), -Qat (Iyl-1), -QatCl-1-1), Qat(l-l-D, Qat (11,1), and Q at ¢1,1,-1). Hence, (2a, +2a,+2a,) (ay +2a,) (2a, +2a,) (2a, +2a,)] Tp? git + gt ga iol jp} 81890, T7 Tad * Bl3) * 20189 + 4, + 2.) N +Q = 09a,+a,+ al Prob. 6.50 163 [Prob.6.51 (a) | I 16x10 _[ (2-23)-Gn2A) (22.3) - G2) | P2) Inxl0-? 1 36n| [(2,-2,3) -(3,-2.4)! = 10,1) (-1,0,7) m2 0 | 1 50 (38.2a, = rsxi6] ~ 1843a, Vim 8 [vss0 _ 20,4) nC/m? =-1018a, nC/m? 28) 204) 9! «108, p,=-1018 nC/m? Prob. 6.52 | At P(0,0,0), E=0 since E does not exist for y<2. | yo2 y4 0 yB, y=4 yO y=2_y=4 y= 8 At QC-4,6,2), y=6 and 1 10° = Seo Taga 30%) + 20a, + 202, + 30a,) = 2.2620, kV/m { BD So 164 CHAPTER 7 1 P.EL7.1 10 2 - 1 Ba (= PE. 7.2 @ He sl" Fela = gusse Aim p= 3744 =5,a,= cosa, = -/2 2B’ ) =a Bae = 48.974, + 36.73a, mA/m ~30.03a, + 30.6a, mA/m (b) PE. 7.3 (a) From Example 7.3, = 400.2a, Alm 165 [© Ar@OG10cm)2= em, H= PE. 7.5 (a) (b) (a) At(0,0,0), 6 = 90°, cosé, (b) At (0,0,0.75), 8, = 90°,cos0, _ 50x 10? x 25x10" "H+ PP x 10 % = 57:3a,__mA/m i 50 6, )a, « 2x 10" x 30x 10"(co: 21, 0802 6088; Ja. = 2x 075 100 cos0 ; - cos6,,)a, 1S 0.05 —— / = 0.9978 8, 00 “Ts (9.9978 - Na, 100 75° + 0.9978)a, 66.524, A/m -05 (c) At (0,0,0.5), cos® , = == = - 9.995 ye VOS? + 0.058" 0.25 cos0, = = 0.9806 i To2s + 0.05" 00 He (0.9806 +0.995)a, = 13L.7a, Alm Hel bea, 2 (0.0.0) = $500, x(-a,)= 25a, mA/m I HU 5-3) = 5.500, xa, = -25a, mA/m 0.9978 SN & 8, Ko, P.E. 7.6 M it 2p? ~alp(p+a=alp(IT 0, otherwise (a) At (3,-4,0),p = V3? + =Sem « 9em lAl= (b) At (6.9.0).=Vo7+9? =Vii7 «Al lil= 10? x 100x 10% © 2nV117 x10? 147.1 Alm P.E.7.7 (@) | B=VxA=(-4xz-O)ay +(04 4yz)ay +(y? -x?)a, BU-1,2,5) = 20a, + 40a, + 3a, W/m? 0) w= faa f for yereco ? exoy frw - sfem a a 1 5 = 5 (64+ )-F= 20Wd Altematively, 1 4 Q y= faat= [xcnoxs fy? nays fr axso a 1 y --2,8. 29we =-3+9= PE. 78 . z R — — $b 167 a= Axdy,k=kyay Kya 77 xexay SOP ey? eh? The integrand in the last term is zero because it is an odd function of x. kha, naga, k,A2na. * *y “alge mee IO EED T gopto(p? +h’ x = Kh li Netw? Similarly, for point (0,0.-h), H = ~=kya, H ay Hence, 1 dean 290 phe H } Fhe 0 —_———— SS Prob. 7.1 (a) See text (b) Let H=H, +H, For Hashes, p=Varee a5 Ga, ~4a,) (4a, +3a,)= 0.50938, +0.3% H,= ana 3a) 50934, +0.382a, For H, = stay, = ISPS = aa 168 Prob. 7.2 H=H,+H, =.0.2753a, + 1 Jap (08H » = €08,)a, a b sC0sa, = +2 —,cosa, = —P ya? +p? yb? +? , iea,is regular a, . Hence, 169 Prob. 7.3 y 1 6A B oO a * # = | (cosa, -cosa, 4zp > ' A (0,0,0) = 0.9544, A/m Prob.7.4 170 nl He ap 8% —cosa, \a, 2 cosa, = 7, £08(180-a,) = \ OP = (x-0.y-0) = xa, + ya, AB =~, +24, But on AB, y=2(1—x) OP: AB = 0 = -x+2y = ~x+4(1-x)=4-5x p = 0P| = 0.4y5 (a) = | Gos a,- 4xp = 28.47 a, mA/m 2 10 © = neal 4x2 56 1 (74. +4, = »| = 13a, +132, mA/m Say2\ 2 = (c) -_2 (<.-0)a,, z, 4n Gio (Sia = eo Gaa, +a,) = 5.19, 1.78 = © 3a, +a,) = ~S.1a,+1.77, mAim s0rvia . , = 28.47 7, mA/m 171 () HH Sa, + 17a, mA/ mi’ Prob. 7.6 ZC (0.0.5) x A(2,0,0) B(1,1,0) (a) Consider the figure above. AB = (1,1,0)-(2,0,0) = (-1,1,0) AC = (0,0,5)-(2,0,0) = (-2,0,5) AB-AC = 2, i.e AB and AC are not perpendicular. ° AB-AC 2 cos (180° -a,) = aalad 7 ays 7 BC = (0,0,5)-(-1,-1,5) = (-1,-1,5) BA = (1,-1,0) * BC-BA _ -1+1 > © jpojpal ~ [iaal BC = p= (-1,-1,5) p= V27 es 11,0) (14-15) _ (55,2) __10 [2 \5.5,2)__ 555.2) aan(?* Ye) Vi ine on™ = 27.374, + 27.374, +10.95a, mAh cosa, BI (0,-59.1,0) + (27.37. + (-30.63. 30.63, 0) = -3.26G, -1.10, +10.95a, mA/m Prob. 7.7 172 ee 173 where a, = -8,xa, = ~8,. a, =180°, a, =45° — (cos 45° - cos 180°)(~a,) 4 50) 67924, A/m (ob) H=H,+H, -8, x-a, : 5 - where H, = saat Fe = 198.98, MA/m ©) Prob. 7.8 For the side of the loop along y - axis, H, = —(cosa, -cosa,)a, p where a, = -8,, p=2tan30° = — i, (cos 30° — cos 150°)(— ae 3 Ti = 3H, = -1.794, A‘m s 174 Prob. 7.9 Let H = Hi,+,+H,+H, where H, is the contribution by side n. ® (a) H = 2H,+8,+H, since A, ® I ~ —L (cosa, ~coser, a, 4np q . lo 2 i Hy 2 OCF) Fatal? q f5(3.,1 5 5 - H =|/=/—~+—]+—=+ 1,964, A/m (az 5) 6nJl0 © 2nJ2 (>) At (4,2,0), H = 2(f, +H,) a0 8. 5 0 4 4xQ) J20 Hy = ‘aa4) 20 a = 28 (1.1) = 1.783, Alm nT 4 —— () At (4,80) H = A, +2H, +H, (a) 1 75 soma? 4nJ20\ 84 i, - 10 “ae (+ za) . a 1 5 # =/|——— a+ (som x Ja = -0.3457 Prob. 7.10 y H=4Hj, where H, is due to side 1. (cosa , - cosa ,)a, Amp p=a, a,=45°, a,= 135°, H, (f.4) aq a, ( l 10 x21 68 — 0.31654, + 0.17984, Alm a+ ( ao 34nV21 x2 176 —_ Prob. 7.11 ay (a) Consider one side of the polygon as shown. The angle subtended by theSide At the center of the circle 18 ar ce eS 360° _ 2m 1 a — == ! nA l T The field due to this side is fon H,= Gos, -cosar,) a0 a where P =r, cosa, _ 7 cosa, = -sin— n oon b) mae sin (®) Forn=3, H= 5 sin® i reot30°=2 + ree : B 1 n= SB 8 aga, 2X5 2 bn I For n=4, H =U sin® = = 1.128 A/m. (c) As no, oon H= tim sin? = OL 2 se2m on Om nr From Example 7.3, when h = 0, H= — 2r j which agrees. { 177 Prob. 7.12 ee 10 H, = —a, = ————+4, = 62.54, ga” Gx4xl™ * H, = Hy = —1 (cosa, -cos90°)a,, a = tan? 4 = 229° 4x4x107 100 = 19.998, Hi, = — 2cospa, > 4n(1) ” = 10 360587.7°a, = 0.063614, 4n