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Animal Farm Chapters 3 & 4

Mr. James
Language Arts
Grade Nine
Animal Farm
Character Comparison Chart
Compare the characters of the novel with the people of the Russian Revolution and explain how
are they similar or different. Provide a quote or action for each character and explain it.
Be sure to add at least three (3) of your own boxes and character comparisons.
Animal/Person Similarity Real Life Representation

Animalism No owners, no class differences, Communism

Quote and explanation: all people equal, everything
Everyone has the same owned by the government.
rights, it is the opposite from
monarchy. "All animals are

Mr. Jones Poor leader, irresponsible, cruel, Czar Nicholas II

Quote and explanation: He sometimes kind.
ruled the farm in the
beginning but lost it because Viewed as unnecessary and
of mismanagement perhaps even evil. Has power at
"He got drunk in a bar" in the beginning but loses it
because of mismanagement.

Napoleon: He is the leader of Was the leader of communism Lenin/Stalin

the farm. "Gentlemen," which wanted everyone to have
the same rights but ended
concluded Napoleon, "I will overusing some of his power and
give you the same toast as killed a lot of people
before, but in a different
form. Fill your glasses to
the brim. Gentlemen, here
Animal Farm Chapters 3 & 4

is my toast: To the
prosperity of The Manor
Farm! "(chapter 10)

Snowball They are both leaders and the Leon trsoky

"The flag was green, second in command after
Snowball explained, to
represent the green
fields of England, while
the hoof and horn
signified the future
Republic of the Animals
which would arise when
the human race had
been finally overthrown.
"(chapter 3)

Napoleon dog squad: "there It is the army which controls and Soviet KLB
terrify the people. In the book they
was a terrible baying sound are called the napoleon dog
outside, and nine squad but in real life it was the
enormous dogs, wearing soviet KLB. The armys were
always loyal to their leader.
brass-studded collars
came bounding into the
barn" (chapter 5)
Animal Farm Chapters 3 & 4

Boxer: I will work Boxer is a horse which is very Common worker

harder this show how hard working and loyal which is
similar to the common worker
hard boxer works during the soviet union.
(repeats all over the

Squealer "Comrades!" he Squealer is a pig who is in the Vyacheslav Molotov

higher ranks of the farm, he works
cried. "You do not with napoleon and help by telling
imagine, I hope, that we lies to the farm. Vyacheslav
Molotov was a very powerful man
pigs are doing this in a in the soviet union he worked with
spirit of selfishness and stalin

privilege? Many of us
actually dislike milk and
apples. I dislike them
myself. Our sole object in
taking these things is to
preserve our health. Milk
and apples (this has
been proved by Science,
comrades) contain
substances absolutely
necessary to the well-
being of a pig. We pigs
are brainworkers. The
whole management and
organization of this farm
depend on us. Day and
night we are watching
over your welfare. It is for
YOUR sake that we drink
that milk and eat those
apples."(chapter 3)

Second Novel Assignments (Chapters 3-4)

Animal Farm Chapters 3 & 4

1. Create a website (using Abode Dreamweaver and the tools you know how
to use from previous years) with all the assignments
done from chapters 1-4. Your website should include
a Home Page with class information, student
names and an overview of your project studying
Animal Farm. Be sure to include a number of
webpages and make your website easy to navigate.
Include the following:
a. Poster
b. Slide Show
c. Biographical Essay
d. Mini-Documentary
e. Timelines (Story & Historical)
f. Character Comparison Chart.

2. Create a STORY TIMELINE for the events that have taken place in the novel
to this point (Chapters 1-4). Be sure to include at least 2 events per
chapter and explain those events briefly (no less than 2 sentences). Finally,
support your events with evidence from the book (include page numbers).

3. Create a HISTORICAL TIMELINE of the Russian Revolution from about 1916

(or earlier if you wish) to the beginning of World War II (1939). Include names
of battles, important people or groups of people, and complete dates when
possible. You must include at least 8 important events and briefly explain
those events and why they were important (no less than 2 sentences).
Note: Timelines need to be well organized and presented in an
engaging way (use of colour, images, headings etc.). Website resources will
be shared on Schoology.

4. Fill out the character comparison chart. Compare the characters of the
novel with the people of the Russian Revolution and explain how they are
similar. Be sure to add at least 3 of your own boxes. Provide a
quote/action for each character (with the page number and explanation) that
represents or demonstrates how that character is linked to their real life
Animal Farm Chapters 3 & 4

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