H = (62.5+2%19.88 + 0.06361)a, = 120.328, A/m. Prob. 7.13 From Example 7.3, H due to circular loop is 2 2 (@) ¥1(0,0,0) = 3%? ay 2( +0! = 1.368, A/m $x2? (b) H(0,0,2) = 2—-*"_a, 2(2+2°V8 = 0.8844, Alm 178 Prob. 7.14 5G _ BNI B = ENT Hy a Nees wl N = 30tums. Prob. 7.15 s 2 (os 6, -cos®,) A cos, = -cos0, = ry ‘4 Int _ 0.5x150x 2x10 ale 0/8 © 2x10? xVa? +10? © [eg = 69.63 A/m a 4 = 90°, and, =2=4 -025 0, = 1138 a, an 0, b 20 > % |Bl = 080, = 1003 cosa = 36.77 A/m. mL 179 Prob. 7.16 Let H =H,+H, eps 2np B = (4,3,2)-(1,-2,2) = (15,0), p = [>] a, +5a, ele = —1.9234, + 0.38464, Qn 2b y , kxa, = $(00%10")a, x (@,) = -0.054, 2 H = A,+H, 23a, - 0.33464, A/m v2 Prob. 7.17 (a) See text. (b) For p H=0 In(p? -a? For O H,= —— Thus, Prob. 7.18 2 (a) Applying Ampere's law, 181 (b) From Prob.7.15, Ip Sar P? At (0,1em,0). H, = 3x1x107 2nx4x10~* H = 11.944, Alm At (0,4cm,0), 3 H, = 6 2ax4x107 H = 11.944, Am Prob. 7.19 ce (a) J=V-H=|& y glo © glo * (6) al = 1, 300 8x < 0 1 lee = fies = fC 2)deay = (-2)0X5) = -304 fFidi = fri +f Caddls+ fradl,. uo = ENG) + 635) + (4-3) + [Exar -30A Thus. — flidi = 1, = 304 Prob. 7.20 & a} a (a) J=VxH=| & oz lye? +92) -y2 xz =dx2y2) = (xy tanh, +(e? 43°) ay", + Esteabe ay Ik (6) = Jud = ff(@x?y +25? jaya. eet = f tf o-rbe-dy*) 2 lo (@) B=yH, V-B=0 > v-H=0 v= iy H+ 2H, = 2xy —2yxz = 0 Hence -V-B=0 Prob. 7.21 (a) At (-3,4,5), p=5 = . 4nx107 x2 - B = “2X0 X25, = 80a, nWoim? 2n(5) “awn a Hel pedo dz b) go = [Bas = 44 speeds 6) =f = pes — 42x10" x2 ~=In pl} z|} = 16x107 In3 = 1.756 uw. 183 Prob. 7.22 s = [Bas =u, f° (Ce sin 29 pdg dz i" v= arto” x10"(02)( so26) 2 J, = 0.042 (I-cos 100") 475 Wb where H, and H, are due to the wires centered at x = 0 and x = 10cm respectively. (a) ForH,,p=50cm, (b) —3.1834, + 6.3664, a, = > —__ " 2nsd5 x10? = 12.798, +6.3668, A/m 184 = Prob. 7.24 mace ff bl y = Beds = C “oFap 1 = Halb dita 2nd Prob. 7.25 On the slant side of the ring, z = 2 (p-a) where H, and H, are due to the wires centered at x = 0 and x = 10cm respectively. ( = Hol dp de rp a fe fl -F Ia, 2nb “{ s}e (6 -aln a2) as required. @ i pert ded, = ad pipe th If a=30cm, b=10cm, h=Sem, I=10A, _ 2x10" x10x0.05 2n(5x107 = 1.37 x 10 Wb (01 ~-0.3In Prob. 7.26 (a) ¥-A = -yasin ax #0 a 28 8 vxH=| ox ay yoosax 0 y+e* = G,+e"@, — cosa,a, #0 Ais neither electrostatic nor magnetosta tic field 1 i | 185 (6) ¥-B = 12(8,)- 12 ()=0 pop field in a charge - free region. 41> sin @ # 0 é 2 a we sin? 9) 20 Cis neither_or E nor H field. Prob. 7.27 (a) V-D=0 ack pas fed VxH =| o oy oz wz AK+)yz -(« +12? = Ux+DyG, +...#0 Disa magnetostatic field. 0) (©) F can be a magnetostatic field. Prob. 7.28 186 (6) y= JB-as, ds = dydzdx v=f, [.,C 622+ 42y~ 24y)ayc| = J [Coddde + af [vy aac + 2S [vara ~8f zd fay + af 2 ae f yay 1p at(ap =-82 | @)+ 42 (4t)- 324 4 2], 31,121, 3 y = 10.67 Wb Ecan be a magnetost atic field. — eA, a, () VA = 0a, + S14 Ae = any taxy—6xy = 0 xz B = ~62 +32? +1+6z-3z’-1 = 0 Prob. 7.29 -1.011 Wb 187 Prob. 7.30 \ Applying Ampere's law gives H,-2np = 1, -1p" Prob. 7.31 ie. 188 ee ————— Prob. 7.32 A= A tm(a- p) - Inpla, BVA = Sha - op _ Ald _ 2apld—p)* Prob. 7.33 189 Prob. 7.34 From Example 7.3, As 72>, V, = 0, ie. den lte > eet 2 Hence, V,, = Prob. 7.35 For the outer conavetor I I J =-l ° ae —B) le-9F Tna® Using Poisson's equation, 1 E> %.) _ Hl p p\" a Tan of 84.) _ ule “ ala] Txa* Integrating once, ta OA, or = &p 190 Integrating again, 10? PoP sc, np +c, Bra? * 10"? But A, = 0 when p =3a. 9 0 = se-mul + ¢, In3a + c, 9 ¢, = -¢,In3a- yy PTT Gy ina ~ Fee Thus vxAl, = y,H (p =3a)implies that (# + 2) = bel 14m 3a 6ma I or = lee 9a. _N6a Qn l4n 14z Thus, A, Prob. 7.36 He= S 5 = u ' < x a 2 o C= Lo nyo te At (4,30°,-2} ¢ = 30°=2, kh LR | Prob. 7.37 ' For an infinite current sheet, H Sma, > V, = -25x+e Attheorigin, x =0, V, =0, ¢=0, ie. V,, = -25x (a) At (-2,0,5), V, =50A. (6) At (10,3,1), V,, =-250A. 192 Prob. 7.38 (a) Vx¥V=V {ea av 1v_ wv + +S, ap? poo ez * é By (pun catcaem 2a rn (622 a p dpez pdzop) ? 6p 2 ve av he li, = 0 p06 dddp = 144, — A, (b) vtexa)=vf(! ee eh, ay 4p) 1 9 ( 4) A, «(%- Se)s, + Zu) - % i & a a _ 184, 1 0( 4,) 184, 184, 16 * 1p p06” sales ae ~ peep Seles ele) az\ p og = FA 1d | Oy 1 ay paz p a at po R=|F-i| = [&- xP eb-s'f +e- “yf vba (2a+2a02 3, x'}+(y-y'f +6 ¢-z}}f = ~42(c-x')s, few} (y-y'f Hfe-2'F] fe x'k, +(y-y'}, + eekly -= (4,) 193 CHAPTER 8 6, =614C Since u(t =0)=0, A=B=C=0 wy =0= uy, u,=6t =0>x=A ay 40> yaB & 622440, a At t=0, (x,y,z) = (0,0,0) + A, =0=Bi=C; Hence , (x,y,z) = (0,0,3t7), u = 61a, at any time. At P(0,0,12), z= 12=3? > t=2s t=2s « (c) u=6ta; =12a,m/s. ow a=— uxB = (eBouy, -eBoux, 0) Bo dv de 1 doom dt dt ) 194 Q) G) (D? + w D)x = 0 > Dx = (0, tiw)x X= cp + cscoswt +cysinwt ~eyweosewt — e,wsin wt = (a0, B). Hence, a 61 = Bae =0eg= = dk dy . de = =acos wt, =-asin wt, = at oe dt : dt 8 (b) Solving these yields a. a x= sin wt,y=Zeoswr,z = pt w w 2 © x +y= zp showing that the particles move along a helix of radius 4/, placed along the z-axis. PE. 8.3 (@) From Example 8.3, QuB = QE regardless of the sign of the charge. E=uB=8x 10°x0.5x 10? kV/m (b) Yes, since QuB = QE holds for any Q and m, P.E. 8.4 F,,, the force on the infinitely long wire is: I ——\, By Newton's 3“ law, Fi, Als 195, — 42x10- PeSDe3( 1 I a 2a 23 PE. 8.5 fea _ 10x10 x50|2 6 -3 7x10 (b) = ISB 5010" ea, +44, +54,| = 0.4387 0.30554, + 0.0764, + 0.30554, | = 0.4387 Nm P.E. 8.7 (a) © @ BL Ox Ree B aexl07 x46 (©) M= x, if = 6228e"” Alm _ (6+ 32X64, + 84,) ~ 1000 = 0.2284, + 0.3044, 196 (b) 1.0524, +1.264@, + 2a, W/m? > MiFin =: HaAay OF JF, * G2) = daly ©, (60 Hy, —— 7 35=6H,, H,, = 5.833 6) 2H, (6H, +10-12) ° 7 a1 x(Ah~ Fy) = aan x(a -lN2)- 0% _-5,4)] yl 8.644 Since B= wi, B, and ff, are parallel, i.e. they make the same angle with the +3.954, Alm normal to the interface. 26 SS = 0.2373 7Y100 +1+144 “E13 = 02144 74(5.833)? +25 +16 197 From Example 8.11, (Wf Spot ts fa 2s _ dp 0 3d+plp ot ey lds i atl , 6 Pall 9.75 = 2212410" 9.95 410 = 6-0.25 = 5.75 ef =314.19 a d =a =314.194 = 314.19 228210. 406.6mm ( d = 407.9mm = 40.79cm | PE. 8.13 This is similar to Example 8.13. In this case, however, h=0 so that 198 _ yt? _Anxl0 xax4 - 2x3 = 48x10 x10x1077 4 P.E. 8.15 (a) From Example 7.6, BNE _ pyNI L 2x, $= B08 = HN aa? 2np, 2p,6 _ 2x10x107 x 0.5107 MPN 42x10" x10 x10 = 795.774 Alternatively, using circuit approach 12m, _ 2, or J = “SS rat as obtained before. 2 7 = 1.591x10? J = GR = 0.5x107K1.591x10°=7.955x10° Is 3 = 795A as obtained before. (b) If p=500po, 22500 _ g95. 95 8x1 199 Prob. 8.1 F = q(E+uxB) YP F=0, E=-uxB = Bxu = [10 70 30) so 10° 3 12 -4 E = -448, 41.38, +11.43, kV/nw Prob.8.2 F = ma = quxB = LuxB m S(,.u,,u,)= 2) G) 200 At t=0, x=0 +e y=0 > c,=5 z=0 > c=0 Hence, (x,y,z) = 0,5-5cos 2t, 5 sin 2t) At t=0, (0,5-5cos4, 5sin 4) = (0,8.268, - 3.724) (0,10 sin 4,10cos 4) = (0, 7.568, - 6.536) (x,y,z) — Lit _ Lpogein? 7 KE = Smif = 7 loosin 4+100cos? 4) = S01 Prob. 8.3 (a) = QE+ixB) os fA 4, = ~ Susu) = 4a, + | [7-84 +10u,d, ~10u,a, ~=O0—u, =A, a Q) . @) 4, du, ” =0+10—+ =-100u, de? * dt a ii, +100u, = 0 u, = BycoslOr+ B, sin10r From (2), 10u, =8 +1, = 8-10B,sin10r+10B, cost Or u,=0.8-B)sin10t +B,cos10t ALt-0, 7 =0 + 4, =0,B, = 0,B, =-08 201 Hence, i = (0, 0.8sin101, 0.8 -0.8cos10r) x u,=S-05x= Daal x=q dy a 4, -o = -0.8sin10/ > y = 0.08cos10/ +c, dv 4, 8-0.8cosl0r > z = 0.87 +c, —0.08sin107 * dt Att=0, (x, y, z) = (2, 3, -4) => ©1=2, ¢7=2.92, 3=-4 Hence (x, y, z) = (2, 2 + 0.08cos10t, 0.8t - 0.08sin10t - 4) Att=l, (x, y, Z) = (2, 1.933, -3.156) (b) From (4), at t=1, @ = (0,0.435,1.471) m/s KE.= pei $0.45" 41477) Prob. 8.4 ma = QuxB manos My 0 0 Sutte) = (12u,,0,-12u,) ie, Hs = -12u, dt . at From (1) and (2), ii, = ~12u, = -144u, Hi, +144u, = 0 + u, =, cosl2+e, sin12e From (1), u,=- exsin12t + ¢2cos12t Att=0, (4) a Q) G) 202 U=2, Wy=0, Us=0 > Ay=O=03, e1=5 Hence, ii = (Scos121,0,~Ssin 12s) i(t = 10s) = (Scos120,0,-5sin!120)= 4.0714, - 2.9034, m/s Att=0, (x, y, 2) = (0, 1, 2) > B1=0, Bs=1, Be (xy.2)= (3 sin 26.,%cos. 2+ (4) At t10s, 19 (y,2)= Fsin120,1, Feasi20+ 4) (0.2419, 1, 1.923) By eliminating t from (4), 2 4(2=19/,) =(5/,)?, y=1 which is a helix with line y=1, 2= 12 xa(z '%) Ky y=1 which is a helix with axis on line y- ra Prob. 8.5 (a) ma = e(ix B) d by PE eye) = Hence, or ii, + wu, =0 9 u, = Acoswe + Bsin we a . u, = “£ = —Asin wr + Boos wr 203 Att=0, Ux = Uo, Uy Hence, Att=0, x =0=y > c1=0, e2=“ , Hence, x Uy cA — #2 sin we, y = 42 (1cos we) w w 2 2 2 (cos? wr +sin? wi) = (*) =rt(y-% w w w showing that the electron would move in a circle centered at (0, * ). But since the field | w does not exist throughout the circular region, the electron passes through a semi-circle and leaves the field horizontally. I (b) d = twice the radius of the semi-circle = Be eam w Be Prob.8.6 F = fidixR = if. aca, xB + if dya, xB + If gxa,xB+1 + Uf aya, xB 1 0 0 a,xB = = ~328,-9y8 p 6x -9x 32 eee ' —-_|o 1 0 - ge a,xB = = 378, 6a, : ’ 6x -9x 32 F=f dx Cea, -9)a, no + 1f ayGsa, -628, Jus fF Fs +f ex Caza, 99a). + 1fayGea, ~6ra,).4 ' = 1€18-18+36+6}, = 61a, = 6x5a, = 30a,N t 204 y F; 4 ri \ 4 | 3 H F x Prob. 8.7 i 3a, +48 | 5 = 6x107 = 3,) ia (4a, -3a,) aie" -*—(4a, -3a,) = dF = IdixB = 2x107 x12x10" a, AEX107 x6x10%)/. . aba a. xG,)=—4d, mN/m(attractive) i 205 =~ 3.284, + 0.964, mN/m (attractive due to Lz and repulsive due to Ly) Prob. 8.9 W=-[Fedl,F= [idl x B= 3(24,)x cos = bcos Yh aymN We ~ focosd4 put =-6x3sin 44 |" mJ Prob. 8.10 7 @ = J ebb, x, seen 2 =21n24, wN = 1.3863 4, uN >) A= find xB, Sle, +ded, xd, But p = z+2, dz=dp Be see10" SeANO"' (52) J + (apa, - dea] a ~G,)uN “386, f= ible (aps, a) 1.3864, But z=-p + 6, dz=-dp Aw 2 oe {t “aa, - dea, ie +4, aN = 0.81094, ~ 0.81094. uN 206 Prob. 8.11 Fa Prob, 8.12 fe From Prob. 8.7, Hal 2np P= fact fac 3 _ 4ex107 x75x150 Sy = OO 1.125108 2ax2 2x1.125co0s30°a, mN/m 49%, mN/m 30cm. 1, 100A / *~ P o 4. 100A 40cm. 207 Let B= i+ 8, + 3,43, For (1), a =4,«4,)4.x(-d,) =4,, 4x10" x2000x100 . B, 22x 20x107 For (2), 6 = 6a, -24,, 3 _ 4x10" x 2000x100 a (-28, -64,) 2400x107 | (Sa +64,) _ (64, + 64,) Ve via gj — 4x10 2000x100, B= (i, + 6 > Ix 72010 © 6% *84,) = 0.33334, + 0.33334, For (4), a a, x4, =4,, 7 ' ae 2000100 66678, 2a x 60x10" BQH Moa ss Yo, = 2.1333 0.26674, Wb/m? pe Prob. 8.14 T = mB = NISB = 1000 x2 x 107 x 300.x 10x 0.4 = 240uNm_ Prob. 8.15 B= + (2c0s6, + sind,) 7 At (10, 0,0). r= 10: 208 Thus, (a) (b) Prob. 8.17 = 0.5%10" A0-a)>k=05 a 05 B == (2cosdi, + sin@i,) At (0, 3,0), =, =4,,4, = \ B $3 0-4.) =-18:524 mWb/m? i AL (3, 4,0), 15, 0 =77,.d, mWb/m? Holt = 9, 1S 1 to4xt0* Alm 5000 427x107 == Ss " xm i ) = (b) 7 ' If we assume that all i, align with the applied B field, Nm, Nm, _ 1194x108 M=—* + m me eK N a dy NAy 85x10 | m, = 1.047x10" A-m? 1 | @ Va = (bo) B= 4x10 x 6.5(10, 25, - 40) = 81.68, + 204.24, -326.7a, uWo/m? —_—_—— eee (©) M-=y,H = 55a, +137.54, -220a, A/m (@) OW, (6.5) x10? x 6.5(100 + 625 +1600) 209 Prob. 8.18 Prob. 8.19 @) Vy =H -1= 35 B ane w-B- esyene lame = 707.3ya, Alm H 4nxl07x45 (c) (d) = Forcase!, eee #= i, 1200 wd 1 e#et, 1 __ 213263 Be =~ 600 4xxl07 Ve =H, -1 = 13253 M, = Walt, = 1,590,366 For case 2, 2B Ll #= A,” 400 Hw 1A =H 14,1 _ yogsy eT > 400" dex Vm = Hy ~1 = 2784.2 M = y,H = 1,113,630 AM = M, -M, = 476,680 = 476.7 kA/m 210 Prob. 8.20 = Prob. 8.21 Prob. 8.22 (@ From Hi — Ha = k and M = ymH, we obtain: Mu Ma Zz, Amr Also from Bin — Ban =k and B = pH = (u/ym)M, we get: HM _ H2Mry Xm Xn (b) From Bycos®; — Bin = Bzx = Bzcos® qd) and 4808 _ oy, ka Hy, =e 228i Q) a tad Dividing (2) by (1) gives tank tan, _ tan (hy B,sin8, = + Hy B,c0sA) fy ie, 24 ai fis } Hy in, (b) Prob. 8.23 Prob. 8.24 (a) _ (25? +15? +502)x10* 2x2x4nx107 _ Bi _ (lo? +157 +20?)x10% _ Qu, 2x5x42x107 tooo 1 = > HobaHy Hy, 4, =I Way = 7X 4nx107 x1(16+9+1) = 16.34 J /m* 7_Jim* Se Le 212 f(x,y) = 2x+y-8 =0 -2.28, +3.98, M, = Val, = 9H, = -19.84, +35.1a, B, = #,H, = 10n,H; = 4n(-2.2,2.9,-1)pWb/m? B, = -27.65 a, +49 4, -12.56 a, pWb/m?> H, = H,, + Hy, = -2.2a,+ 39a, - a, Hy= Hy + Hey 2a, + 3.9, - a. M, = Xq2f; = 9H, = -198a, +,~ 9a, Alm ' B, = pH, = 10p,Hy = 4nx(-2.2,2.9,- 1) pWb/ m? { 2775a, + 49a, - 12.56a, wWo/m? (©) -H,*a,= H,cos0, Hea, (-8+3)/V9 H, ~ Jl6+9+1 cos, = —4 Let A, =(H,.H,.H.) (Ft, ~ Fy fa Fly = Hy @, 5u,,(2,-30,45) var 30 G,: 300-4H, -SH, =35-+ 4H, +5H, =270 -30 Hay = 10y4,(H HH.) 4 214 100 ~ 225 = 68H, - 10H, or 125 = 10H, ~ 8H, = 10H, ~ 8(54-0.8H,) —» H,= 33.96 and H, = 54 -0.8 H, = 26.83 Thus, 304, + 33.96 Prob. 8.26 AA, =104, +154, Ai, = A, = 104, +154, A, = 4-44, = 4-38, = 0.0154, ty 200 Ai, =104, +154, - 0.0154, B, = uy Hy, = 200 42x 107 (10,15,-0.015) 0.00374, mWb/m? br or a= tant——0.0037_ = 9. 047° V2sP +377 Prob. 8.27 @ ff ¥,G0-40)a, x(-a,) =-5a, Alm B= u,H = 42x10" (-Sa, a Wo/m? (b) A= V4(-30-40)a, =-35a, Alm B= u,u,fl = 40x10" (-354, 1104, 4 Wb/m* 215 = JWadv 1 (25x‘y?z? +100x?y‘z? +225x ve) = Su [25 [xta f y'dy f z3dz + 100f dxf y‘dy f zdz | =+ 225 xtdx f res _ abt 2H (E 2" oan, 3-2) 2 3 ede x 107 x 20 3600 2 45 Prob. 8.29 (a) B= 70 + (210)? = 44.17Wb/m? 216 (b) Wr, = fae = fA 2man a é = *. 2H = 7350 + 6174000 = 6181.35 kJ/m* Prob. 8.30 (a) Le ) b= Ba wn'tp,-(o'- a4} Prob. 8.31 Ford >> a, d_4nxl07 d o Lin Uf, = Ho jg S = EAI 8 29 510% Yf = Bin’ = Sin = 25x or In = 6.25 -» 4 = 6 = 518.01 a a 3 a=——=5.78mm 518.01 D=2a=11.58mm Prob. 8.32 x(450)° xx (10°)? 01 * SQuH Prob. 8.33 217 2 1-@8 yt Be ! wS HS 2.5x2nx0.5 25 = ee 2x 0* 4m «1077 x 200« 1210" 96 N = $103 tums Prob. 8.34 Prob. 8.35 We may approximate the longer solenoid as infinite so that B, the second solenoid is: v= NBS, = He item ate ma om? 1, 1 Prob. 8.36 aren = 2 . ” Prob. 8.37 F=NI=400 x 0.5 = 200 At 3 =— Be ___196x10" 200 199.8 At R,+R,+RiR, (796+383)x10 —— 9080 4M The flux linking 218 Prob. 8.38 Total F = NI = 2000 x 10 = 20,000 A.t (24 + 20-0.6)x 107 R. = drxlo ~15002 9010 S 42x10" «1500x210 2 R=" 06x10 87x10” Aum MS 4nxlO"()x2x10 R=Ry+Re= 2.502 x 10” 3 20,000 4 2 = Y_ = y, = — 201000 10* Wo/ Ye We =F 502x107 R,__ 5 _ 2.387*20,000 19 91 ay R,+R, 2.502 3, = Beg 2 DNS 20,000 _ ory a +R, 2.502 a Prob. 8.39 Re v F Ra =500x0.2 =100At 42x10? _ 42x10% pS 4x10 x10? x4x10"% 160 10” 10° HS 4nxl0 x4x10" 160 142x10" Rit Re Te 612x100 16% 42x10" 142 uWb 219 _16sx10 142x4x10~ Prob. 8.40 2 , We As 95 gy 2,5 2x4zx107x0.3x10" = Prob. 8.41 (a) F=NI=200x 10° x 750 = 150 Att. Gj 3 = ee 183x107 25x10, = 22x01 9) 19? 3 FoHyS 1, 300% 25%10 vee te a9 e107 R,+R, 103.183 +20) p25 Vv 41.861x107" 2u, 2uS 2x4ax10"% 25x10 $.66 mN 3 150 If 4,0, R =0,y => =—150__ © hy R YR 183x10" ~ Vi _ 2x107x5x107 «150 F, = Indl, By = Indy Mh =~ XON0 2150 vem VIDS 3.18310" x 25x10 Prob. 8.42 ve ve vi Vi 3 3 xy R Ro => R R, 220 4x x10" x 21010 x9 x108 310° 3 = 24x10? = mg —> m = 247 X10" _ 7694 kg Prob. 8.43 3 3=NI x R R= R Since 1 > « for the cure, Re= 0. R) VAtY S=N= a). RF 4S y(2x+a) 2u,5 BS_) 4 _ 1 NP 4y,s? 2, 2y,S~ 2S” (ax2x)? _2N°P ys (a+2x) a ~Fa, since the force is attractive, i.e. -2N7P y,Sa, (a+2x) 221 iz CHAPTER 9 P.EL9.1 ©) Voy = fax B)-€i = uBt = 8(0.5Y0.1)= 0.4 V i () r= 04 mA R20 ix B = 0.2(0.1a, x-0.5a, OF (d) P=FU=PR=8 mW V, yy or pa tet 04) og mw R20." PE. 9.2 ©) Fay = flux B)-0i where B= B,a, = B,(singa, +cosga,), B, = 0.05 (x B)-3i = pw, singe = 0.20 sin(wr +97 be omy Vong = flux B)-di = 67 cos(100m) mV j At t=Ims, Vigg = ~67-0080.1a = 17.93 mV is aan = 607 cos(10074) mA At t=3ms, i=-607c0s0.34 1108 A (b) Method 1: Y= [Bai = [B,i(cospa, -singa,)-dpdca, Thoxsin d0paz = -B,p,z,tsing aa where B, = 0.02, p, = 0.04, z, = 0.03 b= Wi +7 222 = (0.02)(0.04)(0.03 cos wr — wr sin we] = 24[cos we — wrsin we]uV Method 2: Vong = -[Beas + [ax Byai B = Byd, = B,t(cosda, ~singa,),$ = wth oB SOT Sy = Bulcostti, ~singi,) | Note that only explicit dependence of # on time is accounted for, i.e. we make 6 |, = constant because it is transformer (stationary) emf. Thus, | Vong = —B, ‘Fhcosea, ~singii, Mpdzd, + 7 P.wB.tcos¢dz a0 = Byp42,(sing + wtcos9),p = wt +7/, = B,p,2,(coswt + wtsin wt) as obtained earlier. At t=Ims, Vong = 2Afcos18° -100z x10" sin 18° JV At t=3ms, . j i = 240{cos54° ~.037sin54° mA =-41L.92mA P.E. 9.3 y, ay i P.E.9.4 \" vel 223 or ff = 20"% 30 cos(wt ~ 50x)d, = 0.4we, cos(wt — 50x), A/m on (c) VxE= 0.4y,we, sin( wt -50x)a, 2 1000 = 0.4y4,¢,w? = 0.44 co orw= LS x10! rad/s P.E.9.S 24 + j0.32 (b) 6230" + j5-3 +e" = 5.196 + j3+ j5-3+0.7071(1+ j) = 2,903 + 58.707 PE. 9.6 P = 2sin(lOr+x-7/)4, = 2oos(tor+x~5/ -9/) iy, W=10 = al 2e8"ia,er | =R,(Be™) 49 (Ge) = RG, ~4,))inay = sin my cos(wt + x)(a, - a.) : a ar rsind 00 58 (E,sin0)a, - (rE, ag £258 coscwr — a, —F sindsin(wr - fa, 5 r Ft = 2288 sinter — pova, + sin Ocosiur = prvi, wr wr | 224 Prob. 9.1 { 1 oy v=-U 2 (Be sas-- Bas | = 3770 sin377t x 2(0.2)° x 10° = 0.4738 sin377t V Prob.9.2 Vy = fluxd)-ai, di = doa, u = p“% = pwa, { uxB = pwa,xB,a, = Bpwa, Vey = {,Boowa, dpi, = 1B we 2 Prob. 9.3 225 Prob. 9.4 v = JB-d8 = Bs = +40x10* sin (10")-10° x 20x10" Vey = ov dt dt | = 0.8sin 10" \ a | T= —% = 02sinl0'rA l R ‘ I flows clockwise for increasing B field. { I a ! Prob.9.5 (v= flvxB)-di, ai = aya, i uxB = 2a, x0.1a, = -0.2a, y=X since the angleof the v- shaped conductoris 45°. Hence y=x=ut, At t=0,x=0=y v= -fo2du=-0.2y, y=ut=2 v=-04V (b) v= f(uxB)-di, di = aya, é uxB = 24, x0.5xa, | But y=x and x=ut. When t=0, x=0=y ' v= fedy =~ fyay = - | But x= y=ut=2 l ' ve-24V 226 Prob. 9.7 This is similar to Prob. 9.6. Assume loop is of width z. 42x10" 60 15x 3In— =-9.888uV x15x3In a Thus the induced emf = 9,888,:V, point A at higher potential. Prob. 9.8 oB ae Vong =-fZeas+ fix Bed? where = B, coswid,,ii =u, coswid,,dl = dza, = J fowsin stds Bucs wide a Opera jowI(y+a)sinwt — Bouglcos*wt Alternatively, Ly ye favw = J Jeocos wid, « dydzi, =B,(yta)lcoswt Hoya oy. yy y = “sin wt a u w Vemt = Bowl(y+a)sinwt — Bouolcos*wt = Boulsin’wt + Bowalsinwt — Bouglcos’wt = -Bouplcos2wt + Bowalsinwt = 6x 10? x 5[10 x 10sin10t - 2cos20t} Veme = 101 O6cos20t V 227 ©! Prob. 9.9 Vogt = Hi xB)-al = uBICos0 120%10° 3600 = 2.293Cos65° = 0.97 mV 20210" me 3x10 \0.6)Cos65° Prob. 9.10 - V2 + fEodt dt =1(Ri + Ro) Base 1(R, + Ry) (yy foes Also, fE edi =“, @) Hence, V, = [R, = v = PAIS 0.21501 sin 50m 3 0.0628sin1502¢ TIORTERYS «0.2150 sin 50s = 3 0314sin150zt 228 Prob. 9.11 dy = 0.63 - 0.45 = 0.18, dt = 0.02 = dl =90V 0.02 Using Lenz’s law, the direction of the induced current is counterclockwise, Prob, 9.12 V = [x B)edl , where 7 = pau, B = 2,4, a (2 - p41) ” V = [pab,e> = Vv 2A5 410° 100-4) #10" = 432 mV Prob. 9.13 Ja = JOD, Vala = O88, = 06 2107 2x 20% 10° x50 360 0.2107 77.8 Alm? 229 J Prob. 9.15 22g Je OE we o oy — Ff f= 36 GHz Prob. 9.16 J. = =0E sect : oS od, J, = jas +|J,| = os = oS ° 10? 2 10? x4.6 1074 0.210 Val = Alm=3: 2 \ x10 toe07 m = 3.254 nA/m’ Prob. 9.17 (a) (b) a Q) @) (5) (6) 230 Prob. 9.18 IfF=0=p,,then Veb=0 a) \ Q) 6) | @) reduced to (3) and (4), ie. 6B er | Vevxt=-LV9D=0 showing that (1) and (2) are incorporated in (3) and (4). Thus Maxwell's equations can be | ' VeVeE =- 208 & 231 V(Ve£)-V? Ina source-free region, VeE=p,/e=0. Thus, Prob. 9.21 2 4p 2 Pe Vos =(0+0+32")sin10'r = - Pe ( )sin 0% = p,= [Ve Jde = [32° sin10°tde = - 25 sint0" 1+, If Pyleao =O, then C,=0 and 32? sin 10%t mC/m? Prob. 9.22 (a) oH, Jy = VxH= = =a, = 20sin(10°t- 4y)a, A/m 2 costi0"t- 49)2, 7 20cos(10°t - 4y)a, nC/m? = \(-4)sin(10’1 - 4y)a, Sux10? sin(10"t - 4y) 4 4) 10° t- 4) Fr) sin(10"r- a, 80 =Suxl0? — re Weg, HHI Fe Lid 5 stnx10" x10! x Prob. 9.23 ; a2 38 ce cvstale ® &| us 00 #, = 0.6fsin Pecos wid, zn, _ 0.6f8° foe = wus cos ficcos wid, 10%(2.25) Thus f= wie = Jing, =" a = 0.8333 rad/m 2068 0.6 Yue _ 9 6 [a7 _ B 6, = SE 2 OO =064/ =0.60377) _0.6%337 2.25 = 100.5 100.Ssin Acsin wid, Vim ax ye & | Vee = = 40x8cos(10" ¢ -8x)a, + 50x8sin( 0? ¢ - 8x)a, o E(x) Ex | 9 + [ved = 2 Hy Ho [soxasin(10?e 82), - S0x8c0s(10"t - 8x)a, mn 320 sin(10°t - 8x)a, ~ 400cos(10" - 8x)a, = 0.2546 sin(10" ¢ - 8x)a, +0.3184c0s(10" ¢ -8x)a, A/m Beoype &, = 576 ie dD > fe Prob. 9.25 (a) vea=0 aos | ay Vxa = 2 ELE, og . 0 0 Exe) Xes, A isa possible EM field. (b) veB=0 Fliocosar- oy}, 20 j | Yes, B isa possible EM field. i (6) vec 242/50? cors)- 288 20 >e (cos sina) - 3p° =(cor9) #9 | pap No. C is not an EM field. (d) vep= sin(at-5r) 2 (sn? @) 0 r?sin® vad = Be, . 12 ppa - 4 sin@(-5sinfoe Sra, #0 No, D is notan EM field. Prob. 9.26 From Maxwell’s equations, a : @) Dotting both sides of (2) with & gives: Eo xty= E022 (3) But for any arbitray vectors 4 and B, V0(Ax B) = Be(Vx A)- Ae(VxB) Applying this on the left-hand side of (3) by letting d= 8 and B = E, we get He(Vx£)+Ve(HxE)=Eot —(De£) (4) (Vx£)+V0(Hxé) hg Geb 4) From (1), 5 a (28 Ca Ae(vxi)= Ht (-2)-4a-m Substituting this in (4) gives: Yeo Bel)-Vo(Ext = Fok + YABB) | Rearranging terms and then taking the volume integral of both sides: | [rex Ardy =-2Y [Bods He Bar | fx feds =- 2 [Fe kav ow or — Fi (Ex Aye ds - JE+Jav as required. Prob. 9.27 VxH= J+J, J=oE=0 in free space. =0+ 1 ca" exst)-pons feossntote, = © (4eosb = pcos¢)cos4x/0%r Pp J J, = 3cosd cos4x10° ta, 6D GE i red — faa 3 cost < Be = ior sintsl0'1a, cos@ sin4x/0° ta, 10 6 4x10 * 565 E = 8482cosb sin4x10°ta, KV/m Prob. 9.28 Using Maxwell’s equations, Vals ob +6 (=0) —5 e=t fost But _! om, 1@ He and ay OS ar CI = 08» sin(2ax10"r - Bra, _ L2sina BJ sin(2xx/0"s - Bryata, a Bsin(or-Br)a,, @ = 2nx10* 4g, =(2-pye” 2 Vx b> B=—|0x Bar = (Ene as vo du Integrating by parts yields =[-(p-2MeP" + Je =e? dea VA, + wed, = ul, Prob. 9.31 (@) 2= 4230° - 102 50° = 3464+ j- 6.427 - j7.66 = -2.296 - 5.60 = 6.394 24237° b) 2.236£63.43° 2.236 £63.43” 6- j8-7761- j1812 9.8412 26557° = 0.22724 - 202° (5253.13°)" 252 106.26° (©) =F oT mniceal 12- j7-6- j10~ 18.0282 - 70.56" = 138721768" 1897 - 100° (576.2 90° YX 9AB4L 0.03492 - 68° Prob. 9.32 (a) sind = cos(® - 90”) 25-70") ga Se a, = Re[Jere J © Ja Ref6ete Me™ eMa,+..]= RefF,e*'] J, =~ j6e°"™a, + 10e%q Prob. 9.33 (a) (4- j3)= 5e7#9” A,= 571879 A= Ref Ae™ 5cos(ot ~Bx- 36.37°)a, B- Rede] ad ere costar 230! E= dcos(wt - 3x- 10°)a, - Scos(at + 3x -70°)a, | C= Re{Ce™] = re 22.36 cos(or- § + 63.43")sinda, Prob. 9.34 A= 4e0s(at- 90°)a, + 3cose sa, = Refaerer"™q + 3e™a,] = Ref ae] A, = 4°" a, + 3a, j4a, + 3a, B,= 10ze!”"e""a, B= Re[Be™|= 10zcos(wt- z+ 90°)a, Prob. 9.35 We begin with Maxwell's equations: VeD=p,/e=0, VeB=0 Vx 2 vx s+ We write these in phasor form and in terms of E, and H, only. VeE,=0 (ay V8H,=0 @ jouH, ) VxH, = (o + joe)E, (4) Taking the curl of (3), VxV x8, = - jonVxH, V(V+E,)-V°E, =~ jou(s + joe)E, V°E,-(w"ue- jouc)E,=0 —7> VE, +y Similarly, by taking the curl of (4), Vax, = (9+ joe)VxE, 10zsin(@t - z)a, V(VeH,)- 07H, = - jou(s + joe)H, 97H, +(@"ye- jous)H,=0 —> 1 240 CHAPTER 10 P. E. 10.1 (a) an 2k es = 0.1.cos(2x10" as sketched below. ma 2x/3)a, = 0.)cos(2x/3-1/ 4a, Hy 0.1) P.E.10.2 Let x,= y/+(c/oe)’, then ne, [16 asoys ws, d= of aT 1/3x3x10" 1 iscs) ee 10'N8 V8 00 918 ac v8 or yx,-7 81 : 2 14(6/0s)) ———® ©. 05154 64 oe jtan20, = 0.5154 ——— 0, = 13.63" 241 P.E.10.3(a) Along -zdirection 2n (b) b= Fis 2 /2= 3.142.m 108 an B= o Jue = one, Vine, =~ (Me, c 15.92 MHz 3x10"x2 : D =6 ———> ore, = Be/o oF 76 120% (©) 6, =Olni= ule = Ju, /e, J7/e, = G7 20K 4, = a,Xa, ——® -a,=a,xa, = ——» * sin(10"t - 2 ~ 13.63°)a, = 2817e"*” sin(10"t ay = 4, 13.63°)a, mA/m 242 mm E= 50 H= >—sin(or+ Bz)a, = 795.8sin(10"1+ 2z)a, mA/m 20x P.E. 10.4 (a) 0.09 o o == Vie, — 2 VE oe 300° cos(10? nt - 20.96 y+ x / Aa, Att=2ns, y=I1m, E= 300°" cos(2n - 20.96 + x / 4)a, = 2787a, Vim 01 (&) By= 10° = 1 rad 180 (c) 30(0.6) = 30e” 1 Lod =In(1/0.6) = ———In—= = a In1/06)= Fo 75557 542mm ule 60% EL 8.1 7 5 Us 0.09)'| stan/009 ___+__»,» A = oe 0.09) = 0.9425 © 2x3x10" (0.09) = 0.94 10° : = Fy VA2 + 0.5(0.09)"} = 20.965 Gy = 4,Xa, = a,xa.= a, 30 Me Tyg pe Cos(10" xt - 20.96 y+ 2/4 2571")a, Aty =2m, t= Sns, H = (0.1595\(0.1518) cos(-4.5165rad)a, = -47la, mA/m P.E. 10.5 Jody = Jal) fey fer*" de = Fas(O)w5. ads Ie] P.E. 10.6 (a) R 3x107 22S ifs = a nx10" x4nx107x3.5x10" = 24.16 Re (b) R, 107 Rot yt 2x10? x4 x10 23.5210" = 1080.54 be P.E.10.7 . 244 I aa OQ. vim where 8, = @ /c= 100x/3. where B= 0 Je, /c= 28, = 2002/3. P.E. 10.9 o 20 a= 0, B,= Syne, = = oy Ol ot, ~ 4 0 = Se/2=75x10° o 75x10" x4x a e On a, Fi S[re 1Ade - 1] = 6021 245 60x Fa = 954A, = 1200 fe, = 754 Us ttn " tan 20, = 2x —3 6, = 37.57” Wy = 9S-AASL 37.57” (a) IS AASL 37.57" SAAS L 37.57 + 754 a7" m+n, = 0.81862 171.08" +L = 0.22952 33.56" HAC 140.8186 _ Ll| 1 98186 == (b) E,= 50sin(or- 5x)a, = Im(E,e"), where E,, = 50e"/"a, E,, = TE, = 08186!" (50) = 40.93¢!""' E,,= 40.9327)" a, E,=Im(E,e“) = 40.93sin(ot+ 5x+ 1711°)a, Vim Qy, = a,Xa, = -a,xa, 3. 0 G59 Silos + $x4 I7L)a, 0543 sin(ot+ 5x+1711)a, Alm (c) E,, = tE,, = 0.229e! (50) = 11475e!8 E,,= HA7Se R08 @eretq, E, = Im(E,e")= 11.-475e°" sin(ot - 7.826x+ 33.56°)a, Vim ay = xa, = xa, 246 H, LADS nots in(w t - 7,.826x + 33.56" - 37.57") I, = =e" sin(wt - 7.826x+ - 37.57" )a 95.445 | = 0.1202e°”" sin(wt - 7.826x- 401°)a, Alm i (d) Foe yet 9g, 4) = aaanE Headey 50" as 4093"0,)= 054690, Wien? ; \ i Brac = Fig C08 ate = gee 0837.57", P.E. 10.10 (a) k=-2a,+4a,—> k= V2P4# = 20 @ = ke= 3x10" V20 = 1342x10° rad/s, d= Qnk = 28.Jm i — (-2a, + 4a,) ; b) H= ) = Paocnnony 1 * Sa,)eostor- kar) = - 29.66 cos(1.342x10°1+ 2y- 4z)a, mA/m ; \ P -2a, + 4a, | (©) Bg= Belg, = 2S CPD ay 150, + 148.90, Wim? ! we => = 201208) 20 P.E. 10.11 (a) 247 (b) 1,=1,.9:=1,/2, Eis parallel to the plane of incidence. Since , =p, Has we may use the result of Prob. 10.42, ie. tan@,-0,) _ tan(-13.64° = 0.294 ’* tan@,+0,)~ tan(39.48") 6 2cos26.56° sin 12.92” = aR a = 0.6474 1 §in 39.48" cos(- 13.69) SOE © k= 1sin,a,-B,cos®,a,. Once k, is known, E, is chosen such that k,.E, = Oor V.E,=0. Let E, = £E,,(~ 0080,a, + sin0,a,)cos(wt +B, sind, y+ B , cos0,2) Only the positive sign will satisfy the boundary conditions. It is evident that E, = E,,(cos0,a, + sin8,a,)cos(r+ 2y- 42) Since 0, = 6,, E,, 0080, = [7,E,, cos®, = 101, = -2.946 E,,sin0, = ,E,, sin, = 51), = ~1473 B, sin®, = 2,B,cos®, = 4 ie. E, = ~(2.946a, - 1.473a,)cos(wt+ 2y+ 42) 1473a,)cos(ot+ 2y+ 4; E,+ E, = 10a, + 5a.)cos(or + 2y —_——__... 248 (d) k, = -B, sina, +B,cos®,a,. Since k,e E,=0, let E, = E,,(cos0,a, + sin9,a,)cos(at + B ,y'sin8, - B ,zc0s0,) B,=0 Ju, =B,Ve,, cr | E,, sind, = t.,E,, sin®, = 67 E- 16185 Hence E, = E, = (7.055a, + 16185a,)cos(ot + 2y- 87182) Vim (c) At t=O, E_ = 25sin(-6x) = -25sin6x At t=T/8. EL = aT 25sin(E 5 ~ 6x) = sin - 6x) 249 2nT At t=T/4, E,= 25sin FF 6x) = 25sin(-6x+ 90") = 25cos6x aT At teT2, E.= 25sin( FS - 6x) = 25sin(-6x+ x) = 25sin6x These are sketched below. 0 Ey 25 x 25 h TB EL A 25 —— [ \ x 25 i eT/4 E, 4 23. \_/ \ x 25 A eT x 250 [Prob. 10.2 IF y= jou(a+ joe)=-o"ye+ jopo andy =a + JB, then ly7l= Ya? ~ B?)+ 4a"B° ie. . 6p onli o) w Re(y*)= a°-B* = -w “pe pP-a?=0%pe a Subtracting and adding (1) and (2) lead respectively to (b) From eq. (10.25), E,(z)= E,e*a,. VxE = - jonH, _ H. ve, = (-1E,e"a,) . on ou But H,(z)= H,e""a,, hence n= y= Oe Y (c) From (b), a) ile Viou(s + joc) 2 oe 251 Prob. 10.3 (a) 8x10~ | a * s0x10°x3.6x ‘ 2nx50x10° [21x36 = 10" > [V65 - = 541 120+ jB = 541+ j6.129 Im 2n__2n ) he P= F557 Lozsm 2nx50x10° 6.129 tan20, = = 8—+0, = 4144" oe n= LOLAIL ALAS Q E, 6 (ce) H.=a,x—=ax—e" 59.16. @ n 1 y — mA/m Vivid +1] = 2S Eire] 3x10" 1023 FaxSul0®* 1768x10""' - j3.224x10" Fim x]0% 1823 —W 8, = 44.98° n= 13.962 44.98°Q Prob. 10.5 (a) an 28 , = tan 60° = 253 1.234; ra j1732) = 36m 1) = | sae Prob. 10.6 (a) |E|= E,e* Ee = (1- 0.18)E, —3 e* = 0.82 1 = Ina = 0.1984 a Ing gg = 0198 04-24 tan, = = 111 » B= 04458 el lay-]-¢ Pee MOA, Bed ac 0.1 984x3x10" 1348 3.633 00494 Ixx10 JOADF ia i 254 Since = JI oe to: 6 = 08 6,xL111= 2nx10"x 5 x3633x1111 = 224210" Sim | Prob. 10.7 a 4 _ 80,000 we 2nxl0°x8/x10" 36x 9 2nx10" 7 a=B= a : (Ee eens xf = OAR i ool 2nx10? ' ‘ @ u=0/b= Te 10% ws | (b) A= 2a p= im ' ( b=1/ LL. 0.796 m ©) °= oan Se k ) 1 =In|20,,0, = 45” n= 1405245" 2 { Prob. 10.8 (a) | . 2n T= f= 2nlo= = 255 But - O.1x3x10" vx-T= aOR © 006752 —> x= 1.0046 2.0046)'" =} 0.1 = 2088 = 0.096 = tan20, —> 0, = 274° oe n= 18812270 2 nH, = 12x188.1 = 2256.84 4pXQy = a, — ay xa, E= 22566" sin(nx10*t - 2088y+ 274")a,_kV/m 4°, (e) The phase difference is 2, Prob. 10.9 (a) y =a + jB = (b) b= 2a /B 42m 2x10 (c) w= 0/8 = =<—= 10° mis 256 I | =Ila=—= (@) 6=Na=75 20m 2nx10° | Prob. 10.10 (a) B= @/c= Feige = 202084 rad/m, Ls 2n/B = 300 m (b) When == 0, E, = 10cosws 2nh 2=A/4, E,= 10cos(ot- 7D 10sinot z=1/2, E, = 10cos(wt- x)= -10coswt Thus E is sketched below. z=0 s y t Jz=as4 ya t zehl2 . y 4 t (b) B=6, w=2x/*. 257 pode ea, f= feto = 5838/0" ene 2x10" = ae 81 = 7.162x10""" Fi b= ee, = age x8l= x, im 1200 (©) n= Yale = Jn, /e, yh, le, = > E, = H,n = 25x10 x377/9 = 1047 4,XAy = a, —F a, xa, = a,— a, =a, E= 1047sin(2x10°t+ 6x)a, Vim Prob.10.12 B=4 —+> i= 2n/f=1.57]1 m Also, p=0/u=0ue=—yiz, : 10" Be ce x10" rad/s a 8 2 = = = on, Ju2VxH=| dx dy de|= Fa, H(z) 0 0 z J = ~A0 cos(wt - 42)x10"a, Prob. 10.13 (a) -= eT: Ina x55 Thus, the material is | at this frequency 258 2nxl0” 3x10" V5x750 = 12.83 rad/m (c) Phase difference = B/= 750 (@) n= i Te = 1208,/* = 120m = 46172 Prob. 10.14 If Aisa uniform vector and 0(r) is a scalar, rad Vx(OA) = VOxA+ @(VxA) = V OxA since VXYA =0. 6 8 28 fbeerhyehsal) VaB = (Sod, 55d, + 5A NE = H(k,a. + kya, + kaye" 'xE, = jlkcE,e = jkxE aB 3B Also, >= jowH. Hence VxE=-"~ becomes kxE = oH From this, axa, = ay Prob. 10.15 . a ee oo Ve k= Goat 54,4 57a.)* Be = j(k,a, + kya, + k, 0B, = jkeB,e" = jkeE=0 —-+ keE=0 Similarly, VeH= jkeH=0 —> keH=0 It has been shown in Prob. 10.14 that ——>_ bE = oul 239 Similarly, 6D er VxH = ———> aH =-e0E From kE=opH, — a,xa,= ay and From kkH =-cwE, a,xay = Prob. 10.16 (a) boo, —4 5.6993 (b) @) apxay = a, —> a,xa, (©) E= 30x10"(157.91) sin(ot - Bx)a, = 4737 sin(2nx10°t- 5x)a, Vim eD () Jy= Sp = VxH = 0.1Scos(2nx10"1- 5x)a, Alm Prob.10.17 B=oue="Je,ya,, u,=7 260 E, = 50cos(10"t - 8x)a,. 40sin(10"t - 8x)a. H, = H,,cos(10°t~ 8x)ay,, Ay XAy) = Ayy > A,XAy, = A, —F Ay, = A, I 2 H, = ~cos(0"1- 8x)a.. Pete Ten 1, = 0x2 _ 08 f= Hy Sin(10"C- 83)4q3, Hy = Gs 4p yXAy 08 ny “= sin(10"1- 8x)a,, H = Hi+Hp = -0.2546sin(10°t- 8x)a, + 0.3183cos(/0°t~ 8x)a, Alm 2nx10" Prob. 10.18 B= oyue= 2 fue, = (10) = 2.0943 rad/m 3x10" foxear “ eo 2 2] oe oe VxE=|éx dy ae |=-S*a,+ ~ 108 sin(wt - Bx\(a, - a,) 0 E(x) Elx x ox 108 10x2x/3 Freostor - Bx)(a, - a,)= + eos(ot - Bx)(a, - a.) © 2nx10" x50x4nx10" H = 5.305 cos(2nx10’ t - 2.0943. mA/m 6 6 Prob. 10.19 Fora good conductor, 7=>> 1, say “=> 100 ® oe 261 Bl 9 bossy I 2nx8x10° x15x 36a No, not conducting. 0.025 2 esis 5 assy I 8x10° x16x—— 2nx8210" x16x 5 No, not conducting, 25 ——~ conducting () I 2nx8x10° xin Yes, conducting. Prob. 10.20 7 _ fue =) 2nf sep _ 2nx6x10° [4 > oof 1+(2) - 4. Sere V9 2447210 = 8791x107 6=J/a=11375 m [W704 + 1) = 0.2515 2nx6x10° 20 (p= OHI o u= 0 /B = T5555 = 15x10" mis Prob. 10.21 O4E,= Ee — ° ® nim ai = OAS81 _ f i 600 Sept = 2.287: a= 55" ona’ SAxI0 aax(/2y 210% | 7287? Re 600 * $.8x10" x2nx(1.2)x6.6x10" x10 207.882 3 ©) peas 2 S6ux10 Jf = Sals2alO™ 6.12 a O12 Prob. 10.23 @=10'n= If —+ f= 05x10° 1 1 b= ooo 0.1203 Vfou Vnx05x10°x35x10 x4ax107 a obw since 8 is very small, W= 20 je Prob. 10.24 a 16 A= 2n/B = 228 = 6.2836 > 6 =0159Ih showing that 8 is shorter than 2. Prob. 10.25 2.94x10% m Vafis Vaxi2x10?x4ax10° x6.1x10 At 100 MHz, 5 = 66x10 mm for copper (see Table 10.2). 263 Prob. 10.26 (a) E= Re{E,e""]= (5a, + 12a, )e’ * cos(wt - 3. At z=4m, t=T/8, of= = > z= 4m, ore 2xT «x 8 E= (Sa, + 12a,)e°* cos(n / 4- 13.6) |El= 13e°’* \cos(n / 4 13.6)|= 5.662 (b) loss = adz= 0.2(3)= 0.6 Np. Since I Np= loss = 0.6 x 8.686 = 5.212 dB a tax {re(5) (c) Let x \r ae a at)" 1 aes 20213427, x-1 = 1/289 ——+ x= 100694 xt] o eT ae___O2x3x10" = 139 ovx-1 10000694 ~~" Ve 120% = 3.365" tan), = Ve=720118 —> 6 ve n= 32.52 3.365" 686 dB, 264 a, 13368" gore E, Sa, + 12a, Hye ax A= Seat5a,+ 12a,)e"® = CE POD, 7 4 In} H = (-369.2a, + 1538a,)e”* cos(wt - 3-42 - 3.365") mA 2 oO _ x0 e~ © cos(wt - 3.42) cos(wt - 3-42 - 3.365") J PHBH) 3599 1538 | P= 5.20" cos(wt~ 3.42) cos(wt - 3.42~ 3.365" )a. Atz=4, t=T/4, P= 5.20" cos(n /4~ 13.6) cos(x /4~ 136 - 0.0587)a, = 0.9702a,W / m? Prob. 10.27 (a) This is a lossl-~s medium, Boyne, =f 2rx10* x4nx10” Pls wey 7 (6) E,= nH, = 131.6x30x10" XA, = a, — axa, = Fa, = -a, nH,? = 00592a, Wim = 0.0592x3x2= 0.3535 W Prob. 10.28 Let £,=E,+ jE, and H, = H,+ jH, Re(E,e™) = E, coswt- E,sinor Similarly, H,cosot- H,sinot P= ExH= 1H, cos’(2nx10°t- 6x)a, = 0.118400s?(2nx10°t- 6x)a, W/m? 265 > > 1 P= ExH = E,xH, cos ot + E,xH, sin’ ot ~ 5(E,xH, + E,xHl,)sin 2ot a,=4[ou-L] au(E,xH1,)+ 4 ne = TJ = 7 Jeos'o t(E,xH,) + 7! 1 = 5(ExH, + ExxH,)= SRelE, + jE,)x(H, - jH,) 8. 1 - = 5 Re(E.xH,) as required. Prob. 10.29 (a) u=o0/p —> =p = Bh. 2880" a po xig" radi - “evs, 4S as 120% = t= 17770 "Ts E 40 25. Ha ax = Sx" sin(at~ 22)a, = sin(wt~ 22)4, Alm (b) 2 =BxH= srsin (ot 22), W/m? Prob. 10.30 (a) Pn. = tO Ae Jin? o at(£,x#,)- op [sin2eat( Ex, + ExH, 266 uae, a Gen) (b) Tf Pe = Phane — RP ine = TPhine — R=T ie. (n,-2,) =4nn, —> 1n?-6nn, +n? =0 Tia 32V8= 5828 or 0.1716 2828 or _0.1716 Prob. 10.31 (a) 4,=1,, Mom Mo/ 2-1, n2+n, 3n,/2 He|P|_ 14113 FP 1-1/3 =2 (b) E,= TE, =~ 4x0) -10 E, 10cos( Let H, = H, cos(ot+ z)ay, | a,xa,, = a, — -a,xd,, = =a, — a, = a, Le ——— 267 10 5 1h Tagg Cote 2), = 26-S3eos(ors a, mA/m Prob. 10.32(a) 4, =n, E,, sin(ot- 5x)a, Hn, = 1201x4 = 4805 @,XQy = a, — axa, pXAy = Ay 1 E, -480n sin(ot - 5x)a, he 120 6 : <= 608 a vi Naam) | 60n- 1208 __ eres natn, One 120, 1/9 te It = 2/3 re Eq = PE = (-1/3\(480n) = ~ 160% E, = 160k sin(or+ Sx)a, kV/m 268 Combining (1) and (2), Ey = WHa = (z=) E Natt, But = 3000 Thus, ,= 48537. Since n, 04x10 H/m 10” > Wa = 846 Me = Ge xI2SH(485377 = Prob. 10.34 4, =n/2, nN, reas y3, cade r= 4/3 ath TE, = (1/3)(5)= 5/4, Ey = 1B, = 20/3 o 108 pute Sarg 42/3 (a) E,= Scostt0%e - 2y/3)a, . 2 5 2 E,= E+ E, = Ssin(10"r+ 5 y)a, + Fe0s(J0"r- 5 ya, Vim (©) Roe FOG) 269 Prob. 10.35 (a) p= /= ofus® line, 0" rad/s Hey JO afte afpe n/2 Mee /3, tele 2/3 IIE] 1+ 1/3 SIE 1-1/3 =2 (c) Let H, =H, cos(ot+ z)ay, where £,=~4{@eos(or+ 2)q 10cos(wt + z)a,, — a, 10 Toon COO-5x10"0 +2)a, A/m=-26.53cos(0.5x10"t+ z)a, mA/m Prob. 10.36 (a) @,X0,, = a, —> a,xa. Fa, = i.e. polarization is along the y-axis. 2nx30x10° () peaypes 2 L ig, ee Va4x9 = 3.77 rad/m é OH. ox Hx.) (©) Jy=VxH= a [eo ex ox 00 = -10B cos(at + Bx)a, = - 37.6 cos(ot = Bx)a, MA/m 270 Mel y/5, t= 14 P= 6/5 10n,, sin(ot + Px)a, mV/m, a, 110n, sin(ot - Bx\(-a,) mV/m 4,Xdy = a, — -a,xay = a, — ay = a, H, = F10sin(ot - Bx\(-a,) mA/ m= -2sin(as- Bx E, = 110m, sin(ot+ Bx)(-a,) mV '~ 4,XAy = A, — -4,xay = -a, — ay = a. H, = 10(6/5)(n,/n,)sin(ot + Bx)a, mA/m =8sin(ot+Bx)a, mA/m ©) Sua = 2h, i 2 oe Ma, ~ 7 70/00(1- 53a, = -0.012064a, W/m E, = tE,, = 1H, Bry 7 “¢ @,)= Sa Fhe (a,) = 32n,(-a,) hW/m? = Prob. 10.37 (a) Inair, B,=/,4, = 2n/B,= 2n = 6,283 m o =B c= 3x10" rad/s In the dielectric medium, @ is the same = 3x10" rad/s 112064a, W/m? 21 ay = 4,X4,, = a.xa, = a, H, = ~26.5cos(at- z)a, mA/m (©) men. a= 0,/v3 som, (/N3)-1 =a 68, natn, U/3)+1 t=/+P = 0732 @) E,=t&,=732, E,,= TE, = -2.68 E, = E,+ E, = 10cos(ot- z)a, - 268cos(ot + z)a, V/m Prob. 10.38 (a) @ = Bc= 3x3x/0* = 9x/0° rad/s (b) A= 2n/P = 2n/3= 2094 4 3 (©) Oe * Dx10" 80x10 136% ~ 7% * $288 6 tan20,=-=6.288 —+ 0 . we E, = E, =7.32cos(at- z)a, V/m 1 2 2) 2 Fret i, ME. - E,.7]= PO 20a) (UO? ~ 268°) = 0.1230. W/m E,2 . Ew 7 _ Sora 24, 2" Se1zon (732) (@.) = 0.123 1a, W/m?

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